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+# Developer - Winter of Code 2020
+## Kartikeya Sharma
+# Organization -
+# Overview
+## About me
+š Iām a Mobile Developer enthusiast , Machine Learning Expert & Programmer a junior pursuing my Bachelors in Computer Science & Engineering šØāš» I am passionate about Data Structure, Web ,DevOps & I enjoy learning new things. YouTuber
+# About the Project - DSC-NSEC-App
+This is the organization app . which holds all the information of the organization like teams , events , info , task etc . technology used in this app for front end is flutter and for backend rest apis. This app provides you magnificient user interface , animations which is very interactive .
+### My Mentors
+#### saurav kumar [][sauravKumarLinkedIn]
+#### Ashutosh Krishna [][ashutoshKrishnaLinkedIn]
+#### Ayush Singh [][ayushSinghLinkedIn]
+# Contribtuions
+### * Custom event card added-
+- i made a custom event card.
+- then i added that custom event carded to respective places wherever it is required .
+- i done some modification in it like its in ui .
+- after that we have to also make it vidible for both past , future , present .
+### * fix home page height-
+- removed all the extra imports and variables .
+- i used screenutils in it . there is some problem in the height of the page which is not working properly on the different devices i solved that .
+### * Team member-
+- for this first of all i generated the class of team memberDetails
+- connected the rest api .
+- make the teammembersdetail.dart full ui.
+- the page is completelety dynamic and working properly on the all the types of screen.
+### * Team member-
+- for this first of all i generated the class of team memberDetails
+- connected the rest api .
+- make the teammembersdetail.dart full ui.
+- the page is completelety dynamic and working properly on the all the types of screen.
+### * contributiors card and integration-
+- genenrate custom contributor card
+- call the rest api.
+- solve the margins issue.
+- dynamic calling of api and show them on screen .
+- i make all the card dynamic according to the screen .
+# Here some of my Pull Requests
+* **WoC-2020- fix home page height #1:** https://github.com/dscnsec/DSC-NSEC-App/pull/1
+* **Event #2:** https://github.com/dscnsec/DSC-NSEC-App/pull/2
+* **Task 2 #3:** https://github.com/dscnsec/DSC-NSEC-App/pull/3
+* **Task 2 - fixes #4:** https://github.com/dscnsec/DSC-NSEC-App/pull/4
+* **WoC task 3 #5:** https://github.com/dscnsec/DSC-NSEC-App/pull/5
+# Future Scope
+- app can be put on the play store .
+- more customixation can be put in application .
+- more animations can be added .
+- The user interface can be more improvised .
+# Overall Experience
+* this journey was amazing and intresting .
+* my mentors was nice , polite and genuine, they helped me and always try to give me proper information of the work that i have to do in it .
+* they were always there to solve any issue that i face .
+* I learned a lot of new things in this journey the code base was so nicely written. It was very easy to undersatnd .
+* I learned new widgets and packages .
+* specially about animations that is used in this app was so amazing . and there code was properly written . animation part was very difficult but it is beautifully explained in the code it is a huge benifit for me .
+[website]: https://savagecarol.github.io/
+[linkedin]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/savagecarol/
+[medium]: https://karthiksharma1411.medium.com/
+[twitter]: https://twitter.com/_savage_carol_/
+[mail]: mailto:karthiksharma1411@gmail.com/
+[project]: https://github.com/dscnsec/DSC-NSEC-App/
+[youtube]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbaBHATNs2ved8TWVJYhZ7Q?view_as=subscribe/
+[ayushSinghLinkedIn]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashutoshkrris/
+[ashutoshKrishnaLinkedIn]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashutoshkrris/
+[sauravKumarLinkedIn]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saurav0001kumar/