All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Revert changes about anonymous checkbox and hide sensitive informative
- CrypsisB4 : use B4 styling for tabs write and preview when use bbcode editor
- When enable anonymous and post as guest users logued see the anonymous box
- CrypsisB4 : when use default setting for quick reply, nothing open when click on button quick reply
- Typo in url to get user profile link
- CrypsisB4 : when click on delete all attachments it displays a javascript error
- CKEDITOR instance is not defined in edit.js file when using bbcode editor
- #8058: Crypsisb4,Crypsisb3: Change of the category switches to legacy symbols #8058
- Display checkbox for hide sensitive information and name for anynomous even if user is logged
- #8582: QR and go to editor - Text is not transferred to the editor #8582
- #8243: Quick Reply and go to editor - missing in crypsisb3 and crypsisb4 #8243
- #8243: Quick Reply and go to editor - it only keeps the content if you use the button at the last message on each side #8243
- Forgot to change the files when set Joomla! minimum version to 3.10.3
- Error in javascript console about CKeditor missing plugin file because it try to load it
- #8297: Quotes show only first names, not full name #8297
- #8575: For each link it adds int(0) int(1) at the beginning of the message #8575
- #8389: [CKEditor] Line break shows the html code in the message #8389
- Search user avatar, the query to the user list return some null result for "photo" item
- #8292: When bbcode tags aren't terminated you have some warning
- Update minimum version for Joomla! to 3.10.3
- Update CKeditor to 4.17.1
- Update CKeditor to 4.16.2
- Update minimum version for Joomla! 3.10.0 and set as preferred
- Update minimum version for Joomla! 3.10 to RC1
- Update fontawesome to 5.15.4
- #8216: Crypsisb3 & Crypsisb4 : The BBcode editor loads no toolbar (crypsisb4 missing style to diplay bbcode correctly) #8216
- #8223: Wysiwyg : You can't Submit the message
- #8228: Wysiwyg: Remove attachment from message, duplicates the code tags (fix install all)
- #8229: Quick Reply and go to editor - only the CKEditor receives the content
- #8224: BBcode and Wysiwyg etitor: Remove single images from messages do not work correctly
- #8225: Typo in administrator en-GB.com_kunena.views.ini line 922
- #8221: Insert images in messages works only with the CKEditor
- #8216: Crypsisb3 & Crypsisb4 : The BBcode editor loads no toolbar (missing images in crypsisb4)
- #8216: Crypsisb3 & Crypsisb4 : The BBcode editor loads no toolbar
- #8214: Only with Crypsisb3 & Crypsisb4: It does not switch to another editor
- #8211: Temporary rendering error at editor
- #8208: Only with PHP 8 : Warning at bullet list
- #8205: Only with PHP 8 : Warning: getimagesize - when protect attachment is on (apply the fix too in crypsisb3)
- #8205: Only with PHP 8 : Warning: getimagesize - when protect attachment is on
- #8204: Only with PHP 8 : Warning: Undefined array key at quoted text
- #8166: [CKEditor] CKEditor bug using lists
- #8170: Error when trying to view profile of banned user
- Reintroduce the editors available in Kunena 5.1.x to let users replace CKeditor
- Disable the WYSIBB option in template settings untill that last bug with it are fixed
- #7997: Can't add an attachment to the message when Add Suffix to URL and rewrite url is enabled #7997
- Workaround on CKeditor to avoid to it fails completly when the start or end tag aren't terminated like : [b]Hello world![/b
- #8074: Editing removes the subscription (Part 4)
- Exact forum post link is missing in search results
- #8050: Kunena Discuss Error: Rendering Error in layout Topic/Item when topic layout is Threaded or Indented
- #8033: Poll: Notice: Undefined variable: polllifespan - (if the Lifetime field is not filled)
- In backend, in templates list view before to do the request to get the list of premium templates it check if the method to do it are presents in the system
- Allowing ',' in font name in bbcode
- #8020: Polls are not displayed Rendering Error in layout ...
- #6023: Ban from forum does not work (part 2)
- Don't logout the user when do unban, related to the issue #5956
- When the poll has ended display a different string next to the poll life span
- Quote on messages done on previous versions not show the author user of the quote but the current user
- On crypsisb3 and crypsisb4, the poll icon is disabled on categories which have polls enabled which contains sub-categories
- On crypsisb3 and crypsisb4 when edit a poll the fields (poll title, options...) aren't filled
- On crypsisb3 and crypsisb4 some strings of poll dialog aren't here and the poll title label isn't translated
- #7996: Impossible to choose birthdate with datepicker
- An username still appears on quote even on quote not related to a message
- When quote a message from someone which have a name or an username with more than one word, it displays only the first word
- When try to enabling some integration plugins it doesn't work
- #5956: We need another message when someone try to enable not needed Kunena plugins
- Display poll end time if exist next to the poll title on results and vote layout
- Update CKeditor to 4.16.1
- Set a bit smaller the poll life time
- Set the following date format for all datepicker : yyyy-mm-dd
- Log all the actions into Php file during Kunena install, to have a way to find the error in case of fail
- Missing call for namespace Joomla\CMS\Language\Text in some templates files
- Improve display of quote in message and move quote in template
- When Altauserpoints plugin integration is enabled it don't follow Altauserpoints settings to display the name or the username
- When Easy profile plugin integration is enabled it don't follow Easy profile settings to display the name or the username
- #7977: KunenaBbcodeLibrary::DoInstagram() must be an instance of Nbbc\BBCode, string given
- When Jomsocial plugin integration is enabled it don't follow Jomsocial settings to display the name or the username
- #7945: The menu item Recent Topics shows either all or nothing
- Rendering Error in layout User/Ban/History: Call to a member function getName() on string in /libraries/kunena/layout/base.php on line 168
- Users always showing as "online" even when offline on the crypsisb4 template
- When integration with easysocial is enabled, get displayname setting from easysocial configuration to know what to display
- #7954: Quote adds the message ID of the quoted post
- #7955: [CKEditor]The editor not recognize our font size spec
- #7947: Names not displayed when Kunena Profile is disabled (in the Kunena Integration plugin)
- Update fontawesome to 5.15.3
- During install or update of Kunena the directories of CKeditor plugins not present anymore are deleted
- Typo in language file en-GB.com_kunena.templates.ini
- Add a new setting in templates to load fontawesome compatibility layer for version 4.x
- In KunenaUser class don't need to call in each method the config object because is called in contructor
- Remove check on install on fileinfo and openssl which prevent some users to install it
- #7943: Variable escaped {KunenaFactory::getProfile() in quote
- When enabling Easysocial integration in Kunena the username of user has disppear
- #7573: Subscription New Topics - notification is sent for each new message
- When enabling Jomsocial integration in Kunena the username of user has disppear
- When do a clean install of Kunena you aren't redirected to the install page
- #7875: [CKEditor] The attachment button Insert All duplicates the content of the posts
- #7930: Error 500 string to array conversion
- #7859: Reason for editing is hidden
- #7923: Poll in cat which contain subcategories aren't possible #7923
- #7919: Trying to get property 'userid' of non-object profile.php
- #7917: Trying to get property 'userid' of non-object profile.php
- #7913: Topic Template:Call undefined method KunenaUser::getName()
- #7869: Topic template - Options from the modal will not Implement
- #7845: enabling CB integration plugin errors (Part 2)
- Update part to check Php extensions because was duplicated
- Not possible to display a tweet on a message with blue eagle
- Missing setting for custom config file in crypsisb3 and b4
- #7857 : Crypsisb3 and b4 | The poll symbol not available category
- Check for ckeditor custom config file was wrong template (Part 2)
- Check for ckeditor custom config file was wrong template params
- Undefined variable: bigicon in /kunena/icons/icons.php line 1357
- Disable SpellChecker from Ckeditor to let the browser handle it
- Fix in case using parameters on CBForums plugin to sideprofile
- The changelog is a PHP file
- #7845: enabling CB integration plugin errors
- Add check for php extensions during Kunena installation
- Add a template params to load a custom config file for ckeditor
- #7933: Type mismatch in libraries/bbcode/bbcode.php
- Update CKeditor to 4.16.0
- Avoid to put line return on icons in Ckeditor
- Update fontawesome to 5.15.2
- Remove the button in template to access to manage categories from frontend, this feature isn't working (Part 2: forgot in crypsisb3)
- Remove the button in template to access to manage categories from frontend, this feature isn't working
- Remove uneeded plugins files for CKeditor