The dashboard is built using queries from Azure Resource Graph queries. You can interactive with the dashboard and see the queries within the Azure Portal, but I wanted to document them here for reference.
- Azure Arc Overview
- Windows ESU Assignment Status
- Count Operating Systems
- SQL Server version count
- Azure Arc Agent version
- Azure Arc Extension Overview
This query gives an overview of the servers that have an Arc agent installed. It displays the name of the server, Arc agent version installed, current status of the agent, the Azure location, Azure Resource Group name and Azure subscription ID.
It uses the information behind the resource type "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines" to gather the information. Some of the information we need is nested within the "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines" backend JSON file, so we have to use the extend, it allows us to access the information.
| where type == "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines"
| extend agentversion = properties.agentVersion
| extend state = properties.status
| extend status = case(
state =~ 'Connected', 'Connected',
state =~ 'Disconnected', 'Offline',
state =~ 'Error', 'Error',
state =~ 'Expired', 'Expired',
| project name, agentversion, status, location, resourceGroup, subscriptionId
| order by name
This query pulls out all the Windows servers that are Arc enabled and eligible to use Extended Security Updates (ESU). It then displays the status of these servers and if they have an ESU license assigned or not.
It uses the information behind the resource type "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines" to gather the information. You can see we've used the where filtering feature to only pull out the servers that are eligible for ESU updates. Some of the information we need is nested within the "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines" backend JSON file, so we have to use the extend, it allows us to access the information.
| where type=~ 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines'
| extend esuEligibility = properties.licenseProfile.esuProfile.esuEligibility
| where esuEligibility== 'Eligible'
| extend licenseAssignmentState = properties.licenseProfile.esuProfile.licenseAssignmentState
| extend serverType = properties.licenseProfile.esuProfile.serverType
| extend osSku = properties.osSku
| extend CoreCount = toint (properties.detectedProperties.logicalCoreCount)
| project name, CoreCount, osSku, serverType, licenseAssignmentState
This query pulls out all the servers that have the Arc agent installed and then displays the operating system versions and counts them.
| where type == "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines"
| extend osSku = properties.osSku
| project name, osSku
| summarize count() by tostring(osSku)
This query looks for any servers that have the Azure Arc agent installed and have a SQL instance installed on them. It will count how many version of each SQL server version is installed. So you will be able to see how many SQL Server 2012 servers you have, or SQL Server 2014 servers etc.
This query uses the information behind the resource type "microsoft.azurearcdata/sqlserverinstances" to gather the information. Some of the information we need is nested within the "microsoft.azurearcdata/sqlserverinstances" backend JSON file, so we have to use the extend, it allows us to access the information.
| where type == 'microsoft.azurearcdata/sqlserverinstances'
| extend status = properties.status
| extend sqlversion = properties.version
| project name, sqlversion
| summarize count() by tostring(sqlversion)
This query looks to pull together a count of how many servers are running which Azure Arc agent version. This helps you to determine if any servers are running older versions etc.
This query uses the information behind the resource type "microsoft.azurearcdata/sqlserverinstances" to gather the information.
| where type == "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines"
| summarize count() by tostring(properties.agentVersion)
This query pulls out the information relating to the Azure Arc agent extension status. It will show if extensions are allowed on a certain agent. It will also should the status of certain extensions individually. So you will see the status of:
- Microsoft Defender extension
- Azure Monitor agent extension
- Windows Admin Center extension
- Azure Update Manager extension
| where type =~ 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines' and kind !contains "AVS"
| extend machineId = tolower(tostring(id))
| extend hostId = tolower(id)
| join kind=leftouter (
| where type =~ 'microsoft.connectedvmwarevsphere/virtualmachineinstances'
| extend guestId = tolower(id)
| extend indexOfHostId = indexof(guestId, tolower("/providers/Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/VirtualMachineInstances/default"))
| extend hostId = substring(guestId, 0, indexOfHostId)
| extend guestProperties = properties
| extend guestExtendedLocation = extendedLocation
| extend vCenterId = properties.infrastructureProfile.vCenterId
| project hostId, guestId, guestProperties, guestExtendedLocation, vCenterId
) on $left.hostId == $right.hostId
| extend datacenter = iif(isnull(tags.Datacenter), '', tags.Datacenter)
| extend state = properties.status
| extend status = case(
state =~ 'Connected', 'Connected',
state =~ 'Disconnected', 'Offline',
state =~ 'Error', 'Error',
state =~ 'Expired', 'Expired',
| extend osSku = properties.osSku
| extend os = properties.osName
| extend osName = case(
os =~ 'windows', 'Windows',
os =~ 'linux', 'Linux',
| extend extensionsEnabled = tostring(properties.agentConfiguration.extensionsEnabled)
| extend operatingSystem = iif(isnotnull(osSku), osSku, osName)
| join kind=leftouter (
| where type =~ "microsoft.hybridcompute/machines/extensions"
| extend machineId = tolower(tostring(trim_end(@"\/\w+\/(\w|\.)+", id)))
| extend provisioned = tolower(tostring(properties.provisioningState)) == "succeeded"
| summarize
MDEcnt = countif(properties.type in ("MDE.Linux", "MDE.Windows") and provisioned),
AMAcnt = countif(properties.type in ("AzureMonitorWindowsAgent", "AzureMonitorLinuxAgent") and provisioned),
WACcnt = countif(properties.type in ("AdminCenter") and provisioned),
UMcnt = countif(properties.type in ("WindowsOsUpdateExtension","LinuxOsUpdateExtension", "WindowsPatchExtension") and provisioned) by machineId
) on machineId
| extend defenderStatus = iff ((MDEcnt>0), 'Enabled', 'Not enabled')
| extend monitoringAgent = iff ((AMAcnt>0), 'Installed','Not installed')
| extend wacStatus = iff ((WACcnt>0), 'Enabled', 'Not enabled')
| extend updateManagement = iff ((UMcnt>0), 'Enabled', 'Not enabled')
| extend hostName = tostring(properties.displayName)
| extend hostEnvironment = vCenterId
| extend name = iif(properties.cloudMetadata.provider == 'AWS' and name != hostName, strcat(name, "(", hostName, ")"), name)
| project name, status, resourceGroup, operatingSystem, extensionsEnabled, defenderStatus, monitoringAgent, wacStatus, updateManagement