- Changed
- Dependencies updated: libtcod-cffi>=2.4.3,<3
- You can now create Console instances before a call to tdl.init.
- Removed
- Dropped support for Python 3.3
- Fixed
- Resolved issues with MacOS builds.
- 'OpenGL' and 'GLSL' renderers work again.
- Changed
- KeyEvent's with text now have all their modifier keys set to False.
- Fixed
- Undefined behaviour in text events caused crashes on 32-bit builds.
- Added
- KeyEvent supports libtcod text and meta keys.
- Changed
- KeyEvent parameters have been moved.
- This version requires libtcod-cffi>=2.3.0.
- Deprecated
- KeyEvent camel capped attribute names are deprecated.
- Fixed
- Crashes with key-codes undefined by libtcod.
- tdl.map typedef issues with libtcod-cffi.
- Fixed
- tdl.init renderer was defaulted to OpenGL which is not supported in the current version of libtcod.
- Changed
- Dependencies updated, tdl now requires libtcod-cffi 2.x.x
- Some event behaviours have changed with SDL2, event keys might be different than what you expect.
- Removed
- Key repeat functions were removed from SDL2. set_key_repeat is now stubbed, and does nothing.
- 1.6.0
- Console.blit methods can now take fg_alpha and bg_alpha parameters.
- 1.5.3
- set_font no longer crashes when loading a file without the implied font size in its name
- 1.5.2
- fixed non-square Map instances
- 1.5.1
- fixed errors with Unicode and non-Unicode literals on Python 2
- fixed attribute error in compute_fov
- 1.5.0
- python-tdl distributions are now universal builds
- new Map class
- map.bresenham now returns a list
- this release will require libtcod-cffi v0.2.3 or later
- 1.4.0
- The DLL's have been moved into another library which you can find at https://github.com/HexDecimal/libtcod-cffi You can use this library to have some raw access to libtcod if you want. Plus it can be used alongside TDL.
- The libtocd console objects in Console instances have been made public.
- Added tdl.event.wait function. This function can called with a timeout and can automatically call tdl.flush.
- 1.3.1
- Fixed pathfinding regressions.
- 1.3.0
- Updated backend to use python-cffi instead of ctypes. This gives decent boost to speed in CPython and a drastic to boost in speed in PyPy.
- 1.2.0
- The set_colors method now changes the default colors used by the draw_* methods. You can use Python's Ellipsis to explicitly select default colors this way.
- Functions and Methods renamed to match Python's style-guide PEP 8, the old function names still exist and are depreciated.
- The fgcolor and bgcolor parameters have been shortened to fg and bg
- 1.1.7
- Noise generator now seeds properly
- The OS event queue will now be handled during a call to tdl.flush. This prevents a common newbie programmer hang where events are handled infrequently during long animations, simulations, or early development
- Fixed a major bug that would cause a crash in later versions of Python 3
- 1.1.6
- Fixed a race condition when importing on some platforms
- Fixed a type issue with quickFOV on Linux
- Added a bresenham function to the tdl.map module
- 1.1.5
- a for loop can iterate over all coordinates of a Console
- drawStr can be configured to scroll or raise an error
- You can now configure or disable key repeating with tdl.event.setKeyRepeat
- Typewriter class removed, use a Window instance for the same functionality
- setColors method fixed
- 1.1.4
- Merged the Typewriter and MetaConsole classes, You now have a virtual cursor with Console and Window objects
- Fixed the clear method on the Window class
- Fixed screenshot function
- Fixed some drawing operations with unchanging backgrounds
- Instances of Console and Noise can be pickled and copied
- Added KeyEvent.keychar
- Fixed event.keyWait, and now converts window closed events into Alt+F4
- 1.1.3
- Some of the setFont parameters were incorrectly labeled and documented
- setFont can auto-detect tilesets if the font sizes are in the filenames
- Added some X11 unicode tilesets, including unifont.
- 1.1.2
- Window title now defaults to the running scripts filename
- Fixed incorrect deltaTime for App.update
- App will no longer call tdl.flush on its own, you'll need to call this yourself
- tdl.noise module added
- clear method now defaults to black on black
- 1.1.1
- map submodule added with AStar class and quickFOV function
- new Typewriter class
- most console functions can use Python-style negative indexes now
- new App.runOnce method
- rectangle geometry is less strict
- 1.1.0
- KeyEvent.keyname is now KeyEvent.key
- MouseButtonEvent.button now behaves like KeyEvent.keyname does
- event.App class added
- drawing methods no longer have a default for the character parameter
- KeyEvent.ctrl is now KeyEvent.control