diff --git a/MacDialog/Readme.md b/MacDialog/Readme.md index 6ad88fff..01470515 100644 --- a/MacDialog/Readme.md +++ b/MacDialog/Readme.md @@ -12,4 +12,15 @@ urlFragment: macdialog This project covers working with Windows, Modal Windows, Panels, Sheets, Dialogs and Alerts in a Xamarin.Mac application and includes examples of every time of each items listed. -Uses [Xamarin.Mac](http://xamarin.com). + + +## Prerequisites + +- Mac computer with the latest version of macOS. +- [Visual Studio for Mac](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). +- Latest version of [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) from Apple. + +## Running the sample + +1. Open the solution file (**.sln**) in Visual Studio for Mac. +1. Use the **Run** button or menu to start the app. diff --git a/MacImages/Readme.md b/MacImages/Readme.md index 0840f8dd..0555aa1b 100644 --- a/MacImages/Readme.md +++ b/MacImages/Readme.md @@ -10,19 +10,30 @@ urlFragment: macimages --- # MacImages -Source code for the [Working with Images](/guides/mac/application_fundamentals/working-with-images) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.xamarin.com) - -Uses [Xamarin.Mac](http://xamarin.com). +Source code for the [Working with Images](https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/mac/app-fundamentals/image) documentation on [Xamarin Documentation](http://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin) When working with C# and .NET in a Xamarin.Mac application, you have access to the same Image and Icon tools that a developer working in in *Objective-C* and *Xcode* does. -There are several ways that image assets are used inside a Mac OS X application. From simply displaying an image as part of your application's UI to, assigning it to a UI control such as a Tool Bar or Source List Item, to providing Icons, Xamarin.Mac makes it easy to add great artwork to your Mac OS X applications in the following ways: + + +There are several ways that image assets are used inside a macOS application. From simply displaying an image as part of your application's UI to, assigning it to a UI control such as a Tool Bar or Source List Item, to providing Icons, Xamarin.Mac makes it easy to add great artwork to your macOS applications in the following ways: + +- **UI Elements** - Images can be displayed as backgrounds or as part of your application in a Image View (`NSImageView`). +- **Button** - Images can be displayed in buttons (`NSButton`). +- **Image Cell** - As part of a table based control (`NSTableView` or `NSOutlineView`), images can be used in a Image Cell (`NSImageCell`). +- **Toolbar Item** - Images can be added to a Toolbar (`NSToolbar`) as a Image Toolbar Item (`NSToolbarItem`). +- **Source List Icon** - As part of a Source List (a specially formatted `NSOutlineView`). +- **App Icon** - A series of images can be grouped together into a **.icns** set and used as your application's icon. See our [Application Icon](https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/mac/deploy-test/app-icon) documentation for more information. + +Additionally, macOS provides a set of predefined images that can be used throughout your application. This example covers using an Image in Xamarin.Mac in all of the above listed situations. + +## Prerequisites + +- Mac computer with the latest version of macOS. +- [Visual Studio for Mac](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). +- Latest version of [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) from Apple. -* **UI Elements** - Images can be displayed as backgrounds or as part of your application in a Image View (`NSImageView`). -* **Button** - Images can be displayed in buttons (`NSButton`). -* **Image Cell** - As part of a table based control (`NSTableView` or `NSOutlineView`), images can be used in a Image Cell (`NSImageCell`). -* **Toolbar Item** - Images can be added to a Toolbar (`NSToolbar`) as a Image Toolbar Item (`NSToolbarItem`). -* **Source List Icon** - As part of a Source List (a specially formatted `NSOutlineView`). -* **App Icon** - A series of images can be grouped together into a `.icns` set and used as your application's icon. See our [Application Icon](/guides/mac/deployment%2C_testing%2C_and_metrics/app-icon) documentation for more information. +## Running the sample -Additionally, Mac OS X provides a set of predefined images that can be used throughout your application. This example covers using an Image in Xamarin.Mac in all of the above listed situations. \ No newline at end of file +1. Open the solution file (**.sln**) in Visual Studio for Mac. +1. Use the **Run** button or menu to start the app. diff --git a/MacInspector/Readme.md b/MacInspector/Readme.md index d2dbc133..bdedc400 100644 --- a/MacInspector/Readme.md +++ b/MacInspector/Readme.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ --- name: Xamarin.Mac - MacInspector -description: Most modern OS X applications present auxiliary controls and options that affect the active document or selection as Inspectors that are part of... +description: Most modern macOS applications present auxiliary controls and options that affect the active document or selection as Inspectors that are part of... page_type: sample languages: - csharp @@ -10,12 +10,25 @@ urlFragment: macinspector --- # MacInspector -Most modern OS X applications present auxiliary controls and options that affect the active document or selection as **Inspectors** that are part of the Main Window (like Apple's Pages or Numbers apps), instead of using [Panel Windows](https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/mac/user-interface/working-with-windows/#Panels). +Most modern OS X applications present auxiliary controls and options that affect the active document or selection as **Inspectors** that are part of the Main Window (like Apple's Pages or Numbers apps), instead of using [Panel Windows](https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/mac/user-interface/window#Panels). -While **Panel Windows** have been deprecated in Storyboards, Apple does not provide a specific User Interface Widget to build **Inspectors**. Instead the developer must use `NSSplitViewControllers` and standard UI Widgets (such as Checkboxes and Text Fields) to create the [Inspector Interface](https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/mac/user-interface/working-with-windows/#Inspectors). +While **Panel Windows** have been deprecated in Storyboards, Apple does not provide a specific User Interface Widget to build **Inspectors**. Instead the developer must use `NSSplitViewControllers` and standard UI Widgets (such as Checkboxes and Text Fields) to create the [Inspector Interface](https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/mac/user-interface/window#Inspectors). -This app shows an example of creating two different types of Inspector Panels and running those panels with a Split View. It also uses a [Segment Control](https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/mac/user-interface/standard-controls/#Working_with_Selection_Controls) in the [Toolbar](https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/mac/user-interface/working-with-toolbars/) to control the **Inspector** similar to Apple's Pages word processing app. +This app shows an example of creating two different types of Inspector Panels and running those panels with a Split View. It also uses a [Segment Control](https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/mac/user-interface/standard-controls#Working_with_Selection_Controls) in the [Toolbar](https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/mac/user-interface/toolbar) to control the **Inspector** similar to Apple's Pages word processing app. The code has been fully commented and, where available, links have be provided from key technologies or methods to relevant information in the [Xamarin.Mac Guides Documentation](https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/#mac). -A [Read Me](https://github.com/xamarin/mac-samples/tree/master/MacInspector/Documentation) document has been provided with a brief description of how the app was designed and works along with complete **API Documentation** (available in `Documentation/html/index.html` when downloaded) for the app. \ No newline at end of file +A [Read Me](https://github.com/xamarin/mac-samples/tree/master/MacInspector/Documentation) document has been provided with a brief description of how the app was designed and works along with complete **API Documentation** (available in `Documentation/html/index.html` when downloaded) for the app. + + + +## Prerequisites + +- Mac computer with the latest version of macOS. +- [Visual Studio for Mac](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). +- Latest version of [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) from Apple. + +## Running the sample + +1. Open the solution file (**.sln**) in Visual Studio for Mac. +1. Use the **Run** button or menu to start the app. diff --git a/MacMenus/Readme.md b/MacMenus/Readme.md index 4fa6816e..93b4ca44 100644 --- a/MacMenus/Readme.md +++ b/MacMenus/Readme.md @@ -10,8 +10,19 @@ urlFragment: macmenus --- # MacMenus -Source code for the [Menus](/guides/mac/user-interface/working-with-menus/) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.xamarin.com) +Source code for the [Menus](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/mac/user-interface/menu) doc in the [Xamarin Documentation](http://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin) -Uses [Xamarin.Mac](http://xamarin.com). +This project covers working with Menus in a Xamarin.Mac application and includes examples of every time of menu that can be used in macOS. -This project covers working with Menus in a Xamarin.Mac application and includes examples of every time of menu that can be used in OS X. \ No newline at end of file + + +## Prerequisites + +- Mac computer with the latest version of macOS. +- [Visual Studio for Mac](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). +- Latest version of [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) from Apple. + +## Running the sample + +1. Open the solution file (**.sln**) in Visual Studio for Mac. +1. Use the **Run** button or menu to start the app. diff --git a/MacOpenTK/Readme.md b/MacOpenTK/Readme.md index b70da621..25bd1cf2 100644 --- a/MacOpenTK/Readme.md +++ b/MacOpenTK/Readme.md @@ -14,4 +14,17 @@ OpenTK (The Open Toolkit) is an advanced, low-level C# library that makes workin This sample creates a Game View, attaches it to the Main Window of the app and uses the Game View to render a simple triangle. -For more information on OpenTK and how to use it, please see [The Open Toolkit](http://www.opentk.com) website. \ No newline at end of file +For more information on OpenTK and how to use it, please see [The Open Toolkit](http://www.opentk.com) website. + + + +## Prerequisites + +- Mac computer with the latest version of macOS. +- [Visual Studio for Mac](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). +- Latest version of [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) from Apple. + +## Running the sample + +1. Open the solution file (**.sln**) in Visual Studio for Mac. +1. Use the **Run** button or menu to start the app. diff --git a/MacOutlines/Readme.md b/MacOutlines/Readme.md index 12377925..1f41dad4 100644 --- a/MacOutlines/Readme.md +++ b/MacOutlines/Readme.md @@ -10,8 +10,19 @@ urlFragment: macoutlines --- # MacOutlines -Source code for the [Outline Views](/guides/mac/user-interface/working-with-outlineviews/) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.xamarin.com) +Source code for the [Outline Views](https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/mac/user-interface/outline-view) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin) -Uses [Xamarin.Mac](http://xamarin.com). +This sample covers working with Outline Views in a Xamarin.Mac application. It covers creating and maintaining Outline Views in Xcode and Interface builder, how to expose the Outline View to code using Outlets and Actions, populating Outline Items and finally responding to Outline View Items in C# code. -This sample covers working with Outline Views in a Xamarin.Mac application. It covers creating and maintaining Outline Views in Xcode and Interface builder, how to expose the Outline View to code using Outlets and Actions, populating Outline Items and finally responding to Outline View Items in C# code. \ No newline at end of file + + +## Prerequisites + +- Mac computer with the latest version of macOS. +- [Visual Studio for Mac](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). +- Latest version of [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) from Apple. + +## Running the sample + +1. Open the solution file (**.sln**) in Visual Studio for Mac. +1. Use the **Run** button or menu to start the app. diff --git a/MacSourceLists/Readme.md b/MacSourceLists/Readme.md index deb7de03..9f930dee 100644 --- a/MacSourceLists/Readme.md +++ b/MacSourceLists/Readme.md @@ -10,8 +10,19 @@ urlFragment: macsourcelists --- # MacSourceLists -Source code for the [Source Lists](/guides/mac/user-interface/working-with-sourcelists/) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.xamarin.com) +Source code for the [Source Lists](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/mac/user-interface/source-list) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin) -Uses [Xamarin.Mac](http://xamarin.com). +This sample covers working with Source Lists in a Xamarin.Mac application. It covers creating and maintaining Source Lists in Xcode and Interface builder, how to expose the Source Lists to code using Outlets and Actions, populating Source Lists Items and finally responding to Source Lists Items in C# code. -This sample covers working with Source Lists in a Xamarin.Mac application. It covers creating and maintaining Source Lists in Xcode and Interface builder, how to expose the Source Lists to code using Outlets and Actions, populating Source Lists Items and finally responding to Source Lists Items in C# code. \ No newline at end of file + + +## Prerequisites + +- Mac computer with the latest version of macOS. +- [Visual Studio for Mac](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). +- Latest version of [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) from Apple. + +## Running the sample + +1. Open the solution file (**.sln**) in Visual Studio for Mac. +1. Use the **Run** button or menu to start the app. diff --git a/MacTables/Readme.md b/MacTables/Readme.md index 48f3000d..6faa86cc 100644 --- a/MacTables/Readme.md +++ b/MacTables/Readme.md @@ -10,8 +10,19 @@ urlFragment: mactables --- # MacTables -Source code for the [Table Views](/guides/mac/user-interface/working-with-tableviews/) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.xamarin.com) +Source code for the [Table Views](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/mac/user-interface/table-view) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin) -Uses [Xamarin.Mac](http://xamarin.com). +This sample covers working with Table Views in a Xamarin.Mac application. It covers creating and maintaining Table Views in Xcode and Interface builder, how to expose the Table View Items to code using Outlets and Actions, populating Table Views and finally responding to Table View Items in C# code. -This sample covers working with Table Views in a Xamarin.Mac application. It covers creating and maintaining Table Views in Xcode and Interface builder, how to expose the Table View Items to code using Outlets and Actions, populating Table Views and finally responding to Table View Items in C# code. \ No newline at end of file + + +## Prerequisites + +- Mac computer with the latest version of macOS. +- [Visual Studio for Mac](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). +- Latest version of [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) from Apple. + +## Running the sample + +1. Open the solution file (**.sln**) in Visual Studio for Mac. +1. Use the **Run** button or menu to start the app. diff --git a/MacToolbar/Readme.md b/MacToolbar/Readme.md index d7c2b9cf..f3c12c44 100644 --- a/MacToolbar/Readme.md +++ b/MacToolbar/Readme.md @@ -10,8 +10,19 @@ urlFragment: mactoolbar --- # MacToolbar -Source code for the [Toolbars](/guides/mac/user-interface/working-with-toolbars/) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.xamarin.com) +Source code for the [Toolbars](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/mac/user-interface/toolbar) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin) -Uses [Xamarin.Mac](http://xamarin.com). +This project covers working with Toolbars in a Xamarin.Mac application. -This project covers working with Toolbars in a Xamarin.Mac application. \ No newline at end of file + + +## Prerequisites + +- Mac computer with the latest version of macOS. +- [Visual Studio for Mac](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). +- Latest version of [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) from Apple. + +## Running the sample + +1. Open the solution file (**.sln**) in Visual Studio for Mac. +1. Use the **Run** button or menu to start the app. diff --git a/MacWindows/Readme.md b/MacWindows/Readme.md index e5e1d0ba..d752b465 100644 --- a/MacWindows/Readme.md +++ b/MacWindows/Readme.md @@ -10,8 +10,19 @@ urlFragment: macwindows --- # MacWindows -Source code for the [Windows](/guides/mac/user-interface/working-with-windows/), [Dialogs](/guides/mac/user-interface/working-with-dialogs/) and [Alerts](/guides/mac/user-interface/working-with-alerts/) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.xamarin.com) +Source code for the [Windows](https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/mac/user-interface/toolbar), [Dialogs](https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/mac/user-interface/dialog) and [Alerts](https://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin/mac/user-interface/alert) documentation on [Xamarin Developer Center](http://docs.microsoft.com/xamarin) -Uses [Xamarin.Mac](http://xamarin.com). +This project covers working with Windows, Modal Windows, Panels, Sheets, Dialogs and Alerts in a Xamarin.Mac application and includes examples of every time of each items listed. -This project covers working with Windows, Modal Windows, Panels, Sheets, Dialogs and Alerts in a Xamarin.Mac application and includes examples of every time of each items listed. \ No newline at end of file + + +## Prerequisites + +- Mac computer with the latest version of macOS. +- [Visual Studio for Mac](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). +- Latest version of [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) from Apple. + +## Running the sample + +1. Open the solution file (**.sln**) in Visual Studio for Mac. +1. Use the **Run** button or menu to start the app.