diff --git a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_cluster_helpers.ml b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_cluster_helpers.ml
index 2582790e92..954b946b0f 100644
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_cluster_helpers.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_cluster_helpers.ml
@@ -112,35 +112,45 @@ let corosync3_enabled ~__context =
let maybe_generate_alert ~__context ~num_hosts ~hosts_left ~hosts_joined ~quorum
let generate_alert join cluster_host =
+ let generate_alert_body host num_hosts quorum join =
+ let num_hosts = string_of_int num_hosts in
+ let quorum = string_of_int quorum in
+ let msg =
+ if join then
+ "Host has joined the cluster"
+ else
+ "Host has left the cluster"
+ in
+ String.concat ""
+ [
+ "
+ ; msg
+ ; ""
+ ; host
+ ; ""
+ ; ""
+ ; num_hosts
+ ; ""
+ ; ""
+ ; quorum
+ ; ""
+ ; ""
+ ]
+ in
let host = Db.Cluster_host.get_host ~__context ~self:cluster_host in
let host_uuid = Db.Host.get_uuid ~__context ~self:host in
let host_name = Db.Host.get_name_label ~__context ~self:host in
let body, name, priority =
+ let body = generate_alert_body host_name num_hosts quorum join in
match join with
| true ->
- let body =
- Printf.sprintf
- "Host %s has joined the cluster, there are now %d host(s) in \
- cluster and %d host(s) are required to form a quorum"
- host_name num_hosts quorum
- in
let name, priority = Api_messages.cluster_host_joining in
(body, name, priority)
| false ->
- let body =
- Printf.sprintf
- "Host %s has left the cluster, there are now %d host(s) in \
- cluster and %d host(s) are required to form a quorum"
- host_name num_hosts quorum
- in
let name, priority = Api_messages.cluster_host_leaving in
(body, name, priority)
- Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context (fun rpc session_id ->
- ignore
- @@ Client.Client.Message.create ~rpc ~session_id ~name ~priority
- ~cls:`Host ~obj_uuid:host_uuid ~body
- )
+ Xapi_alert.add ~msg:(name, priority) ~cls:`Host ~obj_uuid:host_uuid ~body
List.iter (generate_alert false) hosts_left ;
List.iter (generate_alert true) hosts_joined ;
@@ -150,10 +160,18 @@ let maybe_generate_alert ~__context ~num_hosts ~hosts_left ~hosts_joined ~quorum
let pool_uuid = Db.Pool.get_uuid ~__context ~self:pool in
let name, priority = Api_messages.cluster_quorum_approaching_lost in
let body =
- Printf.sprintf
- "The cluster is losing quorum: currently %d host(s), need %d host(s) \
- for a quorum"
- num_hosts quorum
+ String.concat ""
+ [
+ ""
+ ; "Cluster is losing quorum"
+ ; ""
+ ; string_of_int num_hosts
+ ; ""
+ ; ""
+ ; string_of_int quorum
+ ; ""
+ ; ""
+ ]
Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context (fun rpc session_id ->