- This is (automatically) tested against the checker
- Each block contains errors, the list afterwards is the expected errors
- Sections are at level 3 (
), tests are at level 4 (####
), the tested code goes ats
code block and errors in a bullet list after in order- Blocks can be split into files with a
// in file.ts
comment, below which all code is in thefile.ts
file. Default ismain.ts
- Blocks can be split into files with a
const x: number = 2
const y: string = 2
const z: object = 4
- Type 2 is not assignable to type string
- Type 4 is not assignable to type object
let x: number = 3
x = "not a number"
- Type "not a number" is not assignable to type number
const a = 3
const b: string = a
- Type 3 is not assignable to type string
let a = 2
a = "not a number"
let b: number = a
- Type "not a number" is not assignable to type number
const a = c
- Could not find variable c in scope
const a = 2
const a = 3;
a satisfies 3;
a satisfies 2;
const a = 3;
- Cannot redeclare variable a
Might be a usage warning at some point
let b;
b satisfies string;
- Expected string, found undefined
interface Wrapper<T> {
internal: T
const my_wrapped: Wrapper<number> = { internal: "hi" }
- Type {"internal": "hi", } is not assignable to type Wrapper<number, >
const numbers: Array<number> = [1, 2, "3"]
Printing is a bit wack here
- Type [Array] {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: "3", "length": 3, } is not assignable to type Array<number, >
function func(a: number) {
a satisfies string
- Expected string, found number
function func(): string {
return 2
- Function is expected to return string but returned 2
function func() {
return 2
func satisfies () => string
- Expected () => string, found () => 2
function map<T, U>(a: T, b: T => U) {
return b(a)
map(2, Math.sin)
map("string", Math.sin)
- Argument of type "string" is not assignable to number
set T to number
function id(a) {
return a
const d: 3 = id(2)
- Type 2 is not assignable to type 3
function func(a: string, b: number): boolean {
return true
func satisfies (a: string, b: number) => boolean;
func satisfies (a: string, b: number) => string;
func satisfies (a: number, b: number) => boolean;
- Expected (a: string, b: number, ) => string, found (a: string, b: number, ) => true
- Expected (a: number, b: number, ) => boolean, found (a: string, b: number, ) => true
function myThrow() {
throw "err!"
myThrow satisfies string;
- Expected string, found () => never
function getSecond1<T, U>(p1: T, p2: U): U {
return p1
function getSecond2<T, U>(p1: T, p2: U): U {
return p2
- Function is expected to return U but returned T
function setFirst1<T, U>(a: T, b: U) {
const a2: T = a;
function setFirst2<T, U>(a: T, b: U) {
const a2: U = a;
- Type T is not assignable to type U
function createObject1<T, U>(a: T, b: U): { a: T, b: U } {
return { a, b }
function createObject2<T, U>(a: T, b: U): { a: U, b: U } {
return { a, b }
- Function is expected to return {"a": U, "b": U, } but returned {"a": T, "b": U, }
function func(a: number) {}
func("not a number")
- Argument of type "not a number" is not assignable to number
function func<T>(a: T) {}
func<number>("not a number")
- Argument of type "not a number" is not assignable to number
function getA(obj: { a: string }) {
return obj.a
const d: 3 = getA({ a: "hi" })
- Type "hi" is not assignable to type 3
function func(p1: number, p2: string) {}
- Missing argument
function func(p1: number) {}
func(4, "extra")
- Excess argument
const x = "hi"
- Cannot call type "hi"
function addTwoToResult(func: number => number) {
return func(4) + 2
addTwoToResult((a: number) => a * 4) satisfies 5
- Expected 5, found 18
function call(func: number => number) {
return func(9)
call(Math.sqrt) satisfies 2
- Expected 2, found 3
function kestrel(a) {
return function (_b) {
return a
kestrel(3)(2) satisfies 4
- Expected 4, found 3
function kestrel2(a) {
return _b => _c => a
kestrel2(3)(2)(6) satisfies 4
- Expected 4, found 3
function magicNumber(a: number) {
return {
plusOne() { return a + 1 },
doubled() { return 2 * a }
const myNumber = magicNumber(4);
myNumber.plusOne() satisfies 5
myNumber.doubled() satisfies 6
- Expected 6, found 8
function myClosure(a) {
return {
getValue() { return a },
setValue(b) { a = b }
const value = myClosure(4);
value.getValue() satisfies 4;
value.getValue() satisfies 6
- Expected 6, found 10
Side effects of functions. Registered internally as
let a: number = 0
function func() {
a = 4
let b: 2 = a
- Type 4 is not assignable to type 2
let a: number = 0
function func(c: number) {
a = c
let b: 2 = a
- Type 4 is not assignable to type 2
An example of the generic constructor type (namely call and operation)
function sinPlusB(a: number, b: number) {
return Math.trunc(a) + b
sinPlusB(100.22, 5) satisfies 8
- Expected 8, found 105
let a: number = 2
function runFunctionTwice(func: () => void) {
a satisfies 2
runFunctionTwice(() => { a++ })
a satisfies string
- Expected string, found 4
let a: number = 2
function runFunctionTwice(func: () => void): number {
const b = a
return b;
a satisfies 2
const out = runFunctionTwice(() => { a++ });
a satisfies 4
out satisfies string
- Expected string, found 3
const x: 4 = 2 + 3
const y: 6 = 2 * 3
const z: 8 = (2 * 3) - 2
- Type 5 is not assignable to type 4
- Type 4 is not assignable to type 8
const x: 2 = 2 & 3
const y: 6 = 2 ^ 7
const z: 14 = 8 | 4
- Type 5 is not assignable to type 6
- Type 12 is not assignable to type 14
const x: 2 = 3 && 2
const y: 6 = 3 && false
const z: false = true || 4
- Type false is not assignable to type 6
- Type true is not assignable to type false
(4 === 2) satisfies true;
(4 !== 2) satisfies string;
- Expected true, found false
- Expected string, found true
(4 < 2) satisfies true;
(4 > 2) satisfies number;
(2 >= 2) satisfies string;
- Expected true, found false
- Expected number, found true
- Expected string, found true
"hi".toUpperCase() satisfies number
- Expected number, found "HI"
Math.cos(0) satisfies 0;
Math.sqrt(16) satisfies 1;
Math.trunc(723.22) satisfies 2
- Expected 0, found 1
- Expected 1, found 4
- Expected 2, found 723
let a = 5, b = 6;
a satisfies 4;
b *= 4;
b satisfies 23;
- Expected 4, found 6
- Expected 23, found 24
let my_obj = { a: 3 }
const a = my_obj.a
const b = my_obj.b
- No property "b" on {"a": 3, }
let my_obj = { a: 3 }
my_obj.a = 4
let b: 3 = my_obj.a
- Type 4 is not assignable to type 3
const my_obj = { a: 2 }
const three: 3 = my_obj.a
- Type 2 is not assignable to type 3
const my_obj: { a: number } = { a: 2 }
my_obj.a = "not a number"
- Type "not a number" does not meet property constraint number
const my_obj: { b: 3 } = { a: 2 }
- Type {"a": 2, } is not assignable to type {"b": 3, }
const b = {
get c() {
return 2
b.c satisfies string
- Expected string, found 2
const x = [1]
x[1] satisfies 3
x.length satisfies 4
- Expected 3, found "hi"
- Expected 4, found 2
function newObject() {
return { a: 2 }
const b = newObject();
const c = b;
(b === c) satisfies false;
(b === newObject) satisfies string;
- Expected false, found true
- Expected string, found false
function isNegative(x: number) {
return x < 0 ? "negative" : "positive"
isNegative(-4) satisfies number
isNegative(4) satisfies boolean
- Expected number, found "negative"
- Expected boolean, found "positive"
let a: number = 0
function conditional(v: string) {
if (v === "value") {
a satisfies 2
a satisfies 3
- Expected 2, found 0
- Expected 3, found 1
declare var value: string;
let a: string | number = 0;
function conditional(v: string) {
if (v === "value") {
a = "hi"
a satisfies string
- Expected string, found "hi" | 0
function print_number(value: number) {
if (value === 0) {
return "zero"
} else if (value === 1) {
return "one"
} else {
return "some number"
print_number(0) satisfies "some number"
print_number(1) satisfies "ONE"
print_number(100) satisfies "100"
print_number(-1) satisfies "TWO"
- Expected "some number", found "zero"
- Expected "ONE", found "one"
- Expected "100", found "some number"
- Expected "TWO", found "some number"
let a: number = 0
const func = condition => condition || ++a;
a satisfies 0;
func(false) satisfies 1;
a satisfies 2;
- Expected 2, found 1
let a = false, b = 4;
a ||= b++;
a satisfies 3;
b ||= (b = 10);
b satisfies string;
- Expected 3, found 4
- Expected string, found 5
function func(a: boolean) {
if (a) {
return 2
func satisfies (a: boolean) => 5;
- Expected (a: boolean, ) => 5, found (a: boolean, ) => 2 | undefined
Some of these are part of synthesis, rather than checking
interface X {
a: string,
b: boolean
const x: X = { a: 2, b: false }
- Type {"a": 2, "b": false, } is not assignable to type X
type MyNumber = number;
"hi" satisfies MyNumber;
4 satisfies MyNumber
- Expected MyNumber, found "hi"
declare var global_number: number
const my_number: string = global_number
- Type number is not assignable to type string
const name = "Ben";
`Hello ${name}` satisfies "Hi Ben"
- Expected "Hi Ben", found "Hello Ben"
declare var x: number;
(x * 2) satisfies string
- Expected string, found number
declare var x: number;
(x < 4) satisfies string;
(x === 4) satisfies Math;
- Expected string, found boolean
- Expected Math, found boolean
declare var x: number, y: boolean;
(x && y) satisfies string;
- Expected string, found boolean | number
const x = 2
const y = { x }
y.x satisfies 3
- Expected 3, found 2
const array = [1, 2, 3]
const [a, b] = array
a satisfies 1; b satisfies string;
- Expected string, found 2
const object = { a: 1, b: 2 }
const { a, b } = object
a satisfies 1; b satisfies string;
- Expected string, found 2
const object = { a: { b: { c: 2 } } }
const { a: { b: { c: d } } } = object
d satisfies 1;
- Expected 1, found 2
try {
throw 2
} catch (err) {
err satisfies string
- Expected string, found 2
function throwType(a) {
throw a
try {
} catch (err) {
err satisfies string
- Expected string, found 3
also imports work with and without extensions
import { PI } from "./constants.ts";
import { PI as otherPI, "non identifier" as a } from "./other";
PI satisfies string;
otherPI satisfies boolean;
a satisfies 8;
// in constants.ts
export const PI = 4;
// in other.ts
export const PI = 22 / 7;
const private = 2;
export { private as "non identifier" }
- Expected string, found 4
- Expected boolean, found 3.142857142857143
- Expected 8, found 2
import { PI } from "./constants";
PI += 2;
// in constants.ts
export let PI = 4;
- Cannot assign to constant
import PI from "./pi";
PI satisfies string;
// in pi.ts
export default 4;
- Expected string, found 4
import { MyNumber } from "./types";
2 satisfies MyNumber;
// in types.ts
export type MyNumber = string;
- Expected string, found 2
import { counter, incrementCounter } from "./mutable";
counter satisfies string;
counter satisfies 3;
counter satisfies string;
// in mutable.ts
export let counter = 2;
export function incrementCounter() {
- Expected string, found 2
- Expected string, found 4
import * as the from "./many";
the satisfies string;
// in many.ts
export const a = 2, b = 3, c = 4;
- Expected string, found {"a": 2, "b": 3, "c": 4, }
import { a } from "./two";
// in one.ts
export const a = 2;
- Cannot find file
import { a } from "./export";
// in export.ts
export const b = 2;
- a not exported from ./export
import { a } from "./export";
// in export.ts
export default const x = 2;
- Expected SemiColon found x
import { a } from "./export1";
import { b } from "./export2";
(a === b) satisfies string;
// in export1.ts
export { the as a } from "./base"
// in export2.ts
export { the as b } from "./base"
// in base.ts
export const the = ((4 satisfies 1),3);
- Expected 1, found 4
- Expected string, found true
The fact the
Expected 1, found 4
only occurs once means that the module was only synthesised once
export const x = 2;
x satisfies 3;
- Expected 3, found 2
import { x } from "./exports"
// in exports.ts
export const x = 2;
const y = "122LH"
- Could not find variable y in scope
Don't rely on this
import { x } from "./export";
import "./side_effect";
x satisfies number;
// in side_effect.ts
import { x } from "./export";
x satisfies string;
x.b = x.a + 2;
// in export.ts
export const x = { a: 2 };
- Expected string, found {"a": 2, }
- Expected number, found {"a": 2, "b": 4, }