All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- bambi 0.16.1
- bambi 0.16.0
- wr 0.32.2
- samtools 1.17
- bcftools 1.17
- htslib 1.17
- GH Actions: fix conda 23.3 to cope with API changes
- bambi 0.15.0
- wr 0.32.1
- baton 4.0.1
- irmdir to iRODS 4.2.11 package
- Update Docker Conda build image name
- Move from DockerHub to GitHub hosted images
- Fix to iRODS 4.2.11 rsPhyPathReg to resolve a compilation error
- io_lib 1.14.14
- samtools 1.16.1
- bcftools 1.16
- htslib 1.16
- irods 4.2.10
- Github Actions: Move from ubuntu-18.04 to ubuntu-latest
- Build config with compiler version and cflags and increment build number:
- avrocpp 1.8.2, 1.9.0
- boost 1.73.0
- Remove irods 4.2.10 from build config:
- baton 3.1.0, 3.2.0, 3.3.0, 4.0.0
- htslib-plugins 201712
- Update release url:
- libarchive
- wr 0.32.0
- baton 4.0.0
- baton 3.3.0
- ml-warehouse 0.1.0
- Gitlab CI: rsync location for prod channel build fixed
- wr 0.30.0, 0.31.0, 0.31.1, 0.31.2
- samtools/bcftools/htslib 1.15, 1.15.1
- filebeat 8.1.2
- ml-warehouse 0.1.0
- iRODS 4.2.11
- Gitlab CI : master branch build will be pushed to prod channel
- iRODS 4.2.8, 4.2.9
- build configs to use iRODS 4.2.11 and increment build numbers
- baton 3.2.0
- htslib-plugins 201712
- tears 1.3.1
- remove spurious iRODS-dev dependency for io_lib
- curl 7.58.0 to use Conda ca-certs
- iRODS : pin the fmt dependency to a version <8.0
- wr 0.28.0, 0.29.0
- samtools/bctools/htslib 1.14
- Build htslib-plugins for iRODS 4.2.10
- iRODS 4.2.8
- Python source file location moved to src
- Use conda-build API
- wr 0.27.0
- baton 3.1.0, 3.2.0
- Build variants for iRODS 4.2.7 and 4.2.10
- Add support for Conda build variants and Conda versions
- Python source file location moved to src
- Use conda-build API
- find_changed_recipe_files returns relative paths
- Add a requirement for Python >=3.9, due to the use of Path.is_relative_to
- Add
to requirments.txt so that pip will install the local tools and their modules whenpip install -r requirments
is run. - Move Python source files to ./src and unify python files into a module structure
- Allow tests to be run from any directory.
- bambi 0.14.0
- baton 3.0.0, 3.0.1
- capnproto 0.7.0
- gnutls 3.7.1, 3.7.2
- hisat 2.1.0
- 4.2.10
- 4.2.9
- avrocpp 1.9.0
- 4.2.8
- avrocpp 1.8.2
- json 3.9.1
- krb5 1.19.1
- libarchive 3.5.1
- nanodbc 2.13.0
- mash 2.3
- samtools/htslib/bcftools 1.12, 1.13
- seqtk 1.3
- wr 0.23.3, 0.23.4, 0.25.0, 0.26.0
- Automatic package building on pull requests
- Build variants for packages depending on iRODS libraries
- --pull-build-image CLI option for build script
- --output-packages CLI option for recipebook script
- fastx_toolkit 0.0.14
- iRODS 4.1.12
- Dependencies on conda-forge and consequently the "red recipes".
- Build host image changed from Ubuntu 12.04 to CentOS 7.
- Update recipes to build with Conda >= 4.10.3 to use GCC 9.3 and glibc 2.17.
- The URL for boost source code was updated.
- The --sub-packages CLI option of the recipebook script now acts as a modifier for --output-packages to print only sub-packages.
- krb requirement to krb-dev for irods 4.2.7
- The default behaviour of the build script is no longer to pull the build image, but to expect to find it locally.