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ECMAScript6 Style Guide--Frontend Team of GF Securities

This style guide is based on standard specifications drawn JavaScript,only agreed for the ES6 related content

Such as variable naming convention, whether to add a semicolon or not, please refer to JavaScript specification

Note that the current code compiling tools ( such as Babel, Traceur) is not perfect , some features to be used with caution


  1. Declarations
  2. Strings
  3. Destructuring
  4. Arrays
  5. Functions
  6. Classes
  7. Modules


  • 1.1 Variables

For only valid under the current scope of the variables , you should use let instead of var

For global variable declaration , using var, but should avoid excessively declaring global variables which pollutes the global namespace

// Bad
const variables;
const globalObj = null; // not a const
let globalObj = null;

for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {

// Good
let variables;
var globalObj = null;

for (let i=0; i<5; i++) {
  • 1.2 Constant

For constant, using const to declare whose naming should be all uppercase following the popular conventions

For immutable data, using const to declare

Note : const and let are only valid within the block level which they are declared

// Bad
const someNum = 123;
const AnotherStr = 'InvariantString';
let SOME_ARR = ['in','variant','array'];
  'invariantObject': true

// Good
const SOME_NUM = 123;
const ANOTHER_STR = 'InvariantString';
const SOME_ARR = ['in','variant','array'];
const ANOTHER_OBJ = {
  'invariantObject': true


  • 2.1 Handle multi-line strings , using the template string

Use backquote ( `) to mark

More readable code easier to write

// Bad
const tmpl = '<h1>Multi-line strings</h1>\n' +
'<p>This is a new line.</p>';

// Good
const tmpl = `<h1>Multi-line strings</h1>
<p>This is a new line.</p>`;
  • 2.2 When dealing with string and variable concatenation, use the template string
  // Bad
  function sayHi(name) {
    return 'How are you, ' + name + '?';

  // Good
  function sayHi(name) {
    return `How are you, ${name}?`;


  • 3.1 Layers of nested structures can not exceed 3 layers
// Bad
let obj = {
  'one': [
    { 'newTwo': [
        { 'three': [
            'four': 'too many layers, omg!'

// Good
let obj = {
  'one': [
    {'twoObj': 'A clear structure' }
  • 3.2 Parentheses never appear in deconstruction statement
// Bad
[(a)] = [11]; // a undefined
let { a: (b) } = {}; // Parsing error

// Good
let [a, b] = [11, 22];

Coming soon