- TCP/IP ILLustrated Volume 1: The Protocols (TCP/IP详解 卷1:协议)
- TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP and the UNIX Domain Protocols (TCP/IP详解 卷3:TCP事务协议、HTTP、NNTP和UNIX域协议)
- TCP/IP ILLustrated Volume 2: The implementation (TCP/IP详解 卷2:实现)
- Modern-Compiler-Implementation (现代编译原理)
- The Art of UNIX Programming (UNIX编程艺术)
- Deep Learning (深度学习) Ian Goodfellow / Yoshua Bengio / Aaron Courville
- C++ Primer
- C Primer Plus
- Thinking in java (Java编程思想)
- Code Complete (代码大全)
- Introduction to Algorithms (算法导论)
- Algorithms 4th edition (算法第4版)
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (数据结构与算法分析:C语言描述)
- Computer Systems:A Programmer's Perspective (深入理解计算机系统)
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (计算机程序的构造和解释)
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (编译原理)
- The Art of Computer Programming (计算机程序设计艺术)
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (设计模式)
- Http: The Definitive Guide (HTTP权威指南)
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (Javascript权威指南)
- The C Programming Language (C程序设计语言)
- Programming Pearls (编程珠玑)
- Inside the C++ Object Model (深度探索C++对象模型)
- Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
- Effective Java
- Linear Algebra (线性代数) Kenneth M Hoffman / Ray Kunze
- Mathematical Analysis (数学分析) [美]Tom M. Apostol
- 数学分析 卓里奇
- Principles of Mathematical Analysis (数学分析原理) Walter Rudin
- Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, Volume 1: Induction and Analogy in Mathematics (数学与猜想第一卷)
- Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, Volume II: Patterns of Plausible Inference (数学与猜想第二卷)
- How to Solve It : A New Aspect of Mathematical Method (怎样解题)
- Calculus (微积分) James Stewart
- Thomas' Calculus (托马斯微积分)
- Calculus (微积分) Ron Larson
- The Calculus Lifesaver: All the Tools You Need to Excel at Calculus (普林斯顿微积分读本)
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications (线性代数及其应用) David C. Lay
- Linear Algebra Done Right (线性代数应该这样学) Sheldon Axle
- Strang's Linear Algebra And Its Applications (线性代数及其应用) Gilbert Strang
- Strang's Linear Algebra And Its Applications (线性代数及其应用) Peter D. Lax
- Matrix Analysis (矩阵分析) Horn
- Introduction to Probability (概率导论) Dimitri P. Bertsekas / John N. Tsitsiklis
- A first course in probability(概率论基础教程) Sheldon M. Ross
- An introduction to Probability Theory And Its Applications (概率论及其应用) WilliamFeller
- Concrete Mathematics (具体数学)
- Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (离散数学及其应用) Kenneth.H.Rosen
- The Princeton Companion to Mathematics (普林斯顿数学指南)
- Mathematical thought:from ancient to modern times (古今数学思想)
- What is Mathematics (什么是数学)
- 几何原本
- The Feynman's Lectures on Physics (费曼物理学讲义)
- The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (量子力学原理) 狄拉克 P.A.M.Dirac
- Landau Physics (朗道理论物理教程)
- Qed: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter (理性边缘的物理)
- Berkeley Physics Course (伯克利物理学教程)
- The Evolution of Physics (物理学的进化)
- 量子力学史话
- “Surely You’re Joking,Mr. Feynman!” - Adventures of a Curious Character (别闹了,费曼先生)
- A Brief History Of Time (时间简史)
- 相对论
- Principles of Economics (经济学原理)
- 资治通鉴
- 史记
- The Cambridge History of China (剑桥中国史)
- A Global History: From Prehistory to the 21st Century (全球通史)
- A Brief History of the World (世界简史)
- Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (枪炮、病菌与钢铁--人类社会的命运)
- Psychology for living (心理学改变生活)
- Psychology and Life (心理学与生活)
- Social Psychology (社会心理学)
- The Crowd:A Study of the Popular Mind (乌合之众)
- A Short History of Nearly Everything (万物简史)
- The Selfish Gene (自私的基因)
- Souvenirs Entomologiques (昆虫记)
- Cien años de soledad (百年孤独)
- Pride and Prejudice (傲慢与偏见)
- The Lord of the Rings (魔戒)
- The Kite Runner (追风筝的人)
- The Moon and Sixpence (月亮和六便士)
- Amusing Ourselves to Death (娱乐至死)
- Sofies verden (苏菲的世界)
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (查理和他的巧克力工厂)
- The little prince (小王子)
- Flipped (怦然心动)
- And then there were none (无人生还)
- The house on mango street (芒果街上的小屋)
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (哈利波特与魔法石)
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (哈利波特与密室)
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkab (哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒)
- Harry Potter Harry and the Goblet of Fire (哈利波特与火焰杯)
- Game of Thrones (权力的游戏)
- The Hunger Games (饥饿游戏三部曲)
- Sense and Sensibility (理智与情感)
- The Great Gatsby (了不起的盖茨比)
- The fault in our stars (无比美妙的痛苦)
- The old man and the sea (老人与海)
- The ABC Murders (ABC谋杀案)
- Murder on the orient express (东方快车谋杀案)
- The Naked Face (裸面)
- The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (罗杰疑案)
- Crooked House (怪屋)
- Endless Night (无尽长夜)
- the CATCHER in he RYE (麦田里的守望者)
- the Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler (希特勒的兴与衰)
- Master of The Game (谋略大师)
- Life and Death in ShangHai (上海生死劫)
- Animal Farm (动物农场)
- Who Moved My Cheese (谁动了我的奶酪)
- The Diary Of A Young Girl (安妮日记)
- 1984
- The Davinci Code (达芬奇密码)
- Schindler's Ark (辛德勒的名单)
- Uncle Tom's cabin (汤姆大叔的小屋)
- To kill a mocking bird (杀死一只知更鸟)
- Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell and Sonny Warner (飘)
- 骆驼祥子
- 许三观卖血记
- 围城
- 三体
- 平凡的世界
- 红楼梦
- 西游记
- 三国演义
- 水浒传
- 儒林外史
- 山海经
- びゃくやこう (白夜行)
- 容疑者Xの献身 (嫌疑人X的献身)
- ナミヤ雑貨店の奇蹟 (解忧杂货铺)
- 文心雕龙
- 孙子兵法
- 傅雷家书
- 毛泽东选集
- 庄子
- 古文观止
- How to Read a Book (如何阅读一本书)
- Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (影响力: 你为什么会说"是"?)
- Astronomie populaire (大众天文学)