diff --git a/src/npg/conf.py b/src/npg/conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03dea3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/npg/conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright © 2024 Genome Research Ltd. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import configparser
+import dataclasses
+import os
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from os import PathLike
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TypeVar
+from structlog import get_logger
+# The TypeVar isn't bound because dataclasses don't have a common base class. It's
+# just here to illustrate that from_file returns an instance of the same dataclass
+# that was passed to the constructor.
+D = TypeVar("D")
+log = get_logger(__name__)
+class ParseError(Exception):
+ """Raised when a configuration file cannot be parsed."""
+ pass
+class IniData:
+ """A configuration class that reads values from an INI file to create an instance of
+ a specified dataclass. Using a dataclass results in configuration that is easier
+ to understand and more maintainable than using a bare dictionary because all its
+ fields are explicitly defined. This means that they are readable, navigable and
+ autocomplete-able in an IDE, can have default values, and can have docstrings.
+ E.g. given an INI file 'config.ini':
+ [server]
+ host = localhost
+ port = 9000
+ and a dataclass:
+ @dataclass
+ class ServerConfig:
+ host: str
+ port: str
+ the following code will create a new instance obj of the dataclass where
+ host='localhost' and port='9000':
+ parser = IniData(ServerConfig)
+ obj = parser.from_file("config.ini", "server")
+ If the 'use_env' flag is set, the configuration will fall back to an environment
+ variable if the INI file does not contain a value for that field. The default
+ environment variable name is the field name in upper case. As the shell environment
+ lacks the context of an enclosing dataclass, the default name may benefit from a
+ prefix to make it more descriptive. This can be provided by using the 'env_prefix'
+ argument.
+ E.g. given an INI file 'config.ini':
+ [server]
+ host = localhost
+ with an environment variable 'SERVER_PORT' set to '9001' and the same dataclass as
+ above, the following code will create a new instance obj of the dataclass where
+ host='localhost' and port='9001':
+ parser = IniData(ServerConfig, use_env=True, env_prefix="SERVER_").
+ obj = from_file("config.ini", "server")
+ All values are treated as strings.
+ The class provides INFO level logging of its actions to enable loading of
+ configurations to be traced.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cls: D, use_env: bool = False, env_prefix: str = ""):
+ """Makes a new configuration instance which can create instances of the
+ dataclass 'D'.
+ Args:
+ cls: A dataclass to bind to this configuration.
+ use_env: If True, fall back to environment variables if a value is not found
+ in an INI file. Defaults to False. The environment variable used to
+ supply a missing field's value is the field name in upper case
+ (prefixed with env_prefix, if provided).
+ env_prefix: A prefix to add to the name of any environment variable used as
+ a fallback. Defaults to "". The prefix is folded to upper case.
+ Dataclass field names exist in the context of their class. However,
+ environment variables exist in a global context and can benefit from a
+ more descriptive name. The prefix can be used to provide that.
+ """
+ if dataclass is None:
+ raise ValueError("A dataclass argument is required")
+ if not dataclasses.is_dataclass(cls):
+ raise ValueError(f"'{cls}' is not a dataclass")
+ self.dataclass = cls
+ self.use_env = use_env
+ self.env_prefix = env_prefix
+ def from_file(
+ self,
+ ini_file: PathLike | str,
+ section: str,
+ ) -> D:
+ """Create a new dataclass instance from an INI file section.
+ Args:
+ ini_file: The INI file path.
+ section: The section name containing the configuration.
+ Returns:
+ A new dataclass instance with values populated from the INI file.
+ """
+ p = Path(ini_file).resolve().absolute().as_posix()
+ log.info(
+ "Reading configuration from file",
+ path=p,
+ section=section,
+ dataclass=self.dataclass,
+ )
+ parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ if not parser.read(p):
+ raise ParseError(f"Could not read '{p}'")
+ kwargs = {}
+ for field in dataclasses.fields(self.dataclass):
+ if parser.has_option(section, field.name):
+ val = parser.get(section, field.name)
+ if val is None and self.use_env:
+ env_var = self.env_prefix.upper() + field.name.upper()
+ log.info(
+ "Absent field; using an environment variable",
+ path=p,
+ section=section,
+ field=field.name,
+ env_var=env_var,
+ )
+ val = os.environ.get(env_var)
+ kwargs[field.name] = val
+ elif self.use_env:
+ env_var = self.env_prefix.upper() + field.name.upper()
+ log.debug(
+ "Absent INI section; using an environment variable",
+ path=p,
+ section=section,
+ field=field.name,
+ env_var=env_var,
+ )
+ kwargs[field.name] = os.environ.get(env_var)
+ log.debug("Reading complete", dataclass=self.dataclass, kwargs=kwargs)
+ return self.dataclass(**kwargs)
diff --git a/tests/test_conf.py b/tests/test_conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccfbc4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright © 2024 Genome Research Ltd. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Optional
+import pytest
+from pytest import mark as m
+from npg.conf import IniData, ParseError
+class ExampleConfig:
+ """An example dataclass for testing."""
+ key1: str
+ key2: Optional[str] = None
+class NonDataclass:
+ """A example non-dataclass for testing."""
+ pass
+@m.context("When the INI file is missing")
+@m.it("Raises a ParseError")
+def test_missing_ini_file(tmp_path):
+ ini_file = tmp_path / "missing.ini"
+ parser = IniData(ExampleConfig)
+ with pytest.raises(ParseError):
+ parser.from_file(ini_file, "section")
+@m.context("When the dataclass is missing")
+@m.it("Raises a ValueError")
+def test_invalid_dataclass():
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ IniData(None)
+@m.context("When the dataclass is a non-dataclass")
+@m.it("Raises a ValueError")
+def test_non_dataclass():
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ IniData(NonDataclass)
+@m.context("When the INI file is present")
+@m.it("Populates a dataclass")
+def test_populate_from_ini_file(tmp_path):
+ ini_file = tmp_path / "config.ini"
+ section = "test"
+ val1 = "value1"
+ val2 = "value2"
+ ini_file.write_text(f"[{section}]\nkey1={val1}\nkey2={val2}\n")
+ parser = IniData(ExampleConfig)
+ assert parser.from_file(ini_file, section) == ExampleConfig(key1=val1, key2=val2)
+@m.context("When a field required by the dataclass is absent")
+@m.it("Raises a TypeError")
+def test_missing_required_value(tmp_path):
+ ini_file = tmp_path / "config.ini"
+ section = "test"
+ val2 = "value2"
+ ini_file.write_text(f"[{section}]\nkey2={val2}\n")
+ parser = IniData(ExampleConfig)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ parser.from_file(ini_file, section)
+@m.context("When an optional field is absent")
+@m.it("Populates a dataclass")
+def test_missing_non_required_value(tmp_path):
+ ini_file = tmp_path / "config.ini"
+ section = "test"
+ val1 = "value1"
+ ini_file.write_text(f"[{section}]\nkey1={val1}\n")
+ parser = IniData(ExampleConfig)
+ assert parser.from_file(ini_file, section) == ExampleConfig(key1=val1)
+@m.context("When environment variables are not to be used")
+@m.it("Does not fall back to environment variables when a field is absent")
+def test_no_env_fallback(monkeypatch, tmp_path):
+ ini_file = tmp_path / "config.ini"
+ section = "test"
+ val1 = "value1"
+ ini_file.write_text(f"[{section}]\nkey1={val1}\n")
+ env_val2 = "environment_value2"
+ monkeypatch.setenv("KEY2", env_val2)
+ parser = IniData(ExampleConfig, use_env=False)
+ assert parser.from_file(ini_file, section) == ExampleConfig(key1=val1, key2=None)
+@m.context("When environment variables are to be used")
+@m.it("Falls back to environment variables when a field is absent")
+def test_env_fallback(monkeypatch, tmp_path):
+ ini_file = tmp_path / "config.ini"
+ section = "test"
+ val1 = "value1"
+ ini_file.write_text(f"[{section}]\nkey1={val1}\n")
+ env_val2 = "environment_value2"
+ monkeypatch.setenv("KEY2", env_val2)
+ parser = IniData(ExampleConfig, use_env=True)
+ assert parser.from_file(ini_file, section) == ExampleConfig(
+ key1=val1, key2=env_val2
+ )
+@m.context("When environment variables are to be used with a prefix")
+@m.it("Falls back to environment variables with a prefix when a field is absent")
+def test_env_fallback_with_prefix(monkeypatch, tmp_path):
+ ini_file = tmp_path / "config.ini"
+ section = "test"
+ val1 = "value1"
+ ini_file.write_text(f"[{section}]\nkey1={val1}\n")
+ env_val2 = "environment_value2"
+ monkeypatch.setenv("EXAMPLE_KEY2", env_val2)
+ parser = IniData(ExampleConfig, use_env=True, env_prefix="EXAMPLE_")
+ assert parser.from_file(ini_file, section) == ExampleConfig(
+ key1=val1, key2=env_val2
+ )