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WSO2 API Manager extension with PingIntelligence


  • Install Java 7 or 8. (

  • Install Apache Maven 3.x.x (

  • Install the latest WSO2 API Manager. If you are using API manager versions 2.x, please use the 1.0.x branch of this repository. (

    Installing WSO2 is very fast and easy. Before you begin, be sure you have met the installation prerequisites, and then follow the installation instructions for your platform.

  • PingIntelligence software installation.

    PingIntelligence v4 software is installed and configured. For installation of PingIntelligence software, see the

  • Verify that ASE is in sideband mode.

    Make sure that the ASE is in sideband mode by running the following command in the ASE command line:

    /opt/pingidentity/ase/bin/ status
    API Security Enforcer
    status                  : started
    mode                    : sideband
    http/ws                 : port 80
    https/wss               : port 443
    firewall                : enabled
    abs                     : enabled, ssl: enabled
    abs attack              : disabled
    audit                   : enabled
    sideband authentication : disabled
    ase detected attack     : disabled
    attack list memory      : configured 128.00 MB, used 25.60 MB, free 102.40 MB

    If the ASE is not in sideband mode, stop the ASE, set mode as sideband in the /opt/pingidentity/ase/config/ase.conf file, and start ASE.

  • Enable sideband authentication.

    For a secure communication between WSO2 Gateway and the ASE, enable sideband authentication by entering the following command in the ASE command line:

     # ./bin/ -u admin -p admin enable_sideband_authentication
  • Generate a sideband authentication token.

    A token is required for WSO2 Gateway to authenticate with the ASE. To generate the token in the ASE, enter the following command in the ASE command line:

    # ./bin/ -u admin -p admin create_sideband_token

    Save the generated authentication token for further use.

  • Add the certificates of the ASE sideband request endpoint and management endpoint to the WSO2 client keystore.

    Use wso2carbon as the default keystore password.

     keytool -importcert -file <ase_request_endpoint_cert_name>.cer -keystore <APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks -alias "ASE request endpoint"
     keytool -importcert -file <ase_management_endpoint_cert_name>.cer -keystore <APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks -alias "ASE management endpoint"

    Obtaining ASE request endpoint and management endpoint public key certificates

Deploy WSO2 Extension with PingIntelligence


Following configurations are for WSO2 Api Manager 3.0.0 or newer versions. For older versions, please refer Developer Guide.

For System Admin

  1. Download the extension and navigate to the apim-handler-pingai directory. Update the pom.xml with corresponding dependency versions and run the following Maven command.

     mvn clean install

    org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.securityenforcer-<version>.jar file can be found in apim-handler-pingai/target directory.

    Use the following table to update pom.xml with the corresponding dependency versions for API manager.

    Dependency APIM 3.2.0 APIM 3.1.0 APIM 3.0.0
    org.wso2.carbon.apimgt 6.7.206 6.6.163 6.5.349
  2. Add the JAR file of the extension to the <APIM_HOME>/repository/components/dropins directory. You can find the org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.securityenforcer-<version>.jar file in the apim-handler-pingai/target directory.

  3. Add the bare minimum configurations to the deployment.toml file, which can be found in the <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf directory.

     operation_mode = "sync"
     sideband_request_endpoint = "ASE_SIDEBAND_REQUEST_ENDPOINT"
     backup_sideband_request_endpoint = "BACKUP_ASE_SIDEBAND_REQUEST_ENDPOINT"
     model_creation_endpoint = "ASE_REST_API_ENDPOINT"
     access_key = "ASE_REST_API_ACCESS_KEY"
     secret_key = "ASE_REST_API_SECRET_KEY"


    • Select the Operation mode from sync, async and If the mode is not set, the default mode is set as sync.
    • ASE_SIDEBAND_REQUEST_ENDPOINT : https://<ase-host-machine-ip>:<data-port>
    • BACKUP_ASE_SIDEBAND_REQUEST_ENDPOINT : https://<backup-ase-host-machine-ip>:<data-port>
    • ASE_REST_API_ENDPOINT: https://<ase-host-machine-ip>:<management-port>/<REST-API-version>/ase/api.
    • If ModelCreationEndpoint configurations are not set, you need to manually create ASE models.
    • Include the sideband authentication token obtained from the ASE as the ASEToken.
    • For additional security you can encrypt the SIDEBAND_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, ASE_REST_API_ACCESS_KEY, and the ASE_REST_API_SECRET_KEY.
  4. To engage the handler to APIs, you need to update the <APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/api_templates/velocity_template.xml file. Add the handler class as follows inside the <handlers xmlns=""> just after the foreach loop.

    <handler class="org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.securityenforcer.pingai.PingAISecurityHandler"/>

    In the default velocity_template.xml file, it should be as follows.

    <handlers xmlns="">
    #foreach($handler in $handlers)
    <handler xmlns="" class="$handler.className">
      #set ($map = $handler.getProperties() )
      #foreach($property in $map.entrySet())
      <property name="$!property.key" value="$!property.value"/>
    <handler class="org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.securityenforcer.pingai.PingAISecurityHandler"/>
  5. Deploy WSO2 API Manager and open the management console: https://localhost:9443/carbon. Navigate to Extensions > Configure > Lifecycles and click the View/Edit link that corresponds to the default API LifeCycle. Update the APILifeCycle.xml with a new execution for the Publish event under Created and Prototyped states. Do not update the already existing execution for the publish event. Add a new execution.

    <execution forEvent="Publish"
  6. Add another execution for the Retire event under the Deprecated state. This deletes the model associated with the API in the ASE when the API is retired.

    <execution forEvent="Retire"
  7. Update the <API_HOME>/repository/resources/conf/templates/repository/conf/api-manager.xml.j2 file for wso2 to pick up the back up ASE end point configuration. Add the below line in <APISecurityEnforcer> tag under {{apim.ai_security.sideband_request_endpoint}}


    If you want to disable certificate validation of both ASE and Management endpoints, add the following line in the api-manager.xml after the if condition of ApplyForAllAPIs.

    {% if apim.ai_security.skip_cert_validation is defined %}
    {% endif %}

For the API Publisher

For new APIs

  • When the API is successfully created and the life cycle state changes to PUBLISHED, a new model is created in the ASE for the API and the handler is added to the data flow. When the API state changes to RETIRED, the model is deleted.

For existing APIs

  • The recommended method is to create a new version for the API with PingIntelligence enabled.

    Although changing the status of a live API is not recommended, republishing the API will update the Synapse config with the handler and by demoting to the CREATED or PROTOTYPED state and thereafter changing the life cycle back to the PUBLISHED state it will create a new model for the API in the ASE.

alt text

Note: By default, PingIntelligence is enabled in all APIs that are published with an individual AI model. However, if needed you can configure PingIntelligence to be applied only for selected APIs.

Verify api creation on ASE:

  1. Open the Synapse configuration of the published API, located in in the <APIM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/api directory. Check whether the <handler class="PingAISecurityHandler"/> handler is added under <handlers>.
  2. Open ASE command line. Use the CLI tool to list the published APIs in ASE. Check whether the API is listed as <API_NAME>_<VERSION>. Eg: HelloWorld_1.0.0
  3. Run a curl command to check if the API is published to ASE. Check whether the API is listed as <API_NAME>_<VERSION>.
    curl -k -X GET \
        https://<ase-host-machine-ip>:<management-port>/v4/ase/api \
        -H 'x-ase-access-key: <ase_access_key>' \
        -H 'x-ase-secret-key: <ase_secret_key>'

Obtaining ASE certificates

openssl client can be used to obtain the ASE sideband request endpoint and management endpoint certificates.

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <ase-host-machine-ip>:<data-port>

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <ase-host-machine-ip>:<management-port>

Copy the content from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- to -----END CERTIFICATE----- into <ase_request_endpoint_cert_name>.cer and <ase_management_endpoint_cert_name>.cer files. These certs can be imported into WSO2 client keystore.

Developer Guide

For more information, see the Developer Guide.