Releases: wpmudev/shared-ui
Releases · wpmudev/shared-ui
v2.9.6 - WordPress 5.5 Compatibility
- [Fix] Tabs: Tab's related radio not being checked since WP 5.5.0.
v2.9.5 - Various fixes
- [Fix] Box: Dropdown elements overflow sticky box.
- [Fix] Toggle: Missing disabled state.
- [Fix] Tabs: Overflow flushed tabs styling issues.
v2.9.4 - Multi Strings
- [New] Showcase: Add whitelabel instructions.
Dev Notes: You can find whitelabel instructions on - [Fix] Multi Strings: Prevent default when pressing enter on empty tag's value.
v2.9.3 - Summary Box
- [Fix] Summary: Wrong variable for white-labelling.
- [Fix] Summary: Improve element styles for RTL direction.
- [Fix] Summary: Position correctly hero image on RTL direction.
- [Fix] Summary Lists: Improve element styles for RTL direction.
v2.9.2 - Modals
- [Fix] Modals: Mask not aligned correctly on RTL mode.
- [Fix] Modals: Lower part of the overlay not closing in long modals.
- [Enhance] Modals: Introduce a parameter like hasOverlayMask to allow preventing ESC key from closing modal.
Dev Notes: The default value for this parameter is "true", so the existing
modals will continue closing with ESC unless specified otherwise by this param.
v2.9.1 - Multi Strings
- [New] Multi Strings: Allow defining a set of characters that are not allowed in the strings.
- [Fix] Multi Strings: Large strings overflow main container.
- [New] Modals: Trigger events when opening and closing the modals.
Dev Notes: The new custom events are 'open', 'afteropen', 'close', 'afterclose'.
You can ping @a-danae if something is not clear or need more information. - [Fix] Multi Strings: First tag being removed when adding a new one in Snapshot.
- [Fix] Multi Strings: On load value not handled properly if not using comma as separator.
- [Enhance] Notifications: Allow the TAB key to insert a new string to the textarea list.
- [Fix] Icons: Branda icon is missing even when font supports it.
- [Enhance] Modals: Remove legacy code support.
Dev Notes: a11y-dialog.js external library has been also removed from SUI.
In case you've been using it for something other than old dialog, you can
grab it here - [Enhance] Buttons: Add white button color variation.
- [Enhance] Icon Buttons: Add white icon button color variation.
Dev Notes: On new modals there are some with colorized banner using white
close button. This color variation for buttons was added to achieve that design. - [Enhance] Code Snippets: Remove external library support.
Dev Notes: clipboard.js was removed from SUI but is still required for this element.
Go to and open Documentation tab
for more information related. If you have any doubts, please ping @iamleigh or @a-danae.
v2.7.0 - Notifications
- [New] Multi Strings: Element to allow users add a list of strings.
Dev Notes: Go to and
review documentation section for more details. If you have any doubts,
you can ping @iamleigh or @a-danae on #sui-plugins channel. - [Fix] Modals: Closing with the "ESC" key not working.
- [Fix] Modals: Using autocomplete in the modal closes the modal.
Dev Notes: You can re-enable autocomplete on your forms inside modals. - [Enhance] Notifications: Apply element new styles.
- [Enhance] Notifications: Revamp markup to be more accessible.
Dev Notes: Notifications have been revamped completely and old markup is NOT supported.
Please go to and read documentation
section. Ping @Leigh if you have some doubts or need more details. - [Enhance] Notifications: Create new functions to handle show/hide behave for this element.
- [Enhance] Tooltips: Styling is too padded.
- [Enhance] Modals: Support prefer-reduced-motion feature.
- [Enhance] Selectors: Disabled selector item with pro tag.
- [Enhance] Buttons: Include focus state changes.