Free-pitch polyphonic MIDI I/O based on webmidi.js using multi-channel pitch-bend
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import {WebMidi} from 'webmidi';
import {MidiOut} from 'xen-midi';
async function play() {
await WebMidi.enable();
// Set maximum microtonal polyphony to 4 (the number of channels reserved).
const channels = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]);
const midiOut = new MidiOut(WebMidi.outputs[1], channels);
// Play a just intonation 4:5:6 major chord.
frequency: 440, // Frequency in Hz
rawAttack: 80, // Attack velocity from 0 to 127
rawRelease: 80, // Release velocity from 0 to 127
time: "+0", // Relative time starting from now
duration: 500, // Time is measured in ms
// Attack and release default to 64.
frequency: 550,
time: "+100",
duration: 500,
frequency: 660,
time: "+200",
duration: 500,