All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Please file changes under Added
, Changed
, Deprecated
, Removed
, Fixed
or Security
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
2.7.25 - 2022-11-24
- Weight calculations ensure number during calculations
2.7.24 - 2022-04-19
- Replaced deprecated WC functions
2.7.23 - 2022-04-14
- Weight string type warning when calculating total weight
2.7.22 - 2022-02-04
- Fix weight calculation by explicit casting vars
2.7.20 - 2020-12-11
- Fix hook used for webhook processing
2.7.19 - 2020-07-02
- Support multi-site wordpress
- Parcelshop shipping method error when disabled
2.7.18 - 2020-06-02
- Fixed remembering parcelshop id
2.7.17 - 2020-05-01
- Fixed customer booking email
- Removed housenumber field placeholder '-'
2.7.16 - 2020-03-23
- Fixed some PHP warnings in hook method code
2.7.15 - 2020-03-17
- Save selected parcelshop over page refresh
2.7.14 - 2020-03-06
- Support checkout updating from WC 3.9.x and >
2.7.13 - 2020-02-19
- Support for orders without selected shipping method
2.7.12 - 2020-02-17
- Support for WC switch destination address billing/shipping
2.7.11 - 2020-01-21
- New tag for Wordpress marketplace
- Asset screenshots/icons
2.7.10 - 2019-12-11
- Wuunder shipping methods are taxable
- 2nd address line is send to wuunder with booking
- Parcelshop error messages in checkout
- Fixed sending company name in delivery address
- Legacy setting google api key
2.7.9 - 2019-11-12
- Marketplace assets and readme
2.7.8 - 2019-10-30
- Support sanitize functions
- Removed curl functions and use WP functions for getting filesize of images
2.7.7 - 2019-10-11
- Support for value and weight via mywuunder import (REST API)
2.7.6 - 2019-10-07
- Booking token support for imported orders via REST API
2.7.5 - 2019-09-30
- Parcelshop locator wuunder production settings
- Order value
- Line ending description
2.7.4 - 2019-09-27
- Preferred_service_level to Woocommerce REST API Orders resourcelist
2.7.3 - 2019-09-25
- Fixed WC version constant usage
2.7.2 - 2019-09-19
- Code styling and typo fixes
- Checkout validation parcelshop locator bugfixed @timoj WWE-97
- Code styling @timoj WWE-97
- Translations checkout text parcelshop locator text WWE-97
2.7.0 - 2019-04-01
- Parcelshop selection fix & endline char fix (#12)
- Changed text when the customer has selected a parcelshop in the checkout page.(#WWE-8)
- Added default option to the parcelshop shipping method (#WWE-4)
2.6.3 Pre-release - 2018-1-21
- Changed header docs @timoj
2.6.2 Pre-release - 2018-1-21
- Merged guidelines @timoj
2.6.1 Pre-release - 2018-10-19
- Fixed handling dimensions product, changed by woocommerce @timoj
2.6.0 Pre-release - 2018-10-19
- Added logging respecting WP_DEBUG @timoj
2.5.1 Pre-release - 2018-10-10
- Bugfix parcelshop locator settings @timoj
2.5.0 Pre-release - 2018-9-17
- Bugfix dimensions @timoj
- Added default image setting (base64) @timoj
2.4.7 Pre-release - 2018-9-7
- Bugfix escaping quotes js func parameter @timoj
2.4.6 Pre-release - 2018-9-7
- Bugfix company name @timoj
2.4.5 Pre-release - 2018-9-5
- Bugfix parcelshoppicker js @timoj
2.4.4 Pre-release - 2018-8-15
2.4.3 Pre-release - 2018-8-15
2.4.2 Pre-release - 2018-8-02
- Added free from for parcelshop shipping method @timoj
2.4.1 Pre-release - 2018-7-30
- Added bugfixes parcelshop picker @timoj
2.4.0 Pre-release - 2018-06-08
This is a test release. Not ready for production.
- Added parcelshop functionality @timoj
2.3.1 Pre-release - 2018-03-27
- Fixed warning with building api data @timoj
2.3.0 Pre-release - 2018-03-27
- Added support for 2nd webhook @timoj
-Fixed api domain @timoj
2.2.2 (2017-12-28)
2.2.1 (2017-12-28)
2.2.0 (2017-12-27)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.2 (2017-11-20)
2.1.1 (2017-10-27)
2.1.0 (2017-10-03)
Merged pull requests:
2.0.7 (2017-09-21)
2.0.6 (2017-09-20)
2.0.5 (2017-09-19)
2.0.4 (2017-08-28)
2.0.3 (2017-07-07)
2.0.2 (2017-07-04)
2.0.1 (2017-06-19)
2.0.0 (2017-06-15)
1.0.1 (2017-06-07)
1.0 (2017-06-07)
0.9 (2017-06-01)
0.8 (2017-05-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Dimension/weight fix #1 (riklempens)
0.7 (2017-05-09)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator