Star Wars Themed
create an array of words, star wars related create an array of the letters in the alphabet
set score to 0
start/restart from HERE
make all troopers visible (to represent the player having six "lives"), reset lives, or guesses to 6;
randomly choose a word from the words array and store this in a new variable
create an array with the same number of elements as the chosen word, with all indexes having a value of "underscore"
Alert the user to start guessing letters by pressing a key
While lives is greater than zero, execute the following --- Set variable and an event listener to store the letter of the pressed key play the blaster sound bite when the key is pressed.
for playing sounds: var audio = new Audio('audio_file.mp3');;
check to see if the guessed letter is in the string of the chosen word if so, report it's location(s)
change the underscores in the displayed array at the reported location(s) to the letter in the chosen word at the reported locations(s)
if not, play the wilhelm scream sound, hide a rebel trooper (with the id that corresponds to the number of guesses remainging), and THEN decrement guesses (life).
if that was the last trooper and there are no more guesses left, display an alert that the player has failed to stop Darth Vader, but they will have another chance, and then restart from the restart point, aka call the game function again.