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Modbus Protocol Tutorial




  • 1 coil = 1 bit.
  • 1 register address = 2 bytes.
  • [ register start address = 0001 ] equal to [ access address = 0 ], there is a 1 address offset.
  • The encoding format of 4 bytes data = BA_DC. (big-endian mode = DC_BA,little-endian mode = AB_CD)
  • Support automatic reconnection.

Protocol type

Modbus Protocol Class Remark
Tcp ModbusTcp, ModbusTcpServer Ethernet
Rtu ModbusRtuOverTcp Serial to Ethernet
Ascii ModbusAsciiOverTcp Serial to Ethernet


Area Number Name Read/Write Address Range Method
0 area output coil read/write 00001-09999 readCoil / writeCoil
1 area input coil read 10001-19999 readDiscreteInput
3 area input register read 30001-39999 readInputRegister
4 area hold register read/write 40001-49999 readHoldRegister / writeHoldRegister


According to the Modbus communication protocol, the Modbus data addresses are 0xxxx, 1xxxx, 3xxxx, and 4xxxx.

Case Address Area Address Prefix Address Remain Method Address Use Example
00001 output coil 0 0001 0 readCoil(0, 1)
10003 input coil 1 0003 2 readDiscreteInput(2, 1)
30020 input register 3 0020 19 readInputRegister(19, 1)
40100 hold register 4 0100 99 readHoldRegister(99, 1)

Function Code

number Function Code Description Method
1 01H read output coil readCoil
2 02H read input coil readDiscreteInput
3 03H read hold register readHoldRegister
4 04H read input register readInputRegister
5 05H write single coil writeCoil
6 06H write single register writeHoldRegister
7 0FH write multiple coil writeCoil
8 10H write multiple register writeHoldRegister

Hold Register Quick Access

number Method Register Count Size in Byte Size in Bit Register
1 readBoolean 1 1/8 1 hold register
2 readInt16 1 2 16 hold register
3 readUInt16 1 2 16 hold register
4 readInt32 2 4 32 hold register
5 readUInt32 2 4 32 hold register
6 readFloat32 2 4 32 hold register
7 readFloat64 4 8 64 hold register
8 readString n 2n 16n hold register
9 writeInt16 1 2 16 hold register
10 writeUInt16 1 2 16 hold register
11 writeInt32 2 4 32 hold register
12 writeUInt32 2 4 32 hold register
13 writeFloat32 2 4 32 hold register
14 writeFloat64 4 8 64 hold register
15 writeString n 2n 16n hold register

Print Message

If you want to know the actual input and output of packets during communication, you can print packet information by yourself.

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");
        // print message
        plc.setComCallback((tag, bytes) -> System.out.printf("%s[%d] %s%n", tag, bytes.length, HexUtil.toHexString(bytes)));
        plc.writeInt16(2, (short) 10);

Communication Connection

  • By default, the long connection mode is adopted. You need to close connection manually when it is not in use.
  • If a short connection is required, you need to set it manually.

1. Long Connection Mode

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // long connection mode, persistence = true
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");
        plc.writeInt16(2, (short) 10);
        short data = plc.readInt16(2);
        // close it manually

2. Short Connection Mode

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // short connection mode
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");
        // set short connection mode, persistence = false
        plc.writeInt16(2, (short) 10);
        short data = plc.readInt16(2);

Fixed unitId mode (1-to-1)

1. Read data

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");

        // read coil
        List<Boolean> readCoil = plc.readCoil(0, 2);

        // read discrete input
        List<Boolean> readDiscreteInput = plc.readDiscreteInput(0, 4);

        // read hold register
        byte[] readHoldRegister = plc.readHoldRegister(0, 4);

        // read input register
        byte[] readInputRegister = plc.readInputRegister(0, 2);

        // hold register read Boolean
        boolean readBoolean = plc.readBoolean(2, 1);

        // hold register read Int16
        short readInt16 = plc.readInt16(2);

        // hold register read UInt16
        int readUInt16 = plc.readUInt16(2);

        // hold register read Int32
        int readInt32 = plc.readInt32(2);

        // hold register read Int32
        long readUInt32 = plc.readUInt32(2);

        // hold register read Float32
        float readFloat32 = plc.readFloat32(2);

        // hold register read Float64
        double readFloat64 = plc.readFloat64(2);

        // hold register read String
        String readString = plc.readString(2, 4);


2. Write data

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");

        // single write coil
        plc.writeCoil(0, true);

        // multiple write coil
        List<Boolean> booleans = Arrays.asList(true, false, true, false);
        plc.writeCoil(0, booleans);

        // single write hold register
        plc.writeHoldRegister(0, 33);
        // multiple write hold register
        plc.writeHoldRegister(3, new byte[]{(byte) 0x11, (byte) 0x12});
        // multiple write hold register
        List<Integer> integers = Arrays.asList(11, 12, 13, 14);
        plc.writeHoldRegister(3, integers);

        // hold register write int16
        plc.writeInt16(2, (short) 10);

        // hold register write uint16
        plc.writeUInt16(2, 20);

        // hold register write int32
        plc.writeInt32(2, 32);

        // hold register write uint32
        plc.writeUInt32(2, 32L);

        // hold register write float32
        plc.writeFloat32(2, 12.12f);

        // hold register write float64
        plc.writeFloat64(2, 33.21);

        // hold register write String, even length
        plc.writeString(2, "1234");


Any unitId mode (1 to many)

1. Read data

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");
        // optional
        plc.setComCallback((tag, bytes) -> System.out.printf("%s[%d] %s%n", tag, bytes.length, HexUtil.toHexString(bytes)));

        // read coil
        List<Boolean> readCoil = plc.readCoil(2, 0, 2);

        // read discrete input
        List<Boolean> readDiscreteInput = plc.readDiscreteInput(2, 0, 4);

        // read hold register
        byte[] readHoldRegister = plc.readHoldRegister(2, 0, 4);

        // read input register
        byte[] readInputRegister = plc.readInputRegister(2, 0, 2);

        // hold register read Boolean
        boolean readBoolean = plc.readBoolean(3, 2, 1);

        // hold register read Int16
        short readInt16 = plc.readInt16(3, 2, true);

        // hold register read UInt16
        int readUInt16 = plc.readUInt16(3, 2, false);

        // hold register read Int32
        int readInt32 = plc.readInt32(4, 2, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register read Int32
        long readUInt32 = plc.readUInt32(4, 2, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register read Float32
        float readFloat32 = plc.readFloat32(4, 2, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register read Float64
        double readFloat64 = plc.readFloat64(4, 2, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register read String
        String readString = plc.readString(5, 2, 4);


2. Write data

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcp plc = new ModbusTcp("");
        // optional
        plc.setComCallback((tag, bytes) -> System.out.printf("%s[%d] %s%n", tag, bytes.length, HexUtil.toHexString(bytes)));

        // single write coil
        plc.writeCoil(2, 0, true);

        // multiple write coil
        List<Boolean> booleans = Arrays.asList(true, false, true, false);
        plc.writeCoil(2, 0, booleans);

        // single write hold register
        plc.writeHoldRegister(2, 0, 33);
        // multiple write hold register
        plc.writeHoldRegister(2, 3, new byte[]{(byte) 0x11, (byte) 0x12});
        // multiple write hold register
        List<Integer> integers = Arrays.asList(11, 12, 13, 14);
        plc.writeHoldRegister(2, 3, integers);

        // hold register write int16
        plc.writeInt16(3, 2, (short) 10, true);

        // hold register write uint16
        plc.writeUInt16(3, 2, 20, false);

        // hold register write int32
        plc.writeInt32(4, 2, 32, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register write uint32
        plc.writeUInt32(4, 2, 32L, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register write float32
        plc.writeFloat32(4, 2, 12.12f, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register write float64
        plc.writeFloat64(4, 2, 33.21, EByteBuffFormat.AB_CD);

        // hold register write String
        plc.writeString(5, 2, "1234");


ModbusTcp Server(Slave)

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModbusTcpServer server = new ModbusTcpServer();

        ModbusTcp modbusTcp = new ModbusTcp("");
        // optional
        modbusTcp.setComCallback((tag, bytes) -> System.out.printf("%s[%d] %s%n", tag, bytes.length, HexUtil.toHexString(bytes)));

        modbusTcp.writeInt16(2, (short) 10);
        short data = modbusTcp.readInt16(2);
