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File metadata and controls

172 lines (136 loc) · 6.88 KB


METAS eCertificate is a LaTeX template for an electronic calibration certificate with embedded data files.

Certificate without Data

The following command will generate a PDF/A-2u without embedded data files:


Certificate with Data

The following command will generate a PDF/A-3u with embedded data files:


The following command embeds a data file:


Multiple embedded data files are allowed in a PDF/A-3u.

Certificate Header

The following commands describe the certificate header:

\cobject{\textbf{Beschreibung des Pr\"uflings, eindeutige Identifikation}}
\corder{Kurze Beschreibung des Auftrags (Wenn aufgrund des Kalibriergegenstandes der Kalibrierumfang klar ist (z. B. Widerstand, Endmass), kann dieser Abschnitt ausnahmsweise weggelassen werden.)}
\capplicant{\textbf{Name und Adresse des Auftraggebers} \newline{}Firma, [Abteilung], Adresse PLZ Ort}
\cdate{20 February 2020}
\csection{Sector xxx}
\cauthor{First Name Last Name}
\creviewer{Dr First Name Last Name, Head of sector}

Uncomment the command \coldnumber{XXX-01233} will add the following text to the first page of the certificate:

Replaces the certificate no XXX-01233

The command \ccmc{0} will not add the CIPM MRA logo and certificates statement. The command \ccmc{1} will add the CIPM MRA logo and certificates statement to first page. See as well Use of the CIPM MRA logo and certificates statement.

Certificate Content

A calibration certificate contains the following sections:

    \section*{Extent of the Calibration}
    \section*{Measurement Procedure}
    \section*{Measurement Conditions}
    \section*{Measurement Results}


The LaTeX source of an example of an electronic certificate of calibration can be found here eExample.tex. In this example three data files are embedded with the following commands:


The generated PDF with embedded data file can be found here eExample.pdf.


The metadata of the generated PDF can be accessed for example from Python using the PyPDF2 package:

from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader
pdf_reader = PdfFileReader(open("eExample.pdf", "rb"), strict=False)
pdf_info = pdf_reader.getDocumentInfo()

pdf_info contains the following values:

    '/Certificate_of_Calibration_No': 'XXX-01234',
    '/Replaces_the_Certificate_No': '0',
    '/Object': 'Beschreibung des Prüflings, eindeutige Identifikation',
    '/Order': 'Kurze Beschreibung des Auftrags (Wenn aufgrund des Kalibriergegenstandes der Kalibrierumfang klar ist (z. B. Widerstand, Endmass), kann dieser Abschnitt ausnahmsweise weggelassen werden.)',
    '/Applicant': 'Name und Adresse des Auftraggebers Firma, [Abteilung], Adresse PLZ Ort',
    '/Traceability': 'The reported measurement values are traceable to national standards and thus to internationally supported realisations of the SI units.',
    '/Date_of_Calibration': '',
    '/Marking': 'Calibration label METAS mm.yyyy',
    '/Date_of_Certificate': '20 February 2020',
    '/For_the_Measurements': 'First Name Last Name',
    '/Approved_by': 'Dr First Name Last Name, Head of sector, Sector xxx',
    '/CMC': 'True', 
    '/Title': 'Certificate of Calibration No XXX-01234',
    '/Creator': 'LaTeX with hyperref',
    '/CreationDate': "D:20200221075548+01'00'", 
    '/ModDate': "D:20200221075548+01'00'", 
    '/Producer': 'pdfTeX', 
    '/Trapped': '/False', 
    '/GTS_PDFA1Version': 'PDF/A-3u:2012'

The XMP metadata of the generated PDF can be accessed with the following code:

pdf_xmp_metadata = pdf_reader.getXmpMetadata()

The value of dc_title is {'x-default': 'Certificate of Calibration No XXX-01234'} and the value of dc_creator is ['First Name Last Name']. See as well The XmpInformation Class.

Embedded Data Files

The embedded data files of the generated PDF can be accessed as well from Python using the PyPDF2 package:

from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader
pdf_reader = PdfFileReader(open("eExample.pdf", "rb"), strict=False)
pdf_embedded_files = pdf_reader.trailer["/Root"]["/Names"]["/EmbeddedFiles"]["/Names"]
pdf_file_names = pdf_embedded_files[0::2]

pdf_file_names contains the following file names:

['01419_Att20dB(f-m)_52371_01_01.sdatb', 'data_01.txt', 'data_02.txt']

The following code reads the content for example of the second attached file data_01.txt:

pdf_file_index = pdf_file_names.index('data_01.txt')
pdf_data_index = 2*pdf_file_index + 1
pdf_data_object = pdf_embedded_files[pdf_data_index].getObject()
data = pdf_data_object["/EF"]["/F"].getData()

The value of data is the content b'Test 01' of the embedded file data_01.txt. The content is equal to the source file data/data_01.txt.

The following code computes the MD5 checksum of the embedded data of the file data_01.txt:

import hashlib

The computed MD5 checksum is '3f4c48215fda2a033b9ddfe8d7138da2'.

Supported Languages

The following languages are supported:

  • EN - English
  • DE - German
  • FR - French
  • IT - Italian

To Do

  • Machine readable certificate header using XMP or PDF file properties.
  • Remove text formatting \textbf from \cobject command.
  • Remove text formatting \textbf and \newline from \capplicant command.
  • Add support for more languages. Could be done with an additional option for the language in the eCertificate.cls template.
  • Add support for different types of certificates. E.g.: Certificate of Conformity, Verification Certificate, ...