- Added
to dependencies - Fixed Issues #221, #202, #191, #215, #174, #201, #220, #211, #197, #198, #204
- Fixed sklean pip install name
- Updated batch norm discussion
- Added exercises to GNN, XAI chapters
- Fixed discussion of pooling invariance
- Progress on molnet chapter
- Added simpletransformers and e3nn dependencies
- Added two new chapters - e3nn_traj, pre-training
- Various fixes in Equivariant, tuning chapters.
- Various typos/bug fixes in chapters
- Fixed import errors in dmol package
- Removed constantly failing branch deploy
- Added more information on stereochemistry
- Added autoplayer for mp4s
- Livecommsj release
- Added SymPy
- Added description of nonlinearity to equiv chapter
- Added example implementation to equiv chapter
- Added Merhad's Chapter on Hyperparameter optimization
- Removed permutation equivariance from equivariance chapter
- Finished irrep discussion in that chapter
- Started new chapter on modern molecule nets
- Removed pygraphviz
- Switched to rdkit
- Increased standard figure size a bit
- Revised GNN intro
- Doubled DPI on figures
- Revised GNN chapter to have discussion of future section
- Fixed long-standing emlp bug
- Improved logic on branch deploy
- Add SchNet implementation
- Switched to three version scheme
- Centered output figures
- Made github button open on github
- Add SchNet description to GNN
- Put package onto pypi
- Revised fonts
- First versioned released
- Added consistent style to plots
- Simplifed header
- Replaced logo
- Bumped to latest dependencies