diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index cd2946a..1f78b82 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -45,3 +45,9 @@ $RECYCLE.BIN/
Network Trash Folder
Temporary Items
+# Manual backup files
+# binaries directory
diff --git a/README.MD b/README.MD
index aab0e20..58350ac 100644
@@ -1,680 +1,680 @@
-**We have released a new version [MECAT2](https://github.com/xiaochuanle/MECAT2). Please go and download that new version. This version will not be updated any more.**
-# Contents
-* [Introduction](#S-introduction)
-* [Installation](#S-installation)
-* [Quick Start](#S-quick-start)
-* [Input Format](#S-input-format)
-* [Program Descriptions](#S-program-description)
-* [Citation](#S-citation)
-* [Contact](#S-contact)
-* [Update Information](#S-update)
-# Introdction
-MECAT is an ultra-fast Mapping, Error Correction and de novo Assembly Tools for single molecula sequencing (SMRT) reads. MECAT employs novel alignment and error correction algorithms that are much more efficient than the state of art of aligners and error correction tools. MECAT can be used for effectively de novo assemblying large genomes. For example, on a 32-thread computer with 2.0 GHz CPU , MECAT takes 9.5 days to assemble a human genome based on 54x SMRT data, which is 40 times faster than the current [PBcR-Mhap pipeline](http://cbcb.umd.edu/software/pbcr/mhap/). We also use MECAT to assemble a diploid human genome based on 102x SMRT data only in 25 days. The latter assembly leads a great improvement of quality to the previous genome assembled from the 54x haploid SMRT data. MECAT performance were compared with [PBcR-Mhap pipeline](http://cbcb.umd.edu/software/pbcr/mhap/), [FALCON](https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/falcon) and [Canu(v1.3)](http://canu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) in five real datasets. The quality of assembled contigs produced by MECAT is the same or better than that of the [PBcR-Mhap pipeline](http://cbcb.umd.edu/software/pbcr/mhap/) and [FALCON](https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/falcon). Here are some comparisons on the 32-thread computer with 2.0 GHz CPU and 512 GB RAM memory:
- Genome |
- Pipeline |
- Thread number |
- Total running time (h) |
- NG50 of genome |
- E.coli |
- 16 |
- 1.21 |
- 4,635,129 |
- |
- 16 |
- 1.29 |
- 4,652,272 |
- |
- Canu |
- 16 |
- 0.71 |
- 4,648,002 |
- |
- 16 |
- 0.24 |
- 4,649,626 |
- Yeast |
- 16 |
- 2.16 |
- 587,169 |
- |
- 16 |
- 4.2 |
- 818,229 |
- |
- Canu |
- 16 |
- 5.11 |
- 739,902 |
- |
- 16 |
- 0.91 |
- 929,350 |
- A.thaliana |
- 16 |
- 223.84 |
- 7,583,032 |
- |
- 16 |
- 188.7 |
- 9,610,192 |
- |
- Canu |
- 16 |
- 118.57 |
- 8,315,338 |
- |
- 16 |
- 10.73 |
- 12600961 |
- D.melanogaster |
- 16 |
- 140.72 |
- 15,664,372 |
- |
- 16 |
- 101.22 |
- 13,627,256 |
- |
- Canu |
- 16 |
- 69.34 |
- 14,179,324 |
- |
- 16 |
- 9.58 |
- 18,111,159 |
- Human(54X) |
- PBcR-MHAH(f) |
- 32 |
- 5750 |
- 1,857,788 |
- |
- PBcR-MHAH(s) |
- 32 |
- 13000 |
- 4,320,471 |
- |
- 32 |
- 230.54 |
- 4,878,957 |
-MECAT consists of four modules:
-* `mecat2pw`, a fast and accurate pairwise mapping tool for SMRT reads
-* `mecat2ref`, a fast and accurate reference mapping tool for SMRT reads
-* `mecat2cns`, correct noisy reads based on their pairwise overlaps
-* `mecat2canu`, a modified and more efficient version of the [Canu pipeline](https://github.com/marbl/canu). [Canu](https://github.com/marbl/canu) is a customized version of the Celera Assembler that designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing
-MEAP is written in C, C++, and perl. It is open source and distributed under the [GPLv3](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html) license.
-# Installation
-The current directory is `/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm`.
-* Install `MECAT`:
-``` shell
-git clone https://github.com/xiaochuanle/MECAT.git
-cd ..
-After installation, all the executables are found in `MECAT/Linux-amd64/bin`. The folder name `Linux-amd64` will vary in operating systems. For example, in MAC, the executables are put in `MECAT/Darwin-amd64/bin`.
-* Install `HDF5`:
-``` shell
-wget https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.8/hdf5-1.8.15-patch1/src/hdf5-1.8.15-patch1.tar.gz
-tar xzvf hdf5-1.8.15-patch1.tar.gz
-mkdir hdf5
-cd hdf5-1.8.15-patch1
-./configure --enable-cxx --prefix=/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/hdf5
-make install
-cd ..
-The header files of `HDF5` are in `hdf5/include`. The library files of `HDF5` are in `hdf5/lib` (in some systems, they are put in `hdf5/lib64`, check it!).
-* Install `dextract`
-``` shell
-git clone https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/DEXTRACTOR.git
-cp MECAT/dextract_makefile DEXTRACTOR
-export HDF5_INCLUDE=/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/hdf5/include
-export HDF5_LIB=/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/hdf5/lib
-make -f dextract_makefile
-cd ..
-* Add relative pathes
-``` shell
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/hdf5/lib
-export PATH=/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/MECAT/Linux-amd64/bin:$PATH
-export PATH=/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/DEXTRACTOR:$PATH
-# Quick Start
-Using MECAT to assemble a genome involves 4 steps. Here we take assemblying the genome of Ecoli as an example, to go through each step in order. Options of each command will be given in next section.
-## Assemblying Pacbio Data
-We download the reads [ecoli_filtered.fastq.gz](http://gembox.cbcb.umd.edu/mhap/raw/ecoli_filtered.fastq.gz) from the MHAP website. By decompressing it we obtain `ecoli_filtered.fastq`.
-* Step 1, using `mecat2pw` to detect overlapping candidates
-``` shell
-mecat2pw -j 0 -d ecoli_filtered.fastq -o ecoli_filtered.fastq.pm.can -w wrk_dir -t 16
-* Step 2, correct the noisy reads based on their pairwise overlapping candidates.
-mecat2cns -i 0 -t 16 ecoli_filtered.fastq.pm.can ecoli_filtered.fastq corrected_ecoli_filtered
-* Step 3, extract the longest 25X corrected reads
-extract_sequences corrected_ecoli_filtered.fasta corrected_ecoli_25x.fasta 4800000 25
-* Step 4, assemble the longest 25X corrected reads using `mecat2cacu`
-mecat2canu -trim-assemble -p ecoli -d ecoli genomeSize=4800000 ErrorRate=0.02 maxMemory=40 maxThreads=16 useGrid=0 Overlapper=mecat2asmpw -pacbio-corrected corrected_ecoli_25x.fasta
-## Assemblying Nanopore Data
-Download [MAP006-PCR-1_2D_pass.fasta](http://nanopore.s3.climb.ac.uk/MAP006-PCR-1_2D_pass.fasta).
-* Step 1, using `mecat2pw` to detect overlapping candidates
-``` shell
-mecat2pw -j 0 -d MAP006-PCR-1_2D_pass.fasta -o candidatex.txt -w wrk_dir -t 16 -x 1
-* Step 2, correct the noisy reads based on their pairwise overlapping candidates.
-mecat2cns -i 0 -t 16 -x 1 candidates.txt MAP006-PCR-1_2D_pass.fasta corrected_ecoli.fasta
-* Step 3, extract the longest 25X corrected reads
-extract_sequences corrected_ecoli.fasta corrected_ecoli_25x.fasta 4800000 25
-* Step 4, assemble the longest 25X corrected reads using `mecat2cacu`
-mecat2canu -trim-assemble -p ecoli -d ecoli genomeSize=4800000 ErrorRate=0.06 maxMemory=40 maxThreads=16 useGrid=0 Overlapper=mecat2asmpw -nanopore-corrected corrected_ecoli_25x.fasta
-After step 4, the assembled genome is given in file `ecoli/ecoli.contigs.fasta`. Details of the contigs can be found in file `ecoli/ecoli.layout.tigInfo`.
-# Input Format
-MECAT is capable of processing `FASTA`, `FASTQ`, and `H5` format files. However, the `H5` files must first be transfered to `FASTA`
-format by running `DEXTRACTOR/dextract` before running MECAT. For example:
-find pathto/raw_reads -name "*.bax.h5" -exec readlink -f {} \; > reads.fofn
-while read line; do dextract -v $line >> reads.fasta ; done < reads.fofn
-the extracted result should be the reads.fasta file for mecat's input file.
-# Program Descriptions
-We describe in detail each module of MECAT, including their options and output formats.
-## `mecat2pw`
-### options
-The command for running `mecat2pw` is
-mecat2pw -j [task] -d [fasta/fastq] -w [working folder] -t [# of threads] -o [output] -n [# of candidates] -a [overlap size] -k [# of kmers] -g [0/1] -x [0/1]
-The options are:
-* `-j [task]`, job name, 0 = detect overlapping candidates only, 1 = output overlaps in M4 format, default = 1. If we are to correct noisy reads, outputing overlapping candidates is enough.
-* `-d [fasta/fastq]`, reads file name in FASTA or FASTQ format.
-* `-w [working folder]`, a directory for storing temporary results, will be created if not exists.
-* `-t [# of threads]`, number of CPU threads used for overlapping, default=1.
-* `-o [output]`, output file name
-* `-n [# of candidates]`, number of candidates considered for gapped extension, default=100. Since each chunk is about 2GB size, number of candidates(NC) should be set by genome size (GS).For GS < 20M, NC should be set as 200; For GS>20M and GS<200M; NC should be set as 100; For GS>200M, NC should be set as 50.
-* `-a [overlap size]`, only output overlaps with length >= a. Default: 2000 if x is set to 0, 500 if x is set to 1.
-* `-k [# of kmers]`, two blocks between two reads having >= k kmer matches will be considered as a matched block pair. Default: 4 if x is set to 0, 2 if x is set to 1.
-* `-g [0/1]`, output the gapped extension start point (1) or not (0), default=0.
-* `-x [0/1]`, sequencing platform: 0 = Pacbio, 1 = Nanopore. Default: 0.
-### output format
-If the job is detecting overlapping candidates, the results are output in `can` format, each result of which occupies one line and 9 fields:
-[A ID] [B ID] [A strand] [B strand] [A gapped start] [B gapped start] [voting score] [A length] [B length]
-`mecat2pw` outputs overlapping results in `M4` format, of which one result is given in one line. The fileds of `M4` format is given in order below:
-[A ID] [B ID] [% identity] [voting score] [A strand] [A start] [A end] [A length] [B strand] [B start] [B end] [B length]
-If the `-g` option is set to `1`, two more fields indicating the extension starting points are given:
-[A ID] [B ID] [% identity] [voting score] [A strand] [A start] [A end] [A length] [B strand] [B start] [B end] [B length] [A ext start] [B ext start]
-In the `strand` field, `0` stands for the forward strand and `1` stands for the reverse strand. All the positions are zero-based and are based on the forward strand, whatever which strand the sequence is mapped. Here are some examples:
-44 500 83.6617 30 0 349 8616 24525 0 1 10081 21813
-353 500 83.2585 28 0 10273 18410 22390 1 0 10025 21813
-271 500 80.4192 13 0 14308 19585 22770 1 4547 10281 21813
-327 501 89.8652 117 0 10002 22529 22529 1 9403 21810 21811
-328 501 90.8777 93 0 0 10945 22521 1 0 10902 21811
-In the examples above, read 500 overlaps with reads 44, 353, 271, 327 and 328.
-### memory consumption
-Before overlapping is conducted, the reads will be split into several chunks. Each chunk is about 2GB in size so that the overlapping can be run on a 8GB RAM computer.
-## `mecat2ref`
-### options
-`mecat2ref` is used for mapping SMRT reads to the reference genomes. The command is
-mecat2ref -d [reads] -r [reference] -w [folder] -t [# of threads] -o [output] -b [# of results] -m [output format] -x [0/1]
-The meanings of each option are as follows:
-* `-d [reads]`, reads file name in FASTA/FASTQ format
-* `-r [reference]`, reference genome file name in FASTA format
-* `-w [folder]`, a directory for storing temporary results
-* `-t [# of threads]`, number of working CPU threads
-* `-o [output]`, output file name
-* `-b [# of result]`, output the best b alignments
-* `-m [output format]`, output format: 0 = ref, 1 = M4, 2 = SAM, default = 0
-* `-x [0/1]`, sequencing platform: 0 = Pacbio, 1 = Nanopore. Default: 0.
-### output format
-`mecat2ref` outputs results in one of the three formats: the `ref` format, the `M4` format, and the `SAM` format.
-For the `ref` format, each result occupies three lines in the form:
-[read name] [ref name] [ref strand] [voting score] [read start] [read end] [read length] [ref start] [ref end]
-mapped read subsequence
-mapped reference subsequence
-The strands of the reads are always forward. In the `[ref strand]` field, `F` indicates forward strand while `R` indicates reverse strand. All the positions are zero-based and relative to the forward strand. Here is an example:
-1 gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3| F 10 2 58 1988134 1988197
-In this example, read 1 is mapped to the reference `gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3|`.
-### memory consumption
-* Index for the genome: genomeSize * 8 bytes
-* Compressed index for each CPU thread: genomeSize \* 0.1 * t bytes
-* Local alignment: 100M * t + 1G bytes
-## `mecat2cns`
-`mecat2cns` is an adaptive error correction tool for high-noise single-molecula sequencing reads. It is as accurate as [pbdagcon](https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/pbdagcon.git) and as fast as FalconSense. Inputs to `mecat2cns` can be either `can` format or `M4` format. The command for running `mecat2cns` is
-mecat2cns [options] overlaps-file reads output
-The options are
-* `-x [0/1]`, sequencing platform: 0 = Pacbio, 1 = Nanopore. Default: 0.
-* `-i [input type]`, input format, 0 = `can`, 1 = `M4
-* `-t [# of threads]`, number of CPU threads for consensus
-* `-p [batch size]`, batch size the reads will be partitioned
-* `-r [ratio]`, minimum mapping ratio
-* `-a [overlap size]`, overlaps with length >= a will be used.
-* `-c [coverage]`, minimum coverage, default=6
-* `-l [length]`, minimum length of the corrected sequence
-If `x` is `0`, then the default values for the other options are:
--i 1 -t 1 -p 100000 -r 0.9 -a 2000 -c 6 -l 5000
-If `x` is `1`, then the default values for the other options are:
--i 1 -t 1 -p 100000 -r 0.4 -a 400 -c 6 -l 2000
-If the inputs are `M4` format, the overlap results in `[overlaps-file]` must contain the gapped extension start point, which means the option `-g` in `mecat2pw` must be set to 1, otherwise `mecat2cns` will fail to run. Also note that the memory requirement of `mecat2cns` is about 1/4 of the total size of the reads. For example, if the reads are of total size 1GB, then `mecat2cns` will occupy about 250MB memory.
-### output format
-The corrected sequences are given in FASTA format. The header of each corrected sequence consists of three components seperated by underlines:
-* `A` is the original read id
-* `B` is the left-most effective position
-* `C` is the right-most effective position
-* `D` is the length of the corrected sequence
-by effective position we mean the position in the original sequence that is covered by at least `c` (the argument to the option `-c`) reads.
-## `extract_sequences`
-`extract_sequences` was applied into extract 25X 0r 40X longest sequences from the corrected data. The command is
-``` shell
-extract_sequences [the input fasta file from mecat2cns] [the output filename] [genome size] [coverage]
-## `mecat2canu`
-`mecat2canu` is a modified and more efficient version of the [Canu pipeline](https://github.com/marbl/canu). `mecat2canu` accelerates `canu` by replacing its overlapper `mhap` by `mecat2asmpw`, which is a customized version of `mecat2pw`. The options of `mecat2canu` are the same as `canu` except its overlapper is replaced by `mecat2asmpw`. The command for assemblying corrected Pacbio reads is
-``` shell
-mecat2canu -d [working-folder] -p [file-prefix] -trim-assemble errorRate=[fraction error] \
- -overlapper=mecat2asmpw genomeSize=[genome size] \
- maxMemory=[host memory size] maxThreads=[# of CPU threads] usedGrid=0 \
- -pacbio-corrected reads-name
-The command for assemblying corrected Nanopore reads is
-``` shell
-mecat2canu -d [working-folder] -p [file-prefix] -trim-assemble errorRate=[fraction error] \
- -overlapper=mecat2asmpw genomeSize=[genome size] \
- maxMemory=[host memory size] maxThreads=[# of CPU threads] usedGrid=0 \
- -nanopore-corrected reads-name
-After assembling, the results are given in the folder `working-folder`. The assembled genome is given in the file `working-folder/file-prefix.contigs.fasta` and the details of the contigs are given in the file `working-folder/file-prefix.layout.tigInfo`.
-# `Citation`
-Chuan-Le Xiao, Ying Chen, Shang-Qian Xie, Kai-Ning Chen, Yan Wang, Yue Han, Feng Luo, Zhi Xie. [MECAT: fast mapping, error correction, and de novo assembly for single-molecule sequencing reads](https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.4432). Nature Methods, 2017, 14: 1072-1074
-# `Contact`
-* Chuan-Le Xiao, xiaochuanle@126.com
-* Ying Chen, chenying2016@gmail.com
-* Feng Luo, luofeng@clemson.edu
-# `Update Information`
-Updates in MECAT V1.3 (2017.12.18):
-* Correct text error in HDF5 Installation.
-* Update the makefile in dextract .
-* Update citation.
-Updates in MECAT V1.2 (2017.5.22):
-* Add `trimming module` in `mecat2canu` to improve the integrality of the assembly.
-* Add supports for Nanopore data.
-* Improve the sensitivity of `mecat2ref`.
-MECAT v1.1 replaced the old MECAT,some debug were resolved and some new fuctions were added:
-* 1. we added the extracted tools for the raw `H5` format files.
-* 2. some debugs from running mecat2canu were solved
+**We have released a new version [MECAT2](https://github.com/xiaochuanle/MECAT2). Please go and download that new version. This version will not be updated any more.**
+# Contents
+* [Introduction](#S-introduction)
+* [Installation](#S-installation)
+* [Quick Start](#S-quick-start)
+* [Input Format](#S-input-format)
+* [Program Descriptions](#S-program-description)
+* [Citation](#S-citation)
+* [Contact](#S-contact)
+* [Update Information](#S-update)
+# Introdction
+MECAT is an ultra-fast Mapping, Error Correction and de novo Assembly Tools for single molecula sequencing (SMRT) reads. MECAT employs novel alignment and error correction algorithms that are much more efficient than the state of art of aligners and error correction tools. MECAT can be used for effectively de novo assemblying large genomes. For example, on a 32-thread computer with 2.0 GHz CPU , MECAT takes 9.5 days to assemble a human genome based on 54x SMRT data, which is 40 times faster than the current [PBcR-Mhap pipeline](http://cbcb.umd.edu/software/pbcr/mhap/). We also use MECAT to assemble a diploid human genome based on 102x SMRT data only in 25 days. The latter assembly leads a great improvement of quality to the previous genome assembled from the 54x haploid SMRT data. MECAT performance were compared with [PBcR-Mhap pipeline](http://cbcb.umd.edu/software/pbcr/mhap/), [FALCON](https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/falcon) and [Canu(v1.3)](http://canu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) in five real datasets. The quality of assembled contigs produced by MECAT is the same or better than that of the [PBcR-Mhap pipeline](http://cbcb.umd.edu/software/pbcr/mhap/) and [FALCON](https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/falcon). Here are some comparisons on the 32-thread computer with 2.0 GHz CPU and 512 GB RAM memory:
+ Genome |
+ Pipeline |
+ Thread number |
+ Total running time (h) |
+ NG50 of genome |
+ E.coli |
+ 16 |
+ 1.21 |
+ 4,635,129 |
+ |
+ 16 |
+ 1.29 |
+ 4,652,272 |
+ |
+ Canu |
+ 16 |
+ 0.71 |
+ 4,648,002 |
+ |
+ 16 |
+ 0.24 |
+ 4,649,626 |
+ Yeast |
+ 16 |
+ 2.16 |
+ 587,169 |
+ |
+ 16 |
+ 4.2 |
+ 818,229 |
+ |
+ Canu |
+ 16 |
+ 5.11 |
+ 739,902 |
+ |
+ 16 |
+ 0.91 |
+ 929,350 |
+ A.thaliana |
+ 16 |
+ 223.84 |
+ 7,583,032 |
+ |
+ 16 |
+ 188.7 |
+ 9,610,192 |
+ |
+ Canu |
+ 16 |
+ 118.57 |
+ 8,315,338 |
+ |
+ 16 |
+ 10.73 |
+ 12600961 |
+ D.melanogaster |
+ 16 |
+ 140.72 |
+ 15,664,372 |
+ |
+ 16 |
+ 101.22 |
+ 13,627,256 |
+ |
+ Canu |
+ 16 |
+ 69.34 |
+ 14,179,324 |
+ |
+ 16 |
+ 9.58 |
+ 18,111,159 |
+ Human(54X) |
+ PBcR-MHAH(f) |
+ 32 |
+ 5750 |
+ 1,857,788 |
+ |
+ PBcR-MHAH(s) |
+ 32 |
+ 13000 |
+ 4,320,471 |
+ |
+ 32 |
+ 230.54 |
+ 4,878,957 |
+MECAT consists of four modules:
+* `mecat2pw`, a fast and accurate pairwise mapping tool for SMRT reads
+* `mecat2ref`, a fast and accurate reference mapping tool for SMRT reads
+* `mecat2cns`, correct noisy reads based on their pairwise overlaps
+* `mecat2canu`, a modified and more efficient version of the [Canu pipeline](https://github.com/marbl/canu). [Canu](https://github.com/marbl/canu) is a customized version of the Celera Assembler that designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing
+MEAP is written in C, C++, and perl. It is open source and distributed under the [GPLv3](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html) license.
+# Installation
+The current directory is `/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm`.
+* Install `MECAT`:
+``` shell
+git clone https://github.com/xiaochuanle/MECAT.git
+cd ..
+After installation, all the executables are found in `MECAT/Linux-amd64/bin`. The folder name `Linux-amd64` will vary in operating systems. For example, in MAC, the executables are put in `MECAT/Darwin-amd64/bin`.
+* Install `HDF5`:
+``` shell
+wget https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.8/hdf5-1.8.15-patch1/src/hdf5-1.8.15-patch1.tar.gz
+tar xzvf hdf5-1.8.15-patch1.tar.gz
+mkdir hdf5
+cd hdf5-1.8.15-patch1
+./configure --enable-cxx --prefix=/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/hdf5
+make install
+cd ..
+The header files of `HDF5` are in `hdf5/include`. The library files of `HDF5` are in `hdf5/lib` (in some systems, they are put in `hdf5/lib64`, check it!).
+* Install `dextract`
+``` shell
+git clone https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/DEXTRACTOR.git
+cp MECAT/dextract_makefile DEXTRACTOR
+export HDF5_INCLUDE=/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/hdf5/include
+export HDF5_LIB=/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/hdf5/lib
+make -f dextract_makefile
+cd ..
+* Add relative pathes
+``` shell
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/hdf5/lib
+export PATH=/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/MECAT/Linux-amd64/bin:$PATH
+export PATH=/public/users/chenying/smrt_asm/DEXTRACTOR:$PATH
+# Quick Start
+Using MECAT to assemble a genome involves 4 steps. Here we take assemblying the genome of Ecoli as an example, to go through each step in order. Options of each command will be given in next section.
+## Assemblying Pacbio Data
+We download the reads [ecoli_filtered.fastq.gz](http://gembox.cbcb.umd.edu/mhap/raw/ecoli_filtered.fastq.gz) from the MHAP website. By decompressing it we obtain `ecoli_filtered.fastq`.
+* Step 1, using `mecat2pw` to detect overlapping candidates
+``` shell
+mecat2pw -j 0 -d ecoli_filtered.fastq -o ecoli_filtered.fastq.pm.can -w wrk_dir -t 16
+* Step 2, correct the noisy reads based on their pairwise overlapping candidates.
+mecat2cns -i 0 -t 16 ecoli_filtered.fastq.pm.can ecoli_filtered.fastq corrected_ecoli_filtered
+* Step 3, extract the longest 25X corrected reads
+extract_sequences corrected_ecoli_filtered.fasta corrected_ecoli_25x.fasta 4800000 25
+* Step 4, assemble the longest 25X corrected reads using `mecat2cacu`
+mecat2canu -trim-assemble -p ecoli -d ecoli genomeSize=4800000 ErrorRate=0.02 maxMemory=40 maxThreads=16 useGrid=0 Overlapper=mecat2asmpw -pacbio-corrected corrected_ecoli_25x.fasta
+## Assemblying Nanopore Data
+Download [MAP006-PCR-1_2D_pass.fasta](http://nanopore.s3.climb.ac.uk/MAP006-PCR-1_2D_pass.fasta).
+* Step 1, using `mecat2pw` to detect overlapping candidates
+``` shell
+mecat2pw -j 0 -d MAP006-PCR-1_2D_pass.fasta -o candidatex.txt -w wrk_dir -t 16 -x 1
+* Step 2, correct the noisy reads based on their pairwise overlapping candidates.
+mecat2cns -i 0 -t 16 -x 1 candidates.txt MAP006-PCR-1_2D_pass.fasta corrected_ecoli.fasta
+* Step 3, extract the longest 25X corrected reads
+extract_sequences corrected_ecoli.fasta corrected_ecoli_25x.fasta 4800000 25
+* Step 4, assemble the longest 25X corrected reads using `mecat2cacu`
+mecat2canu -trim-assemble -p ecoli -d ecoli genomeSize=4800000 ErrorRate=0.06 maxMemory=40 maxThreads=16 useGrid=0 Overlapper=mecat2asmpw -nanopore-corrected corrected_ecoli_25x.fasta
+After step 4, the assembled genome is given in file `ecoli/ecoli.contigs.fasta`. Details of the contigs can be found in file `ecoli/ecoli.layout.tigInfo`.
+# Input Format
+MECAT is capable of processing `FASTA`, `FASTQ`, and `H5` format files. However, the `H5` files must first be transfered to `FASTA`
+format by running `DEXTRACTOR/dextract` before running MECAT. For example:
+find pathto/raw_reads -name "*.bax.h5" -exec readlink -f {} \; > reads.fofn
+while read line; do dextract -v $line >> reads.fasta ; done < reads.fofn
+the extracted result should be the reads.fasta file for mecat's input file.
+# Program Descriptions
+We describe in detail each module of MECAT, including their options and output formats.
+## `mecat2pw`
+### options
+The command for running `mecat2pw` is
+mecat2pw -j [task] -d [fasta/fastq] -w [working folder] -t [# of threads] -o [output] -n [# of candidates] -a [overlap size] -k [# of kmers] -g [0/1] -x [0/1]
+The options are:
+* `-j [task]`, job name, 0 = detect overlapping candidates only, 1 = output overlaps in M4 format, default = 1. If we are to correct noisy reads, outputing overlapping candidates is enough.
+* `-d [fasta/fastq]`, reads file name in FASTA or FASTQ format.
+* `-w [working folder]`, a directory for storing temporary results, will be created if not exists.
+* `-t [# of threads]`, number of CPU threads used for overlapping, default=1.
+* `-o [output]`, output file name
+* `-n [# of candidates]`, number of candidates considered for gapped extension, default=100. Since each chunk is about 2GB size, number of candidates(NC) should be set by genome size (GS).For GS < 20M, NC should be set as 200; For GS>20M and GS<200M; NC should be set as 100; For GS>200M, NC should be set as 50.
+* `-a [overlap size]`, only output overlaps with length >= a. Default: 2000 if x is set to 0, 500 if x is set to 1.
+* `-k [# of kmers]`, two blocks between two reads having >= k kmer matches will be considered as a matched block pair. Default: 4 if x is set to 0, 2 if x is set to 1.
+* `-g [0/1]`, output the gapped extension start point (1) or not (0), default=0.
+* `-x [0/1]`, sequencing platform: 0 = Pacbio, 1 = Nanopore. Default: 0.
+### output format
+If the job is detecting overlapping candidates, the results are output in `can` format, each result of which occupies one line and 9 fields:
+[A ID] [B ID] [A strand] [B strand] [A gapped start] [B gapped start] [voting score] [A length] [B length]
+`mecat2pw` outputs overlapping results in `M4` format, of which one result is given in one line. The fileds of `M4` format is given in order below:
+[A ID] [B ID] [% identity] [voting score] [A strand] [A start] [A end] [A length] [B strand] [B start] [B end] [B length]
+If the `-g` option is set to `1`, two more fields indicating the extension starting points are given:
+[A ID] [B ID] [% identity] [voting score] [A strand] [A start] [A end] [A length] [B strand] [B start] [B end] [B length] [A ext start] [B ext start]
+In the `strand` field, `0` stands for the forward strand and `1` stands for the reverse strand. All the positions are zero-based and are based on the forward strand, whatever which strand the sequence is mapped. Here are some examples:
+44 500 83.6617 30 0 349 8616 24525 0 1 10081 21813
+353 500 83.2585 28 0 10273 18410 22390 1 0 10025 21813
+271 500 80.4192 13 0 14308 19585 22770 1 4547 10281 21813
+327 501 89.8652 117 0 10002 22529 22529 1 9403 21810 21811
+328 501 90.8777 93 0 0 10945 22521 1 0 10902 21811
+In the examples above, read 500 overlaps with reads 44, 353, 271, 327 and 328.
+### memory consumption
+Before overlapping is conducted, the reads will be split into several chunks. Each chunk is about 2GB in size so that the overlapping can be run on a 8GB RAM computer.
+## `mecat2ref`
+### options
+`mecat2ref` is used for mapping SMRT reads to the reference genomes. The command is
+mecat2ref -d [reads] -r [reference] -w [folder] -t [# of threads] -o [output] -b [# of results] -m [output format] -x [0/1]
+The meanings of each option are as follows:
+* `-d [reads]`, reads file name in FASTA/FASTQ format
+* `-r [reference]`, reference genome file name in FASTA format
+* `-w [folder]`, a directory for storing temporary results
+* `-t [# of threads]`, number of working CPU threads
+* `-o [output]`, output file name
+* `-b [# of result]`, output the best b alignments
+* `-m [output format]`, output format: 0 = ref, 1 = M4, 2 = SAM, default = 0
+* `-x [0/1]`, sequencing platform: 0 = Pacbio, 1 = Nanopore. Default: 0.
+### output format
+`mecat2ref` outputs results in one of the three formats: the `ref` format, the `M4` format, and the `SAM` format.
+For the `ref` format, each result occupies three lines in the form:
+[read name] [ref name] [ref strand] [voting score] [read start] [read end] [read length] [ref start] [ref end]
+mapped read subsequence
+mapped reference subsequence
+The strands of the reads are always forward. In the `[ref strand]` field, `F` indicates forward strand while `R` indicates reverse strand. All the positions are zero-based and relative to the forward strand. Here is an example:
+1 gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3| F 10 2 58 1988134 1988197
+In this example, read 1 is mapped to the reference `gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3|`.
+### memory consumption
+* Index for the genome: genomeSize * 8 bytes
+* Compressed index for each CPU thread: genomeSize \* 0.1 * t bytes
+* Local alignment: 100M * t + 1G bytes
+## `mecat2cns`
+`mecat2cns` is an adaptive error correction tool for high-noise single-molecula sequencing reads. It is as accurate as [pbdagcon](https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/pbdagcon.git) and as fast as FalconSense. Inputs to `mecat2cns` can be either `can` format or `M4` format. The command for running `mecat2cns` is
+mecat2cns [options] overlaps-file reads output
+The options are
+* `-x [0/1]`, sequencing platform: 0 = Pacbio, 1 = Nanopore. Default: 0.
+* `-i [input type]`, input format, 0 = `can`, 1 = `M4
+* `-t [# of threads]`, number of CPU threads for consensus
+* `-p [batch size]`, batch size the reads will be partitioned
+* `-r [ratio]`, minimum mapping ratio
+* `-a [overlap size]`, overlaps with length >= a will be used.
+* `-c [coverage]`, minimum coverage, default=6
+* `-l [length]`, minimum length of the corrected sequence
+If `x` is `0`, then the default values for the other options are:
+-i 1 -t 1 -p 100000 -r 0.9 -a 2000 -c 6 -l 5000
+If `x` is `1`, then the default values for the other options are:
+-i 1 -t 1 -p 100000 -r 0.4 -a 400 -c 6 -l 2000
+If the inputs are `M4` format, the overlap results in `[overlaps-file]` must contain the gapped extension start point, which means the option `-g` in `mecat2pw` must be set to 1, otherwise `mecat2cns` will fail to run. Also note that the memory requirement of `mecat2cns` is about 1/4 of the total size of the reads. For example, if the reads are of total size 1GB, then `mecat2cns` will occupy about 250MB memory.
+### output format
+The corrected sequences are given in FASTA format. The header of each corrected sequence consists of three components seperated by underlines:
+* `A` is the original read id
+* `B` is the left-most effective position
+* `C` is the right-most effective position
+* `D` is the length of the corrected sequence
+by effective position we mean the position in the original sequence that is covered by at least `c` (the argument to the option `-c`) reads.
+## `extract_sequences`
+`extract_sequences` was applied into extract 25X 0r 40X longest sequences from the corrected data. The command is
+``` shell
+extract_sequences [the input fasta file from mecat2cns] [the output filename] [genome size] [coverage]
+## `mecat2canu`
+`mecat2canu` is a modified and more efficient version of the [Canu pipeline](https://github.com/marbl/canu). `mecat2canu` accelerates `canu` by replacing its overlapper `mhap` by `mecat2asmpw`, which is a customized version of `mecat2pw`. The options of `mecat2canu` are the same as `canu` except its overlapper is replaced by `mecat2asmpw`. The command for assemblying corrected Pacbio reads is
+``` shell
+mecat2canu -d [working-folder] -p [file-prefix] -trim-assemble errorRate=[fraction error] \
+ -overlapper=mecat2asmpw genomeSize=[genome size] \
+ maxMemory=[host memory size] maxThreads=[# of CPU threads] usedGrid=0 \
+ -pacbio-corrected reads-name
+The command for assemblying corrected Nanopore reads is
+``` shell
+mecat2canu -d [working-folder] -p [file-prefix] -trim-assemble errorRate=[fraction error] \
+ -overlapper=mecat2asmpw genomeSize=[genome size] \
+ maxMemory=[host memory size] maxThreads=[# of CPU threads] usedGrid=0 \
+ -nanopore-corrected reads-name
+After assembling, the results are given in the folder `working-folder`. The assembled genome is given in the file `working-folder/file-prefix.contigs.fasta` and the details of the contigs are given in the file `working-folder/file-prefix.layout.tigInfo`.
+# `Citation`
+Chuan-Le Xiao, Ying Chen, Shang-Qian Xie, Kai-Ning Chen, Yan Wang, Yue Han, Feng Luo, Zhi Xie. [MECAT: fast mapping, error correction, and de novo assembly for single-molecule sequencing reads](https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.4432). Nature Methods, 2017, 14: 1072-1074
+# `Contact`
+* Chuan-Le Xiao, xiaochuanle@126.com
+* Ying Chen, chenying2016@gmail.com
+* Feng Luo, luofeng@clemson.edu
+# `Update Information`
+Updates in MECAT V1.3 (2017.12.18):
+* Correct text error in HDF5 Installation.
+* Update the makefile in dextract .
+* Update citation.
+Updates in MECAT V1.2 (2017.5.22):
+* Add `trimming module` in `mecat2canu` to improve the integrality of the assembly.
+* Add supports for Nanopore data.
+* Improve the sensitivity of `mecat2ref`.
+MECAT v1.1 replaced the old MECAT,some debug were resolved and some new fuctions were added:
+* 1. we added the extracted tools for the raw `H5` format files.
+* 2. some debugs from running mecat2canu were solved
diff --git a/mecat2canu/src/AS_UTL/stddev.H b/mecat2canu/src/AS_UTL/stddev.H
index 88ff91b..88b55b2 100644
--- a/mecat2canu/src/AS_UTL/stddev.H
+++ b/mecat2canu/src/AS_UTL/stddev.H
@@ -246,12 +246,12 @@ public:
- vector &histogram(void) { // Returns pointer to private histogram data
+ vector *histogram(void) { // Returns pointer to private histogram data
- vector &Nstatistics(void) { // Returns pointer to private N data
+ vector *Nstatistics(void) { // Returns pointer to private N data
diff --git a/mecat2canu/src/canu_version_update.pl b/mecat2canu/src/canu_version_update.pl
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/mecat2canu/src/overlapErrorAdjustment/findErrors.C b/mecat2canu/src/overlapErrorAdjustment/findErrors.C
index 825579a..2331ed1 100644
--- a/mecat2canu/src/overlapErrorAdjustment/findErrors.C
+++ b/mecat2canu/src/overlapErrorAdjustment/findErrors.C
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ Extract_Needed_Frags(feParameters *G,
uint32 ii = 0; // Index into reads arrays
uint32 fi = G->olaps[lastOlap].b_iid; // Actual ID we're extracting
+ if (hiID < fi) return;
assert(loID <= fi);
fprintf(stderr, "Extract_Needed_Frags()-- Loading used reads between "F_U32" and "F_U32".\n",
diff --git a/mecat2canu/src/utgcns/libcns/unitigConsensus.C b/mecat2canu/src/utgcns/libcns/unitigConsensus.C
index 5789a21..a6d6f17 100644
--- a/mecat2canu/src/utgcns/libcns/unitigConsensus.C
+++ b/mecat2canu/src/utgcns/libcns/unitigConsensus.C
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ unitigConsensus::computePositionFromAlignment(void) {
if (foundAlign == false) {
- if (oaPartial == false)
+ if (oaPartial == NULL)
oaPartial = new NDalign(pedLocal, errorRate, 17); // partial allowed!
oaPartial->initialize(0, abacus->bases(), abacus->numberOfColumns(), 0, abacus->numberOfColumns(),
@@ -999,7 +999,7 @@ unitigConsensus::alignFragment(bool forceAlignment) {
// Create new aligner object. 'Global' in this case just means to not stop early, not a true global alignment.
- if (oaFull == false)
+ if (oaFull == NULL)
oaFull = new NDalign(pedGlobal, errorRate, 17);
oaFull->initialize(0, aseq, cnsEnd - cnsBgn, 0, cnsEnd - cnsBgn,
diff --git a/src/common/alignment.cpp b/src/common/alignment.cpp
index be8678c..f7ee36b 100644
--- a/src/common/alignment.cpp
+++ b/src/common/alignment.cpp
@@ -77,74 +77,5 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const M4Record& m4)
return out;
-void PrintM5Record(std::ostream& out, const M5Record& m5, const int printAln)
- out << "(" << m5qid(m5) << ", " << m5qsize(m5) << ", " << m5qoff(m5) << ", " << m5qend(m5) << ", " << m5qdir(m5) << ")"
- << " x "
- << "(" << m5sid(m5) << ", " << m5ssize(m5) << ", " << m5soff(m5) << ", " << m5send(m5) << ", " << m5sdir(m5) << ")"
- << ", score = " << m5score(m5)
- << ", mapq = " << m5mapq(m5)
- << ", (" << m5mat(m5) << ", " << m5mis(m5) << ", " << m5ins(m5) << ", " << m5dels(m5) << ")\n";
- if (printAln)
- {
- out << m5qaln(m5) << "\n";
- out << m5pat(m5) << "\n";
- out << m5saln(m5) << "\n";
- }
-void InitM5Record(M5Record& m5)
- m5qid(m5) = m5qsize(m5) = m5qoff(m5) = m5qend(m5) = 0;
- m5sid(m5) = m5ssize(m5) = m5soff(m5) = m5send(m5) = 0;
- m5qdir(m5) = m5sdir(m5) = 2;
- m5score(m5) = m5mat(m5) = m5mis(m5) = m5ins(m5) = m5dels(m5) = -1;
- m5mapq(m5) = 0;
- m5qaln(m5) = m5pat(m5) = m5saln(m5) = NULL;
-void DestroyM5Record(M5Record& m5)
- if (m5qaln(m5)) delete[] m5qaln(m5);
- InitM5Record(m5);
-std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, ReferenceMapping& rm)
- if (!in) return in;
- if (!(in >> rmqid(rm))) return in;
- in >> rmsid(rm)
- >> rmqdir(rm)
- >> rmqoff(rm)
- >> rmqend(rm)
- >> rmqext(rm)
- >> rmqsize(rm)
- >> rmsdir(rm)
- >> rmsoff(rm)
- >> rmsend(rm)
- >> rmsext(rm)
- >> rmssize(rm);
- return in;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ReferenceMapping& rm)
- constexpr char delim = '\t';
- out << rmqid(rm) << delim
- << rmsid(rm) << delim
- << rmqdir(rm) << delim
- << rmqoff(rm) << delim
- << rmqend(rm) << delim
- << rmqext(rm) << delim
- << rmqsize(rm) << delim
- << rmsdir(rm) << delim
- << rmsoff(rm) << delim
- << rmsend(rm) << delim
- << rmsext(rm) << delim
- << rmssize(rm)
- << "\n";
- return out;
+const int64_t ExtensionCandidateCompressed::max_value = std::numeric_limits::max();
+const int64_t ExtensionCandidateCompressed::max_qext = std::numeric_limits::max() >> 1;
diff --git a/src/common/alignment.h b/src/common/alignment.h
index c0792f1..bfefaa2 100644
--- a/src/common/alignment.h
+++ b/src/common/alignment.h
@@ -12,6 +12,48 @@ struct ExtensionCandidate
int score;
+typedef ExtensionCandidate Overlap;
+// candidates only use a few of these values, so make a smaller structure for them;
+// sid and qid are used a lot, and we sort on score, so stash qdir inside msb of qext
+struct ExtensionCandidateCompressed {
+ uint32_t sid, qid, sext, qext_, score;
+ int qdir() const {
+ return qext_ & MSB_ ? REV : FWD;
+ }
+ int qext() const {
+ return qext_ & ~MSB_;
+ }
+ void set_qext(const uint32_t new_qext, const int new_qdir) {
+ qext_ = new_qdir == FWD ? new_qext : new_qext | MSB_;
+ }
+ void set(const ExtensionCandidate& a) {
+ sid = a.sid;
+ qid = a.qid;
+ sext = a.sext;
+ // sdir is forced to FWD, so swap qdir is sdir is REV
+ qext_ = a.qdir == a.sdir ? a.qext : a.qext | MSB_;
+ score = a.score;
+ }
+ void set_swap(const ExtensionCandidate& a) { // swap s and q
+ sid = a.qid;
+ qid = a.sid;
+ sext = a.qext;
+ qext_ = a.sdir == a.qdir ? a.sext : a.sext | MSB_;
+ score = a.score;
+ }
+ // (these two are set in alignment.cpp, as std::numeric_limits<>
+ // can't be used at compile time)
+ // used to check conversions from type int; need to use int64_t in case
+ // int is only int32_t in size (which wouldn't hold uint32_t max)
+ static const int64_t max_value;
+ // account for using MSB for qdir
+ static const int64_t max_qext;
+ private:
+ static const uint32_t MSB_ = 1 << (sizeof(uint32_t) * 8 - 1);
operator>>(std::istream& in, ExtensionCandidate& ec);
@@ -185,109 +227,4 @@ m4_to_candidate(const M4Record& m4, ExtensionCandidate& ec)
ec.score = m4vscore(m4);
-struct M5Record
- idx_t qid; // 1) qname
- idx_t qsize; // 2) qlength
- idx_t qstart; // 3) qstart
- idx_t qend; // 4) qend
- int qdir; // 5) qstrand
- idx_t sid; // 6) sname
- idx_t ssize; // 7) slength
- idx_t sstart; // 8) sstart
- idx_t send; // 9) send
- int sdir; // 10) sstrand
- int score; // 11) score
- int mat; // 12) match
- int mis; // 13) mismatch
- int ins; // 14) insertion
- int dels; // 15) deletion
- int mapq; // 16) mapQ
- char* pm_q; // 17) aligned query
- char* pm_p; // 18) aligned pattern
- char* pm_s; // 19) aligned subject
- double ident; // 20) identity percentage
- idx_t qext;
- idx_t sext;
-#define m5qid(m) ((m).qid)
-#define m5qsize(m) ((m).qsize)
-#define m5qoff(m) ((m).qstart)
-#define m5qend(m) ((m).qend)
-#define m5qdir(m) ((m).qdir)
-#define m5sid(m) ((m).sid)
-#define m5ssize(m) ((m).ssize)
-#define m5soff(m) ((m).sstart)
-#define m5send(m) ((m).send)
-#define m5sdir(m) ((m).sdir)
-#define m5score(m) ((m).score)
-#define m5mat(m) ((m).mat)
-#define m5mis(m) ((m).mis)
-#define m5ins(m) ((m).ins)
-#define m5dels(m) ((m).dels)
-#define m5mapq(m) ((m).mapq)
-#define m5qaln(m) ((m).pm_q)
-#define m5pat(m) ((m).pm_p)
-#define m5saln(m) ((m).pm_s)
-#define m5ident(m) ((m).ident)
-#define m5qext(m) ((m).qext)
-#define m5sext(m) ((m).sext)
-void PrintM5Record(std::ostream& out, const M5Record& m5, const int printAln);
-void InitM5Record(M5Record& m5);
-void DestroyM5Record(M5Record& m5);
-inline M5Record* NewM5Record(idx_t maxAlnSize)
- M5Record* m5 = new M5Record;
- m5qaln(*m5) = new char[maxAlnSize];
- m5saln(*m5) = new char[maxAlnSize];
- m5pat(*m5) = new char[maxAlnSize];
- return m5;
-inline M5Record* DeleteM5Record(M5Record* m5)
- if (!m5) return NULL;
- delete[] m5qaln(*m5);
- delete[] m5saln(*m5);
- delete[] m5pat(*m5);
- delete m5;
- return NULL;
-inline int M5RecordOvlpSize(const M5Record& m)
- int oq = m5qend(m) - m5qoff(m);
- int os = m5send(m) - m5soff(m);
- return std::max(oq, os);
-//struct Overlap
-// index_t qid, qoff, qend, qsize, qext;
-// int qdir;
-// index_t sid, soff, send, ssize, sext;
-// int sdir;
-typedef ExtensionCandidate Overlap;
-struct CompareOverlapBySid
- bool operator()(const Overlap& a, const Overlap& b)
- {
- return a.sid < b.sid;
- }
-struct CnsResult
- idx_t id;
- idx_t range[2];
- std::string seq;
#endif // ALIGNMENT_H
diff --git a/src/common/buffer_line_iterator.cpp b/src/common/buffer_line_iterator.cpp
index ce3399f..d9857da 100644
--- a/src/common/buffer_line_iterator.cpp
+++ b/src/common/buffer_line_iterator.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ BufferLineReader::BufferLineReader(const char* file_name)
done_ = false;
unget_line_ = false;
line_number_ = 0;
+ eol_length_ = 1;
@@ -19,103 +20,94 @@ bool BufferLineReader::eof() const
-bool BufferLineReader::operator++()
- ++line_number_;
- if (unget_line_)
- {
- unget_line_ = false;
- return true;
- }
#define buffer_read_ret (!(done_ && line_.size() == 0))
- line_.clear();
- const idx_t start = cur_;
- const idx_t end = buf_sz_;
- for (idx_t p = start; p < end; ++p)
- {
- const int c = buf_[p];
- if (c == '\n')
- {
- line_.push_back(buf_ + start, p - start);
- cur_ = ++p;
- if (p == end)
- x_read_buffer();
- return buffer_read_ret;
- }
- else if (c == '\r')
- {
- line_.push_back(buf_ + start, p - start);
- cur_ = ++p;
- if (p == end)
- {
- if (x_read_buffer())
- {
- p = cur_;
- if (buf_[p] == '\n')
- cur_ = p + 1;
- }
- return buffer_read_ret;
- }
- if (buf_[p] != '\n') return buffer_read_ret;
- cur_ = ++p;
- if (p == end)
- x_read_buffer();
- return buffer_read_ret;
- }
- }
- x_load_long();
- return buffer_read_ret;
+bool BufferLineReader::operator++() {
+ ++line_number_;
+ if (unget_line_) {
+ unget_line_ = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ line_.clear();
+ const idx_t start = cur_;
+ const idx_t end = buf_sz_;
+ for (idx_t p = start; p < end; ++p) {
+ const int c = buf_[p];
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ line_.push_back(buf_ + start, p - start);
+ cur_ = ++p;
+ if (p == end) {
+ x_read_buffer();
+ }
+ return buffer_read_ret;
+ } else if (c == '\r') {
+ line_.push_back(buf_ + start, p - start);
+ cur_ = ++p;
+ if (p == end) {
+ if (x_read_buffer()) {
+ p = cur_;
+ if (buf_[p] == '\n') {
+ cur_ = p + 1;
+ eol_length_ = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return buffer_read_ret;
+ }
+ if (buf_[p] != '\n') {
+ return buffer_read_ret;
+ }
+ cur_ = ++p;
+ eol_length_ = 2;
+ if (p == end) {
+ x_read_buffer();
+ }
+ return buffer_read_ret;
+ }
+ }
+ x_load_long();
+ return buffer_read_ret;
-void BufferLineReader::x_load_long()
- idx_t start = cur_;
- idx_t end = buf_sz_;
- line_.push_back(buf_ + start, end - start);
- while (x_read_buffer())
- {
- start = cur_;
- end = buf_sz_;
- for (idx_t p = start; p < end; ++p)
- {
- const int c = buf_[p];
- if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
- {
- line_.push_back(buf_ + start, p - start);
- if (++p == end)
- {
- if (x_read_buffer())
- {
- p = cur_;
- end = buf_sz_;
- if (p < end && c == '\r' && buf_[p] == '\n') { ++p; cur_ = p; }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (c == '\r' && buf_[p] == '\n')
- {
- if (++p == end)
- {
- x_read_buffer();
- p = cur_;
- }
- }
- cur_ = p;
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- line_.push_back(buf_ + start, end - start);
- }
+// called when EOL isn't present in the local buffer
+void BufferLineReader::x_load_long() {
+ idx_t start = cur_;
+ idx_t end = buf_sz_;
+ line_.push_back(buf_ + start, end - start);
+ while (x_read_buffer()) {
+ start = cur_;
+ end = buf_sz_;
+ for (idx_t p = start; p < end; ++p) {
+ const int c = buf_[p];
+ if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
+ line_.push_back(buf_ + start, p - start);
+ if (++p == end) {
+ if (x_read_buffer()) {
+ p = cur_;
+ end = buf_sz_;
+ if (p < end && c == '\r' && buf_[p] == '\n') {
+ ++p;
+ cur_ = p;
+ eol_length_ = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (c == '\r' && buf_[p] == '\n') {
+ if (++p == end) {
+ x_read_buffer();
+ p = cur_;
+ }
+ eol_length_ = 2;
+ }
+ cur_ = p;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ line_.push_back(buf_ + start, end - start);
+ }
+// take kBufferSize into local buffer
bool BufferLineReader::x_read_buffer()
std::streambuf* sb = ins_->rdbuf();
@@ -138,4 +130,3 @@ BufferLineReader::~BufferLineReader()
delete ins_;
delete[] buf_;
diff --git a/src/common/buffer_line_iterator.h b/src/common/buffer_line_iterator.h
index 778a35b..6e944fa 100644
--- a/src/common/buffer_line_iterator.h
+++ b/src/common/buffer_line_iterator.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class BufferLineReader
typedef PODArray OneDataLine;
- BufferLineReader(const char* file_name);
+ explicit BufferLineReader(const char* file_name);
OneDataLine& get_line()
{ return line_; }
@@ -29,8 +29,10 @@ class BufferLineReader
unget_line_ = true;
- idx_t line_number() { return line_number_; }
idx_t line_number() const { return line_number_; }
+ std::streampos tellg() const { return ins_->tellg() - (buf_sz_ - cur_) - (unget_line_ ? line_.size() + eol_length_ : 0); }
+ // note that line_number() is not accurate after this call
+ void seekg(std::streampos pos) { ins_->seekg(pos); x_read_buffer(); }
void x_load_long();
@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ class BufferLineReader
OneDataLine line_;
bool unget_line_;
idx_t line_number_;
+ int eol_length_;
diff --git a/src/common/defs.h b/src/common/defs.h
index ffbd630..3bd5c19 100644
--- a/src/common/defs.h
+++ b/src/common/defs.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+#include // fixed, setprecision()
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ typedef uint64_t u8_t;
typedef i8_t idx_t;
typedef u1_t uint1;
-typedef idx_t index_t;
+//typedef idx_t index_t; // solaris conflict
#define INVALID_IDX (-1)
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ do { \
do { \
size_t __sm__sz__ = sizeof(type) * (count); \
(arr) = (type *)malloc(__sm__sz__); \
- if (!(arr)) ERROR("malloc fail"); \
+ if (!(arr)) ERROR("malloc fail: %lu * %lu = %lu", sizeof(type), size_t(count), __sm__sz__); \
} while(0)
#define safe_calloc(arr, type, count) \
do { \
size_t __sc__sz__ = sizeof(type) * (count); \
(arr) = (type *)calloc(1, __sc__sz__); \
- if (!(arr)) ERROR("calloc fail"); \
+ if (!(arr)) ERROR("calloc fail: %lu * %lu = %lu", sizeof(type), size_t(count), __sc__sz__); \
} while(0)
#define safe_realloc(arr, type, count) \
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ do { \
arr = (type *)realloc(arr, __sr__size__); \
if (!arr) \
{ \
+ ERROR("failed to realloc memory: %lu * %lu = %lu", sizeof(type), size_t(count), __sr__size__); \
ERROR("failed to realloc memory."); \
exit(1); \
} \
@@ -162,32 +163,33 @@ do { \
-struct Timer
- struct timeval start;
- struct timeval end;
- void go() { gettimeofday(&start, NULL); }
- void stop() { gettimeofday(&end, NULL); }
- double elapsed() { return end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec + 1.0 * (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1000000; }
+struct Timer {
+ struct timeval start;
+ struct timeval end;
+ void go() {
+ gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
+ }
+ void stop() {
+ gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
+ }
+ double elapsed() const {
+ return end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec + double(end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1000000;
+ }
-struct DynamicTimer
- DynamicTimer(const char* func) : m_func(func)
- {
- if (m_func) fprintf(stderr, "[%s] begins.\n", m_func);
- timer.go();
+class DynamicTimer {
+ public:
+ explicit DynamicTimer(const char* const func) : m_func(func) {
+ std::cerr << "[" << m_func << "] begins.\n";
+ m_timer.go();
- ~DynamicTimer()
- {
- timer.stop();
- fprintf(stderr, "[%s] takes %.2f secs.\n", m_func, timer.elapsed());
+ ~DynamicTimer() {
+ m_timer.stop();
+ std::cerr << "[" << m_func << "] takes " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << m_timer.elapsed() << " secs.\n";
- const char* m_func;
- Timer timer;
+ private:
+ const std::string m_func;
+ Timer m_timer;
const u1_t* get_dna_encode_table();
diff --git a/src/common/fasta_reader.cpp b/src/common/fasta_reader.cpp
index 25a0bab..c0d1586 100644
--- a/src/common/fasta_reader.cpp
+++ b/src/common/fasta_reader.cpp
@@ -3,128 +3,87 @@
-idx_t FastaReader::read_one_seq(Sequence& seq)
- seq.clear();
- bool need_defline = true;
- while (++m_Reader)
- {
- const OneDataLine& odl = m_Reader.get_line();
- if (odl.size() == 0) continue;
- const int c = odl.front();
- if (c == '>' || c == '@')
- {
- if (need_defline)
- {
- x_parse_defline(odl, seq.header());
- need_defline = false;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- m_Reader.unget_line();
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (c == '+')
- {
- if (!++m_Reader)
+idx_t FastaReader::read_one_seq(Sequence& seq) {
+ seq.clear();
+ bool need_defline(1);
+ while (++m_Reader) {
+ const OneDataLine& line(m_Reader.get_line());
+ if (line.size() == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const int c(line.front());
+ if (c == '>' || c == '@') {
+ if (need_defline) {
+ x_parse_defline(line, seq.header());
+ need_defline = 0;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ m_Reader.unget_line();
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (c == '+') {
+ if (!++m_Reader) {
ERROR("FastaReader: quality score line is missing at around line %lld", (long long)m_Reader.line_number());
- break;
- }
- else if (is_comment_line(odl))
- {
- continue;
- }
- else if (need_defline)
- {
+ }
+ break;
+ } else if (is_comment_line(line)) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (need_defline) {
ERROR("FastaReader: Input doesn't start with a defline or comment around line %lld", (long long)m_Reader.line_number());
- }
- x_parse_data_line(odl, seq.sequence());
- }
- if (seq.size() == 0 && seq.header().size() > 0)
- {
+ }
+ x_parse_data_line(line, seq.sequence());
+ }
+ if (seq.size() == 0 && seq.header().size() > 0) {
ERROR("FastaReader: Near line %lld, sequence data is missing.", (long long)m_Reader.line_number());
- }
- if (seq.header().size() == 0 && seq.sequence().size() == 0) return -1;
- return seq.size();
+ }
+ if (seq.header().size() == 0 && seq.sequence().size() == 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return seq.size();
-void FastaReader::x_parse_data_line(const OneDataLine& line, str_t& seq)
- x_check_data_line(line);
- const idx_t len = line.size();
- idx_t curr_pos = seq.size();
- seq.resize(seq.size() + len);
- idx_t pos = 0;
- for (pos = 0; pos < len; ++pos)
- {
- const int c = line[pos];
- if (c == ';') break;
- if (is_nucl(c) || c == '-')
- {
- seq[curr_pos++] = c;
- }
- else if (!isspace(c))
- {
+void FastaReader::x_parse_data_line(const OneDataLine& line, str_t& seq) {
+ x_check_data_line(line);
+ const idx_t len(line.size());
+ idx_t curr_pos(seq.size());
+ seq.resize(seq.size() + len);
+ for (idx_t pos(0); pos < len; ++pos) {
+ const int c(line[pos]);
+ if (c == ';') {
+ break;
+ } else if (is_nucl(c) || c == '-') {
+ seq[curr_pos++] = c;
+ } else if (!isspace(c)) {
ERROR("FastaReader: There are invalid residue(s) around position %d of line %lld.", (int)(pos + 1), (long long)m_Reader.line_number());
- }
- }
- seq.resize(curr_pos);
+ }
+ }
+ seq.resize(curr_pos);
-void FastaReader::x_parse_defline(const OneDataLine& line, str_t& header)
- header.clear();
- header.push_back(line.begin() + 1, line.size() - 1);
- if (header.size() == 0)
- {
- const idx_t line_number = m_Reader.line_number();
- ERROR("A sequence is given an empty header around line %lld.", (long long)line_number);
- }
+void FastaReader::x_parse_defline(const OneDataLine& line, str_t& header) {
+ header.clear();
+ header.push_back(line.begin() + 1, line.size() - 1);
+ if (header.size() == 0) {
+ ERROR("FastaReader: A sequence is given an empty header around line %lld.", (long long)m_Reader.line_number());
+ }
-void FastaReader::x_check_data_line(const OneDataLine& line)
- idx_t good = 0, bad = 0, len = line.size();
- idx_t ambig_nucl = 0;
- for (idx_t pos = 0; pos < len; ++pos)
- {
- const unsigned char c = line[pos];
- if (is_alpha(c) || c == '*')
- {
- ++good;
- if (is_nucl(c) && is_ambig_nucl(c)) ++ambig_nucl;
- }
- else if (c == '-')
- {
- ++good;
- }
- else if (isspace(c) || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'))
- {
- }
- else if (c == ';')
- {
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- ++bad;
- }
- }
- if (bad >= good / 3 && (len > 3 || good == 0 || bad > good))
- {
- ERROR("FastaReader: Near line %lld, there's a line that doesn't look like plausible data, but it's not marked as defline or commnet.",
- (long long)m_Reader.line_number());
- }
+void FastaReader::x_check_data_line(const OneDataLine& line) {
+ idx_t good(0), bad(0);
+ const idx_t len(line.size());
+ for (idx_t pos(0); pos < len; ++pos) {
+ const unsigned char c(line[pos]);
+ if (is_alpha(c) || c == '*') { // potentially ambiguous bases
+ ++good;
+ } else if (c == '-') {
+ ++good;
+ } else if (c == ';') {
+ break;
+ } else if (!isspace(c) && (c < '0' || '9' < c)) {
+ ++bad;
+ }
+ }
+ if (3 * bad >= good && (len > 3 || good == 0 || bad > good)) {
+ ERROR("FastaReader: Near line %lld, there's a line that doesn't look like plausible data, but it's not marked as defline or comment.", (long long)m_Reader.line_number());
+ }
diff --git a/src/common/fasta_reader.h b/src/common/fasta_reader.h
index 75b7bc2..736853b 100644
--- a/src/common/fasta_reader.h
+++ b/src/common/fasta_reader.h
@@ -4,51 +4,48 @@
#include "buffer_line_iterator.h"
#include "sequence.h"
-class FastaReader
- typedef Sequence::str_t str_t;
- typedef BufferLineReader::OneDataLine OneDataLine;
- FastaReader(const char* fasta_file_name) : m_Reader(fasta_file_name) { encode_table = get_dna_encode_table(); }
- idx_t read_one_seq(Sequence& seq);
- void x_parse_defline(const OneDataLine& line, str_t& header);
- void x_parse_data_line(const OneDataLine& line, str_t& seq);
- void x_check_data_line(const OneDataLine& line);
- bool is_header_line(const OneDataLine& line)
- { return line.size() > 0 && (line.front() == '>' || line.front() == '@'); }
- bool is_nucl(const unsigned char ch)
- {
- int r = encode_table[ch];
- return r < 16;
- }
- bool is_ambig_nucl(const unsigned char ch)
- {
- int r = encode_table[ch];
- return (r < 16) && (r > 3);
- }
- bool is_upper_case_letter(const char ch)
- {
- return ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z';
- }
- bool is_lower_case_letter(const char ch)
- {
- return ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z';
- }
- bool is_alpha(const unsigned char c)
- {
- return is_upper_case_letter(c) || is_lower_case_letter(c);
- }
- bool is_comment_line(const OneDataLine& line)
- { return line.front() == '#' || line.front() == '!'; }
- BufferLineReader m_Reader;
- const u1_t* encode_table;
+class FastaReader {
+ public:
+ typedef Sequence::str_t str_t;
+ typedef BufferLineReader::OneDataLine OneDataLine;
+ public:
+ explicit FastaReader(const char* const fasta_file_name) : m_Reader(fasta_file_name), encode_table(get_dna_encode_table()) { }
+ idx_t read_one_seq(Sequence& seq);
+ std::streampos tellg() const {
+ return m_Reader.tellg();
+ }
+ void seekg(std::streampos pos) {
+ m_Reader.seekg(pos);
+ }
+ private:
+ void x_parse_defline(const OneDataLine& line, str_t& header);
+ void x_parse_data_line(const OneDataLine& line, str_t& seq);
+ void x_check_data_line(const OneDataLine& line);
+ static bool is_header_line(const OneDataLine& line) {
+ return line.size() > 0 && (line.front() == '>' || line.front() == '@');
+ }
+ bool is_nucl(const unsigned char c) const {
+ return encode_table[c] < 16;
+ }
+ bool is_ambig_nucl(const unsigned char c) const {
+ const int r(encode_table[c]);
+ return 3 < r && r < 16;
+ }
+ static bool is_upper_case_letter(const char c) {
+ return 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z';
+ }
+ static bool is_lower_case_letter(const char c) {
+ return 'a' <= c && c <= 'z';
+ }
+ static bool is_alpha(const char c) {
+ return is_upper_case_letter(c) || is_lower_case_letter(c);
+ }
+ static bool is_comment_line(const OneDataLine& line) {
+ return line.front() == '#' || line.front() == '!';
+ }
+ private:
+ BufferLineReader m_Reader;
+ const u1_t* const encode_table;
#endif // FASTA_READER_H
diff --git a/src/common/lookup_table.cpp b/src/common/lookup_table.cpp
index e4ee913..3b0f464 100644
--- a/src/common/lookup_table.cpp
+++ b/src/common/lookup_table.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "lookup_table.h"
-#include "packed_db.h"
+#include "split_database.h"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ fill_ref_index_offsets_func(void* arg)
for (j = 0; j < read_size; ++j)
int k = read_start + j;
- uint8_t c = PackedDB::get_char(v->data, k);
+ uint8_t c = GET_CHAR(v->data, k);
eit = (eit << 2) | c;
assert(eit < index_count);
if (j >= kmer_size - 1)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ create_ref_index(volume_t* v, int kmer_size, int num_threads)
for (int j = 0; j < read_size; ++j)
int k = read_start + j;
- uint8_t c = PackedDB::get_char(v->data, k);
+ uint8_t c = GET_CHAR(v->data, k);
assert(c>= 0 && c < 4);
eit = (eit << 2) | c;
if (j >= kmer_size - 1)
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ create_ref_index(volume_t* v, int kmer_size, int num_threads)
if (index->kmer_counts[i] > 128) index->kmer_counts[i] = 0;
num_kmers += index->kmer_counts[i];
- printf("number of kmers: %d\n", num_kmers);
+ std::cout << "number of kmers: " << num_kmers << "\n";
safe_malloc(index->kmer_offsets, int, num_kmers);
safe_malloc(index->kmer_starts, int*, index_count);
if (v->curr < 10 * 1000000) num_threads = 1;
int kmers_per_thread = (num_kmers + num_threads - 1) / num_threads;
- fprintf(stderr, "%d threads are used for filling offset lists.\n", num_threads);
+ std::cerr << num_threads << " threads are used for filling offset lists.\n";
uint32_t hash_boundaries[2 * num_threads];
uint32_t L = 0;
num_kmers = 0;
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ create_ref_index(volume_t* v, int kmer_size, int num_threads)
if (kmer_cnt >= kmers_per_thread)
- printf("thread %d: %d\t%d\n", tid, L, i);
+ std::cout << "thread " << tid << ": " << L << "\t" << i << "\n";
hash_boundaries[2 * tid] = L;
hash_boundaries[2 * tid + 1] = i;
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ create_ref_index(volume_t* v, int kmer_size, int num_threads)
if (kmer_cnt)
- printf("thread %d: %d\t%d\n", tid, L, index_count - 1);
+ std::cout << "thread " << tid << ": " << L << "\t" << (index_count - 1) << "\n";
hash_boundaries[2 * tid] = L;
hash_boundaries[2 * tid + 1] = index_count - 1;
diff --git a/src/common/packed_db.cpp b/src/common/packed_db.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7441d92..0000000
--- a/src/common/packed_db.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-#include "packed_db.h"
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "fasta_reader.h"
-using namespace std;
-PackedDB::dump_pac(u1_t* p, const idx_t size, const char* path)
- ofstream out;
- open_fstream(out, path, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
- streambuf* sb = out.rdbuf();
- sb_write(sb, p, (size + 3)/4);
- sb_write(sb, &size, sizeof(idx_t));
- close_fstream(out);
-PackedDB::load_pac(const char* path, idx_t& size)
- ifstream in;
- open_fstream(in, path, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
- streambuf* sb = in.rdbuf();
- in.seekg(-sizeof(idx_t), ios::end);
- sb_read(sb, &size, sizeof(idx_t));
- in.seekg(0, ios::beg);
- u1_t* p;
- safe_calloc(p, u1_t, (size+3)/4);
- sb_read(sb, p, (size + 3)/4);
- close_fstream(in);
- return p;
-PackedDB::dump_idx(PODArray& idx_list, const char* path)
- ofstream out;
- open_fstream(out, path, ios::out);
- idx_t i = 0, n = idx_list.size();
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
- out << idx_list[i].id << "\t" << idx_list[i].offset << "\t" << idx_list[i].size << "\n";
- close_fstream(out);
-PackedDB::load_idx(const char* path, PODArray& idx_list)
- ifstream in;
- open_fstream(in, path, ios::in);
- SeqIndex si;
- idx_list.clear();
- while(in >> si.id >> si.offset >> si.size) idx_list.push_back(si);
- close_fstream(in);
-PackedDB::dump_packed_db(const char* path)
- string n;
- generate_pac_name(path, n);
- dump_pac(pac, db_size, n.data());
- generate_idx_name(path, n);
- dump_idx(seq_idx, n.data());
-PackedDB::load_packed_db(const char* path)
- string n;
- generate_pac_name(path, n);
- pac = load_pac(n.data(), db_size);
- max_db_size = db_size;
- generate_idx_name(path, n);
- load_idx(n.data(), seq_idx);
-PackedDB::pack_fasta_db(const char* path, const char* output_prefix, const idx_t min_size)
- u1_t* buffer;
- safe_malloc(buffer, u1_t, MAX_SEQ_SIZE);
- Sequence read;
- FastaReader fr(path);
- string n;
- generate_pac_name(output_prefix, n);
- ofstream pout;
- open_fstream(pout, n.data(), ios::out | ios::binary);
- streambuf* psb = pout.rdbuf();
- generate_idx_name(output_prefix, n);
- ofstream iout;
- open_fstream(iout, n.data(), ios::out);
- const u1_t* et = get_dna_encode_table();
- idx_t id = 0, tsize = 0, rsize = 0;
- SeqIndex si;
- while(1)
- {
- rsize = fr.read_one_seq(read);
- if (rsize == -1) break;
- if (rsize < min_size) continue;
- Sequence::str_t& s = read.sequence();
- memset(buffer, 0, MAX_SEQ_SIZE);
- for(idx_t i = 0; i < rsize; ++i)
- {
- u1_t c = s[i];
- c = et[c];
- if (c > 3) c = 0;
- set_char(buffer, i, c);
- }
- si.offset = tsize;
- si.size = rsize;
- si.id = id++;
- iout << si.id << "\t" << si.offset << "\t" << si.size << "\n";
- rsize = (rsize + 3) / 4;
- sb_write(psb, buffer, rsize);
- rsize *= 4;
- tsize += rsize;
- }
- sb_write(psb, &tsize, sizeof(idx_t));
- close_fstream(pout);
- close_fstream(iout);
- safe_free(buffer);
- LOG(stdout, "pack %lld reads, totally %lld residues", (long long)id, (long long)tsize);
-void PackedDB::add_one_seq(const Sequence& seq)
- SeqIndex si;
- si.size = seq.size();
- si.offset = db_size;
- seq_idx.push_back(si);
- if (db_size + si.size > max_db_size)
- {
- idx_t new_size = (max_db_size) ? max_db_size : 1024;
- while (db_size + si.size > new_size) new_size *= 2;
- u1_t* new_pac = NULL;
- safe_calloc(new_pac, u1_t, (new_size + 3)/4);
- memcpy(new_pac, pac, (db_size + 3)/4);
- safe_free(pac);
- pac = new_pac;
- max_db_size = new_size;
- }
- const Sequence::str_t& org_seq = seq.sequence();
- const u1_t* table = get_dna_encode_table();
- for (idx_t i = 0; i < si.size; ++i)
- {
- u1_t c = org_seq[i];
- c = table[c];
- if (c > 3) c = rand() & 3;
- set_char(db_size, c);
- ++db_size;
- }
-void PackedDB::add_one_seq(const char* seq, const idx_t size)
- SeqIndex si;
- si.size = size;
- si.offset = db_size;
- seq_idx.push_back(si);
- if (db_size + si.size > max_db_size)
- {
- idx_t new_size = (max_db_size) ? max_db_size : 1024;
- while (db_size + si.size > new_size) new_size *= 2;
- u1_t* new_pac = NULL;
- safe_calloc(new_pac, u1_t, (new_size + 3)/4);
- memcpy(new_pac, pac, (db_size + 3)/4);
- safe_free(pac);
- pac = new_pac;
- max_db_size = new_size;
- }
- const u1_t* table = get_dna_encode_table();
- for (idx_t i = 0; i < si.size; ++i)
- {
- u1_t c = seq[i];
- c = table[c];
- if (c > 3) c = rand() & 3;
- set_char(db_size, c);
- ++db_size;
- }
-void PackedDB::load_fasta_db(const char* dbname)
- DynamicTimer dtimer(__func__);
- FastaReader freader(dbname);
- Sequence seq;
- while (1)
- {
- idx_t size = freader.read_one_seq(seq);
- if (size == -1) break;
- add_one_seq(seq);
- }
-idx_t PackedDB::offset_to_rid(const idx_t offset) const
- if (offset >= db_size) return -1;
- idx_t left, mid, right;
- left = 0, mid = 0, right = seq_idx.size();
- while (left < right)
- {
- mid = (left + right) >> 1;
- if (offset >= seq_idx[mid].offset)
- {
- if (mid == seq_idx.size() - 1) break;
- if (offset < seq_idx[mid + 1].offset) break;
- left = mid + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- right = mid;
- }
- }
- return mid;
diff --git a/src/common/packed_db.h b/src/common/packed_db.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c4e29cf..0000000
--- a/src/common/packed_db.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PACKED_DB_H
-#define PACKED_DB_H
-#include "defs.h"
-#include "sequence.h"
-class PackedDB
- struct SeqIndex
- {
- idx_t id;
- idx_t offset;
- idx_t size;
- };
- PackedDB() : pac(NULL), db_size(0), max_db_size(0) {}
- ~PackedDB() { destroy(); }
- void reserve(const idx_t& size)
- {
- destroy();
- seq_idx.clear();
- max_db_size = size;
- idx_t bytes = (max_db_size / 4);
- safe_calloc(pac, u1_t, bytes);
- }
- void GetSequence(const index_t id, const bool fwd, char* seq, const index_t size_in_ovlp)
- {
- const index_t offset = seq_idx[id].offset;
- const index_t size = seq_idx[id].size;
- r_assert(size == size_in_ovlp);
- index_t idx = 0;
- if (fwd)
- {
- for (index_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- {
- uint1 c = get_char(offset + i);
- seq[idx++] = c;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (index_t i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- uint1 c = get_char(offset + i);
- c = 3 - c;
- seq[idx++] = c;
- }
- }
- }
- void get_sequence(const idx_t from, const idx_t to, const bool forward, char* seq) const
- {
- idx_t idx = 0;
- if (forward)
- for(idx_t i = from; i < to; ++i)
- {
- u1_t c = get_char(pac, i);
- seq[idx++] = c;
- }
- else
- for(idx_t i = to - 1; i >= from; --i)
- {
- u1_t c = get_char(pac, i);
- c = 3 - c;
- seq[idx++] = c;
- }
- }
- void get_sequence(const idx_t rid, const bool forward, char* seq) const
- {
- const idx_t s = seq_idx[rid].offset;
- const idx_t e = s + seq_idx[rid].size;
- get_sequence(s, e, forward, seq);
- }
- void get_sequence(const idx_t rid, const idx_t from, const idx_t to, const bool forward, char* seq) const
- {
- const idx_t s = seq_idx[rid].offset + from;
- const idx_t e = seq_idx[rid].offset + to;
- get_sequence(s, e, forward, seq);
- }
- void get_decode_sequence(const idx_t rid, const idx_t from, const idx_t to, const bool forward, char* seq) const
- {
- get_sequence(rid, from, to, forward, seq);
- for(idx_t i = 0; i < to - from; ++i)
- {
- u1_t c = seq[i];
- r_assert(c >= 0 && c < 4);
- c = "ACGT"[c];
- seq[i] = c;
- }
- }
- static void set_char(u1_t* p, const idx_t idx, const u1_t c)
- {
- p[idx >> 2] |= c << ((~idx&3)<<1);
- }
- static u1_t get_char(const u1_t* p, const idx_t idx)
- {
- u1_t c = p[idx >> 2] >> ((~idx&3)<<1)&3;
- return c;
- }
- void set_char(const idx_t idx, const u1_t c)
- {
- set_char(pac, idx, c);
- }
- u1_t get_char(const idx_t idx) const
- {
- return get_char(pac, idx);
- }
- idx_t size() const { return db_size; }
- idx_t num_seqs() const { return seq_idx.size(); }
- idx_t seq_offset(const idx_t rid) const { return seq_idx[rid].offset; }
- idx_t seq_size(const idx_t rid) const { return seq_idx[rid].size; }
- idx_t offset_to_rid(const idx_t offset) const;
- void add_one_seq(const Sequence& seq);
- void add_one_seq(const char* seq, const idx_t size);
- void destroy() { if (pac) safe_free(pac); db_size = max_db_size = 0; }
- void clear() { seq_idx.clear(); db_size = 0; memset(pac, 0, (max_db_size + 3)/4); }
- static void generate_pac_name(const char* prefix, std::string& ret)
- {
- ret = prefix;
- ret += ".pac";
- }
- static void generate_idx_name(const char* prefix, std::string& ret)
- {
- ret = prefix;
- ret += ".idx";
- }
- static void dump_pac(u1_t* p, const idx_t size, const char* path);
- static u1_t* load_pac(const char* path, idx_t& size);
- static void dump_idx(PODArray& idx_list, const char* path);
- static void load_idx(const char* path, PODArray& idx_list);
- void dump_packed_db(const char* path);
- void load_packed_db(const char* path);
- static void pack_fasta_db(const char* fasta, const char* output_prefix, const idx_t min_size);
- void load_fasta_db(const char* fasta);
- u1_t* pac;
- idx_t db_size;
- idx_t max_db_size;
- PODArray seq_idx;
-#endif // PACKED_DB_H
diff --git a/src/common/split_database.cpp b/src/common/split_database.cpp
index ca37c0c..bca6567 100644
--- a/src/common/split_database.cpp
+++ b/src/common/split_database.cpp
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
#include "split_database.h"
+// make off_t 64 bit (from ftello man page)
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include // PATH_MAX
+#include // unlink()
-#include "packed_db.h"
#include "fasta_reader.h"
@@ -67,18 +71,24 @@ insert_one_offset(offset_list_t* list, const int offset, const int size)
-new_volume_t(int num_reads, int num_bases)
- volume_t* volume = (volume_t*)malloc(sizeof(volume_t));
- volume->num_reads = 0;
- volume->curr = 0;
- if (num_bases == 0) num_bases = (MCS + MSS);
- volume->max_size = num_bases;
- idx_t vol_bytes = (num_bases + 3) / 4;
- safe_calloc(volume->data, uint8_t, vol_bytes);
- volume->offset_list = new_offset_list_t(num_reads);
- return volume;
+volume_t* new_volume_t(const int num_reads, int num_bases, const int no_allocate) {
+ volume_t* volume = (volume_t*)malloc(sizeof(volume_t));
+ volume->num_reads = 0;
+ volume->curr = 0;
+ if (no_allocate) {
+ volume->max_size = 0;
+ volume->data = 0;
+ volume->offset_list = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (num_bases == 0) {
+ num_bases = MCS + MSS;
+ }
+ idx_t vol_bytes = (num_bases + 3) / 4;
+ volume->max_size = vol_bytes * 4;
+ safe_calloc(volume->data, uint8_t, vol_bytes);
+ volume->offset_list = new_offset_list_t(num_reads);
+ }
+ return volume;
@@ -87,15 +97,21 @@ clear_volume_t(volume_t* v)
v->num_reads = 0;
v->curr = 0;
- v->offset_list->curr = 0;
- memset(v->data, 0, v->max_size / 4);
+ if (v->offset_list) {
+ v->offset_list->curr = 0;
+ }
+ if (v->data) {
+ memset(v->data, 0, v->max_size / 4);
+ }
delete_volume_t(volume_t* v)
- v->offset_list = delete_offset_list_t(v->offset_list);
- free(v->data);
+ delete_offset_list_t(v->offset_list);
+ if (v->data) {
+ free(v->data);
+ }
return NULL;
@@ -113,13 +129,13 @@ add_one_seq(volume_t* volume, const char* s, const int size)
int idx = volume->curr;
uint8_t c = s[i];
c = encode_table[c];
- PackedDB::set_char(d, idx, c);
+ SET_CHAR(d, idx, c);
-extract_one_seq(volume_t* v, const int id, char* s)
+extract_one_seq(const volume_t* v, const int id, char* s)
assert(id < v->num_reads);
int offset = v->offset_list->offset_list[id].offset;
@@ -128,7 +144,7 @@ extract_one_seq(volume_t* v, const int id, char* s)
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
int k = offset + i;
- s[i] = PackedDB::get_char(v->data, k);
+ s[i] = GET_CHAR(v->data, k);
@@ -152,6 +168,28 @@ dump_volume(const char* vol_name, volume_t* v)
+load_volume_header(const char* vol_name)
+ int num_reads, num_bases;
+ FILE* in = fopen(vol_name, "rb");
+ if (!in) { LOG(stderr, "failed to open file \'%s\'.", vol_name); exit(1); }
+ // 1) number of reads
+ SAFE_READ(&num_reads, int, 1, in);
+ // 2) number of bases
+ SAFE_READ(&num_bases, int, 1, in);
+ volume_t* v = new_volume_t(num_reads, num_bases, 1);
+ v->num_reads = num_reads;
+ v->curr = num_bases;
+ // 3) start read id
+ SAFE_READ(&v->start_read_id, int, 1, in);
+ fclose(in);
+ return v;
load_volume(const char* vol_name)
@@ -199,81 +237,164 @@ generate_idx_file_name(const char* wrk_dir, char* idx_file_name)
strcat(idx_file_name, "fileindex.txt");
-extract_one_seq(ifstream& pac_file, PackedDB::SeqIndex& si, u1_t* buffer, char* seq)
- idx_t offset = si.offset / 4;
- idx_t bytes = (si.size + 3) / 4;
- pac_file.seekg(offset, ios::beg);
- memset(buffer, 0, MAX_SEQ_SIZE);
+void extract_one_seq(ifstream& pac_file, const idx_t offset, const idx_t size, u1_t* const buffer, char* const seq) {
+ const idx_t bytes((size + 3) / 4);
+ pac_file.seekg(offset / 4, ios::beg);
pac_file.read((char*)buffer, bytes);
- const char* dt = get_dna_decode_table();
- idx_t i = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < si.size; ++i)
- {
- u1_t c = PackedDB::get_char(buffer, i);
- c = dt[c];
- seq[i] = c;
+ const char* const dt(get_dna_decode_table());
+ idx_t i(0);
+ for (; i < size; ++i) {
+ seq[i] = dt[GET_CHAR(buffer, i)];
seq[i] = '\0';
-split_raw_dataset(const char* reads, const char* wrk_dir)
+class SplitState {
+ public:
+ int vol, rid;
+ idx_t num_reads, num_nucls;
+ FILE *idx_file;
+ SplitState(const char * const reads, const char * const wrk_dir) : done_(0), rd_pos_(0), fr_(reads) {
+ generate_idx_file_name(wrk_dir, idx_file_name_);
+ idx_file = fopen(idx_file_name_, "r");
+ if (idx_file) { // number of vols = lines in index file
+ vol = 0;
+ char *line;
+ size_t length(1024);
+ safe_malloc(line, char, length);
+ ssize_t i;
+ while ((i = getline(&line, &length, idx_file)) != -1) {
+ if (i > 0 && line[i - 1] == '\n') {
+ --i;
+ }
+ if (i > 0 && line[i - 1] == '\r') {
+ --i;
+ }
+ if (i > 0) {
+ ++vol;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(idx_file);
+ done_ = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ idx_file_name_tmp_ = ckpt_file_name_ = idx_file_name_;
+ ckpt_file_name_ += ".ckpt";
+ idx_file_name_tmp_ += ".tmp";
+ std::ifstream ckpt_in(ckpt_file_name_.c_str());
+ if (ckpt_in) {
+ off_t idx_pos;
+ // using off_t instead of std::streampos for rd_pos to allow
+ // >> for reading from file
+ ckpt_in >> vol >> num_reads >> num_nucls >> idx_pos >> rd_pos_;
+ if (!ckpt_in) {
+ ERROR("Error reading checkpoint file %s", ckpt_file_name_.c_str());
+ }
+ rid = num_reads;
+ fr_.seekg(rd_pos_);
+ idx_file = fopen(idx_file_name_tmp_.c_str(), "r+");
+ if (fseeko(idx_file, idx_pos, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
+ ERROR("Could not restore checkpoint, fseeko failed");
+ }
+ } else {
+ vol = rid = 0;
+ num_reads = num_nucls = 0;
+ idx_file = fopen(idx_file_name_tmp_.c_str(), "w");
+ }
+ if (!idx_file) {
+ ERROR("Could not open index file: %s", idx_file_name_tmp_.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ ~SplitState() { }
+ idx_t read_one_seq(Sequence& seq) {
+ // have to get position before reading, as read might not be
+ // covered by next checkpoint
+ rd_pos_ = fr_.tellg();
+ return fr_.read_one_seq(seq);
+ }
+ void checkpoint() {
+ std::string ckpt_file_name_tmp(ckpt_file_name_ + ".tmp");
+ std::ofstream ckpt_out(ckpt_file_name_tmp.c_str());
+ if (!ckpt_out) {
+ LOG(stderr, "Checkpoint failed at %d, could not open: %s", vol, ckpt_file_name_tmp.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ ckpt_out << vol << "\n" << num_reads << "\n" << num_nucls << "\n" << ftello(idx_file) << "\n" << rd_pos_ << "\n";
+ if (!ckpt_out) {
+ LOG(stderr, "Warning: error writing checkpoint at %d", vol);
+ return;
+ }
+ ckpt_out.close();
+ if (rename(ckpt_file_name_tmp.c_str(), ckpt_file_name_.c_str()) == -1) {
+ LOG(stderr, "Checkpoint failed at %d, could not rename: %s", vol, ckpt_file_name_tmp.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ void finish() {
+ fclose(idx_file);
+ if (rename(idx_file_name_tmp_.c_str(), idx_file_name_) == -1) {
+ ERROR("Could not rename index file: %s", idx_file_name_tmp_.c_str());
+ }
+ unlink(ckpt_file_name_.c_str());
+ }
+ bool already_done() const {
+ return done_;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool done_;
+ off_t rd_pos_;
+ std::string ckpt_file_name_; // idx_file_name + ".ckpt"
+ std::string idx_file_name_tmp_; // idx_file_name + ".tmp"
+ char idx_file_name_[PATH_MAX];
+ FastaReader fr_;
+int split_raw_dataset(const char* reads, const char* wrk_dir) {
DynamicTimer dtimer(__func__);
- volume_t* v = new_volume_t(0, 0);
- int vol = 0;
- int rid = 0;
- char idx_file_name[1024], vol_file_name[1024];
- generate_idx_file_name(wrk_dir, idx_file_name);
- FILE* idx_file = fopen(idx_file_name, "w");
- FastaReader fr(reads);
+ SplitState state(reads, wrk_dir);
+ if (state.already_done()) {
+ return state.vol;
+ }
+ volume_t* v(new_volume_t(0, 0));
+ char vol_file_name[PATH_MAX];
Sequence read;
- idx_t num_reads = 0, num_nucls = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- idx_t rsize = fr.read_one_seq(read);
- if (rsize == -1) break;
- ++num_reads;
- num_nucls += rsize;
- if (v->curr + rsize + 1 > MCS)
- {
- v->start_read_id = rid;
- rid += v->num_reads;
- generate_vol_file_name(wrk_dir, vol++, vol_file_name);
- fprintf(idx_file, "%s\n", vol_file_name);
+ for (;;) {
+ const idx_t rsize(state.read_one_seq(read));
+ if (v->curr + rsize >= MCS || rsize == -1) {
+ v->start_read_id = state.rid;
+ state.rid += v->num_reads;
+ generate_vol_file_name(wrk_dir, state.vol++, vol_file_name);
+ if (fprintf(state.idx_file, "%s\n", vol_file_name) < 0) {
+ ERROR("Failed to write to index file");
+ }
+ fflush(state.idx_file);
dump_volume(vol_file_name, v);
+ if (rsize == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ state.checkpoint();
add_one_seq(v, read.sequence().data(), rsize);
+ ++state.num_reads;
+ state.num_nucls += rsize;
- if (v->curr > 0)
- {
- v->start_read_id = rid;
- rid += v->num_reads;
- generate_vol_file_name(wrk_dir, vol++, vol_file_name);
- fprintf(idx_file, "%s\n", vol_file_name);
- dump_volume(vol_file_name, v);
- clear_volume_t(v);
- }
- fclose(idx_file);
+ state.finish();
- LOG(stderr, "split \'%s\' (%lld reads, %lld nucls) into %d volumes.", reads, (long long)num_reads, (long long)num_nucls, vol);
- return vol;
+ LOG(stderr, "split \'%s\' (%lld reads, %lld nucls) into %d volumes.", reads, (long long)state.num_reads, (long long)state.num_nucls, state.vol);
+ return state.vol;
split_dataset(const char* reads, const char* wrk_dir, int* num_vols)
- string name;
- PackedDB::generate_idx_name(reads, name);
+ std::string name(reads);
+ name += ".idx";
ifstream in_idx_file;
open_fstream(in_idx_file, name.c_str(), ios::in);
ifstream pac_file;
- PackedDB::generate_pac_name(reads, name);
+ name = reads;
+ name += ".pac";
open_fstream(pac_file, name.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary);
u1_t* buffer;
char* seq;
@@ -282,13 +403,13 @@ split_dataset(const char* reads, const char* wrk_dir, int* num_vols)
volume_t* v = new_volume_t(0, 0);
int vol = 0;
int rid = 0;
- char idx_file_name[1024], vol_file_name[1024];
+ char idx_file_name[PATH_MAX], vol_file_name[PATH_MAX];
generate_idx_file_name(wrk_dir, idx_file_name);
FILE* idx_file = fopen(idx_file_name, "w");
- PackedDB::SeqIndex si;
- while (in_idx_file >> si.id >> si.offset >> si.size)
+ idx_t offset, size;
+ while (in_idx_file >> offset >> size)
- if (v->curr + si.size + 1 > MCS)
+ if (v->curr + size + 1 > MCS)
v->start_read_id = rid;
rid += v->num_reads;
@@ -297,8 +418,8 @@ split_dataset(const char* reads, const char* wrk_dir, int* num_vols)
dump_volume(vol_file_name, v);
- extract_one_seq(pac_file, si, buffer, seq);
- add_one_seq(v, seq, si.size);
+ extract_one_seq(pac_file, offset, size, buffer, seq);
+ add_one_seq(v, seq, size);
@@ -375,6 +496,10 @@ load_volume_names(const char* idx_file_name, int num_vols)
volume_names_t* vn = new_volume_names_t(num_vols);
FILE* fvn = fopen(idx_file_name, "r");
+ // allow testing to see if file exists
+ if (!fvn && num_vols == 0) {
+ return vn;
+ }
char* name;
size_t ns = 1024;
@@ -399,6 +524,6 @@ print_volume_names(volume_names_t* vn)
for (i = 0; i < num_vols; ++i)
const char* name = get_vol_name(vn, i);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", name);
+ std::cerr << name << "\n";
diff --git a/src/common/split_database.h b/src/common/split_database.h
index 62bd70d..f27db07 100644
--- a/src/common/split_database.h
+++ b/src/common/split_database.h
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
#include "../common/defs.h"
-#define MCS (2140000000L) // max chunk size
+// max chunk size
+#define MCS (2140000000L)
//#define MCS 50000000L
typedef struct {
@@ -23,8 +24,12 @@ typedef struct {
offset_list_t* offset_list;
} volume_t;
+// moved from PackedDB
+#define SET_CHAR(p,i,c) ((p)[(i) >> 2] |= (c) << ((~(i) & 3) << 1))
+#define GET_CHAR(p,i) ((p)[(i) >> 2] >> ((~(i) & 3) << 1) & 3)
-new_volume_t(int num_reads, int num_bases);
+new_volume_t(int num_reads, int num_bases, int no_allocate = 0);
clear_volume_t(volume_t* v);
@@ -66,6 +71,9 @@ get_read_id_from_offset_list(offset_list_t* list, const int offset);
load_volume(const char* vol_name);
+load_volume_header(const char* vol_name);
generate_vol_file_name(const char* wrk_dir, int vol, char* vol_file_name);
@@ -76,7 +84,7 @@ void
split_dataset(const char* reads, const char* wrk_dir, int* num_vols);
-extract_one_seq(volume_t* v, const int id, char* s);
+extract_one_seq(const volume_t* v, const int id, char* s);
split_raw_dataset(const char* reads, const char* wrk_dir);
diff --git a/src/common/xdrop_gapalign.cpp b/src/common/xdrop_gapalign.cpp
index 25ec2ec..7a98ed8 100644
--- a/src/common/xdrop_gapalign.cpp
+++ b/src/common/xdrop_gapalign.cpp
@@ -302,7 +302,8 @@ align_ex(const char* query,
- int score = xdrop_align(Q,
+ //int score = xdrop_align(Q,
+ xdrop_align(Q,
diff --git a/src/filter_reads/filter_reads.cpp b/src/filter_reads/filter_reads.cpp
index 8ee14c6..a8dd3da 100644
--- a/src/filter_reads/filter_reads.cpp
+++ b/src/filter_reads/filter_reads.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
using namespace std;
-typedef index_t idx;
+typedef idx_t idx;
void print_usage(const char* prog)
diff --git a/src/main.mk b/src/main.mk
index 3a6b457..1eb8186 100644
--- a/src/main.mk
+++ b/src/main.mk
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ SOURCES := common/alignment.cpp \
common/fasta_reader.cpp \
common/gapalign.cpp \
common/lookup_table.cpp \
- common/packed_db.cpp \
common/sequence.cpp \
common/split_database.cpp \
@@ -25,3 +24,9 @@ SUBMAKEFILES := mecat2pw/pw.mk \
mecat2ref/mecat2ref.mk \
mecat2cns/mecat2cns.mk \
+# Note: -O2 performed about 1% worse than -O3
+TGT_CXXFLAGS := -D _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -std=c++11 -O3 -mfpmath=sse -march=native -flto -fno-fat-lto-objects -fno-builtin -mmmx -msse -msse2 -mssse3 -msse4.1 -msse4.2 -mavx -maes -mpopcnt -mfxsr -mxsave -mxsaveopt
+ARFLAGS += --plugin /mnt/local/gnu/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/9.1.0/liblto_plugin.so.0
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/MECAT_AlnGraphBoost.H b/src/mecat2cns/MECAT_AlnGraphBoost.H
index 1f75839..916f449 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/MECAT_AlnGraphBoost.H
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/MECAT_AlnGraphBoost.H
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
-#include "../common/alignment.h"
+#include "reads_correction_aux.h" // CnsResult
namespace ns_meap_cns {
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/argument.cpp b/src/mecat2cns/argument.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 94b9f35..0000000
--- a/src/mecat2cns/argument.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#include "argument.h"
-#define error_and_exit(msg) { std::cerr << msg << "\n"; abort(); }
-#define no_argument \
- do { \
- std::ostringstream err_msg; \
- err_msg << "no argument is supplied to option \'" << (*arg_name) << "\'"; \
- error_and_exit(err_msg.str()); \
- } while(0);
-#define argument_process_error \
- do { \
- std::ostringstream err_msg; \
- err_msg << "argument \'" << argv[0] << "\' for option \'" << (*arg_name) << "\' processed failed."; \
- error_and_exit(err_msg.str()); \
- } while(0);
-int IntegerArgument::ProcessArgument(int argc, char** argv)
- if (!argc) no_argument;
- std::istringstream ins(argv[0]);
- ins >> val;
- if (!ins) argument_process_error;
- return 1;
-int DoubleArgument::ProcessArgument(int argc, char** argv)
- if (!argc) no_argument;
- std::istringstream ins(argv[0]);
- ins >> val;
- if (!ins) argument_process_error;
- return 1;
-int BooleanArgument::ProcessArgument(int argc, char** argv)
- if (!need_arg)
- {
- val = true;
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!argc) no_argument;
- if (argv[0][0] == '0')
- {
- val = false;
- return 1;
- }
- else if (argv[0][0] == '1')
- {
- val = true;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- std::ostringstream err_msg;
- err_msg << "argument to option \'" << (*arg_name) << "\' must be \'0\' or \'1\'";
- error_and_exit(err_msg.str());
- }
- }
-int StringArgument::ProcessArgument(int argc, char** argv)
- if (!argc) no_argument;
- val = argv[0];
- return 1;
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/argument.h b/src/mecat2cns/argument.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 828a8b0..0000000
--- a/src/mecat2cns/argument.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ARGUMENT_H
-#define ARGUMENT_H
-#include "../common/defs.h"
-class Argument
- Argument(const std::string* an, const std::string* ad) : arg_name(an), arg_desc(ad) {}
- virtual ~Argument() {}
- virtual int ProcessArgument(int argc, char** argv) = 0;
- const std::string* arg_name;
- const std::string* arg_desc;
-class IntegerArgument : public Argument
- IntegerArgument(const std::string* an, const std::string* ad, const index_t v) : Argument(an, ad), val(v) {}
- virtual ~IntegerArgument() {}
- virtual int ProcessArgument(int argc, char** argv);
- index_t value() { return val; }
- index_t val;
-class DoubleArgument : public Argument
- DoubleArgument(const std::string* an, const std::string* ad, double v) : Argument(an, ad), val(v) {}
- virtual ~DoubleArgument() {}
- virtual int ProcessArgument(int argc, char** argv);
- double value() { return val; }
- double val;
-class BooleanArgument : public Argument
- BooleanArgument(const std::string* an, const std::string* ad, const bool v, const bool na)
- : Argument(an, ad), val(v), need_arg(na) {}
- virtual ~BooleanArgument() {}
- virtual int ProcessArgument(int argc, char** argv);
- bool value() { return val; }
- bool val;
- bool need_arg;
-class StringArgument : public Argument
- StringArgument(const std::string* an, const std::string* ad, const char* v) : Argument(an, ad), val(v) {}
- ~StringArgument() {}
- virtual int ProcessArgument(int argc, char** argv);
- const char* value() { return val; }
- const char* val;
-#endif // ARGUMENT_H
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/dw.cpp b/src/mecat2cns/dw.cpp
index ac4899e..eed9a9d 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/dw.cpp
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/dw.cpp
@@ -1,555 +1,483 @@
#include "dw.h"
-namespace ns_banded_sw {
+#ifdef __SSE2__
+#include // _mm_loadu_si128(), _mm_xor_si128()
+#include // _mm_test_all_zeros()
+#include // copy(), fill()
+#include // vector<>
+#include // uint8_t
-#define GAP_ALN 4
+#define GAP_VAL 4
- SW_Parameters swp;
- swp.segment_size = 500;
- swp.row_size = 4096;
- swp.column_size = 4096;
- swp.segment_aln_size = 4096;
- swp.max_seq_size = 100000;
- swp.max_aln_size = 100000;
- swp.d_path_size = 5000000;
- swp.aln_path_size = 5000000;
+#ifdef __SSE2__
- return swp;
- SW_Parameters swp;
- swp.segment_size = 1000;
- swp.row_size = 4096;
- swp.column_size = 4096;
- swp.segment_aln_size = 4096;
- swp.max_seq_size = 100000;
- swp.max_aln_size = 100000;
- swp.d_path_size = 5000000;
- swp.aln_path_size = 5000000;
+// bit_scan_forward definitions are taken from vectori128.h, part of
+// Agner Fog's vector class package version 1.28, and are copyright
+// by him (2017) (https://www.agner.org/optimize/#vectorclass)
- return swp;
+// Define bit-scan-forward function. Gives index to lowest set bit
+#if defined (__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+static inline uint32_t bit_scan_forward(const uint32_t a) __attribute__ ((pure));
+static inline uint32_t bit_scan_forward(const uint32_t a) {
+ uint32_t r;
+ __asm("bsfl %1, %0" : "=r"(r) : "r"(a) : );
+ return r;
-DiffRunningData::DiffRunningData(const SW_Parameters& swp_in)
- swp = swp_in;
- safe_malloc(query, char, swp.max_seq_size);
- safe_malloc(target, char, swp.max_seq_size);
- safe_malloc(DynQ, int, swp.row_size);
- safe_malloc(DynT, int, swp.column_size);
- align = new Alignment(swp.segment_aln_size);
- result = new OutputStore(swp.max_aln_size);
- safe_malloc(d_path, DPathData2, swp.d_path_size);
- safe_malloc(aln_path, PathPoint, swp.aln_path_size);
+static inline uint32_t bit_scan_forward (const uint32_t a) {
+ unsigned long r;
+ _BitScanForward(&r, a); // defined in intrin.h for MS and Intel compilers
+ return r;
- safe_free(query);
- safe_free(target);
- safe_free(DynQ);
- safe_free(DynT);
- delete align;
- delete result;
- safe_free(d_path);
- safe_free(aln_path);
+// Define bit-scan-reverse function. Gives index to highest set bit
+// (make sure to zero out unused high bits)
+#if defined (__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+static inline uint32_t bit_scan_reverse(const uint32_t a) __attribute__ ((pure));
+static inline uint32_t bit_scan_reverse(const uint32_t a) {
+ uint32_t r;
+ __asm("bsrl %1, %0" : "=r"(r) : "r"(a) : );
+ return r;
+static inline uint32_t bit_scan_reverse (const uint32_t a) {
+ unsigned long r;
+ _BitScanReverse(&r, a); // defined in intrin.h for MS and Intel compilers
+ return r;
+#endif // __SSEE2__
-void fill_m4record_from_output_store(const OutputStore& result,
- const idx_t qid,
- const idx_t sid,
- const char qstrand,
- const char sstrand,
- const idx_t qsize,
- const idx_t ssize,
- const idx_t q_off_in_aln,
- const idx_t s_off_in_aln,
- const idx_t q_ext,
- const idx_t s_ext,
- M4Record& m4)
- m4qid(m4) = qid;
- m4sid(m4) = sid;
- m4ident(m4) = result.ident;
- m4vscore(m4) = 100;
- m4qdir(m4) = 1 - (qstrand == 'F');
- m4qoff(m4) = q_off_in_aln + result.query_start;
- m4qend(m4) = q_off_in_aln + result.query_end;
- m4qsize(m4) = qsize;
- m4sdir(m4) = 1 - (sstrand == 'F');
- m4soff(m4) = s_off_in_aln + result.target_start;
- m4send(m4) = s_off_in_aln + result.target_end;
- m4ssize(m4) = ssize;
- m4qext(m4) = q_ext;
- m4sext(m4) = s_ext;
- if (m4qdir(m4) == 1)
- {
- m4qoff(m4) = qsize - (q_off_in_aln + result.query_end);
- m4qend(m4) = qsize - (q_off_in_aln + result.query_start);
- m4qext(m4) = qsize - 1 - q_ext;
+static void fill_align(const std::string& query, const int q_offset, const std::string& target, const int t_offset, Alignment& align, const std::vector& d_path, int i, const std::vector& d_path_index, int d, std::vector& aln_path, const int extend_forward) {
+ align.aln_q_e = d_path[i].x2;
+ align.aln_t_e = d_path[i].y2;
+ // get align path
+ int aln_idx(-1);
+ for (;;) {
+ aln_path[++aln_idx].set(d_path[i].x2, d_path[i].y2);
+ aln_path[++aln_idx].set(d_path[i].x1, d_path[i].y1);
+ if (--d == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ i = d_path_index[d].d_offset + (d_path[i].pre_k - d_path_index[d].min_k) / 2;
- if (m4sdir(m4) == 1)
- {
- m4soff(m4) = ssize - (s_off_in_aln + result.target_end);
- m4send(m4) = ssize - (s_off_in_aln + result.target_start);
- m4sext(m4) = ssize - 1 - s_ext;
+ // walk backwards along align path to fill in sequence with gaps
+ align.clear();
+ int current_x(aln_path[aln_idx].x);
+ int current_y(aln_path[aln_idx].y);
+ if (extend_forward) {
+ const char* const query_p(query.data() + q_offset);
+ const char* const target_p(target.data() + t_offset);
+ for (--aln_idx; aln_idx != -1; --aln_idx) {
+ const int new_x(aln_path[aln_idx].x);
+ const int new_y(aln_path[aln_idx].y);
+ const int dx(new_x - current_x);
+ const int dy(new_y - current_y);
+ if (dx && dy) { // dx always equals dy in this case
+ std::copy(query_p + current_x, query_p + new_x, &align.q_aln_str[align.current_size]);
+ std::copy(target_p + current_y, target_p + new_y, &align.t_aln_str[align.current_size]);
+ align.current_size += dx;
+ } else if (dx) {
+ std::copy(query_p + current_x, query_p + new_x, &align.q_aln_str[align.current_size]);
+ std::fill(&align.t_aln_str[align.current_size], &align.t_aln_str[align.current_size] + dx, GAP_VAL);
+ align.current_size += dx;
+ } else if (dy) {
+ std::fill(&align.q_aln_str[align.current_size], &align.q_aln_str[align.current_size] + dy, GAP_VAL);
+ std::copy(target_p + current_y, target_p + new_y, &align.t_aln_str[align.current_size]);
+ align.current_size += dy;
+ }
+ current_x = new_x;
+ current_y = new_y;
+ }
+ } else {
+ const char* const query_p(query.data() + q_offset + 1);
+ const char* const target_p(target.data() + t_offset + 1);
+ for (--aln_idx; aln_idx != -1; --aln_idx) {
+ const int new_x(aln_path[aln_idx].x);
+ const int new_y(aln_path[aln_idx].y);
+ const int dx(new_x - current_x);
+ const int dy(new_y - current_y);
+ if (dx && dy) { // dx always equals dy in this case
+ align.current_size += dx;
+ const int offset(align.q_aln_str.size() - align.current_size);
+ std::copy(query_p - new_x, query_p - current_x, &align.q_aln_str[offset]);
+ std::copy(target_p - new_y, target_p - current_y, &align.t_aln_str[offset]);
+ } else if (dx) {
+ align.current_size += dx;
+ const int offset(align.q_aln_str.size() - align.current_size);
+ std::copy(query_p - new_x, query_p - current_x, &align.q_aln_str[offset]);
+ std::fill(&align.t_aln_str[offset], &align.t_aln_str[offset] + dx, GAP_VAL);
+ } else if (dy) {
+ align.current_size += dy;
+ const int offset(align.q_aln_str.size() - align.current_size);
+ std::fill(&align.q_aln_str[offset], &align.q_aln_str[offset] + dy, GAP_VAL);
+ std::copy(target_p - new_y, target_p - current_y, &align.t_aln_str[offset]);
+ }
+ current_x = new_x;
+ current_y = new_y;
+ }
-void print_candidate(const CandidateStartPosition& csp)
- std::cout << "qoff = " << csp.qoff
- << ", toff = " << csp.toff
- << ", tstart = " << csp.tstart
- << ", tsize = " << csp.tsize
- << ", tid = " << csp.tid
- << ", num1 = " << csp.num1
- << ", num2 = " << csp.num2
- << ", score = " << csp.score
- << ", chain = " << csp.chain
- << ", l1 = " << csp.left_q
- << ", r1 = " << csp.right_q
- << ", l2 = " << csp.left_t
- << ", r2 = " << csp.right_t
- << "\n";
-int CompareDPathData2(const void* a, const void* b)
- const DPathData2* d1 = (const DPathData2*)a;
- const DPathData2* d2 = (const DPathData2*)b;
- return (d1->d == d2->d) ? (d1->k - d2->k) : (d1->d - d2->d);
-struct SCompareDPathData2
- bool operator()(const DPathData2& a, const DPathData2& b)
- { return (a.d == b.d) ? (a.k < b.k) : (a.d < b.d); }
-DPathData2* GetDPathIdx(const int d, const int k, const unsigned int max_idx, DPathData2* base)
- DPathData2 target;
- target.d = d;
- target.k = k;
- DPathData2* ret = (DPathData2*)bsearch(&target, base, max_idx, sizeof(DPathData2), CompareDPathData2);
- return ret;
+static int Align(const int extend_size, const std::string& query, const int q_offset, const std::string& target, const int t_offset, Alignment& align, std::vector& q_extent, std::vector& combined_match_length, std::vector& d_path, std::vector& d_path_index, std::vector& aln_path, const int extend_forward, const double error_rate) {
+ // if these constants are changed, DiffRunningData buffer sizes
+ // in dw.h should also be changed
+ const int k_offset(extend_size * 4 * error_rate);
+ const int band_tolerance(extend_size * 3 / 10);
+ const int max_band_size(band_tolerance * 2 + 1);
+ const char* const q_ptr_start(query.data() + q_offset);
+ const char* const t_ptr_start(target.data() + t_offset);
+ int d_path_idx(0), best_combined_match_length(0);
+ int best(-1), best_score(-k_offset);
+ q_extent[k_offset + 1] = 0; // initialize starting point
+ // extend_forward only affects innermost loop, but let's move it
+ // outside as a loop invariant
+ if (extend_forward) {
+ for (int d(0), min_k(0), max_k(0); d != k_offset && max_k - min_k < max_band_size; ++d) {
+ // starting point of each "d" set of entries
+ d_path_index[d].set(d_path_idx, min_k);
+ for (int k(min_k); k <= max_k; k += 2) {
+ int pre_k, q_pos;
+ if (k == min_k || (k != max_k && q_extent[k_offset + k - 1] < q_extent[k_offset + k + 1])) {
+ pre_k = k + 1;
+ q_pos = q_extent[k_offset + k + 1];
+ } else {
+ pre_k = k - 1;
+ q_pos = q_extent[k_offset + k - 1] + 1;
+ }
+ int t_pos(q_pos - k);
+ // start of exact match
+ const int q_start(q_pos), t_start(t_pos);
+ // find the other end of exact match
+ const char* q_ptr(q_ptr_start + q_pos);
+ const char* t_ptr(t_ptr_start + t_pos);
+#ifdef __SSE2__
+ // vectorization of loop using gnu intrinsics
+ __m128i a16, b16, c16;
+ // round down to nearest multiple of 16
+ const char* end_q(q_ptr + ((extend_size - std::max(q_pos, t_pos)) & (~0xf)));
+ for (; q_ptr != end_q; q_ptr += 16, t_ptr += 16) {
+ // load vector registers
+ a16 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q_ptr);
+ b16 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)t_ptr);
+ c16 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(a16, b16); // compare registers
+ // create mask with 1 == true for each position
+ const uint32_t x(_mm_movemask_epi8(c16));
+ // if not all true, find first false
+ if (x != 0xffff) {
+ const int b(bit_scan_forward(~x));
+ q_ptr += b;
+ t_ptr += b;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (q_ptr == end_q) { // deal with remainder
+ end_q += (extend_size - std::max(q_pos, t_pos)) & 0xf;
+ for (; q_ptr != end_q && *q_ptr == *t_ptr; ++q_ptr, ++t_ptr) { }
+ }
+ const char* const end_q(q_ptr + extend_size - std::max(q_pos, t_pos));
+ for (; q_ptr != end_q && *q_ptr == *t_ptr; ++q_ptr, ++t_ptr) { }
+#endif // __SSE2__
+ q_pos = q_ptr - q_ptr_start;
+ t_pos = t_ptr - t_ptr_start;
+ d_path[d_path_idx].set(q_start, t_start, q_pos, t_pos, pre_k);
+ // see if we reached the end
+ const int score(q_pos + t_pos);
+ if ((q_pos == extend_size || t_pos == extend_size) && best_score < score) {
+ best_score = score;
+ best = d_path_idx;
+ }
+ ++d_path_idx;
+ q_extent[k_offset + k] = q_pos;
+ combined_match_length[k_offset + k] = score;
+ if (best_combined_match_length < score) {
+ best_combined_match_length = score;
+ }
+ }
+ if (best != -1) { // finished alignment
+ fill_align(query, q_offset, target, t_offset, align, d_path, best, d_path_index, d, aln_path, extend_forward);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // shift ends to one outside "good" band
+ const int cutoff(best_combined_match_length - band_tolerance);
+ for (; combined_match_length[k_offset + min_k] < cutoff; min_k += 2) { }
+ --min_k;
+ for (; combined_match_length[k_offset + max_k] < cutoff; max_k -= 2) { }
+ ++max_k;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int d(0), min_k(0), max_k(0); d != k_offset && max_k - min_k < max_band_size; ++d) {
+ // starting point of each "d" set of entries
+ d_path_index[d].set(d_path_idx, min_k);
+ for (int k(min_k); k <= max_k; k += 2) {
+ int pre_k, q_pos;
+ if (k == min_k || (k != max_k && q_extent[k_offset + k - 1] < q_extent[k_offset + k + 1])) {
+ pre_k = k + 1;
+ q_pos = q_extent[k_offset + k + 1];
+ } else {
+ pre_k = k - 1;
+ q_pos = q_extent[k_offset + k - 1] + 1;
+ }
+ int t_pos(q_pos - k);
+ // start of exact match
+ const int q_start(q_pos), t_start(t_pos);
+ // find the other end of exact match
+#ifdef __SSE2__
+ // vectorization of above loop
+ __m128i a16, b16, c16;
+ const char* q_ptr(q_ptr_start - q_pos - 15);
+ const char* t_ptr(t_ptr_start - t_pos - 15);
+ // round down to nearest multiple of 16
+ const char* end_q(q_ptr - ((extend_size - std::max(q_pos, t_pos)) & (~0xf)));
+ for (; q_ptr != end_q; q_ptr -= 16, t_ptr -= 16) {
+ // load vector registers
+ a16 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)q_ptr);
+ b16 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)t_ptr);
+ c16 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(a16, b16); // compare registers
+ // create mask with 1 == true for each position
+ const uint32_t x(_mm_movemask_epi8(c16));
+ // if not all true, find first false
+ if (x != 0xffff) {
+ // have to mask high bits
+ const int b(bit_scan_reverse(0xffff & (~x)));
+ // technically, += 15 - (15 - b)
+ q_ptr += b;
+ t_ptr += b;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (q_ptr == end_q) { // deal with remainder
+ q_ptr += 15;
+ t_ptr += 15;
+ end_q = q_ptr - ((extend_size - std::max(q_pos, t_pos)) & 0xf);
+ for (; q_ptr != end_q && *q_ptr == *t_ptr; --q_ptr, --t_ptr) { }
+ }
+ const char* q_ptr(q_ptr_start - q_pos);
+ const char* t_ptr(t_ptr_start - t_pos);
+ const char* const end_q(q_ptr - extend_size + std::max(q_pos, t_pos));
+ for (; q_ptr != end_q && *q_ptr == *t_ptr; --q_ptr, --t_ptr) { }
+#endif // __SSE2__
+ q_pos = q_ptr_start - q_ptr;
+ t_pos = t_ptr_start - t_ptr;
+ d_path[d_path_idx].set(q_start, t_start, q_pos, t_pos, pre_k);
+ // see if we reached the end
+ const int score(q_pos + t_pos);
+ if ((q_pos == extend_size || t_pos == extend_size) && best_score < score) {
+ best_score = score;
+ best = d_path_idx;
+ }
+ ++d_path_idx;
+ q_extent[k_offset + k] = q_pos;
+ combined_match_length[k_offset + k] = score;
+ if (best_combined_match_length < score) {
+ best_combined_match_length = score;
+ }
+ }
+ if (best != -1) { // finished alignment
+ fill_align(query, q_offset, target, t_offset, align, d_path, best, d_path_index, d, aln_path, extend_forward);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // shift ends to one outside "good" band
+ const int cutoff(best_combined_match_length - band_tolerance);
+ for (; combined_match_length[k_offset + min_k] < cutoff; min_k += 2) { }
+ --min_k;
+ for (; combined_match_length[k_offset + max_k] < cutoff; max_k -= 2) { }
+ ++max_k;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; // couldn't complete alignemnt
-int Align(const char* query, const int q_len, const char* target, const int t_len,
- const int band_tolerance, const int get_aln_str, Alignment* align,
- int* V, int* U, DPathData2* d_path, PathPoint* aln_path,
- const int right_extend, double error_rate)
- int k_offset;
- int d;
- int k, k2;
- int best_m;
- int min_k, new_min_k, max_k, new_max_k, pre_k;
- int x, y;
- int ck, cd, cx, cy, nx, ny;
- int max_d, band_size;
- unsigned long d_path_idx = 0, max_idx = 0;
- int aln_path_idx, aln_pos, i, aligned = 0;
- DPathData2* d_path_aux;
- max_d = (int)(2.0 * error_rate * (q_len + t_len));
- k_offset = max_d;
- band_size = band_tolerance * 2;
- align->init();
- best_m = -1;
- min_k = 0;
- max_k = 0;
- d_path_idx = 0;
- max_idx = 0;
- for (d = 0; d < max_d; ++d)
- {
- if (max_k - min_k > band_size) break;
- for (k = min_k; k <= max_k; k += 2)
- {
- if( k == min_k || (k != max_k && V[k - 1 + k_offset] < V[k + 1 + k_offset]) )
- { pre_k = k + 1; x = V[k + 1 + k_offset]; }
- else
- { pre_k = k - 1; x = V[k - 1 + k_offset] + 1; }
- y = x - k;
- d_path[d_path_idx].d = d;
- d_path[d_path_idx].k = k;
- d_path[d_path_idx].x1 = x;
- d_path[d_path_idx].y1 = y;
- if (right_extend)
- while( x < q_len && y < t_len && query[x] == target[y]) { ++x; ++y; }
- else
- while( x < q_len && y < t_len && query[-x] == target[-y]) { ++x; ++y; }
- d_path[d_path_idx].x2 = x;
- d_path[d_path_idx].y2 = y;
- d_path[d_path_idx].pre_k = pre_k;
- ++d_path_idx;
- V[k + k_offset] = x;
- U[k + k_offset] = x + y;
- best_m = std::max(best_m, x + y);
- if (x >= q_len || y >= t_len)
- { aligned = 1; max_idx = d_path_idx; break; }
- }
- // for banding
- new_min_k = max_k;
- new_max_k = min_k;
- for (k2 = min_k; k2 <= max_k; k2 += 2)
- if (U[k2 + k_offset] >= best_m - band_tolerance)
- { new_min_k = std::min(new_min_k, k2); new_max_k = std::max(new_max_k, k2); }
- max_k = new_max_k + 1;
- min_k = new_min_k - 1;
- if (aligned)
- {
- align->aln_q_e = x;
- align->aln_t_e = y;
- align->dist = d;
- align->aln_str_size = (x + y + d) / 2;
- align->aln_q_s = 0;
- align->aln_t_s = 0;
- if (get_aln_str)
- {
- cd = d;
- ck = k;
- aln_path_idx = 0;
- while (cd >= 0 && aln_path_idx < q_len + t_len + 1)
- {
- d_path_aux = GetDPathIdx(cd, ck, max_idx, d_path);
- aln_path[aln_path_idx].x = d_path_aux->x2;
- aln_path[aln_path_idx].y = d_path_aux->y2;
- ++aln_path_idx;
- aln_path[aln_path_idx].x = d_path_aux->x1;
- aln_path[aln_path_idx].y = d_path_aux->y1;
- ++aln_path_idx;
- ck = d_path_aux->pre_k;
- cd -= 1;
- }
- --aln_path_idx;
- cx = aln_path[aln_path_idx].x;
- cy = aln_path[aln_path_idx].y;
- align->aln_q_s = cx;
- align->aln_t_s = cy;
- aln_pos = 0;
- while (aln_path_idx > 0)
- {
- --aln_path_idx;
- nx = aln_path[aln_path_idx].x;
- ny = aln_path[aln_path_idx].y;
- if (cx == nx && cy == ny) continue;
- if (cx == nx && cy != ny)
- {
- if (right_extend)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < ny - cy; ++i) align->q_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = GAP_ALN;
- for (i = 0; i < ny - cy; ++i) align->t_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = target[cy + i];
+static void dw_in_one_direction(const std::string& query, const int q_offset, const std::string& target, const int t_offset, std::vector& U, std::vector& V, Alignment& align, std::vector& d_path, std::vector& d_path_index, std::vector& aln_path, const int segment_size, OutputStore& result, const int extend_forward, const double error_rate) {
+ const int q_extend_max(extend_forward ? query.size() - q_offset : q_offset + 1);
+ const int t_extend_max(extend_forward ? target.size() - t_offset : t_offset + 1);
+ // amount we've already extended
+ int q_extend(0), t_extend(0), not_at_end(1);
+ do {
+ // size left to extend
+ const int extend_size(std::min(q_extend_max - q_extend, t_extend_max - t_extend));
+ if (extend_size <= segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) { // close enough to the end
+ not_at_end = 0;
+ }
+ if (!Align(not_at_end ? segment_size : extend_size, query, q_offset + (extend_forward ? q_extend : -q_extend), target, t_offset + (extend_forward ? t_extend : -t_extend), align, U, V, d_path, d_path_index, aln_path, extend_forward, error_rate)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int k;
+ if (not_at_end) {
+ // go backwards until we find a good match (4 consecutive
+ // matching basepairs), counting non-gap basepairs
+ int q_bps(0), t_bps(0), num_matches(0);
+ if (extend_forward) {
+ for (k = align.current_size - 1; k != -1; --k) {
+ const uint8_t qc(align.q_aln_str[k]);
+ const uint8_t tc(align.t_aln_str[k]);
+ if (qc != tc) {
+ num_matches = 0;
+ if (qc == GAP_VAL) {
+ --q_bps;
+ } else if (tc == GAP_VAL) {
+ --t_bps;
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < ny - cy; ++i) align->q_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = GAP_ALN;
- for (i = 0; i < ny - cy; ++i) align->t_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = target[-(cy + i)];
+ } else if (++num_matches == 4) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ q_bps += align.current_size - k;
+ t_bps += align.current_size - k;
+ } else {
+ const int offset(align.q_aln_str.size() - align.current_size);
+ for (k = offset; k != static_cast(align.q_aln_str.size()); ++k) {
+ const uint8_t qc(align.q_aln_str[k]);
+ const uint8_t tc(align.t_aln_str[k]);
+ if (qc != tc) {
+ num_matches = 0;
+ if (qc == GAP_VAL) {
+ --q_bps;
+ } else if (tc == GAP_VAL) {
+ --t_bps;
- aln_pos += ny - cy;
- }
- else if (cx != nx && cy == ny)
- {
- if (right_extend)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < nx - cx; ++i) align->q_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = query[cx + i];
- for (i = 0; i < nx - cx; ++i) align->t_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = GAP_ALN;
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < nx - cx; ++i) align->q_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = query[-(cx + i)];
- for (i = 0; i < nx - cx; ++i) align->t_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = GAP_ALN;
- }
- aln_pos += nx - cx;
- }
- else
- {
- if (right_extend)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < nx - cx; ++i) align->q_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = query[cx + i];
- for (i = 0; i < ny - cy; ++i) align->t_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = target[cy + i];
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < nx - cx; ++i) align->q_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = query[-(cx + i)];
- for (i = 0; i < ny - cy; ++i) align->t_aln_str[aln_pos + i] = target[-(cy + i)];
- }
- aln_pos += ny - cy;
- }
- cx = nx;
- cy = ny;
- }
- align->aln_str_size = aln_pos;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (align->aln_q_e == q_len || align->aln_t_e == t_len) return 1;
- else return 0;
+ } else if (++num_matches == 4) {
+ ++k; // don't include final match
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ q_bps += k - offset;
+ t_bps += k - offset;
+ }
+ if (align.aln_q_e == q_bps) { // no good match
+ return;
+ }
+ // don't extend into the good match; keeping
+ // good match for next alignment, maybe?
+ q_extend += align.aln_q_e - q_bps;
+ t_extend += align.aln_t_e - t_bps;
+ } else if (align.aln_q_e == 0) { // no good match
+ return;
+ } else if (extend_forward) {
+ k = align.current_size;
+ } else {
+ k = align.q_aln_str.size() - align.current_size;
+ }
+ if (extend_forward) {
+ const int offset(result.buffer_start + result.right_size);
+ std::copy(&align.q_aln_str[0], &align.q_aln_str[0] + k, &result.q_buffer[offset]);
+ std::copy(&align.t_aln_str[0], &align.t_aln_str[0] + k, &result.t_buffer[offset]);
+ result.right_size += k;
+ } else {
+ result.left_size += align.q_aln_str.size() - k;
+ const int offset(result.buffer_start - result.left_size);
+ std::copy(&align.q_aln_str[k], &align.q_aln_str[0] + align.q_aln_str.size(), &result.q_buffer[offset]);
+ std::copy(&align.t_aln_str[k], &align.t_aln_str[0] + align.q_aln_str.size(), &result.t_buffer[offset]);
+ }
+ } while (not_at_end);
-void dw_in_one_direction(const char* query, const int query_size, const char* target, const int target_size,
- int* U, int* V, Alignment* align, DPathData2* d_path, PathPoint* aln_path,
- SW_Parameters* swp, OutputStore* result, const int right_extend, double error_rate)
- const idx_t ALN_SIZE = swp->segment_size;
- const idx_t U_SIZE = swp->row_size;
- const idx_t V_SIZE = swp->column_size;
- int extend1 = 0, extend2 = 0;
- const char* seq1 = query;
- const char* seq2 = target;
- int extend_size = std::min(query_size, target_size);
- int seg_size;
- int flag_end = 1;
- int align_flag;
- int i, j, k, num_matches;
- while (flag_end)
- {
- if (extend_size > (ALN_SIZE + 100))
- { seg_size = ALN_SIZE; }
- else
- { seg_size = extend_size; flag_end = 0; }
- memset(U, 0, sizeof(int) * U_SIZE);
- memset(V, 0, sizeof(int) * V_SIZE);
- if (right_extend) { seq1 = query + extend1; seq2 = target + extend2; }
- else { seq1 = query - extend1; seq2 = target - extend2; }
- align_flag = Align(seq1, seg_size, seq2, seg_size, 0.3 * seg_size, 400, align, U, V, d_path, aln_path, right_extend, error_rate);
- if (align_flag)
- {
- for (k = align->aln_str_size - 1, i = 0, j = 0, num_matches = 0; k > -1 && num_matches < 4; --k)
- {
- if (align->q_aln_str[k] != GAP_ALN) ++i;
- if (align->t_aln_str[k] != GAP_ALN) ++j;
- if (align->q_aln_str[k] == align->t_aln_str[k]) ++num_matches;
- else num_matches = 0;
- }
- if (flag_end)
- {
- i = ALN_SIZE - align->aln_q_e + i;
- j = ALN_SIZE - align->aln_t_e + j;
- if (i == ALN_SIZE) align_flag = 0;
- extend1 = extend1 + ALN_SIZE - i; extend2 = extend2 + ALN_SIZE - j;
- }
- else
- {
- i = extend_size - align->aln_q_e;
- j = extend_size - align->aln_t_e;
- if (i == extend_size) align_flag = 0;
- extend1 += (extend_size - i); extend2 += (extend_size - j);
- k = align->aln_str_size - 1;
- }
- if (align_flag)
- {
- if (right_extend)
- {
- memcpy(result->right_store1 + result->right_store_size, align->q_aln_str, k + 1);
- memcpy(result->right_store2 + result->right_store_size, align->t_aln_str, k + 1);
- result->right_store_size += (k + 1);
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy(result->left_store1 + result->left_store_size, align->q_aln_str, k + 1);
- memcpy(result->left_store2 + result->left_store_size, align->t_aln_str, k + 1);
- result->left_store_size += (k + 1);
- }
- extend_size = std::min(query_size - extend1, target_size - extend2);
- }
- }
- if (!align_flag) break;
- }
+static int gap_count(const std::vector& buffer, int i, const int end_i) {
+ int j(0);
+ for (; i != end_i; ++i) {
+ if (buffer[i] == GAP_VAL) {
+ ++j;
+ }
+ }
+ return j;
-int dw(const char* query, const int query_size, const int query_start,
- const char* target, const int target_size, const int target_start,
- int* U, int* V, Alignment* align, DPathData2* d_path,
- PathPoint* aln_path, OutputStore* result, SW_Parameters* swp,
- double error_rate, const int min_aln_size)
- result->init();
- align->init();
- // left extend
- dw_in_one_direction(query + query_start - 1, query_start,
- target + target_start - 1, target_start,
- U, V, align, d_path, aln_path, swp, result,
- 0, error_rate);
- align->init();
- // right extend
- dw_in_one_direction(query + query_start, query_size - query_start,
- target + target_start, target_size - target_start,
- U, V, align, d_path, aln_path, swp, result,
- 1, error_rate);
- // merge the results
- int i, j, k, idx = 0;
- const char* encode2char = "ACGT-";
- for (k = result->left_store_size - 1, i = 0, j = 0; k > - 1; --k, ++idx)
- {
- unsigned char ch = result->left_store1[k];
- r_assert(ch >= 0 && ch <= 4);
- ch = encode2char[ch];
- result->out_store1[idx] = ch;
- if (ch != '-') ++i;
- ch = result->left_store2[k];
- r_assert(ch >= 0 && ch <= 4);
- ch = encode2char[ch];
- result->out_store2[idx] = ch;
- if (ch != '-')++j;
- }
- result->query_start = query_start - i;
- if (result->query_start < 0)
- {
- std::cerr << "query_start = " << query_start << ", i = " << i << "\n";
+static int dw(const std::string& query, const int query_start, const std::string& target, const int target_start, std::vector& U, std::vector& V, Alignment& align, std::vector& d_path, std::vector& d_path_index, std::vector& aln_path, OutputStore& result, const int segment_size, const double error_rate, const int min_aln_size) {
+ result.clear(query_start + target_start);
+ // reverse extend (left side)
+ dw_in_one_direction(query, query_start - 1, target, target_start - 1, U, V, align, d_path, d_path_index, aln_path, segment_size, result, 0, error_rate);
+ // forward extend (right side)
+ dw_in_one_direction(query, query_start, target, target_start, U, V, align, d_path, d_path_index, aln_path, segment_size, result, 1, error_rate);
+ if (result.left_size + result.right_size < min_aln_size) {
+ return 0;
- r_assert(result->query_start >= 0);
- result->target_start = target_start - j;
- r_assert(result->target_start >= 0);
- for (k = 0, i = 0, j = 0; k < result->right_store_size; ++k, ++idx)
- {
- unsigned char ch = result->right_store1[k];
- r_assert(ch >= 0 && ch <= 4);
- ch = encode2char[ch];
- result->out_store1[idx] = ch;
- if (ch != '-') ++i;
- ch = result->right_store2[k];
- r_assert(ch >= 0 && ch <= 4);
- ch = encode2char[ch];
- result->out_store2[idx] = ch;
- if (ch != '-') ++j;
- }
- result->out_store_size = idx;
- result->query_end = query_start + i;
- result->target_end = target_start + j;
- if (result->out_store_size >= min_aln_size)
- {
- int mat = 0, mis = 0, ins = 0, del = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < result->out_store_size; ++j)
- {
- if (result->out_store1[j] == result->out_store2[j])
- {
- ++mat;
- result->out_match_pattern[j] = '|';
- }
- else if (result->out_store1[j] == '-')
- {
- ++ins;
- result->out_match_pattern[j] = '*';
- }
- else if (result->out_store2[j] == '-')
- {
- ++del;
- result->out_match_pattern[j] = '*';
- }
- else
- {
- ++mis;
- result->out_match_pattern[j] = '*';
- }
- }
- result->out_store1[result->out_store_size] = '\0';
- result->out_store2[result->out_store_size] = '\0';
- result->out_match_pattern[result->out_store_size] = '\0';
- result->mat = mat;
- result->mis = mis;
- result->ins = ins;
- result->del = del;
- result->ident = 100.0 * mat / result->out_store_size;
+ const int left_start(result.buffer_start - result.left_size);
+ const int right_end(result.buffer_start + result.right_size);
+ result.query_start = query_start - result.left_size + gap_count(result.q_buffer, left_start, result.buffer_start);
+ result.query_end = query_start + result.right_size - gap_count(result.q_buffer, result.buffer_start, right_end);
+ result.target_start = target_start - result.left_size + gap_count(result.t_buffer, left_start, result.buffer_start);
+ result.target_end = target_start + result.right_size - gap_count(result.t_buffer, result.buffer_start, right_end);
+ return 1;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
+static void decode_sequence(std::string& out_seq, const std::vector& in_seq, const size_t offset, const size_t size) {
+ out_seq.resize(size);
+ for (size_t i(0); i != size; ++i) {
+ out_seq[i] = "ACGT-"[in_seq[offset + i]];
+ }
-bool GetAlignment(const char* query, const int query_start, const int query_size,
- const char* target, const int target_start, const int target_size,
- DiffRunningData* drd, M5Record& m5, double error_rate,
- const int min_aln_size)
- int flag = dw(query, query_size, query_start,
- target, target_size, target_start,
- drd->DynQ, drd->DynT,
- drd->align, drd->d_path,
- drd->aln_path, drd->result,
- &drd->swp, error_rate, min_aln_size);
- if (!flag) return false;
- int qrb = 0, qre = 0;
- int trb = 0, tre = 0;
- int eit = 0, k = 0;
- const int consecutive_match_region_size = 4;
- for (k = 0; k < drd->result->out_store_size && eit < consecutive_match_region_size; ++k)
- {
- const char qc = drd->result->out_store1[k];
- const char tc = drd->result->out_store2[k];
- if (qc != '-') ++qrb;
- if (tc != '-') ++trb;
- if (qc == tc) ++eit;
- else eit = 0;
+int GetAlignment(const std::string& query, const int query_start, const std::string& target, const int target_start, DiffRunningData& drd, M5Record& m5, const double error_rate, const int min_aln_size) {
+ if (!dw(query, query_start, target, target_start, drd.DynQ, drd.DynT, drd.align, drd.d_path, drd.d_path_index, drd.aln_path, drd.result, drd.segment_size, error_rate, min_aln_size)) {
+ return 0;
- if (eit < consecutive_match_region_size) return false;
- k -= consecutive_match_region_size;
- qrb -= consecutive_match_region_size;
- trb -= consecutive_match_region_size;
- const int start_aln_id = k;
- if (start_aln_id < 0)
- {
- std::cout << qrb << "\t" << trb << "\t" << eit << "\t" << k << "\n";
+ // create return m5 record
+ const OutputStore& result(drd.result);
+ const int consecutive_match_region_size(4);
+ // trim starting end of alignment
+ int qrb(0); // q starting basepair offset to good sequence
+ int trb(0); // t starting basepair offset to good sequence
+ int eit(0); // matching run length
+ const int start_k(result.buffer_start - result.left_size);
+ const int end_k(result.buffer_start + result.right_size);
+ int k(start_k);
+ for (; k != end_k; ++k) {
+ const uint8_t qc(result.q_buffer[k]);
+ const uint8_t tc(result.t_buffer[k]);
+ if (qc != tc) {
+ eit = 0;
+ // we don't count gaps
+ if (qc == GAP_VAL) {
+ --qrb;
+ } else if (tc == GAP_VAL) {
+ --trb;
+ }
+ } else if (++eit == consecutive_match_region_size) {
+ break;
+ }
- for (k = drd->result->out_store_size - 1, eit = 0; k >= 0 && eit < consecutive_match_region_size; --k)
- {
- const char qc = drd->result->out_store1[k];
- const char tc = drd->result->out_store2[k];
- if (qc != '-') ++qre;
- if (tc != '-') ++tre;
- if (qc == tc) ++eit;
- else eit = 0;
+ if (eit != consecutive_match_region_size) { // no good match
+ return 0;
- if (eit < consecutive_match_region_size) return false;
+ // +1 for the ++k we skipped with the break
+ const int start_aln_id(k + 1 - consecutive_match_region_size);
+ qrb += start_aln_id - start_k;
+ trb += start_aln_id - start_k;
+ // trim trailing end of alignment
+ int qre(0); // q ending basepair offset to good sequence
+ int tre(0); // t ending basepair offset to good sequence
+ eit = 0; // still matching run length
+ for (k = end_k - 1;; --k) {
+ const uint8_t qc(result.q_buffer[k]);
+ const uint8_t tc(result.t_buffer[k]);
+ if (qc != tc) {
+ eit = 0;
+ // we don't count gaps
+ if (qc == GAP_VAL) {
+ --qre;
+ } else if (tc == GAP_VAL) {
+ --tre;
+ }
+ } else if (++eit == consecutive_match_region_size) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // --k we skipped in the break is countered by +1 for end-inclusion
k += consecutive_match_region_size;
- qre -= consecutive_match_region_size;
- tre -= consecutive_match_region_size;
- const int end_aln_id = k + 1;
- m5qsize(m5) = query_size;
- m5qoff(m5) = drd->result->query_start + qrb;
- m5qend(m5) = drd->result->query_end - qre;
- m5qdir(m5) = FWD;
- m5ssize(m5) = target_size;
- m5soff(m5) = drd->result->target_start + trb;
- m5send(m5) = drd->result->target_end - tre;
- m5sdir(m5) = FWD;
- const int aln_size = end_aln_id - start_aln_id;
- memcpy(m5qaln(m5), drd->result->out_store1 + start_aln_id, aln_size);
- memcpy(m5saln(m5), drd->result->out_store2 + start_aln_id, aln_size);
- memcpy(m5pat(m5), drd->result->out_match_pattern + start_aln_id, aln_size);
- m5qaln(m5)[aln_size] = '\0';
- m5saln(m5)[aln_size] = '\0';
- m5pat(m5)[aln_size] = '\0';
- return true;
+ qre += end_k - k;
+ tre += end_k - k;
+ m5.qoff = result.query_start + qrb;
+ m5.qend = result.query_end - qre;
+ m5.soff = result.target_start + trb;
+ m5.send = result.target_end - tre;
+ // +1 to make this end-inclusive
+ const size_t aln_size(k - start_aln_id);
+ decode_sequence(m5.qaln, result.q_buffer, start_aln_id, aln_size);
+ decode_sequence(m5.saln, result.t_buffer, start_aln_id, aln_size);
+ return 1;
-} // end namespace ns_banded_sw
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/dw.h b/src/mecat2cns/dw.h
index 50470d4..33dd77b 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/dw.h
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/dw.h
@@ -1,188 +1,114 @@
#ifndef DW_H
#define DW_H
-#include "../common/alignment.h"
-#include "../common/defs.h"
-#include "../common/packed_db.h"
-namespace ns_banded_sw {
-struct SW_Parameters
- idx_t segment_size;
- idx_t row_size;
- idx_t column_size;
- idx_t segment_aln_size;
- idx_t max_seq_size;
- idx_t max_aln_size;
- idx_t d_path_size;
- idx_t aln_path_size;
-struct Alignment
- int aln_str_size;
- int dist;
- int aln_q_s;
- int aln_q_e;
- int aln_t_s;
- int aln_t_e;
- char* q_aln_str;
- char* t_aln_str;
- void init()
- {
- aln_str_size = 0;
- aln_q_s = aln_q_e = 0;
- aln_t_s = aln_t_e = 0;
- }
- Alignment(const idx_t max_aln_size)
- {
- safe_malloc(q_aln_str, char, max_aln_size);
- safe_malloc(t_aln_str, char, max_aln_size);
- }
- ~Alignment()
- {
- safe_free(q_aln_str);
- safe_free(t_aln_str);
- }
+#include // ceil()
+#include // int64_t, uint8_t
+#include // string
+#include // vector<>
+class Alignment {
+ public:
+ // current_size tracks actual buffer use
+ std::vector q_aln_str, t_aln_str;
+ int aln_q_e, aln_t_e, current_size;
+ public:
+ explicit Alignment(const size_t max_size) : q_aln_str(max_size), t_aln_str(max_size) { }
+ ~Alignment() { }
+ size_t size() const {
+ return q_aln_str.size();
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ current_size = 0;
+ }
-struct OutputStore
- char* left_store1;
- char* left_store2;
- char* right_store1;
- char* right_store2;
- char* out_store1;
- char* out_store2;
- char* out_match_pattern;
- int left_store_size;
- int right_store_size;
- int out_store_size;
- int query_start, query_end;
- int target_start, target_end;
- int mat, mis, ins, del;
- double ident;
- OutputStore(const idx_t max_aln_size)
- {
- safe_malloc(left_store1, char, max_aln_size);
- safe_malloc(left_store2, char, max_aln_size);
- safe_malloc(right_store1, char, max_aln_size);
- safe_malloc(right_store2, char, max_aln_size);
- safe_malloc(out_store1, char, max_aln_size);
- safe_malloc(out_store2, char, max_aln_size);
- safe_malloc(out_match_pattern, char, max_aln_size);
- }
- ~OutputStore()
- {
- safe_free(left_store1);
- safe_free(left_store2);
- safe_free(right_store1);
- safe_free(right_store2);
- safe_free(out_store1);
- safe_free(out_store2);
- safe_free(out_match_pattern);
- }
- void init()
- {
- left_store_size = right_store_size = out_store_size = 0;
- }
+class OutputStore {
+ public:
+ // these track actual buffer use - buffer use starts at
+ // buffer_start, with left going down, and right going up
+ std::vector q_buffer, t_buffer;
+ int buffer_start, left_size, right_size;
+ int query_start, query_end;
+ int target_start, target_end;
+ public:
+ explicit OutputStore(const size_t max_size) : q_buffer(max_size), t_buffer(max_size) { }
+ ~OutputStore() { }
+ size_t size() const {
+ return q_buffer.size();
+ }
+ void clear(const int i) {
+ buffer_start = i;
+ left_size = right_size = 0;
+ }
-struct DPathData
- int pre_k, x1, y1, x2, y2;
+struct DPathData {
+ // using shorts to reduce size of largest buffer
+ short int x1, y1, x2, y2, pre_k;
+ void set(const int i, const int j, const int k, const int l, const int m) {
+ x1 = i;
+ y1 = j;
+ x2 = k;
+ y2 = l;
+ pre_k = m;
+ }
-struct DPathData2
- int d, k, pre_k, x1, y1, x2, y2;
+struct DPathIndex {
+ int d_offset, min_k;
+ void set(const int i, const int j) {
+ d_offset = i;
+ min_k = j;
+ }
-struct PathPoint
- int x, y;
+struct PathPoint {
+ int x, y;
+ void set(const int i, const int j) {
+ x = i;
+ y = j;
+ }
-struct DiffRunningData
- SW_Parameters swp;
- char* query;
- char* target;
- int* DynQ;
- int* DynT;
- Alignment* align;
- OutputStore* result;
- DPathData2* d_path;
- PathPoint* aln_path;
- DiffRunningData(const SW_Parameters& swp_in);
- ~DiffRunningData();
+// if the end of query/target is within this or less, extend the whole distance
+#define SEGMENT_BORDER 100
+// use static sizing here rather than dynamic, as dynamic is 50% slower in practice;
+// that said, reserving the space instead of initializing it may be viable
+class DiffRunningData {
+ public:
+ static const int segment_size = 500; // 500 is "small", 1000 is "large"
+ std::vector DynQ, DynT;
+ std::vector d_path_index;
+ std::vector aln_path;
+ std::vector d_path;
+ Alignment align;
+ OutputStore result;
+ public:
+ explicit DiffRunningData(const double error_rate, const int64_t max_read_size) :
+ // if the definitions of k_offset, band_tolerance, max_band_size
+ // in dw.cpp are changed, you'll need to update these to reflect them
+ DynQ(ceil((segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) * 4 * error_rate) * 2),
+ DynT(ceil((segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) * 4 * error_rate) * 2),
+ // effectively a right triangle on a rectangle,
+ // as it's bounded geometric growth (4 * error_rate limited to .3)
+ d_path_index(ceil((segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) * 4 * error_rate)),
+ aln_path(ceil((segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) * 4 * error_rate) * 4),
+ d_path(4 * error_rate < .3 ? ceil((segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) * .3 + 1) * ceil((segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) * .3 + 2) / 2 + ceil((segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) * .3 + 1) * ceil((segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) * (4 * error_rate - .3)) : ceil((segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) * 4 * error_rate) * ceil((segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) * 4 * error_rate + 1) / 2),
+ align((segment_size + SEGMENT_BORDER) * 2),
+ result(max_read_size * 2) { }
+ ~DiffRunningData() { }
-void fill_m4record_from_output_store(const OutputStore& result,
- const idx_t qid,
- const idx_t sid,
- const char qstrand,
- const char sstrand,
- const idx_t qsize,
- const idx_t ssize,
- const idx_t q_off_in_aln,
- const idx_t s_off_in_aln,
- const idx_t q_ext,
- const idx_t s_ext,
- M4Record& m4);
-struct CandidateStartPosition
- idx_t qoff;
- idx_t toff;
- idx_t tstart;
- idx_t tsize;
- idx_t tid;
- int left_q, left_t;
- int right_q, right_t;
- int num1, num2;
- int score;
- idx_t toff_in_aln;
- char chain;
+class M5Record {
+ public:
+ int64_t qoff, qend, soff, send;
+ std::string qaln, saln;
+ explicit M5Record() { }
+ ~M5Record() { }
-void print_candidate(const CandidateStartPosition& csp);
-int Align(const char* query, const int q_len, const char* target, const int t_len,
- const int band_tolerance, const int get_aln_str, Alignment* align,
- int* V, int* U, DPathData2* d_path, PathPoint* aln_path, const int right_extend);
-void dw_in_one_direction(const char* query, const int query_size, const char* target, const int target_size,
- int* U, int* V, Alignment* align, DPathData2* d_path, PathPoint* aln_path,
- SW_Parameters* swp, OutputStore* result, const int right_extend);
-int dw(const char* query, const int query_size, const int query_start,
- const char* target, const int target_size, const int target_start,
- int* U, int* V, Alignment* align, DPathData2* d_path,
- PathPoint* aln_path, OutputStore* result, SW_Parameters* swp,
- double error_rate, const int min_aln_size);
-bool GetAlignment(const char* query, const int query_start, const int query_size,
- const char* target, const int target_start, const int target_size,
- DiffRunningData* drd, M5Record& m5, double error_rate,
- const int min_aln_size);
-} // end of namespace ns_banded_sw
+int GetAlignment(const std::string& query, int query_start, const std::string& target, int target_start, DiffRunningData& drd, M5Record& m5, double error_rate, int min_aln_size);
#endif // DW_H
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/main.cpp b/src/mecat2cns/main.cpp
index 7c4a186..2163458 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/main.cpp
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/main.cpp
@@ -1,27 +1,167 @@
#include "reads_correction_can.h"
#include "reads_correction_m4.h"
+#include "overlaps_partition.h"
+#include "options.h" // ReadsCorrectionOptions, make_options()
+#include "packed_db.h" // PackedDB
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
- ReadsCorrectionOptions rco;
- int r = parse_arguments(argc, argv, rco);
- print_options(rco);
- if (r) {
- print_usage(argv[0]);
+#include // assert()
+#include // S_IRUSR, S_IXUSR
+#include // list<>
+#include // ostringstream
+#include // string
+#include // chmod()
+#include // ... unlink()
+#include // pair<>
+#include // vector<>
+static void grid_start(const char* const prog, const ReadsCorrectionOptions &options, const int i, const std::string& exit_file) {
+ // make sure exit marker is not present
+ unlink(exit_file.c_str());
+ // create grid script, have grid run it
+ ReadsCorrectionOptions new_options(options);
+ new_options.job_index = i;
+ new_options.grid_options = NULL;
+ new_options.grid_options_split = NULL;
+ std::string name("m2cns.");
+ if (i == -1) {
+ name += "split";
+ new_options.num_threads = 0; // flag as grid spin-off
+ } else {
+ std::ostringstream x;
+ x << i;
+ name += x.str();
+ }
+ std::string script_file(name + ".sh");
+ // as we might not have write permission, delete it
+ unlink(script_file.c_str());
+ std::ofstream out;
+ open_fstream(out, script_file.c_str(), std::ios::out);
+ std::string new_options_str;
+ make_options(new_options, new_options_str);
+ out << "#!/bin/bash\nset -e\ntrap 'touch " << exit_file << "' EXIT\nulimit -c 0\ntime " << prog << new_options_str << "\n";
+ if (!out) {
+ std::cerr << "Error writing to " << script_file << "\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ close_fstream(out);
+ chmod(script_file.c_str(), S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR);
+ std::string cmd(i == -1 && options.grid_options_split ? options.grid_options_split : options.grid_options);
+ cmd += " " + name + " " + script_file;
+ assert(system(cmd.c_str()) == 0);
+// exit files get modified during loop
+static void wait_for_files(std::list& exit_files) {
+ const std::list::const_iterator end_a(exit_files.end());
+ while (!exit_files.empty()) {
+ sleep(60);
+ std::list::iterator a(exit_files.begin());
+ while (a != end_a) {
+ if (access(a->c_str(), F_OK) == 0) {
+ // now test to see if it worked, by removed ".exit" from end
+ a->resize(a->size() - 5);
+ if (access(a->c_str(), F_OK) != 0) { // failed!
+ ERROR("Failed: %s does not exist", a->c_str());
+ }
+ a = exit_files.erase(a);
+ } else {
+ ++a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void merge_results(const char* const output, const std::list& files) {
+ std::string out_tmp(output);
+ out_tmp += ".tmp";
+ std::ofstream out(out_tmp.c_str());
+ std::list::const_iterator a(files.begin());
+ const std::list::const_iterator end_a(files.end());
+ for (; a != end_a; ++a) {
+ std::ifstream in(a->c_str());
+ out << in.rdbuf();
+ if (!in) {
+ std::cerr << "Error reading from " << *a << "\n";
+ exit(1);
+ } else if (!out) {
+ std::cerr << "Error writing to " << out_tmp << "\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ out.close();
+ if (rename(out_tmp.c_str(), output) == -1) {
+ std::cerr << "Could not rename concatenated output file: " << out_tmp << "\n";
- if (rco.print_usage_info) {
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ ReadsCorrectionOptions rco;
+ if (!parse_arguments(argc, argv, rco)) {
+ print_usage(argv[0]);
+ exit(1);
+ } else if (rco.print_usage_info) {
- if (rco.input_type == INPUT_TYPE_CAN)
- {
- return reads_correction_can(rco);
+ // partition once up front, to allow for grid jobs
+ if (rco.job_index == -1) {
+ if (access(rco.corrected_reads, F_OK) == 0) { // full run already done
+ return 0;
+ } else if (access("partition.done", F_OK) == 0) { // split already done
+ } else if (rco.grid_options || rco.grid_options_split) {
+ grid_start(argv[0], rco, -1, "partition.done.exit");
+ std::list partition_results;
+ partition_results.push_back("partition.done.exit");
+ wait_for_files(partition_results);
+ } else {
+ if (rco.input_type == INPUT_TYPE_CAN) {
+ // this speeds up candidate starts
+ const int64_t n_reads(PackedDB::convert_fasta_to_db(rco.reads, "fasta.db", rco.min_size));
+ if (rco.reads_to_correct <= 0 || n_reads < rco.reads_to_correct) {
+ rco.reads_to_correct = n_reads;
+ }
+ // can't reorder reads for memory efficiency - takes
+ // too much memory to hold read-read pairings
+ partition_candidates(rco.m4, "fasta.db", rco.batch_size, rco.num_partition_files, rco.reads_to_correct);
+ } else {
+ partition_m4records(rco.m4, rco.min_mapping_ratio - 0.02, rco.batch_size, rco.min_size, rco.num_partition_files);
+ }
+ if (rco.num_threads == 0) { // flag saying we're a grid run
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
- else
- {
- return reads_correction_m4(rco);
+ if (rco.grid_options == NULL) { // single process run
+ if (rco.input_type == INPUT_TYPE_CAN) {
+ return reads_correction_can(rco);
+ } else {
+ return reads_correction_m4(rco);
+ }
+ } else { // grid run
+ // get number of partitions
+ std::string idx_file_name;
+ generate_partition_index_file_name(rco.m4, idx_file_name);
+ std::vector partition_file_vec;
+ load_partition_files_info(idx_file_name.c_str(), partition_file_vec);
+ std::list exit_files, results;
+ for (size_t i(0); i != partition_file_vec.size(); ++i) {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << rco.corrected_reads << "." << i;
+ const std::string done_file(os.str());
+ const std::string exit_file(os.str() + ".exit");
+ results.push_back(done_file);
+ exit_files.push_back(exit_file);
+ if (access(os.str().c_str(), F_OK) != 0) {
+ grid_start(argv[0], rco, i, exit_file);
+ if (rco.grid_start_delay) {
+ sleep(rco.grid_start_delay);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wait_for_files(exit_files);
+ merge_results(rco.corrected_reads, results);
return 0;
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/mecat2cns.mk b/src/mecat2cns/mecat2cns.mk
index c96a2db..abb9110 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/mecat2cns.mk
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/mecat2cns.mk
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ endif
TARGET := mecat2cns
SOURCES := main.cpp \
- argument.cpp \
dw.cpp \
MECAT_AlnGraphBoost.C \
mecat_correction.cpp \
@@ -16,11 +15,15 @@ SOURCES := main.cpp \
reads_correction_aux.cpp \
reads_correction_can.cpp \
reads_correction_m4.cpp \
+ packed_db.cpp \
SRC_INCDIRS := . libboost
-TGT_LDLIBS := -lmecat
-TGT_PREREQS := libmecat.a
+# make sure large files are okay (and off_t is 8 bytes);
+# requires c++11 or higher for headers
+TGT_CXXFLAGS := -static -D _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -std=c++11 -O3 -mfpmath=sse -march=native -flto -fno-fat-lto-objects -fno-builtin -mmmx -msse -msse2 -mssse3 -msse4.1 -msse4.2 -mavx -maes -mpopcnt -mfxsr -mxsave -mxsaveopt
+TGT_LDLIBS := -lmecat
+TGT_PREREQS := libmecat.a
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/mecat_correction.cpp b/src/mecat2cns/mecat_correction.cpp
index 0fc3942..3fc1389 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/mecat_correction.cpp
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/mecat_correction.cpp
@@ -1,75 +1,73 @@
#include "mecat_correction.h"
-#include "MECAT_AlnGraphBoost.H"
-using namespace ns_banded_sw;
+#include // assert()
+#include // numeric_limits::max()
+#include // uint8_t
-namespace ns_meap_cns {
+#include "MECAT_AlnGraphBoost.H"
+#include "reads_correction_aux.h" // GAP_CHAR
#define FMAT 1
#define FDEL 2
#define FINS 4
#define UNDS 8
-inline uint1
-identify_one_consensus_item(CnsTableItem& cns_item, const int min_cov)
- uint1 ident = 0;
- int cov = cns_item.mat_cnt + cns_item.ins_cnt;
- if (cns_item.mat_cnt >= cov * 0.8) ident |= FMAT;
- if (cns_item.ins_cnt >= cov * 0.8) ident |= FINS;
- if (!ident) ident |= UNDS;
- if (cns_item.del_cnt >= cov * 0.4) ident |= FDEL;
+// returns type of coverage present
+static inline uint8_t identify_one_consensus_item(const CnsTableItem& cns_item) {
+ const int cov((cns_item.mat_cnt + cns_item.ins_cnt) * 0.8);
+ uint8_t ident;
+ if (cns_item.mat_cnt >= cov) { // coverage is 80% or more matches
+ ident = FMAT;
+ } else if (cns_item.ins_cnt >= cov) { // coverage is 80% or more inserts
+ ident = FINS;
+ } else { // neither of the above
+ ident = UNDS;
+ }
+ if (cns_item.del_cnt * 2 >= cov) { // deletes are 40% or more than the coverage
+ ident |= FDEL;
+ }
return ident;
-struct CompareOverlapByOverlapSize
- bool operator()(const Overlap& a ,const Overlap& b)
- {
- const index_t ovlp_a = std::max(a.qend - a.qoff, a.send - a.soff);
- const index_t ovlp_b = std::max(b.qend - b.qoff, b.send - b.soff);
- return ovlp_a > ovlp_b;
+struct CompareOverlapByOverlapSize {
+ bool operator()(const Overlap& a, const Overlap& b) {
+ const int64_t ovlp_a(std::max(a.qend - a.qoff, a.send - a.soff));
+ const int64_t ovlp_b(std::max(b.qend - b.qoff, b.send - b.soff));
+ return ovlp_b < ovlp_a;
-meap_add_one_aln(const std::string& qaln, const std::string& saln, index_t start_soff, CnsTableItem* cns_table, const char* org_seq)
- r_assert(qaln.size() == saln.size());
- const index_t aln_size = qaln.size();
- index_t i = 0;
- const char kGap = '-';
- while (i < aln_size)
- {
- const char q = qaln[i];
- const char s = saln[i];
- if (q == kGap && s == kGap) { ++i; continue; }
- if (q == s) { ++cns_table[start_soff].mat_cnt; cns_table[start_soff].base = s; ++start_soff; ++i; }
- else if (q == kGap) { ++cns_table[start_soff].ins_cnt; ++start_soff; ++i; }
- else
- {
- r_assert(s == kGap);
- index_t j = i + 1;
- while (j < aln_size && saln[j] == kGap) ++j;
+static void meap_add_one_aln(const std::string& qaln, const std::string& saln, int64_t start_soff, std::vector& cns_table) {
+ assert(qaln.size() == saln.size());
+ const int64_t aln_size(qaln.size());
+ for (int64_t i(0); i < aln_size;) {
+ const char q(qaln[i]);
+ const char s(saln[i]);
+ if (q == GAP_CHAR && s == GAP_CHAR) { // skip
+ ++i;
+ } else if (q == s) { // match
+ ++cns_table[start_soff].mat_cnt;
+ cns_table[start_soff].base = s;
+ ++start_soff;
+ ++i;
+ } else if (q == GAP_CHAR) { // insert
+ ++cns_table[start_soff].ins_cnt;
+ ++start_soff;
+ ++i;
+ } else { // delete
+ assert(s == GAP_CHAR);
+ for (++i; i < aln_size && saln[i] == GAP_CHAR; ++i) { }
++cns_table[start_soff - 1].del_cnt;
- i = j;
-meap_cns_one_indel(const int sb, const int se, CnsAlns& cns_vec,
- const int min_cov, std::string& aux_qstr,
- std::string& aux_tstr, std::string& cns)
- AlnGraphBoost ag(se - sb + 1);
+static void meap_cns_one_indel(const int sb, const int se, CnsAlns& cns_vec, const int min_cov, std::string& aux_qstr, std::string& aux_tstr, std::string& cns) {
+ ns_meap_cns::AlnGraphBoost ag(se - sb + 1);
int sb_out;
- for (CnsAln* iter = cns_vec.begin(); iter != cns_vec.end(); ++iter)
- {
- if ((*iter).retrieve_aln_subseqs(sb, se, aux_qstr, aux_tstr, sb_out))
- {
+ for (std::vector::iterator a(cns_vec.begin()); a != cns_vec.end(); ++a) {
+ if (a->retrieve_aln_subseqs(sb, se, aux_qstr, aux_tstr, sb_out)) {
ag.addAln(aux_qstr, aux_tstr, sb_out - sb + 1);
@@ -77,88 +75,100 @@ meap_cns_one_indel(const int sb, const int se, CnsAlns& cns_vec,
ag.consensus(min_cov * 0.4, cns);
-meap_consensus_one_segment(CnsTableItem* cns_list, const int cns_list_size,
- uint1* cns_id_vec,
- int start_soff, CnsAlns& cns_vec,
- std::string& aux_qstr, std::string& aux_tstr,
- std::string& target, const int min_cov)
- for (int i = 0; i < cns_list_size; ++i) cns_id_vec[i] = identify_one_consensus_item(cns_list[i], min_cov);
- int i = 0, j;
+static void meap_consensus_one_segment(const std::vector& cns_list, const int cns_list_size, std::vector& cns_id_vec, const int start_soff, CnsAlns& cns_vec, std::string& aux_qstr, std::string& aux_tstr, std::string& target) {
+ if (cns_id_vec.size() < static_cast(cns_list_size)) {
+ cns_id_vec.resize(cns_list_size);
+ }
+ // get types of coverage
+ for (int i(0); i < cns_list_size; ++i) {
+ cns_id_vec[i] = identify_one_consensus_item(cns_list[start_soff + i]);
+ }
std::string cns;
- while (i < cns_list_size && !(cns_id_vec[i] & FMAT)) ++i;
- while (i < cns_list_size)
- {
- target.push_back(cns_list[i].base);
- j = i + 1;
- while (j < cns_list_size && !(cns_id_vec[j] & FMAT)) ++j;
- bool need_refinement = false;
- for (int k = i; k < j; ++k)
- if ((cns_id_vec[k] & UNDS) || (cns_id_vec[k] & FDEL)) { need_refinement = true; break; }
- if (need_refinement)
- {
- meap_cns_one_indel(i + start_soff, j + start_soff, cns_vec, cns_list[i].mat_cnt + cns_list[i].ins_cnt, aux_qstr, aux_tstr, cns);
- if (cns.size() > 2) target.append(cns.data() + 1, cns.size() - 2);
+ const uint8_t unds_or_fdel(UNDS | FDEL); // questionable coverage types
+ int i(0);
+ // advance to matching coverage
+ for (; i < cns_list_size && !(cns_id_vec[i] & FMAT); ++i) { }
+ while (i < cns_list_size) {
+ target.push_back(cns_list[start_soff + i].base);
+ const int start(i);
+ // advance to next matching coverage
+ for (++i; i < cns_list_size && !(cns_id_vec[i] & FMAT); ++i) { }
+ int need_refinement(0);
+ // check to see if anything in-between has questionable coverage
+ for (int k(start); k != i; ++k) {
+ if (cns_id_vec[k] & unds_or_fdel) {
+ need_refinement = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (need_refinement) {
+ meap_cns_one_indel(start_soff + start, start_soff + i, cns_vec, cns_list[start_soff + start].mat_cnt + cns_list[start_soff + start].ins_cnt, aux_qstr, aux_tstr, cns);
+ // trim first and last as they have good coverage
+ if (cns.size() > 2) {
+ target.append(cns.data() + 1, cns.size() - 2);
+ }
- i = j;
-struct CmpMappingRangeBySoff
- bool operator()(const MappingRange& a, const MappingRange& b)
- {
- return (a.start == b.start) ? (a.end > b.end) : (a.start < b.start);
+struct CmpMappingRangeBySoff {
+ bool operator()(const MappingRange& a, const MappingRange& b) {
+ if (a.start != b.start) {
+ return a.start < b.start;
+ } else {
+ return b.end < a.end;
+ }
-get_effective_ranges(std::vector& mranges, std::vector& eranges, const int read_size, const int min_size)
+static void get_effective_ranges(std::vector& mranges, std::vector& eranges, const int read_size, const int min_size) {
- if (mranges.size() == 0) return;
- std::vector::iterator iter;
- for (iter = mranges.begin(); iter != mranges.end(); ++iter)
- if (iter->start <= 500 && read_size - iter->end <= 500)
- {
+ if (mranges.size() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // see if any ranges are effectively the whole read
+ std::vector::const_iterator a(mranges.begin());
+ const std::vector::const_iterator end_a(mranges.end());
+ for (; a != end_a; ++a) {
+ if (a->start <= 500 && read_size - a->end <= 500) {
eranges.push_back(MappingRange(0, read_size));
+ }
std::sort(mranges.begin(), mranges.end(), CmpMappingRangeBySoff());
- const int nr = mranges.size();
- int i = 0, j;
- int left = mranges[i].start, right;
- while (i < nr)
- {
- j = i + 1;
- while (j < nr && mranges[j].end <= mranges[i].end) ++j;
- if (j == nr)
- {
- right = mranges[i].end;
- if (right - left >= min_size * 0.95) eranges.push_back(MappingRange(left, right));
+ const int nr(mranges.size());
+ // -1 so we can use > instead of >=
+ const int min_size_95(ceil(min_size * 0.95) - 1);
+ int i(0), left(mranges[0].start);
+ for (;;) {
+ const int right(mranges[i].end);
+ // include ranges we completely overlap
+ for (++i; i < nr && mranges[i].end <= right; ++i) { }
+ if (i == nr) {
+ if (right - left > min_size_95) {
+ eranges.push_back(MappingRange(left, right));
+ }
- if (mranges[i].end - mranges[j].start < 1000)
- {
- right = std::min(mranges[i].end, mranges[j].start);
- if (right - left >= min_size * 0.95) eranges.push_back(MappingRange(left, right));
- left = std::max(mranges[i].end, mranges[j].start);
+ // if the next non-contained range overlaps by 1k or more,
+ // treat as part of this range and keep extending
+ if (right - mranges[i].start < 1000) {
+ // truncate current range at overlap start
+ const int eff_right(std::min(right, mranges[i].start));
+ if (eff_right - left > min_size_95) {
+ eranges.push_back(MappingRange(left, eff_right));
+ }
+ // put some space between the effective ranges
+ left = std::max(right, mranges[i].start);
- i = j;
-output_cns_result(std::vector& cns_results,
- CnsResult& cr,
- const index_t beg,
- const index_t end,
- std::string& cns_seq)
+// breaks output sequence into chunks of no more than MaxSeqSize (if needed);
+// split chunks will have an OvlpSize overlap
+static void output_cns_result(std::vector& cns_results, CnsResult& cr, const int64_t beg, const int64_t end, const std::string& cns_seq) {
const size_t MaxSeqSize = 60000;
const size_t OvlpSize = 10000;
// BlkSize must be >= OvlpSize
@@ -187,139 +197,156 @@ output_cns_result(std::vector& cns_results,
-inline bool
-check_ovlp_mapping_range(const int qb, const int qe, const int qs,
- const int sb, const int se, const int ss,
- double ratio)
- const int oq = qe - qb;
- const int qqs = qs * ratio;
- const int os = se - sb;
- const int qss = ss * ratio;
- return oq >= qqs || os >= qss;
+static inline bool check_ovlp_mapping_range(const int qb, const int qe, const int qs, const int sb, const int se, const int ss, double ratio) {
+ return qe - qb >= qs * ratio || se - sb >= ss * ratio;
-consensus_worker(CnsTableItem* cns_table,
- uint1* id_list,
- CnsAlns& cns_vec,
- std::string& aux_qstr,
- std::string& aux_tstr,
- std::vector& eranges,
- const int min_cov,
- const int min_size,
- const int read_id,
- std::vector& cns_results)
- index_t beg = 0, end;
+// look for areas of high coverage of about min_size or more,
+// improve them and stick on the results pile
+static void consensus_worker(const std::vector& cns_table, std::vector& id_list, CnsAlns& cns_vec, std::string& aux_qstr, std::string& aux_tstr, const std::vector& eranges, const int min_cov, const int min_size, const int read_id, std::vector& cns_results) {
CnsResult cns_result;
- std::string cns_seq;
cns_result.id = read_id;
- std::vector::iterator miter;
- for (miter = eranges.begin(); miter != eranges.end(); ++miter)
- {
- int L = miter->start, R = miter->end;
- beg = L;
- while (beg < R)
- {
- while (beg < R && cns_table[beg].mat_cnt + cns_table[beg].ins_cnt < min_cov) ++beg;
- end = beg + 1;
- while (end < R && cns_table[end].mat_cnt + cns_table[end].ins_cnt >= min_cov) ++end;
- if (end - beg >= 0.95 * min_size)
- {
- meap_consensus_one_segment(cns_table + beg, end - beg, id_list,
- beg, cns_vec, aux_qstr, aux_tstr, cns_seq, min_cov);
- if (cns_seq.size() >= min_size) output_cns_result(cns_results, cns_result, beg, end, cns_seq);
+ const int64_t min_size_95(ceil(0.95 * min_size));
+ std::string cns_seq;
+ std::vector::const_iterator a(eranges.begin());
+ const std::vector::const_iterator end_a(eranges.end());
+ for (; a != end_a; ++a) {
+ const int end_i(a->end);
+ for (int64_t i(a->start); i < end_i;) {
+ // find start of next high coverage area
+ for (; i < end_i && cns_table[i].mat_cnt + cns_table[i].ins_cnt < min_cov; ++i) { }
+ const int64_t start(i);
+ // find end of high coverage area
+ for (++i; i < end_i && cns_table[i].mat_cnt + cns_table[i].ins_cnt >= min_cov; ++i) { }
+ if (i - start >= min_size_95) {
+ meap_consensus_one_segment(cns_table, i - start, id_list, start, cns_vec, aux_qstr, aux_tstr, cns_seq);
+ if (cns_seq.size() >= static_cast(min_size)) {
+ output_cns_result(cns_results, cns_result, start, i, cns_seq);
+ }
- beg = end;
-consensus_one_read_m4_pacbio(ConsensusThreadData* ctd, const index_t read_id, const index_t sid, const index_t eid)
- PackedDB& reads = *ctd->reads;
- ExtensionCandidate* overlaps = ctd->candidates;
- DiffRunningData* drd_s = ctd->drd_s;
- DiffRunningData* drd = NULL;
- M5Record* m5 = ctd->m5;
- CnsAlns& cns_vec = ctd->cns_alns;
- std::vector& cns_results = ctd->cns_results;
- const index_t read_size = overlaps[sid].ssize;
- std::vector& qstr = ctd->query;
- std::vector& tstr = ctd->target;
- tstr.resize(read_size);
- reads.GetSequence(read_id, true, tstr.data(), read_size);
- std::string& nqstr = ctd->qaln;
- std::string& ntstr = ctd->saln;
- const int min_align_size = ctd->rco.min_align_size;
- const int max_added = 60;
+static void decode_and_append_sequence(std::string& s, const std::string& seq, int64_t i, const int64_t end_i) {
+ s.reserve(s.size() + end_i - i);
+ for (; i < end_i; ++i) {
+ s += "ACGT"[static_cast(seq[i])];
+ }
- index_t L, R;
- if (eid - sid <= max_added)
- {
- L = sid;
- R = eid;
+// same as consensus_worker, but produces entire read as one entry;
+// uncorrected sections are just copied as is;
+static void consensus_worker_one_read(const std::vector& cns_table, std::vector& id_list, CnsAlns& cns_vec, std::string& aux_qstr, std::string& aux_tstr, const std::vector& eranges, const int min_cov, const int min_size, const int read_id, const std::string& tstr, std::vector& cns_results) {
+ CnsResult cns_result;
+ cns_result.id = read_id;
+ const int64_t min_size_95(std::max(ceil(0.95 * min_size), 1) - 1);
+ std::string cns_seq;
+ std::vector::const_iterator a(eranges.begin());
+ const std::vector::const_iterator end_a(eranges.end());
+ std::vector::const_iterator last_a(eranges.end());
+ for (; a != end_a; last_a = a++) {
+ if (last_a != end_a) { // add in-between range to cns_result
+ decode_and_append_sequence(cns_result.seq, tstr, last_a->end, a->start);
+ } else if (a->start > 0) { // add beginning of read
+ decode_and_append_sequence(cns_result.seq, tstr, 0, a->start);
+ }
+ const int begin_i(a->start - 1);
+ const int end_i(a->end);
+ for (int64_t i(begin_i); i < end_i;) {
+ // find start of next high coverage area
+ const int64_t last_end(i != begin_i ? i : a->start);
+ for (++i; i < end_i && cns_table[i].mat_cnt + cns_table[i].ins_cnt < min_cov; ++i) { }
+ // add low coverage area as-is
+ decode_and_append_sequence(cns_result.seq, tstr, last_end, i);
+ if (i == end_i) {
+ break;
+ }
+ const int64_t start(i);
+ // find end of high coverage area
+ for (++i; i < end_i && cns_table[i].mat_cnt + cns_table[i].ins_cnt >= min_cov; ++i) { }
+ if (i - start > min_size_95) {
+ meap_consensus_one_segment(cns_table, i - start, id_list, start, cns_vec, aux_qstr, aux_tstr, cns_seq);
+ if (cns_seq.size() >= static_cast(min_size)) {
+ // add corrected sequence
+ cns_result.seq += cns_seq;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // add uncorrected sequence
+ decode_and_append_sequence(cns_result.seq, tstr, start, i);
+ }
- else
- {
- L = sid;
- R = L + max_added;
- std::sort(overlaps + sid, overlaps + eid, CompareOverlapByOverlapSize());
+ // add end of read
+ if (last_a != end_a) {
+ decode_and_append_sequence(cns_result.seq, tstr, last_a->end, tstr.size());
+ cns_result.range[0] = 0;
+ cns_result.range[1] = cns_result.seq.size();
+ cns_results.push_back(cns_result);
- CnsTableItem* cns_table = ctd->cns_table;
- std::for_each(cns_table, cns_table + read_size, CnsTableItemCleaner());
+void consensus_one_read_m4_pacbio(ConsensusThreadData& ctd, ConsensusPerThreadData &pctd, const int64_t read_id, const int64_t sid, const int64_t eid) {
+ PackedDB& reads(ctd.reads);
+ ExtensionCandidate* overlaps((ExtensionCandidate*)pctd.candidates);
+ DiffRunningData& drd(pctd.drd);
+ M5Record& m5(pctd.m5);
+ CnsAlns& cns_vec(pctd.cns_alns);
+ std::vector& cns_results(pctd.cns_results);
+ const int64_t read_size(overlaps[read_id].ssize);
+ std::string& qstr(pctd.query);
+ std::string& tstr(pctd.target);
+ reads.GetSequence(read_id, 1, tstr);
+ std::string& nqstr(pctd.qaln);
+ std::string& ntstr(pctd.saln);
+ const int min_align_size(ctd.rco.min_align_size);
+ const double error_rate(ctd.rco.error_rate);
+ const int max_added(60);
+ std::vector& cns_table(pctd.cns_table);
+ cns_table.assign(read_size, CnsTableItem()); // reset table
- for (index_t i = L; i < R; ++i)
- {
- Overlap& ovlp = overlaps[i];
- qstr.resize(ovlp.qsize);
- reads.GetSequence(ovlp.qid, ovlp.qdir == FWD, qstr.data(), ovlp.qsize);
- index_t qext = ovlp.qext;
- index_t sext = ovlp.sext;
- if (ovlp.qdir == REV) qext = ovlp.qsize - 1 - qext;
- drd = drd_s;
- bool r = GetAlignment(qstr.data(), qext, qstr.size(), tstr.data(), sext, tstr.size(), drd, *m5, 0.15, min_align_size);
- if (r)
- {
- normalize_gaps(m5qaln(*m5), m5saln(*m5), strlen(m5qaln(*m5)), nqstr, ntstr, true);
- meap_add_one_aln(nqstr, ntstr, m5soff(*m5), cns_table, tstr.data());
- cns_vec.add_aln(m5soff(*m5), m5send(*m5), nqstr, ntstr);
+ const int64_t L(sid);
+ const int64_t R(eid - sid <= max_added ? eid : L + max_added);
+ if (eid - sid > max_added) { // only use largest max_added overlaps
+ std::sort(overlaps + sid, overlaps + eid, CompareOverlapByOverlapSize());
+ }
+ for (int64_t i(L); i < R; ++i) {
+ Overlap& ovlp(overlaps[i]);
+ reads.GetSequence(ovlp.qid, ovlp.qdir == FWD, qstr);
+ const int64_t qext(ovlp.qdir == FWD ? ovlp.qext : ovlp.qsize - 1 - ovlp.qext);
+ const int r(GetAlignment(qstr, qext, tstr, ovlp.sext, drd, m5, error_rate, min_align_size));
+ if (r) {
+ normalize_gaps(m5.qaln, m5.saln, nqstr, ntstr, 1);
+ meap_add_one_aln(nqstr, ntstr, m5.soff, cns_table);
+ cns_vec.add_aln(m5.soff, m5.send, nqstr, ntstr);
std::vector mranges, eranges;
- get_effective_ranges(mranges, eranges, read_size, ctd->rco.min_size);
- consensus_worker(cns_table, ctd->id_list, cns_vec, nqstr, ntstr, eranges, ctd->rco.min_cov, ctd->rco.min_size, read_id, cns_results);
+ get_effective_ranges(mranges, eranges, read_size, ctd.rco.min_size);
+ consensus_worker(cns_table, pctd.id_list, cns_vec, nqstr, ntstr, eranges, ctd.rco.min_cov, ctd.rco.min_size, read_id, cns_results);
-consensus_one_read_m4_nanopore(ConsensusThreadData* ctd, const index_t read_id, const index_t sid, const index_t eid)
- PackedDB& reads = *ctd->reads;
- ExtensionCandidate* overlaps = ctd->candidates;
- DiffRunningData* drd_s = ctd->drd_s;
- DiffRunningData* drd = NULL;
- M5Record* m5 = ctd->m5;
- CnsAlns& cns_vec = ctd->cns_alns;
- std::vector& cns_results = ctd->cns_results;
- const index_t read_size = overlaps[sid].ssize;
- std::vector& qstr = ctd->query;
- std::vector& tstr = ctd->target;
- tstr.resize(read_size);
- reads.GetSequence(read_id, true, tstr.data(), read_size);
- std::string& nqstr = ctd->qaln;
- std::string& ntstr = ctd->saln;
- const int min_align_size = ctd->rco.min_align_size;
- const double min_mapping_ratio = ctd->rco.min_mapping_ratio - 0.02;
+void consensus_one_read_m4_nanopore(ConsensusThreadData& ctd, ConsensusPerThreadData &pctd, const int64_t read_id, const int64_t sid, const int64_t eid) {
+ PackedDB& reads = ctd.reads;
+ ExtensionCandidate* overlaps = (ExtensionCandidate*)pctd.candidates;
+ DiffRunningData& drd = pctd.drd;
+ M5Record& m5 = pctd.m5;
+ CnsAlns& cns_vec = pctd.cns_alns;
+ std::vector& cns_results = pctd.cns_results;
+ const int64_t read_size = overlaps[read_id].ssize;
+ std::string& qstr = pctd.query;
+ std::string& tstr = pctd.target;
+ reads.GetSequence(read_id, 1, tstr);
+ std::string& nqstr = pctd.qaln;
+ std::string& ntstr = pctd.saln;
+ const int min_align_size = ctd.rco.min_align_size;
+ const double error_rate(ctd.rco.error_rate);
+ const double min_mapping_ratio = ctd.rco.min_mapping_ratio - 0.02;
- index_t L, R;
+ int64_t L, R;
if (eid - sid <= MAX_CNS_OVLPS)
L = sid;
@@ -332,183 +359,152 @@ consensus_one_read_m4_nanopore(ConsensusThreadData* ctd, const index_t read_id,
std::sort(overlaps + sid, overlaps + eid, CompareOverlapByOverlapSize());
- CnsTableItem* cns_table = ctd->cns_table;
- std::for_each(cns_table, cns_table + read_size, CnsTableItemCleaner());
+ std::vector& cns_table = pctd.cns_table;
+ cns_table.assign(read_size, CnsTableItem()); // reset table
- for (index_t i = L; i < R; ++i)
- {
- Overlap& ovlp = overlaps[i];
- qstr.resize(ovlp.qsize);
- reads.GetSequence(ovlp.qid, ovlp.qdir == FWD, qstr.data(), ovlp.qsize);
- index_t qext = ovlp.qext;
- index_t sext = ovlp.sext;
- if (ovlp.qdir == REV) qext = ovlp.qsize - 1 - qext;
- drd = drd_s;
- bool r = GetAlignment(qstr.data(), qext, qstr.size(), tstr.data(), sext, tstr.size(), drd, *m5, 0.20, min_align_size);
- if (r && check_ovlp_mapping_range(m5qoff(*m5), m5qend(*m5), ovlp.qsize, m5soff(*m5), m5send(*m5), ovlp.ssize, min_mapping_ratio))
- {
- normalize_gaps(m5qaln(*m5), m5saln(*m5), strlen(m5qaln(*m5)), nqstr, ntstr, true);
- meap_add_one_aln(nqstr, ntstr, m5soff(*m5), cns_table, tstr.data());
- cns_vec.add_aln(m5soff(*m5), m5send(*m5), nqstr, ntstr);
+ for (int64_t i(L); i < R; ++i) {
+ Overlap& ovlp(overlaps[i]);
+ reads.GetSequence(ovlp.qid, ovlp.qdir == FWD, qstr);
+ const int64_t qext(ovlp.qdir == FWD ? ovlp.qext : ovlp.qsize - 1 - qext);
+ const int r(GetAlignment(qstr, qext, tstr, ovlp.sext, drd, m5, error_rate, min_align_size));
+ if (r && check_ovlp_mapping_range(m5.qoff, m5.qend, ovlp.qsize, m5.soff, m5.send, ovlp.ssize, min_mapping_ratio)) {
+ normalize_gaps(m5.qaln, m5.saln, nqstr, ntstr, 1);
+ meap_add_one_aln(nqstr, ntstr, m5.soff, cns_table);
+ cns_vec.add_aln(m5.soff, m5.send, nqstr, ntstr);
std::vector mranges, eranges;
eranges.push_back(MappingRange(0, read_size));
- consensus_worker(cns_table, ctd->id_list, cns_vec, nqstr, ntstr, eranges, ctd->rco.min_cov, ctd->rco.min_size, read_id, cns_results);
+ consensus_worker(cns_table, pctd.id_list, cns_vec, nqstr, ntstr, eranges, ctd.rco.min_cov, ctd.rco.min_size, read_id, cns_results);
-struct CmpExtensionCandidateByScore
- bool operator()(const ExtensionCandidate& a, const ExtensionCandidate& b)
- {
- if (a.score != b.score) return a.score > b.score;
- if (a.qid != b.qid) return a.qid < b.qid;
- return a.qext < b.qext;
- }
+// limit coverage - if there's not yet sufficient coverage, add coverage and return true;
+// once coverage gets high enough, stop adding coverage and return false
-inline bool
-check_cov_stats(u1_t* cov_stats, int soff, int send)
- const int max_cov = 20;
- int n = 0;
- for (int i = soff; i < send; ++i)
- if (cov_stats[i] >= max_cov)
+static inline int check_cov_stats(std::vector& cov_stats, const int soff, const int send) {
+ if (cov_stats.size() < static_cast(send)) {
+ cov_stats.resize(send, 0);
+ }
+ int n(0);
+ for (int i(soff); i < send; ++i) {
+ if (cov_stats[i] >= 20) { // max coverage
- if (send - soff >= n + 200)
- {
- for (int i = soff; i < send; ++i) ++cov_stats[i];
- return true;
+ }
- return false;
+ if (send - soff >= n + 200) {
+ for (int i(soff); i < send; ++i) {
+ // don't let small redundant region cause overflow
+ if (cov_stats[i] != std::numeric_limits::max()) {
+ ++cov_stats[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
-consensus_one_read_can_pacbio(ConsensusThreadData* ctd, const index_t read_id, const index_t sid, const index_t eid)
- PackedDB& reads = *ctd->reads;
- ExtensionCandidate* candidates = ctd->candidates;
- DiffRunningData* drd_s = ctd->drd_s;
- DiffRunningData* drd = NULL;
- M5Record* m5 = ctd->m5;
- CnsAlns& cns_vec = ctd->cns_alns;
- std::vector& cns_results = ctd->cns_results;
- const index_t read_size = candidates[sid].ssize;
- std::vector& qstr = ctd->query;
- std::vector& tstr = ctd->target;
- tstr.resize(read_size);
- reads.GetSequence(read_id, true, tstr.data(), read_size);
- std::string& nqstr = ctd->qaln;
- std::string& ntstr = ctd->saln;
- const int min_align_size = ctd->rco.min_align_size;
- const double min_mapping_ratio = ctd->rco.min_mapping_ratio - 0.02;
- const int max_added = 60;
- std::sort(candidates + sid, candidates + eid, CmpExtensionCandidateByScore());
- int num_added = 0;
- int num_ext = 0;
- const int max_ext = 200;
- CnsTableItem* cns_table = ctd->cns_table;
- std::for_each(cns_table, cns_table + read_size, CnsTableItemCleaner());
+void consensus_one_read_can_pacbio(ConsensusThreadData& ctd, ConsensusPerThreadData& pctd, const int64_t read_id, const int64_t sid, int64_t eid) {
+ const PackedDB& reads(ctd.reads);
+ ExtensionCandidateCompressed* candidates((ExtensionCandidateCompressed*)pctd.candidates);
+ DiffRunningData& drd(pctd.drd);
+ M5Record& m5(pctd.m5);
+ CnsAlns& cns_vec(pctd.cns_alns);
+ std::vector& cns_results(pctd.cns_results);
+ const int64_t ssize(reads.read_size(read_id));
+ std::string& qstr(pctd.query);
+ std::string& tstr(pctd.target);
+ reads.GetSequence(read_id, 1, tstr);
+ std::string& nqstr(pctd.qaln);
+ std::string& ntstr(pctd.saln);
+ const int min_align_size(ctd.rco.min_align_size);
+ const double error_rate(ctd.rco.error_rate);
+ const double min_mapping_ratio(ctd.rco.min_mapping_ratio - 0.02);
+ int num_added(0);
+ const int max_added(60);
+ eid = std::min(eid, sid + 200); // max of 200 extents
+ std::vector& cns_table(pctd.cns_table);
+ cns_table.assign(ssize, CnsTableItem()); // reset table
- std::set used_ids;
- u1_t* cov_stats = ctd->id_list;
- std::fill(cov_stats, cov_stats + MAX_SEQ_SIZE, 0);
- for (idx_t i = sid; i < eid && num_added < max_added && num_ext < max_ext; ++i)
- {
- ++num_ext;
- ExtensionCandidate& ec = candidates[i];
- r_assert(ec.sdir == FWD);
- if (used_ids.find(ec.qid) != used_ids.end()) continue;
- qstr.resize(ec.qsize);
- reads.GetSequence(ec.qid, ec.qdir == FWD, qstr.data(), ec.qsize);
- index_t qext = ec.qext;
- index_t sext = ec.sext;
- if (ec.qdir == REV) qext = ec.qsize - 1 - qext;
- drd = drd_s;
- bool r = GetAlignment(qstr.data(), qext, qstr.size(), tstr.data(), sext, tstr.size(), drd, *m5, 0.15, min_align_size);
- if (r && check_ovlp_mapping_range(m5qoff(*m5), m5qend(*m5), ec.qsize, m5soff(*m5), m5send(*m5), ec.ssize, min_mapping_ratio))
- {
- if (check_cov_stats(cov_stats, m5soff(*m5), m5send(*m5)))
- {
+ std::set used_ids;
+ std::vector& id_list(pctd.id_list); // used to be called cov_stats
+ id_list.clear();
+ for (int64_t i(sid); i < eid && num_added < max_added; ++i) {
+ const ExtensionCandidateCompressed& ec(candidates[i]);
+ if (used_ids.find(ec.qid) != used_ids.end()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const int64_t qsize(reads.read_size(ec.qid));
+ reads.GetSequence(ec.qid, ec.qdir() == FWD, qstr);
+ const int64_t qext(ec.qdir() == FWD ? ec.qext() : qsize - 1 - ec.qext());
+ const int r(GetAlignment(qstr, qext, tstr, ec.sext, drd, m5, error_rate, min_align_size));
+ if (r && check_ovlp_mapping_range(m5.qoff, m5.qend, qsize, m5.soff, m5.send, ssize, min_mapping_ratio)) {
+ if (check_cov_stats(id_list, m5.soff, m5.send)) {
- normalize_gaps(m5qaln(*m5), m5saln(*m5), strlen(m5qaln(*m5)), nqstr, ntstr, true);
- meap_add_one_aln(nqstr, ntstr, m5soff(*m5), cns_table, tstr.data());
- cns_vec.add_aln(m5soff(*m5), m5send(*m5), nqstr, ntstr);
+ normalize_gaps(m5.qaln, m5.saln, nqstr, ntstr, 1);
+ meap_add_one_aln(nqstr, ntstr, m5.soff, cns_table);
+ cns_vec.add_aln(m5.soff, m5.send, nqstr, ntstr);
std::vector mranges, eranges;
- get_effective_ranges(mranges, eranges, read_size, ctd->rco.min_size);
- consensus_worker(cns_table, ctd->id_list, cns_vec, nqstr, ntstr, eranges, ctd->rco.min_cov, ctd->rco.min_size, read_id, cns_results);
+ get_effective_ranges(mranges, eranges, ssize, ctd.rco.min_size);
+ if (ctd.rco.full_reads) {
+ consensus_worker_one_read(cns_table, pctd.id_list, cns_vec, nqstr, ntstr, eranges, ctd.rco.min_cov, ctd.rco.min_size, read_id, tstr, cns_results);
+ } else {
+ consensus_worker(cns_table, pctd.id_list, cns_vec, nqstr, ntstr, eranges, ctd.rco.min_cov, ctd.rco.min_size, read_id, cns_results);
+ }
-consensus_one_read_can_nanopore(ConsensusThreadData* ctd, const index_t read_id, const index_t sid, const index_t eid)
- PackedDB& reads = *ctd->reads;
- ExtensionCandidate* candidates = ctd->candidates;
- DiffRunningData* drd_s = ctd->drd_s;
- DiffRunningData* drd = NULL;
- M5Record* m5 = ctd->m5;
- CnsAlns& cns_vec = ctd->cns_alns;
- std::vector& cns_results = ctd->cns_results;
- const index_t read_size = candidates[sid].ssize;
- std::vector& qstr = ctd->query;
- std::vector& tstr = ctd->target;
- tstr.resize(read_size);
- reads.GetSequence(read_id, true, tstr.data(), read_size);
- std::string& nqstr = ctd->qaln;
- std::string& ntstr = ctd->saln;
- const int min_align_size = ctd->rco.min_align_size;
- const double min_mapping_ratio = ctd->rco.min_mapping_ratio - 0.02;
- std::sort(candidates + sid, candidates + eid, CmpExtensionCandidateByScore());
- int num_added = 0;
- int num_ext = 0;
- const int max_ext = 200;
- CnsTableItem* cns_table = ctd->cns_table;
- std::for_each(cns_table, cns_table + read_size, CnsTableItemCleaner());
+void consensus_one_read_can_nanopore(ConsensusThreadData& ctd, ConsensusPerThreadData &pctd, const int64_t read_id, const int64_t sid, const int64_t eid) {
+ PackedDB& reads(ctd.reads);
+ ExtensionCandidateCompressed* candidates((ExtensionCandidateCompressed*)pctd.candidates);
+ DiffRunningData& drd(pctd.drd);
+ M5Record& m5(pctd.m5);
+ CnsAlns& cns_vec(pctd.cns_alns);
+ std::vector& cns_results(pctd.cns_results);
+ const int64_t ssize(reads.read_size(read_id));
+ std::string& qstr(pctd.query);
+ std::string& tstr(pctd.target);
+ reads.GetSequence(read_id, 1, tstr);
+ std::string& nqstr(pctd.qaln);
+ std::string& ntstr(pctd.saln);
+ const int min_align_size(ctd.rco.min_align_size);
+ const double error_rate(ctd.rco.error_rate);
+ const double min_mapping_ratio(ctd.rco.min_mapping_ratio - 0.02);
+ int num_added(0);
+ int num_ext(0);
+ const int max_ext(200);
+ std::vector& cns_table(pctd.cns_table);
+ cns_table.assign(ssize, CnsTableItem()); // reset table
std::set used_ids;
- u1_t* cov_stats = ctd->id_list;
- std::fill(cov_stats, cov_stats + MAX_SEQ_SIZE, 0);
- for (idx_t i = sid; i < eid && num_added < MAX_CNS_OVLPS && num_ext < max_ext; ++i)
- {
- ++num_ext;
- ExtensionCandidate& ec = candidates[i];
- r_assert(ec.sdir == FWD);
- if (used_ids.find(ec.qid) != used_ids.end()) continue;
- qstr.resize(ec.qsize);
- reads.GetSequence(ec.qid, ec.qdir == FWD, qstr.data(), ec.qsize);
- index_t qext = ec.qext;
- index_t sext = ec.sext;
- if (ec.qdir == REV) qext = ec.qsize - 1 - qext;
- drd = drd_s;
- bool r = GetAlignment(qstr.data(), qext, qstr.size(), tstr.data(), sext, tstr.size(), drd, *m5, 0.20, min_align_size);
- if (r && check_ovlp_mapping_range(m5qoff(*m5), m5qend(*m5), ec.qsize, m5soff(*m5), m5send(*m5), ec.ssize, min_mapping_ratio))
- {
- if (check_cov_stats(cov_stats, m5soff(*m5), m5send(*m5)))
- {
+ std::vector& id_list(pctd.id_list); // used to be called cov_stats
+ id_list.clear();
+ for (int64_t i(sid); i < eid && num_added < MAX_CNS_OVLPS && num_ext < max_ext; ++i) {
+ ++num_ext;
+ const ExtensionCandidateCompressed& ec(candidates[i]);
+ if (used_ids.find(ec.qid) != used_ids.end()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const int64_t qsize(reads.read_size(ec.qid));
+ reads.GetSequence(ec.qid, ec.qdir() == FWD, qstr);
+ const int64_t qext(ec.qdir() == FWD ? ec.qext() : qsize - 1 - ec.qext());
+ const int r(GetAlignment(qstr, qext, tstr, ec.sext, drd, m5, error_rate, min_align_size));
+ if (r && check_ovlp_mapping_range(m5.qoff, m5.qend, qsize, m5.soff, m5.send, ssize, min_mapping_ratio)) {
+ if (check_cov_stats(id_list, m5.soff, m5.send)) {
- normalize_gaps(m5qaln(*m5), m5saln(*m5), strlen(m5qaln(*m5)), nqstr, ntstr, true);
- meap_add_one_aln(nqstr, ntstr, m5soff(*m5), cns_table, tstr.data());
- cns_vec.add_aln(m5soff(*m5), m5send(*m5), nqstr, ntstr);
+ normalize_gaps(m5.qaln, m5.saln, nqstr, ntstr, 1);
+ meap_add_one_aln(nqstr, ntstr, m5.soff, cns_table);
+ cns_vec.add_aln(m5.soff, m5.send, nqstr, ntstr);
std::vector mranges, eranges;
- eranges.push_back(MappingRange(0, read_size));
- consensus_worker(cns_table, ctd->id_list, cns_vec, nqstr, ntstr, eranges, ctd->rco.min_cov, ctd->rco.min_size, read_id, cns_results);
+ eranges.push_back(MappingRange(0, ssize));
+ consensus_worker(cns_table, pctd.id_list, cns_vec, nqstr, ntstr, eranges, ctd.rco.min_cov, ctd.rco.min_size, read_id, cns_results);
-} // namespace ns_meap_cns {
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/mecat_correction.h b/src/mecat2cns/mecat_correction.h
index c00d463..176fcea 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/mecat_correction.h
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/mecat_correction.h
@@ -1,22 +1,16 @@
-#include "reads_correction_aux.h"
+#include // int64_t
-namespace ns_meap_cns {
+#include "reads_correction_aux.h" // ConsensusPerThreadData, ConsensusThreadData
-consensus_one_read_m4_pacbio(ConsensusThreadData* ctd, const index_t read_id, const index_t sid, const index_t eid);
+void consensus_one_read_m4_pacbio(ConsensusThreadData& ctd, ConsensusPerThreadData &cptd, const int64_t read_id, const int64_t sid, const int64_t eid);
-consensus_one_read_m4_nanopore(ConsensusThreadData* ctd, const index_t read_id, const index_t sid, const index_t eid);
+void consensus_one_read_m4_nanopore(ConsensusThreadData& ctd, ConsensusPerThreadData &cptd, const int64_t read_id, const int64_t sid, const int64_t eid);
-consensus_one_read_can_pacbio(ConsensusThreadData* ctd, const index_t read_id, const index_t sid, const index_t eid);
+void consensus_one_read_can_pacbio(ConsensusThreadData& ctd, ConsensusPerThreadData &cptd, const int64_t read_id, const int64_t sid, const int64_t eid);
-consensus_one_read_can_nanopore(ConsensusThreadData* ctd, const index_t read_id, const index_t sid, const index_t eid);
-} // namespace ns_meap_cns
+void consensus_one_read_can_nanopore(ConsensusThreadData& ctd, ConsensusPerThreadData &cptd, const int64_t read_id, const int64_t sid, const int64_t eid);
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/options.cpp b/src/mecat2cns/options.cpp
index 1ddaee1..e7da475 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/options.cpp
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/options.cpp
@@ -4,31 +4,33 @@
-using namespace std;
+#include "../common/defs.h" // TECH_NANOPORE, TECH_PACBIO
-static int input_type_pacbio = 1;
-static int num_threads_pacbio = 1;
-static index_t batch_size_pacbio = 100000;
-static double mapping_ratio_pacbio = 0.9;
-static int align_size_pacbio = 2000;
-static int cov_pacbio = 6;
-static int min_size_pacbio = 5000;
-static bool print_usage_pacbio = false;
-static int tech_pacbio = TECH_PACBIO;
-static int num_partition_files = 10;
+static const double mapping_ratio_pacbio = 0.6;
+static const int align_size_pacbio = 1000;
+static const int cov_pacbio = 4;
+static const int min_size_pacbio = 2000;
+static const int tech_pacbio = TECH_PACBIO;
+static const double error_rate_pacbio = .15;
-static int input_type_nanopore = 1;
-static int num_threads_nanopore = 1;
-static index_t batch_size_nanopore = 100000;
-static double mapping_ratio_nanopore = 0.4;
-static int align_size_nanopore = 400;
-static int cov_nanopore = 6;
-static int min_size_nanopore = 2000;
-static bool print_usage_nanopore = false;
-static int tech_nanopore = TECH_NANOPORE;
+static const double mapping_ratio_nanopore = 0.4;
+static const int align_size_nanopore = 400;
+static const int cov_nanopore = 6;
+static const int min_size_nanopore = 2000;
+static const int tech_nanopore = TECH_NANOPORE;
+static const double error_rate_nanopore = .2;
-static int default_tech = TECH_PACBIO;
+static const int default_tech = TECH_PACBIO;
+static const int num_partition_files = 0;
+static const int full_reads = 0;
+static const size_t read_buffer_size = 0;
+static const size_t batch_size = size_t(1) << 33; // 8 GB
+static const int print_usage_info = 0;
+static const int input_type = 1;
+static const int num_threads = 1;
static const char input_type_n = 'i';
static const char num_threads_n = 't';
@@ -40,264 +42,306 @@ static const char min_size_n = 'l';
static const char usage_n = 'h';
static const char tech_n = 'x';
static const char num_partition_files_n = 'k';
+static const char grid_options_n = 'G';
+static const char grid_options_split_n = 'S';
+static const char job_index_n = 'I';
+static const char reads_to_correct_n = 'R';
+static const char grid_start_delay_n = 'D';
+static const char full_reads_n = 'F';
+static const char read_buffer_size_n = 'b';
- cerr << '-' << input_type_n << ' ' << input_type_pacbio
- << ' '
- << '-' << num_threads_n << ' ' << num_threads_pacbio
- << ' '
- << '-' << batch_size_n << ' ' << batch_size_pacbio
- << ' '
- << '-' << mapping_ratio_n << ' ' << mapping_ratio_pacbio
- << ' '
- << '-' << align_size_n << ' ' << align_size_pacbio
- << ' '
- << '-' << cov_n << ' ' << cov_pacbio
- << ' '
- << '-' << min_size_n << ' ' << min_size_pacbio
- << ' '
- << '-' << num_partition_files_n << ' ' << num_partition_files
- << "\n";
+// convert number with potential suffix (k, m, g)
+static size_t convert_integer(const std::string& s) {
+ std::istringstream x(s);
+ size_t value;
+ x >> value;
+ const size_t i(s.find_first_not_of("0123456789"));
+ if (i != std::string::npos) {
+ switch (s[i]) {
+ case 'g':
+ value *= 1024;
+ case 'm':
+ value *= 1024;
+ case 'k':
+ value *= 1024;
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
-void print_nanopore_default_options()
- cerr << '-' << input_type_n << ' ' << input_type_nanopore
- << ' '
- << '-' << num_threads_n << ' ' << num_threads_nanopore
- << ' '
- << '-' << batch_size_n << ' ' << batch_size_nanopore
- << ' '
- << '-' << mapping_ratio_n << ' ' << mapping_ratio_nanopore
- << ' '
- << '-' << align_size_n << ' ' << align_size_nanopore
- << ' '
- << '-' << cov_n << ' ' << cov_nanopore
- << ' '
- << '-' << min_size_n << ' ' << min_size_nanopore
- << ' '
- << '-' << num_partition_files_n << ' ' << num_partition_files
+static void print_pacbio_default_options() {
+ std::cerr << " -" << mapping_ratio_n << " " << mapping_ratio_pacbio
+ << " -" << align_size_n << " " << align_size_pacbio
+ << " -" << cov_n << " " << cov_pacbio << " "
+ << " -" << min_size_n << " " << min_size_pacbio
<< "\n";
-print_usage(const char* prog)
- cerr << "USAGE:\n"
- << prog << ' ' << "[options]" << ' ' << "input" << ' ' << "reads" << ' ' << "output" << "\n";
- cerr << "\n" << "OPTIONS:" << "\n";
- cerr << "-" << tech_n << " <0/1>\t" << "sequencing platform: 0 = PACBIO, 1 = NANOPORE" << "\n"
- << "\t\t" << "default: 0" << "\n";
- cerr << "-" << input_type_n << " <0/1>\t" << "input type: 0 = candidte, 1 = m4" << "\n";
- cerr << "-" << num_threads_n << " \t" << "number of threads (CPUs)" << "\n";
- cerr << "-" << batch_size_n << " \t" << "batch size that the reads will be partitioned" << "\n";
- cerr << "-" << mapping_ratio_n << " \t" << "minimum mapping ratio" << "\n";
- cerr << "-" << align_size_n << " \t" << "minimum overlap size" << "\n";
- cerr << "-" << cov_n << " \t" << "minimum coverage under consideration" << "\n";
- cerr << "-" << min_size_n << " \t" << "minimum length of corrected sequence" << "\n";
- cerr << "-" << num_partition_files_n << " \t"
- << "number of partition files when partitioning overlap results"
- << " (if < 0, then it will be set to system limit value)"
+static void print_nanopore_default_options() {
+ std::cerr << " -" << mapping_ratio_n << " " << mapping_ratio_nanopore
+ << " -" << align_size_n << " " << align_size_nanopore
+ << " -" << cov_n << " " << cov_nanopore
+ << " -" << min_size_n << " " << min_size_nanopore
<< "\n";
- cerr << "-" << usage_n << "\t\t" << "print usage info." << "\n";
- cerr << "\n"
- << "If 'x' is set to be '0' (pacbio), then the other options have the following default values: \n";
+// given options, recreate arguments from the command line
+void make_options(const ReadsCorrectionOptions& options, std::string& new_options) {
+ std::ostringstream cmd;
+ cmd << " -" << input_type_n << " " << (options.input_type == INPUT_TYPE_CAN ? 0 : 1);
+ if (options.num_threads > -1) {
+ cmd << " -" << num_threads_n << " " << options.num_threads;
+ }
+ if (options.batch_size && options.batch_size != batch_size) {
+ cmd << " -" << batch_size_n << " " << options.batch_size;
+ }
+ if (options.min_mapping_ratio >= 0 && ((options.tech == TECH_PACBIO && options.min_mapping_ratio != mapping_ratio_pacbio) || (options.tech != TECH_PACBIO && options.min_mapping_ratio != mapping_ratio_nanopore))) {
+ cmd << " -" << mapping_ratio_n << " " << options.min_mapping_ratio;
+ }
+ if (options.min_align_size >= 0 && ((options.tech == TECH_PACBIO && options.min_align_size != align_size_pacbio) || (options.tech != TECH_PACBIO && options.min_align_size != align_size_nanopore))) {
+ cmd << " -" << align_size_n << " " << options.min_align_size;
+ }
+ if (options.min_cov >= 0 && ((options.tech == TECH_PACBIO && options.min_cov != cov_pacbio) || (options.tech != TECH_PACBIO && options.min_cov != cov_nanopore))) {
+ cmd << " -" << cov_n << " " << options.min_cov;
+ }
+ if (options.min_size >= 0 && ((options.tech == TECH_PACBIO && options.min_size != min_size_pacbio) || (options.tech != TECH_PACBIO && options.min_size != min_size_nanopore))) {
+ cmd << " -" << min_size_n << " " << options.min_size;
+ }
+ if (options.num_partition_files > 0 && options.num_partition_files != num_partition_files) {
+ cmd << " -" << num_partition_files_n << " " << options.num_partition_files;
+ }
+ if (options.grid_options != NULL) {
+ cmd << " -" << grid_options_n << " \"" << options.grid_options << "\"";
+ }
+ if (options.grid_options_split != NULL) {
+ cmd << " -" << grid_options_split_n << " \"" << options.grid_options_split << "\"";
+ }
+ if (options.job_index != -1) {
+ cmd << " -" << job_index_n << " " << options.job_index;
+ }
+ if (options.reads_to_correct) {
+ cmd << " -" << reads_to_correct_n << " " << options.reads_to_correct;
+ }
+ if (options.grid_start_delay) {
+ cmd << " -" << grid_start_delay_n << " " << options.grid_start_delay;
+ }
+ if (options.full_reads) {
+ cmd << " -" << full_reads_n;
+ }
+ if (options.read_buffer_size) {
+ cmd << " -" << read_buffer_size_n << " " << options.read_buffer_size;
+ }
+ cmd << " " << options.m4;
+ cmd << " " << options.reads;
+ cmd << " " << options.corrected_reads;
+ new_options = cmd.str();
+void print_usage(const char* prog) {
+ std::cerr << "USAGE:\n"
+ << prog << " [options] input reads output\n"
+ << "\n"
+ << "OPTIONS:\n"
+ << "-" << tech_n << " <0/1>\tsequencing platform: 0 = PACBIO, 1 = NANOPORE [0]\n"
+ << "-" << input_type_n << " <0/1>\tinput type: 0 = candidate, 1 = m4\n"
+ << "-" << num_threads_n << " \tnumber of threads (CPUs)\n"
+ << "-" << batch_size_n << " \tmemory used for holding candidates [8 GB]\n"
+ << "-" << mapping_ratio_n << " \tminimum mapping ratio\n"
+ << "-" << align_size_n << " \tminimum overlap size\n"
+ << "-" << cov_n << " \tminimum coverage under consideration\n"
+ << "-" << min_size_n << " \tminimum length of corrected sequence\n"
+ << "-" << num_partition_files_n << " \tnumber of partition files per pass when partitioning overlap results (if 0, then use system limit)\n"
+ << "-" << grid_options_n << " \toptions for grid submission\n"
+ << "-" << grid_options_split_n << " \toptions for split grid submission\n"
+ << "-" << reads_to_correct_n << " \tnumber of reads to correct [all]\n"
+ << "-" << grid_start_delay_n << " \tseconds to delay between starting grid jobs\n"
+ << "-" << full_reads_n << "\t\toutput full reads, not just the corrected parts\n"
+ << "-" << read_buffer_size_n << " \tbytes of memory to buffer reads [no buffer]\n"
+ << "-" << usage_n << "\t\tprint usage info\n"
+ << "\n"
+ << "If 'x' is set to be '0' (pacbio), then the other options have the following default values: \n";
- cerr << "\n"
- << "If 'x' is set to be '1' (nanopore), then the other options have the following default values: \n";
+ std::cerr << "\n"
+ << "If 'x' is set to be '1' (nanopore), then the other options have the following default values: \n";
-init_consensus_options(int tech)
- ConsensusOptions t;
+ReadsCorrectionOptions init_consensus_options(const int tech) {
+ ReadsCorrectionOptions t;
+ t.m4 = NULL;
+ t.reads = NULL;
+ t.corrected_reads = NULL;
+ t.grid_options = NULL;
+ t.grid_options_split = NULL;
+ t.num_partition_files = num_partition_files;
+ t.job_index = -1;
+ t.reads_to_correct = 0;
+ t.grid_start_delay = 0;
+ t.full_reads = full_reads;
+ t.read_buffer_size = read_buffer_size;
+ t.batch_size = batch_size;
+ t.print_usage_info = print_usage_info;
+ t.input_type = input_type;
+ t.num_threads = num_threads;
if (tech == TECH_PACBIO) {
- t.input_type = input_type_pacbio;
- t.m4 = NULL;
- t.reads = NULL;
- t.corrected_reads = NULL;
- t.num_threads = num_threads_pacbio;
- t.batch_size = batch_size_pacbio;
t.min_mapping_ratio = mapping_ratio_pacbio;
t.min_align_size = align_size_pacbio;
t.min_cov = cov_pacbio;
t.min_size = min_size_pacbio;
- t.print_usage_info = print_usage_pacbio;
- t.num_partition_files = num_partition_files;
t.tech = tech_pacbio;
+ t.error_rate = error_rate_pacbio;
} else {
- t.input_type = input_type_nanopore;
- t.m4 = NULL;
- t.reads = NULL;
- t.corrected_reads = NULL;
- t.num_threads = num_threads_nanopore;
- t.batch_size = batch_size_nanopore;
t.min_mapping_ratio = mapping_ratio_nanopore;
t.min_align_size = align_size_nanopore;
t.min_cov = cov_nanopore;
t.min_size = min_size_nanopore;
- t.print_usage_info = print_usage_nanopore;
- t.num_partition_files = num_partition_files;
t.tech = tech_nanopore;
+ t.error_rate = error_rate_nanopore;
- return t;
+ return t;
-int detect_tech(int argc, char* argv[])
- int t = default_tech;
- char tech_nstr[64]; tech_nstr[0] = '-'; tech_nstr[1] = tech_n; tech_nstr[2] = '\0';
- for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
- if (strcmp(tech_nstr, argv[i]) == 0) {
- if (i + 1 == argc) {
- fprintf(stderr, "argument to option '%c' is missing.\n", tech_n);
- t = -1;
- }
- cout << tech_nstr << "\n";
- if (argv[i + 1][0] == '0') {
- } else if (argv[i + 1][0] == '1') {
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "invalid argument to option '%c': %s\n", tech_n, argv[i + 1]);
- t = -1;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return t;
+int detect_tech(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+ int t = default_tech;
+ const char tech_nstr[] = {'-', tech_n, 0};
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
+ if (strcmp(tech_nstr, argv[i]) == 0) {
+ if (i + 1 == argc) {
+ std::cerr << "argument to option '" << tech_n << "' is missing.\n";
+ t = -1;
+ }
+ std::cout << tech_nstr << "\n";
+ if (argv[i + 1][0] == '0') {
+ } else if (argv[i + 1][0] == '1') {
+ } else {
+ std::cerr << "invalid argument to option '" << tech_n << "': " << argv[i + 1] << "\n";
+ t = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return t;
-parse_arguments(int argc, char* argv[], ConsensusOptions& t)
- bool parse_success = true;
- int tech = detect_tech(argc, argv);
+int parse_arguments(int argc, char* argv[], ReadsCorrectionOptions& t) {
+ int parse_success(1);
+ const int tech(detect_tech(argc, argv));
if (tech == -1) {
return 1;
t = init_consensus_options(tech);
int opt_char;
- char err_char;
- opterr = 0;
- while((opt_char = getopt(argc, argv, "i:t:p:r:a:c:l:x:k:h")) != -1) {
+ opterr = 0;
+ while ((opt_char = getopt(argc, argv, "i:t:p:r:a:c:l:x:hG:I:n:R:S:D:k:Fb:")) != -1) {
switch (opt_char) {
case input_type_n:
- if (optarg[0] == '0')
+ if (optarg[0] == '0') {
t.input_type = INPUT_TYPE_CAN;
- else if (optarg[0] == '1')
+ } else if (optarg[0] == '1') {
t.input_type = INPUT_TYPE_M4;
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "invalid argument to option '%c': %s\n", input_type_n, optarg);
+ } else {
+ std::cerr << "invalid argument to option '" << input_type_n << "': " << optarg << "\n";
return 1;
case num_threads_n:
- t.num_threads = atoi(optarg);
+ t.num_threads = convert_integer(optarg);
case batch_size_n:
- t.batch_size = atoll(optarg);
+ t.batch_size = convert_integer(optarg);
case mapping_ratio_n:
t.min_mapping_ratio = atof(optarg);
case align_size_n:
- t.min_align_size = atoi(optarg);
+ t.min_align_size = convert_integer(optarg);
case cov_n:
- t.min_cov = atoi(optarg);
+ t.min_cov = convert_integer(optarg);
case min_size_n:
- t.min_size = atoll(optarg);
+ t.min_size = convert_integer(optarg);
case usage_n:
- t.print_usage_info = true;
+ t.print_usage_info = 1;
+ break;
+ case grid_options_n:
+ t.grid_options = optarg;
+ break;
+ case grid_options_split_n:
+ t.grid_options_split = optarg;
+ break;
+ case job_index_n:
+ t.job_index = convert_integer(optarg);
+ break;
+ case reads_to_correct_n:
+ t.reads_to_correct = convert_integer(optarg);
+ break;
+ case grid_start_delay_n:
+ t.grid_start_delay = convert_integer(optarg);
case tech_n:
case num_partition_files_n:
- t.num_partition_files = atoi(optarg);
+ t.num_partition_files = convert_integer(optarg);
+ break;
+ case full_reads_n:
+ t.full_reads = 1;
+ break;
+ case read_buffer_size_n:
+ t.read_buffer_size = convert_integer(optarg);
case '?':
- err_char = (char)optopt;
- fprintf(stderr, "unrecognised option '%c'\n", err_char);
- return 1;
- break;
- case ':':
- err_char = (char)optopt;
- fprintf(stderr, "argument to option '%c' is missing.\n", err_char);
- return 1;
- break;
+ std::cerr << "unrecognised option '" << char(optopt) << "'\n";
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ case ':':
+ std::cerr << "argument to option '" << char(optopt) << "' is missing.\n";
+ return 1;
+ break;
- if (t.num_threads <= 0)
- {
- std::cerr << "cpu threads must be greater than 0\n";
- parse_success = false;
- }
- if (t.batch_size <= 0)
- {
+ if (t.batch_size == 0) {
std::cerr << "batch size must be greater than 0\n";
- parse_success = false;
+ parse_success = 0;
- if (t.min_mapping_ratio < 0.0)
- {
+ if (t.min_mapping_ratio < 0.0) {
std::cerr << "mapping ratio must be >= 0.0\n";
- parse_success = false;
- }
- if (t.min_cov < 0)
- {
- std::cerr << "coverage must be >= 0\n";
- parse_success = false;
+ parse_success = 0;
- if (t.min_cov < 0)
- {
+ if (t.min_size < 0) {
std::cerr << "sequence size must be >= 0\n";
- parse_success = false;
+ parse_success = 0;
+ }
+ if (argc - optind < 3) {
+ return 1;
- if (argc < 3) return 1;
t.m4 = argv[argc - 3];
t.reads = argv[argc - 2];
t.corrected_reads = argv[argc - 1];
- if (parse_success) return 0;
- return 1;
+ return parse_success;
-print_options(ConsensusOptions& t)
- cout << "input_type:\t" << t.input_type << "\n";
- if (t.m4) cout << "reads\t" << t.m4 << "\n";
- if (t.reads) cout << "output\t" << t.reads << "\n";
- if (t.corrected_reads) cout << "m4\t" << t.corrected_reads << "\n";
- cout << "number of threads:\t" << t.num_threads << "\n";
- cout << "batch size:\t" << t.batch_size << "\n";
- cout << "mapping ratio:\t" << t.min_mapping_ratio << "\n";
- cout << "align size:\t" << t.min_align_size << "\n";
- cout << "cov:\t" << t.min_cov << "\n";
- cout << "min size:\t" << t.min_size << "\n";
- cout << "partition files:\t" << t.num_partition_files << "\n";
- cout << "tech:\t" << t.tech << "\n";
+// not currently used
+#if 0
+static void print_options(ReadsCorrectionOptions& t) {
+ std::cout << "input_type:\t" << t.input_type << "\n";
+ if (t.m4) std::cout << "reads\t" << t.m4 << "\n";
+ if (t.reads) std::cout << "output\t" << t.reads << "\n";
+ if (t.corrected_reads) std::cout << "m4\t" << t.corrected_reads << "\n";
+ if (t.grid_options) std::cout << "grid\t" << t.grid_options << "\n";
+ if (t.grid_options_split) std::cout << "grid_split\t" << t.grid_options_split << "\n";
+ if (t.full_reads) std::cout << "full reads\n";
+ if (t.read_buffer_size) std::cout << "read_buffer_size\t" << t.read_buffer_size << "\n";
+ std::cout << "number of threads:\t" << t.num_threads << "\n";
+ std::cout << "batch size:\t" << t.batch_size << "\n";
+ std::cout << "mapping ratio:\t" << t.min_mapping_ratio << "\n";
+ std::cout << "align size:\t" << t.min_align_size << "\n";
+ std::cout << "cov:\t" << t.min_cov << "\n";
+ std::cout << "min size:\t" << t.min_size << "\n";
+ std::cout << "partition files:\t" << t.num_partition_files << "\n";
+ std::cout << "tech:\t" << t.tech << "\n";
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/options.h b/src/mecat2cns/options.h
index 6dac71c..489b91b 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/options.h
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/options.h
@@ -1,37 +1,39 @@
#ifndef OPTIONS_H
#define OPTIONS_H
-#include "../common/defs.h"
+#include // string
#define INPUT_TYPE_CAN 0
#define INPUT_TYPE_M4 1
-struct ConsensusOptions
+struct ReadsCorrectionOptions {
int input_type;
const char* m4;
const char* reads;
const char* corrected_reads;
+ const char* grid_options;
+ const char* grid_options_split;
int num_threads;
- index_t batch_size;
+ size_t batch_size;
double min_mapping_ratio;
int min_align_size;
int min_cov;
- index_t min_size;
- bool print_usage_info;
+ int min_size;
+ int print_usage_info;
int tech;
- int num_partition_files;
+ int num_partition_files;
+ int job_index;
+ int reads_to_correct;
+ int grid_start_delay;
+ int full_reads;
+ size_t read_buffer_size;
+ double error_rate; // .15 for pacbio, .2 for nanopore
-print_usage(const char* prog);
+void print_usage(const char* prog);
-parse_arguments(int argc, char* argv[], ConsensusOptions& t);
+int parse_arguments(int argc, char* argv[], ReadsCorrectionOptions& t);
-print_options(ConsensusOptions& t);
-typedef ConsensusOptions ReadsCorrectionOptions;
+void make_options(const ReadsCorrectionOptions& t, std::string& new_options_str);
#endif // OPTIONS_H
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_partition.cpp b/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_partition.cpp
index 9698265..ec560a5 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_partition.cpp
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_partition.cpp
@@ -1,424 +1,247 @@
#include "overlaps_partition.h"
+#include // assert()
+#include // stat(), struct stat
+#include // make_pair(), pair<>
+#include // ceil()
#include "overlaps_store.h"
#include "reads_correction_aux.h"
+#include "packed_db.h" // PackedDB
-using namespace std;
-#define error_and_exit(msg) { std::cerr << msg << "\n"; abort(); }
-inline bool
-check_m4record_mapping_range(const M4Record& m4, const double min_cov_ratio)
- const index_t qm = m4qend(m4) - m4qoff(m4);
- const index_t qs = m4qsize(m4) * min_cov_ratio;
- const index_t sm = m4send(m4) - m4soff(m4);
- const index_t ss = m4ssize(m4) * min_cov_ratio;
- return qm >= qs || sm >= ss;
+inline static bool query_is_contained(const M4Record& m4, const double min_cov_ratio) {
+ return m4qend(m4) - m4qoff(m4) >= m4qsize(m4) * min_cov_ratio;
-inline bool
-query_is_contained(const M4Record& m4, const double min_cov_ratio)
- const index_t qm = m4qend(m4) - m4qoff(m4);
- const index_t qs = m4qsize(m4) * min_cov_ratio;
- return qm >= qs;
+inline static bool subject_is_contained(const M4Record& m4, const double min_cov_ratio) {
+ return m4send(m4) - m4soff(m4) >= m4ssize(m4) * min_cov_ratio;
-inline bool
-subject_is_contained(const M4Record& m4, const double min_cov_ratio)
- const index_t sm = m4send(m4) - m4soff(m4);
- const index_t ss = m4ssize(m4) * min_cov_ratio;
- return sm >= ss;
+inline static bool check_m4record_mapping_range(const M4Record& m4, const double min_cov_ratio) {
+ return query_is_contained(m4, min_cov_ratio) || subject_is_contained(m4, min_cov_ratio);
-get_qualified_m4record_counts(const char* m4_file_name, const double min_cov_ratio, index_t& num_qualified_records, index_t& num_reads)
- std::ifstream in;
- open_fstream(in, m4_file_name, std::ios::in);
- num_qualified_records = 0;
- num_reads = -1;
- index_t num_records = 0;
- M4Record m4;
+static int64_t get_qualified_m4record_counts(const char* const m4_file_name, const double min_cov_ratio) {
+ std::ifstream in;
+ open_fstream(in, m4_file_name, std::ios::in);
+ int64_t num_reads(-1), num_records(0), num_qualified_records(0);
+ M4Record m4;
m4qext(m4) = m4sext(m4) = INVALID_IDX;
- while (in >> m4)
- {
- if (m4qext(m4) == INVALID_IDX || m4sext(m4) == INVALID_IDX)
- {
+ while (in >> m4) {
+ if (m4qext(m4) == INVALID_IDX || m4sext(m4) == INVALID_IDX) {
ERROR("no gapped start position is provided, please make sure that you have run \'meap_pairwise\' with option \'-g 1\'");
- ++num_records;
- if (check_m4record_mapping_range(m4, min_cov_ratio)) ++num_qualified_records;
- num_reads = std::max(num_reads, m4qid(m4));
- num_reads = std::max(num_reads, m4sid(m4));
- }
- close_fstream(in);
- LOG(stderr, "there are %d overlaps, %d are qualified.", (int)num_records, (int)num_qualified_records);
- ++num_reads;
+ ++num_records;
+ if (check_m4record_mapping_range(m4, min_cov_ratio)) {
+ ++num_qualified_records;
+ }
+ num_reads = std::max(num_reads, m4qid(m4));
+ num_reads = std::max(num_reads, m4sid(m4));
+ }
+ close_fstream(in);
+ LOG(stderr, "there are %ld overlaps, %ld are qualified.", num_records, num_qualified_records);
+ return num_reads + 1;
-get_repeat_reads(const char* m4_file_name, const double min_cov_ratio, const index_t num_reads, set& repeat_reads)
- const char MaxContained = 100;
- char cnt_table[MaxContained + 1];
- for (int i = 0; i < MaxContained; ++i) cnt_table[i] = i + 1;
- cnt_table[MaxContained] = MaxContained;
- vector cnts(num_reads, 0);
+// not in use at the moment
+#if 0
+static void get_repeat_reads(const char* const m4_file_name, const double min_cov_ratio, const int64_t num_reads, std::set& repeat_reads) {
+ const int max_contained(100);
+ // used to increment to a max of max_contained
+ char count_table[max_contained + 1];
+ for (int i(0); i < max_contained; ++i) {
+ count_table[i] = i + 1;
+ }
+ count_table[max_contained] = max_contained;
+ std::vector counts(num_reads, 0);
std::ifstream in;
- open_fstream(in, m4_file_name, std::ios::in);
+ open_fstream(in, m4_file_name, std::ios::in);
M4Record m4;
m4qext(m4) = m4sext(m4) = INVALID_IDX;
- while (in >> m4)
- {
- if (query_is_contained(m4, min_cov_ratio))
- {
- index_t qid = m4qid(m4);
- cnts[qid] = cnt_table[cnts[qid]];
+ while (in >> m4) {
+ if (query_is_contained(m4, min_cov_ratio)) {
+ const int64_t qid = m4qid(m4);
+ // increments count up to max_contained
+ counts[qid] = count_table[static_cast(counts[qid])];
- if (subject_is_contained(m4, min_cov_ratio))
- {
- index_t sid = m4sid(m4);
- cnts[sid] = cnt_table[cnts[sid]];
+ if (subject_is_contained(m4, min_cov_ratio)) {
+ const int64_t sid = m4sid(m4);
+ // increments count up to max_contained
+ counts[sid] = count_table[static_cast(counts[sid])];
- }
- close_fstream(in);
- for(index_t i = 0; i < num_reads; ++i)
- if (cnts[i] >= MaxContained)
- {
- cerr << "repeat read " << i << "\n";
+ }
+ close_fstream(in);
+ for (int64_t i(0); i < num_reads; ++i) {
+ if (counts[i] == max_contained) {
+ std::cerr << "repeat read " << i << "\n";
- LOG(stderr, "number of repeat reads: %d", (int)repeat_reads.size());
-generate_partition_index_file_name(const char* m4_file_name, std::string& ret)
- ret = m4_file_name;
- ret += ".partition_files";
-generate_partition_file_name(const char* m4_file_name, const index_t part, std::string& ret)
- ret = m4_file_name;
- ret += ".part";
- std::ostringstream os;
- os << part;
- ret += os.str();
-get_num_reads(const char* candidates_file)
- ifstream in;
- open_fstream(in, candidates_file, ios::in);
- ExtensionCandidate ec;
- int max_id = -1;
- while (in >> ec)
- {
- max_id = std::max(ec.qid, max_id);
- max_id = std::max(ec.sid, max_id);
- close_fstream(in);
- return max_id + 1;
+ LOG(stderr, "number of repeat reads: %lu", repeat_reads.size());
-normalise_candidate(ExtensionCandidate& src, ExtensionCandidate& dst, const bool subject_is_target)
- if (subject_is_target)
- {
- dst = src;
- }
- else
- {
- dst.qdir = src.sdir;
- dst.qid = src.sid;
- dst.qext = src.sext;
- dst.qsize = src.ssize;
- dst.sdir = src.qdir;
- dst.sid = src.qid;
- dst.sext = src.qext;
- dst.ssize = src.qsize;
- dst.score = src.score;
- }
- if (dst.sdir == REV)
- {
- dst.qdir = REVERSE_STRAND(dst.qdir);
- dst.sdir = REVERSE_STRAND(dst.sdir);
- }
+void generate_partition_index_file_name(const std::string& input_file_name, std::string& ret) {
+ ret = input_file_name + ".partition_files";
-fix_file_counts(int num_files) {
- if (num_files < 0) {
- num_files = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX) - 10;
- }
- return num_files;
+static void generate_partition_file_name(const std::string& input_file_name, const int part, std::string& ret) {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << part;
+ ret = input_file_name + ".part" + os.str();
-partition_candidates(const char* input, const idx_t batch_size, const int min_read_size, int num_files)
- DynamicTimer dt(__func__);
- num_files = fix_file_counts(num_files);
- const idx_t num_reads = get_num_reads(input);
- const idx_t num_batches = (num_reads + batch_size - 1) / batch_size;
- string idx_file_name;
+void partition_candidates(const std::string& input, const std::string& pac_prefix, const size_t file_size, const int max_files_per_batch, const int64_t num_reads) {
+ DynamicTimer dtimer(__func__);
+ struct stat buf;
+ if (stat(input.c_str(), &buf) == -1) {
+ ERROR("Could not get file size: %s", input.c_str());
+ }
+ // each candidate line takes on average 44 characters, but go with 32;
+ // each one produces two candidates (forward and reverse)
+ const int num_files(ceil(double(buf.st_size / 32 * 2) * sizeof(ExtensionCandidateCompressed) / file_size));
+ // separate them by read id as we don't know how many candidates each
+ // read is part of; we're assuming an even distribution on average
+ const int64_t reads_per_file((num_reads + num_files - 1) / num_files);
+ std::vector read_sizes;
+ PackedDB::read_sizes(pac_prefix, read_sizes);
+ PartitionResultsWriter prw(max_files_per_batch);
+ int i(0);
+ off_t input_pos;
+ // if restarting, both i and input_pos can be changed
+ int is_restart(prw.restart(input, generate_partition_file_name, "partition.done", i, input_pos));
+ std::string idx_file_name;
generate_partition_index_file_name(input, idx_file_name);
- ofstream idx_file;
- open_fstream(idx_file, idx_file_name.c_str(), ios::out);
- ExtensionCandidate ec, nec;
- PartitionResultsWriter prw(num_files);
- for (idx_t i = 0; i < num_batches; i += num_files) {
- const idx_t sfid = i;
- const idx_t efid = min(sfid + num_files, num_batches);
- const int nf = efid - sfid;
- const idx_t Lid = batch_size * sfid;
- const idx_t Rid = batch_size * efid;
- cout << "Lid = " << Lid
- << ", Rid = " << Rid
- << "\n";
- ifstream in;
- open_fstream(in, input, ios::in);
- prw.OpenFiles(sfid, efid, input, generate_partition_file_name);
+ std::ofstream idx_file;
+ open_fstream(idx_file, idx_file_name.c_str(), std::ios::out);
+ ExtensionCandidate ec;
+ ExtensionCandidateCompressed nec;
+ // and here we go through the input file to write num_files,
+ // being limited by the number of open output files we can have
+ for (; i < num_files; i += prw.kNumFiles) {
+ const int sfid(i);
+ const int efid(std::min(sfid + prw.kNumFiles, num_files));
+ const int nf(efid - sfid);
+ const int64_t L(sfid * reads_per_file);
+ const int64_t R(std::min(efid * reads_per_file, num_reads));
+ std::ifstream in;
+ open_fstream(in, input.c_str(), std::ios::in);
+ if (is_restart) {
+ if (!in.seekg(input_pos)) {
+ ERROR("Input seek failed while restoring checkpoint: %s", input.c_str());
+ }
+ is_restart = 0;
+ } else {
+ prw.OpenFiles(sfid, efid, input, generate_partition_file_name, "partition.done");
+ }
while (in >> ec) {
- if (ec.qsize < min_read_size || ec.ssize < min_read_size) continue;
- if (ec.qid >= Lid && ec.qid < Rid) {
- normalise_candidate(ec, nec, false);
- prw.WriteOneResult((ec.qid - Lid) / batch_size, ec.qid, nec);
+ // size has been set to zero for too-small reads
+ if (!read_sizes[ec.sid] || !read_sizes[ec.qid]) {
+ continue;
- if (ec.sid >= Lid && ec.sid < Rid)
- {
- normalise_candidate(ec, nec, true);
- prw.WriteOneResult((ec.sid - Lid) / batch_size, ec.sid, nec);
+ // make sure values match before tossing the values
+ assert(ec.ssize == read_sizes[ec.sid] && ec.qsize == read_sizes[ec.qid]);
+ // as variable sizes may be different, make sure the ones
+ // we read in can be safely stored
+ assert(ec.sid <= ExtensionCandidateCompressed::max_value);
+ assert(ec.qid <= ExtensionCandidateCompressed::max_value);
+ assert(ec.sext <= ExtensionCandidateCompressed::max_value);
+ assert(ec.score <= ExtensionCandidateCompressed::max_value);
+ // qext is one bit smaller than the others
+ assert(ec.qext <= ExtensionCandidateCompressed::max_qext);
+ if (L <= ec.sid && ec.sid < R) {
+ nec.set(ec);
+ if (prw.WriteOneResult((nec.sid - L) / reads_per_file, nec.sid, nec)) {
+ prw.checkpoint(in.tellg());
+ }
+ }
+ if (L <= ec.qid && ec.qid < R) {
+ nec.set_swap(ec);
+ if (prw.WriteOneResult((nec.sid - L) / reads_per_file, nec.sid, nec)) {
+ prw.checkpoint(in.tellg());
+ }
- for (int k = 0; k < nf; ++k)
- {
- if (prw.max_seq_ids[k] == std::numeric_limits::min()) continue;
- idx_file << prw.file_names[k] << "\t" << prw.min_seq_ids[k] << "\t" << prw.max_seq_ids[k] << "\n";
- fprintf(stderr, "%s contains reads %d --- %d\n", prw.file_names[k].c_str(), (int)prw.min_seq_ids[k], (int)prw.max_seq_ids[k]);
+ for (int k(0); k < nf; ++k) {
+ std::cerr << prw.file_names[k] << " contains " << prw.counts[k] << " overlaps\n";
+ if (prw.counts[k] != 0) {
+ idx_file << prw.file_names[k] << "\n";
+ }
+ prw.finalize();
-partition_candidates(const char* input, const idx_t batch_size, const int min_read_size, const int num_files)
+void partition_m4records(const char* const m4_file_name, const double min_cov_ratio, const size_t file_size, const int min_read_size, const int max_files_per_batch) {
DynamicTimer dtimer(__func__);
- idx_t num_reads = get_num_reads(input);
- const index_t num_batches = (num_reads + batch_size - 1) / batch_size;
+ int64_t num_reads(get_qualified_m4record_counts(m4_file_name, min_cov_ratio));
+ std::set repeat_reads;
+ //get_repeat_reads(m4_file_name, min_cov_ratio, num_reads, repeat_reads);
+ struct stat buf;
+ if (stat(m4_file_name, &buf) == -1) {
+ ERROR("Could not get file size: %s", m4_file_name);
+ }
+ const int num_files(ceil(double(buf.st_size / 32 * 2) * sizeof(ExtensionCandidate) / file_size));
+ const int64_t reads_per_file((num_reads + num_files - 1) / num_files);
std::string idx_file_name;
- generate_partition_index_file_name(input, idx_file_name);
- std::ofstream idx_file;
- open_fstream(idx_file, idx_file_name.c_str(), std::ios::out);
- ExtensionCandidate ec, nec;
- PartitionResultsWriter prw;
- for (index_t i = 0; i < num_batches; i += PartitionResultsWriter::kNumFiles)
- {
- const index_t sfid = i;
- const index_t efid = std::min(sfid + PartitionResultsWriter::kNumFiles, num_batches);
- const int nf = efid - sfid;
- const index_t L = batch_size * sfid;
- const index_t R = batch_size * efid;
- std::ifstream in;
- open_fstream(in, input, std::ios::in);
- prw.OpenFiles(sfid, efid, input, generate_partition_file_name);
- while (in >> ec)
- {
- if (ec.qsize < min_read_size || ec.ssize < min_read_size) continue;
- if (ec.qid >= L && ec.qid < R)
- {
- normalise_candidate(ec, nec, false);
- prw.WriteOneResult((ec.qid - L) / batch_size, ec.qid, nec);
+ generate_partition_index_file_name(m4_file_name, idx_file_name);
+ std::ofstream idx_file;
+ open_fstream(idx_file, idx_file_name.c_str(), std::ios::out);
+ M4Record m4, nm4;
+ ExtensionCandidate ec;
+ PartitionResultsWriter prw(max_files_per_batch);
+ for (int i(0); i < num_files; i += prw.kNumFiles) {
+ const int sfid(i);
+ const int efid(std::min(sfid + prw.kNumFiles, num_files));
+ const int nf(efid - sfid);
+ const int64_t L(reads_per_file * sfid);
+ const int64_t R(efid < num_files ? reads_per_file * efid : num_reads);
+ std::ifstream in;
+ open_fstream(in, m4_file_name, std::ios::in);
+ prw.OpenFiles(sfid, efid, m4_file_name, generate_partition_file_name, "partition.done");
+ while (in >> m4) {
+ if (m4qsize(m4) < min_read_size || m4ssize(m4) < min_read_size) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (!check_m4record_mapping_range(m4, min_cov_ratio)) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (repeat_reads.find(m4qid(m4)) != repeat_reads.end() || repeat_reads.find(m4sid(m4)) != repeat_reads.end()) {
+ continue;
- if (ec.sid >= L && ec.sid < R)
- {
- normalise_candidate(ec, nec, true);
- prw.WriteOneResult((ec.sid - L) / batch_size, ec.sid, nec);
+ if (m4qid(m4) >= L && m4qid(m4) < R) {
+ normalize_m4record(m4, false, nm4);
+ m4_to_candidate(nm4, ec);
+ prw.WriteOneResult((m4qid(m4) - L) / reads_per_file, m4qid(m4), ec);
+ }
+ if (m4sid(m4) >= L && m4sid(m4) < R) {
+ normalize_m4record(m4, true, nm4);
+ m4_to_candidate(nm4, ec);
+ prw.WriteOneResult((m4sid(m4) - L) / reads_per_file, m4sid(m4), ec);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int k(0); k < nf; ++k) {
+ std::cerr << prw.file_names[k] << " contains " << prw.counts[k] << " overlaps\n";
+ if (prw.counts[k] != 0) {
+ idx_file << prw.file_names[k] << "\n";
- for (int k = 0; k < nf; ++k)
- {
- if (prw.max_seq_ids[k] == std::numeric_limits::min()) continue;
- idx_file << prw.file_names[k] << "\t" << prw.min_seq_ids[k] << "\t" << prw.max_seq_ids[k] << "\n";
- fprintf(stderr, "%s contains reads %d --- %d\n", prw.file_names[k].c_str(), (int)prw.min_seq_ids[k], (int)prw.max_seq_ids[k]);
- }
+ prw.CloseFiles();
- prw.CloseFiles();
-partition_m4records(const char* m4_file_name, const double min_cov_ratio, const index_t batch_size, const int min_read_size)
- DynamicTimer dtimer(__func__);
- index_t num_reads, num_qualified_records;
- get_qualified_m4record_counts(m4_file_name, min_cov_ratio, num_qualified_records, num_reads);
- set repeat_reads;
- //get_repeat_reads(m4_file_name, min_cov_ratio, num_reads, repeat_reads);
- const index_t num_batches = (num_reads + batch_size - 1) / batch_size;
- std::string idx_file_name;
- generate_partition_index_file_name(m4_file_name, idx_file_name);
- std::ofstream idx_file;
- open_fstream(idx_file, idx_file_name.c_str(), std::ios::out);
- M4Record m4, nm4;
- ExtensionCandidate ec;
- PartitionResultsWriter prw;
- for (index_t i = 0; i < num_batches; i += PartitionResultsWriter::kNumFiles)
- {
- const index_t sfid = i;
- const index_t efid = std::min(sfid + PartitionResultsWriter::kNumFiles, num_batches);
- const int nf = efid - sfid;
- const index_t L = batch_size * sfid;
- const index_t R = batch_size * efid;
- std::ifstream in;
- open_fstream(in, m4_file_name, std::ios::in);
- prw.OpenFiles(sfid, efid, m4_file_name, generate_partition_file_name);
- while (in >> m4)
- {
- if (m4qsize(m4) < min_read_size || m4ssize(m4) < min_read_size) continue;
- if (!check_m4record_mapping_range(m4, min_cov_ratio)) continue;
- if (repeat_reads.find(m4qid(m4)) != repeat_reads.end()
- ||
- repeat_reads.find(m4sid(m4)) != repeat_reads.end()) continue;
- if (m4qid(m4) >= L && m4qid(m4) < R)
- {
- normalize_m4record(m4, false, nm4);
- m4_to_candidate(nm4, ec);
- prw.WriteOneResult((m4qid(m4) - L) / batch_size, m4qid(m4), ec);
- }
- if (m4sid(m4) >= L && m4sid(m4) < R)
- {
- normalize_m4record(m4, true, nm4);
- m4_to_candidate(nm4, ec);
- prw.WriteOneResult((m4sid(m4) - L) / batch_size, m4sid(m4), ec);
- }
- }
- for (int k = 0; k < nf; ++k)
- {
- if (prw.max_seq_ids[k] == std::numeric_limits::min()) continue;
- idx_file << prw.file_names[k] << "\t" << prw.min_seq_ids[k] << "\t" << prw.max_seq_ids[k] << "\n";
- fprintf(stderr, "%s contains reads %d --- %d\n", prw.file_names[k].c_str(), (int)prw.min_seq_ids[k], (int)prw.max_seq_ids[k]);
- }
- prw.CloseFiles();
- }
- close_fstream(idx_file);
-partition_m4records(const char* m4_file_name,
- const double min_cov_ratio,
- const index_t batch_size,
- const int min_read_size,
- int num_files)
- DynamicTimer dtimer(__func__);
- num_files = fix_file_counts(num_files);
- index_t num_reads, num_qualified_records;
- get_qualified_m4record_counts(m4_file_name, min_cov_ratio, num_qualified_records, num_reads);
- set repeat_reads;
- const index_t num_batches = (num_reads + batch_size - 1) / batch_size;
- std::string idx_file_name;
- generate_partition_index_file_name(m4_file_name, idx_file_name);
- std::ofstream idx_file;
- open_fstream(idx_file, idx_file_name.c_str(), std::ios::out);
- M4Record m4, nm4;
- ExtensionCandidate ec;
- PartitionResultsWriter prw(num_files);
- for (index_t i = 0; i < num_batches; i += num_files)
- {
- const index_t sfid = i;
- const index_t efid = std::min(sfid + num_files, num_batches);
- const int nf = efid - sfid;
- const index_t L = batch_size * sfid;
- const index_t R = batch_size * efid;
- std::ifstream in;
- open_fstream(in, m4_file_name, std::ios::in);
- prw.OpenFiles(sfid, efid, m4_file_name, generate_partition_file_name);
- while (in >> m4)
- {
- if (m4qsize(m4) < min_read_size || m4ssize(m4) < min_read_size) continue;
- if (!check_m4record_mapping_range(m4, min_cov_ratio)) continue;
- if (repeat_reads.find(m4qid(m4)) != repeat_reads.end()
- ||
- repeat_reads.find(m4sid(m4)) != repeat_reads.end()) continue;
- if (m4qid(m4) >= L && m4qid(m4) < R)
- {
- normalize_m4record(m4, false, nm4);
- m4_to_candidate(nm4, ec);
- prw.WriteOneResult((m4qid(m4) - L) / batch_size, m4qid(m4), ec);
- }
- if (m4sid(m4) >= L && m4sid(m4) < R)
- {
- normalize_m4record(m4, true, nm4);
- m4_to_candidate(nm4, ec);
- prw.WriteOneResult((m4sid(m4) - L) / batch_size, m4sid(m4), ec);
- }
- }
- for (int k = 0; k < nf; ++k)
- {
- if (prw.max_seq_ids[k] == std::numeric_limits::min()) continue;
- idx_file << prw.file_names[k] << "\t" << prw.min_seq_ids[k] << "\t" << prw.max_seq_ids[k] << "\n";
- fprintf(stderr, "%s contains reads %d --- %d\n", prw.file_names[k].c_str(), (int)prw.min_seq_ids[k], (int)prw.max_seq_ids[k]);
- }
- prw.CloseFiles();
- }
- close_fstream(idx_file);
-load_partition_files_info(const char* idx_file_name, std::vector& file_info_vec)
- file_info_vec.clear();
- std::ifstream in;
- open_fstream(in, idx_file_name, std::ios::in);
- PartitionFileInfo pfi;
- while (in >> pfi.file_name)
- {
- in >> pfi.min_seq_id >> pfi.max_seq_id;
- file_info_vec.push_back(pfi);
- }
- close_fstream(in);
+void load_partition_files_info(const char* const idx_file_name, std::vector& file_info_vec) {
+ file_info_vec.clear();
+ std::ifstream in;
+ open_fstream(in, idx_file_name, std::ios::in);
+ std::string line;
+ while (in >> line) {
+ file_info_vec.push_back(line);
+ }
+ close_fstream(in);
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_partition.h b/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_partition.h
index 275a972..f8f7cc3 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_partition.h
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_partition.h
@@ -1,37 +1,16 @@
+#include // string
+#include // vector<>
+#include // int64_t
-#include "../common/alignment.h"
+void generate_partition_index_file_name(const std::string& input_file_name, std::string& ret);
-generate_partition_index_file_name(const char* m4_file_name, std::string& ret);
+void partition_m4records(const char* m4_file_name, double min_cov_ratio, size_t batch_size, int min_read_size, int num_files);
-generate_partition_file_name(const char* m4_file_name, const index_t part, std::string& ret);
+void partition_candidates(const std::string& input, const std::string& pac_prefix, size_t batch_size, int num_files, int64_t num_reads);
-partition_m4records(const char* m4_file_name,
- const double min_cov_ratio,
- const index_t batch_size,
- const int min_read_size,
- int num_files);
-partition_candidates(const char* input,
- const idx_t batch_size,
- const int min_read_size,
- int num_files);
-struct PartitionFileInfo
- std::string file_name;
- index_t min_seq_id;
- index_t max_seq_id;
-load_partition_files_info(const char* idx_file_name, std::vector& file_info_vec);
+void load_partition_files_info(const char* idx_file_name, std::vector& file_info_vec);
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_store.h b/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_store.h
index a545982..e015ae1 100644
--- a/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_store.h
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/overlaps_store.h
@@ -1,121 +1,219 @@
+#include // ifstream, ofstream, streampos, streamsize
+#include // string
+#include // int64_t
+#include // time(), time_t
+#include // _SC_OPEN_MAX, F_OK, access(), off_t, rename(), sysconf(), unlink()
+#include // vector<>
-#include "../common/defs.h"
-#include "../common/pod_darr.h"
+#include "../common/defs.h" // ERROR(), LOG()
+#include "../common/pod_darr.h" // PODArray<>
-class PartitionResultsWriter
- typedef void (*file_name_generator)(const char* prefix, const idx_t id, std::string& name);
- PartitionResultsWriter(const int max_num_files)
- {
- file_is_open = 0;
- num_open_files = 0;
- MaxNumFiles = max_num_files;
- results = new PODArray[MaxNumFiles];
- files = new std::ofstream[MaxNumFiles];
- file_names = new std::string[MaxNumFiles];
- min_seq_ids = new idx_t[MaxNumFiles];
- max_seq_ids = new idx_t[MaxNumFiles];
- for (int i = 0; i < MaxNumFiles; ++i) results[i].reserve(kStoreSize);
+template class PartitionResultsWriter {
+ public:
+ typedef void (*file_name_generator)(const std::string& prefix, int id, std::string& name);
+ public:
+ const int kNumFiles; // effective open file limit
+ int kStoreSize;
+ int num_open_files;
+ PODArray* results; // can't use vector<>, causes memory corruption
+ std::ofstream* files; // can't use vector<>, non-copyable
+ std::vector file_names;
+ std::vector counts;
+ public:
+ // can't make kNumFiles static, as sysconf() is run-time only;
+ // leave room for stdin, stdout, stderr, a few others
+ explicit PartitionResultsWriter(const int max_files_per_batch) : kNumFiles(max_files_per_batch > 0 ? max_files_per_batch : sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX) - 10), kStoreSize(0), num_open_files(0), results(0), files(0) { }
+ ~PartitionResultsWriter() {
+ CloseFiles();
+ }
+ void OpenFiles(const int sfid, const int efid, const std::string& prefix, file_name_generator fng, const std::string& done_file) {
+ CloseFiles();
+ if (efid <= sfid) {
+ return;
+ }
+ done_file_ = done_file;
+ ckpt_file_ = done_file_ + ".ckpt";
+ ckpt_file_tmp_ = ckpt_file_ + ".tmp";
+ num_open_files = efid - sfid;
+ batch_start_ = sfid;
+ allocate_data(prefix, fng, 0);
- ~PartitionResultsWriter()
- {
+ void CloseFiles() {
+ if (num_open_files == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i(0); i != num_open_files; ++i) { // flush buffers
+ if (results[i].size()) {
+ write_buffer_to_disk(i);
+ }
+ files[i].close();
+ // don't attempt to re-finish finished files
+ if (!file_names[i].empty()) {
+ const std::string tmp_file(file_names[i] + ".tmp");
+ if (rename(tmp_file.c_str(), file_names[i].c_str()) == -1) {
+ ERROR("Could not rename %s", tmp_file.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
delete[] results;
delete[] files;
- delete[] file_names;
- delete[] min_seq_ids;
- delete[] max_seq_ids;
+ file_names.clear();
+ counts.clear();
+ kStoreSize = num_open_files = 0;
+ results = 0;
+ files = 0;
- void OpenFiles(const idx_t sfid, const idx_t efid, const std::string& prefix, file_name_generator fng)
- {
- if (file_is_open) CloseFiles();
- const int nf = efid - sfid;
- if (nf == 0) return;
- for (int i = 0; i < nf; ++i)
- {
- fng(prefix.data(), i + sfid, file_names[i]);
- open_fstream(files[i], file_names[i].c_str(), std::ios::binary);
- min_seq_ids[i] = std::numeric_limits::max();
- max_seq_ids[i] = std::numeric_limits::min();
+ void finalize() {
+ // touch done file
+ std::ofstream done(done_file_.c_str());
+ if (!done) {
+ ERROR("Could not create done file %s", done_file_.c_str());
+ }
+ done.close();
+ // remove checkpoint file
+ unlink(std::string(done_file_ + ".ckpt").c_str());
+ }
+ int WriteOneResult(const int i, const int64_t seq_id, const T& r) {
+ ++counts[i];
+ results[i].push_back(r);
+ if (results[i].size() == kStoreSize) {
+ write_buffer_to_disk(i);
- }
- num_open_files = nf;
- file_is_open = true;
+ if (time(0) >= next_checkpoint_time_) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int restart(const std::string& prefix, file_name_generator fng, const std::string& done_file, int& sfid, off_t& input_pos) {
+ CloseFiles();
+ done_file_ = done_file;
+ ckpt_file_ = done_file_ + ".ckpt";
+ ckpt_file_tmp_ = ckpt_file_ + ".tmp";
+ std::ifstream in(ckpt_file_.c_str());
+ if (!in) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ in >> batch_start_ >> num_open_files >> input_pos;
+ if (!in) {
+ ERROR("Read error while restoring checkpoint from %s", ckpt_file_.c_str());
+ }
+ allocate_data(prefix, fng, 1);
+ for (int i(0); i != num_open_files; ++i) {
+ off_t file_pos;
+ in >> file_pos >> counts[i];
+ if (!in) {
+ ERROR("Read error while restore checkpoint from %s (%d)", ckpt_file_.c_str(), i);
+ }
+ // don't need to restart finished files
+ if (!file_names[i].empty() && !files[i].seekp(file_pos)) {
+ ERROR("Seek failed while restoring checkpoint from %s (%d)", ckpt_file_.c_str(), i);
+ }
+ }
+ sfid = batch_start_;
+ return 1;
- void CloseFiles()
- {
- if (!file_is_open) return;
- for (int i = 0; i < num_open_files; ++i)
- {
- if (results[i].size())
- {
- char* buf = (char*)results[i].data();
- std::streamsize s = sizeof(T) * results[i].size();
- files[i].write(buf, s);
+ void checkpoint(const off_t input_pos) {
+ std::ofstream out(ckpt_file_tmp_.c_str());
+ if (!out) {
+ LOG(stderr, "Checkpoint failed: couldn't open %s", ckpt_file_tmp_.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ out << batch_start_ << " " << num_open_files << " " << input_pos << "\n";
+ if (!out) {
+ LOG(stderr, "Checkpoint failed: write failed: %s", ckpt_file_tmp_.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ // flush buffers
+ for (int i(0); i != num_open_files; ++i) {
+ if (results[i].size()) {
+ write_buffer_to_disk(i);
+ results[i].clear();
+ }
+ files[i].flush();
+ out << off_t(files[i].tellp()) << " " << counts[i] << "\n";
+ if (!out) {
+ LOG(stderr, "Checkpoint failed: write failed: %s", ckpt_file_tmp_.c_str());
+ return;
- for (int i = 0; i < num_open_files; ++i) close_fstream(files[i]);
- file_is_open = false;
- num_open_files = 0;
+ out.close();
+ if (rename(ckpt_file_tmp_.c_str(), ckpt_file_.c_str()) == -1) {
+ LOG(stderr, "Checkpoint failed: rename failed: %s", ckpt_file_.c_str());
+ }
+ next_checkpoint_time_ = time(0) + 300;
- void WriteOneResult(const int fid, const idx_t seq_id, const T& r)
- {
- if (fid >= num_open_files) {
- std::cout << "fid = " << fid
- << ", num_open_files = "
- << num_open_files
- << "\n";
+ int64_t total_count() const {
+ int64_t total(0);
+ std::vector::const_iterator a(counts.begin());
+ const std::vector::const_iterator end_a(counts.end());
+ for (; a != end_a; ++a) {
+ total += *a;
- r_assert(fid < num_open_files);
- min_seq_ids[fid] = std::min(min_seq_ids[fid], seq_id);
- max_seq_ids[fid] = std::max(max_seq_ids[fid], seq_id);
- results[fid].push_back(r);
- if (results[fid].size() == kStoreSize)
- {
- char* buf = (char*)results[fid].data();
- std::streamsize s = sizeof(T) * results[fid].size();
- files[fid].write(buf, s);
- results[fid].clear();
+ return total;
+ }
+ private:
+ int batch_start_ ;
+ time_t next_checkpoint_time_;
+ std::string done_file_;
+ std::string ckpt_file_;
+ std::string ckpt_file_tmp_;
+ private:
+ void allocate_data(const std::string& prefix, file_name_generator fng, const int is_restart) {
+ // allocate about a gb of memory as buffer, split among num_open_files
+ kStoreSize = (1 << 30) / sizeof(T) / num_open_files;
+ results = new PODArray[num_open_files];
+ file_names.assign(num_open_files, "");
+ counts.assign(num_open_files, 0);
+ files = new std::ofstream[num_open_files];
+ for (int i(0); i != num_open_files; ++i) {
+ fng(prefix, i + batch_start_, file_names[i]);
+ const std::string tmp_file(file_names[i] + ".tmp");
+ if (is_restart) {
+ if (access(file_names[i].c_str(), F_OK) == 0) {
+ // mark as already finished
+ file_names[i].clear();
+ // use /dev/null to prevent write errors
+ files[i].open("/dev/null", std::ios::binary);
+ } else {
+ // don't truncate on restart
+ files[i].open(tmp_file.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
+ }
+ } else {
+ files[i].open(tmp_file.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
+ }
+ if (!files[i]) {
+ ERROR("Open failed on %s", tmp_file.c_str());
+ }
+ results[i].reserve(kStoreSize);
+ }
+ next_checkpoint_time_ = time(0) + 300;
+ }
+ void write_buffer_to_disk(const int i) {
+ // can't use static_cast<>
+ const char* const buf((char*)results[i].data());
+ const std::streamsize s(sizeof(T) * results[i].size());
+ if (!files[i].write(buf, s)) {
+ ERROR("Error writing to %s", file_names[i].c_str());
- int MaxNumFiles;
- static const int kStoreSize = 500000;
- PODArray* results;
- bool file_is_open;
- int num_open_files;
- std::ofstream* files;
- std::string* file_names;
- idx_t* min_seq_ids;
- idx_t* max_seq_ids;
-T* load_partition_data(const char* path, idx_t& num_results)
+template T* load_partition_data(const char* const path, int64_t& num_results) {
std::ifstream in;
open_fstream(in, path, std::ios::binary);
in.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
- std::streampos fs = in.tellg();
+ const std::streampos fs(in.tellg());
in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
num_results = fs / sizeof(T);
- T* arr = new T[num_results];
- in.read((char*)arr, fs);
+ T* const arr(new T[num_results]);
+ in.read((char*)arr, fs); // can't use static_cast<>
+ if (!in) {
+ ERROR("Error reading partition data: %s", path);
+ }
return arr;
diff --git a/src/mecat2cns/packed_db.cpp b/src/mecat2cns/packed_db.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4682db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mecat2cns/packed_db.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#include "packed_db.h"
+#include // ifstream, ofstream
+#include // set<>
+#include // uint8_t
+#include // rename()