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How internationalization (i18n) works in API Manager React Apps

Kasun Thennakoon edited this page Jul 11, 2019 · 17 revisions

Libraries in used:

How to generate locale files


npm run i18n

to generate default locale (en.json & fr.json) files. We have given en as the default language and defaultMessages are in the English language. The above command will generate a fr.json file with all the IDs , But without any values against them.

You could just rename it to any locale code you wish (i:e es.json, ja.json) and fill the relevant translated text in there.

Production build

npm run build:prod

will regenerate the locale files before the webpack bundling. Since we have configured to run a production build in mvn install process, Every maven build will regenerate the locale files.

How to add i18n support in code

  • Add internationalization support out side the render() method
                defaultMessage: 'Unsupported File Type.'})

export default injectIntl(APIDefinition);
  • Add i18n support using component.
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';


    <Typography variant='display1'>
        <FormattedMessage defaultMessage='APIs - Create New API' />


Do Not Update the locale files (i:e en.json) manually. Files under the


directory are most probably auto-generated. We need to address the local extension problem here.