pip install indipy
This is the entrypoint for your server. You have two choices:
- Subprocess of the original indilib (http://indilib.org) (recommended)
- Standalone INDI server
You can have both in you project and run whatever you want.
The purpose of this script is to load all the device drivers and communicate with the world or indi server.
Examples (which can be copy pasted without any changes) can be found here: Subprocess version, Standalone version.
Examples above assume that device drivers are located in devices
module. Let's create a submodule named simple_device
with one device class SimpleDevice
and some common imports:
import logging
from indi.device import Driver, properties
from indi.device.pool import default_pool
from indi.device.events import on, Change
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SimpleDevice(Driver):
name = "First Simple Device"
In the listing above @default_pool.register
decorator ensures that the driver is loaded automatically on startup.
INDI standard defines hierarchy of objects.
Devices are built from groups
. Groups aggregate vectors
. Vectors contain elements
. Elements are the object which store values.
Let's add them to our simple device driver:
class SimpleDevice(Driver):
name = "First Simple Device"
example_group = properties.Group(
label="Example group",
label="Example text vector",
label="Example element,
default="Hello INDIpy",
Whenever value is changed an Event
object is sent. You can catch those object by implementing event handlers:
class SimpleDevice(Driver):
example_group = ...
@on(example_group.example_vector.example_element, Change)
def text_changed(event: Change):
f"Value for example element changed from {event.old_value} to {event.new_value}"
Examples above use *
import to load all the drivers from devices
from devices import *
In this case you need to ensure that loading devices
module loads all individual drivers modules. It's easiest accomplished by loading all driver classes in devices/__init__.py
from .simple_device load SimpleDevice