This folder contains the client that interacts with the contract. By default it uses a local devnet, that you can set up, and deploy the PACCs contracts on it, by following the instructions in the contracts
It also contains the tools required for the communication between a user and a relayer.
You will need node.js, install it using this.
You will also need to open a terminal and install the dependencies:
npm i
And the testing framework:
sudo npm i -g mocha
You will also need to install snarkjs
sudo npm i -g snarkjs
And circom
, using this guide.
Finally, get the required submodules:
git submodule update --init
We first need to download the powers of tau:
curl > src/power_14.ptau
Check the downloaded file integrity:
b2sum src/power_14.ptau > src/downloaded_power_14_hash
diff src/power_14_hash src/downloaded_power_14_hash
Verify if the powers of tau are correct:
snarkjs powersoftau verify src/power_14.ptau
Compile the circuit:
circom src/circuit.circom -o src --r1cs --wasm
Perform the final setup:
snarkjs plonk setup src/circuit.r1cs src/power_14.ptau src/circuit_final.zkey
Export the verifying key:
snarkjs zkey export verificationkey src/circuit_final.zkey src/verification_key.json
You now can run the tests:
mocha --exit