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Web client for a WiFi based contact tracing application, developed as part of @danilo-delbusso's a final year project
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ℹ About The Project

The project is aimed at creating a web client to easily interface with data collected about contagion.

It does not implement authentication, and it's mainly used for data visualisation, as well as generating QR codes to upload data.

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💽 Installation

This client fetches data from the server module. You should make sure you have a working instance of it running.

🐋 Docker

This installation is the fastest, but requires Docker.

This installation is also suggested for running on remote servers and cloud service providers.

Once you have Docker run

docker build -t client . && docker run -it client

The client will be available at http://localhost:3000

💻 Local Installation

To install locally without the use of Docker you will need the following dependencies installed and configured on your system:

It is suggested to install Node.js and npm using nvm.

Install local dependencies

npm install

And then run

npm start

⚙ Configuration

This repository contains a pre-packaged configuration in the form of an .env file.

While it is useful to demo and run the application, it is important to CHANGE THE VALUES for security reasons.

This is an overview of the used .env values:

Name Description Default Value
REACT_APP_MODE production if running the app in production, dev if otherwise production
REACT_APP_SERVER_URL_PRODUCTION The URL of the API when REACT_APP_MODE=production http://localhost:4683
REACT_APP_SERVER_URL The URL of the API when REACT_APP_MODE=dev http://localhost:4683

🗺 Roadmap

See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).

💁 Contributing

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create.

The repo itself is just used to show the project. It is NOT actively maintained. The author suggests forking the project instead of opening new issues.

⚖ License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

🐦 Contact

Danilo Del Busso - @danilo_delbusso

🙏 Attributions

Icons made by Freepik from