#Install Instructions for Nano
Nano is a lightweight, programmatic text editor accessed from the command line. At some points during the semester, we will ask you to write to a text file using nano. Git Bash does not come with nano natively, so here are instructions for installing it
In your git bash window, copy and paste the following:
curl -L -O http://www.nano-editor.org/dist/v2.2/NT/nano-2.2.6.zip
This will download nano. Next, find the downloaded file in your downloads. In the git bash window, type:
Then, drag and drop the downloaded file into the window. Finally, follow the filename with the following command:
-d nano
The whole string should look like:
unzip 'path/to/nano' -d nano
This uncompresses the downloaded file.
Now that you have a copy of nano, move it to where git bash can find it:
mv nano ~/path/to/git/share
Except replace the path with the real path to where git bash is stored on your computer. Again, at this step, you can locate the folder of in which git bash is stored, and drag and drop the folder into your git bash window.
Then, we will type this script into the command line:
echo '
exec /share/nano/nano.exe "$@"ut
' > nano
This creates a small text file containing the nano executeable. We'll move this into the built-in executables of your computer like so:
mv nano ~/bin
This should complete the installation. You can check this by creating a file with nano:
nano my_file
This should take you to the nano editor screen. Ctrl + x will allow you to exit.