We've talked a whole bunch about looping and opening files and reading them. So far we've worked with plain-text files. But some files have unusual dialects. One common example of such a file is an Excel file.
You should have downloaded a file called 'Sites_simple.xls'. This is the same file as we used earlier, but written in Excel format. To use it, we need to parse that file. The library 'pandas' can do this.
We will first import pandas.
>>> import pandas
Many users have written their own libraries for doing fun things. These users may choose to distribute these functions for general use by the community. Pandas (http://pandas.pydata.org/) is such a library.
When we use a library that we downloaded from the internet, it is not part of Python's base functionality. Therefore, we tell Python that we'd like to use this extra library with the import command.
Now we're going to take our spreadsheet and use Pandas to import it.
>>> xl = pandas.ExcelFile('surveys.xlsx')
>>> xl
<pandas.io.parsers.ExcelFile object at 0x102a39610>
This should seem familiar - much like with our initial exercises in opening files, we are referencing the file and not the data within it. So let's liberate that data!
Excel documents are made up of sheets, which are linked documents containing different subsets of data. We're keeping it simple - all our data is in one sheet.
>>> xl.sheet_names
[u'Sheet1', u'Sheet2', u'Sheet3']
>>> df = xl.parse('Sheet1')
record_id month day year plot species sex wgt
0 1 7 16 1977 2 NaN M NaN
1 2 7 16 1977 3 NaN M NaN
2 3 7 16 1977 2 DM F NaN
3 4 7 16 1977 7 DM M NaN
4 5 7 16 1977 3 DM M NaN
5 6 7 16 1977 1 PF M NaN
6 7 7 16 1977 2 PE F NaN
7 8 7 16 1977 1 DM M NaN
8 9 7 16 1977 1 DM F NaN
[35549 rows x 8 columns]
If I wanted to see a specific observation in the zeroeth row, say, the third one, I could index like so:
>>> df.ix[0,3]
What happens if we try the following:
How about:
Alternatively, I could choose to view the third column for all rows:
>>> df.ix[:,3]
0 1977
1 1977
2 1977
3 1977
4 1977
5 1977
6 1977
7 1977
8 1977
9 1977
10 1977
11 1977
12 1977
13 1977
14 1977
35534 2002
35535 2002
35536 2002
35537 2002
35538 2002
35539 2002
35540 2002
35541 2002
35542 2002
35543 2002
35544 2002
35545 2002
35546 2002
35547 2002
35548 2002
Name: year, Length: 35549, dtype: int64
Try slicing up your data in different ways. Does everything give you the expected output? What does the dtype keyword mean?
That's all well and good, but we have these nice row and column names! Let's use them!
>>> df = xl.parse('Sheet1', index_col = 0,header=0)
>>> df.head
<bound method DataFrame.head of month day year plot species sex wgt
1 7 16 1977 2 NaN M NaN
2 7 16 1977 3 NaN M NaN
3 7 16 1977 2 DM F NaN
4 7 16 1977 7 DM M NaN
5 7 16 1977 3 DM M NaN
6 7 16 1977 1 PF M NaN
7 7 16 1977 2 PE F NaN
8 7 16 1977 1 DM M NaN
9 7 16 1977 1 DM F NaN
10 7 16 1977 6 PF F NaN
11 7 16 1977 5 DS F NaN
12 7 16 1977 7 DM M NaN
13 7 16 1977 3 DM M NaN
14 7 16 1977 8 DM NaN NaN
15 7 16 1977 6 DM F NaN
16 7 16 1977 4 DM F NaN
17 7 16 1977 3 DS F NaN
1 7
2 7
3 7
4 7
5 7
6 7
7 7
8 7
9 7
10 7
11 7
12 7
13 7
14 7
15 7
35535 12
35536 12
35537 12
35538 12
35539 12
35540 12
35541 12
35542 12
35543 12
35544 12
35545 12
35546 12
35547 12
35548 12
35549 12
Name: month, Length: 35549, dtype: int64
By specifying an index column as the zeroeth column, we are now able to access the data by the name of the column.
When we specify the header as the zeroeth row, we get to do fun things like so:
>>> df.ix[0:5,'month']
1 7
2 7
3 7
4 7
5 7
Name: month, dtype: int64
In this way, we can break our data down for manipulation. We can use this to build more complex functions:
>>> a = df.ix[:,'wgt']
>>> a
1 NaN
2 NaN
3 NaN
4 NaN
5 NaN
6 NaN
7 NaN
8 NaN
9 NaN
10 NaN
11 NaN
12 NaN
13 NaN
14 NaN
15 NaN
35535 53
35536 42
35537 46
35538 31
35539 68
35540 23
35541 31
35542 29
35543 34
35544 NaN
35545 NaN
35546 NaN
35547 14
35548 51
35549 NaN
Name: wgt, Length: 35549, dtype: float64
a behaves like a list, so we can do list-based operations on it.
Because Excel is kind of terrible (and writing it out requires another library), you can output your data to a csv like so:
>>> outfile = open('output.csv', 'w')
>>> df.to_csv(outfile)
>>> outfile.close()
I've attached a sample of different numpy functions in a file called 'functions.md'. Have a look at them. Try writing a two function set: one function that returns a slice of data, and another that does a function of your choice on that slice.