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DianeXceed edited this page Feb 7, 2019 · 24 revisions



Themes Usage Instructions

Installation and Usage Instructions

Please note: The Extended WPF Toolkit is dependent on .NET Framework 4.0. You must install .NET Framework 4.0 in order to use any features in the Toolkit.

Instructions for using the Extended WPF Toolkit binaries:

  1. Install .NET Framework 4.0.
  2. Download the ExtendedWPFToolkit_Binaries
  3. Unblock the ZIP file.
    1. Right-click -> Properties -> Unblock
  4. Unzip the 5. Reference the binaries in your project:
    1. Reference WPFToolkit.Extended.dll in your project (Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.dll for the datagrid control)
    2. Add a using statement ("using Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit;" for most of the controls, "using Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid;" for the datagrid control) to the top of .cs files
    3. Add a new xmlns (xmlns:xctk="" for most of the controls, xmlns:xcdg="" for the datagrid control) to the top of XAML files
    4. Remember to use the namespace prefix (in the above example, <xctk: ...> or <xcdg: ...>) in the body of your XAML

Installation using NuGet

  1. Install NuGet (can be downloaded for this link).
  2. Open your Visual Studio.
  3. Open your solution/project.
  4. Open Tools menu, select Library Package Manager and select Package Manager Console
  5. Run the following command Install-Package Extended.Wpf.Toolkit
    1. Add a using statement ("using Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit;" for most of the controls, "using Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid;" for the datagrid control) to the top of .cs files
    2. Add a new xmlns (xmlns:xctk="" for most of the controls, xmlns:xcdg="" for the datagrid control) to the top of XAML files
    3. Remember to use the namespace prefix (in the above example, <xctk: ...> or <xcdg: ...>) in the body of your XAML
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