- 1. 数据说明
- 2. 质控与数据预处理
- 3. Mapping
- 4. 安装GATK4与数据准备
- 5. 排序及标记重复
- 6. 质量值校正
- 7. SNP、 INDEL位点识别
- 8. 变异位点过滤
- 9. 变异位点注释
|----------fastq # 保存fastq文件,包括原始fastq文件和预处理后得到的fastq文件
|----------fastqc # FastQC质控的输出结果
|----------Ref # 参考序列(hg19:chr17)以及索引(BWA索引)
|----------sam # 保存数据处理过程中产生的sam/bam文件
1. 数据说明 目录
从一个人的 Pair-end 重测序数据集中,抽出chr17染色体7400000-7800000的序列,得到测试用的fastq文件
- T_1.fastq
- T_2.fastq
2. 质控与数据预处理 目录
$ fastqc -f fastq T_1.fastq T_2.fastq -o fastqc/
$ cutadpat -q 20,20 -m 20 -o T_1.QC.fastq -p T_2.QC.fastq T_1.fastq T_2.fastq
3. Mapping 目录
# 先建索引
$ nohup wget -c http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/chromFa.tar.gz >download.log &
$ tar zxvf chromFa.tar.gz
$ cp chr17.fa /share/disk5/lianm/GATK4_practice/Ref
$ bwa index -a bwtsw chr17.fa
# 比对
$ bwa mem Ref/chr17.fa fastq/T_1.QC.fastq fastq/T_2.QC.fastq -R \
'@RG\tID:T\tLB:T\tSM:T\tPL:ILLUMINA' > sam/T.chr17.sam
4. 安装GATK4与数据准备 目录
$ nohup wget -c https://github.com/broadinstitute/gatk/releases/download/ >gatk4_download.log &
$ unzip gatk-
# gatk不需要安装,只需要将其路径加入到PATH中即可
$ echo "export PATH=/share/disk5/lianm/biosoft/gatk-\$PATH" >>~/.bash_profile
$ . ~/.bash_profile
$ gatk [--java-options "-Xmx4G"] ToolName [GATK args]
$ gatk ToolName -h/--help
$ samtools faidx Ref/chr17.fa # 这一步运行很快,执行结束后会在chr17.fa所在文件夹下生成chr17.fai文件
$ gatk CreateSequenceDictionary -R Ref/chr17.fa -O Ref/chr17.dict
@HD VN:1.5
@SQ SN:chr17 LN:81195210 M5:351f64d4f4f9ddd45b35336ad97aa6de UR:file:/share/disk5/lianm/GATK4_practice/Ref/chr17.fa
5. 排序及标记重复 目录
# 排序
$ gatk SortSam -I sam/T.chr17.sam -O sam/T.chr17.sort.bam -R Ref/chr17.fa \
-SO coordinate --CREATE_INDEX
# 标记重复,这一步会比较费时
$ gatk MarkDuplicates -I sam/T.chr17.sort.bam -O sam/T.chr17.markdup.bam \
-M sam/T.chr17.metrics --CREATE_INDEX
# SortSam的参数说明:
--SORT_ORDER,-SO:SortOrder Sort order of output file. Required. Possible values: {
"queryname" (Sorts according to the readname. This will place read-pairs and other derived
reads (secondary and supplementary) adjacent to each other. Note that the readnames are
compared lexicographically, even though they may include numbers. In paired reads, Read1
sorts before Read2.)
"coordinate" (Sorts primarily according to the SEQ and POS fields of the record. The
sequence will sorted according to the order in the sequence dictionary, taken from from
the header of the file. Within each reference sequence, the reads are sorted by the
position. Unmapped reads whose mates are mapped will be placed near their mates. Unmapped
read-pairs are placed after all the mapped reads and their mates.)
duplicate (Sorts the reads so that duplicates reads are adjacent. Required that the
mate-cigar (MC) tag is present. The resulting will be sorted by library, unclipped 5-prime
position, orientation, and mate's unclipped 5-prime position.)
--CREATE_INDEX:Boolean Whether to create a BAM index when writing a coordinate-sorted BAM file. Default value:
false. Possible values: {true, false}
# MarkDuplicates的参数说明
--METRICS_FILE,-M:File File to write duplication metrics to Required.
6. 质量值校正 目录
$ gatk BaseRecalibrator -R Ref/chr17.fa -I sam/T.chr17.markdup.bam -O \
sam/T.chr17.recal.table --known-sites ../Ref/VCF/dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf --known-sites \
../Ref/VCF/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg19.vcf --known-sites \
--known-sites:FeatureInput One or more databases of known polymorphic sites used to exclude regions around known
polymorphisms from analysis. This argument must be specified at least once. Required.
$ gatk ApplyBQSR -R Ref/chr17.fa -I sam/T.chr17.markdup.bam -bqsr \
sam/T.chr17.recal.table -O sam/T.chr17.recal.bam
--bqsr-recal-file,-bqsr:File Input recalibration table for BQSR Required.
7. SNP、 INDEL位点识别 目录
$ gatk HaplotypeCaller -R Ref/chr17.fa -I sam/T.chr17.recal.bam -ERC GVCF \ --dbsnp ../Ref/VCF/dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf -O calling/T.chr17.raw.snps.indels.vcf -L \ chr17:7400000-7800000
--dbsnp,-D:FeatureInput dbSNP file Default value: null. --emit-ref-confidence,-ERC:ReferenceConfidenceMode Mode for emitting reference confidence scores Default value: NONE. Possible values: {NONE, BP_RESOLUTION, GVCF} --intervals,-L:String One or more genomic intervals over which to operate This argument may be specified 0 or more times. Default value: null.
-L 规定识别突变位点的区域,如-L chr17:7400000-7800000 只识别17号染色体7400000-7800000 区域的突变位点。 全外显子组分析请用捕获区域bed文件。
$ gatk GenotypeGVCFs -R Ref/chr17.fa --dbsnp ../Ref/VCF/dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf \
--variant calling/T.chr17.raw.snps.indels.vcf -O calling/T.chr17.raw.snps.indels.genotype.vcf
--variant,-V:String A VCF file containing variants Required.
7.1. VCF格式 目录
- QUAL: Phred格式(Phred_scaled)的质量值,表示在该位点存在variant的可能性;该值越高,则variant的可能性越大;
计算方法: Phred值 = -10 * log (1-p) p为variant存在的概率; 通过计算公式可以看出值为10的表示错误概率为0.1,该位点为variant的概率为90%
- FILTER:过滤信息; GATK能使用其它的方法来进行过滤,过滤结果中通过则该值为” PASS”;若variant不可靠,则该项不为” PASS”或” .”
- INFO : variant的详细信息
- FORMAT 和 T: sample的基因型的信息。代表这该名称的样品,是由BAM文件中的@RG下的 SM 标签决定的
GT :基因型(Genotype)
- 两个数字中间用’ /'分 开,这两个数字表示双倍体的sample的基因型。
- 0 表示样品中有ref的allele;
- 1 表示样品中variant的allele;
- 2表示有第二个variant的allele。
- 0/0 表示sample中该位点为纯合的,和ref一致;
- 0/1 表示sample中该位点为杂合的,有ref和variant两个基因型;
- 1/1 表示sample中该位点为纯合的,和variant一致。
AD : (Allele Depth)每一种allele的reads覆盖度
- 在diploid中则是用逗号分割的两个值,前者对应ref基因型,后者对应variant基因型;
DP : (Depth)该位点的覆盖度
GQ : 基因型的质量值(Genotype Quality)
- Phred格式(Phred_scaled)的质量值,表示在该位点该基因型存在的可能性;该值越高,则Genotype的可能性越 大;
- 计算方法: Phred值 = -10 * log (1-p) p为基因型存在的概率。
PL : 三种基因型的质量值(provieds the likelihoods of the given genotypes)
- 这三种指定的基因型为(0/0,0/1,1/1),这三种基因型的概率总和为1。
- 该值越大,表明为该种基因型的可能性越小。 Phred值 = -10 * log (p) p为基因型存在的概率。
AC(Allele Count) 表示该Allele的数目;
AF(Allele Frequency) 表示Allele的频率;
AN(Allele Number) 表示Allele的总数目;
DP: reads覆盖度。是一些reads被过滤掉后的覆盖度;
FS:使用Fisher’s精确检验来检测strand bias而得到的phred格式的p值。该值越小越好;
HaplotypeScore: Consistency of the site with at most two segregating haplotypes 单倍体得分,值越小越好;
MQ: RMS Mapping Quality 所有样本中比对质量的均方根。值越大越好;
MQRankSum: Z-score From Wilcoxon rank sum test of Alt vs. Ref read mapping qualities,对突变位点和参考序列位点比对质量值进行秩和检验的Z值,该值越大越好;
QD: Variant Confidence/Quality by Depth 位点覆盖深度的可信度,值越大越好;
ReadPosRankSum: Z-score from Wilcoxon rank sum test of Alt vs. Ref read position bias 突变位点与序列末端的距离,距离末端越近,则越可能为假阳性位点,值越大越好;
8. 变异位点过滤 目录
|--- 测序错误
|--- 比对错误
|--- 覆盖度不足
|--- 捕获不到
- Extract the SNPs from the call set
- Apply the filter to the SNP call set
- Extract the Indels from the call set
- Apply the filter to the Indel call set
- Combine SNP and indel call set
- Get passed call set
$ gatk SelectVariants -R Ref/chr17.fa -V calling/T.chr17.raw.snps.indels.genotype.vcf \ --select-type-to-include SNP -O filter/T.chr17.raw.snps.genotype.vcf
--select-type-to-include,-select-type:Type Select only a certain type of variants from the input file This argument may be specified 0 or more times. Default value: null. Possible values: {NO_VARIATION, SNP, MNP, INDEL, SYMBOLIC, MIXED}
$ gatk SelectVariants -R Ref/chr17.fa -V calling/T.chr17.raw.snps.indels.genotype.vcf \ --select-type-to-include INDEL -O filter/T.chr17.raw.indels.genotype.vcf
$ gatk VariantFiltration -R Ref/chr17.fa -V filter/T.chr17.raw.snps.genotype.vcf --filter-expression "QD < 2.0 || FS > 60.0 || MQ < 40.0 || SOR > 3.0 || MQRankSum < -12.5 || \ ReadPosRankSum < -8.0" --filter-name "SNP_FILTER" -O filter/T.chr17.filter.snps.genotype.vcf
--filter-expression,-filter:String One or more expression used with INFO fields to filter This argument may be specified 0 or more times. Default value: null. --filter-name:String Names to use for the list of filters This argument may be specified 0 or more times. Default value: null.
$ gatk VariantFiltration -R Ref/chr17.fa -V filter/T.chr17.raw.indels.genotype.vcf --filter-expression "QD < 2.0 || FS > 200.0 || SOR > 10.0 || MQRankSum < -12.5 || ReadPosRankSum < \ -20.0" --filter-name "INDEL_FILTER" -O filter/T.chr17.filter.indels.genotype.vcf
合并过滤后SNP、 INDEL文件
$ gatk MergeVcfs -I filter/T.chr17.filter.snps.genotype.vcf -I \ filter/T.chr17.filter.indels.genotype.vcf -O filter/T.chr17.filter.snps.indels.genotype.vcf
$ gatk SelectVariants -R Ref/chr17.fa -V filter/T.chr17.filter.snps.indels.genotype.vcf -O T.chr17.pass.snps.indels.genotype.vcf -select "vc.isNotFiltered()"
--selectExpressions,-select:String One or more criteria to use when selecting the data This argument may be specified 0 or more times. Default value: null.
9. 变异位点注释 目录
9.1. Annovar 目录
9.1.1. 简介 目录
Annovar: http://annovar.openbioinformatics.org/en/latest/
- It can annotate single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and insertions/deletions.
- Gene-based, region-based and filter-based annotation of genetic variants.
- Versatile annotator: custom annotations.
- Only print the worst consequence.
- -downdb 数据库下载
- -geneanno 基因注释
- -regionanno 区域注释
- -filter 过滤
table_annovar.pl 综合注释
Gene-based annotation: identify whether SNPs or CNVs cause protein coding changes and the amino acids that are affected. Users can flexibly use RefSeq genes, UCSC genes, ENSEMBL genes, GENCODE genes, AceView genes, or many other gene definition systems.
Region-based annotation: identify variants in specific genomic regions, for example, conserved regions among 44 species, predicted transcription factor binding sites, segmental duplication regions, GWAS hits, database of genomic variants, DNAse I hypersensitivity sites, ENCODE H3K4Me1/H3K4Me3/H3K27Ac/CTCF sites, ChIP-Seq peaks, RNA-Seq peaks, or many other annotations on genomic intervals.
Filter-based annotation: identify variants that are documented in specific databases, for example, whether a variant is reported in dbSNP, what is the allele frequency in the 1000 Genome Project, NHLBI-ESP 6500 exomes or Exome Aggregation Consortium, calculate the SIFT/PolyPhen/LRT/MutationTaster/MutationAssessor/FATHMM/MetaSVM/MetaLR scores, find intergenic variants with GERP++ score < 2, or many other annotations on specific mutations.
Other functionalities: Retrieve the nucleotide sequence in any user-specific genomic positions in batch, identify a candidate gene list for Mendelian diseases from exome data, and other utilities.
9.1.2. 使用 目录
$ perl annotate_variation.pl --buildver hg19 --downdb gwasCatalog humandb/
--buildver <string> specify genome build version (default: hg18 for human) --downdb download annotation database
perl annotate_variation.pl -h
参考命令的使用示例:Example: #download annotation databases from ANNOVAR or UCSC and save to humandb/ directory annotate_variation.pl -downdb -webfrom annovar refGene humandb/ annotate_variation.pl -buildver mm9 -downdb refGene mousedb/ annotate_variation.pl -downdb -webfrom annovar esp6500siv2_all humandb/ #gene-based annotation of variants in the varlist file (by default --geneanno is ON) annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg19 ex1.avinput humandb/ #region-based annotate variants annotate_variation.pl -regionanno -buildver hg19 -dbtype cytoBand ex1.avinput humandb/ annotate_variation.pl -regionanno -buildver hg19 -dbtype gff3 -gff3dbfile tfbs.gff3 ex1.avinput humandb/ #filter rare or unreported variants (in 1000G/dbSNP) or predicted deleterious variants annotate_variation.pl -filter -dbtype 1000g2015aug_all -maf 0.01 ex1.avinput humandb/ annotate_variation.pl -filter -buildver hg19 -dbtype snp138 ex1.avinput humandb/ annotate_variation.pl -filter -dbtype dbnsfp30a -otherinfo ex1.avinput humandb/
$ perl convert2annovar.pl -format vcf4 T.chr17.pass.snps.indels.genotype.vcf > annotation/T.chr17.pass.snps.indels.genotype.avinput
$ perl table_annovar.pl annotation/T.chr17.pass.snps.indels.genotype.avinput humandb/ -buildver hg19 -outfile annotation/T -remove -protocol refGene,gwasCatalog -operation g,r -nastring .
table_annovar.pl [arguments] <query-file> <database-location>
--outfile <string> output file name prefix --remove remove all temporary files. By default, all temporary files will be kept for user inspection, but this will easily clutter the directory. --protocol comma-delimited string specifying annotation protocol. These strings typically represent database names in ANNOVAR. --operation comma-delimited string specifying type of operation. These strings can be g (gene), r (region) or f (filter). --nastring string to display when a score is not available. By default, empty string is printed in the output file.