The following instructions give a step-by-step guide to launching an AWS virtual machine
with all the required prerequisites to run openproblems
Please be respectful of our finite resources!
- The use of the
AWS account is a privilege, not a right. - This privilege is given solely for the purposes of testing methods with
openproblems-cli test
. - Developers who have their own compute resources should use them; please help us conserve our resources for those who need them.
- If developers are found to be using resources irresponsibly, we may have to revoke this privilege.
- a Unix-based OS (Mac or Linux), though you should be able to amend the commands for use on Windows (or consider Windows Subsystem for Linux).
- jq
The following instructions are for bash
, other shell users may need to modify commands
First, if you have recieved openproblems AWS credentials, configure AWS to use them.
Note: openproblems
uses us-west-2
as default region. If you have other AWS accounts,
you can configure AWS with multiple accounts by using the AWS_PROFILE
export AWS_PROFILE=openproblems
aws configure
Second, create a key pair (only do this once):
KEY_NAME="my_openproblems_key" # name this whatever you like, but it must be unique
aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name $KEY_NAME --key-format pem \
--query "KeyMaterial" --output text > ${KEY_NAME}.pem
chmod 400 ${KEY_NAME}.pem
Now, create an instance with your key pair:
aws ec2 run-instances --count 1 --image-id ami-01219569b1bbf9fb2 \
--instance-type $AWS_EC2_INSTANCE_TYPE --key-name $KEY_NAME \
--security-group-ids sg-002d2b9db29bb43dd \
--tag-specifications "ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=owner,Value=${OWNER_NAME}}]" |
jq '.["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"]' |
tr -d '"'
Get the public DNS address for your instance
sleep 30 # wait for boot
aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID |
jq '.["Reservations"][0]["Instances"][0]["PublicDnsName"]' |
tr -d '"'
Now you can SSH into your instance:
# check the status of your instance
aws ec2 describe-instance-status --instance-id ${INSTANCE_ID} | \
jq '.["InstanceStatuses"][0]["SystemStatus"]'
ssh -i ${KEY_NAME}.pem ubuntu@${PUBLIC_DNS_NAME}
The instance will by default contain all dependencies to use openproblems
. You can
run openproblems
git clone
cd openproblems
sudo docker run \
-v $(pwd):/usr/src/singlecellopenproblems -v /tmp:/tmp \
-it singlecellopenproblems/openproblems bash
openproblems-cli --help
For more information on using the CLI, see
When you are done, make sure to shut down your instance:
aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids ${INSTANCE_ID}
Finally, make sure you don't have any instances left running:
aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=tag:owner,Values=${OWNER_NAME}"