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This proposal was discussed at this pull request and amended by #626.

Visible forall in types of terms, and types in terms

.. author:: Vladislav Zavialov
.. date-accepted:: 2021-11-01, amended 2024-01-15
.. ticket-url::
.. implemented::

We propose to allow visible erased dependent quantification, written as forall x ->, in types of terms.

This proposal closely follows the design sketch laid out in the accepted proposal #378 Design for Dependent Types. It may help to read that design sketch first.

In particular, we use the following terminology:

Type syntax

Parts of the program that are parsed with the type family of non-terminals (i.e. type, btype, atype, etc) or the kind non-terminal are considered to be written in type syntax.

This includes (but is not limited to) types in type or class declarations, types after the :: in a type or kind signature, types after the @ sign in visible type applications, the LHS and the RHS of type family instances, and so on.

Term syntax

Parts of the program that are parsed with the exp family of non-terminals (i.e. exp, infixexp, fexp, aexp, etc) or the pat family of non-terminals (i.e. pat, apat, etc) are considered to be written in term syntax.

This includes (but is not limited to) the LHS and the RHS of function bindings f x y = e, the LHS and the RHS of pattern bindings p = e, the LHS and the RHS of p <- e bindings in do-notation, the top-level Template Haskell splices (e.g. makeLenses ''T), and so on.


Any identifier (including variables, type variables, data constructors, and type constructors) is said to belong to one of the two namespaces: the term namespace and the type namespace. The namespace of an identifier is determined at its binding site.

Identifiers bound in type syntax populate the type namespace; identifiers bound in term syntax populate the term namespace.


Punning occurs when identifiers of the same spelling are introduced in both namespaces, for example:

data T = T

Now any use of T must use certain rules to disambiguate which T is referred to.


Parts of a type that introduce a function parameter are called quantifiers:

  • forall a. ty
  • forall a -> ty
  • foreach a. ty
  • foreach a -> ty
  • Eq a => ty
  • t1 -> t2

(To see how => is a quantifier, one must desugar it with dictionary-passing style).

We classify quantifiers along several axes:

  • Dependent or non-dependent
  • Erased or retained
  • Visible or invisible

We call a quantifier dependent when the parameter can be used in the type of the function result. forall a., which introduces a :: Type, is a dependent quantifier:

id :: forall a. a -> a
               'a' is used here

On the other hand, a ->, which introduces x :: a, is a non-dependent quantifier:

id :: forall a. a -> a
                    'x' cannot be used here

We call a quantifier retained when the parameter can be pattern-matched on or returned as part of the result, and, as a consequence, must be passed during evaluation. For example,

a -> is a retained quantifier:

id :: forall a. a -> a
id = \x -> x
          'x' is returned as the result

not :: Bool -> Bool
not b =
  case b of { ... }
      'b' is used in pattern-matching

On the other hand, in types of terms, forall a. is an erased quantifier:

bad :: forall a. a -> a
bad x =
  case a of { ... }
      'a' can not be pattern-matched on!

However, in types of types, forall a. is currently a retained quantifier, as it permits pattern-matching:

type IsMaybe :: forall k. k -> Bool
type family IsMaybe a where
  IsMaybe @(Type -> Type) Maybe = True     -- matching 'k' with (Type -> Type)
  IsMaybe @Type (Maybe _) = True           -- matching 'k' with Type
  IsMaybe _ = False

This is considered an oversight in the design of kind polymorphism, and we generally speak of forall x. as an erased quantifier. (Making it truly so is left as future work, out of scope of this proposal).


We call a quantifier visible when the parameter must be specified at use sites, and invisible when the compiler tries to infer it at use sites.

Consider an expression such as id True. In this call, we have:

  • x=True, as specified
  • a=Bool, as inferred from (x :: a) = (True :: Bool)

The reason we don't write id Bool True is that forall a. is an invisible quantifier, while a -> is a visible quantifier.

With the TypeApplications extension, we can use a visibility override @ to specify an invisible parameter as if it was visible:

id @Bool True

In types of types (in kinds), we have the choice between invisible and visible dependent quantification:

type PInv :: forall k. k -> Type  -- invisible quantification of 'k'
data PInv a = MkPInv

type PVis :: forall k -> k -> Type  -- visible quantification of 'k'
data PVis k a = MkPVis

Invisible parameters, introduced with forall x., are inferred by the compiler at use sites. Visible parameters, introduced with forall x ->, must be specified by the user:

type TInv = PInv     15   -- infer (k~Nat) from (a::k)~(15::Nat)
type TVis = PVis Nat 15   -- no inference

This means our quantifier grid is complete with regards to dependence and visibility:

Quantifiers in
types of types    Dependent     Non-dependent
      Visible   forall a ->    a ->         
    Invisible   forall a.      c =>         

On the other hand, in types of terms, our grid is incomplete:

Quantifiers in
types of terms    Dependent     Non-dependent
      Visible                  a ->         
    Invisible   forall a.      c =>         

Other than making terms and types more symmetrical, filling this empty cell would let us design better APIs without the use of proxy types or ambiguous types, and with better error messages.

For example, consider a function that gives the memory residence for a type:

sizeOf :: forall a. Sized a => Proxy a -> Int

To find out the size of a boolean value, the user of this API would write sizeOf (Proxy :: Proxy Bool) or sizeOf (Proxy @Bool). This has two disadvantages:

  • Constructing a Proxy value is unnecessarily verbose, making sizeOf clunky to use.
  • The Proxy value is passed at runtime. Even if the optimizer can eliminate it sometimes, there are cases when it cannot.

There is a workaround which involves AllowAmbiguousTypes and TypeApplications. Here's an alternative API design:

sizeOf :: forall a. Sized a => Int

The user is supposed to use a visibility override, sizeOf @Bool. While it does address the concerns about verbosity and the runtime cost, the error messages degrade significantly. The invisible parameter a is now ambiguous, so if the user forgets to specify it, the compiler tries to infer a and inevitably fails:

print_int :: Int -> IO ()

-- Valid code:
main = print_int (sizeOf @Bool)

-- The parameter is not specified, extremely bad error message:
--    • Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘sizeOf’
--      prevents the constraint ‘(Sized a0)’ from being solved.
--      Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘a0’ should be.
--      These potential instance exist:
--        instance [safe] Sized Bool -- Defined at <interactive>:15:10
--    • In the first argument of ‘print_int’, namely ‘sizeOf’
--      In the expression: print_int sizeOf
--      In an equation for ‘main’: main = print_int sizeOf
main = print_int sizeOf

It also means that eta-reduction is not possible:

-- Valid code:
mySizeOf :: forall a. Sized a => Int
mySizeOf @a = sizeOf @a

-- Eta-reduction attempt fails:
--  • Could not deduce (Sized a0) arising from a use of ‘sizeOf’
--    from the context: Sized a
--      bound by the type signature for:
--                 mySizeOf :: forall a. Sized a => Int
--    The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
mySizeOf :: forall a. Sized a => Int
mySizeOf = sizeOf

If we had visible forall, for which there is already precedent in types of types, we could design an API for sizeOf that has none of the issues listed above:

sizeOf :: forall a -> Sized a => Int

This type captures the intent behind this function, and, if we allow it, its use would have the least noise and good error messages:

print_int :: Int -> IO ()

-- Valid code:
main = print_int (sizeOf Bool)   -- NB: no visibility override '@'

-- The parameter is not specified, good error message:
--    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’
--                with actual type ‘forall a -> Sized a => Int’
--    • Probable cause: ‘sizeOf’ is applied to too few arguments
--      In the first argument of ‘print_int’, namely ‘sizeOf’
--      In the expression: print_int sizeOf
--      In an equation for ‘main’: main = print_int sizeOf
main = print_int sizeOf

Eta-reduction is now possible:

-- Valid code:
mySizeOf :: forall a -> Sized a => Int
mySizeOf a = sizeOf a

-- Eta-reduction attempt succeeds:
mySizeOf :: forall a -> Sized a => Int
mySizeOf = sizeOf

The proposed visible forall would be an erased quantifier. However, if we were to make it retained, we would get full-blown dependent functions (pi-types). Therefore, implementing this feature would pave the road for future work on Dependent Haskell.

To summarize, there are three reasons to make this change:

  • Language consistency (symmetry between terms and types)
  • Ability to design better APIs (good error messages, no proxy types, no ambiguous types)
  • Prepare the compiler internals for further work on dependent types

We shall present this proposal in two parts:

  • In Part I we introduce the forall a -> quantifier in types of terms but also require a syntactic marker at use sites. This is not as convenient to use (i.e. users would have to write sizeOf (type Bool) instead of sizeOf Bool), but is much easier to specify and understand.
  • In Part II we specify when it is permissible to omit the type herald. This greatly increases the convenience of using the proposed feature, but also makes the specification more intricate.
  1. Add a new language extension, RequiredTypeArguments. When RequiredTypeArguments is in effect, lift the restriction that the forall a -> quantifier cannot be used in types of terms.

  2. Syntax. When ExplicitNamespaces is in effect, extend the grammar (as in the Haskell 2010 Report) as follows:

    exp ::=
      | 'type' atype
      | ...
    pat ::=
      | 'type' atype
      | ...

    The type keyword at the top-level is interpreted as it always has been; it does not start an expression (as would be used in a Template Haskell declaration splice) or pattern (as would be used in a pattern binding).

  3. Name resolution. A type embedded into a term with the type marker follows type-level name resolution rules (i.e. uses of punned identifiers resolve to the type namespace), both at binding sites and at use sites.

    The ScopedTypeVariables extension has no effect on variables introduced by forall a ->.

  4. Type checking. In type checking, we alternate between two distinct modes: checking and inference. This idea, called bidirectional type checking, is presented in more detail in "A quick look at impredicativity".

    • In inference mode, we never infer forall x -> t as the type of a lambda expression. Accordingly, writing \ (type a) -> ... in inference mode is always an error.

    • In checking mode, in a function application chain f e1 e2 e3, we follow the rules shown in Figure 4 of "A quick look at impredicativity", extended as follows:

      G |- sigma_b[a := sigma_a];                     pis  ~>  Theta; phis; rho_r
      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------  ITVDQ
      G |- (forall a -> sigma_b);     (type sigma_a), pis  ~>  Theta; phis; rho_r
    • In checking mode, in a function binding f (type x) = ... or a lambda \(type x) -> ..., the x is a fresh skolem.

  5. Validity. Expressions and patterns of form type t but not covered by the type checking rules above are illegal.

    Specifically, any expression of form type t must be used as an argument to a function, or else it is rejected with a type error:

    x = f (type Int)   -- OK
    x = type Int       -- invalid use of a type in a term

    This is checked during type checking, so Template Haskell is unaffected: [e| type Int |] and [p| type Int |] are both allowed but different from [t| Int |].

  6. Erasure. In types of terms, forall a -> is an erased quantifier. Making forall a -> erased in types of types is out of scope of this proposal.

  7. Data constructors. When RequiredTypeArguments is in effect, allow forall a -> in data constructor declarations.

    • The flavour of the parent declaration (data, data instance, newtype, newtype instance) does not affect the validity of forall a ->.

    • The GADT constructor syntax (GHC Proposal #402) supports forall a -> quantification both for universals and existentials:

      data T a b where
        MkT1 :: forall a b.   forall x y.   (x, y, a, b) -> T a b  -- OK
        MkT2 :: forall a b.   forall x y -> (x, y, a, b) -> T a b  -- OK
        MkT3 :: forall a b -> forall x y.   (x, y, a, b) -> T a b  -- OK
        MkT4 :: forall a b -> forall x y -> (x, y, a, b) -> T a b  -- OK

      In Haskell98-style syntax, all data constructors have invisible universal quantifiers, and it is illegal to specify visible existential quantifiers:

      data T a b =
        forall x y.   MkT1 (x, y, a, b)    -- OK, `forall a b.` is added by GHC
        forall x y -> MkT2 (x, y, a, b)    -- Illegal syntax

      There is no inherent reason to rule out forall a -> in Haskell98-style existentials other than to save on implementation costs (see "Alternatives").

    • The use of forall a -> in the type of a data constructor is compatible with DataKinds promotion of the said constructor.

    • Pattern matching on a data constructor MkT :: forall a -> ... implies the use of type patterns in positions that correspond to required type parameters:

      data Ex where { MkEx :: forall a -> Show a => a -> Ex }
      f :: Ex -> String
      f (MkEx (type a) x) = show (x :: a)
      --      ^^^^^^^^
      --      type pattern corresponding to (forall a ->) in the type of MkEx
    • The rules for checking type patterns in constructors are derived from the rules for checking type abstractions @a, mutatis mutandis; for the latter, see GHC Proposal #448.

  1. A variant of id that uses visible forall:

    -- Definition:
    idv :: forall a -> a -> a
    idv (type a) x = x :: a
    -- Usage:
    n = idv (type Double) 42

    This is equivalent to n = (42 :: Double).

  2. A wrapper around typeRep that uses visible forall:

    -- Definition:
    typeRepVis :: forall a -> Typeable a => TypeRep a
    typeRepVis (type a) = typeRep @a
    -- Usage:
    t = typeRepVis (type (Maybe String))
  3. A wrapper around sizeOf that uses visible forall instead of Proxy:

    -- Definition:
    sizeOfVis :: forall a -> Storable a => Int
    sizeOfVis (type a) = sizeOf (Proxy :: Proxy a)
    -- Usage:
    n = sizeOfVis (type Int)
  4. A wrapper around symbolVal that uses visible forall instead of Proxy:

    -- Definition:
    symbolValVis :: forall s -> KnownSymbol s => String
    symbolValVis (type s) = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s)
    -- Usage
    str = symbolValVis (type "Hello, World")
  5. A type pattern in a constructor pattern:

    data T a b where
      MkT :: forall a. forall b -> (a,b) -> T a b
      --               ^^^^^^^^^^^^
      --               visible forall in a data constructor
    f :: T a b -> (b, a)
    f (MkT @a (type b) c) = (snd c :: b, fst c :: a)
    --        ^^^^^^^^
    --        the corresponding type pattern
  6. A type pattern in a constructor pattern that requires unification:

    data U a where { MkU :: forall a -> U a }
    f :: U (Maybe Int) -> Int
    f (MkU (type (Maybe a))) = 42 :: a

    The type pattern type (Maybe a) is unified with Maybe Int in the signature. As a result, a stands for Int in 42 :: a.

Note that as long as we limit ourselves to part I of this proposal, we need the type marker in all of the above examples, even when the argument is a syntactically valid term. If the programer were to write symbolValVis "Hello, World", they would get an error message stating that a term argument was received where a type argument was expected. That's because our typing rule ITVDQ explicitly requires the argument to be of form type sigma.

Could we extend our system to permit arguments without the type prefix? That is precisely the subject of part II.

Define resolved syntax tree as a representation of a Haskell program that encodes its syntactic and binding structure, but does not yet include type information. In particular, in the resolved syntax tree, the following information has been fully determined:

  • Variable and type variable occurrences have been linked to their bindings, in accordance with shadowing and punning rules.

    • Shadowing. Consider the following program:

      a = 42
      f a = \a -> a

      In the resolved syntax tree, the occurrence of a has been linked to its binding as follows:

      a₀ = 42
      f a₁ = \a₂ -> a₂

      Thus, we know it stands for a₂ rather than a₁ or a₀.

    • Punning. Consider the following program:

      {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
      id :: forall a. a -> a
      id a = (a :: a)

      In the resolved syntax tree, the occurrences of a have been linked to their bindings as follows:

      id :: forall a. a-> aid aₑ = (aₑ :: aₜ)
  • Data constructor and type constructor occurrences have been linked to their bindings, in accordance with the punning rules. Consider the following program:

    data Pair a b = Pair !a !b
    dup :: a -> Pair a a
    dup x = Pair x x

    In the resolved syntax tree, the occurrences of Pair have been linked to their bindings as follows:

    data Paira b = Pair!a !b
    dup :: a -> Paira a
    dup x = Pairₑ x x
  • The fixity and associativity of infix operators have been determined. Consider the following program:

    import Prelude ((+), (*))
    f x = x + x * x * x

    In the resolved syntax tree, the structure of the infix expression is established as follows:

    f x = x + ((x * x) * x)
  • The meaning of built-in tuple syntax has been determined. Let us denote a pair as (a, b)ₑ and the type of a pair as (a, b)ₜ. Now consider the following program:

    p :: (Integer, String)
    p = (42, "Hello")

    In the resolved syntax tree, the meaning of the built-in tuple syntax has been determined as follows:

    p :: (Integer, String)ₜ
    p = (42, "Hello")ₑ

    Likewise, for all tuple arities (including the unit type () as a 0-arity tuple).

  • The meaning of built-in list syntax has been determined. Let us denote a singleton list as [a]ₑ and the list type as [a]ₜ. Now consider the following program:

    f :: a -> [a]
    f x = [x]

    In the resolved syntax tree, the meaning of the built-in list syntax is determined as follows:

    f :: a -> [a]ₜ
    f x = [x]ₑ

    This also applies to the empty square brackets [], which can either stand for an empty list []ₑ or the list type constructor []ₜ.

    With DataKinds, the '[a] syntax in a type-level context is resolved as [a]ₑ; in a term-level context, this syntax is not available.

  • The meaning of * has been determined. It can stand for one of the following:

    1. Type from the Data.Kind module (under -XStarIsType)
    2. An occurrence of a term-level (*) infix operator
    3. An occurrence of a type-level (*) infix operator (under -XTypeOperators)
  • The meaning of ' has been determined. It can stand for one of the following:

    1. Namespace selection syntax (under -XDataKinds)
    2. Name quotation syntax (under -XTemplateHaskell)
  • The meaning of -> has been determined. It can stand for one of the following:

    1. Part of lambda, case-of, or multi-if syntax, as in \x -> ...
    2. The function type constructor (->), as in Int -> Bool
    3. A view pattern f (e -> p) = ... (under -XViewPatterns)
  1. Extend the term syntax (expressions and patterns) with several constructs that previously could only occur at the type level:

    • Function arrows: a -> b
    • Multiplicity-polymorphic function arrows: a %m -> b (under -XLinearTypes)
    • Constraint arrows: a => b
    • Universal quantification: forall a. b
    • Visible universal quantification: forall a -> b.

    We will call them types-in-terms.

    To that end, we change the grammar of expressions and patterns as follows. Start with these nonterminals based on the Haskell 2010 Report, modified to account for pattern signatures, view patterns, and the type herald:

    exp ::=
      | 'type' ktype                    -- only with ExplicitNamespaces (see Part I of #281)
      | infixexp :: [context =>] type
      | infixexp
    viewpat ::=
      | pat
      | exp '->' viewpat                -- only with ViewPatterns
    pat ::=
      | 'type' ktype                    -- only with ExplicitNamespaces (see Part I of #281)
      | infixpat :: [context =>] type   -- only with PatternSignatures  (see #448)
      | infixpat
    infixexp ::=
      | lexp qop infixexp
      | - infixexp
      | lexp
    infixpat ::=
      | lpat qconop infixpat
      | lpat

    Introduce the following changes:

    • add new non-terminals infixexp2 and infixpat2 that include terms-in-types
    • update exp and pat to use the new non-terminals in place of infixexp and infixpat respectively
    • rearrange viewpat to avoid parsing conflicts
    exp ::=
      | 'type' ktype                    -- only with ExplicitNamespaces (see Part I of #281)
      | infixexp2 :: [context =>] type
      | infixexp2
    viewpat ::= pat  -- the other production has been moved to infixpat2
    pat ::=
      | 'type' ktype                    -- only with ExplicitNamespaces (see Part I of #281)
      | infixpat2 :: [context =>] type  -- only with PatternSignatures  (see #448)
      | infixpat2
    infixexp2 ::=
           | infixexp
     (NEW) | infixexp      '->'  infixexp2      -- only with RequiredTypeArguments
     (NEW) | infixexp mult '->'  infixexp2      -- only with RequiredTypeArguments
     (NEW) | infixexp      '->.' infixexp2      -- only with RequiredTypeArguments
     (NEW) | infixexp      '=>'  infixexp2      -- only with RequiredTypeArguments
     (NEW) | 'forall' tv_bndrs '.'  infixexp2   -- only with RequiredTypeArguments
     (NEW) | 'forall' tv_bndrs '->' infixexp2   -- only with RequiredTypeArguments
    infixpat2 ::=
           | infixpat
     (NEW) | infixpat      '->'  infixpat2      -- only with RequiredTypeArguments and /without/ ViewPatterns (conflict described below)
     (MOV) | infixexp      '->'  infixpat2      -- only with ViewPatterns (takes precedence over RequiredTypeArguments, conflict described below)
     (NEW) | infixpat mult '->'  infixpat2      -- only with RequiredTypeArguments
     (NEW) | infixpat      '->.' infixpat2      -- only with RequiredTypeArguments
     (NEW) | infixpat      '=>'  infixpat2      -- only with RequiredTypeArguments
     (NEW) | 'forall' tv_bndrs '.'  infixpat2   -- only with RequiredTypeArguments
     (NEW) | 'forall' tv_bndrs '->' infixpat2   -- only with RequiredTypeArguments
    -- infixexp and infixpat are unchanged

    Note that the constituents of terms-in-types use the term syntax. For example:

              proposed grammar:                    as opposed to:
      infixexp2 ::=                         infixexp2 ::=                    
        | infixexp '->' infixexp2             | btype '->' ctype             
        | 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' infixexp2     | 'forall' tv_bndrs '.' ctype  
        | ...                                 | ...                          

    The use of term syntax on the LHS of e1 -> e2 and e1 => e2 is a necessity to avoid parsing conflicts. The use of term syntax on the RHS is done for consistency with the LHS.

  1. Make forall a keyword at the term level (in expressions and patterns). Not guarded by any extension (same motivation as #193). This implies forall is no longer a valid identifier.

    For three releases before this change takes place, include a new warning -Wforall-identifier in -Wdefault. This warning will be triggered at definition sites (but not use sites) of forall as an identifier.

    This change applies to (the UnicodeSyntax rendition of forall) as well.

  2. Adding p1 -> p2 to the syntax of patterns (see the BNF of "types-in-terms" above) is incompatible with ViewPatterns.

    • When both RequiredTypeArguments and ViewPatterns are enabled, the conflict is resolved in favor of ViewPatterns. The programmer can write type (t1 -> t2) or (->) t1 t2 instead.
    • When only ViewPatterns is enabled, the conflict is resolved in favor of ViewPatterns.
    • When only RequiredTypeArguments is enabled, the conflict is not resolved either way. It is reported to the user in an error message. This can be reconsidered if an alternative syntax for view patterns is implemented in GHC.

    To make the grammar of Haskell more regular and to simplify the implementation of "types-in-terms", change the precedence of view patterns relative to pattern signatures as follows:

    f (e -> p :: t)   = ...     -- user-written function LHS
    f (e -> (p :: t)) = ...     -- old parse
    f ((e -> p) :: t) = ...     -- new parse

    The new parse is consistent with kind signatures, e.g. Int -> Bool :: Type is parsed as (Int -> Bool) :: Type, not Int -> (Bool :: Type).

    For three releases before this change takes place, include a new warning -Wview-pattern-signatures in -Wdefault to warn on affected code. The warning text will suggest to parenthesize the RHS of the view pattern. See "Effect and Interactions" for the impact analysis.

  3. case ... of x -> y -> z is an error. We require parentheses to disambiguate:

    • case ... of (x -> y) -> z
    • case ... of x -> (y -> z)
  1. During name resolution,

    • Identifiers bound in term syntax populate the term namespace; identifiers bound in type syntax populate the type namespace.

      This is already the case, but now we generalize this rule to cover types-in-terms, which are considered term syntax.

    • When looking up an identifier v or V in type syntax, look it up in the type namespace first; if it is not found there, look it up in the term namespace.

      This is already the case for uppercase identifiers if DataKinds is enabled, but now we extend this rule to lowercase identifiers if RequiredTypeArguments is enabled.

    • When looking up an identifier v or V in term syntax, look it up in the term namespace first; if it is not found there, look it up in the type namespace.

      This is a new rule, but notice how it mirrors the one for type syntax.

  1. Implicit quantification is an existing feature that allows the programmer to omit a forall:

    g ::           a -> a    -- implicit
    g :: forall a. a -> a    -- explicit

    This sort of quantification only happens if the variable is not already in scope:

    {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    f :: forall a. a -> a
    f = ...
        g :: a -> a         -- No implicit quantification!

    In other words, we quantify only over out-of-scope variables.

    With the proposed changes to name resolution, variables that were previously out of scope are now in scope:

    a = 42
    f :: a -> a           -- No implicit quantification!

    This is a breaking change, and that is why the fallback to the term namespace in type syntax is guarded behind RequiredTypeArguments.

    Without RequiredTypeArguments, implicit quantification is not affected.

    In order to facilitate writing code that is forward-compatible with RequiredTypeArguments, introduce a new warning to -Wcompat: -Wterm-variable-capture. This warning will notify users when implicit quantification occurs that would stop working under RequiredTypeArguments.

  1. Generalize the ITVDQ rule introduced earlier by using t2t:

    sigma_a = t2t(e)
    G |- sigma_b[a := sigma_a];         pis  ~>  Theta; phis; rho_r
    --------------------------------------------------------------- ITVDQ-T2T
    G |- (forall a -> sigma_b);      e, pis  ~>  Theta; phis; rho_r

    t2t transforms term arguments into type arguments, see the "T2T-Mapping" section for an informal definition of t2t.

    That is, given f :: forall a -> t, the argument e in f e is parsed and renamed as a term, but then mapped to a type.

    In the same way, generalize the type checking rule for patterns to invoke t2t to transform a pattern to a type when the function or constructor has a visible forall in its type.

  2. Any uses of terms in types are ill-typed:

    a = 42; f :: Proxy a -> Proxy b   -- invalid occurrence of "a" in a type-level position

    Any uses of types in terms that do not undergo the T2T transformation are also ill-typed::

    f _ = Int                         -- invalid occurrence of "Int" in a term-level position
  3. When in the checking mode of bidirectional type checking (e.g. in a function binding with an explicit type signature), allow a pattern to bind type variables in the term namespace, such as x here:

    f :: forall a -> ...
    f x = ...

    The x identifier is bound in the term namespace, but stands for an erased, forall-bound type variable.

    A similar principle applies to subpatterns in a constructor pattern that correspond to forall a -> in the type of the data constructor:

    data Ex where { MkEx :: forall a -> Show a => a -> Ex }
    f :: Ex -> String
    f (MkEx a x) = show (x :: a)
    --     ^^^
    --     the `a` corresponds to `forall a ->` in the type of `MkEx`

    In general, we permit term patterns in positions where type patterns are expected by applying the T2T transformation, see "T2T-Mapping" below.

T2T (term-to-type) is a mapping from terms (expressions or patterns) to types that operates on a resolved syntax tree and is invoked by the T2T typing rule.

The T2T mapping is partial: it succeeds on expressions and patterns that are within the Static Subset (introduced in #378 Design for Dependent Types), and fails on expressions outside of this subset.

Common T2T Clauses (Expressions and Patterns)
  • Embedded types type t are mapped to t directly, without modification.
  • Variables and constructors (regardless of their namespace) are mapped directly, without modification.
    • The use of a data constructor requires DataKinds.
    • The use of a variable (as opposed to binding) also imposes the following side conditions
      • In the type checking environment, there should be no variable of the same name but from a different namespace, or else raise an ambiguity error (does not apply to constructors).
      • In a temporary deviation from #378 Design for Dependent Types, require that the variable stands for a type; terms are not promoted. Lifting this restriction is left for a future proposal, as it does not seem useful without a retained quantifier like foreach (see the referenced section of #378 for an explanation with an example).
  • The types-in-terms (such as a -> b, a => b, forall a. b) are mapped to types directly, without modification aside from recursively processing subterms.
  • With DataKinds, a numeric literal 42 is mapped to a promoted numeric literal.
  • With DataKinds, a string literal "Hello" is mapped to a promoted string literal "Hello".
  • With DataKinds, a character literal 'x' is mapped to a promoted character literal 'x'.
  • A fractional numeric literal 3.14 cannot be mapped at the moment, as we do not have promoted fractional numeric literals.
  • An unboxed numeric literal 1337# cannot be mapped at the moment, as we do not have promoted unboxed types.
  • With DataKinds, a tuple (e₀, e₁, ...)ₑ is mapped to a promoted tuple (t₀, t₁, ...)ₑ, where t₀ = t2t(e₀), t₁ = t2t(e₁).
  • An unboxed tuple (# a, b #) cannot be mapped at the moment, as we do not have promoted unboxed types.
  • With DataKinds, a list literal [e₀, e₁, ...] is mapped to a promoted list [t₀, t₁, ...], where t₀ = t2t(e₀), t₁ = t2t(e₁).
  • With KindSignatures, a type signature e₀ :: t₁ is mapped to a kind signature t₀ :: t₁, where t₀ = t2t(e₀).
T2T in Expressions
  • Function application e₀ e₁ is mapped to type-level function application t₀ t₁, where t₀ = t2t(e₀), t₁ = t2t(e₁).
  • With TypeApplications, type application e₀ @t₁ is mapped to type-level type application t₀ @t₁, where t₀ = t2t(e₀).
  • With TypeOperators, infix application e₀ op e₁ is mapped to type-level infix application e₀ tyop e₁, where t₀ = t2t(e₀), t₁ = t2t(e₁), tyop = t2t(op).
  • Lambda functions \x -> b are not mapped and their use is an error, as we do not have type-level lambdas at the moment.
  • Case-expressions case x of ... are not mapped and their use is an error, as we do not have type-level case-expressions.
  • If-expressions if c then a else b are not mapped and their use is an error, as we do not have type-level if-expressions.
  • In the same spirit, other syntactic constructs are mapped when there's a direct type-level equivalent, and their use is an error otherwise.
T2T in Patterns
  • Wildcard patterns _ are mapped to wildcard type patterns.
  • Constructor patterns Con @t₀ @t₁ p₂ p₃ are mapped to nested applications and type applications Con @t₀ @t₁ t₂ t₃, where t₂ = t2t(p₂), t₃ = t2t(p₃). DataKinds is required if Con is a data constructor.
  • As-patterns x@p are not mapped and their use is an error, as we do not have type-level as-patterns.
  • Lazy patterns ~p are not mapped and their use is an error, as we do not have type-level lazy patterns.
  • Bang patterns !p are not mapped and their use is an error, as we do not have type-level bang patterns.
  • View patterns e -> p are not mappend and their use is an error, as we do not have type-level view patterns.
  • In the same spirit, other syntactic constructs are mapped when there's a direct type-level equivalent, and their use is an error otherwise.

In accordance with the Lexical Scoping Principle of #378 Design for Dependent Types, T2T preserves the binding structure and the meaning of the syntactic constructs in the resolved syntax tree.

For example, in f T, the T2T transformation will never change whether the T refers to a type constructor or a data constructor. Likewise, it will not change [a] from a singleton list to the list type, or vice versa. The mapping is as direct as possible and could be removed if we had a single syntactic category for terms and types.

  1. A variant of id that uses visible forall:

    -- Definition:
    idv :: forall a -> a -> a
    idv a x = x :: a
    -- Usage:
    n = idv Double 42

    This is equivalent to n = (42 :: Double).

  2. A wrapper around typeRep that uses visible forall:

    -- Definition:
    typeRepVis :: forall a -> Typeable a => TypeRep a
    typeRepVis a = typeRep @a
    -- Usage:
    t = typeRepVis (Maybe String)
  3. A wrapper around sizeOf that uses visible forall instead of Proxy:

    -- Definition:
    sizeOfVis :: forall a -> Storable a => Int
    sizeOfVis a = sizeOf (Proxy :: Proxy a)
    -- Usage:
    n = sizeOfVis Int
  4. A wrapper around symbolVal that uses visible forall instead of Proxy:

    -- Definition:
    symbolValVis :: forall s -> KnownSymbol s => String
    symbolValVis s = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s)
    -- Usage
    str = symbolValVis "Hello, World"
  5. A type pattern in a constructor pattern:

    data T a b where
      MkT :: forall a. forall b -> (a,b) -> T a b
      --               ^^^^^^^^^^^^
      --               visible forall in a data constructor
    f :: T a b -> (b, a)
    f (MkT @a b c) = (snd c :: b, fst c :: a)
    --        ^
    --        the corresponding type pattern
  6. A type pattern in a constructor pattern that requires unification:

    data U a where { MkU :: forall a -> U a }
    f :: U (Maybe Int) -> Int
    f (MkU (Maybe a)) = 42 :: a

    The type pattern Maybe a is unified with Maybe Int in the signature. As a result, a stands for Int in 42 :: a.

Definition site:

type family ParseRGB (s :: Symbol) :: (Nat, Nat, Nat) where

type KnownRGB :: (Nat, Nat, Nat) -> Constraint
class KnownRGB c where
  _rgbVal :: (Word8, Word8, Word8)

rgb :: forall s -> KnownRGB (ParseRGB s) => (Word8, Word8, Word8)
rgb s = _rgbVal @(ParseRGB s)

Use site:

ghci> rgb "red"
(255, 0, 0)

ghci> rgb "#112233"
(17, 34, 51)

ghci> rgb "asdfasdf"
-- custom type error from ParseRGB
  1. Scoped type variables:

    f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
    f x = g a x

    Here the a in the first argument to g is not rejected; rather it is an occurrence of the lexically scoped type variable a bound by the forall in f's type signature. If g turns out to have a visible dependent type, the argument will be converted to a type; if not, it will be rejected.

  2. Punning and a local variable:

    f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
    f a = g a a

    Here both a arguments to g are bound to the inner term-level a binder (f's argument), regardless of the type of g.

  3. Punning and a top-level variable:

    a :: Int
    a = 3
    f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
    f x = g a a

    Both a arguments to g are bound to term-level binding for a. In terms, a term-level binding "wins". If g turns out to have a visible dependent type, the program will be rejected because g's first argument is a type, not a term.

  4. Punning and types-in-terms:

    f :: forall a. [a]->[a]
    f a = g (a -> (forall b. b -> a)) a

    Again, all those a's in g's arguments are bound to the term-level a. The clues that we are in a type, from the (->) and forall, are not used to change the namespace.

  5. Punning and shadowing:

    h a = g (forall a. a->a) a

    The forall binds a and that binding is seen by the occurrences in a->a. That is, in a term the forall-bound variables are in the term namespace.

  6. Built-in syntax:

    x1 = g (Int,Bool)
    x2 = g [Int]

    Here, the built-in syntax occurs in a term-level context, so (Int,Bool) is a promoted pair, and [Int] is a promoted singleton list.

    One way to change this is to use synonyms from GHC.Tuple:

    x1 = g (TupleN Int Bool)
    x2 = g (List Int)

    Another way is to use the type herald:

    x1 = g (type (Int,Bool))
    x2 = g (type [Int])

    This is purely a matter of style.

  7. The @ changes the meaning of built-in syntax:

    a = f @(Int,Bool)
    b = g  (Int,Bool)

    In a, the argument is the pair type, in b it is a promoted pair.

    One way to resolve this is to use synonyms from GHC.Tuple:

    a = f @(TupleN Int Bool)
    b = g  (TupleN Int Bool)

    Another way is to use the type herald:

    a = f @(Int,Bool)
    b = g (type (Int,Bool))
  8. The @ changes the namespace:

    data StrictPair a b = StrictPair !a !b
    x = f  (StrictPair Int Bool)
    y = g @(StrictPair Int Bool)

    Resolved with the type herald or by renaming one of the StrictPair constructors.

  9. Type variables as function parameters:

    f :: forall a -> a -> a
    f x y = g True
        g :: b -> x
        g _ = y

    Here, x is a name in the term namespace, but it is in fact a type variable, later used used in the type signature of g.

    The b is bound implicitly in this example, assuming there's no top-level definition of b. To make it clean, one can use an explicit forall:

    ... where
            g :: forall b. b -> x
            g _ = y

    We can observe a similar phenomenon with ScopedTypeVariables or TypeAbstractions:

    {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    f1 :: forall a. a -> a
    f1 y = g1 True
        g1 :: b -> a       -- `a` is in scope from `forall a.`
        g1 _ = y
    {-# LANGUAGE TypeAbstractions #-}
    f2 :: forall a. a -> a
    f2 @a y = g2 True
        g2 :: b -> a       -- `a` is in scope from `@a`
        g2 _ = y

    In g1 and g2, we don't expect a to be implicitly quantified because it is already in scope. Only out-of-scope variables are implicitly quantified (e.g. b). By default, only the type namespace is considered when checking for in-scope type variables; with RequiredTypeArguments, the check is namespace-agnostic.

  • Visible forall becomes available in types of terms, making them more similar to types of types. There remains a discrepancy that forall in types of types is actually a retained quantifier, while the proposed forall x -> in types of terms is erased. This is to be resolved in the future by making both of them erased.

  • Even though types-in-terms may look like types they are considered term syntax, and a variable bound by a forall-in-terms populates the term namespace. This means that in \x -> f (forall x. x), the occurrence of x refers to the forall-bound type variable rather than the lambda-bound variable.

  • The renaming of a visible dependent argument is different than that of a dependent argument with a visibility override. Consider this code:

    f :: forall a.   Tagged a ()
    g :: forall a -> Tagged a ()
    data T = T
    a = f @T
    b = g  T

    In f @T, we refer to the type constructor, but in g T we refer to the data constructor.

    The implementation may offer warning flags to help the user identify such ambiguous occurrences.

  • When punned names come from external libraries, there are several workarounds to resolve the ambiguity:

    1. Using -XExplicitNamespaces:

      import Data.Proxy
      import qualified Data.Proxy (type Proxy) as T
      x = f   Proxy  -- refers to the data constructor
      y = f T.Proxy  -- refers to the type constructor
    2. Using a type synonym:

      import Data.Proxy
      type TProxy = Proxy
      x = f  Proxy  -- refers to the data constructor
      y = f TProxy  -- refers to the type constructor
    3. Using the type herald:

      import Data.Proxy
      x = f Proxy
      y = f (type Proxy)
  • Identifiers bound to terms are not promoted. Consider this well-typed program:

    f :: forall a.   Tagged a ()
    g :: forall a -> Tagged a ()
    a = f @(Just True)  -- ok
    b = g  (Just True)  -- ok

    If we factor out Just True into a type synonym, it continues to work:

    type X :: Maybe Bool
    type X = Just True
    a = f @X  -- still OK
    b = g  X  -- still OK

    However, if we bind it to a term-level variable, the example becomes ill-typed:

    x :: Maybe Bool
    x = Just True
    a = f @x  -- not currently valid
    b = g  x  -- not valid under the proposal

    This is because we retain the distinction between terms and types. This proposal is a step towards dependent types, but it does not go all the way. Accepting the program above is left as future work.

  • Before this proposal, all term variables (retained, values, runtime) used names from the term namespace, and all type variables (erased, types, compile-time) used names from the type namespace.

    With the changes proposed, the namespace of a variable is no longer a reliable indicator of the level (term level or type level) of the entity that the variable stands for. Consider:

    f :: forall a -> String
    f = ...
    g :: forall a -> Show a => a -> String
    g t x = show @t (x :: t) ++ f t

    Now let us compare x and t

    • The name x is bound in the term namespace. It is a true term variable: it is used as a value argument to show; it exists at the term level.
    • The name t is also bound in the term namespace. However, t denotes a type variable: it is used in the type application show @t, in the type annotation x :: t, and as a required type argument in f t; it exists at the type level.
  • Even in the absence of punning, term syntax and type syntax differ in a few subtle ways

    1. In term syntax with TemplateHaskell enabled, the ' symbol signifies name quotation; in type syntax with DataKinds enabled, ' selects the term namespace.

    2. In term syntax, * is always an infix operator; in type syntax with StarIsType enabled, * is built-in notation for Data.Kind.Type.

      This discrepancy can be resolved by disabling StarIsType, which is slated for deprecation by the accepted GHC Proposal #143.

    3. Term syntax allows binding local operators, but type syntax with TypeOperators does not:

      -- Term syntax
      f (:#) = ...   -- usage of constructor (:#)
      f (#)  = ...   -- binding a local variable (#)
      -- Type syntax
      f (type (:#)) = ...   -- usage of type constructor (:#)
      f (type (#))  = ...   -- usage of type constructor (#)

      To be consistent with terms, type (#) would have to be a binding of a local type variable named (#).

    Accounting for these discrepancies is a non-goal for the T2T transformation

  • The impact of the change associated with -Wview-pattern-signatures is minimal. We patched GHC 9.6 to parse e -> p :: t with the new precedence and compiled 3318 packages (full list) using the patched compiler.

    Only 2 out of 3318 packages (0.06%) were affected: shake-0.19.7 (2 lines of code affected) and arithmoi- (1 line of code affected), with the total of 3 lines of code affected in the analyzed data set.

    In every instance, the fix was to add parentheses.

This is one more feature to implement and maintain.

  1. Include the proposed functionality in ExplicitForAll instead of introducing a new extension.
  2. The extension name could use a different name, such as -XVDQ or -XVisibleForAll.
  3. We could guard type-level uses of visible forall behind the VisibleForAll extension flag. This would break existing code.
  1. Instead of the type herald, we could repurpose @ as a syntactic marker that indicates types occurring within terms. That is, while forall x -> is a compulsory parameter and forall x. is not, the use sites would be f @Int in both cases.

    There are several issues with this alternative:

    • it creates more syntactic noise in the unambiguous cases (e.g. f Int, assuming no data constructor named Int)
    • it is inconsistent with what we have in types where @ is used as a visibility override
    • it does not move us towards a single syntax for types and terms, which would be an advantage when we have dependent types
    • The dual purpose of @ as both a visibility override and a namespace specifier would lead to unwanted interference between forall x. and forall x ->. For example, given f :: forall k. forall (a::k) -> blah, it wouldn't be possible to specify a=Int as f @Int; one would have to write f @_ @Int or change the type of f to f :: forall {k}. forall (a::k) -> blah.

    Richard Eisenberg characterizes this alternative as follows:

    It moves us away from uniformity. Let's even pretend for a moment that I'm not trying to actually merge the term-level and type-level.

    Right now, we can say this:

    type VDQ :: forall k1. forall k2 -> k1 -> k2 -> Type
    data VDQ k2 a b
    type VDQIntTrue = VDQ @Type Bool Int True
    type VDQCharFalse = VDQ Bool Char False

    If we were to require the @ in terms, the term-level equivalent would be:

    vid :: forall a. forall b -> a -> b -> ()
    vid _ _ _ = ()
    ex1 = vid @Int @Bool 3 True
    ex2 = vid @_ @Bool 'x' False

    These look different! Why different syntaxes for the same idea?

    Worse, imagine a data constructor:

    data Silly a b where
      Mk :: forall a. forall b -> a -> b -> Silly a b

    Now we have this oddity:

    type Different1 = Mk @Nat Bool 3 True
    type Different2 = Mk Bool "hi" False
    different3 = Mk @Int @Bool 3 True
    different4 = Mk @_ @Bool "hi" False

    Here, the right-hand sides should be the same, but they have to be different.

    Today, we have non-uniformity by omission: we have no visible forall in types of terms. But with your proposed @ on required dependent arguments, we would have active non-uniformity, which seems worse as it paints us into a corner that's difficult to escape from. At least non-uniformity by omission can, in theory, be fixed uniformly, later.

  2. A previous iteration of this proposal dictated to switch to a type-level name resolution context when processing types-in-terms; we could also parse the right-hand side of forall a. t as a type; and we could map the forall in terms bind variables in the type namespace.

    The parsing and name resolution rules of these alternatives were deemed too subtle, so we opted for a design where types-in-terms are parsed and renamed as ordinary terms.

  3. We could error on ambiguous variable occurrences earlier in the pipeline, in the renamer, but then enabling RequiredTypeArguments would result in rejecting currently valid code:

    id :: forall a. a -> a
    id a = (a :: a)

    Instead, we opted to raise the ambiguity error during T2T.

  4. We could permit visible forall in Haskell98-style data declarations, where invisible forall is already allowed to bind existential variables.

    However, GHC does not support syntactically nested foralls in such declarations. Compare:

    • data Flat = forall a b. MkFlat a b
    • data Nested = forall a. forall b. MkNested a b

    At the time of writing this proposal, Flat is a valid declaration whereas Nested results in a parse error.

    This means that the following declaration would be rejected even if we allowed visible forall:

    data MixedVis = forall a. forall b -> MkMixedVis a b

    A similar limitation in GADTs is addressed by GHC Proposal #402 (accepted, not implemented). In principle, nothing precludes us from extending the syntax of existential quantification in Haskell98-style data declarations in a similar manner, but nothing compels us to do so either.

None at the moment.

I (Vladislav Zavialov) or a close collaborator will implement this change. See GHC tickets #22326 and #23717 for an implementation plan with a subtask breakdown.