diff --git a/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/CounterJNI.java b/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/CounterJNI.java
index 4f1e56b815e..f5b237c26d4 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/CounterJNI.java
+++ b/hal/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/hal/CounterJNI.java
@@ -4,35 +4,21 @@
package edu.wpi.first.hal;
-import java.nio.IntBuffer;
* Counter HAL JNI functions.
* @see "hal/Counter.h"
public class CounterJNI extends JNIWrapper {
- /** Two pulse mode. */
- public static final int TWO_PULSE = 0;
- /** Semi-period mode. */
- public static final int SEMI_PERIOD = 1;
- /** Pulse length mode. */
- public static final int PULSE_LENGTH = 2;
- /** External direction mode. */
- public static final int EXTERNAL_DIRECTION = 3;
* Initializes a counter.
- * @param mode the counter mode
- * @param index the compressor index (output)
+ * @param channel the DIO channel
+ * @param risingEdge true to trigger on rising
* @return the created handle
* @see "HAL_InitializeCounter"
- public static native int initializeCounter(int mode, IntBuffer index);
+ public static native int initializeCounter(int channel, boolean risingEdge);
* Frees a counter.
@@ -42,27 +28,6 @@ public class CounterJNI extends JNIWrapper {
public static native void freeCounter(int counterHandle);
- /**
- * Sets the average sample size of a counter.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param size the size of samples to average
- * @see "HAL_SetCounterAverageSize"
- */
- public static native void setCounterAverageSize(int counterHandle, int size);
- /**
- * Sets the source object that causes the counter to count up.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param digitalSourceHandle the digital source handle (either a HAL_AnalogTriggerHandle or a
- * HAL_DigitalHandle)
- * @param analogTriggerType the analog trigger type if the source is an analog trigger
- * @see "HAL_SetCounterUpSource"
- */
- public static native void setCounterUpSource(
- int counterHandle, int digitalSourceHandle, int analogTriggerType);
* Sets the up source to either detect rising edges or falling edges.
@@ -70,117 +35,9 @@ public static native void setCounterUpSource(
* @param counterHandle the counter handle
* @param risingEdge true to trigger on rising
- * @param fallingEdge true to trigger on falling
* @see "HAL_SetCounterUpSourceEdge"
- public static native void setCounterUpSourceEdge(
- int counterHandle, boolean risingEdge, boolean fallingEdge);
- /**
- * Disables the up counting source to the counter.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @see "HAL_ClearCounterUpSource"
- */
- public static native void clearCounterUpSource(int counterHandle);
- /**
- * Sets the source object that causes the counter to count down.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param digitalSourceHandle the digital source handle (either a HAL_AnalogTriggerHandle or a
- * HAL_DigitalHandle)
- * @param analogTriggerType the analog trigger type if the source is an analog trigger
- * @see "HAL_SetCounterDownSource"
- */
- public static native void setCounterDownSource(
- int counterHandle, int digitalSourceHandle, int analogTriggerType);
- /**
- * Sets the down source to either detect rising edges or falling edges. Note that both are allowed
- * to be set true at the same time without issues.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param risingEdge true to trigger on rising
- * @param fallingEdge true to trigger on falling
- * @see "HAL_SetCounterDownSourceEdge"
- */
- public static native void setCounterDownSourceEdge(
- int counterHandle, boolean risingEdge, boolean fallingEdge);
- /**
- * Disables the down counting source to the counter.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @see "HAL_ClearCounterDownSource"
- */
- public static native void clearCounterDownSource(int counterHandle);
- /**
- * Sets standard up / down counting mode on this counter.
- *
- *
Up and down counts are sourced independently from two inputs.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @see "HAL_SetCounterUpDownMode"
- */
- public static native void setCounterUpDownMode(int counterHandle);
- /**
- * Sets directional counting mode on this counter.
- *
- *
The direction is determined by the B input, with counting happening with the A input.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @see "HAL_SetCounterExternalDirectionMode"
- */
- public static native void setCounterExternalDirectionMode(int counterHandle);
- /**
- * Sets Semi-period mode on this counter.
- *
- *
The counter counts up based on the time the input is triggered. High or Low depends on the
- * highSemiPeriod parameter.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param highSemiPeriod true for counting when the input is high, false for low
- * @see "HAL_SetCounterSemiPeriodMode"
- */
- public static native void setCounterSemiPeriodMode(int counterHandle, boolean highSemiPeriod);
- /**
- * Configures the counter to count in up or down based on the length of the input pulse.
- *
- *
This mode is most useful for direction sensitive gear tooth sensors.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param threshold The pulse length beyond which the counter counts the opposite direction
- * (seconds)
- * @see "HAL_SetCounterPulseLengthMode"
- */
- public static native void setCounterPulseLengthMode(int counterHandle, double threshold);
- /**
- * Gets the Samples to Average which specifies the number of samples of the timer to average when
- * calculating the period. Perform averaging to account for mechanical imperfections or as
- * oversampling to increase resolution.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @return SamplesToAverage The number of samples being averaged (from 1 to 127)
- * @see "HAL_GetCounterSamplesToAverage"
- */
- public static native int getCounterSamplesToAverage(int counterHandle);
- /**
- * Sets the Samples to Average which specifies the number of samples of the timer to average when
- * calculating the period. Perform averaging to account for mechanical imperfections or as
- * oversampling to increase resolution.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param samplesToAverage The number of samples to average from 1 to 127
- * @see "HAL_SetCounterSamplesToAverage"
- */
- public static native void setCounterSamplesToAverage(int counterHandle, int samplesToAverage);
+ public static native void setCounterEdgeConfiguration(int counterHandle, boolean risingEdge);
* Resets the Counter to zero.
@@ -229,30 +86,6 @@ public static native void setCounterDownSourceEdge(
public static native void setCounterMaxPeriod(int counterHandle, double maxPeriod);
- /**
- * Selects whether you want to continue updating the event timer output when there are no samples
- * captured.
- *
- *
The output of the event timer has a buffer of periods that are averaged and posted to a
- * register on the FPGA. When the timer detects that the event source has stopped (based on the
- * MaxPeriod) the buffer of samples to be averaged is emptied.
- *
- *
If you enable the update when empty, you will be notified of the stopped source and the
- * event time will report 0 samples.
- *
- *
If you disable update when empty, the most recent average will remain on the output until a
- * new sample is acquired.
- *
- *
You will never see 0 samples output (except when there have been no events since an FPGA
- * reset) and you will likely not see the stopped bit become true (since it is updated at the end
- * of an average and there are no samples to average).
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param enabled true to enable counter updating with no samples
- * @see "HAL_SetCounterUpdateWhenEmpty"
- */
- public static native void setCounterUpdateWhenEmpty(int counterHandle, boolean enabled);
* Determines if the clock is stopped.
@@ -266,27 +99,6 @@ public static native void setCounterDownSourceEdge(
public static native boolean getCounterStopped(int counterHandle);
- /**
- * Gets the last direction the counter value changed.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @return the last direction the counter value changed
- * @see "HAL_GetCounterDirection"
- */
- public static native boolean getCounterDirection(int counterHandle);
- /**
- * Sets the Counter to return reversed sensing on the direction.
- *
- *
This allows counters to change the direction they are counting in the case of 1X and 2X
- * quadrature encoding only. Any other counter mode isn't supported.
- *
- * @param counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param reverseDirection true if the value counted should be negated.
- * @see "HAL_SetCounterReverseDirection"
- */
- public static native void setCounterReverseDirection(int counterHandle, boolean reverseDirection);
/** Utility class. */
private CounterJNI() {}
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/CounterJNI.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/CounterJNI.cpp
index 225e3e0ba82..0349c70dfbb 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/CounterJNI.cpp
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/cpp/jni/CounterJNI.cpp
@@ -6,23 +6,13 @@
#include "HALUtil.h"
#include "edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI.h"
#include "hal/Counter.h"
#include "hal/Errors.h"
-static_assert(HAL_Counter_Mode::HAL_Counter_kTwoPulse ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI_TWO_PULSE);
-static_assert(HAL_Counter_Mode::HAL_Counter_kSemiperiod ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI_SEMI_PERIOD);
-static_assert(HAL_Counter_Mode::HAL_Counter_kPulseLength ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI_PULSE_LENGTH);
-static_assert(HAL_Counter_Mode::HAL_Counter_kExternalDirection ==
- edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI_EXTERNAL_DIRECTION);
using namespace hal;
extern "C" {
@@ -30,16 +20,16 @@ extern "C" {
* Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
* Method: initializeCounter
- * Signature: (ILjava/lang/Object;)I
+ * Signature: (IZ)I
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint mode, jobject index)
+ (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint channel, jboolean risingEdge)
- jint* indexPtr = reinterpret_cast(env->GetDirectBufferAddress(index));
int32_t status = 0;
- auto counter = HAL_InitializeCounter(
- (HAL_Counter_Mode)mode, reinterpret_cast(indexPtr), &status);
+ auto stack = wpi::java::GetJavaStackTrace(env, "edu.wpi.first");
+ auto counter =
+ HAL_InitializeCounter(channel, risingEdge, stack.c_str(), &status);
CheckStatusForceThrow(env, status);
return (jint)counter;
@@ -60,192 +50,15 @@ Java_edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI_freeCounter
* Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterAverageSize
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id, jint value)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterAverageSize((HAL_CounterHandle)id, value, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterUpSource
- * Signature: (III)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id, jint digitalSourceHandle,
- jint analogTriggerType)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterUpSource((HAL_CounterHandle)id, (HAL_Handle)digitalSourceHandle,
- (HAL_AnalogTriggerType)analogTriggerType, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterUpSourceEdge
- * Signature: (IZZ)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id, jboolean valueRise, jboolean valueFall)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterUpSourceEdge((HAL_CounterHandle)id, valueRise, valueFall,
- &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: clearCounterUpSource
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_ClearCounterUpSource((HAL_CounterHandle)id, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterDownSource
- * Signature: (III)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id, jint digitalSourceHandle,
- jint analogTriggerType)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterDownSource((HAL_CounterHandle)id,
- (HAL_Handle)digitalSourceHandle,
- (HAL_AnalogTriggerType)analogTriggerType, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterDownSourceEdge
- * Signature: (IZZ)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id, jboolean valueRise, jboolean valueFall)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterDownSourceEdge((HAL_CounterHandle)id, valueRise, valueFall,
- &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: clearCounterDownSource
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_ClearCounterDownSource((HAL_CounterHandle)id, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterUpDownMode
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterUpDownMode((HAL_CounterHandle)id, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterExternalDirectionMode
- * Signature: (I)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterExternalDirectionMode((HAL_CounterHandle)id, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterSemiPeriodMode
+ * Method: setCounterEdgeConfiguration
* Signature: (IZ)V
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id, jboolean value)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterSemiPeriodMode((HAL_CounterHandle)id, value, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterPulseLengthMode
- * Signature: (ID)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id, jdouble value)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterPulseLengthMode((HAL_CounterHandle)id, value, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: getCounterSamplesToAverage
- * Signature: (I)I
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id)
+ (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id, jboolean valueRise)
int32_t status = 0;
- jint returnValue =
- HAL_GetCounterSamplesToAverage((HAL_CounterHandle)id, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- return returnValue;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterSamplesToAverage
- * Signature: (II)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id, jint value)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterSamplesToAverage((HAL_CounterHandle)id, value, &status);
+ HAL_SetCounterEdgeConfiguration((HAL_CounterHandle)id, valueRise, &status);
CheckStatus(env, status);
@@ -307,20 +120,6 @@ Java_edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI_setCounterMaxPeriod
CheckStatus(env, status);
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterUpdateWhenEmpty
- * Signature: (IZ)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id, jboolean value)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterUpdateWhenEmpty((HAL_CounterHandle)id, value, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
* Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
* Method: getCounterStopped
@@ -336,34 +135,4 @@ Java_edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI_getCounterStopped
return returnValue;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: getCounterDirection
- * Signature: (I)Z
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id)
- int32_t status = 0;
- jboolean returnValue =
- HAL_GetCounterDirection((HAL_CounterHandle)id, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
- return returnValue;
- * Class: edu_wpi_first_hal_CounterJNI
- * Method: setCounterReverseDirection
- * Signature: (IZ)V
- */
- (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jint id, jboolean value)
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterReverseDirection((HAL_CounterHandle)id, value, &status);
- CheckStatus(env, status);
} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/Counter.h b/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/Counter.h
index 4d6daea2f1b..7599ba94d74 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/Counter.h
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/include/hal/Counter.h
@@ -15,20 +15,6 @@
* @{
- * The counter mode.
- */
-HAL_ENUM(HAL_Counter_Mode) {
- /** Two pulse mode. */
- HAL_Counter_kTwoPulse = 0,
- /** Semi-period mode. */
- HAL_Counter_kSemiperiod = 1,
- /** Pulse length mode. */
- HAL_Counter_kPulseLength = 2,
- /** External direction mode. */
- HAL_Counter_kExternalDirection = 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@@ -36,12 +22,16 @@ extern "C" {
* Initializes a counter.
- * @param[in] mode the counter mode
- * @param[in] index the compressor index (output)
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
+ * @param[in] channel the dio channel
+ * @param[in] risingEdge true to count on rising edge, false for
+ * falling
+ * @param[in] allocationLocation the location where the allocation is
+ * occurring (can be null)
+ * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
* @return the created handle
-HAL_CounterHandle HAL_InitializeCounter(HAL_Counter_Mode mode, int32_t* index,
+HAL_CounterHandle HAL_InitializeCounter(int channel, HAL_Bool risingEdge,
+ const char* allocationLocation,
int32_t* status);
@@ -51,32 +41,6 @@ HAL_CounterHandle HAL_InitializeCounter(HAL_Counter_Mode mode, int32_t* index,
void HAL_FreeCounter(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle);
- * Sets the average sample size of a counter.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[in] size the size of samples to average
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_SetCounterAverageSize(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t size,
- int32_t* status);
- * Sets the source object that causes the counter to count up.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[in] digitalSourceHandle the digital source handle (either a
- * HAL_AnalogTriggerHandle or a
- * HAL_DigitalHandle)
- * @param[in] analogTriggerType the analog trigger type if the source is an
- * analog trigger
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_SetCounterUpSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle,
- HAL_AnalogTriggerType analogTriggerType,
- int32_t* status);
* Sets the up source to either detect rising edges or falling edges.
@@ -84,132 +48,10 @@ void HAL_SetCounterUpSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
* @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
* @param[in] risingEdge true to trigger on rising
- * @param[in] fallingEdge true to trigger on falling
* @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
-void HAL_SetCounterUpSourceEdge(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool risingEdge, HAL_Bool fallingEdge,
- int32_t* status);
- * Disables the up counting source to the counter.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_ClearCounterUpSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t* status);
- * Sets the source object that causes the counter to count down.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[in] digitalSourceHandle the digital source handle (either a
- * HAL_AnalogTriggerHandle or a
- * HAL_DigitalHandle)
- * @param[in] analogTriggerType the analog trigger type if the source is an
- * analog trigger
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_SetCounterDownSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle,
- HAL_AnalogTriggerType analogTriggerType,
- int32_t* status);
- * Sets the down source to either detect rising edges or falling edges.
- * Note that both are allowed to be set true at the same time without issues.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[in] risingEdge true to trigger on rising
- * @param[in] fallingEdge true to trigger on falling
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_SetCounterDownSourceEdge(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool risingEdge, HAL_Bool fallingEdge,
- int32_t* status);
- * Disables the down counting source to the counter.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_ClearCounterDownSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status);
- * Sets standard up / down counting mode on this counter.
- *
- * Up and down counts are sourced independently from two inputs.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_SetCounterUpDownMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t* status);
- * Sets directional counting mode on this counter.
- *
- * The direction is determined by the B input, with counting happening with the
- * A input.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_SetCounterExternalDirectionMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status);
- * Sets Semi-period mode on this counter.
- *
- * The counter counts up based on the time the input is triggered. High or Low
- * depends on the highSemiPeriod parameter.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[in] highSemiPeriod true for counting when the input is high, false for
- * low
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_SetCounterSemiPeriodMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool highSemiPeriod, int32_t* status);
- * Configures the counter to count in up or down based on the length of the
- * input pulse.
- *
- * This mode is most useful for direction sensitive gear tooth sensors.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[in] threshold The pulse length beyond which the counter counts the
- * opposite direction (seconds)
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_SetCounterPulseLengthMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- double threshold, int32_t* status);
- * Gets the Samples to Average which specifies the number of samples of the
- * timer to average when calculating the period. Perform averaging to account
- * for mechanical imperfections or as oversampling to increase resolution.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- * @return SamplesToAverage The number of samples being averaged (from 1 to 127)
- */
-int32_t HAL_GetCounterSamplesToAverage(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status);
- * Sets the Samples to Average which specifies the number of samples of the
- * timer to average when calculating the period. Perform averaging to account
- * for mechanical imperfections or as oversampling to increase resolution.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[in] samplesToAverage The number of samples to average from 1 to 127
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_SetCounterSamplesToAverage(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t samplesToAverage, int32_t* status);
+void HAL_SetCounterEdgeConfiguration(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
+ HAL_Bool risingEdge, int32_t* status);
* Resets the Counter to zero.
@@ -261,33 +103,6 @@ double HAL_GetCounterPeriod(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t* status);
void HAL_SetCounterMaxPeriod(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, double maxPeriod,
int32_t* status);
- * Selects whether you want to continue updating the event timer output when
- * there are no samples captured.
- *
- * The output of the event timer has a buffer of periods that are averaged and
- * posted to a register on the FPGA. When the timer detects that the event
- * source has stopped (based on the MaxPeriod) the buffer of samples to be
- * averaged is emptied.
- *
- * If you enable the update when empty, you will be
- * notified of the stopped source and the event time will report 0 samples.
- *
- * If you disable update when empty, the most recent average will remain on the
- * output until a new sample is acquired.
- *
- * You will never see 0 samples output (except when there have been no events
- * since an FPGA reset) and you will likely not see the stopped bit become true
- * (since it is updated at the end of an average and there are no samples to
- * average).
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[in] enabled true to enable counter updating with no samples
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_SetCounterUpdateWhenEmpty(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool enabled, int32_t* status);
* Determines if the clock is stopped.
@@ -302,29 +117,6 @@ void HAL_SetCounterUpdateWhenEmpty(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
HAL_Bool HAL_GetCounterStopped(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
int32_t* status);
- * Gets the last direction the counter value changed.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- * @return the last direction the counter value changed
- */
-HAL_Bool HAL_GetCounterDirection(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status);
- * Sets the Counter to return reversed sensing on the direction.
- *
- * This allows counters to change the direction they are counting in the case of
- * 1X and 2X quadrature encoding only. Any other counter mode isn't supported.
- *
- * @param[in] counterHandle the counter handle
- * @param[in] reverseDirection true if the value counted should be negated.
- * @param[out] status Error status variable. 0 on success.
- */
-void HAL_SetCounterReverseDirection(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool reverseDirection, int32_t* status);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/sim/Counter.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/sim/Counter.cpp
index 22c482c3a8b..ad03ad111b6 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/sim/Counter.cpp
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/sim/Counter.cpp
@@ -26,47 +26,15 @@ void InitializeCounter() {
} // namespace hal::init
extern "C" {
-HAL_CounterHandle HAL_InitializeCounter(HAL_Counter_Mode mode, int32_t* index,
+HAL_CounterHandle HAL_InitializeCounter(int channel, HAL_Bool risingEdge,
+ const char* allocationLocation,
int32_t* status) {
return 0;
void HAL_FreeCounter(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle) {}
-void HAL_SetCounterAverageSize(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t size,
- int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_SetCounterUpSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle,
- HAL_AnalogTriggerType analogTriggerType,
- int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_SetCounterUpSourceEdge(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool risingEdge, HAL_Bool fallingEdge,
- int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_ClearCounterUpSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_SetCounterDownSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle,
- HAL_AnalogTriggerType analogTriggerType,
- int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_SetCounterDownSourceEdge(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool risingEdge, HAL_Bool fallingEdge,
- int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_ClearCounterDownSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_SetCounterUpDownMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_SetCounterExternalDirectionMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_SetCounterSemiPeriodMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool highSemiPeriod, int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_SetCounterPulseLengthMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- double threshold, int32_t* status) {}
-int32_t HAL_GetCounterSamplesToAverage(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status) {
- return 0;
-void HAL_SetCounterSamplesToAverage(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t samplesToAverage, int32_t* status) {
+void HAL_SetCounterEdgeConfiguration(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
+ HAL_Bool risingEdge, int32_t* status) {}
void HAL_ResetCounter(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t* status) {}
int32_t HAL_GetCounter(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t* status) {
return 0;
@@ -76,17 +44,8 @@ double HAL_GetCounterPeriod(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t* status) {
void HAL_SetCounterMaxPeriod(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, double maxPeriod,
int32_t* status) {}
-void HAL_SetCounterUpdateWhenEmpty(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool enabled, int32_t* status) {}
HAL_Bool HAL_GetCounterStopped(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
int32_t* status) {
return false;
-HAL_Bool HAL_GetCounterDirection(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status) {
- return false;
-void HAL_SetCounterReverseDirection(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool reverseDirection,
- int32_t* status) {}
} // extern "C"
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/Counter.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/Counter.cpp
index 5645bda8c1b..2962246f8b0 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/Counter.cpp
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/Counter.cpp
@@ -4,15 +4,19 @@
#include "hal/Counter.h"
#include "HALInitializer.h"
#include "HALInternal.h"
#include "PortsInternal.h"
+#include "SmartIo.h"
#include "hal/HAL.h"
+#include "hal/cpp/fpga_clock.h"
#include "hal/handles/LimitedHandleResource.h"
using namespace hal;
@@ -23,106 +27,90 @@ void InitializeCounter() {}
extern "C" {
-HAL_CounterHandle HAL_InitializeCounter(HAL_Counter_Mode mode, int32_t* index,
+HAL_CounterHandle HAL_InitializeCounter(int channel, HAL_Bool risingEdge,
+ const char* allocationLocation,
int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return HAL_kInvalidHandle;
+ if (channel == InvalidHandleIndex || channel >= kNumSmartIo) {
+ hal::SetLastErrorIndexOutOfRange(status, "Invalid Index for Counter", 0,
+ kNumSmartIo, channel);
+ return HAL_kInvalidHandle;
+ }
-void HAL_FreeCounter(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle) {}
+ HAL_CounterHandle handle;
-void HAL_SetCounterAverageSize(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t size,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
+ auto port = smartIoHandles->Allocate(channel, HAL_HandleEnum::Counter,
+ &handle, status);
-void HAL_SetCounterUpSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle,
- HAL_AnalogTriggerType analogTriggerType,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
+ if (*status != 0) {
+ if (port) {
+ hal::SetLastErrorPreviouslyAllocated(status, "SmartIo", channel,
+ port->previousAllocation);
+ } else {
+ hal::SetLastErrorIndexOutOfRange(status, "Invalid Index for Counter", 0,
+ kNumSmartIo, channel);
+ }
+ return HAL_kInvalidHandle; // failed to allocate. Pass error back.
+ }
-void HAL_SetCounterUpSourceEdge(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool risingEdge, HAL_Bool fallingEdge,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
+ port->channel = channel;
-void HAL_ClearCounterUpSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
+ *status =
+ port->InitializeMode(risingEdge ? SmartIoMode::SingleCounterRising
+ : SmartIoMode::SingleCounterFalling);
+ if (*status != 0) {
+ smartIoHandles->Free(handle, HAL_HandleEnum::Counter);
+ return HAL_kInvalidHandle;
+ }
-void HAL_SetCounterDownSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Handle digitalSourceHandle,
- HAL_AnalogTriggerType analogTriggerType,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
+ port->previousAllocation = allocationLocation ? allocationLocation : "";
-void HAL_SetCounterDownSourceEdge(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool risingEdge, HAL_Bool fallingEdge,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
+ return handle;
-void HAL_ClearCounterDownSource(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
+void HAL_FreeCounter(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle) {
+ auto port = smartIoHandles->Get(counterHandle, HAL_HandleEnum::Counter);
+ if (port == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
-void HAL_SetCounterUpDownMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-void HAL_SetCounterExternalDirectionMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
+ smartIoHandles->Free(counterHandle, HAL_HandleEnum::Counter);
-void HAL_SetCounterSemiPeriodMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool highSemiPeriod, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
+ // Wait for no other object to hold this handle.
+ auto start = hal::fpga_clock::now();
+ while (port.use_count() != 1) {
+ auto current = hal::fpga_clock::now();
+ if (start + std::chrono::seconds(1) < current) {
+ std::puts("DIO handle free timeout");
+ std::fflush(stdout);
+ break;
+ }
+ std::this_thread::yield();
+ }
-void HAL_SetCounterPulseLengthMode(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- double threshold, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
-int32_t HAL_GetCounterSamplesToAverage(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return 0;
-void HAL_SetCounterSamplesToAverage(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- int32_t samplesToAverage, int32_t* status) {
+void HAL_SetCounterEdgeConfiguration(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
+ HAL_Bool risingEdge, int32_t* status) {
void HAL_ResetCounter(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
+ // TODO
int32_t HAL_GetCounter(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
+ auto port = smartIoHandles->Get(counterHandle, HAL_HandleEnum::Counter);
+ if (port == nullptr) {
+ *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
+ return false;
+ }
+ int32_t ret = 0;
+ *status = port->GetCounter(&ret);
+ return ret;
return 0;
@@ -137,12 +125,6 @@ void HAL_SetCounterMaxPeriod(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, double maxPeriod,
-void HAL_SetCounterUpdateWhenEmpty(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool enabled, int32_t* status) {
- *status = HAL_HANDLE_ERROR;
- return;
HAL_Bool HAL_GetCounterStopped(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
int32_t* status) {
@@ -155,9 +137,8 @@ HAL_Bool HAL_GetCounterDirection(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
return false;
-void HAL_SetCounterReverseDirection(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle,
- HAL_Bool reverseDirection,
- int32_t* status) {
+void HAL_SetCounterDirection(HAL_CounterHandle counterHandle, HAL_Bool countUp,
+ int32_t* status) {
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/SmartIo.cpp b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/SmartIo.cpp
index 763c0c63e66..c2a3f54e002 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/SmartIo.cpp
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/SmartIo.cpp
@@ -164,4 +164,17 @@ int32_t SmartIo::GetAnalogInput(uint16_t* value) {
return 0;
+int32_t SmartIo::GetCounter(int32_t* value) {
+ if (currentMode != SmartIoMode::SingleCounterFalling &&
+ currentMode != SmartIoMode::SingleCounterRising) {
+ }
+ int32_t val = getSubscriber.Get();
+ *value = val;
+ return 0;
} // namespace hal
diff --git a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/SmartIo.h b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/SmartIo.h
index fec5a445a2d..73ebbb91f8f 100644
--- a/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/SmartIo.h
+++ b/hal/src/main/native/systemcore/SmartIo.h
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ struct SmartIo {
int32_t GetPwmMicroseconds(uint16_t* microseconds);
int32_t GetAnalogInput(uint16_t* value);
+ int32_t GetCounter(int32_t* count);
extern DigitalHandleResource*
diff --git a/shared/examplecheck.gradle b/shared/examplecheck.gradle
index 32869257323..ebb745d75ff 100644
--- a/shared/examplecheck.gradle
+++ b/shared/examplecheck.gradle
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def tagList = [
"LQR", "Pose Estimator",
/* --- Hardware --- */
- "Analog", "Ultrasonic", "Gyro", "Pneumatics", "I2C", "Duty Cycle", "PDP",
+ "Analog", "Gyro", "Pneumatics", "I2C", "Duty Cycle", "PDP",
"AddressableLEDs", "HAL", "Encoder", "Smart Motor Controller", "Digital Input",
"Digital Output",
diff --git a/styleguide/spotbugs-exclude.xml b/styleguide/spotbugs-exclude.xml
index c5807cb459c..e371b2386c0 100644
--- a/styleguide/spotbugs-exclude.xml
+++ b/styleguide/spotbugs-exclude.xml
@@ -90,10 +90,6 @@
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/Counter.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/Counter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2021443f5ad..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/Counter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/Counter.h"
-#include "frc/AnalogTrigger.h"
-#include "frc/DigitalInput.h"
-#include "frc/Errors.h"
-using namespace frc;
-Counter::Counter(Mode mode) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- m_counter = HAL_InitializeCounter(static_cast(mode),
- &m_index, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "InitializeCounter");
- SetMaxPeriod(0.5_s);
- HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_Counter, m_index + 1, mode + 1);
- wpi::SendableRegistry::Add(this, "Counter", m_index);
-Counter::Counter(int channel) : Counter(kTwoPulse) {
- SetUpSource(channel);
- ClearDownSource();
-Counter::Counter(DigitalSource* source) : Counter(kTwoPulse) {
- SetUpSource(source);
- ClearDownSource();
-Counter::Counter(std::shared_ptr source) : Counter(kTwoPulse) {
- SetUpSource(source);
- ClearDownSource();
-Counter::Counter(const AnalogTrigger& trigger) : Counter(kTwoPulse) {
- SetUpSource(trigger.CreateOutput(AnalogTriggerType::kState));
- ClearDownSource();
-Counter::Counter(EncodingType encodingType, DigitalSource* upSource,
- DigitalSource* downSource, bool inverted)
- : Counter(encodingType,
- std::shared_ptr(upSource,
- wpi::NullDeleter()),
- std::shared_ptr(downSource,
- wpi::NullDeleter()),
- inverted) {}
-Counter::Counter(EncodingType encodingType,
- std::shared_ptr upSource,
- std::shared_ptr downSource, bool inverted)
- : Counter(kExternalDirection) {
- if (encodingType != k1X && encodingType != k2X) {
- throw FRC_MakeError(err::ParameterOutOfRange,
- "Counter only supports 1X and 2X quadrature decoding");
- }
- SetUpSource(upSource);
- SetDownSource(downSource);
- int32_t status = 0;
- if (encodingType == k1X) {
- SetUpSourceEdge(true, false);
- HAL_SetCounterAverageSize(m_counter, 1, &status);
- } else {
- SetUpSourceEdge(true, true);
- HAL_SetCounterAverageSize(m_counter, 2, &status);
- }
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Counter constructor");
- SetDownSourceEdge(inverted, true);
-Counter::~Counter() {
- if (m_counter != HAL_kInvalidHandle) {
- try {
- SetUpdateWhenEmpty(true);
- } catch (const RuntimeError& e) {
- e.Report();
- }
- }
-void Counter::SetUpSource(int channel) {
- SetUpSource(std::make_shared(channel));
- wpi::SendableRegistry::AddChild(this, m_upSource.get());
-void Counter::SetUpSource(AnalogTrigger* analogTrigger,
- AnalogTriggerType triggerType) {
- SetUpSource(std::shared_ptr(analogTrigger,
- wpi::NullDeleter()),
- triggerType);
-void Counter::SetUpSource(std::shared_ptr analogTrigger,
- AnalogTriggerType triggerType) {
- SetUpSource(analogTrigger->CreateOutput(triggerType));
-void Counter::SetUpSource(DigitalSource* source) {
- SetUpSource(std::shared_ptr(
- source, wpi::NullDeleter()));
-void Counter::SetUpSource(std::shared_ptr source) {
- m_upSource = source;
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterUpSource(m_counter, source->GetPortHandleForRouting(),
- static_cast(
- source->GetAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting()),
- &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetUpSource");
-void Counter::SetUpSource(DigitalSource& source) {
- SetUpSource(std::shared_ptr(
- &source, wpi::NullDeleter()));
-void Counter::SetUpSourceEdge(bool risingEdge, bool fallingEdge) {
- if (m_upSource == nullptr) {
- throw FRC_MakeError(
- err::NullParameter,
- "Must set non-nullptr UpSource before setting UpSourceEdge");
- }
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterUpSourceEdge(m_counter, risingEdge, fallingEdge, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetUpSourceEdge");
-void Counter::ClearUpSource() {
- m_upSource.reset();
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_ClearCounterUpSource(m_counter, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "ClearUpSource");
-void Counter::SetDownSource(int channel) {
- SetDownSource(std::make_shared(channel));
- wpi::SendableRegistry::AddChild(this, m_downSource.get());
-void Counter::SetDownSource(AnalogTrigger* analogTrigger,
- AnalogTriggerType triggerType) {
- SetDownSource(std::shared_ptr(
- analogTrigger, wpi::NullDeleter()),
- triggerType);
-void Counter::SetDownSource(std::shared_ptr analogTrigger,
- AnalogTriggerType triggerType) {
- SetDownSource(analogTrigger->CreateOutput(triggerType));
-void Counter::SetDownSource(DigitalSource* source) {
- SetDownSource(std::shared_ptr(
- source, wpi::NullDeleter()));
-void Counter::SetDownSource(DigitalSource& source) {
- SetDownSource(std::shared_ptr(
- &source, wpi::NullDeleter()));
-void Counter::SetDownSource(std::shared_ptr source) {
- m_downSource = source;
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterDownSource(m_counter, source->GetPortHandleForRouting(),
- static_cast(
- source->GetAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting()),
- &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetDownSource");
-void Counter::SetDownSourceEdge(bool risingEdge, bool fallingEdge) {
- if (m_downSource == nullptr) {
- throw FRC_MakeError(
- err::NullParameter,
- "Must set non-nullptr DownSource before setting DownSourceEdge");
- }
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterDownSourceEdge(m_counter, risingEdge, fallingEdge, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetDownSourceEdge");
-void Counter::ClearDownSource() {
- m_downSource.reset();
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_ClearCounterDownSource(m_counter, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "ClearDownSource");
-void Counter::SetUpDownCounterMode() {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterUpDownMode(m_counter, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetUpDownCounterMode");
-void Counter::SetExternalDirectionMode() {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterExternalDirectionMode(m_counter, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetExternalDirectionMode");
-void Counter::SetSemiPeriodMode(bool highSemiPeriod) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterSemiPeriodMode(m_counter, highSemiPeriod, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetSemiPeriodMode to {}",
- highSemiPeriod ? "true" : "false");
-void Counter::SetPulseLengthMode(double threshold) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterPulseLengthMode(m_counter, threshold, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetPulseLengthMode");
-void Counter::SetReverseDirection(bool reverseDirection) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterReverseDirection(m_counter, reverseDirection, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetReverseDirection to {}",
- reverseDirection ? "true" : "false");
-void Counter::SetSamplesToAverage(int samplesToAverage) {
- if (samplesToAverage < 1 || samplesToAverage > 127) {
- throw FRC_MakeError(
- err::ParameterOutOfRange,
- "Average counter values must be between 1 and 127, {} out of range",
- samplesToAverage);
- }
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterSamplesToAverage(m_counter, samplesToAverage, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetSamplesToAverage to {}", samplesToAverage);
-int Counter::GetSamplesToAverage() const {
- int32_t status = 0;
- int samples = HAL_GetCounterSamplesToAverage(m_counter, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "GetSamplesToAverage");
- return samples;
-int Counter::GetFPGAIndex() const {
- return m_index;
-void Counter::SetDistancePerPulse(double distancePerPulse) {
- m_distancePerPulse = distancePerPulse;
-double Counter::GetDistance() const {
- return Get() * m_distancePerPulse;
-double Counter::GetRate() const {
- return m_distancePerPulse / GetPeriod().value();
-int Counter::Get() const {
- int32_t status = 0;
- int value = HAL_GetCounter(m_counter, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Get");
- return value;
-void Counter::Reset() {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_ResetCounter(m_counter, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Reset");
-units::second_t Counter::GetPeriod() const {
- int32_t status = 0;
- double value = HAL_GetCounterPeriod(m_counter, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "GetPeriod");
- return units::second_t{value};
-void Counter::SetMaxPeriod(units::second_t maxPeriod) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterMaxPeriod(m_counter, maxPeriod.value(), &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetMaxPeriod");
-void Counter::SetUpdateWhenEmpty(bool enabled) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterUpdateWhenEmpty(m_counter, enabled, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "SetUpdateWhenEmpty");
-bool Counter::GetStopped() const {
- int32_t status = 0;
- bool value = HAL_GetCounterStopped(m_counter, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "GetStopped");
- return value;
-bool Counter::GetDirection() const {
- int32_t status = 0;
- bool value = HAL_GetCounterDirection(m_counter, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "GetDirection");
- return value;
-void Counter::InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) {
- builder.SetSmartDashboardType("Counter");
- builder.AddDoubleProperty("Value", [=, this] { return Get(); }, nullptr);
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/Ultrasonic.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/Ultrasonic.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b50b913401..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/Ultrasonic.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/Ultrasonic.h"
-#include "frc/Counter.h"
-#include "frc/DigitalInput.h"
-#include "frc/DigitalOutput.h"
-#include "frc/Errors.h"
-#include "frc/Timer.h"
-using namespace frc;
-// Automatic round robin mode
-std::atomic Ultrasonic::m_automaticEnabled{false};
-std::vector Ultrasonic::m_sensors;
-std::thread Ultrasonic::m_thread;
-Ultrasonic::Ultrasonic(int pingChannel, int echoChannel)
- : m_pingChannel(std::make_shared(pingChannel)),
- m_echoChannel(std::make_shared(echoChannel)),
- m_counter(m_echoChannel) {
- Initialize();
- wpi::SendableRegistry::AddChild(this, m_pingChannel.get());
- wpi::SendableRegistry::AddChild(this, m_echoChannel.get());
-Ultrasonic::Ultrasonic(DigitalOutput* pingChannel, DigitalInput* echoChannel)
- : m_pingChannel(pingChannel, wpi::NullDeleter()),
- m_echoChannel(echoChannel, wpi::NullDeleter()),
- m_counter(m_echoChannel) {
- if (!pingChannel) {
- throw FRC_MakeError(err::NullParameter, "pingChannel");
- }
- if (!echoChannel) {
- throw FRC_MakeError(err::NullParameter, "echoChannel");
- }
- Initialize();
-Ultrasonic::Ultrasonic(DigitalOutput& pingChannel, DigitalInput& echoChannel)
- : m_pingChannel(&pingChannel, wpi::NullDeleter()),
- m_echoChannel(&echoChannel, wpi::NullDeleter()),
- m_counter(m_echoChannel) {
- Initialize();
-Ultrasonic::Ultrasonic(std::shared_ptr pingChannel,
- std::shared_ptr echoChannel)
- : m_pingChannel(std::move(pingChannel)),
- m_echoChannel(std::move(echoChannel)),
- m_counter(m_echoChannel) {
- Initialize();
-Ultrasonic::~Ultrasonic() {
- // Delete the instance of the ultrasonic sensor by freeing the allocated
- // digital channels. If the system was in automatic mode (round robin), then
- // it is stopped, then started again after this sensor is removed (provided
- // this wasn't the last sensor).
- bool wasAutomaticMode = m_automaticEnabled;
- SetAutomaticMode(false);
- // No synchronization needed because the background task is stopped.
- m_sensors.erase(std::remove(m_sensors.begin(), m_sensors.end(), this),
- m_sensors.end());
- if (!m_sensors.empty() && wasAutomaticMode) {
- SetAutomaticMode(true);
- }
-int Ultrasonic::GetEchoChannel() const {
- return m_echoChannel->GetChannel();
-void Ultrasonic::Ping() {
- SetAutomaticMode(false); // turn off automatic round-robin if pinging
- // Reset the counter to zero (invalid data now)
- m_counter.Reset();
- // Do the ping to start getting a single range
- m_pingChannel->Pulse(kPingTime);
-bool Ultrasonic::IsRangeValid() const {
- if (m_simRangeValid) {
- return m_simRangeValid.Get();
- }
- return m_counter.Get() > 1;
-void Ultrasonic::SetAutomaticMode(bool enabling) {
- if (enabling == m_automaticEnabled) {
- return; // ignore the case of no change
- }
- m_automaticEnabled = enabling;
- if (enabling) {
- /* Clear all the counters so no data is valid. No synchronization is needed
- * because the background task is stopped.
- */
- for (auto& sensor : m_sensors) {
- sensor->m_counter.Reset();
- }
- m_thread = std::thread(&Ultrasonic::UltrasonicChecker);
- } else {
- // Wait for background task to stop running
- if (m_thread.joinable()) {
- m_thread.join();
- }
- // Clear all the counters (data now invalid) since automatic mode is
- // disabled. No synchronization is needed because the background task is
- // stopped.
- for (auto& sensor : m_sensors) {
- sensor->m_counter.Reset();
- }
- }
-units::meter_t Ultrasonic::GetRange() const {
- if (IsRangeValid()) {
- if (m_simRange) {
- return units::inch_t{m_simRange.Get()};
- }
- return m_counter.GetPeriod() * kSpeedOfSound / 2.0;
- } else {
- return 0_m;
- }
-bool Ultrasonic::IsEnabled() const {
- return m_enabled;
-void Ultrasonic::SetEnabled(bool enable) {
- m_enabled = enable;
-void Ultrasonic::InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) {
- builder.SetSmartDashboardType("Ultrasonic");
- builder.AddDoubleProperty(
- "Value", [=, this] { return units::inch_t{GetRange()}.value(); },
- nullptr);
-void Ultrasonic::Initialize() {
- m_simDevice = hal::SimDevice("Ultrasonic", m_echoChannel->GetChannel());
- if (m_simDevice) {
- m_simRangeValid = m_simDevice.CreateBoolean("Range Valid", false, true);
- m_simRange = m_simDevice.CreateDouble("Range (in)", false, 0.0);
- m_pingChannel->SetSimDevice(m_simDevice);
- m_echoChannel->SetSimDevice(m_simDevice);
- }
- bool originalMode = m_automaticEnabled;
- SetAutomaticMode(false); // Kill task when adding a new sensor
- // Link this instance on the list
- m_sensors.emplace_back(this);
- m_counter.SetMaxPeriod(1_s);
- m_counter.SetSemiPeriodMode(true);
- m_counter.Reset();
- m_enabled = true; // Make it available for round robin scheduling
- SetAutomaticMode(originalMode);
- static int instances = 0;
- instances++;
- HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_Ultrasonic, instances);
- wpi::SendableRegistry::Add(this, "Ultrasonic", m_echoChannel->GetChannel());
-void Ultrasonic::UltrasonicChecker() {
- while (m_automaticEnabled) {
- for (auto& sensor : m_sensors) {
- if (!m_automaticEnabled) {
- break;
- }
- if (sensor->IsEnabled()) {
- sensor->m_pingChannel->Pulse(kPingTime); // do the ping
- }
- Wait(100_ms); // wait for ping to return
- }
- }
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/counter/ExternalDirectionCounter.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/counter/ExternalDirectionCounter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b7d8a8aa4d..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/counter/ExternalDirectionCounter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/counter/ExternalDirectionCounter.h"
-#include "frc/DigitalSource.h"
-#include "frc/Errors.h"
-using namespace frc;
- DigitalSource& countSource, DigitalSource& directionSource)
- : ExternalDirectionCounter(
- {&countSource, wpi::NullDeleter()},
- {&directionSource, wpi::NullDeleter()}) {}
- std::shared_ptr countSource,
- std::shared_ptr directionSource) {
- if (countSource == nullptr) {
- throw FRC_MakeError(err::NullParameter, "countSource");
- }
- if (directionSource == nullptr) {
- throw FRC_MakeError(err::NullParameter, "directionSource");
- }
- m_countSource = countSource;
- m_directionSource = directionSource;
- int32_t status = 0;
- m_handle = HAL_InitializeCounter(
- HAL_Counter_Mode::HAL_Counter_kExternalDirection, &m_index, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- HAL_SetCounterUpSource(m_handle, m_countSource->GetPortHandleForRouting(),
- static_cast(
- m_countSource->GetAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting()),
- &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- HAL_SetCounterUpSourceEdge(m_handle, true, false, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- HAL_SetCounterDownSource(
- m_handle, m_directionSource->GetPortHandleForRouting(),
- static_cast(
- m_directionSource->GetAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting()),
- &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- HAL_SetCounterDownSourceEdge(m_handle, false, true, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- Reset();
- HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_Counter, m_index + 1);
- wpi::SendableRegistry::Add(this, "External Direction Counter", m_index);
-int ExternalDirectionCounter::GetCount() const {
- int32_t status = 0;
- int val = HAL_GetCounter(m_handle, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- return val;
-void ExternalDirectionCounter::SetReverseDirection(bool reverseDirection) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterReverseDirection(m_handle, reverseDirection, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
-void ExternalDirectionCounter::Reset() {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_ResetCounter(m_handle, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
-void ExternalDirectionCounter::SetEdgeConfiguration(
- EdgeConfiguration configuration) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- bool rising = configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kRisingEdge ||
- configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kBoth;
- bool falling = configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kFallingEdge ||
- configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kBoth;
- HAL_SetCounterUpSourceEdge(m_handle, rising, falling, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
-void ExternalDirectionCounter::InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) {
- builder.SetSmartDashboardType("External Direction Counter");
- builder.AddDoubleProperty("Count", [&] { return GetCount(); }, nullptr);
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/counter/Tachometer.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/counter/Tachometer.cpp
index aae658e8c46..16e74421be1 100644
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/counter/Tachometer.cpp
+++ b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/counter/Tachometer.cpp
@@ -4,37 +4,35 @@
#include "frc/counter/Tachometer.h"
#include "frc/Errors.h"
using namespace frc;
-Tachometer::Tachometer(DigitalSource& source)
- : Tachometer({&source, wpi::NullDeleter()}) {}
-Tachometer::Tachometer(std::shared_ptr source) {
- if (source == nullptr) {
- throw FRC_MakeError(err::NullParameter, "source");
- }
- m_source = source;
+Tachometer::Tachometer(int channel, EdgeConfiguration configuration)
+ : m_channel{channel} {
+ int32_t status = 0;
+ std::string stackTrace = wpi::GetStackTrace(1);
+ m_handle = HAL_InitializeCounter(
+ channel, configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kRisingEdge,
+ stackTrace.c_str(), &status);
+ FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", channel);
+ HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_Counter, channel + 1);
+ wpi::SendableRegistry::Add(this, "Tachometer", channel);
+void Tachometer::SetEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration) {
int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterUpSource(m_handle, m_source->GetPortHandleForRouting(),
- static_cast(
- m_source->GetAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting()),
- &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- HAL_SetCounterUpSourceEdge(m_handle, true, false, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_Counter, m_index + 1);
- wpi::SendableRegistry::Add(this, "Tachometer", m_index);
+ bool rising = configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kRisingEdge;
+ HAL_SetCounterEdgeConfiguration(m_handle, rising, &status);
+ FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_channel);
units::hertz_t Tachometer::GetFrequency() const {
@@ -48,7 +46,7 @@ units::hertz_t Tachometer::GetFrequency() const {
units::second_t Tachometer::GetPeriod() const {
int32_t status = 0;
double period = HAL_GetCounterPeriod(m_handle, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Channel {}", m_source->GetChannel());
+ FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Channel {}", m_channel);
return units::second_t{period};
@@ -79,33 +77,14 @@ units::revolutions_per_minute_t Tachometer::GetRevolutionsPerMinute() const {
bool Tachometer::GetStopped() const {
int32_t status = 0;
bool stopped = HAL_GetCounterStopped(m_handle, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Channel {}", m_source->GetChannel());
+ FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Channel {}", m_channel);
return stopped;
-int Tachometer::GetSamplesToAverage() const {
- int32_t status = 0;
- int32_t samplesToAverage = HAL_GetCounterSamplesToAverage(m_handle, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Channel {}", m_source->GetChannel());
- return samplesToAverage;
-void Tachometer::SetSamplesToAverage(int samples) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterSamplesToAverage(m_handle, samples, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Channel {}", m_source->GetChannel());
void Tachometer::SetMaxPeriod(units::second_t maxPeriod) {
int32_t status = 0;
HAL_SetCounterMaxPeriod(m_handle, maxPeriod.value(), &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Channel {}", m_source->GetChannel());
-void Tachometer::SetUpdateWhenEmpty(bool updateWhenEmpty) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterUpdateWhenEmpty(m_handle, updateWhenEmpty, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Channel {}", m_source->GetChannel());
+ FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "Channel {}", m_channel);
void Tachometer::InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) {
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/counter/UpDownCounter.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/counter/UpDownCounter.cpp
index 2cda45a0da8..508c2bcb5d7 100644
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/counter/UpDownCounter.cpp
+++ b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/counter/UpDownCounter.cpp
@@ -5,10 +5,11 @@
#include "frc/counter/UpDownCounter.h"
#include "frc/DigitalSource.h"
@@ -16,84 +17,39 @@
using namespace frc;
-UpDownCounter::UpDownCounter(DigitalSource& upSource, DigitalSource& downSource)
- : UpDownCounter({&upSource, wpi::NullDeleter()},
- {&downSource, wpi::NullDeleter()}) {}
-UpDownCounter::UpDownCounter(std::shared_ptr upSource,
- std::shared_ptr downSource) {
- m_upSource = upSource;
- m_downSource = downSource;
+UpDownCounter::UpDownCounter(int channel, EdgeConfiguration configuration)
+ : m_channel{channel} {
int32_t status = 0;
- m_handle = HAL_InitializeCounter(HAL_Counter_Mode::HAL_Counter_kTwoPulse,
- &m_index, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- if (m_upSource) {
- HAL_SetCounterUpSource(m_handle, m_upSource->GetPortHandleForRouting(),
- static_cast(
- m_upSource->GetAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting()),
- &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- HAL_SetCounterUpSourceEdge(m_handle, true, false, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- }
- if (m_downSource) {
- HAL_SetCounterDownSource(
- m_handle, m_downSource->GetPortHandleForRouting(),
- static_cast(
- m_downSource->GetAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting()),
- &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- HAL_SetCounterDownSourceEdge(m_handle, true, false, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
- }
+ std::string stackTrace = wpi::GetStackTrace(1);
+ m_handle = HAL_InitializeCounter(
+ channel, configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kRisingEdge,
+ stackTrace.c_str(), &status);
+ FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", channel);
- HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_Counter, m_index + 1);
- wpi::SendableRegistry::Add(this, "UpDown Counter", m_index);
+ HAL_Report(HALUsageReporting::kResourceType_Counter, channel + 1);
+ wpi::SendableRegistry::Add(this, "UpDown Counter", channel);
int UpDownCounter::GetCount() const {
int32_t status = 0;
int val = HAL_GetCounter(m_handle, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
+ FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_channel);
return val;
-void UpDownCounter::SetReverseDirection(bool reverseDirection) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- HAL_SetCounterReverseDirection(m_handle, reverseDirection, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
void UpDownCounter::Reset() {
int32_t status = 0;
HAL_ResetCounter(m_handle, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
-void UpDownCounter::SetUpEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration) {
- int32_t status = 0;
- bool rising = configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kRisingEdge ||
- configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kBoth;
- bool falling = configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kFallingEdge ||
- configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kBoth;
- HAL_SetCounterUpSourceEdge(m_handle, rising, falling, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
+ FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_channel);
-void UpDownCounter::SetDownEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration) {
+void UpDownCounter::SetEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration) {
int32_t status = 0;
- bool rising = configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kRisingEdge ||
- configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kBoth;
- bool falling = configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kFallingEdge ||
- configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kBoth;
- HAL_SetCounterDownSourceEdge(m_handle, rising, falling, &status);
- FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_index);
+ bool rising = configuration == EdgeConfiguration::kRisingEdge;
+ HAL_SetCounterEdgeConfiguration(m_handle, rising, &status);
+ FRC_CheckErrorStatus(status, "{}", m_channel);
void UpDownCounter::InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) {
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/UltrasonicSim.cpp b/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/UltrasonicSim.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1016c4bccbc..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/cpp/simulation/UltrasonicSim.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/simulation/UltrasonicSim.h"
-#include "frc/Ultrasonic.h"
-#include "frc/simulation/SimDeviceSim.h"
-using namespace frc::sim;
-UltrasonicSim::UltrasonicSim(const frc::Ultrasonic& ultrasonic)
- : UltrasonicSim(0, ultrasonic.GetEchoChannel()) {}
-UltrasonicSim::UltrasonicSim(int ping, int echo) {
- frc::sim::SimDeviceSim deviceSim{"Ultrasonic", echo};
- m_simRangeValid = deviceSim.GetBoolean("Range Valid");
- m_simRange = deviceSim.GetDouble("Range (in)");
-void UltrasonicSim::SetRangeValid(bool valid) {
- m_simRangeValid.Set(valid);
-void UltrasonicSim::SetRange(units::inch_t range) {
- m_simRange.Set(range.value());
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/Counter.h b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/Counter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 85175cb9ed9..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/Counter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "frc/AnalogTrigger.h"
-#include "frc/CounterBase.h"
-namespace frc {
-class DigitalGlitchFilter;
- * Class for counting the number of ticks on a digital input channel.
- *
- * This is a general purpose class for counting repetitive events. It can return
- * the number of counts, the period of the most recent cycle, and detect when
- * the signal being counted has stopped by supplying a maximum cycle time.
- *
- * All counters will immediately start counting - Reset() them if you need them
- * to be zeroed before use.
- */
-class Counter : public CounterBase,
- public wpi::Sendable,
- public wpi::SendableHelper {
- public:
- enum Mode {
- kTwoPulse = 0,
- kSemiperiod = 1,
- kPulseLength = 2,
- kExternalDirection = 3
- };
- /**
- * Create an instance of a counter where no sources are selected.
- *
- * They all must be selected by calling functions to specify the up source and
- * the down source independently.
- *
- * This creates a ChipObject counter and initializes status variables
- * appropriately.
- *
- * The counter will start counting immediately.
- *
- * @param mode The counter mode
- */
- explicit Counter(Mode mode = kTwoPulse);
- /**
- * Create an instance of a Counter object.
- *
- * Create an up-Counter instance given a channel.
- *
- * The counter will start counting immediately.
- *
- * @param channel The DIO channel to use as the up source. 0-9 are on-board,
- * 10-25 are on the MXP
- */
- explicit Counter(int channel);
- /**
- * Create an instance of a counter from a Digital Source (such as a Digital
- * Input).
- *
- * This is used if an existing digital input is to be shared by multiple other
- * objects such as encoders or if the Digital Source is not a Digital Input
- * channel (such as an Analog %Trigger).
- *
- * The counter will start counting immediately.
- * @param source A pointer to the existing DigitalSource object. It will be
- * set as the Up Source.
- */
- explicit Counter(DigitalSource* source);
- /**
- * Create an instance of a counter from a Digital Source (such as a Digital
- * Input).
- *
- * This is used if an existing digital input is to be shared by multiple other
- * objects such as encoders or if the Digital Source is not a Digital Input
- * channel (such as an Analog %Trigger).
- *
- * The counter will start counting immediately.
- *
- * @param source A pointer to the existing DigitalSource object. It will be
- * set as the Up Source.
- */
- explicit Counter(std::shared_ptr source);
- /**
- * Create an instance of a Counter object.
- *
- * Create an instance of a simple up-Counter given an analog trigger.
- * Use the trigger state output from the analog trigger.
- *
- * The counter will start counting immediately.
- *
- * @param trigger The reference to the existing AnalogTrigger object.
- */
- explicit Counter(const AnalogTrigger& trigger);
- /**
- * Create an instance of a Counter object.
- *
- * Creates a full up-down counter given two Digital Sources.
- *
- * @param encodingType The quadrature decoding mode (1x or 2x)
- * @param upSource The pointer to the DigitalSource to set as the up
- * source
- * @param downSource The pointer to the DigitalSource to set as the down
- * source
- * @param inverted True to invert the output (reverse the direction)
- */
- Counter(EncodingType encodingType, DigitalSource* upSource,
- DigitalSource* downSource, bool inverted);
- /**
- * Create an instance of a Counter object.
- *
- * Creates a full up-down counter given two Digital Sources.
- *
- * @param encodingType The quadrature decoding mode (1x or 2x)
- * @param upSource The pointer to the DigitalSource to set as the up
- * source
- * @param downSource The pointer to the DigitalSource to set as the down
- * source
- * @param inverted True to invert the output (reverse the direction)
- */
- Counter(EncodingType encodingType, std::shared_ptr upSource,
- std::shared_ptr downSource, bool inverted);
- Counter(Counter&&) = default;
- Counter& operator=(Counter&&) = default;
- ~Counter() override;
- /**
- * Set the up source for the counter as a digital input channel.
- *
- * @param channel The DIO channel to use as the up source. 0-9 are on-board,
- * 10-25 are on the MXP
- */
- void SetUpSource(int channel);
- /**
- * Set the up counting source to be an analog trigger.
- *
- * @param analogTrigger The analog trigger object that is used for the Up
- * Source
- * @param triggerType The analog trigger output that will trigger the
- * counter.
- */
- void SetUpSource(AnalogTrigger* analogTrigger, AnalogTriggerType triggerType);
- /**
- * Set the up counting source to be an analog trigger.
- *
- * @param analogTrigger The analog trigger object that is used for the Up
- * Source
- * @param triggerType The analog trigger output that will trigger the
- * counter.
- */
- void SetUpSource(std::shared_ptr analogTrigger,
- AnalogTriggerType triggerType);
- void SetUpSource(DigitalSource* source);
- /**
- * Set the source object that causes the counter to count up.
- *
- * Set the up counting DigitalSource.
- *
- * @param source Pointer to the DigitalSource object to set as the up source
- */
- void SetUpSource(std::shared_ptr source);
- /**
- * Set the source object that causes the counter to count up.
- *
- * Set the up counting DigitalSource.
- *
- * @param source Reference to the DigitalSource object to set as the up source
- */
- void SetUpSource(DigitalSource& source);
- /**
- * Set the edge sensitivity on an up counting source.
- *
- * Set the up source to either detect rising edges or falling edges or both.
- *
- * @param risingEdge True to trigger on rising edges
- * @param fallingEdge True to trigger on falling edges
- */
- void SetUpSourceEdge(bool risingEdge, bool fallingEdge);
- /**
- * Disable the up counting source to the counter.
- */
- void ClearUpSource();
- /**
- * Set the down counting source to be a digital input channel.
- *
- * @param channel The DIO channel to use as the up source. 0-9 are on-board,
- * 10-25 are on the MXP
- */
- void SetDownSource(int channel);
- /**
- * Set the down counting source to be an analog trigger.
- *
- * @param analogTrigger The analog trigger object that is used for the Down
- * Source
- * @param triggerType The analog trigger output that will trigger the
- * counter.
- */
- void SetDownSource(AnalogTrigger* analogTrigger,
- AnalogTriggerType triggerType);
- /**
- * Set the down counting source to be an analog trigger.
- *
- * @param analogTrigger The analog trigger object that is used for the Down
- * Source
- * @param triggerType The analog trigger output that will trigger the
- * counter.
- */
- void SetDownSource(std::shared_ptr analogTrigger,
- AnalogTriggerType triggerType);
- /**
- * Set the source object that causes the counter to count down.
- *
- * Set the down counting DigitalSource.
- *
- * @param source Pointer to the DigitalSource object to set as the down source
- */
- void SetDownSource(DigitalSource* source);
- /**
- * Set the source object that causes the counter to count down.
- *
- * Set the down counting DigitalSource.
- *
- * @param source Reference to the DigitalSource object to set as the down
- * source
- */
- void SetDownSource(DigitalSource& source);
- void SetDownSource(std::shared_ptr source);
- /**
- * Set the edge sensitivity on a down counting source.
- *
- * Set the down source to either detect rising edges or falling edges.
- *
- * @param risingEdge True to trigger on rising edges
- * @param fallingEdge True to trigger on falling edges
- */
- void SetDownSourceEdge(bool risingEdge, bool fallingEdge);
- /**
- * Disable the down counting source to the counter.
- */
- void ClearDownSource();
- /**
- * Set standard up / down counting mode on this counter.
- *
- * Up and down counts are sourced independently from two inputs.
- */
- void SetUpDownCounterMode();
- /**
- * Set external direction mode on this counter.
- *
- * Counts are sourced on the Up counter input.
- * The Down counter input represents the direction to count.
- */
- void SetExternalDirectionMode();
- /**
- * Set Semi-period mode on this counter.
- *
- * Counts up on both rising and falling edges.
- */
- void SetSemiPeriodMode(bool highSemiPeriod);
- /**
- * Configure the counter to count in up or down based on the length of the
- * input pulse.
- *
- * This mode is most useful for direction sensitive gear tooth sensors.
- *
- * @param threshold The pulse length beyond which the counter counts the
- * opposite direction. Units are seconds.
- */
- void SetPulseLengthMode(double threshold);
- /**
- * Set the Counter to return reversed sensing on the direction.
- *
- * This allows counters to change the direction they are counting in the case
- * of 1X and 2X quadrature encoding only. Any other counter mode isn't
- * supported.
- *
- * @param reverseDirection true if the value counted should be negated.
- */
- void SetReverseDirection(bool reverseDirection);
- /**
- * Set the Samples to Average which specifies the number of samples of the
- * timer to average when calculating the period. Perform averaging to account
- * for mechanical imperfections or as oversampling to increase resolution.
- *
- * @param samplesToAverage The number of samples to average from 1 to 127.
- */
- void SetSamplesToAverage(int samplesToAverage);
- /**
- * Get the Samples to Average which specifies the number of samples of the
- * timer to average when calculating the period.
- *
- * Perform averaging to account for mechanical imperfections or as
- * oversampling to increase resolution.
- *
- * @return The number of samples being averaged (from 1 to 127)
- */
- int GetSamplesToAverage() const;
- int GetFPGAIndex() const;
- /**
- * Set the distance per pulse for this counter. This sets the multiplier used
- * to determine the distance driven based on the count value from the encoder.
- * Set this value based on the Pulses per Revolution and factor in any gearing
- * reductions. This distance can be in any units you like, linear or angular.
- *
- * @param distancePerPulse The scale factor that will be used to convert
- * pulses to useful units.
- */
- void SetDistancePerPulse(double distancePerPulse);
- /**
- * Read the current scaled counter value. Read the value at this instant,
- * scaled by the distance per pulse (defaults to 1).
- *
- * @return The distance since the last reset
- */
- double GetDistance() const;
- /**
- * Get the current rate of the Counter. Read the current rate of the counter
- * accounting for the distance per pulse value. The default value for distance
- * per pulse (1) yields units of pulses per second.
- *
- * @return The rate in units/sec
- */
- double GetRate() const;
- // CounterBase interface
- /**
- * Read the current counter value.
- *
- * Read the value at this instant. It may still be running, so it reflects the
- * current value. Next time it is read, it might have a different value.
- */
- int Get() const override;
- /**
- * Reset the Counter to zero.
- *
- * Set the counter value to zero. This doesn't effect the running state of the
- * counter, just sets the current value to zero.
- */
- void Reset() override;
- /**
- * Get the Period of the most recent count.
- *
- * Returns the time interval of the most recent count. This can be used for
- * velocity calculations to determine shaft speed.
- *
- * @returns The period between the last two pulses in units of seconds.
- */
- units::second_t GetPeriod() const override;
- /**
- * Set the maximum period where the device is still considered "moving".
- *
- * Sets the maximum period where the device is considered moving. This value
- * is used to determine the "stopped" state of the counter using the
- * GetStopped method.
- *
- * @param maxPeriod The maximum period where the counted device is considered
- * moving in seconds.
- */
- void SetMaxPeriod(units::second_t maxPeriod) final;
- /**
- * Select whether you want to continue updating the event timer output when
- * there are no samples captured.
- *
- * The output of the event timer has a buffer of periods that are averaged and
- * posted to a register on the FPGA. When the timer detects that the event
- * source has stopped (based on the MaxPeriod) the buffer of samples to be
- * averaged is emptied. If you enable the update when empty, you will be
- * notified of the stopped source and the event time will report 0 samples.
- * If you disable update when empty, the most recent average will remain on
- * the output until a new sample is acquired. You will never see 0 samples
- * output (except when there have been no events since an FPGA reset) and you
- * will likely not see the stopped bit become true (since it is updated at the
- * end of an average and there are no samples to average).
- *
- * @param enabled True to enable update when empty
- */
- void SetUpdateWhenEmpty(bool enabled);
- /**
- * Determine if the clock is stopped.
- *
- * Determine if the clocked input is stopped based on the MaxPeriod value set
- * using the SetMaxPeriod method. If the clock exceeds the MaxPeriod, then the
- * device (and counter) are assumed to be stopped and it returns true.
- *
- * @return Returns true if the most recent counter period exceeds the
- * MaxPeriod value set by SetMaxPeriod.
- */
- bool GetStopped() const override;
- /**
- * The last direction the counter value changed.
- *
- * @return The last direction the counter value changed.
- */
- bool GetDirection() const override;
- void InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) override;
- protected:
- /// Makes the counter count up.
- std::shared_ptr m_upSource;
- /// Makes the counter count down.
- std::shared_ptr m_downSource;
- /// The FPGA counter object
- hal::Handle m_counter;
- private:
- /// The index of this counter.
- int m_index = 0;
- /// Distance of travel for each tick.
- double m_distancePerPulse = 1;
- friend class DigitalGlitchFilter;
-} // namespace frc
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/Encoder.h b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/Encoder.h
index e2e58e516d3..1e1da52406b 100644
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/Encoder.h
+++ b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/Encoder.h
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
-#include "frc/Counter.h"
#include "frc/CounterBase.h"
namespace frc {
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/Ultrasonic.h b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/Ultrasonic.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f06392c9310..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/Ultrasonic.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "frc/Counter.h"
-namespace frc {
-class DigitalInput;
-class DigitalOutput;
- * Ultrasonic rangefinder class.
- *
- * The Ultrasonic rangefinder measures absolute distance based on the round-trip
- * time of a ping generated by the controller. These sensors use two
- * transducers, a speaker and a microphone both tuned to the ultrasonic range. A
- * common ultrasonic sensor, the Daventech SRF04 requires a short pulse to be
- * generated on a digital channel. This causes the chirp to be emitted. A second
- * line becomes high as the ping is transmitted and goes low when the echo is
- * received. The time that the line is high determines the round trip distance
- * (time of flight).
- */
-class Ultrasonic : public wpi::Sendable,
- public wpi::SendableHelper {
- public:
- /**
- * Create an instance of the Ultrasonic Sensor.
- *
- * This is designed to support the Daventech SRF04 and Vex ultrasonic sensors.
- *
- * @param pingChannel The digital output channel that sends the pulse to
- * initiate the sensor sending the ping.
- * @param echoChannel The digital input channel that receives the echo. The
- * length of time that the echo is high represents the
- * round trip time of the ping, and the distance.
- */
- Ultrasonic(int pingChannel, int echoChannel);
- /**
- * Create an instance of an Ultrasonic Sensor from a DigitalInput for the echo
- * channel and a DigitalOutput for the ping channel.
- *
- * @param pingChannel The digital output object that starts the sensor doing a
- * ping. Requires a 10uS pulse to start.
- * @param echoChannel The digital input object that times the return pulse to
- * determine the range.
- */
- Ultrasonic(DigitalOutput* pingChannel, DigitalInput* echoChannel);
- /**
- * Create an instance of an Ultrasonic Sensor from a DigitalInput for the echo
- * channel and a DigitalOutput for the ping channel.
- *
- * @param pingChannel The digital output object that starts the sensor doing a
- * ping. Requires a 10uS pulse to start.
- * @param echoChannel The digital input object that times the return pulse to
- * determine the range.
- */
- Ultrasonic(DigitalOutput& pingChannel, DigitalInput& echoChannel);
- /**
- * Create an instance of an Ultrasonic Sensor from a DigitalInput for the echo
- * channel and a DigitalOutput for the ping channel.
- *
- * @param pingChannel The digital output object that starts the sensor doing a
- * ping. Requires a 10uS pulse to start.
- * @param echoChannel The digital input object that times the return pulse to
- * determine the range.
- */
- Ultrasonic(std::shared_ptr pingChannel,
- std::shared_ptr echoChannel);
- ~Ultrasonic() override;
- Ultrasonic(Ultrasonic&&) = default;
- Ultrasonic& operator=(Ultrasonic&&) = default;
- /**
- * Returns the echo channel.
- *
- * @return The echo channel.
- */
- int GetEchoChannel() const;
- /**
- * Single ping to ultrasonic sensor.
- *
- * Send out a single ping to the ultrasonic sensor. This only works if
- * automatic (round robin) mode is disabled. A single ping is sent out, and
- * the counter should count the semi-period when it comes in. The counter is
- * reset to make the current value invalid.
- */
- void Ping();
- /**
- * Check if there is a valid range measurement.
- *
- * The ranges are accumulated in a counter that will increment on each edge of
- * the echo (return) signal. If the count is not at least 2, then the range
- * has not yet been measured, and is invalid.
- */
- bool IsRangeValid() const;
- /**
- * Turn Automatic mode on/off.
- *
- * When in Automatic mode, all sensors will fire in round robin, waiting a set
- * time between each sensor.
- *
- * @param enabling Set to true if round robin scheduling should start for all
- * the ultrasonic sensors. This scheduling method assures that
- * the sensors are non-interfering because no two sensors fire
- * at the same time. If another scheduling algorithm is
- * preferred, it can be implemented by pinging the sensors
- * manually and waiting for the results to come back.
- */
- static void SetAutomaticMode(bool enabling);
- /**
- * Get the range from the ultrasonic sensor.
- *
- * @return Range of the target returned from the ultrasonic sensor. If there
- * is no valid value yet, i.e. at least one measurement hasn't
- * completed, then return 0.
- */
- units::meter_t GetRange() const;
- bool IsEnabled() const;
- void SetEnabled(bool enable);
- void InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) override;
- private:
- /**
- * Initialize the Ultrasonic Sensor.
- *
- * This is the common code that initializes the ultrasonic sensor given that
- * there are two digital I/O channels allocated. If the system was running in
- * automatic mode (round robin) when the new sensor is added, it is stopped,
- * the sensor is added, then automatic mode is restored.
- */
- void Initialize();
- /**
- * Background task that goes through the list of ultrasonic sensors and pings
- * each one in turn. The counter is configured to read the timing of the
- * returned echo pulse.
- *
- * This code runs as a task and assumes that none of the ultrasonic sensors
- * will change while it's running. Make sure to disable automatic mode before
- * touching the list.
- */
- static void UltrasonicChecker();
- // Time (usec) for the ping trigger pulse.
- static constexpr auto kPingTime = 10_us;
- // Max time (ms) between readings.
- static constexpr auto kMaxUltrasonicTime = 0.1_s;
- static constexpr auto kSpeedOfSound = 1130_fps;
- // Thread doing the round-robin automatic sensing
- static std::thread m_thread;
- // Ultrasonic sensors
- static std::vector m_sensors;
- // Automatic round-robin mode
- static std::atomic m_automaticEnabled;
- std::shared_ptr m_pingChannel;
- std::shared_ptr m_echoChannel;
- bool m_enabled = false;
- Counter m_counter;
- hal::SimDevice m_simDevice;
- hal::SimBoolean m_simRangeValid;
- hal::SimDouble m_simRange;
-} // namespace frc
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/EdgeConfiguration.h b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/EdgeConfiguration.h
index 4f5a039de2a..988edc3f2de 100644
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/EdgeConfiguration.h
+++ b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/EdgeConfiguration.h
@@ -9,13 +9,9 @@ namespace frc {
* Edge configuration.
enum class EdgeConfiguration {
- /// No edge configuration (neither rising nor falling).
- kNone = 0,
/// Rising edge configuration.
- kRisingEdge = 0x1,
+ kRisingEdge = 0,
/// Falling edge configuration.
- kFallingEdge = 0x2,
- /// Both rising and falling edges configuration.
- kBoth = 0x3
+ kFallingEdge = 1,
} // namespace frc
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/ExternalDirectionCounter.h b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/ExternalDirectionCounter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c4a0effd9..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/ExternalDirectionCounter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-#include "EdgeConfiguration.h"
-namespace frc {
-class DigitalSource;
-/** Counter using external direction.
- *
- *
This counts on an edge from one digital input and the whether it counts
- * up or down based on the state of a second digital input.
- *
- */
-class ExternalDirectionCounter
- : public wpi::Sendable,
- public wpi::SendableHelper {
- public:
- /**
- * Constructs a new ExternalDirectionCounter.
- *
- * @param countSource The source for counting.
- * @param directionSource The source for selecting count direction.
- */
- ExternalDirectionCounter(DigitalSource& countSource,
- DigitalSource& directionSource);
- /**
- * Constructs a new ExternalDirectionCounter.
- *
- * @param countSource The source for counting.
- * @param directionSource The source for selecting count direction.
- */
- ExternalDirectionCounter(std::shared_ptr countSource,
- std::shared_ptr directionSource);
- ExternalDirectionCounter(ExternalDirectionCounter&&) = default;
- ExternalDirectionCounter& operator=(ExternalDirectionCounter&&) = default;
- ~ExternalDirectionCounter() override = default;
- /**
- * Gets the current count.
- *
- * @return The current count.
- */
- int GetCount() const;
- /**
- * Sets to reverse the counter direction.
- *
- * @param reverseDirection True to reverse counting direction.
- */
- void SetReverseDirection(bool reverseDirection);
- /** Resets the current count. */
- void Reset();
- /**
- * Sets the edge configuration for counting.
- *
- * @param configuration The counting edge configuration.
- */
- void SetEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration);
- protected:
- void InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) override;
- private:
- std::shared_ptr m_countSource;
- std::shared_ptr m_directionSource;
- hal::Handle m_handle;
- int32_t m_index = 0;
-} // namespace frc
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/Tachometer.h b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/Tachometer.h
index d8cf354563b..32754d6d6f3 100644
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/Tachometer.h
+++ b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/Tachometer.h
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
+#include "EdgeConfiguration.h"
namespace frc {
class DigitalSource;
@@ -32,22 +34,23 @@ class Tachometer : public wpi::Sendable,
* Constructs a new tachometer.
- * @param source The source.
- */
- explicit Tachometer(DigitalSource& source);
- /**
- * Constructs a new tachometer.
- *
- * @param source The source.
+ * @param channel The DIO Channel.
+ * @param configuration Edge configuration
- explicit Tachometer(std::shared_ptr source);
+ Tachometer(int channel, EdgeConfiguration configuration);
Tachometer(Tachometer&&) = default;
Tachometer& operator=(Tachometer&&) = default;
~Tachometer() override = default;
+ /**
+ * Sets the configuration for the channel.
+ *
+ * @param configuration The channel configuration.
+ */
+ void SetEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration);
* Gets the tachometer frequency.
@@ -101,20 +104,6 @@ class Tachometer : public wpi::Sendable,
bool GetStopped() const;
- /**
- * Gets the number of sample to average.
- *
- * @return Samples to average.
- */
- int GetSamplesToAverage() const;
- /**
- * Sets the number of samples to average.
- *
- * @param samples Samples to average.
- */
- void SetSamplesToAverage(int samples);
* Sets the maximum period before the tachometer is considered stopped.
@@ -122,20 +111,12 @@ class Tachometer : public wpi::Sendable,
void SetMaxPeriod(units::second_t maxPeriod);
- /**
- * Sets if to update when empty.
- *
- * @param updateWhenEmpty True to update when empty.
- */
- void SetUpdateWhenEmpty(bool updateWhenEmpty);
void InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) override;
- std::shared_ptr m_source;
hal::Handle m_handle;
int m_edgesPerRevolution;
- int32_t m_index;
+ int32_t m_channel;
} // namespace frc
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/UpDownCounter.h b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/UpDownCounter.h
index 8fe8f4c090e..371748ac7e4 100644
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/UpDownCounter.h
+++ b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/counter/UpDownCounter.h
@@ -28,19 +28,10 @@ class UpDownCounter : public wpi::Sendable,
* Constructs a new UpDown Counter.
- * @param upSource The up count source (can be null).
- * @param downSource The down count source (can be null).
+ * @param channel The DIO channel
+ * @param configuration Edge configuration
- UpDownCounter(DigitalSource& upSource, DigitalSource& downSource);
- /**
- * Constructs a new UpDown Counter.
- *
- * @param upSource The up count source (can be null).
- * @param downSource The down count source (can be null).
- */
- UpDownCounter(std::shared_ptr upSource,
- std::shared_ptr downSource);
+ UpDownCounter(int channel, EdgeConfiguration configuration);
UpDownCounter(UpDownCounter&&) = default;
UpDownCounter& operator=(UpDownCounter&&) = default;
@@ -54,38 +45,21 @@ class UpDownCounter : public wpi::Sendable,
int GetCount() const;
- /**
- * Sets to revert the counter direction.
- *
- * @param reverseDirection True to reverse counting direction.
- */
- void SetReverseDirection(bool reverseDirection);
/** Resets the current count. */
void Reset();
- * Sets the configuration for the up source.
- *
- * @param configuration The up source configuration.
- */
- void SetUpEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration);
- /**
- * Sets the configuration for the down source.
+ * Sets the configuration for the channel.
- * @param configuration The down source configuration.
+ * @param configuration The channel configuration.
- void SetDownEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration);
+ void SetEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration);
void InitSendable(wpi::SendableBuilder& builder) override;
- void InitUpDownCounter();
- std::shared_ptr m_upSource;
- std::shared_ptr m_downSource;
hal::Handle m_handle;
- int32_t m_index = 0;
+ int32_t m_channel;
} // namespace frc
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/simulation/UltrasonicSim.h b/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/simulation/UltrasonicSim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d22d87df5b..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/main/native/include/frc/simulation/UltrasonicSim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
-namespace frc {
-class Ultrasonic;
-namespace sim {
- * Class to control a simulated {@link Ultrasonic}.
- */
-class UltrasonicSim {
- public:
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param ultrasonic The real ultrasonic to simulate
- */
- explicit UltrasonicSim(const Ultrasonic& ultrasonic);
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param ping unused.
- * @param echo the ultrasonic's echo channel.
- */
- UltrasonicSim(int ping, int echo);
- /**
- * Sets if the range measurement is valid.
- *
- * @param valid True if valid
- */
- void SetRangeValid(bool valid);
- /**
- * Sets the range measurement.
- *
- * @param range The range.
- */
- void SetRange(units::inch_t range);
- private:
- hal::SimBoolean m_simRangeValid;
- hal::SimDouble m_simRange;
-} // namespace sim
-} // namespace frc
diff --git a/wpilibc/src/test/native/cpp/UltrasonicTest.cpp b/wpilibc/src/test/native/cpp/UltrasonicTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ca901dba02a..00000000000
--- a/wpilibc/src/test/native/cpp/UltrasonicTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "frc/Ultrasonic.h"
-#include "frc/simulation/UltrasonicSim.h"
-using namespace frc;
-TEST(UltrasonicTest, SimDevices) {
- Ultrasonic ultrasonic{0, 1};
- sim::UltrasonicSim sim{ultrasonic};
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ultrasonic.GetRange().value());
- EXPECT_TRUE(ultrasonic.IsRangeValid());
- sim.SetRange(units::meter_t{35.04});
- EXPECT_EQ(35.04, ultrasonic.GetRange().value());
- sim.SetRangeValid(false);
- EXPECT_FALSE(ultrasonic.IsRangeValid());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ultrasonic.GetRange().value());
-TEST(UltrasonicTest, AutomaticModeToggle) {
- frc::Ultrasonic ultrasonic{0, 1};
- frc::Ultrasonic::SetAutomaticMode(true);
- frc::Ultrasonic::SetAutomaticMode(false);
- frc::Ultrasonic::SetAutomaticMode(true);
- });
-TEST(UltrasonicTest, AutomaticModeOnWithZeroInstances) {
- EXPECT_NO_THROW({ frc::Ultrasonic::SetAutomaticMode(true); });
-TEST(UltrasonicTest, AutomaticModeOffWithZeroInstances) {
- EXPECT_NO_THROW({ frc::Ultrasonic::SetAutomaticMode(false); });
diff --git a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/EventLoop/cpp/Robot.cpp b/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/EventLoop/cpp/Robot.cpp
index baab35f888d..87baa5932d7 100644
--- a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/EventLoop/cpp/Robot.cpp
+++ b/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/EventLoop/cpp/Robot.cpp
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
@@ -18,16 +17,16 @@
static const auto SHOT_VELOCITY = 200_rpm;
static const auto TOLERANCE = 8_rpm;
-static const auto KICKER_THRESHOLD = 15_mm;
class Robot : public frc::TimedRobot {
Robot() {
- frc::BooleanEvent isBallAtKicker{&m_loop, [&kickerSensor = m_kickerSensor] {
- return kickerSensor.GetRange() <
+ frc::BooleanEvent isBallAtKicker{&m_loop, [] {
+ return false;
+ // return kickerSensor.GetRange() <
frc::BooleanEvent intakeButton{
&m_loop, [&joystick = m_joystick] { return joystick.GetRawButton(2); }};
@@ -88,7 +87,6 @@ class Robot : public frc::TimedRobot {
frc::SimpleMotorFeedforward m_ff{0.1_V, 0.065_V / 1_rpm};
frc::PWMSparkMax m_kicker{1};
- frc::Ultrasonic m_kickerSensor{2, 3};
frc::PWMSparkMax m_intake{3};
diff --git a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/Ultrasonic/cpp/Robot.cpp b/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/Ultrasonic/cpp/Robot.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fda7fcd00d6..00000000000
--- a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/Ultrasonic/cpp/Robot.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "Robot.h"
-Robot::Robot() {
- // Add the ultrasonic on the "Sensors" tab of the dashboard
- // Data will update automatically
- frc::SmartDashboard::PutData("Sensors", &m_rangeFinder);
-void Robot::TeleopPeriodic() {
- // We can read the distance
- units::meter_t distance = m_rangeFinder.GetRange();
- // units auto-convert
- units::millimeter_t distanceMillimeters = distance;
- units::inch_t distanceInches = distance;
- // We can also publish the data itself periodically
- frc::SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance[mm]", distanceMillimeters.value());
- frc::SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance[inch]", distanceInches.value());
-void Robot::TestInit() {
- // By default, the Ultrasonic class polls all ultrasonic sensors in a
- // round-robin to prevent them from interfering from one another. However,
- // manual polling is also possible -- note that this disables automatic mode!
- m_rangeFinder.Ping();
-void Robot::TestPeriodic() {
- if (m_rangeFinder.IsRangeValid()) {
- // Data is valid, publish it
- units::millimeter_t distanceMillimeters = m_rangeFinder.GetRange();
- units::inch_t distanceInches = m_rangeFinder.GetRange();
- frc::SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance[mm]", distanceMillimeters.value());
- frc::SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance[inch]", distanceInches.value());
- // Ping for next measurement
- m_rangeFinder.Ping();
- }
-void Robot::TestExit() {
- // Enable automatic mode
- frc::Ultrasonic::SetAutomaticMode(true);
-int main() {
- return frc::StartRobot();
diff --git a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/Ultrasonic/include/Robot.h b/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/Ultrasonic/include/Robot.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d14ae0ef8b..00000000000
--- a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/Ultrasonic/include/Robot.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
- * This is a sample program demonstrating how to read from a ping-response
- * ultrasonic sensor with the {@link Ultrasonic class}.
- */
-class Robot : public frc::TimedRobot {
- public:
- Robot();
- void TeleopPeriodic() override;
- void TestInit() override;
- void TestPeriodic() override;
- void TestExit() override;
- private:
- // Creates a ping-response Ultrasonic object on DIO 1 and 2.
- frc::Ultrasonic m_rangeFinder{1, 2};
diff --git a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/cpp/Robot.cpp b/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/cpp/Robot.cpp
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index fecaf97fb9d..00000000000
--- a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/cpp/Robot.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "Robot.h"
-Robot::Robot() {
- wpi::SendableRegistry::AddChild(&m_robotDrive, &m_left);
- wpi::SendableRegistry::AddChild(&m_robotDrive, &m_right);
-void Robot::AutonomousInit() {
- // Set setpoint of the pid controller
- m_pidController.SetSetpoint(kHoldDistance.value());
-void Robot::AutonomousPeriodic() {
- units::millimeter_t measurement = m_ultrasonic.GetRange();
- units::millimeter_t filteredMeasurement = m_filter.Calculate(measurement);
- double pidOutput = m_pidController.Calculate(filteredMeasurement.value());
- // disable input squaring -- PID output is linear
- m_robotDrive.ArcadeDrive(pidOutput, 0, false);
-int main() {
- return frc::StartRobot();
diff --git a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/include/Robot.h b/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/include/Robot.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 696f0668fc9..00000000000
--- a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/include/Robot.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#pragma once
- * This is a sample program to demonstrate the use of a PIDController with an
- * ultrasonic sensor to reach and maintain a set distance from an object.
- */
-class Robot : public frc::TimedRobot {
- public:
- Robot();
- void AutonomousInit() override;
- void AutonomousPeriodic() override;
- // distance the robot wants to stay from an object
- static constexpr units::millimeter_t kHoldDistance = 1_m;
- static constexpr int kLeftMotorPort = 0;
- static constexpr int kRightMotorPort = 1;
- static constexpr int kUltrasonicPingPort = 0;
- static constexpr int kUltrasonicEchoPort = 1;
- private:
- // proportional speed constant
- static constexpr double kP = 0.001;
- // integral speed constant
- static constexpr double kI = 0.0;
- // derivative speed constant
- static constexpr double kD = 0.0;
- // Ultrasonic sensors tend to be quite noisy and susceptible to sudden
- // outliers, so measurements are filtered with a 5-sample median filter
- frc::MedianFilter m_filter{5};
- frc::Ultrasonic m_ultrasonic{kUltrasonicPingPort, kUltrasonicEchoPort};
- frc::PWMSparkMax m_left{kLeftMotorPort};
- frc::PWMSparkMax m_right{kRightMotorPort};
- frc::DifferentialDrive m_robotDrive{
- [&](double output) { m_left.Set(output); },
- [&](double output) { m_right.Set(output); }};
- frc::PIDController m_pidController{kP, kI, kD};
diff --git a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/examples.json b/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/examples.json
index d4a93ca9dcf..f41a0ff2783 100644
--- a/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/examples.json
+++ b/wpilibcExamples/src/main/cpp/examples/examples.json
@@ -112,31 +112,6 @@
"gradlebase": "cpp",
"commandversion": 2
- {
- "name": "Ultrasonic",
- "description": "View values from a ping-response ultrasonic sensor.",
- "tags": [
- "Hardware",
- "Ultrasonic",
- "SmartDashboard"
- ],
- "foldername": "Ultrasonic",
- "gradlebase": "cpp",
- "commandversion": 2
- },
- {
- "name": "UltrasonicPID",
- "description": "Maintain a set distance from an obstacle with an ultrasonic sensor and PID control.",
- "tags": [
- "Basic Robot",
- "Ultrasonic",
- "PID",
- "Differential Drive"
- ],
- "foldername": "UltrasonicPID",
- "gradlebase": "cpp",
- "commandversion": 2
- },
"name": "Gyro",
"description": "Drive a differential drive straight with a gyro sensor.",
diff --git a/wpilibcExamples/src/test/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/cpp/UltrasonicPIDTest.cpp b/wpilibcExamples/src/test/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/cpp/UltrasonicPIDTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cfcbe8dbc7..00000000000
--- a/wpilibcExamples/src/test/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/cpp/UltrasonicPIDTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-#include "Robot.h"
-class UltrasonicPIDTest : public testing::TestWithParam {
- frc::DCMotor m_gearbox = frc::DCMotor::Falcon500(2);
- static constexpr auto kGearing =
- frc::sim::DifferentialDrivetrainSim::KitbotGearing::k10p71;
- static constexpr auto kvLinear = 1.98 * 1_V / 1_mps;
- static constexpr auto kaLinear = 0.2 * 1_V / 1_mps_sq;
- static constexpr auto kvVoltAngular = 1.5 * 1_V / 1_rad_per_s;
- static constexpr auto kaAngular = 0.3 * 1_V / 1_rad_per_s_sq;
- static constexpr auto kWheelDiameter = 0.15_m;
- static constexpr auto kTrackwidth = 0.7_m;
- Robot m_robot;
- std::optional m_thread;
- protected:
- frc::sim::DifferentialDrivetrainSim m_driveSim{
- frc::LinearSystemId::IdentifyDrivetrainSystem(
- kvLinear, kaLinear, kvVoltAngular, kaAngular, kTrackwidth),
- kTrackwidth, m_gearbox, kGearing, kWheelDiameter / 2.0};
- frc::sim::PWMSim m_leftMotorSim{Robot::kLeftMotorPort};
- frc::sim::PWMSim m_rightMotorSim{Robot::kRightMotorPort};
- frc::sim::UltrasonicSim m_ultrasonicSim{Robot::kUltrasonicPingPort,
- Robot::kUltrasonicEchoPort};
- int32_t m_callback;
- units::millimeter_t m_distance;
- public:
- void SimPeriodicBefore() {
- m_driveSim.SetInputs(
- m_leftMotorSim.GetSpeed() * frc::RobotController::GetBatteryVoltage(),
- m_rightMotorSim.GetSpeed() * frc::RobotController::GetBatteryVoltage());
- m_driveSim.Update(20_ms);
- auto startingDistance = units::meter_t{GetParam()};
- m_distance = m_driveSim.GetLeftPosition() - startingDistance;
- m_ultrasonicSim.SetRange(m_distance);
- }
- static void CallSimPeriodicBefore(void* param) {
- static_cast(param)->SimPeriodicBefore();
- }
- void SetUp() override {
- frc::sim::PauseTiming();
- frc::sim::DriverStationSim::ResetData();
- m_callback =
- HALSIM_RegisterSimPeriodicBeforeCallback(CallSimPeriodicBefore, this);
- m_thread = std::thread([&] { m_robot.StartCompetition(); });
- frc::sim::StepTiming(0.0_ms); // Wait for Notifiers
- }
- void TearDown() override {
- m_robot.EndCompetition();
- m_thread->join();
- HALSIM_CancelSimPeriodicBeforeCallback(m_callback);
- m_leftMotorSim.ResetData();
- m_rightMotorSim.ResetData();
- }
-TEST_P(UltrasonicPIDTest, Auto) {
- // auto init
- {
- frc::sim::DriverStationSim::SetAutonomous(true);
- frc::sim::DriverStationSim::SetEnabled(true);
- frc::sim::DriverStationSim::NotifyNewData();
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_leftMotorSim.GetInitialized());
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_rightMotorSim.GetInitialized());
- }
- {
- frc::sim::StepTiming(5_s);
- EXPECT_NEAR(Robot::kHoldDistance.value(), m_distance.value(), 10.0);
- }
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(UltrasonicPIDTests, UltrasonicPIDTest,
- testing::Values(1.3, 0.5, 5.0));
diff --git a/wpilibcExamples/src/test/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/cpp/main.cpp b/wpilibcExamples/src/test/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/cpp/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 38d5cfa2fed..00000000000
--- a/wpilibcExamples/src/test/cpp/examples/UltrasonicPID/cpp/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
- * Runs all unit tests.
- */
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- HAL_Initialize(500, 0);
- ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
- int ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
- return ret;
diff --git a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/Counter.java b/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/Counter.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f984aa0b67f..00000000000
--- a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/Counter.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj;
-import static edu.wpi.first.util.ErrorMessages.requireNonNullParam;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.CounterJNI;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.FRCNetComm.tResourceType;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.HAL;
-import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.Sendable;
-import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableBuilder;
-import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableRegistry;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.AnalogTriggerOutput.AnalogTriggerType;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
- * Class for counting the number of ticks on a digital input channel.
- *
- *
This is a general purpose class for counting repetitive events. It can return the number of
- * counts, the period of the most recent cycle, and detect when the signal being counted has stopped
- * by supplying a maximum cycle time.
- *
- *
All counters will immediately start counting - reset() them if you need them to be zeroed
- * before use.
- */
-public class Counter implements CounterBase, Sendable, AutoCloseable {
- /** Mode determines how and what the counter counts. */
- public enum Mode {
- /** mode: two pulse. */
- kTwoPulse(0),
- /** mode: semi period. */
- kSemiperiod(1),
- /** mode: pulse length. */
- kPulseLength(2),
- /** mode: external direction. */
- kExternalDirection(3);
- /** Mode value. */
- public final int value;
- Mode(int value) {
- this.value = value;
- }
- }
- /** What makes the counter count up. */
- protected DigitalSource m_upSource;
- /** What makes the counter count down. */
- protected DigitalSource m_downSource;
- private boolean m_allocatedUpSource;
- private boolean m_allocatedDownSource;
- /** The FPGA counter object. */
- int m_counter;
- /** The index of this counter. */
- private int m_index;
- /** Distance of travel for each tick. */
- private double m_distancePerPulse = 1;
- /**
- * Create an instance of a counter with the given mode.
- *
- * @param mode The counter mode.
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
- public Counter(final Mode mode) {
- ByteBuffer index = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(4);
- // set the byte order
- index.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- m_counter = CounterJNI.initializeCounter(mode.value, index.asIntBuffer());
- m_index = index.asIntBuffer().get(0);
- m_allocatedUpSource = false;
- m_allocatedDownSource = false;
- m_upSource = null;
- m_downSource = null;
- setMaxPeriod(0.5);
- HAL.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_Counter, m_index + 1, mode.value + 1);
- SendableRegistry.add(this, "Counter", m_index);
- }
- /**
- * Create an instance of a counter where no sources are selected. Then they all must be selected
- * by calling functions to specify the up source and the down source independently.
- *
- *
The counter will start counting immediately.
- */
- public Counter() {
- this(Mode.kTwoPulse);
- }
- /**
- * Create an instance of a counter from a Digital Input. This is used if an existing digital input
- * is to be shared by multiple other objects such as encoders or if the Digital Source is not a
- * DIO channel (such as an Analog Trigger)
- *
- *
The counter will start counting immediately.
- *
- * @param source the digital source to count
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
- public Counter(DigitalSource source) {
- this();
- requireNonNullParam(source, "source", "Counter");
- setUpSource(source);
- }
- /**
- * Create an instance of a Counter object. Create an up-Counter instance given a channel.
- *
- *
The counter will start counting immediately.
- *
- * @param channel the DIO channel to use as the up source. 0-9 are on-board, 10-25 are on the MXP
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
- public Counter(int channel) {
- this();
- setUpSource(channel);
- }
- /**
- * Create an instance of a Counter object. Create an instance of a simple up-Counter given an
- * analog trigger. Use the trigger state output from the analog trigger.
- *
- *
The counter will start counting immediately.
- *
- * @param encodingType which edges to count
- * @param upSource first source to count
- * @param downSource second source for direction
- * @param inverted true to invert the count
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
- public Counter(
- EncodingType encodingType,
- DigitalSource upSource,
- DigitalSource downSource,
- boolean inverted) {
- this(Mode.kExternalDirection);
- requireNonNullParam(encodingType, "encodingType", "Counter");
- requireNonNullParam(upSource, "upSource", "Counter");
- requireNonNullParam(downSource, "downSource", "Counter");
- if (encodingType != EncodingType.k1X && encodingType != EncodingType.k2X) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Counters only support 1X and 2X quadrature decoding!");
- }
- setUpSource(upSource);
- setDownSource(downSource);
- if (encodingType == EncodingType.k1X) {
- setUpSourceEdge(true, false);
- CounterJNI.setCounterAverageSize(m_counter, 1);
- } else {
- setUpSourceEdge(true, true);
- CounterJNI.setCounterAverageSize(m_counter, 2);
- }
- setDownSourceEdge(inverted, true);
- }
- /**
- * Create an instance of a Counter object. Create an instance of a simple up-Counter given an
- * analog trigger. Use the trigger state output from the analog trigger.
- *
- *
The counter will start counting immediately.
- *
- * @param trigger the analog trigger to count
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
- public Counter(AnalogTrigger trigger) {
- this();
- requireNonNullParam(trigger, "trigger", "Counter");
- setUpSource(trigger.createOutput(AnalogTriggerType.kState));
- }
- @Override
- public void close() {
- SendableRegistry.remove(this);
- setUpdateWhenEmpty(true);
- clearUpSource();
- clearDownSource();
- CounterJNI.freeCounter(m_counter);
- m_upSource = null;
- m_downSource = null;
- m_counter = 0;
- }
- /**
- * The counter's FPGA index.
- *
- * @return the Counter's FPGA index
- */
- public int getFPGAIndex() {
- return m_index;
- }
- /**
- * Set the up source for the counter as a digital input channel.
- *
- * @param channel the DIO channel to count 0-9 are on-board, 10-25 are on the MXP
- */
- public final void setUpSource(int channel) {
- setUpSource(new DigitalInput(channel));
- m_allocatedUpSource = true;
- SendableRegistry.addChild(this, m_upSource);
- }
- /**
- * Set the source object that causes the counter to count up. Set the up counting DigitalSource.
- *
- * @param source the digital source to count
- */
- public void setUpSource(DigitalSource source) {
- if (m_upSource != null && m_allocatedUpSource) {
- m_upSource.close();
- m_allocatedUpSource = false;
- }
- m_upSource = source;
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpSource(
- m_counter, source.getPortHandleForRouting(), source.getAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting());
- }
- /**
- * Set the up counting source to be an analog trigger.
- *
- * @param analogTrigger The analog trigger object that is used for the Up Source
- * @param triggerType The analog trigger output that will trigger the counter.
- */
- public void setUpSource(AnalogTrigger analogTrigger, AnalogTriggerType triggerType) {
- requireNonNullParam(analogTrigger, "analogTrigger", "setUpSource");
- requireNonNullParam(triggerType, "triggerType", "setUpSource");
- setUpSource(analogTrigger.createOutput(triggerType));
- m_allocatedUpSource = true;
- }
- /**
- * Set the edge sensitivity on an up counting source. Set the up source to either detect rising
- * edges or falling edges.
- *
- * @param risingEdge true to count rising edge
- * @param fallingEdge true to count falling edge
- */
- public void setUpSourceEdge(boolean risingEdge, boolean fallingEdge) {
- if (m_upSource == null) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("Up Source must be set before setting the edge!");
- }
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpSourceEdge(m_counter, risingEdge, fallingEdge);
- }
- /** Disable the up counting source to the counter. */
- public void clearUpSource() {
- if (m_upSource != null && m_allocatedUpSource) {
- m_upSource.close();
- m_allocatedUpSource = false;
- }
- m_upSource = null;
- CounterJNI.clearCounterUpSource(m_counter);
- }
- /**
- * Set the down counting source to be a digital input channel.
- *
- * @param channel the DIO channel to count 0-9 are on-board, 10-25 are on the MXP
- */
- public void setDownSource(int channel) {
- setDownSource(new DigitalInput(channel));
- m_allocatedDownSource = true;
- SendableRegistry.addChild(this, m_downSource);
- }
- /**
- * Set the source object that causes the counter to count down. Set the down counting
- * DigitalSource.
- *
- * @param source the digital source to count
- */
- public void setDownSource(DigitalSource source) {
- requireNonNullParam(source, "source", "setDownSource");
- if (m_downSource != null && m_allocatedDownSource) {
- m_downSource.close();
- m_allocatedDownSource = false;
- }
- CounterJNI.setCounterDownSource(
- m_counter, source.getPortHandleForRouting(), source.getAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting());
- m_downSource = source;
- }
- /**
- * Set the down counting source to be an analog trigger.
- *
- * @param analogTrigger The analog trigger object that is used for the Down Source
- * @param triggerType The analog trigger output that will trigger the counter.
- */
- public void setDownSource(AnalogTrigger analogTrigger, AnalogTriggerType triggerType) {
- requireNonNullParam(analogTrigger, "analogTrigger", "setDownSource");
- requireNonNullParam(triggerType, "analogTrigger", "setDownSource");
- setDownSource(analogTrigger.createOutput(triggerType));
- m_allocatedDownSource = true;
- }
- /**
- * Set the edge sensitivity on a down counting source. Set the down source to either detect rising
- * edges or falling edges.
- *
- * @param risingEdge true to count the rising edge
- * @param fallingEdge true to count the falling edge
- */
- public void setDownSourceEdge(boolean risingEdge, boolean fallingEdge) {
- if (m_downSource == null) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("Down Source must be set before setting the edge!");
- }
- CounterJNI.setCounterDownSourceEdge(m_counter, risingEdge, fallingEdge);
- }
- /** Disable the down counting source to the counter. */
- public void clearDownSource() {
- if (m_downSource != null && m_allocatedDownSource) {
- m_downSource.close();
- m_allocatedDownSource = false;
- }
- m_downSource = null;
- CounterJNI.clearCounterDownSource(m_counter);
- }
- /**
- * Set standard up / down counting mode on this counter. Up and down counts are sourced
- * independently from two inputs.
- */
- public void setUpDownCounterMode() {
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpDownMode(m_counter);
- }
- /**
- * Set external direction mode on this counter. Counts are sourced on the Up counter input. The
- * Down counter input represents the direction to count.
- */
- public void setExternalDirectionMode() {
- CounterJNI.setCounterExternalDirectionMode(m_counter);
- }
- /**
- * Set Semi-period mode on this counter. Counts up on both rising and falling edges.
- *
- * @param highSemiPeriod true to count up on both rising and falling
- */
- public void setSemiPeriodMode(boolean highSemiPeriod) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterSemiPeriodMode(m_counter, highSemiPeriod);
- }
- /**
- * Configure the counter to count in up or down based on the length of the input pulse. This mode
- * is most useful for direction sensitive gear tooth sensors.
- *
- * @param threshold The pulse length beyond which the counter counts the opposite direction. Units
- * are seconds.
- */
- public void setPulseLengthMode(double threshold) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterPulseLengthMode(m_counter, threshold);
- }
- /**
- * Read the current counter value. Read the value at this instant. It may still be running, so it
- * reflects the current value. Next time it is read, it might have a different value.
- */
- @Override
- public int get() {
- return CounterJNI.getCounter(m_counter);
- }
- /**
- * Read the current scaled counter value. Read the value at this instant, scaled by the distance
- * per pulse (defaults to 1).
- *
- * @return The distance since the last reset
- */
- public double getDistance() {
- return get() * m_distancePerPulse;
- }
- /**
- * Reset the Counter to zero. Set the counter value to zero. This doesn't affect the running state
- * of the counter, just sets the current value to zero.
- */
- @Override
- public void reset() {
- CounterJNI.resetCounter(m_counter);
- }
- /**
- * Set the maximum period where the device is still considered "moving". Sets the maximum period
- * where the device is considered moving. This value is used to determine the "stopped" state of
- * the counter using the GetStopped method.
- *
- * @param maxPeriod The maximum period where the counted device is considered moving in seconds.
- */
- @Override
- public final void setMaxPeriod(double maxPeriod) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterMaxPeriod(m_counter, maxPeriod);
- }
- /**
- * Select whether you want to continue updating the event timer output when there are no samples
- * captured. The output of the event timer has a buffer of periods that are averaged and posted to
- * a register on the FPGA. When the timer detects that the event source has stopped (based on the
- * MaxPeriod) the buffer of samples to be averaged is emptied. If you enable the update when
- * empty, you will be notified of the stopped source and the event time will report 0 samples. If
- * you disable update when empty, the most recent average will remain on the output until a new
- * sample is acquired. You will never see 0 samples output (except when there have been no events
- * since an FPGA reset) and you will likely not see the stopped bit become true (since it is
- * updated at the end of an average and there are no samples to average).
- *
- * @param enabled true to continue updating
- */
- public void setUpdateWhenEmpty(boolean enabled) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpdateWhenEmpty(m_counter, enabled);
- }
- /**
- * Determine if the clock is stopped. Determine if the clocked input is stopped based on the
- * MaxPeriod value set using the SetMaxPeriod method. If the clock exceeds the MaxPeriod, then the
- * device (and counter) are assumed to be stopped and the method will return true.
- *
- * @return true if the most recent counter period exceeds the MaxPeriod value set by SetMaxPeriod.
- */
- @Override
- public boolean getStopped() {
- return CounterJNI.getCounterStopped(m_counter);
- }
- /**
- * The last direction the counter value changed.
- *
- * @return The last direction the counter value changed.
- */
- @Override
- public boolean getDirection() {
- return CounterJNI.getCounterDirection(m_counter);
- }
- /**
- * Set the Counter to return reversed sensing on the direction. This allows counters to change the
- * direction they are counting in the case of 1X and 2X quadrature encoding only. Any other
- * counter mode isn't supported.
- *
- * @param reverseDirection true if the value counted should be negated.
- */
- public void setReverseDirection(boolean reverseDirection) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterReverseDirection(m_counter, reverseDirection);
- }
- /**
- * Get the Period of the most recent count. Returns the time interval of the most recent count.
- * This can be used for velocity calculations to determine shaft speed.
- *
- * @return The period of the last two pulses in units of seconds.
- */
- @Override
- public double getPeriod() {
- return CounterJNI.getCounterPeriod(m_counter);
- }
- /**
- * Get the current rate of the Counter. Read the current rate of the counter accounting for the
- * distance per pulse value. The default value for distance per pulse (1) yields units of pulses
- * per second.
- *
- * @return The rate in units/sec
- */
- public double getRate() {
- return m_distancePerPulse / getPeriod();
- }
- /**
- * Set the Samples to Average which specifies the number of samples of the timer to average when
- * calculating the period. Perform averaging to account for mechanical imperfections or as
- * oversampling to increase resolution.
- *
- * @param samplesToAverage The number of samples to average from 1 to 127.
- */
- public void setSamplesToAverage(int samplesToAverage) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterSamplesToAverage(m_counter, samplesToAverage);
- }
- /**
- * Get the Samples to Average which specifies the number of samples of the timer to average when
- * calculating the period. Perform averaging to account for mechanical imperfections or as
- * oversampling to increase resolution.
- *
- * @return SamplesToAverage The number of samples being averaged (from 1 to 127)
- */
- public int getSamplesToAverage() {
- return CounterJNI.getCounterSamplesToAverage(m_counter);
- }
- /**
- * Set the distance per pulse for this counter. This sets the multiplier used to determine the
- * distance driven based on the count value from the encoder. Set this value based on the Pulses
- * per Revolution and factor in any gearing reductions. This distance can be in any units you
- * like, linear or angular.
- *
- * @param distancePerPulse The scale factor that will be used to convert pulses to useful units.
- */
- public void setDistancePerPulse(double distancePerPulse) {
- m_distancePerPulse = distancePerPulse;
- }
- @Override
- public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) {
- builder.setSmartDashboardType("Counter");
- builder.addDoubleProperty("Value", this::get, null);
- }
diff --git a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/Ultrasonic.java b/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/Ultrasonic.java
deleted file mode 100644
index bfd5903662c..00000000000
--- a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/Ultrasonic.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj;
-import static edu.wpi.first.util.ErrorMessages.requireNonNullParam;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.FRCNetComm.tResourceType;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.HAL;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimBoolean;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimDevice;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimDevice.Direction;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimDouble;
-import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.Sendable;
-import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableBuilder;
-import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableRegistry;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
- * Ultrasonic rangefinder class. The Ultrasonic rangefinder measures absolute distance based on the
- * round-trip time of a ping generated by the controller. These sensors use two transducers, a
- * speaker and a microphone both tuned to the ultrasonic range. A common ultrasonic sensor, the
- * Daventech SRF04 requires a short pulse to be generated on a digital channel. This causes the
- * chirp to be emitted. A second line becomes high as the ping is transmitted and goes low when the
- * echo is received. The time that the line is high determines the round trip distance (time of
- * flight).
- */
-public class Ultrasonic implements Sendable, AutoCloseable {
- // Time (sec) for the ping trigger pulse.
- private static final double kPingTime = 10 * 1e-6;
- private static final double kSpeedOfSoundInchesPerSec = 1130.0 * 12.0;
- // ultrasonic sensor list
- private static final List m_sensors = new ArrayList<>();
- // automatic round robin mode
- private static volatile boolean m_automaticEnabled;
- private DigitalInput m_echoChannel;
- private DigitalOutput m_pingChannel;
- private final boolean m_allocatedChannels;
- private boolean m_enabled;
- private Counter m_counter;
- // task doing the round-robin automatic sensing
- private static Thread m_task;
- private static int m_instances;
- @SuppressWarnings("PMD.SingularField")
- private SimDevice m_simDevice;
- private SimBoolean m_simRangeValid;
- private SimDouble m_simRange;
- /**
- * Background task that goes through the list of ultrasonic sensors and pings each one in turn.
- * The counter is configured to read the timing of the returned echo pulse.
- *
- *
DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER WILL ROBINSON: This code runs as a task and assumes that
- * none of the ultrasonic sensors will change while it's running. If one does, then this will
- * certainly break. Make sure to disable automatic mode before changing anything with the
- * sensors!!
- */
- private static final class UltrasonicChecker extends Thread {
- @Override
- public synchronized void run() {
- while (m_automaticEnabled) {
- for (Ultrasonic sensor : m_sensors) {
- if (!m_automaticEnabled) {
- break;
- }
- if (sensor.isEnabled()) {
- sensor.m_pingChannel.pulse(kPingTime); // do the ping
- }
- Timer.delay(0.1); // wait for ping to return
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the Ultrasonic Sensor. This is the common code that initializes the ultrasonic
- * sensor given that there are two digital I/O channels allocated. If the system was running in
- * automatic mode (round-robin) when the new sensor is added, it is stopped, the sensor is added,
- * then automatic mode is restored.
- */
- private synchronized void initialize() {
- m_simDevice = SimDevice.create("Ultrasonic", m_echoChannel.getChannel());
- if (m_simDevice != null) {
- m_simRangeValid = m_simDevice.createBoolean("Range Valid", Direction.kInput, true);
- m_simRange = m_simDevice.createDouble("Range (in)", Direction.kInput, 0.0);
- m_pingChannel.setSimDevice(m_simDevice);
- m_echoChannel.setSimDevice(m_simDevice);
- }
- final boolean originalMode = m_automaticEnabled;
- setAutomaticMode(false); // kill task when adding a new sensor
- m_sensors.add(this);
- m_counter = new Counter(m_echoChannel); // set up counter for this
- SendableRegistry.addChild(this, m_counter);
- // sensor
- m_counter.setMaxPeriod(1.0);
- m_counter.setSemiPeriodMode(true);
- m_counter.reset();
- m_enabled = true; // make it available for round-robin scheduling
- setAutomaticMode(originalMode);
- m_instances++;
- HAL.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_Ultrasonic, m_instances);
- SendableRegistry.add(this, "Ultrasonic", m_echoChannel.getChannel());
- }
- /**
- * Returns the echo channel.
- *
- * @return The echo channel.
- */
- public int getEchoChannel() {
- return m_echoChannel.getChannel();
- }
- /**
- * Create an instance of the Ultrasonic Sensor. This is designed to support the Daventech SRF04
- * and Vex ultrasonic sensors.
- *
- * @param pingChannel The digital output channel that sends the pulse to initiate the sensor
- * sending the ping.
- * @param echoChannel The digital input channel that receives the echo. The length of time that
- * the echo is high represents the round trip time of the ping, and the distance.
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
- public Ultrasonic(final int pingChannel, final int echoChannel) {
- m_pingChannel = new DigitalOutput(pingChannel);
- m_echoChannel = new DigitalInput(echoChannel);
- SendableRegistry.addChild(this, m_pingChannel);
- SendableRegistry.addChild(this, m_echoChannel);
- m_allocatedChannels = true;
- initialize();
- }
- /**
- * Create an instance of an Ultrasonic Sensor from a DigitalInput for the echo channel and a
- * DigitalOutput for the ping channel.
- *
- * @param pingChannel The digital output object that starts the sensor doing a ping. Requires a
- * 10uS pulse to start.
- * @param echoChannel The digital input object that times the return pulse to determine the range.
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
- public Ultrasonic(DigitalOutput pingChannel, DigitalInput echoChannel) {
- requireNonNullParam(pingChannel, "pingChannel", "Ultrasonic");
- requireNonNullParam(echoChannel, "echoChannel", "Ultrasonic");
- m_allocatedChannels = false;
- m_pingChannel = pingChannel;
- m_echoChannel = echoChannel;
- initialize();
- }
- /**
- * Destructor for the ultrasonic sensor. Delete the instance of the ultrasonic sensor by freeing
- * the allocated digital channels. If the system was in automatic mode (round-robin), then it is
- * stopped, then started again after this sensor is removed (provided this wasn't the last
- * sensor).
- */
- @Override
- public synchronized void close() {
- SendableRegistry.remove(this);
- final boolean wasAutomaticMode = m_automaticEnabled;
- setAutomaticMode(false);
- if (m_allocatedChannels) {
- if (m_pingChannel != null) {
- m_pingChannel.close();
- }
- if (m_echoChannel != null) {
- m_echoChannel.close();
- }
- }
- if (m_counter != null) {
- m_counter.close();
- m_counter = null;
- }
- m_pingChannel = null;
- m_echoChannel = null;
- synchronized (m_sensors) {
- m_sensors.remove(this);
- }
- if (!m_sensors.isEmpty() && wasAutomaticMode) {
- setAutomaticMode(true);
- }
- if (m_simDevice != null) {
- m_simDevice.close();
- m_simDevice = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Turn Automatic mode on/off for all sensors.
- *
- *
When in Automatic mode, all sensors will fire in round-robin, waiting a set time between
- * each sensor.
- *
- * @param enabling Set to true if round-robin scheduling should start for all the ultrasonic
- * sensors. This scheduling method assures that the sensors are non-interfering because no two
- * sensors fire at the same time. If another scheduling algorithm is preferred, it can be
- * implemented by pinging the sensors manually and waiting for the results to come back.
- */
- public static synchronized void setAutomaticMode(boolean enabling) {
- if (enabling == m_automaticEnabled) {
- return; // ignore the case of no change
- }
- m_automaticEnabled = enabling;
- if (enabling) {
- /* Clear all the counters so no data is valid. No synchronization is
- * needed because the background task is stopped.
- */
- for (Ultrasonic u : m_sensors) {
- u.m_counter.reset();
- }
- // Start round robin task
- m_task = new UltrasonicChecker();
- m_task.start();
- } else {
- if (m_task != null) {
- // Wait for background task to stop running
- try {
- m_task.join();
- m_task = null;
- } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- /* Clear all the counters (data now invalid) since automatic mode is
- * disabled. No synchronization is needed because the background task is
- * stopped.
- */
- for (Ultrasonic u : m_sensors) {
- u.m_counter.reset();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Single ping to ultrasonic sensor. Send out a single ping to the ultrasonic sensor. This only
- * works if automatic (round-robin) mode is disabled. A single ping is sent out, and the counter
- * should count the semi-period when it comes in. The counter is reset to make the current value
- * invalid.
- */
- public void ping() {
- setAutomaticMode(false); // turn off automatic round-robin if pinging
- // single sensor
- m_counter.reset(); // reset the counter to zero (invalid data now)
- // do the ping to start getting a single range
- m_pingChannel.pulse(kPingTime);
- }
- /**
- * Check if there is a valid range measurement. The ranges are accumulated in a counter that will
- * increment on each edge of the echo (return) signal. If the count is not at least 2, then the
- * range has not yet been measured, and is invalid.
- *
- * @return true if the range is valid
- */
- public boolean isRangeValid() {
- if (m_simRangeValid != null) {
- return m_simRangeValid.get();
- }
- return m_counter.get() > 1;
- }
- /**
- * Get the range in inches from the ultrasonic sensor. If there is no valid value yet, i.e. at
- * least one measurement hasn't completed, then return 0.
- *
- * @return double Range in inches of the target returned from the ultrasonic sensor.
- */
- public double getRangeInches() {
- if (isRangeValid()) {
- if (m_simRange != null) {
- return m_simRange.get();
- }
- return m_counter.getPeriod() * kSpeedOfSoundInchesPerSec / 2.0;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the range in millimeters from the ultrasonic sensor. If there is no valid value yet, i.e.
- * at least one measurement hasn't completed, then return 0.
- *
- * @return double Range in millimeters of the target returned by the ultrasonic sensor.
- */
- public double getRangeMM() {
- return getRangeInches() * 25.4;
- }
- /**
- * Is the ultrasonic enabled.
- *
- * @return true if the ultrasonic is enabled
- */
- public boolean isEnabled() {
- return m_enabled;
- }
- /**
- * Set if the ultrasonic is enabled.
- *
- * @param enable set to true to enable the ultrasonic
- */
- public void setEnabled(boolean enable) {
- m_enabled = enable;
- }
- @Override
- public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) {
- builder.setSmartDashboardType("Ultrasonic");
- builder.addDoubleProperty("Value", this::getRangeInches, null);
- }
diff --git a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/EdgeConfiguration.java b/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/EdgeConfiguration.java
index c969249aaf5..1da6c775fca 100644
--- a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/EdgeConfiguration.java
+++ b/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/EdgeConfiguration.java
@@ -6,25 +6,16 @@
/** Edge configuration. */
public enum EdgeConfiguration {
- /** No edge configuration (neither rising nor falling). */
- kNone(false, false),
/** Rising edge configuration. */
- kRisingEdge(true, false),
+ kRisingEdge(true),
/** Falling edge configuration. */
- kFallingEdge(false, true),
- /** Both rising and falling edge configuration. */
- kBoth(true, true);
+ kFallingEdge(false);
/** True if triggering on rising edge. */
public final boolean rising;
- /** True if triggering on falling edge. */
- @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
- public final boolean falling;
- EdgeConfiguration(boolean rising, boolean falling) {
+ EdgeConfiguration(boolean rising) {
this.rising = rising;
- this.falling = falling;
diff --git a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/ExternalDirectionCounter.java b/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/ExternalDirectionCounter.java
deleted file mode 100644
index fb78ff5f821..00000000000
--- a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/ExternalDirectionCounter.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.counter;
-import static edu.wpi.first.util.ErrorMessages.requireNonNullParam;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.CounterJNI;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.FRCNetComm.tResourceType;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.HAL;
-import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.Sendable;
-import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableBuilder;
-import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableRegistry;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DigitalSource;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
- * Counter using external direction.
- *
- *
This counts on an edge from one digital input and the whether it counts up or down based on
- * the state of a second digital input.
- */
-public class ExternalDirectionCounter implements Sendable, AutoCloseable {
- private final DigitalSource m_countSource;
- private final DigitalSource m_directionSource;
- private final int m_handle;
- /**
- * Constructs a new ExternalDirectionCounter.
- *
- * @param countSource The source for counting.
- * @param directionSource The source for selecting count direction.
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
- public ExternalDirectionCounter(DigitalSource countSource, DigitalSource directionSource) {
- m_countSource = requireNonNullParam(countSource, "countSource", "ExternalDirectionCounter");
- m_directionSource =
- requireNonNullParam(directionSource, "directionSource", "ExternalDirectionCounter");
- ByteBuffer index = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(4);
- // set the byte order
- index.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- m_handle = CounterJNI.initializeCounter(CounterJNI.EXTERNAL_DIRECTION, index.asIntBuffer());
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpSource(
- m_handle,
- countSource.getPortHandleForRouting(),
- countSource.getAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting());
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpSourceEdge(m_handle, true, false);
- CounterJNI.setCounterDownSource(
- m_handle,
- directionSource.getPortHandleForRouting(),
- directionSource.getAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting());
- CounterJNI.setCounterDownSourceEdge(m_handle, false, true);
- CounterJNI.resetCounter(m_handle);
- int intIndex = index.getInt();
- HAL.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_Counter, intIndex + 1);
- SendableRegistry.add(this, "External Direction Counter", intIndex);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the current count.
- *
- * @return The current count.
- */
- public int getCount() {
- return CounterJNI.getCounter(m_handle);
- }
- /**
- * Sets to reverse the counter direction.
- *
- * @param reverseDirection True to reverse counting direction.
- */
- public void setReverseDirection(boolean reverseDirection) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterReverseDirection(m_handle, reverseDirection);
- }
- /** Resets the current count. */
- public void reset() {
- CounterJNI.resetCounter(m_handle);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the edge configuration for counting.
- *
- * @param configuration The counting edge configuration.
- */
- public void setEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpSourceEdge(m_handle, configuration.rising, configuration.falling);
- }
- @Override
- public void close() {
- SendableRegistry.remove(this);
- CounterJNI.freeCounter(m_handle);
- CounterJNI.suppressUnused(m_countSource);
- CounterJNI.suppressUnused(m_directionSource);
- }
- @Override
- public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) {
- builder.setSmartDashboardType("External Direction Counter");
- builder.addDoubleProperty("Count", this::getCount, null);
- }
diff --git a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/Tachometer.java b/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/Tachometer.java
index cba2c92444a..0f7e73e304e 100644
--- a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/Tachometer.java
+++ b/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/Tachometer.java
@@ -4,17 +4,12 @@
package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.counter;
-import static edu.wpi.first.util.ErrorMessages.requireNonNullParam;
import edu.wpi.first.hal.CounterJNI;
import edu.wpi.first.hal.FRCNetComm.tResourceType;
import edu.wpi.first.hal.HAL;
import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.Sendable;
import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableBuilder;
import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableRegistry;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DigitalSource;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
* Tachometer.
@@ -25,38 +20,27 @@
* encoders, this class only needs a single digital input.
public class Tachometer implements Sendable, AutoCloseable {
- private final DigitalSource m_source;
private final int m_handle;
private int m_edgesPerRevolution = 1;
* Constructs a new tachometer.
- * @param source The DigitalSource (e.g. DigitalInput) of the Tachometer.
+ * @param channel The channel of the Tachometer.
+ * @param configuration The edge configuration
- public Tachometer(DigitalSource source) {
- m_source = requireNonNullParam(source, "source", "Tachometer");
- ByteBuffer index = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(4);
- // set the byte order
- index.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- m_handle = CounterJNI.initializeCounter(CounterJNI.TWO_PULSE, index.asIntBuffer());
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpSource(
- m_handle, source.getPortHandleForRouting(), source.getAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting());
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpSourceEdge(m_handle, true, false);
+ public Tachometer(int channel, EdgeConfiguration configuration) {
+ m_handle = CounterJNI.initializeCounter(channel, configuration.rising);
- int intIndex = index.getInt();
- HAL.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_Counter, intIndex + 1);
- SendableRegistry.add(this, "Tachometer", intIndex);
+ HAL.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_Counter, channel + 1);
+ SendableRegistry.add(this, "Tachometer", channel);
public void close() {
- CounterJNI.suppressUnused(m_source);
@@ -138,24 +122,6 @@ public boolean getStopped() {
return CounterJNI.getCounterStopped(m_handle);
- /**
- * Gets the number of samples to average.
- *
- * @return Samples to average.
- */
- public int getSamplesToAverage() {
- return CounterJNI.getCounterSamplesToAverage(m_handle);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the number of samples to average.
- *
- * @param samplesToAverage Samples to average.
- */
- public void setSamplesToAverage(int samplesToAverage) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterSamplesToAverage(m_handle, samplesToAverage);
- }
* Sets the maximum period before the tachometer is considered stopped.
@@ -165,15 +131,6 @@ public void setMaxPeriod(double maxPeriod) {
CounterJNI.setCounterMaxPeriod(m_handle, maxPeriod);
- /**
- * Sets if to update when empty.
- *
- * @param updateWhenEmpty Update when empty if true.
- */
- public void setUpdateWhenEmpty(boolean updateWhenEmpty) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpdateWhenEmpty(m_handle, updateWhenEmpty);
- }
public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) {
diff --git a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/UpDownCounter.java b/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/UpDownCounter.java
index 603a5cd921d..c7dee5678f5 100644
--- a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/UpDownCounter.java
+++ b/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/counter/UpDownCounter.java
@@ -10,9 +10,6 @@
import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.Sendable;
import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableBuilder;
import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableRegistry;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DigitalSource;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.ByteOrder;
* Up Down Counter.
@@ -21,57 +18,28 @@
* digital input and down on an edge from another digital input.
public class UpDownCounter implements Sendable, AutoCloseable {
- private final DigitalSource m_upSource;
- private final DigitalSource m_downSource;
private final int m_handle;
* Constructs a new UpDown Counter.
- * @param upSource The up count source (can be null).
- * @param downSource The down count source (can be null).
+ * @param channel The up count source (can be null).
+ * @param configuration The edge configuration.
- public UpDownCounter(DigitalSource upSource, DigitalSource downSource) {
- ByteBuffer index = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(4);
- // set the byte order
- index.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- m_handle = CounterJNI.initializeCounter(CounterJNI.TWO_PULSE, index.asIntBuffer());
- if (upSource != null) {
- m_upSource = upSource;
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpSource(
- m_handle, upSource.getPortHandleForRouting(), upSource.getAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting());
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpSourceEdge(m_handle, true, false);
- } else {
- m_upSource = null;
- }
- if (downSource != null) {
- m_downSource = downSource;
- CounterJNI.setCounterDownSource(
- m_handle,
- downSource.getPortHandleForRouting(),
- downSource.getAnalogTriggerTypeForRouting());
- CounterJNI.setCounterDownSourceEdge(m_handle, true, false);
- } else {
- m_downSource = null;
- }
+ public UpDownCounter(int channel, EdgeConfiguration configuration) {
+ m_handle = CounterJNI.initializeCounter(channel, configuration.rising);
- int intIndex = index.getInt();
- HAL.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_Counter, intIndex + 1);
- SendableRegistry.add(this, "UpDown Counter", intIndex);
+ HAL.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_Counter, channel);
+ SendableRegistry.add(this, "UpDown Counter", channel);
public void close() {
- CounterJNI.suppressUnused(m_upSource);
- CounterJNI.suppressUnused(m_downSource);
@@ -79,17 +47,8 @@ public void close() {
* @param configuration The up source configuration.
- public void setUpEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterUpSourceEdge(m_handle, configuration.rising, configuration.falling);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the configuration for the down source.
- *
- * @param configuration The down source configuration.
- */
- public void setDownEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterDownSourceEdge(m_handle, configuration.rising, configuration.falling);
+ public void setEdgeConfiguration(EdgeConfiguration configuration) {
+ CounterJNI.setCounterEdgeConfiguration(m_handle, configuration.rising);
/** Resets the current count. */
@@ -97,15 +56,6 @@ public final void reset() {
- /**
- * Sets to reverse the counter direction.
- *
- * @param reverseDirection True to reverse counting direction.
- */
- public void setReverseDirection(boolean reverseDirection) {
- CounterJNI.setCounterReverseDirection(m_handle, reverseDirection);
- }
* Gets the current count.
diff --git a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/simulation/UltrasonicSim.java b/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/simulation/UltrasonicSim.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ad42e7afaf..00000000000
--- a/wpilibj/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/simulation/UltrasonicSim.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.simulation;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimBoolean;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimDouble;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.util.Units;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Ultrasonic;
-/** Class to control a simulated {@link edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Ultrasonic}. */
-public class UltrasonicSim {
- private final SimBoolean m_simRangeValid;
- private final SimDouble m_simRange;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param ultrasonic The real ultrasonic to simulate
- */
- public UltrasonicSim(Ultrasonic ultrasonic) {
- // ping parameter is unused
- this(-1, ultrasonic.getEchoChannel());
- }
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param ping unused.
- * @param echo the ultrasonic's echo channel.
- */
- public UltrasonicSim(@SuppressWarnings("unused") int ping, int echo) {
- SimDeviceSim simDevice = new SimDeviceSim("Ultrasonic", echo);
- m_simRangeValid = simDevice.getBoolean("Range Valid");
- m_simRange = simDevice.getDouble("Range (in)");
- }
- /**
- * Sets if the range measurement is valid.
- *
- * @param valid True if valid
- */
- public void setRangeValid(boolean valid) {
- m_simRangeValid.set(valid);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the range measurement.
- *
- * @param inches The range in inches.
- */
- public void setRangeInches(double inches) {
- m_simRange.set(inches);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the range measurement.
- *
- * @param meters The range in meters.
- */
- public void setRangeMeters(double meters) {
- m_simRange.set(Units.metersToInches(meters));
- }
diff --git a/wpilibj/src/test/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/UltrasonicTest.java b/wpilibj/src/test/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/UltrasonicTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index da5eac71b3d..00000000000
--- a/wpilibj/src/test/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/UltrasonicTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj;
-import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertDoesNotThrow;
-import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.simulation.UltrasonicSim;
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
-import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
-import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource;
-class UltrasonicTest {
- @Test
- void testUltrasonic() {
- try (Ultrasonic ultrasonic = new Ultrasonic(0, 1)) {
- UltrasonicSim sim = new UltrasonicSim(ultrasonic);
- assertEquals(0, ultrasonic.getRangeInches());
- assertTrue(ultrasonic.isRangeValid());
- sim.setRangeInches(35.04);
- assertEquals(35.04, ultrasonic.getRangeInches());
- sim.setRangeValid(false);
- assertFalse(ultrasonic.isRangeValid());
- assertEquals(0, ultrasonic.getRangeInches());
- }
- }
- @Test
- void automaticModeToggle() {
- try (@SuppressWarnings("unused")
- Ultrasonic ultrasonic = new Ultrasonic(0, 1)) {
- assertDoesNotThrow(
- () -> {
- Ultrasonic.setAutomaticMode(true);
- Ultrasonic.setAutomaticMode(false);
- Ultrasonic.setAutomaticMode(true);
- });
- }
- }
- @ValueSource(booleans = {true, false})
- @ParameterizedTest
- void automaticModeWithZeroInstances(boolean enabling) {
- assertDoesNotThrow(() -> Ultrasonic.setAutomaticMode(enabling));
- }
diff --git a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/eventloop/Robot.java b/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/eventloop/Robot.java
index f9646e282a3..7a4ed2d0830 100644
--- a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/eventloop/Robot.java
+++ b/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/eventloop/Robot.java
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Encoder;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Joystick;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.TimedRobot;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Ultrasonic;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.event.BooleanEvent;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.event.EventLoop;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.motorcontrol.PWMSparkMax;
@@ -17,7 +16,6 @@
public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
public static final int SHOT_VELOCITY = 200; // rpm
public static final int TOLERANCE = 8; // rpm
- public static final int KICKER_THRESHOLD = 15; // mm
private final PWMSparkMax m_shooter = new PWMSparkMax(0);
private final Encoder m_shooterEncoder = new Encoder(0, 1);
@@ -25,7 +23,6 @@ public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
private final SimpleMotorFeedforward m_ff = new SimpleMotorFeedforward(0.1, 0.065);
private final PWMSparkMax m_kicker = new PWMSparkMax(1);
- private final Ultrasonic m_kickerSensor = new Ultrasonic(2, 3);
private final PWMSparkMax m_intake = new PWMSparkMax(2);
@@ -37,7 +34,7 @@ public Robot() {
BooleanEvent isBallAtKicker =
- new BooleanEvent(m_loop, () -> m_kickerSensor.getRangeMM() < KICKER_THRESHOLD);
+ new BooleanEvent(m_loop, () -> false); // m_kickerSensor.getRangeMM() < KICKER_THRESHOLD);
BooleanEvent intakeButton = new BooleanEvent(m_loop, () -> m_joystick.getRawButton(2));
// if the thumb button is held
diff --git a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/examples.json b/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/examples.json
index ac667693ce7..a82721dc682 100644
--- a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/examples.json
+++ b/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/examples.json
@@ -101,33 +101,6 @@
"mainclass": "Main",
"commandversion": 2
- {
- "name": "Ultrasonic",
- "description": "View values from a ping-response ultrasonic sensor.",
- "tags": [
- "Hardware",
- "Ultrasonic",
- "SmartDashboard"
- ],
- "foldername": "ultrasonic",
- "gradlebase": "java",
- "mainclass": "Main",
- "commandversion": 2
- },
- {
- "name": "Ultrasonic PID",
- "description": "Maintain a set distance from an obstacle with an ultrasonic sensor and PID control.",
- "tags": [
- "Basic Robot",
- "Ultrasonic",
- "PID",
- "Differential Drive"
- ],
- "foldername": "ultrasonicpid",
- "gradlebase": "java",
- "mainclass": "Main",
- "commandversion": 2
- },
"name": "Potentiometer PID",
"description": "Maintain elevator position setpoints with a potentiometer and PID control.",
diff --git a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonic/Main.java b/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonic/Main.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f4de068bbe..00000000000
--- a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonic/Main.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.examples.ultrasonic;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase;
- * Do NOT add any static variables to this class, or any initialization at all. Unless you know what
- * you are doing, do not modify this file except to change the parameter class to the startRobot
- * call.
- */
-public final class Main {
- private Main() {}
- /**
- * Main initialization function. Do not perform any initialization here.
- *
- *
If you change your main robot class, change the parameter type.
- */
- public static void main(String... args) {
- RobotBase.startRobot(Robot::new);
- }
diff --git a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonic/Robot.java b/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonic/Robot.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8727f92ff42..00000000000
--- a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonic/Robot.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.examples.ultrasonic;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.TimedRobot;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Ultrasonic;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SmartDashboard;
- * This is a sample program demonstrating how to read from a ping-response ultrasonic sensor with
- * the {@link Ultrasonic class}.
- */
-public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
- // Creates a ping-response Ultrasonic object on DIO 1 and 2.
- Ultrasonic m_rangeFinder = new Ultrasonic(1, 2);
- /** Called once at the beginning of the robot program. */
- public Robot() {
- // Add the ultrasonic on the "Sensors" tab of the dashboard
- // Data will update automatically
- SmartDashboard.putData("Sensors", m_rangeFinder);
- }
- @Override
- public void teleopPeriodic() {
- // We can read the distance in millimeters
- double distanceMillimeters = m_rangeFinder.getRangeMM();
- // ... or in inches
- double distanceInches = m_rangeFinder.getRangeInches();
- // We can also publish the data itself periodically
- SmartDashboard.putNumber("Distance[mm]", distanceMillimeters);
- SmartDashboard.putNumber("Distance[inch]", distanceInches);
- }
- @Override
- public void testInit() {
- // By default, the Ultrasonic class polls all ultrasonic sensors in a round-robin to prevent
- // them from interfering from one another.
- // However, manual polling is also possible -- note that this disables automatic mode!
- m_rangeFinder.ping();
- }
- @Override
- public void testPeriodic() {
- if (m_rangeFinder.isRangeValid()) {
- // Data is valid, publish it
- SmartDashboard.putNumber("Distance[mm]", m_rangeFinder.getRangeMM());
- SmartDashboard.putNumber("Distance[inch]", m_rangeFinder.getRangeInches());
- // Ping for next measurement
- m_rangeFinder.ping();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void testExit() {
- // Enable automatic mode
- Ultrasonic.setAutomaticMode(true);
- }
diff --git a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonicpid/Main.java b/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonicpid/Main.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b31e3766d7c..00000000000
--- a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonicpid/Main.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.examples.ultrasonicpid;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase;
- * Do NOT add any static variables to this class, or any initialization at all. Unless you know what
- * you are doing, do not modify this file except to change the parameter class to the startRobot
- * call.
- */
-public final class Main {
- private Main() {}
- /**
- * Main initialization function. Do not perform any initialization here.
- *
- *
If you change your main robot class, change the parameter type.
- */
- public static void main(String... args) {
- RobotBase.startRobot(Robot::new);
- }
diff --git a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonicpid/Robot.java b/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonicpid/Robot.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 33681d00859..00000000000
--- a/wpilibjExamples/src/main/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonicpid/Robot.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.examples.ultrasonicpid;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.PIDController;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.filter.MedianFilter;
-import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableRegistry;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.TimedRobot;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Ultrasonic;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.drive.DifferentialDrive;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.motorcontrol.PWMSparkMax;
- * This is a sample program to demonstrate the use of a PIDController with an ultrasonic sensor to
- * reach and maintain a set distance from an object.
- */
-public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
- // distance the robot wants to stay from an object
- // (one meter)
- static final double kHoldDistanceMillimeters = 1.0e3;
- // proportional speed constant
- private static final double kP = 0.001;
- // integral speed constant
- private static final double kI = 0.0;
- // derivative speed constant
- private static final double kD = 0.0;
- static final int kLeftMotorPort = 0;
- static final int kRightMotorPort = 1;
- static final int kUltrasonicPingPort = 0;
- static final int kUltrasonicEchoPort = 1;
- // Ultrasonic sensors tend to be quite noisy and susceptible to sudden outliers,
- // so measurements are filtered with a 5-sample median filter
- private final MedianFilter m_filter = new MedianFilter(5);
- private final Ultrasonic m_ultrasonic = new Ultrasonic(kUltrasonicPingPort, kUltrasonicEchoPort);
- private final PWMSparkMax m_leftMotor = new PWMSparkMax(kLeftMotorPort);
- private final PWMSparkMax m_rightMotor = new PWMSparkMax(kRightMotorPort);
- private final DifferentialDrive m_robotDrive =
- new DifferentialDrive(m_leftMotor::set, m_rightMotor::set);
- private final PIDController m_pidController = new PIDController(kP, kI, kD);
- public Robot() {
- SendableRegistry.addChild(m_robotDrive, m_leftMotor);
- SendableRegistry.addChild(m_robotDrive, m_rightMotor);
- }
- @Override
- public void autonomousInit() {
- // Set setpoint of the pid controller
- m_pidController.setSetpoint(kHoldDistanceMillimeters);
- }
- @Override
- public void autonomousPeriodic() {
- double measurement = m_ultrasonic.getRangeMM();
- double filteredMeasurement = m_filter.calculate(measurement);
- double pidOutput = m_pidController.calculate(filteredMeasurement);
- // disable input squaring -- PID output is linear
- m_robotDrive.arcadeDrive(pidOutput, 0, false);
- }
- @Override
- public void close() {
- m_leftMotor.close();
- m_rightMotor.close();
- m_ultrasonic.close();
- m_robotDrive.close();
- super.close();
- }
diff --git a/wpilibjExamples/src/test/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonicpid/UltrasonicPIDTest.java b/wpilibjExamples/src/test/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonicpid/UltrasonicPIDTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f0a27b8f9c0..00000000000
--- a/wpilibjExamples/src/test/java/edu/wpi/first/wpilibj/examples/ultrasonicpid/UltrasonicPIDTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
-// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
-// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
-package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.examples.ultrasonicpid;
-import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.HAL;
-import edu.wpi.first.hal.HAL.SimPeriodicBeforeCallback;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.system.plant.DCMotor;
-import edu.wpi.first.math.system.plant.LinearSystemId;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotController;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.simulation.DifferentialDrivetrainSim;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.simulation.DifferentialDrivetrainSim.KitbotGearing;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.simulation.DriverStationSim;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.simulation.PWMSim;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.simulation.SimHooks;
-import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.simulation.UltrasonicSim;
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel.ResourceLock;
-import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
-import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource;
-class UltrasonicPIDTest {
- private final DCMotor m_gearbox = DCMotor.getFalcon500(2);
- private static final double kGearing = KitbotGearing.k10p71.value;
- public static final double kvVoltSecondsPerMeter = 1.98;
- public static final double kaVoltSecondsSquaredPerMeter = 0.2;
- private static final double kvVoltSecondsPerRadian = 1.5;
- private static final double kaVoltSecondsSquaredPerRadian = 0.3;
- private static final double kWheelDiameterMeters = 0.15;
- private static final double kTrackwidthMeters = 0.7;
- private Robot m_robot;
- private Thread m_thread;
- private DifferentialDrivetrainSim m_driveSim;
- private PWMSim m_leftMotorSim;
- private PWMSim m_rightMotorSim;
- private UltrasonicSim m_ultrasonicSim;
- private SimPeriodicBeforeCallback m_callback;
- // distance between the robot's starting position and the object
- // we will update this in a moment
- private double m_startToObject = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- private double m_distanceMM;
- // We're not using @BeforeEach so m_startToObject gets initialized properly
- private void startThread() {
- HAL.initialize(500, 0);
- SimHooks.pauseTiming();
- DriverStationSim.resetData();
- m_robot = new Robot();
- m_thread = new Thread(m_robot::startCompetition);
- m_driveSim =
- new DifferentialDrivetrainSim(
- LinearSystemId.identifyDrivetrainSystem(
- kvVoltSecondsPerMeter,
- kaVoltSecondsSquaredPerMeter,
- kvVoltSecondsPerRadian,
- kaVoltSecondsSquaredPerRadian),
- m_gearbox,
- kGearing,
- kTrackwidthMeters,
- kWheelDiameterMeters / 2.0,
- null);
- m_ultrasonicSim = new UltrasonicSim(Robot.kUltrasonicPingPort, Robot.kUltrasonicEchoPort);
- m_leftMotorSim = new PWMSim(Robot.kLeftMotorPort);
- m_rightMotorSim = new PWMSim(Robot.kRightMotorPort);
- m_callback =
- HAL.registerSimPeriodicBeforeCallback(
- () -> {
- m_driveSim.setInputs(
- m_leftMotorSim.getSpeed() * RobotController.getBatteryVoltage(),
- m_rightMotorSim.getSpeed() * RobotController.getBatteryVoltage());
- m_driveSim.update(0.02);
- double startingDistance = m_startToObject;
- double range = m_driveSim.getLeftPositionMeters() - startingDistance;
- m_ultrasonicSim.setRangeMeters(range);
- m_distanceMM = range * 1.0e3;
- });
- m_thread.start();
- SimHooks.stepTiming(0.0); // Wait for Notifiers
- SimHooks.stepTiming(0.02); // Have once iteration on disabled
- }
- @AfterEach
- void stopThread() {
- m_robot.endCompetition();
- try {
- m_thread.interrupt();
- m_thread.join();
- } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
- Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
- }
- m_robot.close();
- m_callback.close();
- m_leftMotorSim.resetData();
- m_rightMotorSim.resetData();
- }
- @ValueSource(doubles = {1.3, 0.5, 5.0})
- @ParameterizedTest
- void autoTest(double distance) {
- // set up distance
- {
- m_startToObject = distance;
- }
- startThread();
- // auto init
- {
- DriverStationSim.setAutonomous(true);
- DriverStationSim.setEnabled(true);
- DriverStationSim.notifyNewData();
- assertTrue(m_leftMotorSim.getInitialized());
- assertTrue(m_rightMotorSim.getInitialized());
- }
- {
- SimHooks.stepTiming(5.0);
- assertEquals(Robot.kHoldDistanceMillimeters, m_distanceMM, 10.0);
- }
- }