diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 93bef44..09970f5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -29,26 +29,30 @@ Erstelle als nächstes ein hpsu-dashboard-card als ein Fullscreen - **Panel** mi
- type: custom:hpsu-dashboard-card
- t_aussen_1: sensor.rotex_aussentemperatur
- t_aussen_2: sensor.rotex_t_aussen
- expansions_ventil: sensor.rotex_expansionsventil
- kondensat: sensor.rotex_temperatur_fl_ssigkeitsleitung
- umwaelzpumpe: sensor.rotex_umwaelzpumpe
- umwaelzpumpe_an_aus: binary_sensor.rotex_status_kesselpumpe
- durchfluss: sensor.rotex_durchfluss
- ruecklauf_1: sensor.rotex_ruecklauftemperatur_heizung
- ruecklauf_2: sensor.rotex_r_cklauftemperatur
- verdampfer: sensor.rotex_lamellenw_rmetauscher_temperatur
- vorlauf_1: sensor.rotex_heizkreis_vorlauf_tv
- vorlauf_2: sensor.rotex_vorlauftemeratur_tv
- vorlauf_soll: sensor.rotex_vorlauf_soll
- wasserdruck: sensor.rotex_wasserdruck
- vorlauf_bh_1: sensor.rotex_vorlauftemperatur_heizung_tvbh
- vorlauf_bh_2: sensor.rotex_vorlauftemeratur_tvbh
- kompressor_an_aus: binary_sensor.rotex_status_kompressor
- luefter: sensor.rotex_ventilatordrehzahl
- verdichter: sensor.rotex_kompressor_drehzahl
- speicher: sensor.rotex_warmwassertemperatur
- speicher_soll: select.rotex_t_ww_soll1
- mischer: sensor.rotex_dhw_mischer_position
- bypass: sensor.rotex_bpv
+ aussen_temperatur: sensor.hpsu_can_aussentemperatur
+ t_aussen: sensor.hpsu_can_t_aussen
+ expansions_ventil: sensor.hpsu_uart_expansionsventil
+ kondensat: sensor.hpsu_uart_temperatur_fl_ssigkeitsleitung
+ umwaelzpumpe: sensor.hpsu_can_umwaelzpumpe
+ umwaelzpumpe_an_aus: binary_sensor.hpsu_can_status_kesselpumpe
+ durchfluss: sensor.hpsu_can_durchfluss
+ ruecklauf_1: sensor.hpsu_can_ruecklauftemperatur_heizung
+ ruecklauf_2: sensor.hpsu_uart_r_cklauftemperatur
+ verdampfer: sensor.hpsu_uart_lamellenw_rmetauscher_temperatur
+ vorlauf_1: sensor.hpsu_can_heizkreis_vorlauf_tv
+ vorlauf_2: sensor.hpsu_uart_vorlauftemeratur_tv
+ vorlauf_soll: sensor.hpsu_can_vorlauf_soll
+ wasserdruck: sensor.hpsu_can_wasserdruck
+ vorlauf_bh_1: sensor.hpsu_can_vorlauftemperatur_heizung_tvbh
+ vorlauf_bh_2: sensor.hpsu_uart_vorlauftemeratur_tvbh
+ kompressor_an_aus: binary_sensor.hpsu_can_status_kompressor
+ luefter: sensor.hpsu_uart_ventilatordrehzahl
+ verdichter: sensor.hpsu_uart_kompressor_drehzahl
+ speicher: sensor.hpsu_can_warmwassertemperatur
+ speicher_soll: select.hpsu_can_t_ww_soll1
+ mischer: sensor.hpsu_can_dhw_mischer_position
+ bypass: sensor.hpsu_can_bpv
+ betriebsmodus: select.hpsu_can_betriebsmodus
+ thermische_leistung: sensor.hpsu_can_thermische_leistung
+ betriebsart: sensor.hpsu_can_betriebsart
diff --git a/dist/hpsu-dashboard-card-editor.js b/dist/hpsu-dashboard-card-editor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a505d39..0000000
--- a/dist/hpsu-dashboard-card-editor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-//import { LitElement, html, css } from "lit";
-import { LitElement, html, css } from "https://unpkg.com/lit-element@2.0.1/lit-element.js?module";
-class HpsuDashboardCardEditor extends LitElement {
- static get properties() {
- return {
- config: { type: Object },
- entities: { type: Array }
- };
- }
- constructor() {
- super();
- this.entities = []; // Initialisiere das Array für die Entities
- }
- async setConfig(config) {
- const cardHelpers = await window.loadCardHelpers();
- const entitiesCard = await cardHelpers.createCardElement({ type: "entities", entities: [] });
- // Lade den Editor über die statische Methode getConfigElement
- const editorElement = entitiesCard.constructor.getConfigElement();
- this.entities_configuration = await this.loadModule();
- this.entities_configuration = this.entities_configuration.map(
- (entity) => {
- entity.entityId = config.entities[entity.id];
- return entity;
- }
- );
- this.config = config;
- // Füge den Editor dem DOM hinzu
- //this.shadowRoot.appendChild(editorElement);
- }
- render() {
- if (!this.config) return html``;
- return html`
- ${this.entities_configuration.map(
- (entity) => {
- return html`
- ${(entity.category) ? html`
` : ""}
- `;
- }
- )}
- `;
- }
- _entityChanged(event) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- const entityId = event.target.getAttribute("data-id");
- this.config.entities[entityId] = event.detail.value;
- this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('config-changed', { detail: { config: this.config } }));
- }
- static get styles() {
- return css`
- .card-config {
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- padding: 16px;
- }
- h2 {
- font-size: 20px;
- margin-bottom: 16px;
- }
- paper-input {
- margin-bottom: 16px; /* Abstand zwischen den Eingabefeldern */
- }
- `;
- }
- isNumeric(value) {
- return /^-?\d+$/.test(value);
- }
- makeURL(filename) {
- const scriptUrl = import.meta.url;
- const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(scriptUrl.split('?')[1]);
- const hacsTag = urlParams.get('hacstag');
- console.log("hacsTag: " + hacsTag);
- console.log("isNumeric: " + this.isNumeric(hacsTag));
- const url = this.isNumeric(hacsTag) ? `/hacsfiles/daikin-rotex-hpsu-dashboard/${filename}?${hacsTag}`:
- `/local/daikin-rotex-hpsu-dashboard/${filename}?${new Date().getTime()}`;
- console.log(url);
- return url;
- }
- async loadModule() {
- console.log(">> loadModule");
- try {
- const url = this.makeURL("modules.js");
- const module = await import(url);
- return module.entities_configuration;
- } catch (error) {
- console.error("Modul konnte nicht geladen werden:", error);
- }
- }
- getKyeByValue(map, searchValue) {
- for (let [key, value] of map.entries()) {
- if (value === searchValue) {
- return key;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
-customElements.define('hpsu-dashboard-card-editor', HpsuDashboardCardEditor);
-window.customCards = window.customCards || [];
- type: 'hpsu-dashboard-card',
- name: 'HPSU Dashboard Card',
- description: 'Eine Karte für das HPSU Dashboard.',
- editor: 'hpsu-dashboard-card-editor'
diff --git a/dist/hpsu-dashboard-card.js b/dist/hpsu-dashboard-card.js
index 206bc17..021f33e 100644
--- a/dist/hpsu-dashboard-card.js
+++ b/dist/hpsu-dashboard-card.js
@@ -1,3 +1,40 @@
+//import { LitElement, html, css } from "lit";
+import { LitElement, html, css } from "https://unpkg.com/lit-element@2.0.1/lit-element.js?module";
+const entities_configuration = [
+ { id: "aussen_temperatur", label: "Außentemperatur", type: "sensor", rectId: "aussentemp_val", offset: 6, category: "Reihe 1", unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "t_aussen", label: "T-Außen", type: "sensor", rectId: "taussen_val", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "expansions_ventil", label: "Elektonisches Expansionsventil", type: "sensor", rectId: "eev_val", offset: 6, unit: "%" },
+ { id: "kondensat", label: "Kondensat", type: "sensor", rectId: "Kondensat-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "umwaelzpumpe", label: "Umwälzpumpe", type: "sensor", rectId: "Umwaelzpumpe-Value", offset: 6, unit: "%" },
+ { id: "umwaelzpumpe_an_aus", label: "Status Umwälzpumpe", type: "binary_sensor", rectId: "circ_pump_rect", offset: 2, fontSize: "30px" },
+ { id: "durchfluss", label: "Durchfluss", type: "sensor", rectId: "Durchfluss-Value", offset: 6 },
+ { id: "ruecklauf_1", label: "Rücklauf CAN", type: "sensor", rectId: "Ruecklauf-1-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "ruecklauf_2", label: "Rücklauf UART", type: "sensor", rectId: "Ruecklauf-2-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "verdampfer", label: "Verdampfer", type: "sensor", rectId: "Verdampfer-Value", offset: 6, category: "Reihe 2", unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "vorlauf_1", label: "Vorlauf CAN", type: "sensor", rectId: "Vorlauf-1-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "vorlauf_2", label: "Vorlauf UART", type: "sensor", rectId: "Vorlauf-2-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "vorlauf_soll", label: "Vorlauf Soll", type: "sensor", rectId: "Vorlauf-Soll-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "wasserdruck", label: "Wasserdruck", type: "sensor", rectId: "Druck-Value", offset: 6 },
+ { id: "vorlauf_bh_1", label: "VorlaufBH CAN", type: "sensor", rectId: "Vorlauf-BH-1-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "vorlauf_bh_2", label: "VorlaufBH UART", type: "sensor", rectId: "Vorlauf-BH-2-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "kompressor_an_aus", label: "Status Kompressor", type: "binary_sensor", rectId: "comp_rect", offset: 2, fontSize: "40px" },
+ { id: "luefter", label: "Lüfter", type: "sensor", rectId: "Luefter-Value", offset: 6, category: "Reihe 3", unit: "RPM" },
+ { id: "verdichter", label: "Verdichter", type: "sensor", rectId: "Verdichter-Value", offset: 6, unit: "RPM" },
+ { id: "speicher", label: "Speicher Ist", type: "sensor", rectId: "Speicher-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "speicher_soll", label: "Speicher Soll", type: "select", rectId: "Speicher-Soll-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
+ { id: "mischer", label: "Mischer", type: "sensor", rectId: "DHW-Mixer-Value", offset: 6, unit: "%", fontSize: "40px" },
+ { id: "bypass", label: "Bypass", type: "sensor", rectId: "Bypass-Value", offset: 6, unit: "%", fontSize: "40px" },
+ { id: "betriebsmodus", label: "Betriebsmodus", type: "select", rectId: "info_1", offset: 6, fontSize: "40px", align: "left", "suffix": "Modus: " },
+ { id: "betriebsart", label: "Betriebsart", type: "text_sensor", rectId: "info_2", offset: 6, fontSize: "40px", align: "left", "suffix": "Betriebsart: " },
+ { id: "thermische_leistung", label: "Thermische Leistung", type: "sensor", rectId: "info_3", offset: 6, fontSize: "40px", align: "left", "suffix": "Therm. Leistung: " }
+/////////////////////// HPSUDashboardCard ////////////////////////
class HPSUDashboardCard extends HTMLElement {
inititialized = false;
@@ -7,7 +44,7 @@ class HPSUDashboardCard extends HTMLElement {
throw new Error("Required entities field is missing");
- this.entities_configuration = await this.loadModule();
+ this.entities_configuration = entities_configuration;
this.entities_configuration = this.entities_configuration.map(
(entity) => {
entity.entityId = config.entities[entity.id];
@@ -312,17 +349,115 @@ class HPSUDashboardCard extends HTMLElement {
return url;
+//////////////////// HpsuDashboardCardEditor /////////////////////
+class HpsuDashboardCardEditor extends LitElement {
+ static get properties() {
+ return {
+ config: { type: Object },
+ entities: { type: Array }
+ };
+ }
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.entities = []; // Initialisiere das Array für die Entities
+ }
+ async setConfig(config) {
+ const cardHelpers = await window.loadCardHelpers();
+ const entitiesCard = await cardHelpers.createCardElement({ type: "entities", entities: [] });
+ // Lade den Editor über die statische Methode getConfigElement
+ const editorElement = entitiesCard.constructor.getConfigElement();
+ this.entities_configuration = entities_configuration;
+ this.entities_configuration = this.entities_configuration.map(
+ (entity) => {
+ entity.entityId = config.entities[entity.id];
+ return entity;
+ }
+ );
+ this.config = config;
- async loadModule() {
- console.log(">> loadModule");
- try {
- const url = this.makeURL("modules.js");
- const module = await import(url);
- return module.entities_configuration;
- } catch (error) {
- console.error("Modul konnte nicht geladen werden:", error);
+ // Füge den Editor dem DOM hinzu
+ //this.shadowRoot.appendChild(editorElement);
+ }
+ render() {
+ if (!this.config) return html``;
+ return html`
+ ${this.entities_configuration.map(
+ (entity) => {
+ return html`
+ ${(entity.category) ? html`${entity.category}
` : ""}
+ `;
+ }
+ )}
+ `;
+ }
+ _entityChanged(event) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ const entityId = event.target.getAttribute("data-id");
+ this.config.entities[entityId] = event.detail.value;
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('config-changed', { detail: { config: this.config } }));
+ }
+ static get styles() {
+ return css`
+ .card-config {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ padding: 16px;
+ }
+ h2 {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 16px;
+ }
+ paper-input {
+ margin-bottom: 16px; /* Abstand zwischen den Eingabefeldern */
+ }
+ `;
+ }
+ getKyeByValue(map, searchValue) {
+ for (let [key, value] of map.entries()) {
+ if (value === searchValue) {
+ return key;
+ }
+ return null;
-customElements.define("hpsu-dashboard-card", HPSUDashboardCard);
\ No newline at end of file
+customElements.define("hpsu-dashboard-card", HPSUDashboardCard);
+customElements.define('hpsu-dashboard-card-editor', HpsuDashboardCardEditor);
+window.customCards = window.customCards || [];
+ type: 'hpsu-dashboard-card',
+ name: 'HPSU Dashboard Card',
+ description: 'Eine Karte für das HPSU Dashboard.',
+ editor: 'hpsu-dashboard-card-editor'
diff --git a/dist/modules.js b/dist/modules.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ab888cd..0000000
--- a/dist/modules.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-export const entities_configuration = [
- { id: "t_aussen_1", label: "Außentemperatur", type: "sensor", rectId: "aussentemp_val", offset: 6, category: "Reihe 1", unit: "°C" },
- { id: "t_aussen_2", label: "T-Außen", type: "sensor", rectId: "taussen_val", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
- { id: "expansions_ventil", label: "Elektonisches Expansionsventil", type: "sensor", rectId: "eev_val", offset: 6, unit: "%" },
- { id: "kondensat", label: "Kondensat", type: "sensor", rectId: "Kondensat-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
- { id: "umwaelzpumpe", label: "Umwälzpumpe", type: "sensor", rectId: "Umwaelzpumpe-Value", offset: 6, unit: "%" },
- { id: "umwaelzpumpe_an_aus", label: "Status Umwälzpumpe", type: "binary_sensor", rectId: "circ_pump_rect", offset: 2, fontSize: "30px" },
- { id: "durchfluss", label: "Durchfluss", type: "sensor", rectId: "Durchfluss-Value", offset: 6 },
- { id: "ruecklauf_1", label: "Rücklauf CAN", type: "sensor", rectId: "Ruecklauf-1-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
- { id: "ruecklauf_2", label: "Rücklauf UART", type: "sensor", rectId: "Ruecklauf-2-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
- { id: "verdampfer", label: "Verdampfer", type: "sensor", rectId: "Verdampfer-Value", offset: 6, category: "Reihe 2", unit: "°C" },
- { id: "vorlauf_1", label: "Vorlauf CAN", type: "sensor", rectId: "Vorlauf-1-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
- { id: "vorlauf_2", label: "Vorlauf UART", type: "sensor", rectId: "Vorlauf-2-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
- { id: "vorlauf_soll", label: "Vorlauf Soll", type: "sensor", rectId: "Vorlauf-Soll-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
- { id: "wasserdruck", label: "Wasserdruck", type: "sensor", rectId: "Druck-Value", offset: 6 },
- { id: "vorlauf_bh_1", label: "VorlaufBH CAN", type: "sensor", rectId: "Vorlauf-BH-1-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
- { id: "vorlauf_bh_2", label: "VorlaufBH UART", type: "sensor", rectId: "Vorlauf-BH-2-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
- { id: "kompressor_an_aus", label: "Status Kompressor", type: "binary_sensor", rectId: "comp_rect", offset: 2, fontSize: "40px" },
- { id: "luefter", label: "Lüfter", type: "sensor", rectId: "Luefter-Value", offset: 6, category: "Reihe 3", unit: "RPM" },
- { id: "verdichter", label: "Verdichter", type: "sensor", rectId: "Verdichter-Value", offset: 6, unit: "RPM" },
- { id: "speicher", label: "Speicher Ist", type: "sensor", rectId: "Speicher-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
- { id: "speicher_soll", label: "Speicher Soll", type: "select", rectId: "Speicher-Soll-Value", offset: 6, unit: "°C" },
- { id: "mischer", label: "Mischer", type: "sensor", rectId: "DHW-Mixer-Value", offset: 6, unit: "%", fontSize: "40px" },
- { id: "bypass", label: "Bypass", type: "sensor", rectId: "Bypass-Value", offset: 6, unit: "%", fontSize: "40px" },
- { id: "betriebsmodus", label: "Betriebsmodus", type: "select", rectId: "info_1", offset: 6, fontSize: "40px", align: "left", "suffix": "Modus: " },
- { id: "betriebsart", label: "Betriebsart", type: "text_sensor", rectId: "info_2", offset: 6, fontSize: "40px", align: "left", "suffix": "Betriebsart: " },
- { id: "thermische_leistung", label: "Thermische Leistung", type: "sensor", rectId: "info_3", offset: 6, fontSize: "40px", align: "left", "suffix": "Therm. Leistung: " }
-function getConfig() {
- return "config";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hacs.json b/hacs.json
index 51c26af..a9a52f4 100644
--- a/hacs.json
+++ b/hacs.json
@@ -2,14 +2,8 @@
"name": "Daikin/Rotext - HPSU Dashboard",
"render_readme": true,
"filename": "hpsu-dashboard-card.js",
- "extra_module": [
- "hpsu-dashboard-card-editor.js",
- "modules.js"
- ],
"resources": [
- "/hacsfiles/daikin-rotex-hpsu-dashboard/hpsu-dashboard-card.js",
- "/hacsfiles/daikin-rotex-hpsu-dashboard/hpsu-dashboard-card-editor.js",
- "/hacsfiles/daikin-rotex-hpsu-dashboard/modules.js"
+ "/hacsfiles/daikin-rotex-hpsu-dashboard/hpsu-dashboard-card.js"
"content_in_root": false
\ No newline at end of file