Choreo CLI design is influenced by noun-verb grouping paradigm. It is inspired by gcloud sdk and it's consistency in handling high-level groupings and associated commands (verbs). During Choreo CLI design, we also referenced fn project's CLI analysis.
- Choreo auth is the command group that deals with user authentication to Choreo via the CLI. The associated verbs are: login, connect, revoke, print-access-token, ...
application, app
- Choreo app is a placeholder. At minimum this represent some code that can be deployed as one unit (service.bal/ In a real world situation, an app is a composite. (e.g. App = front end component + backend component + ..) In such a situation, a single app has multiple deployable units. The application is associated with verbs like: create, describe, ...
environment, env
- An environment can be created to deploy an app in Choreo. Environments can be created anywhere, by default it will be in Choreo, but developers can bring their own environments in AWS, GCP etc. (multi-cloud aspect) by selecting a plan. Associated verbs are like: create, link, start, stop, restart, destroy, ...
- Plan is an environment topology. Dev-Ops engineers can create plans that can build environments. These are terraform templates. There will be a bunch of default plans in Choreo for developers to choose, or they can ask org’s Dev-Ops engineers to create custom plans. Associated verbs are like: create, describe, dryrun, ...
- Top level object to deal with anytype of a log of an app or part of an app. Associated verbs are like: tail, trace, ...
version, --version, -v
- Choreo backend API version & CLI version
help, --help, -h
- Choreo help
$chor foo bar NAME [EXTRA] [--format=FORMAT]
is a noun,bar
is a verb andNAME
is a mandatory positional argument,[EXTRA]
an optional positional argument and[--format=FORMAT]
is an optional flag
$git clone<user_name>/<app_name>.git
$cd <app_name>
$chor auth login
Login to - this is a one time thing
Also think about “$chor auth login -i” to provide un/pw through cli itself with a multi-factor auth possibly (backlog item)
$chor app create APP_NAME
This always associate the origin repo with all it’s branches
Init the app with choreo specific environment descriptor (for instrumentation etc.). This descriptor <app_name>.yaml will have app name / description and all other details for git-ops purposes
$chor app link [APP_NAME] GIT_REPO_URL
This will try to link a github repo, but if github is not yet linked to the user account, an error will be fired for asking for github connection
$chor auth connect github
if <app_name> is not specified,
will take working app name in default
$chor auth connect github
Will connect Choreo user account with user's github account. Similarly
$chor auth connect bitbucket
will connect to bitbucket et. al.
$git add <new files>
$chor create have added new files to the app dir
$git commit -m”new files and changes”
$git push origin master
Assuming the dev is working on the master
$chor app local run [APP_NAME]
This is to run the application locally.
This will also connect the app with the Choreo cloud using a secure tunnel and will let the app to be visualized as a sequence diagram
$chor plan create PLAN_NAME
choreo topology plans are created by dev-ops
Choreo plans are topology plans. These are defined with terraform to setup an environment in IaaSes (aws/gcp/azure/K8s)
This will create a plan.yaml file where devops can describe the plan
$chor plan dryrun PLAN_NAME
Once you create a plan, the devops team should be able to do a dryrun of this
… dev-ops flow above
$git clone<user_name>/<app_name>.git`
$cd <app_name>`
$chor auth login`
Login to this is a one time thing also think about “$chor auth login -i” to provide un/pw through cli itself with a multi-factor possibly (backlog item)
$chor app create APP_NAME [--description]
Create the app in Choreo
Init the app with choreo specific environment descriptor (for instrumentation etc.). This descriptor <app_name>.yaml will have app name / description and all other details for git-ops purposes
$chor app link [APP_NAME] GIT_REPO_URL
This will try to link a github repo, but if github is not yet linked to the user account, an error will be fired for asking for github connection
$chor auth connect github
$chor auth connect github
Will connect Choreo user account with user's github account. Similarly
$chor auth connect bitbucket
will connect to bitbucket et. al.
$git add <new files>
$chor create have added new files to the app dir
$git commit -m”new files and changes”
$git push origin master
Assuming the dev is working on the master
$chor env create ENV_NAME
Create an environment remotely in choreo cloud
This will create a
file, where the devs can specify the chosen topologyplan
for this environment. Alternatively we can ask the plan during the creation process
$chor app link [APP_NAME] ENV_NAME
This links an environment to an application.
$chor app link ENV_NAME
will link the environment to the current working app
This links specific source branch of the specified environment
$chor env start|stop|restart ENV_NAME
This starts the app in the environment
$chor env destroy ENV_NAME
This removes the environment
$chor logging logs trace ENV_NAME
Similarly we need to get tracing through cli
$chor auth login
$chor app create cat_pics
$chor app link my_cat_pics
>>Fail connect. Try to connect to github with..
>>$chor auth connect github
$chor auth connect github
$chor app link my_cat_pics
$chor env create cats_dev simple
$chor app link my_cat_pics cats_dev
$chor env link cats_dev upstream/cat_pics_b1