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File metadata and controls

66 lines (46 loc) · 2.97 KB

Player Markers

Generate player markers with go for Mapcrafter


This is designed to generate player markers for a Mapcrafter map. It uses the world/playerdata/ to find the last known location of the players.

It useful in a situation where the Mapcrafter map is not on the same server as the Minecraft server or you are unable to install mods.

It uses minero-go NBT package to read and parse the player.dat. Next it will call the mojang API to retreive a username from a UUID and then it calls the Visage API to download the user skin.

After successfully retreiving all the player information it generates a js file to tell Mapcrafter to create the markers as seen here.


Clone or go get the this repository.

You can modify the player-markers-tmpl.js to reflect your specific Mapcrafter setup.

Create a json config file.

Finally run playerMarkers -c=/location/of/json/config.json

NOTE: if you have other manually set markers then you will want to generate a seperate player-markers.js file which merges your existing manual markers with the player markers to create one MAPCRAFTER_MARKERS array. You will also need to modify your index.html Mapcrafter template to include this newly generated file.

Added player-markers.js under markers.js

<script type="text/javascript" src="config.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="markers.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="player-markers.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="markers-generated.js"></script>

Config File

This is a simple json config file to tell the program where to find your world and where to same the generated js file.

api-url string rest API endpoint to get usernames from UUIDs. This should be ommited unless you are modifying the go source code

skin-url string rest API url to download skins. This should be omitted unless you are modifying the go source code

js-path string full path including file name of where the final js file should be saved

js-tmpl-path string full path of where the js template is located. NOTE: this should be valid go template syntax

dat-dirs string array each element of the array should be a full path to a playerdata directory inside a worldyou want to render markers for


    "api-url": "",
    "skin-url": "",
    "skin-dir": "/home/user/minecraft-map/static/markers/",
    "js-path": "/home/user/minecraft-map/player-markers.js",
    "js-tmpl-path": "/home/user/playerMarkers/player-markers-tmpl.js",
    "dat-dirs": [