This script will install android sdk and flutter sdk on ~/Android. If you select install with Android Studio, Android Studio will installed on /opt/android-studio
Arch linux based OS (Pacman).
Debian 11 based OS, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS based OS or newer (APT).
bash, zsh or fish shell.
- Clone this repository and run
git clone
cd flutter-install
- Follow step installation on script
If you want change your shell, you must put your path manualy
# from fish to bash/zsh
## add this line to your .bashrc or .zshrc, if already exits you can skip
source $HOME/Android/flutterrc
# from bash/zsh to fish
## add this line to ~/.config/fish/, if already exits you can skip
source $HOME/Android/
You can set browser for flutter web on ~Android/flutterrc or ~/Android/
# fish
## remove comment (#) and edit this line on ~/Android/
set -x CHROME_EXECUTABLE "/path/to/your/browser"
# bash/zsh
## remove comment (#) and edit this line on ~Android/flutterrc
export CHROME_EXECUTABLE="/path/to/your/browser"
If you want install AVD witout Android Studio you can install emulator
# Install emulator
sdkmanager --install emulator
# For more instruction about emulator you can tipe --help
emulator --help
# Example for installing a emulator
## Search system image you want install
sdkmanager --list
## Download system image, exp:
sdkmanager --install "system-images;android-33;google_apis_playstore;x86_64"
## Create Emulator
avdmanager create avd -n Emulatorname -k "system-images;android-33;google_apis_playstore;x86_64" --device "pixel"
## Exp to start Emulator with gpu and 2048MB memory
emulator -avd Emulatorname -gpu host -memory 2048