diff --git a/HISTORY.rst b/HISTORY.rst
index 1ca9c64..16c99b7 100644
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+++ b/HISTORY.rst
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-.. :changelog:
-Release History
-Release 3.5.7 (2020-03-26)
-* Refine Creating Lightning Web Component (``lwc``) process
-* Add Retrieving, Destructing, Deploying lwc from both sidebar and context menu
-* Add Creating CSS style, SVG file for lwc in context menu
-* Fix auto completion for aura component bug
-* Fix issue #198
-Release 3.5.4 (2019-07-31)
-* Add component tag attr desc completion when hover on attr
-* Add user interface api doc reference toc
-* lwc supports label, staticresource, custom object and fields import
-* Enhancement for lwc boolean attr completion
-* Fix bug for meta file deployment
-Release 3.5.4 (2018-02-12)
-* Fix issue #172
-* Fix issue #173
-Release 3.5.3 (2018-02-06)
-* Add missing base components from lightning developer guide by script: https://gist.github.com/xjsender/265d237fbeafebabff6c8669f9359fff#file-read-json-from-lightning-compnent-js
-* Add $A.localizationService lib
-* Fix some minor bugs
-Release 3.5.2 (2018-02-03)
-* Support oAuth2 Login, check https://github.com/xjsender/haoide#project-configuration for guide
-* Add Lightning event methods completion
-* Add customlabel and staticresource completions for lightning component
-* Add lightning component iconName support
-* Add package.zip to file_exclude_patterns
-* Add attributes completion after v.
-* Update apex lib to v41
-* Deliver enhancement for issue #145
-* Fix custom label completion bug in Lightning mode
-* Fix bug for open_aura_document_reference command
-* Fix bug #147
-Release 3.5.1 (2018-01-25)
-* Basic completion support for component controller or helper
-Release 3.5.0 (2018-01-21)
-* Add aura component and attribute completion, contributed by @lushang
-* Add some missed base component
-* Add lightning component implements completion
-* Add Queueable Apex Template
-* Add SLDS classes completion
-* Add some console snippets
-* Add sObject completion when attribute support sObjects, such as type for aura:attribute
-* Update export format for ``Export Profile`` command
-* Fix some bugs, such as, aura app preview, custom label completion, etc.
-Release 3.4.7 (2017-07-29)
-* Really and still busy on project delivery work in the past year, will continue in the next days.
-* New Fetaure: Combine package.xml in selected folders
-* New Feature: Custom Label completion support, which is fetched from ``project/.config/package.json`` by ``Reload Project Cache`` command
-* Update Aura completion lib by ``lushang``
-* Others
-Release 3.4.6 (2016-09-26)
-* Deliver enhancement for issue #132
-* Deliver enhancement for issue #134
-* Deliver enhancement for issue #140
-* Fix issue #138
-Release 3.4.5 (2016-06-16)
-* Fix bug: sublime will be closed when view debug log by logId with pressing alt + dblclick left mouse
-* Fix issue #126
-* Deliver feature #119
-* Add a new setting ``force_login_interval`` for controlling login cache refresh interval
-Release 3.4.4 (2016-06-11)
-* Fix Urgent ``FileNotFoundError`` problem when create new code
-Release 3.4.3 (2016-06-06)
-* Hide ``execute query`` command in the context menu, use ``REST TEST Query`` instead
-* Rename Snippet ``HttpRequest - Authorization Basic Credentials.sublime-snippet`` to ``HttpRequest - Callout.sublime-snippet``
-* Add new snippet named ``Page - loading action status.sublime-snippet``
-* Add visibility control for ``Extract To Here`` in the sidebar menu
-* Fix bug for custom components completion
-* Fix bug for variable type fetching for code completion
-* Fix issue #117
-Release 3.4.2 (2016-05-23)
-* Change api version back to 35, fix issue #116
-Release 3.4.1 (2016-05-23)
-* Fix issue #113
-* Fix issue #115
-* Fix Bug for conflict checking bug caused by solution for issue #108
-* Fix Bug for ``fetch debug log``
-* Execute ``fetch_debug_log`` operation after ``run sync test``
-Release 3.4.0 (2016-05-20)
-- Deliver enhancement for issue #108
-- Deliver enhancement for issue #111
-- Fix bug when test class failed caused by dependency compilation
-- Fix bug when view debug log detail
-- Fix bug when read csv encoding
-- Fix bug When create first new code that will clear the cache of others
-- Fix bug When deploy files, default project is not switched back
-- Remove duplicate command ``Reload Sobject Cache`` from command palette
-- Remove snippet ``Class Body - class comments``
-- Add new snippet: ``Page - close window and refresh opener``
-- Add keymap for ``Open All Documents``, check the keymap setting for detail
-- Add new command ``copy_files_to_project`` for issue #113
-- Update snippet: ``Debug - debug info``, ``Debug - debug error``, ``Class Header - class header``
-- Update include_users_in_role_hierarchy to false on default
-- Update ``folder_exclude_patterns`` pattern to exclude ``.templates`` folder in the sidebar
-Release 3.3.9 (2016-04-18)
-* Force login every two hours
-* Add retry operation for list package if session is expired
-* Change display format for REST TEST Response, add a new setting ``remove_slash_for_rest_response``
-* Fix bug for aura creation
-* Add AuraEnabled template class
-* Add a snippet for class comments header
-* Add a snippet for LoggingLevel.ERROR debug
-* Update a snippet for LoggingLevel.INFO debug
-Release 3.3.8 (2016-04-12)
-* Enhancement for code template, welcome new template pull request
-* Add runSpecifiedTest support for deploying files
-* Change mousemap key mapping, see more detail at Q&A
-* Update Q&A in the pulgin home page
-Release 3.3.7 (2016-03-28)
-* Fix issue #88
-* Fix issue #99, problem of ``reload document``
-* Deliver enhancement for issue #96
-* Open exported CSV file when execute ``Export CustomField`` command
-Release 3.3.6 (2016-03-28)
-* Fix issue #98
-* Add ``Return to First Step`` feature when open documentation by type
-* Remove build-in reference settings which is replaced ``Reload Salesforce Document``
-* Enhancement for ``Open Documentation`` feature
-* Enhancement for ``Reload Project Cache`` feature
-Release 3.3.5 (2016-03-26)
-* Greatly improve performance of code completion
-* Fix invalid scope problem for custom class completion
-* Enhancement for document reference
-* Change panel message format
-Release 3.3.4 (2016-03-23)
-* Fix issue #93
-* Fix issue #97
-* Optimize for methods in ``metadata.py``
-* Update README.md
-Release 3.3.3 (2016-03-14)
-* Fix issue #94
-* Enhance ``refresh package`` command
-* Add package.xml update support for command ``build_package_xml``
-Release 3.3.2 (2016-03-12)
-* Fix issue #92
-Release 3.3.1 (2016-03-11)
-* Rename ``deploy_package_to_server`` command to ``deploy_package``
-* Add new command ``refresh_package``, see issue #91 for detail
-* Add LastModifiedBy check for conflict check logic, see issue #89
-* Remove setting ``ignore_project_package_xml`` and related logic
-Release 3.3.0 (2016-03-11)
-* Deliver enhancement #91
-* Fix bug issue #92
-* Fix package.xml onload XML parse exception
-Release 3.2.9 (2016-03-10)
-* Enhancement for ``role hierarchy exporting``
-* Add new settings ``include_users_in_role_hierarchy`` to control whether including user in the CSV
-* Deliver new feature, see issue #89
-* upgrade build-in requests lib to 2.9.1
-* change display message for list metadata in the output panel
-Release 3.2.8 (2016-02-26)
-* Fix issue #88
-* Fix bug for ``export workflow rules`` feature
-* Add parameter ``vertical`` for ``export_data_template`` command for exporting Layout Workbook
-* Add a command for copying login url, which can be used for login with different browser
-* Update version and copyright information
-Release 3.2.7 (2015-12-21)
-* Fix issue #86
-Release 3.2.6 (2015-12-20)
-* Fix issue #84
-* Fix issue #85
-* New ``Export > Export Role Hierarchy`` command
-Release 3.2.5 (2015-12-15)
-* Fix urgent bug issue #83
-* Fix urgent bug for sobject cache reloading
-* Remove ``allowed_sobjects`` setting
-Release 3.2.4 (2015-12-09)
-* Enhancement for lightning development
-* Add new command for creating ``SVG`` and ``design``
-* Update lightning related library
-* Change default ``api_version`` from ``34`` to ``35``
-Release 3.2.3 (2015-12-01)
-* Bug Fix:
- Fix bug for lightning development when deploying cmp or app
-* Enhancement:
- - Display the lightning type in the input panel when creating lightning components
- - Change ``No change`` to ``no difference`` in non-difference message when executing ``diff_with_server`` command
-* Update:
- - Remove four commands ``create_lightning_application``, ``create_lightning_component``, ``create_lightning_interface``, ``create_lightning_event``, bind the four features to ``create_lightning_definition`` by difference ``_type``
- - Optimize completion for Boolean attribute in the html related page
- - Stop keeping useless ``settings.json`` to ``.config`` folder
-Release 3.2.2 (2015-11-19)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Fix TypeError when export soql to csv
- - Fix aura app preview problem
- - Fix bug for missing standard Objects when retrieve all
- - Fix bug for `deploy selected open files` fetaure
- - Fix instance parse problem for lightning app preview
- - Fix bug of aura helperjs or controoler deploy
-* New Feature:
- - Add new command to open aura document reference in the command palette
-* Enhancement:
- - Improve output message of debug mode
- - Update README.MD
-Release 3.2.1 (2015-11-10)
-* Fix issue #81
-Release 3.2.0 (2015-10-07)
-* Deliver enhancement #73
-* Deliver enhancement #77
-Release 3.1.9 (2015-08-26)
-* Fix issue #71, export workbooks by user input
-* Fix bug for visibility problem of ``Retrieve Package.xml``
-* Add bootstrap3 support for styleClass attribute of salesforce standard components
-Release 3.1.8 (2015-08-08)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Fix bug for bootstrap3 completion
- - Fix bug for ``toggle_metadata_objects`` command if project is not initiated
- - Fix bug for ``SOQL - SELECT FROM.sublime.snippet`` in windows
-* Enhancement:
- - Add confirm request for ``retrieve files from server`` and ``retrieve files from this server``
- - Add confirm request for ``destruct package.xml from server`` and ``retrieve files from this server``
- - Identify ``this file`` or ``these files`` in confirm request message according to number of chosen files
-* Update:
- - Add project name and remove [LOG] or [ERROR] notation in log or error panel
- - Rename ``destruct package.xml`` command to ``destruct package.xml from server``
- - Rename ``retrieve package.xml`` command to ``retrieve package.xml from server``
- - Update ``to`` or ``from`` in context menu item name to ``To`` or ``From``
- - Update confirm request message for ``destruct files from server``
-* New:
- - Add a new command ``Enable Development Mode`` to quickly enable visualforce page development mode
- - Add bootstrap3 completion document
-Release 3.1.7 (2015-08-05)
-* Enhancement:
- - Add `with sharing` for `Utility Class` in template
- - When you want to view code coverage, if you didn't download code, you can't view code coverage and you will get the reminder message in the status bar
- - Before v33.0, tooling API doesn't support relationship query just like ``ApexClass.LastModifiedBy.Name``, when you save code to server, plugin will check your code has conflict with server and tell you ``who change the code at when?``, because relationship query is not supported, plugin will need to issue a query request to fetch the LastModifiedBy Name by the LastModifiedById, from this version, it will not necessary.
- - Add comments for some settings
- - Move metadata.json from ``metadata.sublime-settings`` to ``.config/metadata.json``, when you create new project, if the ``metadata.json`` is exist in the ``.config`` path, plugin will skip the describe process, however, if you want to refresh the cache, you can execute ``Metadata > Describe Metadata`` to refresh the ``metadata.json`` cache file
-* Bug Fix:
- - After you select all test class, you can't deselect all when you run tests
- - Problem when ``diff with other server``, see detail in issue #61
-* New Feature:
- - Add a new command named ``destruct_package_xml`` in the context menu, which is used for destructing members defined in ``package.xml`` from current server, so if you want to remove some components from production, you can get the package.xml by ``Metadata > Build Package.xml``, and then execute ``destruct_package_xml`` to remove them from production
-* Update:
- - Update keymap of ``retrieve from this server`` from ``super+shift+r`` to ``alt+shift+r``, fix issue #68
- - Update keymap of ``deploy to this server`` from ``super+shift+s`` to ``alt+shift+s``
-Release 3.1.6 (2015-07-29)
-* Bug fix:
- - If controller name is same with page name, there will have problem when view code coverage
- - Fix bug when file is loaded
- - Fix issue #62
- - Fix issue #63
-* Enhancement:
- - Deliver enhancement #64
- - Deliver enhancement #65
- - Deliver enhancement #66
-Release 3.1.5 (2015-07-27)
-* New Feature:
- - Add bootstrap3 support for html class completion
- - Add a new setting ``disable_bootstrap_completion`` to control bootstrap completion
-* Update:
- - Remove ``Metadata > Describe Metadata`` menu item in the main menu
-* Fix Bug:
- - Fix bug for running sync test for class with namespace or not
- - Fix bug for ``get_file_attributes`` method
-Release 3.1.4 (2015-07-25)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Fix issue #23?
- - Fix issue #58
- - Fix issue #59
-* Enhancement:
- - Add filters support for ``Build Package.xml`` command, which is used to filter members which contains the input filters
- - Add update feature for ``Build Package.xml`` command, which is used to add or remove members from exist package.xml
- - Add keymap for some frequently-used commands
- - Add visibility control for some CURD command on code file
- - Aura related features
- - Merge ``Deploy Lightning To Server`` command with ``Deploy File to Server`` command
- - Merge ``Retrieve Lightning To Server`` command with ``Retrieve File to Server`` command
- - Use file full name as key in ``component_metadata.sublime-settings``, originally, we use name as key, for example, originally, ``AccountController`` is key, now is ``AccountController.cls``
- - Change ``Diff With Server`` command to just visible when code file is ``classes, triggers, components or pages``
-* New Feature:
- - New ``Run Sync Test`` command for replacing ``Run Test`` feature
- - Read code coverage information from local cache kept by ``Run Sync Test`` command
- - New ``Retrieve from This Server`` command in the context menu
- - New ``Diff With This Server`` command in the context menu
- - New ``View File Attributes`` command in the context menu
-* Update:
- - ``Quick Goto`` is switched to standard sublime build-in, I changed the mousemap to bind with the standard feature , with this feature, you can quickly view the symbols in sublime, for example, when you see a statement like this ``AccountUtil.populateField()``, you can put focus in the method name, hold down ``shift`` and triple-click your left mouse, sublime will open the ``AccountUtil`` class and put focus in the selected method
-Release 3.1.3 (2015-07-18)
-* Fix issue #54
-* Fix issue #56
-Release 3.1.2 (2015-07-17)
-* Fix issue #55
-Release 3.1.1 (2015-07-16)
-* Bug fix:
- - Fix a issue for ``save_to_server`` command when ``api_version`` is less than 29
- - Fix problem in ``Class Body - test data util body-sublime-snippet.sublime-snippet``
-* Enhancement:
- - Enhancement for issue #53
- - Enhancement for issue #54
- - Support deploy and retrieve for metadataObject which is in folder
- - Add support for visualforce email template development
- - Add select all feature for ``toggle_metadata_objects`` command
- - Add ``Territory2`` to ``allowed_sobjects`` list
-* Update:
- - Remove ``disable_visualforce_completion`` setting
- - Add four settings to disable part of completion in visualforce page, see more in ``docs/completion.md``
-Release 3.1.0 (2015-07-09)
-* Enhancement:
- - Sometimes, the inner class name is same with standard class or sObject, if this inner class is matched, ignore the standard completion
- - Add Notation [EU] for external or unique field in field completion, ``E`` means External, ``U`` means Unique
- - Add a new setting named ``disable_visualforce_completion`` to control visualforce completion
-* Bug Fix:
- - Fix issue #49
- - Fix issue #50
- - Catch exception for ``check retrieve status`` request when retrieve
-* New
- - Add a new snippet ``Bracket - sobject parenthesis.sublime-snippet``, see ``/docs/snippets.md`` for more detail
-* Update
- - Change default ``api_version`` from 33 to 34
- - Move document for ``execute anonymous`` from ``project.md`` to ``debug.md``
-Release 3.0.9 (2015-07-01)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Fix bug for snippet ``SOQL - SELECT * FROM.sublime-snippet``
- - Fix bug for ``extract_to_here`` command
-* Enhancement:
- - Don't need confirmation to reload project cache after choose metadata objects
- - In order to avoid timeout exception, increase max_retries from 5 to 10 for retrieve zipFile request
-Release 3.0.8 (2015-06-28)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Fix bug when build package.xml for whole org
-* Enhancement:
- - Display chosen sObject Name when input trigger name
- - Enhancement for #39, open a new view, set status bar and close the new view
- - Add success message for ``extract_to_here`` command
- - Update all snippets
-* New:
- - Add a quick link to view all snippets, see it in plugin home page
- - Add command to access all snippets in ``Utilities`` of main menu
-Release 3.0.7 (2015-06-26)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Fix issue #46
- - Fix bugs caused by ``describe_global`` change in the ``tooling.py``
-* Enhancement
- - Merge pull request #45 by @reyesml(https://github.com/reyesml)
-* New
- - Add a snippets: ``Page Variable - get and set in one line.sublime-snippet``
- - Add a snippets: ``Page Variable - get and set in multiply line.sublime-snippet``
- - Add a new command for building package.xml for whole org
-Release 3.0.6 (2015-06-23)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Merge pull request #42 by @pgAdmin(https://github.com/pgAdmin)
- - Merge pull request #43 by @reyesml(https://github.com/reyesml), fixed issue #6
- - Fix bug for ``export_workbook`` feature
-Release 3.0.5 (2015-06-15)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Custom component attributes completion bug when component file is not exist in the target path
-* Enhancement:
- - Improve regular expression for SOQL fields completion
-Release 3.0.4 (2015-06-15)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Fix bug for issue #41
- - Fix bug for ``delete_file_from_server`` keybinding for windows
- - Fix bug for ``auto_update_on_save`` feature in windows
- - Fix ``KeyError: '\n\n'`` for converting complex JSON to Apex
-* Enhancement:
- - Improve the regular expression for SOQL fields completion
- - Improve the regular expression for Apex class method completion
- - Improve the regular expression for visualforce component attribute completion
- - Improve the visualforce tag name completion, add ``>`` for tag name automatically
- - As the original design, you need to input your JSON when you execute JSON related commands, since this version, you just need to open any JSON file or select valid JSON content
- - Add ``JSON/XML Tool`` into context menu, which is same with ``Utilities`` in main menu
- - Update content for some docs
-* New Feature:
- - Add attribute completion for custom component
- - Add document for all code completion, you can see the link in the plugin home page
-Release 3.0.3 (2015-06-11)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Fix duplicate save check bug caused by release 3.0.2
- - Fix fields completion bug for cross sObjects between tooling and non-tooling, for example ``User``, ``RecordType``
-* Enhancement:
- - Add session expired message for ``describe_metadata``
- - Enhancement for ``refresh_file_from_server``
-* Update
- - Update pop-up compile message for ``save_to_server`` command
-Release 3.0.2 (2015-06-07)
-* Bug fix:
- - Fix NoneType exception in the console when open context menu, this is caused by release 3.0.1
- - Fix bug for ``Debug > Track All Debug Logs`` in the main menu
-* Enhancement
- - Duplicate save_to_server check logic change: use file name with extension but not only file name, as the original design, if the controller name is same with page name, if you are saving page, you can't save the related controller at the same time
- - Add timeout for query of conflict checking when ``save_to_server``
- - Prevent duplicate save conflict check when ``save_to_server``, as the original design, if you latest saving is interrupted, when you save it again, plugin will delete the metadata container Id for the saving file, at this time, save conflict checking will be executed again.
-* New:
- - Add sObject completion for ``tooling sObjects``, for example, ``Validation Rule``, ``WorkflowRule``, ``ValidationRule``, ``WorkflowFieldUpdate``, ``WorkflowOutboundMessage``, ``WorkflowAlert`` or ``WorkflowTask``
- - Add * support for ``export query to CSV`` or ``export tooling query to CSV``, if you use * in the query statement, plugin will get all fields of this object and set them as the column headers
- - Add export command for tooling query into the ``Data Loader`` in the main menu, you can use this command to export records for tooling objects
- - Add a new markdown document related to debug
- - Add a menu item for quick accessing document related to debug
-* Update:
- - Update the menu item names and location in command palette and the ``Debug`` of main menu
- - Change the default key binding for ``Debug > Run Test`` in the main menu
-Release 3.0.1 (2015-06-04)
-* Bug fix:
- - Fix bug #39
- - Fix bug #40
- - Fix bug for SOQL completion
-* Enhancement:
- - Enhancement for boolean attribute completion of standard visualforce component
- - Set ``word_wrap`` setting of new view to false when describe sObject
- - Keep attributes of all metadataObjects to local ``component_metadata.sublime-settings``
- - Prevent potential issue caused by change of ``component_metadata.sublime-settings``
-* Update:
- - Add output panel message for ``describe_metadata`` command
- - Disable document reference reload feature
- - Add a ``salesforce_reference.sublime-settings`` for ``Document > Open Document`` in the main menu
-* New API for metadata:
- - Add a new ``read_metadata`` method for ``metadata.py``, which will be used for ``diff_with_server`` feature in the future
-Release 3.0.0 (2015-05-26)
-* Bug fix:
- - Fix bug #38
- - Fix bug for SOQL fields completion
- - Fix bug for attributes completion for value of ``apex:includeScript``
-* New
- - Add a new snippet named ``Page - field label.sublime-snippet``
-Release 2.9.9 (2015-05-25)
-* Enhancement
- - SOQL fields completion, see demo at plugin home page
-* New
- - Add two demos at home page
-Release 2.9.8 (2015-05-24)
-* Update:
- - Update the plugin install message for package control
-* Enhancement:
- - Add the missed attributes for some standard components since v29.0
- - Add attribute values for standard components if attribute value is picklist attribute
-* New:
- - Add a new setting ``auto_update_on_save``, default value is false
- - If ``auto_update_on_save`` is set to true, when you update the code file, ``save_to_server`` will be executed automatically
-* Note:
- - From this version on, I will not keep frequently release on this plugin, I will move on to build Haoide plugin for brackets
-Release 2.9.7 (2015-05-22)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Fix issue #36
- - Fix bug for ``childXmlNames`` parsing and ``childXmlNames`` completion for package.xml
- - Fix bug for timeout exception message for ``query`` method in ``tooling.py``
- - Fix NoneType exception for automatic extension or controller creation if current view is not local file
- - Tag plugin fix a bug for that tag name contains colon, `see tag issue https://github.com/titoBouzout/Tag/issues/79`_
-* Enhancement:
- - Enhancement for attribute completion in visualforce page, if attribute value is already exist, it will not insert ``=""`` or ``="{!}"`` again
- - Enhancement for ``standardController`` sObject name completion in visualforce page, it will just work when attribute is ``standardController``
- - Add custom class completion for ``extension`` and ``controller`` attribute in visualforce page
- - Add values completion for some attributes of standard components which type should be picklist, for example, "apiVersion", "layout", "event" or "target" for link and so on, in this time I just updated to apex:composition, I will check the remaining standard component
- - Add two missed standard component into ``vf.py``, "apex:component" and "apex:componentBody"
- - Add custom page completion for these four attributes: "page", "template", "pageName", "finishLocation", for example, if you input `_
-* Update:
- - Rename ``View Release Notes`` command to ``Release Notes``
- - Rename ``json_pretty`` command to ``json_format``
- - Rename ``convert_xml_to_json`` command to ``xml_to_json``
- - Move ``xml_to_json`` from context menu to ``Utilites`` in the main menu
- - Add access to ``toggle_metadata_objects`` for both ``Settings`` and ``Metadata`` in the main menu
- - Upgrade build-in ``xmltodict`` module to ``0.9.2``
- - Update document for the change in this release
-* New Feature:
- - New commands for ``HaoIDE > Utilities`` of the main menu:
- - Add a new command ``haoide_help`` to view related document
- - Add a new command ``json_to_xml`` to convert xml back to json, see issue #32
- - Add a new command ``xml_format`` to format selected xml content or whole file content, see issue #32
-Release 2.9.4 (2015-05-13)
-* Bug Fix:
- - If there is only one member, just remove the type and the related member when ``build package xml``
- - When execute ``query_to_csv`` command and field value contains ``"`` or ``,``
-* Enhancement:
- - Show the error message when list package for metadata objects if have
- - Support quick clear for symbol_table and sobject cache
- - Automatic ``{!}`` enhancement for vf tag just if type is "Object" or "ApexPages.Action"
- - Update type of some visualforce standard components from ``Object`` to ``String``
- - Change the item format in the quick panel when ``build package xml``
- - Add ``EmailTemplate`` to ``allowed_sobjects`` setting
- - Allow user to choose reloading specified ``metadata_object`` cache when execute reload_project_cache command
- - When operation is depends on login session, so login firstly and callback with this operation
-* Update:
- - Rollback the delivered function for issue #15
- - Optimize on ``metadata.py``
-Release 2.9.3 (2015-05-11)
-* Enhancement:
- - Package.xml completion read cache from ``.config/package.json``, no longer read cache from project file
- - Sort for items in quick panel of package.xml building
- - Add alert message for package.xml completion
-* Bug Fix:
- - Add the folder into member when list_package for DocumentFolder, EmailFolder, ReportFolder and DashboardFolder
- - No four spaces in the quick panel of package.xml building for windows
-Release 2.9.2 (2015-05-10)
-* Bug Fix:
- - Fix bug for ``combine_soql`` which is invoked by ``Generate SOQL`` and ``Bulk Query``
- - Fix bug for ``export_profile`` command
- - Fix bug for completion of building ``package.xml``
- - Fix bug for ``export_validation_rules`` command
-* New Feature:
- - Deprecated ``metadataObjects`` since this release, which is replaced by ``/.config/metadata.json``
- - Add ``describe_metadata`` command, ``/.config/metadata.json`` will be generated by this command
- - Add ``reload_project_cache`` command, ``/.config/package.json`` will be generated by this command
- - Add ``build_package_xml`` command, see `more `_
- - Add key bindings for ``build_package_xml`` command
-* Enhancement:
- - Move package related logic from ``main.py`` to the new ``package.py``
- - Add thread progress for ``track_debug_log``, ``fetch_debug_log`` and ``track_all_debug_logs``
- - `create_new_project`` start supporting callback
- - Add metadata object for input description for ``create_new_component`` module
- - Add list_package support for ``CustomObject`` retrieve
- - Add availability check for ``.config/metadata.json`` for all related commands
- - Add ``api_version`` message into the sidebar message
- - Update ``api_version`` from ``32`` to ``33``
- - Update ``Metadata Migration`` to ``Metadata`` in the main menu
- - Update ``generate_soql`` logic to include ``Id`` field if no available matched fields
- - Update description for default settings
- - Update README.md
-Release 2.9.1 (2015-05-05)
-* Fix bug for ``switch_project``, see issue #24
-* Enhancement for speeding up ``Save To Server`` operation
-* Rename ``save_component`` command to ``save_to_server``
-* Rename ``delete_component`` command to ``delete_file_from_server``
-* Simplify ``delete_file_from_server`` and ``refresh_file_from_server``
-* Add two new value issue_url and history_url into package info
-* Update ``report_issue`` and ``view_release_notes`` command to read url from package info
-Release 2.9.0 (2015-05-03)
-* Fix bug for messy code in debug log detail
-* Enhancement for not refreshing sidebar when ``retrieve_files_from_other_server``
-* Enhancement for adding folder name to retrieve request when ``list_package`` for folders
-* Enhancement for package.xml completion for folder name of Document, EmailTemplate, Dashboard and Report
-* Enhancement for package.xml completion for AuraDefinitionBundle
-* Enhancement for sobject completion, if there are two matched statements, ``insert prd`` and ``Product2 prd``, plugin will choose the second one as matched
-* Enhancement for ``toggle_metadata_objects``, you can toggle metadata objects continually util you press ``ESC`` to exit
-* Enhancement for ``generate_sobject_soql``, you can choose whether generate sobject SOQL of ``Custom``, ``Updateable`` or ``Createable``
-* Update workspace of default build-in project from ``C:/ForcedotcomWorkspace`` to empty
-* Update name of default build-in project from ``pro-test`` to ``pro-sublime``
-* Update for ``toggle_metadata_objects``, after subscribe a new metadata object, don't refresh its folder again, just after you finish all toggle, you will need to confirm whether use refresh all subscribed metadata together
-* Add ``toggle_metadata_objects`` document in ``docs/utilities.md``
-* Remove four deprecated settings, ``keep_config_history``, ``output_session_info``, ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_output_panel_when_failed`` and ``get_static_resource_body``
-Release 2.8.9 (2015-04-28)
-* Fix urgent bug for issue #22
-* Enhancement for speeding up ``Save To Server`` operation
-* Enhancement for supporting ``list_package`` when execute retrieve operation
-* Enhancement for package.xml completion for Document, EmailTemplate, Dashboard and Report
-* Enhancement for ``add_project_to_workspace`` just if login succeed
-* Add a new ``link_project_with_sublime_project`` setting to control linking, default is false
-* Update documents regarding to issue #18
-Release 2.8.8 (2015-04-26)
-* Fix bug: If user don't have `Author Apex` privilege, plugin will give wrong information
-* Fix bug: Show alert message if no available package.xml to combine
-* Enhancement: Issue 15 about linking ``sublime-project`` with plugin project, deliver Windows solution but keep unchanged for OSX
-* Enhancement: Add scope control for ``JSON to Apex``
-* Enhancement: Set ``word_wrap`` of ``Test Run`` result to false
-* Enhancement: Simplify retrieve status check for API version 31 and later, check more detail at `here `_
-* Update documents
-Release 2.8.7 (2015-04-22)
-* Fix plugin loading NoneType issue
-* Combine ``retrieve_package_file`` and ``retrieve_package_xml`` command to only ``retrieve_package_xml``
-* Allow user to input extractTo path, enhancement for issue #19
-* Add a new command ``combine_package_xml`` to combine all package.xml in many folders, see ``Salesforce Utilites`` quick link
-* Update Documents
-Release 2.8.6 (2015-04-20)
-* Optimization for parsing project name by path or file
-* Change the default workspace of plugin level to empty
-* Change the workspace to optional, if workspace of plugin level and project level are both empty, plugin will save the project to ``/User/HaoIDE``,
-* Change the name of ``execute_soql`` command to ``execute_query``
-* If there has network connection issue, just display ``Network connection timeout`` but no more detail again
-* Add a new command for export query to csv, you should be aware, query statement contains parent-to-child statement will not be enabled for this command
-* Add a new ``auto_switch_project_on_file_activated`` setting to control project switching when file of non-default project is open, this feature is disabled by default
-* Add a new ``reveal_file_in_sidebar_on_file_activated`` setting to control sidebar file revealing when the file is open, this feature is disabled by default
-Release 2.8.5 (2015-04-10)
-* Biggest optimization for variable completion:
- - Exclude comment statement
- - Choose the nearest matched one
-* Add a new ``remove_comments`` command in the ``Utilities``
-* Allow ``extract_to_here`` command to support all zip resources
-Release 2.8.4 (2015-04-09)
-* Add error popup display for latest version of sublime
-* Add a new settings ``disable_html_completion`` to disable html completion
-* Set default value of ``disable_html_completion`` as true because of conflict with sublime
-* Optimize component attribute completion to support current line and next line
-* Fix Bug: Wrong completion for Picklist2 when ``if (acc.Picklist1 == 'abc' && acc.Picklist2 == 'bcd')``
-* Fix Bug: Plugin found the wrong variable type in the commented code for variable completion
-* Ignore exception when keep package.xml for every deploy action
-* Rename Heroku to Haoku in the ``Main Menu > Utilities``
-* Remove useless ``.travis.yml``
-* Remove ugly code for check whether statement is comment for code
-* Update ``execute_soql`` command to execute query in heroku
-Release 2.8.3 (2015-04-02)
-* If no CRUD privilege on profile object, just leave blank in the output csv
-* Add field FLS export feature, it's a wonderful feature for document
-Release 2.8.2 (2015-03-28)
-* Fix package.xml completion bug if file name contains multiple dot
-* Fix package.xml completion bug if there have extracted zip resource
-* Pull request for #14
-* Spell problem of `Toggle Metadata Settings`
-* Add entry point for ``Haoku`` in the ``Utilities`` of main menu
-* Remove ``AuraDefinitionBundle`` from default subscribed Metadata settings
-Release 2.8.1 (2015-03-05)
-* Fix issue #6
-* Enhancement for issue #13
-Release 2.8.0 (2015-02-11)
-* Fix issue #11, #12
-* Add two commands ``Retrieve All`` and ``Retrieve sObject and Workflow`` in the command palette
-Release 2.7.9 (2015-02-06)
-* Fix issue #4
-* Fix issue #7
-* Enhancement for ``diff_with_server``, allow diff compare with different project
-* Upgrade ``requests`` to v2.5.1 and disable the InsecureRequestWarning
-* Display line number before column number when ``save_component`` failed
-Release 2.7.8 (2015-02-02)
-* Rename ``refresh_component`` command to ``refresh_file_from_server``
-* Rename ``refresh_selected_components`` command to ``refresh_files_from_server``
-* Rename ``delete_selected_components`` command to ``delete_files_from_server``
-* Add a new command for ``retrieve file from other server`` for retrieve file from different project.
-* Add a settings ``switch_back_after_migration`` to control whether switch back to original project after ``deploy to server``, ``deploy package to server``, ``deploy lightning to server`` or ``retrieve file from other server``, issue haoide:#3
-* Fix issue #5
-* Move ``pretty_json`` command from context menu to ``HaoIDE > Utilities > JSON Pretty`` in the main menu
-* Update README.MD
-Release 2.7.7 (2015-01-22)
-* Fix bug for ``Package.xml Completion``
-* Enhancement: display error column in XML if deploy failed
-* Enhancement for ``json_to_apex``
-* Enhancement for ``describe_sobject``
-* Add a new ``json_serialization`` command to serialize JSON to string
-* Add a new ``panel`` menu item in Main Menu
-* Rearrange Utilities menu item in Main Menu
-* Update ``haoide`` to ``HaoIDE``
-Release 2.7.6 (2015-01-20)
-* Enhancement for ``create_trace_flag`` command
-* Add a enabled check logic for ``export profiles`` command
-* Add a new ``haoide > Utilities > Convert JSON to Apex`` command for converting JSON to Apex
-* Add commands for ``convert_json_to_apex`` in command palette
-* Update README.MD about the `Convert JSON to Apex `_
-Release 2.7.5 (2015-01-18)
-* Fix bug: messy code when view debug log detail in sublime
-* Fix bug: timeout exception is not caught when save component
-* Enhancement for completions
-* Enhancement for ``export profile`` feature
-* Add feature for export of ``userPermission`` and ``tabVisibility``
-* Update README.MD
-Release 2.7.4 (2015-01-16)
-* Fix bug for issue #75
-* Update ``Chanel`` to ``Channel`` in the plugin copyright information
-* Update license information
-* Remove ``InstalledPackage`` from ``metadataObjects`` settings
-* No longer check save conflict when compile code
-* Add commands for ``export_profile`` in command palette
-* Update default keymap for ``open log panel``, ``open error panel`` and ``open diff panel`` in the ``Utilities`` menu item
-* Enhancement for login module, decrease the timeout seconds and repeat login until repeat times exceed 12 times
-Release 2.7.3 (2015-01-14)
-* Fix bug for ``extract here`` command
-* Fix bug for ``bulk api`` caused by release 2.7.2
-* Fix long-term bug for inProgress message of deployment
-* Enhancement for ``list debug log``, for example, sort logs order by StartTime ASC, remove the useless "\n"
-* Add missed standard objects for ``CustomObject`` when retrieve metadata
-* Add new command for exporting profile object security settings, it's a very useful feature
-* Add ``Translations`` to metadataObjects settings
-* Update snippet description for ``Debug - debug json.sublime-snippet``
-Release 2.7.2 (2015-01-12)
-* Fix bug for issue #74
-* Fix bug for ``cancel_deployment``
-* Fix bug for ``reload symbol table`` when symbol_table is None
-* Fix bug for ``execute anonymous`` when anonymous code contains non-english words since release 2.7.0
-* Enhancement for message tracking in output panel
-* Enhancement for settings check, if settings is valid, just display it in output panel
-* Update snippet ``Debug - debug variable.sublime-snippet``
-* Add snippet ``Debug - debug json.sublime-snippet``
-Release 2.7.1 (2015-01-09)
-* Enhancement for ``standardController completion`` in `` Email`` for ``Debug Log User List``
-* Milestone change for soap body request
-* Enhancement for quick extension and quick controller
-* Fix Bug for Package Completion
-* Fix Bug for ``opps`` completions in ``getAccountList(List opps)``
-* Fix Bug for ``allowed_sobjects``, change ``Assert`` to ``Asset``
-* Fix Bug for ``reload_sobject_cache``
-* Fix Bug for ``bulkapi``
-* Change default value of ``last_n_logs`` from ``10`` to ``20``
-Release 2.6.0 (2014-12-20)
-* Enhancement for ``refresh_folder``
-* Enhancement for ``retrieve_all`` and ``retrieve_sobjects_and_workflows``
-* Move export csv files to ``.export`` folder, for example, CustomFields, ValidationRules, Workflows and Workbooks, etc.
-Release 2.5.9 (2014-12-17)
-* Completion enhancement for building package.xml
-* Fix duplicate MetadataContainerId for issue #69
-* `Build Package.xml Demo `_
-Release 2.5.8 (2014-12-15)
-* Add all ``sharingRules`` metadata types to default components setting
-* Rename ``.package`` to ``.deploy`` for ``deploy to server`` execution
-* Remove ``subscribe_component`` and ``unsubscribe_component`` commands
-* Add a new ``toggle_commands`` command to replace above two commands
-* After a new component is subscribed, refresh the new folder from server
-* Rename "ok" in confirm dialog to related message
-* Add workspace check when create new project
-* Update README.MD
-Release 2.5.7 (2014-12-14)
-* Fix Bug for creating extension or controller after input # in visualforce page
-* Adjust the location of ``Cache`` menu item
-* Add a new command for ``retrieve package.xml`` in sidebar menu
-* Add a new command for ``create package.xml`` in sidebar menu
-* Add a new command for ``subscribe component`` in ``settings`` of main menu
-* Add a new command for ``unsubscribe component`` in ``settings`` of main menu
-* Add quick command for ``subscribe component`` in quick command palette
-* Add quick command for ``unsubscribe component`` in quick command palette
-* Remove ``retrieve_package_xml`` command from ``Metadata Migration`` of main menu
-* Rename ``soap_bodies`` to ``soap``
-* Update visibility for ``Update User Language``
-Release 2.5.6 (2014-12-13)
-* Fix Bug for issue #65
-* Fix Bug for issue #66
-* Enhancement for issue #48, after deployed, the `package.xml` is saved to `.package` in workspace
-* Before files are deployed to server, save them to local
-* When you deploy any lightning element, just deploy the whole lightning component
-* Convert StartTime of debug log to local time by timezone module
-Release 2.5.5 (2014-12-09)
-* Fix Bug for creating Lightning Component Element
-* When deploy failed due to lower code coverage, display the coverage warning message
-* When new component is created, create the meta.xml file for it
-* Hide ``Retrieve Lightning from Server`` command when chosen folder is not aura folder
-* Hide ``Destruct Lightning from Server`` command when chosen folder is not aura folder
-* Hide ``Extract to Here`` command if file extension is not `zip` or `resource`
-* Update the Documentation
-Release 2.5.4 (2014-12-07)
-* Add `dateutil` module for supporting timezone converting
-* Fix Bug for `track debug log`
-* Trim the space for `REST URI` automatically
-* Remove `lib` from `Packages` in `.gitignore` file
-* Support project level workspace for issue #63, see more detail at `workspace `_
-Release 2.5.3 (2014-12-05)
-* Adjust the context menu from most bottom to center
-* Adjust the sidebar menu from most bottom to center
-* Fix Bug for issue #62: 'module' object has no attribute 'populate_classes'
-* Fix Bug for issue #61: KeyError: 'name' in `get_component_completion`
-* Fix Bug for issue #60: Error with 'Update Project'
-* Add lightning component description for `Lightning Component` development
-Release 2.5.2 (2014-11-27)
-* After new lightning component is created, deploy it to server
-* Add a new command for ``pretty json`` in the context menu
-* hide the status message in progress bar when track self debug log after save succeed
-Release 2.5.1 (2014-11-26)
-* Fix Bug: NoneType Exception when destruct files from server
-* Fix Bug: when saving component, the active view is not file
-* Add a new settings ``track_log_after_saved`` to control whether track log after save succeed
-Release 2.5.0 (2014-11-26)
-* Fix Bug: when delete component, if there is a open view which is not bind to file, it will throw TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable, and then, file is deleted from server but local file is not removed
-* Fix Bug: After folder is refreshed or project is updated, update the component cache
-* Add `Lightning Component` document reference
-* Add `Lightning Component` component tags to completions
-* Add `Lightning Component` to `components` settings and set it as default subscribed component
-* Add `Lightning Component` update feature
-* Add `Lightning Component` components update feature
-* Add `Lightning Component` component create feature
-* Add `Lightning Component` component destruct feature
-* Change default ``api_version`` from 31 to 32
-* Remove ``Open Coverage Panel`` menu item in the main menu
-* Add ``duration`` column for debug logs and rearrange it's columns order
-* Add new document reference for ``Analytic Api``, ``Analytics Cloud Dashboard JSON``, ``Security Implementation``
- and ``Lightning Component``
-* Add new command for viewing release notes
-* Rename ``Extract Static Resource`` command to ``Extract To Here``, which command can be used to extract all zip source file but not only static resource for Salesforce
-* Add ``settings`` to ``components`` settings
-* If project is not created, all ``export`` feature and ``new component`` feature are not enabled
-Release 2.4.0 (2014-11-18)
-* Fix issue #55
-* Fix issue: non-english words are encoded to Unicode in result of ``Rest Test``
-* Fix issue: when read local cache of record type, ``global name 'users' is not defined`` exception
-* Rollback feature of ``view_code_coverage``, see issue #56
-* Deprecate ``keep_config_history`` setting
-* Update the description of ``keep_local_change_history`` setting
-* When save operation has conflict and we cancel it, compare the local with server automatically
-Release 2.3.0 (2014-11-14)
-* Use local ``/.config/session.json`` to reuse session but not globals() again
-* Use local ``/.config/recordtype.json`` to ``record type`` but not globals() again
-* Use local ``/.config/users.json`` to ``users`` but not globals() again
-* If ``execute_anonymous`` compiled succeed, use new view to display result, else, use output panel to display result
-* Use frontdoor method to login to SFDC
-* Add new document reference for ``Analytic Api``
-* Display session expired message in the output panel
-Release 2.2.0 (2014-11-12)
-Fix Issue:
-* Fix issue: TypeError: string indices must be integers when refreshed folder is empty
-* Fix issue: In windows, change of folder or file in sidebar is not reflect in real time
-* Fix issue: Sometimes, file is not remove from local after ``destruct file from server``
-* Fix issue: format problem of local ``.config`` info
-* Fix issue: #52
-* Add time stamp for new view name of ``rest test``
-* Show logs of ``fetch debug logs`` and ``execute_anonymous`` in the output panel but not new view
-* Change default value of ``folder_exclude_patterns`` and ``file_exclude_patterns`` settings
-New Feature:
-* Add new command for ``fetch self debug log`` in the main menu and command palette
-Release 2.1.0 (2014-11-10)
-+ Fix Bug: ``IndexError: list index out of range`` caused by release 2.0.0
-+ Fix Bug for test class judgment: test class is that starts with `test` or ends with `test`
-+ Add a new apex.py module, move execute_anonymous method from metadata.py to apex.py
-+ Add a new command for ``diff with server`` in the context menu
-+ Optimization on ``view_code_coverage`` feature
-+ Add a new command ``Utilities > Open Coverage Panel`` in the main menu to open coverage panel
-+ Rename ``Open Output Panel`` command to ``Open Log Panel`` and move it from ``Debug`` to ``Utilities`` in the main menu
-+ Temporarily remove the ``Run All Test`` feature from ``Debug`` in the main menu
-Release 2.0.0 (2014-11-08)
-+ Fix minor bug for ``Duplicate Save Execution of Same Component``
-+ Remove useless message from ``message.py``
-+ Add a space between parameters for completion of standard apex class
-+ Rename ``Describe`` menu item in the main menu to ``Utilities``
-+ Add a new command for ``Convert 15 Id to 18 Id``
-+ Add a new command for ``Track Self Debug Log``
-+ Add new feature for updating ZIP Static Resource, see demo ``https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xjsender/SublimeApexScreenshot/master/UpdateStaticResource.gif``
-+ Add commands for ``Convert 15 Id to 18 Id`` and ``track self debug log`` in the command palette
-+ Add ``StaticResource`` to default subscribed components
-+ Update README.MD
-Release 1.9.0 (2014-11-04)
-+ Fix issue #50
-+ Fix minor issue for ``delete_component``
-+ Fix potential issue for retrieve and deploy
-+ Add ``Destruct Files From Server`` command in the sidebar menu for deleting files from sandbox or production
-+ Add ``Destruct From Server`` command in the context menu for deleting file from sandbox or production
-+ Add new command ``cancel_deployment`` for quickly canceling deployment of specified
-+ Add mousemap for canceling deployment: Put the focus in the task Id, and then press alt and click Left Mouse for triple will cancel deployment of specified task Id
-Release 1.8.0 (2014-11-03)
-+ In order to prevent UI freeze, use thread to extract encoded zipFile to path
-+ Solution for issue #49, add a new settings ``maximum_concurrent_connections`` to control concurrent connections
-+ In order to prevent UI freeze, set default value of ``maximum_concurrent_connections`` to ``30``
-Release 1.7.0 (2014-10-31)
-+ Fix Bug: If just compile component but not save, no need to keep history
-+ Fix Bug: SOQL Field Completion problem if there is more than one character between from and sObject
-+ Fix Bug: Replace all `LIST` to `List`
-+ Remove ``Settings – Completions`` and ``Settings – Apex Template`` from main menu
-Release 1.6.0 (2014-10-25)
-+ Fix Bug: issue #44 caused by release 1.5.0
-+ Fix Bug: display ExpatError when retrieve package
-+ Fix Bug: display json parse error message when execute rest test
-+ Stop to hide output panel after retrieve is finished
-+ show status message 'Not valid SFDC component' if current file is not valid SFDC component
-+ Deprecate the delay_seconds_for_hidden_output_panel_when_failed settings
-+ Stop to remove the error line highlight after ``save to server``, just remove it in the next save action
-+ After save succeed, remove the highlight from view
-+ Support error line highlight for visualforce page just if error line > 2
-+ Add ``OpenCTI Api`` document to document reference
-Release 1.5.0 (2014-10-21)
-+ Fix Bug for package import error in ``bulk api``
-+ Add more detailed action summary for ``save component``, issue #45, issue #46
-+ Add description for ``quick controller`` in README.MD
-Release 1.4.0 (2014-10-18)
-+ Fix bug for completion: No completions for ``strMap`` if there has ``// Populate Map\nMap strMap = new Map();``
-+ Fix Bug: ``deploy open files to server``
-+ Add a new command for ``preview_page`` in the command palette
-+ Input ``#`` after controller or extension name in the visualforce page, plugin will automatically create it for you
-+ Remove ``static resource`` from default subscribed components
-Release 1.3.0 (2014-10-14)
-+ Fix Minor bug for standard class completion: duplicate class in different namespace, for example, Communities, TimeZone, UnsupportedOperationException, Test, QueryException, Action
-+ Fix Critical bug: non code file can't be retrieve from server, now, objects, reports and others can be retrieve from server
-+ Fix Critical bug: Deploy exception after session cache is expired
-Release 1.2.0 (2014-10-11)
-+ ``get_static_resource_body`` settings is deprecated
-+ Change default ``api_version`` from ``30`` to ``31``
-+ Add a new command ``deploy open files to server`` in the main menu, which is used to deploy open files in the sublime to target server
-+ Add command for ``deploy open files to server`` in the Command Palette
-+ Add ``static resource`` to default subscribed components
-+ Fix Bug for Windows: After ``retrieve all`` is finished, invoke the ``refresh_folder_list`` standard function to display the new folders generated by ``retrieve all``
-+ Fix Bug: ``Save to Server`` command (Use Tooling Api) can be only used on ``classes``, ``components``, ``pages`` and ``triggers`` but not other components, however, we can use ``Deploy to Server`` command (Use Metadata Api) to save all components
-Release 1.1.0 (2014-10-09)
-+ Fix Bug for Windows: After ``export`` is finished, refresh the project folders to ensure the new folder is shown in the sidebar
-+ Fix Bug: display deploy failed message if deploy is failed.
-+ Fix Bug: symbol table is null when iterate symbol table
-+ Update README.MD
-Release 1.0.9 (2014-10-04)
-+ Fix Bug: After open a new view, open context menu, it will throw NoneType exception
-Release 1.0.8 (2014-10-02)
-+ Fix issue at ``https://success.salesforce.com/answers?id=90630000000gxvwAAA``
-Release 1.0.7 (2014-09-30)
-+ Fix Minor Bug for windows: After ``.config`` is generated, invoke the sublime command: ``refresh_folder_list``
-+ Enhancement for checking whether current project is active project
-+ Fix Critical Bug: If session is expired, we want to refresh the folder or update project, the console will always stop at the step of ``[sf:retrieve] Start request for a retrieve...``
-+ Fix issue #42, stop to remove folder when refresh folder or update project but just override, Notice: if you delete some file in the server, after ``update project`` and ``refresh folder``, these files will not deleted in the sublime, so, I suggest you should delete code in the sublime but not in the server
-Release 1.0.6 (2014-09-28)
-+ Fix Minor Bug: After ``retrieve_package_file`` is succeed, hide the output panel
-+ Fix Minor Bug: If current project is not ``active project``, disable the ``Retrieve Files From Server`` functionality
-+ Fix Minor Bug: If current project is not ``active project``, disable the ``Retrieve File From Server`` functionality
-+ Fix Minor Bug: If current project is not ``active project``, disable the ``Run Test Class`` functionality
-Release 1.0.5 (2014-09-27)
-+ Fix bug: Exception when ``new project`` in a new org
-+ Fix bug: If there is no any trigger, after ``new project``, the folder of ``trigger`` is not created.
-+ Fix bug: ``subscribed_meta_folders`` and ``meta_folders`` in settings are not correct
-Release 1.0.4 (2014-09-25)
-+ Fix urgent issue #40
-+ Remove the useless soap related codes, for example, ``retrieve_apex_code_body``, ``retrieve_static_resource_body`` and so on
-+ Fix minor bug: Don't allow to refresh or delete ``*-meta.xml`` file
-+ Fix bug: ``allowed_packages`` is not working
-+ Fix bug: mass refresh multiply folders
-+ Fix minor bug: deploy failed message in the output panel
-+ Add a new sidebar command ``Retrieve Files From Server``
-+ Add a new context command ``Retrieve File From Server``
-+ If ``allowed_packages`` is not empty, all packages are extracted to ``packages`` path,
- Project
- > .config
- > src
- > packages
- > package 1
- > package 2
-Release 1.0.3 (2014-09-24)
-+ After ``Update Project`` is finished, remove the original ``src`` tree and then extract the zipFile to ``src``
-+ After ``Refresh Folder`` is finished, remove the original folders and then extract the zipFile to specified folders
-+ Fix urgent bug: if no project in sidebar and sidebar is hidden, after ``new project`` or ``update project``, the sidebar is not open automatically.
-Release 1.0.2 (2014-09-23)
-+ Update the default value of ``checkOnly`` in ``deploy_options`` settings from ``true`` to ``false``
-+ Fix Urgent bug: If one class is created in the server, after ``refresh folder``, cache of this folder will override all components
-+ Remove some useless ``print`` statement
-+ Fix minor bug: After code is saved, duplicate extension is displayed in the console
-+ Add two settings ``folder_exclude_patterns`` and ``files_exclude_patterns`` to hide everything you want to hide in the sidebar
-+ Update the ``add project to workspace`` logic to compatible with the above two settings
-+ Add a new command ``Update Project Patterns`` in the main menu, see [Pattern Demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xjsender/SublimeApexScreenshot/master/ProjectPattern.gif)
-Release 1.0.1 (2014-09-22)
-+ Add ``LogLength`` column to result of ``fetch debug logs``
-+ Update default value of ``display_field_name_and_label`` setting from ``false`` to ``true``
-+ Remove the ``\n`` from success message in ``document.py``
-+ Add description for ``save multiple components`` feature in the README.MD
-+ Change output directory of ``retrieve package.xml`` from current directory to ``[ProjectName]-201409221812``
-+ Add ``messages`` notes
-Release 1.0.0 (2014-09-21)
-+ Add a new command ``Deploy To Server`` in the context menu
-+ Fix bug for ``retrieve`` when session is expired
-+ Fix bug for ``New ApexClass``, ``New ApexTrigger``, ``New ApexComponent`` and ``New ApexPage``
-+ Fix bug ``TypeError: is_visible() missing 1 required positional argument: 'dirs'`` when open ``Command Palette``
-+ Fix bug: If there is no any trigger or class, we want to create the first one, there has exception
-+ Fix bug: ``Package.xml`` was overridden by ``refresh folder``
-Release 0.9.9 (2014-09-20)
-+ Try to fix bug for ``new release messages display`` or who can tell me how to display ``release message``
-+ Fix bug for ``quick go to component``
-Release 0.9.8 (2014-09-20)
-+ Support multiply folder refresh
-+ Add standard sObjects to CustomObject Package Members when create new project if CustomObject is subscribed
-+ Update default subscribed components
-+ Add a new command ``Deploy Files to Server``
-+ Fix bug: Display debugLog info after deploy is finished
-+ Upsert demo in README.MD
-+ Display the new release message after new released upgrade is finished
-Release 0.9.7 (2014-09-19)
-+ Milestone for Metadata Api Migration from ``Tooling Api`` for non-code meta
-+ remove some time stamp for deploy
-+ Functionality check for ``convert xml to json``
-+ Optimize the zip utility for ``extract`` zip file or ``compress`` folder
-+ Remove ``hidden_console_on_modify`` settings
-+ Fix bug: the output console message for ``compile``
-+ Use ``metadata api`` to new project
-+ Use ``metadata api`` to refresh folder
-+ Change the default settings content for ``components``, you can subscribe what you want to retrieve, default subscribe just include ``ApexPage``, ``ApexComponent``, ``ApexClass`` and ``ApexTrigger``
-Release 0.9.6 (2014-09-16)
-+ Fix bug for issue #38, remove ``ownerRules``, ``criteriaBasedRules`` and ``installedPackages`` from default package.xml
-+ Add a command to export CustomLables to csv
-+ Update ``SOQL - SELECT FROM`` snippet
-Release 0.9.5 (2014-09-15)
-+ Add confirm request for ``new project``
-+ Add screenshot for ``Convert XML to JSON``
-+ Fix KeyError Exception bug: cancel save operation if conflict.
-Release 0.9.4 (2014-09-14)
-+ Move ``check_enabled`` from ``main.py`` to ``util.py``
-+ If ``deploy status`` is in ``canceling``, continue to check deploy status until it's canceled.
-+ Remove useless ``mkdir`` method from context.py
-+ Move some methods from ``context.py`` to ``util.py``
-+ Fix bug for ``deploy`` and change the syntax highlight from ``Java`` to ``JavaScript``
-Release 0.9.3 (2014-09-13)
-+ Add a command to convert selection to JSON if selection is valid XML format
-+ Add context menu item, commands for this command
-+ Fix a bug for parsing ``apexrest`` url when executing rest test
-Release 0.9.2 (2014-09-13)
-+ Fix bug when ``sosl_string`` contains ``-, ?, *``
-+ Update ``query`` method in ``api.py``
-+ Separate ``api.py`` to ``metadata.py`` and ``tooling.py`` and move them to new ``api`` folder
-+ Rename ``bulkapi.py`` to ``bulk.py`` and move it to ``api`` folder
-+ After ``New Project`` is finished, invoke the sublime command ``refresh_folder_list`` to reflect files change in the sidebar
-+ After the code file is deleted, the related ``-meta.xml`` file is also deleted
-Release 0.9.1 (2014-09-12)
-+ Fix bug when code has conflict and user cancel the save operation
-Release 0.9.0 (2014-09-12)
-+ Fix bug for windows sidebar folder refresh
-+ Not keep ``default_project`` settings in the settings of ``.config``
-+ Add ``reload_symbol_tables_when_create_project`` setting
-+ Set default value of ``reload_symbol_tables_when_create_project`` setting to ``false``
-+ Fix bug for ``execute anonymous``
-Release 0.8.9 (2014-09-11)
-+ If ``retrieve`` is in ``Queued``, thread sleep 2 seconds, else, thread sleep 1 seconds
-+ If ``deploy`` is in ``Pending``, thread sleep 2 seconds, else, thread sleep 1 seconds
-+ After project is switched, set status for all view of all window.
-+ Fix the bug of ``remove temp zip``
-+ When deploying, if component parse is finished, display the TestRun Progress
-Release 0.8.8 (2014-09-11)
-+ Fix some bug for ``deploy``
-Release 0.8.7 (2014-09-10)
-+ Update README
-+ When ``New Project``, no need to select project
-+ Fix bug ``c:`` completion
-Release 0.8.6 (2014-09-09)
-+ Add ``c:`` prefix for custom component completion
-+ Add space between timestamp and message in the panel
-Release 0.8.5 (2014-09-08)
-+ Move some methods from processor.py to util.py
-+ Optimize sObject Cache download
-+ Add time stamp prefix for panel message
-+ Fix bulkapi bug caused by release 0.8.3
-+ Move ``allowed_packages`` to project of projects settings
-+ Add metadata retrieve support for ``allowed_packages``
-+ Catch all ``requests`` exception
-+ Use panel to display the progress information of ``document reloading``
-+ From release 0.8.3 to this version, there have lots of big change, issue is welcomed
-+ Add "Accept-Encoding": 'identity, deflate, compress, gzip' header for ``check_status``, ``check_deploy_status`` and ``check_retrieve_status`` in api.py
-Release 0.8.4 (2014-09-08)
-+ If just checkOnly, output VALIDATE, otherwise, output DEPLOY
-+ Update comments for ``mousemap``
-+ Big Milestone, originally, we use ``tooling api`` to download apex code, now it is changed to retrieving by ``metadata api``
-+ Happy to remove the ugly method ``refresh_components`` in api.py, this method is very very ugly
-Release 0.8.3 (2014-09-07)
-+ Rearrange the attribute position in ``soap_bodies.py``
-+ Update README.MD
-+ When start ``deploy`` command, if clipboard content is not valid zip file path, set path with empty, otherwise, paste it to input panel
-+ Rename ``Retrieve Metadata`` item in main menu to ``Retrieve All``
-+ Rename ``Migration`` item in main menu to ``Metadata Migration``
-+ Add confirmation request for ``Retrieve All`` and ``Retrieve sObjects and Workflow``
-+ Rename ``Describe Sobject`` item in main menu to ``sObject``
-+ Rename ``Generate SOQL`` item in main menu to ``sObject SOQL``
-+ Rename ``SOQL History`` path from ``soql`` to ``SOQL``
-+ Rename ``Workbook Export`` path from ``workbooks`` to ``Workbooks``
-+ Rename ``CustomField`` path from ``customfield/customfield.csv`` to ``CustomField/CustomField.csv``
-+ Rename ``Validation Rule`` path from ``validation/validation rules.csv`` to ``Validation/Validation Rules.csv``
-+ Add ``Apex Code`` related sObject to ``allowed_sobjects`` settings
-+ Remove ``proxies`` settings
-+ Fix bug: Parse content from package.xml when there is only one types in package.xml
-+ Add a new ``Retrieve Package.xml`` command in the context menu, just available when open file is ``package.xml``
-+ Add a new ``Deploy to Server`` command in the sidebar menu, just available when the chosen folder is valid package path
-+ Put the focus in the log id, press ``Alt`` and click left button, the debug log detail will be retrieved and displayed in the new view
-+ Error message when export workflow or validation rule if not retrieve yet
-+ Remove ``SnapshotAuditEvent``, ``SnapshotBin``, ``Question``, ``SnapshotConfig``, ``Reply`` and ``UserLicense`` from default ``retrieve_sobjects_workflow_task_body`` in ``soap_bodies.py``
-Release 0.8.2 (2014-09-05)
-+ when ``retrieve package.xml``, if file in package.xml is not found in target org, display the message
-+ Add ``deploy package.zip`` command to deploy zip file
-Release 0.8.1 (2014-09-05)
-+ Change the UI of ``retrieve``
-+ Add a command ``retrieve_package`` in the main menu to retrieve metadata by specified package.xml
-+ Fix a bug for ``get_static_resource_body`` when creating a new project
-+ Fix a bug for displaying the latest debug logs ``ORDER BY StartTime DESC`` when ``fetch logs``
-+ Add a new demo link ``Retrieve Package.xml`` in README.MD
-Release 0.8.0 (2014-09-04)
-- Change ``se`` Snippet from ``SELECT Id, $2 FROM $1$0`` to ``SELECT Id$2 FROM $1$0``
-- Stop to open console when ``Refresh Selected Component``
-- Originally, press ``shift+button1*3`` to open class in background and press ``shift+button1*2`` to open class in foreground, now it is changed to ``shift+button1*3`` for background and ``shift+button1*2`` for foreground
-- Change screenshots to demo link
-- Fix ``query_all`` bug in api.py
-Patch for Release 0.7.9 (2014-09-01)
-+ ``output_session_info`` setting is deprecated and replaced by ``.config/session.json``
-+ Do not keep ``projects`` settings in the ``.config/settings.json``, because it's private confidential
-Release 0.7.9 (2014-09-01)
-+ Fix the display problem of ``Run Test`` and ``LoginTo ApexCode`` cause by History Item 1 of release 0.7.7
-+ Rename the path name of ``Test Operation History`` from ``test`` to ``Test``
-+ Fix bug for ``Create Component`` and ``Refresh Component Folder`` caused by History Item 1 of release 0.7.7
-Release 0.7.8 (2014-08-31)
-+ Fix Operation History Format Problem
-+ Inner class completion format ``Inner Class ``
-+ After Project is created, automatically keep the settings to ``.config`` path
-+ Add ``keep_config_history`` to control whether keep config info when ``New Project``
-+ Update README.MD
-Release 0.7.7 (2014-08-30)
-+ In order to avoid component is not available to CRUD to server because of Sensitive Case, save the component name with lower case into local cache
-+ Read custom class from ``Component Attribute Cache`` but not read them from ``Symbol Table Cache``
-+ After input ``Page.``, list all custom visualforce page if have
-+ After input ````
-Release 0.7.4 (2014-08-17)
-- Inner Class Completion format
-- Add compress header for ``get`` method in api.py
-- Fix ``Reload Sobject Cache`` bug caused by release 0.7.3
-- Fix Symbol Table completions bug caused by Legacy Symbol Table Cache
-Release 0.7.3 (2014-08-16)
-- Remove ``quick visualforce`` functionality
-- Rename method name ``get_toolingapi_settings`` in context.py to ``get_settings`` and update corresponding invoker
-- Add two new commands: ``Reload SymbolTable Cache`` and ``Clear SymolTable Cache``
-- When creating new project, not only download ``Apex Code`` and ``sObject Cache`` but also ``SymbolTable Cache``
-- when class number is more than 400, original symbol table cache structure is stupid and highly reduce the user experience of symbol table completion, in order to speedup symbol table completion, when saving the symbol table cache, store them as the completion format in the cache.
-Release 0.7.2 (2014-08-15)
-- Rename ``Toggle Log Panel`` menu item to ``Open Output Panel``
-- Update README.MD
-- Add ``Preview Page`` command to preview visualforce page in server, just enabled when opening page
-- Update About format
-Release 0.7.1 (2014-08-12)
-- Add ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_output_panel_when_succeed`` for control delay seconds to hide output panel when saving succeed
-- Rename setting ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_console`` to ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_output_panel_when_failed``
-Release 0.7.0 (2014-08-11)
-- Even if component saving is succeed, show the output panel
-- If component saving is succeed, hide the open output panel after 1.5 seconds
-- When generating workbook or describe sobject, write the type column with Formula() or
-Release 0.6.9 (2014-08-09)
-- When export workbooks, check whether input are valid, if any one is not valid, allow user to input again
-- ``Folder Refresh`` reminder message is changed
-- Add ``Update Project`` command to just update the apex code but not include sobject metadata
-- Add ``Update User Language`` command to update language for running user, which can be used in ``Generate Workbook``, ``Field Completion`` and all related
-- Add keymap and commands for ``Update Project`` and ``Update User Language``
-- Add a new setting ``user_language`` for ``Update User Language`` command
-- Update the main menu, add ``Update`` main menu
-- Add settings for package info, including ``name``, ``version``, ``homepage`` and so on
-- Rename ``Help`` in main menu to ``About``, after click this item, not open browser and just display the plugin version info
-- Add confirm request for ``update cache``
-Release 0.6.8 (2014-08-08)
-- Add remind message to show output panel
-Release 0.6.7 (2014-08-06)
-- Console Message --> OutputPanel Message
-- Add a new command ``Open Log Panel`` for display log panel
-- Click ``super+``` to open output panel
-- Inner class completion
-Release 0.6.6 (2014-08-05)
-- Set ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_console`` default value from ``15`` to ``9999``
-- Update description for default settings
-- Add property and method completion for inner class
-Release 0.6.5 (2014-08-03)
-- Fix picklist completion bug
-- Add keymap for ``Execute Rest Test`` command
-- Remove catalog from README
-Release 0.6.4 (2014-07-30)
-- fix TypeError: save_component() missing 1 required positional argument: 'is_check_only'
-- Compatible to api 31 because `compile fail response change `_
-Release 0.6.3 (2014-07-30)
-- Optimize Rest Test when response result is str
-- Add ``proxies`` support, just beta
-Release 0.6.2 (2014-07-29)
-- Fix issue for ``Delete`` command when list in returned json result is empty
-Release 0.6.1 (2014-07-22)
-- **Picklist Value** completion from ``value`` to ``value(label)``
-- **Save Conflict** functionality new format: **Modified by at 2014-05-04 10:03:31, continue?**
-Release 0.6.0 (2014-07-19)
-- Add search class and its methods for apex lib
-- Fix bug for picklist value completion
-- Change ``user`` to ``User`` for issue #31
-Release 0.5.9 (2014-07-10)
-- Remove useless message from message.py
-- Add some buld-in emmet supported snippets
-- Add command ``quick_visualforce`` for emmet supported snippets
-- Add TOC for README
-Release 0.5.8 (2014-06-13)
-- Add a new class template ``Test Class``
-- Add description for class template quick choose panel
-- ``Clear Cache`` functionality change, display ``project name`` not ``username`` any more
-- Add confirm request for ``Run All Test``
-Release 0.5.7 (2014-06-05)
-- Optimize for opening url with browser
-- Update OSX Keymap
-- Fix bug for ``generate workbook`` in OSX
-- Add ``Close Job`` command
-- Update README.MD
-Release 0.5.6 (2014-05-18)
-- Fix bug for ``SELECT * FROM Sobject``, issue #30
-- Add time stamp for ``save conflict`` confirm message
-- Optimize for ``Fetch Debug Log``
-- TraceFlag Bug: Delete the old one and create a new one every time request to create trace flag, issue #29
-Release 0.5.5 (2014-05-15)
-- Add ``*`` support for ``Rest Query``, if ``*`` query, just replace it with all fields of related sobject
-- Add doc for Wild-card Character query
-- Fix ``Run Test`` bug caused by previous release
-- Add ``view_selected_code_coverage`` command to view code coverage by selected class name
-- Add mousemap to quick view code coverage
-Release 0.5.4 (2014-05-15)
-- Narrow down the code coverage column of test run result
-- When run specified test class by main menu, if no test class, show the alert message
-- Try to fix issue # 23
-Release 0.5.3 (2014-05-12)
-- Add new snippet ``Sobject - sobject bracket``
-- Update description of ``Update Sobjects``, ``Delete Sobjects``
-- Add two commands for command ``Reload Cache`` and ``Clear Cache``
-- Fix bug for ``Export Workflow``
-Release 0.5.2 (2014-05-10)
-- Since from API 30, compound field (queryByDistance=true) can't be in soql field list
-- Fix bug for bulk api caused by release 0.5.1
-Release 0.5.1 (2014-05-10)
-- Fix Bug: ``Export CustomField``
-- Update OSX keymap
-- Add ``Export SOQL`` command to export sobject records by specified soql
-- Add command for ``Export SOQL``
-- Fix install message alert
-Release 0.5.0 (2014-05-09)
-- Update ``README.MD``
-- Fix bug UnicodeError for ``Export Workflows`` and ``Export Validation Rule`` in OSX
-- Remove some useless code, for example, ``Export Field Dependency``
-Release 0.4.9 (2014-05-04)
-- Change default setting ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_console`` from ``10`` to ``15``
-- Change default ``api_version`` from ``29`` to ``30``
-- Add command ``Retrieve Sobject And Workflow``
-Release 0.4.8 (2014-04-27)
-- Optimize picklist value completion
-- Remove ``.no-sublime-package``
-- Replace ``excluded_sobjects`` settings with ``allowed_sobjects`` settings
-- Optimize the sobject cache initiation for OSX
-- Upgrade ``requests`` to latest version
-Release 0.4.7 (2014-04-26)
-- Fix some flaw for trigger completion
-- Optimize Apex Completion
-- Update READMD.MD
-- Add ``.no-sublime-package`` to tell sublime to unzip the package
-Release 0.4.6 (2014-04-21)
-- Add ``last_n_logs`` setting to control the return number by fetching logs
-- Add ``check_save_conflict`` setting to control saving conflict when LastModifiedBy is not running user
-Release 0.4.5 (2014-04-20)
-- Update snippet: ``Exception - try catch finally`` and ``Exception - try catch``
-- Add doc for api.py
-- Originally, Keyword completion will exclude the existing-variable completion, now, bug mei le.
-- Bug: ``Execute Anonymous`` apex string contains non-english character
-- Combine ApexCompletion and SobjectCompletion
-- If save error happened, the error line will be highlighted and the highlight line will be canceled after ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_console`` seconds
-Release 0.4.4 (2014-04-17)
-- Optimize SOQL Field completion
-- Update build-in apex lib
-- Update ``query_all`` rest api from ``query`` to ``queryAll`` which is available since winter 14
-- Add ``disable_soql_field_completion`` setting for controlling soql field completion
-- In order to keep high efficient for code completion, add some not common used standard sobjects to ``Excluded_Sobjects`` setting for code completion
-Release 0.4.3 (2014-04-16)
-- Add ``Search`` and ``Quick Search`` for ``Execute Rest Test``
-- Update ``README.MD``
-- When view is activated, display the default project in the sidebar
-Release 0.4.2 (2014-04-16) (Millstone for fixing some flaw in completion)
-- Change ``display_field_name_and_label`` setting default value to false
-- BUG: Find variable type by variable name in view (Ignore comment code)
-- BUG: Find matched block in visualforce page (the matched region must contains current cursor point)
-- Add SOQL field completion, it's very useful feature
-- Add a new snippet for ``SELECT * FROM Account``, which is useful for corporation with SOQL field completion
-Release 0.4.1 (2014-04-14)
-- Update ``Visualforce`` xPath and Document source code
-- Change ``api_version`` back to 29
-- Change the default test org password to updated one
-Release 0.4.0 (2014-04-14)
-- ``Track Trace Flag`` expiration date verify logic change
-- Return all sobjects when call ``Global Describe`` method in api.py, originally default return value is createable and queryable sobjects
-Release 0.3.9 (2014-04-12)
-- Update project folder structure, you can change it to original strcture by remove the ``src/`` from every component attribute
-- If visualforce component attribute type is ``Object`` in visualforce completion, return ```_
-Release 0.3.6 (2014-03-30)
-- Add thread progress for document reloading
-- Add confirm request for document reloading
-- Add default ``docs`` setting for `user customization `_
-Release 0.3.5 (2014-03-29)
-- Clarify Usage of kinds of feature in README.MD
-Release 0.3.4 (2014-03-26)
-- Fix urgent bug for `Issue #22 `_
-Release 0.3.3 (2014-03-22)
-- Add confirmation request for ``Refresh Component``
-- Add a new command for ``Compile Component``
-- Update README
-Release 0.3.2 (2014-03-22)
-- Upgrade ``xmltodict`` lib to latest
-- Add ``namespace`` for standard class in the completion
-**Release 0.3.1** (Milestone of Code Completion) (2014-03-22)
-- Fix bug: ``KeyError: 'symbol_table'`` when save component is not ``ApexClass``
-- Add some new standard class to completion
-- Keep the parameter info in the completion result
-- Update README.MD
-Release 0.3.0 (2014-03-20)
-- Remove the duplicate ``New Component`` command and add ``New ApexPage`` command in the quick command palette
-- Update the apex standard class lib
-- Add SymbolTable support for completions (Completion Parser is copy from Mavensmate)
-Release 0.2.9 (2014-03-20)
-- Move the fields describe part from the bottom to top in the sobject describe result
-- Change the default apex log level from ``Finest`` to ``Debug``
-- Fix a completion regular expression bug for sobject and class which is start with ``j`` or ``J``
-- When create new component, if there just have only one template, just choose the only one and no need to manually choose it.
-Release 0.2.8 (2014-03-19)
-- Add ``Tooling Query`` for ``Rest Explorer``
-- Add ``SOQL & SOSL`` for Salesforce Document Reference
-- Change ``ListDebugLogs`` and ``CreateDebugLog`` commands to ``FetchDebugLog`` and ``TrackDebugLog``
-- Remove shortcuts for four new commands
-Release 0.2.7 (2014-03-17)
-- Update the tabTrigger from muti-bytes to less than 5-bytes for all snippets
-Release 0.2.6 (2014-03-16)
-- Fix the bug of ``Rest Post``
-- Remove ``Request``, ``Application``, ``LogLength``, ``DurationMilliseconds`` from ``List Debug Log`` columns
-- Update description for ``display_field_name_and_label`` settings
-- Fix bug: saving conflict on the same component
-Release 0.2.5 (2014-03-15)
-- Remove the command ``New Component`` from the side bar
-- Remove four shortcut keys for the four new component
-- Add a new command for ``Update Project``
-- Update the menu item and shortcuts for ``New Project``
-- Optimize ``Quick Goto`` functionality, just choosing code name will work.
-Release 0.2.4 (2014-03-11)
-- Update README.MD
-- Remove shortcut key ``Ctrl+Alt+N`` for creating new component
-- Add new shortcut keys for separated four new component commands
-Release 0.2.3 (2014-03-10)
-- Add ``Console Toolkit``, ``Standard Objects``, ``Data Model`` and ``Tooling APi`` references to document list
-- Update Main Menu Item
-- Open ``View Debug Log Detail`` context menu item
-- Add a new command ``Update Project``, you can invoke this command by press ``Alt+f7``
-- Add sublime commands for new commands
-- Add time stamp to succeed message for ``Create Code`` and ``Delete Code``
-- Update README.MD for ``Update Project``
-Release 0.2.2 (2014-03-07)
-- Remove some useless print statement in the document.py
-- Update README.MD for latest release
-Release 0.2.1 (2014-03-07)
-- Add ``Rest Api``, ``Visualforce``, ``Chatter Api``, ``Streaming Api`` and ``Bulk Api`` to document list
-- Add methods redirect to document list
-Release 0.2.0 (2014-03-07)
-- Change ``default_browser_path`` setting name to ``default_chrome_path``
-- Add a new salesforce reference function from `Salesforce Reference `_
-- Add a new snippet ``Custom Button - Disable Button``
-Release 0.1.9 (2014-03-06)
-- Fix the static resource bug ``Can't convert 'dict' object to str implicitly``
-- When creating trigger, just list the triggerable sobject
-- If project is not created, ``New Component`` and ``Refresh Folder`` are disabled
-- Update snippets(``Debug - schedule test`` and ``Debug - debug variable``)
-Pre-release 0.1.8 (2014-03-05)
-- When save component and error happened, ``go to`` the error line
-- Change the ``new component`` to separate ones
-- When creating ``trigger``, we just need to choose sobject and input the trigger name
-- When creating ``class``, ``component`` or ``page``, we need to choose template and input the name
-- Change the ``Component Template``
-- Change the ``Main Menu`` and ``Sidebar Menu``
-- Move ``Refresh Folder`` function to ``Side Bar`` menu
-- When ``New Project``, we need to choose the project, and then create project
-Release 0.1.7 (2014-03-04)
-- If project is not created, ``New Component`` and ``Refresh Folder`` are disabled
-- Allow empty json body for ``Post`` Action
-- If rest response is list, return the list
-- When switching project, stop checking login if login session is already in cache
-- Fix a completion bug on ``__kav``
-Release 0.1.6 (2014-03-01)
-- Update README.MD
-- Refractoring api.py
-Release 0.1.5 (2014-02-28)
-- Change new view event type from ``on_new_sync`` to ``on_new``
-- Set the default format for rest test result to ``JavaScript``
-- Add ``Query`` and ``Query All`` function for ``Rest Explorer``
-Release 0.1.4 (2014-02-26)
-- Update comments for ``toolingapi.sublime-settings``
-- Fix the bug for ``open console``
-Release 0.1.3 (2014-02-24)
-- Add the support the static resource refresh functionality for the side bar menu
-- Add the support the static resource refresh functionality for the context menu
-- Add ``Patch`` method for ``Rest Explorer``
-Release 0.1.2 (2014-02-22)
-- Add a new setting ``default_chrome_path``
-- Optimize the ``Rest Explorer`` functionality
-- When execute ``Rest Explorer``, if input json body is not valid, allow trying again.
-Release 0.1.1 (2014-02-22)
-- Add snippets for console toolkit
-- Add time stamp for success message of save component result
-- Remove some useless message from message.py
-- Enhancement for `Issue #12 `_
-Release 0.1.0 (2014-02-20)
-- Add snippets for console toolkit
-- Update README
-- When menu item is not enabled, show the message in the status bar
-Release 0.0.9 (2014-02-19)
-- Update the snippets for debug
-- Add a new snippet "ReRender Form in JavaScript"
-- Display the exception when delete MetadataContainerId, ie., unable to obtain exclusive access to this record
-- When creating trigger by template, automatically remove the space input by user
-- Change the create component input guide
-Patch for 0.0.8 (2014-02-12)
-- Add two template for new component command: Controller and Utility Class
-- Add two snippets
-Patch for 0.0.7 (2014-02-12)
-- Fix bug for `Issue #11 `_
-Release 0.0.7 (2014-02-08)
-- Fix problem when execute anonymous return error
-- Change ``disable_keyword_completion`` from true to false
-Release 0.0.6 (2014-02-08)
-- Fix retrieve metadata exception
-Patch for 0.0.5 (2014-01-31)
-- Update README.MD
-0.0.5 (2014-01-22)
-- Add Run All Test functionality
-- Adjust the format of test run result of single test class
-- Update README.MD
-0.0.4 (2014-01-21)
-- Remove ``Widget.sublime-settings`` from plugin
-0.0.3 (2014-01-20)
-- Add time stamp for all error message displayed in console
-- Disable deploy metadata command
-- When use bulk CUD, If clipboard content is file, just paste it into file path input panel
-- Remove the ``(0)`` from ``Datetime(0)`` and ``Date(0)`` completion for Date and Datetime field
-Patch 0.0.2 (2014-01-11)
-- Change the default test project
-0.0.2 (2014-01-07)
-- Remove ``debug_log_headers`` and ``debug_log_headers_properties`` settings
-- Unquote and unescape the error message returned by ``Save to Server``
-- If ``testMethod`` or ``@IsTest`` is in class body, run test command should be enabled
-Patch for 0.0.1 (2014-01-06)
-- When creating new component, if user input is not valid, user can try again if need
-- Bug: if project is not created, just create the project for the new component
-- Bug: 'BulkApi' object has no attribute 'monitor_batchs'
-- Remove ``Widget`` settings and ``Setting - Console`` main menu
-- Roll back save_component function to last version
-0.0.1 (2014-01-05)
-- Remove ``Loop - for.sublime-snippet`` snippet
-- Remove ``all_views_completions.py`` dependency lib
-- Move ``commands``, ``keymap``, ``menus``, ``mousemap``, ``settings`` and ``snippet`` path to new config folder
-Pre-release x.x.x (2013-12-06 -> 2013-12-31)
-- There is a long confusing term on github version control
-- Add picklist value completions feature
-- Export Sobject Data Template by Record Type
-- Refactoring sobject completion for those complicated orgs
-- Add four settings to permit user to close the code completion feature
-- Disable keyword completion by default, need enable manually
-- Change default workspace to ``C:/ForcedotcomWorkspace``
-- Add support for log levels of anonymous code
-- Add a new setting for disabling field name and label completion
-- Fix bug for completion: variable in method parameter
-- Add picklist value completion support for ``sObject.PicklistFrield =``
-- Allow us to input file path when using Bulk Api to CRUD on data
-- Automatically detect BOM header when CRUD on data
-- After CRUD on csv data, put the log at the same path of this csv data
-- Refactoring code completion for sobject field, relationship and picklist value
-- Add command for reloading cache of sobjects
-- Refactoring sobject field cache structure for speeding up field completion
-- [Fix bulk api issue](https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/1833)
-- Add command for clearing cache of sobjects
-- Rearrange main menu items
-- Automatically divide upload record by 10K every batch
-- Add two settings for bulk load: ``maximum_batch_size`` and ``maximum_batch_bytes``
-- Support data upload for ``ANSI`` and ``UTF-8`` with or without BOM
-0.0.0 (2013-04-14)
-* Birth!
-* Frustration
-* Conception
+.. :changelog:
+Release History
+Release 3.5.8 (2020-03-28)
+* Refined Code coverage functionality:
+ - View code coverage for certain Apex class/trigger file via context menu
+ - View code coverage from (async) Test Result via context menu
+* Miscellaneous bug fix and update
+Release 3.5.7 (2020-03-26)
+* Refine Creating Lightning Web Component (``lwc``) process
+* Add Retrieving, Destructing, Deploying lwc from both sidebar and context menu
+* Add Creating CSS style, SVG file for lwc in context menu
+* Fix auto completion for aura component bug
+* Fix issue #198
+Release 3.5.4 (2019-07-31)
+* Add component tag attr desc completion when hover on attr
+* Add user interface api doc reference toc
+* lwc supports label, staticresource, custom object and fields import
+* Enhancement for lwc boolean attr completion
+* Fix bug for meta file deployment
+Release 3.5.4 (2018-02-12)
+* Fix issue #172
+* Fix issue #173
+Release 3.5.3 (2018-02-06)
+* Add missing base components from lightning developer guide by script: https://gist.github.com/xjsender/265d237fbeafebabff6c8669f9359fff#file-read-json-from-lightning-compnent-js
+* Add $A.localizationService lib
+* Fix some minor bugs
+Release 3.5.2 (2018-02-03)
+* Support oAuth2 Login, check https://github.com/xjsender/haoide#project-configuration for guide
+* Add Lightning event methods completion
+* Add customlabel and staticresource completions for lightning component
+* Add lightning component iconName support
+* Add package.zip to file_exclude_patterns
+* Add attributes completion after v.
+* Update apex lib to v41
+* Deliver enhancement for issue #145
+* Fix custom label completion bug in Lightning mode
+* Fix bug for open_aura_document_reference command
+* Fix bug #147
+Release 3.5.1 (2018-01-25)
+* Basic completion support for component controller or helper
+Release 3.5.0 (2018-01-21)
+* Add aura component and attribute completion, contributed by @lushang
+* Add some missed base component
+* Add lightning component implements completion
+* Add Queueable Apex Template
+* Add SLDS classes completion
+* Add some console snippets
+* Add sObject completion when attribute support sObjects, such as type for aura:attribute
+* Update export format for ``Export Profile`` command
+* Fix some bugs, such as, aura app preview, custom label completion, etc.
+Release 3.4.7 (2017-07-29)
+* Really and still busy on project delivery work in the past year, will continue in the next days.
+* New Fetaure: Combine package.xml in selected folders
+* New Feature: Custom Label completion support, which is fetched from ``project/.config/package.json`` by ``Reload Project Cache`` command
+* Update Aura completion lib by ``lushang``
+* Others
+Release 3.4.6 (2016-09-26)
+* Deliver enhancement for issue #132
+* Deliver enhancement for issue #134
+* Deliver enhancement for issue #140
+* Fix issue #138
+Release 3.4.5 (2016-06-16)
+* Fix bug: sublime will be closed when view debug log by logId with pressing alt + dblclick left mouse
+* Fix issue #126
+* Deliver feature #119
+* Add a new setting ``force_login_interval`` for controlling login cache refresh interval
+Release 3.4.4 (2016-06-11)
+* Fix Urgent ``FileNotFoundError`` problem when create new code
+Release 3.4.3 (2016-06-06)
+* Hide ``execute query`` command in the context menu, use ``REST TEST Query`` instead
+* Rename Snippet ``HttpRequest - Authorization Basic Credentials.sublime-snippet`` to ``HttpRequest - Callout.sublime-snippet``
+* Add new snippet named ``Page - loading action status.sublime-snippet``
+* Add visibility control for ``Extract To Here`` in the sidebar menu
+* Fix bug for custom components completion
+* Fix bug for variable type fetching for code completion
+* Fix issue #117
+Release 3.4.2 (2016-05-23)
+* Change api version back to 35, fix issue #116
+Release 3.4.1 (2016-05-23)
+* Fix issue #113
+* Fix issue #115
+* Fix Bug for conflict checking bug caused by solution for issue #108
+* Fix Bug for ``fetch debug log``
+* Execute ``fetch_debug_log`` operation after ``run sync test``
+Release 3.4.0 (2016-05-20)
+- Deliver enhancement for issue #108
+- Deliver enhancement for issue #111
+- Fix bug when test class failed caused by dependency compilation
+- Fix bug when view debug log detail
+- Fix bug when read csv encoding
+- Fix bug When create first new code that will clear the cache of others
+- Fix bug When deploy files, default project is not switched back
+- Remove duplicate command ``Reload Sobject Cache`` from command palette
+- Remove snippet ``Class Body - class comments``
+- Add new snippet: ``Page - close window and refresh opener``
+- Add keymap for ``Open All Documents``, check the keymap setting for detail
+- Add new command ``copy_files_to_project`` for issue #113
+- Update snippet: ``Debug - debug info``, ``Debug - debug error``, ``Class Header - class header``
+- Update include_users_in_role_hierarchy to false on default
+- Update ``folder_exclude_patterns`` pattern to exclude ``.templates`` folder in the sidebar
+Release 3.3.9 (2016-04-18)
+* Force login every two hours
+* Add retry operation for list package if session is expired
+* Change display format for REST TEST Response, add a new setting ``remove_slash_for_rest_response``
+* Fix bug for aura creation
+* Add AuraEnabled template class
+* Add a snippet for class comments header
+* Add a snippet for LoggingLevel.ERROR debug
+* Update a snippet for LoggingLevel.INFO debug
+Release 3.3.8 (2016-04-12)
+* Enhancement for code template, welcome new template pull request
+* Add runSpecifiedTest support for deploying files
+* Change mousemap key mapping, see more detail at Q&A
+* Update Q&A in the pulgin home page
+Release 3.3.7 (2016-03-28)
+* Fix issue #88
+* Fix issue #99, problem of ``reload document``
+* Deliver enhancement for issue #96
+* Open exported CSV file when execute ``Export CustomField`` command
+Release 3.3.6 (2016-03-28)
+* Fix issue #98
+* Add ``Return to First Step`` feature when open documentation by type
+* Remove build-in reference settings which is replaced ``Reload Salesforce Document``
+* Enhancement for ``Open Documentation`` feature
+* Enhancement for ``Reload Project Cache`` feature
+Release 3.3.5 (2016-03-26)
+* Greatly improve performance of code completion
+* Fix invalid scope problem for custom class completion
+* Enhancement for document reference
+* Change panel message format
+Release 3.3.4 (2016-03-23)
+* Fix issue #93
+* Fix issue #97
+* Optimize for methods in ``metadata.py``
+* Update README.md
+Release 3.3.3 (2016-03-14)
+* Fix issue #94
+* Enhance ``refresh package`` command
+* Add package.xml update support for command ``build_package_xml``
+Release 3.3.2 (2016-03-12)
+* Fix issue #92
+Release 3.3.1 (2016-03-11)
+* Rename ``deploy_package_to_server`` command to ``deploy_package``
+* Add new command ``refresh_package``, see issue #91 for detail
+* Add LastModifiedBy check for conflict check logic, see issue #89
+* Remove setting ``ignore_project_package_xml`` and related logic
+Release 3.3.0 (2016-03-11)
+* Deliver enhancement #91
+* Fix bug issue #92
+* Fix package.xml onload XML parse exception
+Release 3.2.9 (2016-03-10)
+* Enhancement for ``role hierarchy exporting``
+* Add new settings ``include_users_in_role_hierarchy`` to control whether including user in the CSV
+* Deliver new feature, see issue #89
+* upgrade build-in requests lib to 2.9.1
+* change display message for list metadata in the output panel
+Release 3.2.8 (2016-02-26)
+* Fix issue #88
+* Fix bug for ``export workflow rules`` feature
+* Add parameter ``vertical`` for ``export_data_template`` command for exporting Layout Workbook
+* Add a command for copying login url, which can be used for login with different browser
+* Update version and copyright information
+Release 3.2.7 (2015-12-21)
+* Fix issue #86
+Release 3.2.6 (2015-12-20)
+* Fix issue #84
+* Fix issue #85
+* New ``Export > Export Role Hierarchy`` command
+Release 3.2.5 (2015-12-15)
+* Fix urgent bug issue #83
+* Fix urgent bug for sobject cache reloading
+* Remove ``allowed_sobjects`` setting
+Release 3.2.4 (2015-12-09)
+* Enhancement for lightning development
+* Add new command for creating ``SVG`` and ``design``
+* Update lightning related library
+* Change default ``api_version`` from ``34`` to ``35``
+Release 3.2.3 (2015-12-01)
+* Bug Fix:
+ Fix bug for lightning development when deploying cmp or app
+* Enhancement:
+ - Display the lightning type in the input panel when creating lightning components
+ - Change ``No change`` to ``no difference`` in non-difference message when executing ``diff_with_server`` command
+* Update:
+ - Remove four commands ``create_lightning_application``, ``create_lightning_component``, ``create_lightning_interface``, ``create_lightning_event``, bind the four features to ``create_lightning_definition`` by difference ``_type``
+ - Optimize completion for Boolean attribute in the html related page
+ - Stop keeping useless ``settings.json`` to ``.config`` folder
+Release 3.2.2 (2015-11-19)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Fix TypeError when export soql to csv
+ - Fix aura app preview problem
+ - Fix bug for missing standard Objects when retrieve all
+ - Fix bug for `deploy selected open files` fetaure
+ - Fix instance parse problem for lightning app preview
+ - Fix bug of aura helperjs or controoler deploy
+* New Feature:
+ - Add new command to open aura document reference in the command palette
+* Enhancement:
+ - Improve output message of debug mode
+ - Update README.MD
+Release 3.2.1 (2015-11-10)
+* Fix issue #81
+Release 3.2.0 (2015-10-07)
+* Deliver enhancement #73
+* Deliver enhancement #77
+Release 3.1.9 (2015-08-26)
+* Fix issue #71, export workbooks by user input
+* Fix bug for visibility problem of ``Retrieve Package.xml``
+* Add bootstrap3 support for styleClass attribute of salesforce standard components
+Release 3.1.8 (2015-08-08)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Fix bug for bootstrap3 completion
+ - Fix bug for ``toggle_metadata_objects`` command if project is not initiated
+ - Fix bug for ``SOQL - SELECT FROM.sublime.snippet`` in windows
+* Enhancement:
+ - Add confirm request for ``retrieve files from server`` and ``retrieve files from this server``
+ - Add confirm request for ``destruct package.xml from server`` and ``retrieve files from this server``
+ - Identify ``this file`` or ``these files`` in confirm request message according to number of chosen files
+* Update:
+ - Add project name and remove [LOG] or [ERROR] notation in log or error panel
+ - Rename ``destruct package.xml`` command to ``destruct package.xml from server``
+ - Rename ``retrieve package.xml`` command to ``retrieve package.xml from server``
+ - Update ``to`` or ``from`` in context menu item name to ``To`` or ``From``
+ - Update confirm request message for ``destruct files from server``
+* New:
+ - Add a new command ``Enable Development Mode`` to quickly enable visualforce page development mode
+ - Add bootstrap3 completion document
+Release 3.1.7 (2015-08-05)
+* Enhancement:
+ - Add `with sharing` for `Utility Class` in template
+ - When you want to view code coverage, if you didn't download code, you can't view code coverage and you will get the reminder message in the status bar
+ - Before v33.0, tooling API doesn't support relationship query just like ``ApexClass.LastModifiedBy.Name``, when you save code to server, plugin will check your code has conflict with server and tell you ``who change the code at when?``, because relationship query is not supported, plugin will need to issue a query request to fetch the LastModifiedBy Name by the LastModifiedById, from this version, it will not necessary.
+ - Add comments for some settings
+ - Move metadata.json from ``metadata.sublime-settings`` to ``.config/metadata.json``, when you create new project, if the ``metadata.json`` is exist in the ``.config`` path, plugin will skip the describe process, however, if you want to refresh the cache, you can execute ``Metadata > Describe Metadata`` to refresh the ``metadata.json`` cache file
+* Bug Fix:
+ - After you select all test class, you can't deselect all when you run tests
+ - Problem when ``diff with other server``, see detail in issue #61
+* New Feature:
+ - Add a new command named ``destruct_package_xml`` in the context menu, which is used for destructing members defined in ``package.xml`` from current server, so if you want to remove some components from production, you can get the package.xml by ``Metadata > Build Package.xml``, and then execute ``destruct_package_xml`` to remove them from production
+* Update:
+ - Update keymap of ``retrieve from this server`` from ``super+shift+r`` to ``alt+shift+r``, fix issue #68
+ - Update keymap of ``deploy to this server`` from ``super+shift+s`` to ``alt+shift+s``
+Release 3.1.6 (2015-07-29)
+* Bug fix:
+ - If controller name is same with page name, there will have problem when view code coverage
+ - Fix bug when file is loaded
+ - Fix issue #62
+ - Fix issue #63
+* Enhancement:
+ - Deliver enhancement #64
+ - Deliver enhancement #65
+ - Deliver enhancement #66
+Release 3.1.5 (2015-07-27)
+* New Feature:
+ - Add bootstrap3 support for html class completion
+ - Add a new setting ``disable_bootstrap_completion`` to control bootstrap completion
+* Update:
+ - Remove ``Metadata > Describe Metadata`` menu item in the main menu
+* Fix Bug:
+ - Fix bug for running sync test for class with namespace or not
+ - Fix bug for ``get_file_attributes`` method
+Release 3.1.4 (2015-07-25)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Fix issue #23?
+ - Fix issue #58
+ - Fix issue #59
+* Enhancement:
+ - Add filters support for ``Build Package.xml`` command, which is used to filter members which contains the input filters
+ - Add update feature for ``Build Package.xml`` command, which is used to add or remove members from exist package.xml
+ - Add keymap for some frequently-used commands
+ - Add visibility control for some CURD command on code file
+ - Aura related features
+ - Merge ``Deploy Lightning To Server`` command with ``Deploy File to Server`` command
+ - Merge ``Retrieve Lightning To Server`` command with ``Retrieve File to Server`` command
+ - Use file full name as key in ``component_metadata.sublime-settings``, originally, we use name as key, for example, originally, ``AccountController`` is key, now is ``AccountController.cls``
+ - Change ``Diff With Server`` command to just visible when code file is ``classes, triggers, components or pages``
+* New Feature:
+ - New ``Run Sync Test`` command for replacing ``Run Test`` feature
+ - Read code coverage information from local cache kept by ``Run Sync Test`` command
+ - New ``Retrieve from This Server`` command in the context menu
+ - New ``Diff With This Server`` command in the context menu
+ - New ``View File Attributes`` command in the context menu
+* Update:
+ - ``Quick Goto`` is switched to standard sublime build-in, I changed the mousemap to bind with the standard feature , with this feature, you can quickly view the symbols in sublime, for example, when you see a statement like this ``AccountUtil.populateField()``, you can put focus in the method name, hold down ``shift`` and triple-click your left mouse, sublime will open the ``AccountUtil`` class and put focus in the selected method
+Release 3.1.3 (2015-07-18)
+* Fix issue #54
+* Fix issue #56
+Release 3.1.2 (2015-07-17)
+* Fix issue #55
+Release 3.1.1 (2015-07-16)
+* Bug fix:
+ - Fix a issue for ``save_to_server`` command when ``api_version`` is less than 29
+ - Fix problem in ``Class Body - test data util body-sublime-snippet.sublime-snippet``
+* Enhancement:
+ - Enhancement for issue #53
+ - Enhancement for issue #54
+ - Support deploy and retrieve for metadataObject which is in folder
+ - Add support for visualforce email template development
+ - Add select all feature for ``toggle_metadata_objects`` command
+ - Add ``Territory2`` to ``allowed_sobjects`` list
+* Update:
+ - Remove ``disable_visualforce_completion`` setting
+ - Add four settings to disable part of completion in visualforce page, see more in ``docs/completion.md``
+Release 3.1.0 (2015-07-09)
+* Enhancement:
+ - Sometimes, the inner class name is same with standard class or sObject, if this inner class is matched, ignore the standard completion
+ - Add Notation [EU] for external or unique field in field completion, ``E`` means External, ``U`` means Unique
+ - Add a new setting named ``disable_visualforce_completion`` to control visualforce completion
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Fix issue #49
+ - Fix issue #50
+ - Catch exception for ``check retrieve status`` request when retrieve
+* New
+ - Add a new snippet ``Bracket - sobject parenthesis.sublime-snippet``, see ``/docs/snippets.md`` for more detail
+* Update
+ - Change default ``api_version`` from 33 to 34
+ - Move document for ``execute anonymous`` from ``project.md`` to ``debug.md``
+Release 3.0.9 (2015-07-01)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Fix bug for snippet ``SOQL - SELECT * FROM.sublime-snippet``
+ - Fix bug for ``extract_to_here`` command
+* Enhancement:
+ - Don't need confirmation to reload project cache after choose metadata objects
+ - In order to avoid timeout exception, increase max_retries from 5 to 10 for retrieve zipFile request
+Release 3.0.8 (2015-06-28)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Fix bug when build package.xml for whole org
+* Enhancement:
+ - Display chosen sObject Name when input trigger name
+ - Enhancement for #39, open a new view, set status bar and close the new view
+ - Add success message for ``extract_to_here`` command
+ - Update all snippets
+* New:
+ - Add a quick link to view all snippets, see it in plugin home page
+ - Add command to access all snippets in ``Utilities`` of main menu
+Release 3.0.7 (2015-06-26)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Fix issue #46
+ - Fix bugs caused by ``describe_global`` change in the ``tooling.py``
+* Enhancement
+ - Merge pull request #45 by @reyesml(https://github.com/reyesml)
+* New
+ - Add a snippets: ``Page Variable - get and set in one line.sublime-snippet``
+ - Add a snippets: ``Page Variable - get and set in multiply line.sublime-snippet``
+ - Add a new command for building package.xml for whole org
+Release 3.0.6 (2015-06-23)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Merge pull request #42 by @pgAdmin(https://github.com/pgAdmin)
+ - Merge pull request #43 by @reyesml(https://github.com/reyesml), fixed issue #6
+ - Fix bug for ``export_workbook`` feature
+Release 3.0.5 (2015-06-15)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Custom component attributes completion bug when component file is not exist in the target path
+* Enhancement:
+ - Improve regular expression for SOQL fields completion
+Release 3.0.4 (2015-06-15)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Fix bug for issue #41
+ - Fix bug for ``delete_file_from_server`` keybinding for windows
+ - Fix bug for ``auto_update_on_save`` feature in windows
+ - Fix ``KeyError: '\n\n'`` for converting complex JSON to Apex
+* Enhancement:
+ - Improve the regular expression for SOQL fields completion
+ - Improve the regular expression for Apex class method completion
+ - Improve the regular expression for visualforce component attribute completion
+ - Improve the visualforce tag name completion, add ``>`` for tag name automatically
+ - As the original design, you need to input your JSON when you execute JSON related commands, since this version, you just need to open any JSON file or select valid JSON content
+ - Add ``JSON/XML Tool`` into context menu, which is same with ``Utilities`` in main menu
+ - Update content for some docs
+* New Feature:
+ - Add attribute completion for custom component
+ - Add document for all code completion, you can see the link in the plugin home page
+Release 3.0.3 (2015-06-11)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Fix duplicate save check bug caused by release 3.0.2
+ - Fix fields completion bug for cross sObjects between tooling and non-tooling, for example ``User``, ``RecordType``
+* Enhancement:
+ - Add session expired message for ``describe_metadata``
+ - Enhancement for ``refresh_file_from_server``
+* Update
+ - Update pop-up compile message for ``save_to_server`` command
+Release 3.0.2 (2015-06-07)
+* Bug fix:
+ - Fix NoneType exception in the console when open context menu, this is caused by release 3.0.1
+ - Fix bug for ``Debug > Track All Debug Logs`` in the main menu
+* Enhancement
+ - Duplicate save_to_server check logic change: use file name with extension but not only file name, as the original design, if the controller name is same with page name, if you are saving page, you can't save the related controller at the same time
+ - Add timeout for query of conflict checking when ``save_to_server``
+ - Prevent duplicate save conflict check when ``save_to_server``, as the original design, if you latest saving is interrupted, when you save it again, plugin will delete the metadata container Id for the saving file, at this time, save conflict checking will be executed again.
+* New:
+ - Add sObject completion for ``tooling sObjects``, for example, ``Validation Rule``, ``WorkflowRule``, ``ValidationRule``, ``WorkflowFieldUpdate``, ``WorkflowOutboundMessage``, ``WorkflowAlert`` or ``WorkflowTask``
+ - Add * support for ``export query to CSV`` or ``export tooling query to CSV``, if you use * in the query statement, plugin will get all fields of this object and set them as the column headers
+ - Add export command for tooling query into the ``Data Loader`` in the main menu, you can use this command to export records for tooling objects
+ - Add a new markdown document related to debug
+ - Add a menu item for quick accessing document related to debug
+* Update:
+ - Update the menu item names and location in command palette and the ``Debug`` of main menu
+ - Change the default key binding for ``Debug > Run Test`` in the main menu
+Release 3.0.1 (2015-06-04)
+* Bug fix:
+ - Fix bug #39
+ - Fix bug #40
+ - Fix bug for SOQL completion
+* Enhancement:
+ - Enhancement for boolean attribute completion of standard visualforce component
+ - Set ``word_wrap`` setting of new view to false when describe sObject
+ - Keep attributes of all metadataObjects to local ``component_metadata.sublime-settings``
+ - Prevent potential issue caused by change of ``component_metadata.sublime-settings``
+* Update:
+ - Add output panel message for ``describe_metadata`` command
+ - Disable document reference reload feature
+ - Add a ``salesforce_reference.sublime-settings`` for ``Document > Open Document`` in the main menu
+* New API for metadata:
+ - Add a new ``read_metadata`` method for ``metadata.py``, which will be used for ``diff_with_server`` feature in the future
+Release 3.0.0 (2015-05-26)
+* Bug fix:
+ - Fix bug #38
+ - Fix bug for SOQL fields completion
+ - Fix bug for attributes completion for value of ``apex:includeScript``
+* New
+ - Add a new snippet named ``Page - field label.sublime-snippet``
+Release 2.9.9 (2015-05-25)
+* Enhancement
+ - SOQL fields completion, see demo at plugin home page
+* New
+ - Add two demos at home page
+Release 2.9.8 (2015-05-24)
+* Update:
+ - Update the plugin install message for package control
+* Enhancement:
+ - Add the missed attributes for some standard components since v29.0
+ - Add attribute values for standard components if attribute value is picklist attribute
+* New:
+ - Add a new setting ``auto_update_on_save``, default value is false
+ - If ``auto_update_on_save`` is set to true, when you update the code file, ``save_to_server`` will be executed automatically
+* Note:
+ - From this version on, I will not keep frequently release on this plugin, I will move on to build Haoide plugin for brackets
+Release 2.9.7 (2015-05-22)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Fix issue #36
+ - Fix bug for ``childXmlNames`` parsing and ``childXmlNames`` completion for package.xml
+ - Fix bug for timeout exception message for ``query`` method in ``tooling.py``
+ - Fix NoneType exception for automatic extension or controller creation if current view is not local file
+ - Tag plugin fix a bug for that tag name contains colon, `see tag issue https://github.com/titoBouzout/Tag/issues/79`_
+* Enhancement:
+ - Enhancement for attribute completion in visualforce page, if attribute value is already exist, it will not insert ``=""`` or ``="{!}"`` again
+ - Enhancement for ``standardController`` sObject name completion in visualforce page, it will just work when attribute is ``standardController``
+ - Add custom class completion for ``extension`` and ``controller`` attribute in visualforce page
+ - Add values completion for some attributes of standard components which type should be picklist, for example, "apiVersion", "layout", "event" or "target" for link and so on, in this time I just updated to apex:composition, I will check the remaining standard component
+ - Add two missed standard component into ``vf.py``, "apex:component" and "apex:componentBody"
+ - Add custom page completion for these four attributes: "page", "template", "pageName", "finishLocation", for example, if you input `_
+* Update:
+ - Rename ``View Release Notes`` command to ``Release Notes``
+ - Rename ``json_pretty`` command to ``json_format``
+ - Rename ``convert_xml_to_json`` command to ``xml_to_json``
+ - Move ``xml_to_json`` from context menu to ``Utilites`` in the main menu
+ - Add access to ``toggle_metadata_objects`` for both ``Settings`` and ``Metadata`` in the main menu
+ - Upgrade build-in ``xmltodict`` module to ``0.9.2``
+ - Update document for the change in this release
+* New Feature:
+ - New commands for ``HaoIDE > Utilities`` of the main menu:
+ - Add a new command ``haoide_help`` to view related document
+ - Add a new command ``json_to_xml`` to convert xml back to json, see issue #32
+ - Add a new command ``xml_format`` to format selected xml content or whole file content, see issue #32
+Release 2.9.4 (2015-05-13)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - If there is only one member, just remove the type and the related member when ``build package xml``
+ - When execute ``query_to_csv`` command and field value contains ``"`` or ``,``
+* Enhancement:
+ - Show the error message when list package for metadata objects if have
+ - Support quick clear for symbol_table and sobject cache
+ - Automatic ``{!}`` enhancement for vf tag just if type is "Object" or "ApexPages.Action"
+ - Update type of some visualforce standard components from ``Object`` to ``String``
+ - Change the item format in the quick panel when ``build package xml``
+ - Add ``EmailTemplate`` to ``allowed_sobjects`` setting
+ - Allow user to choose reloading specified ``metadata_object`` cache when execute reload_project_cache command
+ - When operation is depends on login session, so login firstly and callback with this operation
+* Update:
+ - Rollback the delivered function for issue #15
+ - Optimize on ``metadata.py``
+Release 2.9.3 (2015-05-11)
+* Enhancement:
+ - Package.xml completion read cache from ``.config/package.json``, no longer read cache from project file
+ - Sort for items in quick panel of package.xml building
+ - Add alert message for package.xml completion
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Add the folder into member when list_package for DocumentFolder, EmailFolder, ReportFolder and DashboardFolder
+ - No four spaces in the quick panel of package.xml building for windows
+Release 2.9.2 (2015-05-10)
+* Bug Fix:
+ - Fix bug for ``combine_soql`` which is invoked by ``Generate SOQL`` and ``Bulk Query``
+ - Fix bug for ``export_profile`` command
+ - Fix bug for completion of building ``package.xml``
+ - Fix bug for ``export_validation_rules`` command
+* New Feature:
+ - Deprecated ``metadataObjects`` since this release, which is replaced by ``/.config/metadata.json``
+ - Add ``describe_metadata`` command, ``/.config/metadata.json`` will be generated by this command
+ - Add ``reload_project_cache`` command, ``/.config/package.json`` will be generated by this command
+ - Add ``build_package_xml`` command, see `more `_
+ - Add key bindings for ``build_package_xml`` command
+* Enhancement:
+ - Move package related logic from ``main.py`` to the new ``package.py``
+ - Add thread progress for ``track_debug_log``, ``fetch_debug_log`` and ``track_all_debug_logs``
+ - `create_new_project`` start supporting callback
+ - Add metadata object for input description for ``create_new_component`` module
+ - Add list_package support for ``CustomObject`` retrieve
+ - Add availability check for ``.config/metadata.json`` for all related commands
+ - Add ``api_version`` message into the sidebar message
+ - Update ``api_version`` from ``32`` to ``33``
+ - Update ``Metadata Migration`` to ``Metadata`` in the main menu
+ - Update ``generate_soql`` logic to include ``Id`` field if no available matched fields
+ - Update description for default settings
+ - Update README.md
+Release 2.9.1 (2015-05-05)
+* Fix bug for ``switch_project``, see issue #24
+* Enhancement for speeding up ``Save To Server`` operation
+* Rename ``save_component`` command to ``save_to_server``
+* Rename ``delete_component`` command to ``delete_file_from_server``
+* Simplify ``delete_file_from_server`` and ``refresh_file_from_server``
+* Add two new value issue_url and history_url into package info
+* Update ``report_issue`` and ``view_release_notes`` command to read url from package info
+Release 2.9.0 (2015-05-03)
+* Fix bug for messy code in debug log detail
+* Enhancement for not refreshing sidebar when ``retrieve_files_from_other_server``
+* Enhancement for adding folder name to retrieve request when ``list_package`` for folders
+* Enhancement for package.xml completion for folder name of Document, EmailTemplate, Dashboard and Report
+* Enhancement for package.xml completion for AuraDefinitionBundle
+* Enhancement for sobject completion, if there are two matched statements, ``insert prd`` and ``Product2 prd``, plugin will choose the second one as matched
+* Enhancement for ``toggle_metadata_objects``, you can toggle metadata objects continually util you press ``ESC`` to exit
+* Enhancement for ``generate_sobject_soql``, you can choose whether generate sobject SOQL of ``Custom``, ``Updateable`` or ``Createable``
+* Update workspace of default build-in project from ``C:/ForcedotcomWorkspace`` to empty
+* Update name of default build-in project from ``pro-test`` to ``pro-sublime``
+* Update for ``toggle_metadata_objects``, after subscribe a new metadata object, don't refresh its folder again, just after you finish all toggle, you will need to confirm whether use refresh all subscribed metadata together
+* Add ``toggle_metadata_objects`` document in ``docs/utilities.md``
+* Remove four deprecated settings, ``keep_config_history``, ``output_session_info``, ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_output_panel_when_failed`` and ``get_static_resource_body``
+Release 2.8.9 (2015-04-28)
+* Fix urgent bug for issue #22
+* Enhancement for speeding up ``Save To Server`` operation
+* Enhancement for supporting ``list_package`` when execute retrieve operation
+* Enhancement for package.xml completion for Document, EmailTemplate, Dashboard and Report
+* Enhancement for ``add_project_to_workspace`` just if login succeed
+* Add a new ``link_project_with_sublime_project`` setting to control linking, default is false
+* Update documents regarding to issue #18
+Release 2.8.8 (2015-04-26)
+* Fix bug: If user don't have `Author Apex` privilege, plugin will give wrong information
+* Fix bug: Show alert message if no available package.xml to combine
+* Enhancement: Issue 15 about linking ``sublime-project`` with plugin project, deliver Windows solution but keep unchanged for OSX
+* Enhancement: Add scope control for ``JSON to Apex``
+* Enhancement: Set ``word_wrap`` of ``Test Run`` result to false
+* Enhancement: Simplify retrieve status check for API version 31 and later, check more detail at `here `_
+* Update documents
+Release 2.8.7 (2015-04-22)
+* Fix plugin loading NoneType issue
+* Combine ``retrieve_package_file`` and ``retrieve_package_xml`` command to only ``retrieve_package_xml``
+* Allow user to input extractTo path, enhancement for issue #19
+* Add a new command ``combine_package_xml`` to combine all package.xml in many folders, see ``Salesforce Utilites`` quick link
+* Update Documents
+Release 2.8.6 (2015-04-20)
+* Optimization for parsing project name by path or file
+* Change the default workspace of plugin level to empty
+* Change the workspace to optional, if workspace of plugin level and project level are both empty, plugin will save the project to ``/User/HaoIDE``,
+* Change the name of ``execute_soql`` command to ``execute_query``
+* If there has network connection issue, just display ``Network connection timeout`` but no more detail again
+* Add a new command for export query to csv, you should be aware, query statement contains parent-to-child statement will not be enabled for this command
+* Add a new ``auto_switch_project_on_file_activated`` setting to control project switching when file of non-default project is open, this feature is disabled by default
+* Add a new ``reveal_file_in_sidebar_on_file_activated`` setting to control sidebar file revealing when the file is open, this feature is disabled by default
+Release 2.8.5 (2015-04-10)
+* Biggest optimization for variable completion:
+ - Exclude comment statement
+ - Choose the nearest matched one
+* Add a new ``remove_comments`` command in the ``Utilities``
+* Allow ``extract_to_here`` command to support all zip resources
+Release 2.8.4 (2015-04-09)
+* Add error popup display for latest version of sublime
+* Add a new settings ``disable_html_completion`` to disable html completion
+* Set default value of ``disable_html_completion`` as true because of conflict with sublime
+* Optimize component attribute completion to support current line and next line
+* Fix Bug: Wrong completion for Picklist2 when ``if (acc.Picklist1 == 'abc' && acc.Picklist2 == 'bcd')``
+* Fix Bug: Plugin found the wrong variable type in the commented code for variable completion
+* Ignore exception when keep package.xml for every deploy action
+* Rename Heroku to Haoku in the ``Main Menu > Utilities``
+* Remove useless ``.travis.yml``
+* Remove ugly code for check whether statement is comment for code
+* Update ``execute_soql`` command to execute query in heroku
+Release 2.8.3 (2015-04-02)
+* If no CRUD privilege on profile object, just leave blank in the output csv
+* Add field FLS export feature, it's a wonderful feature for document
+Release 2.8.2 (2015-03-28)
+* Fix package.xml completion bug if file name contains multiple dot
+* Fix package.xml completion bug if there have extracted zip resource
+* Pull request for #14
+* Spell problem of `Toggle Metadata Settings`
+* Add entry point for ``Haoku`` in the ``Utilities`` of main menu
+* Remove ``AuraDefinitionBundle`` from default subscribed Metadata settings
+Release 2.8.1 (2015-03-05)
+* Fix issue #6
+* Enhancement for issue #13
+Release 2.8.0 (2015-02-11)
+* Fix issue #11, #12
+* Add two commands ``Retrieve All`` and ``Retrieve sObject and Workflow`` in the command palette
+Release 2.7.9 (2015-02-06)
+* Fix issue #4
+* Fix issue #7
+* Enhancement for ``diff_with_server``, allow diff compare with different project
+* Upgrade ``requests`` to v2.5.1 and disable the InsecureRequestWarning
+* Display line number before column number when ``save_component`` failed
+Release 2.7.8 (2015-02-02)
+* Rename ``refresh_component`` command to ``refresh_file_from_server``
+* Rename ``refresh_selected_components`` command to ``refresh_files_from_server``
+* Rename ``delete_selected_components`` command to ``delete_files_from_server``
+* Add a new command for ``retrieve file from other server`` for retrieve file from different project.
+* Add a settings ``switch_back_after_migration`` to control whether switch back to original project after ``deploy to server``, ``deploy package to server``, ``deploy lightning to server`` or ``retrieve file from other server``, issue haoide:#3
+* Fix issue #5
+* Move ``pretty_json`` command from context menu to ``HaoIDE > Utilities > JSON Pretty`` in the main menu
+* Update README.MD
+Release 2.7.7 (2015-01-22)
+* Fix bug for ``Package.xml Completion``
+* Enhancement: display error column in XML if deploy failed
+* Enhancement for ``json_to_apex``
+* Enhancement for ``describe_sobject``
+* Add a new ``json_serialization`` command to serialize JSON to string
+* Add a new ``panel`` menu item in Main Menu
+* Rearrange Utilities menu item in Main Menu
+* Update ``haoide`` to ``HaoIDE``
+Release 2.7.6 (2015-01-20)
+* Enhancement for ``create_trace_flag`` command
+* Add a enabled check logic for ``export profiles`` command
+* Add a new ``haoide > Utilities > Convert JSON to Apex`` command for converting JSON to Apex
+* Add commands for ``convert_json_to_apex`` in command palette
+* Update README.MD about the `Convert JSON to Apex `_
+Release 2.7.5 (2015-01-18)
+* Fix bug: messy code when view debug log detail in sublime
+* Fix bug: timeout exception is not caught when save component
+* Enhancement for completions
+* Enhancement for ``export profile`` feature
+* Add feature for export of ``userPermission`` and ``tabVisibility``
+* Update README.MD
+Release 2.7.4 (2015-01-16)
+* Fix bug for issue #75
+* Update ``Chanel`` to ``Channel`` in the plugin copyright information
+* Update license information
+* Remove ``InstalledPackage`` from ``metadataObjects`` settings
+* No longer check save conflict when compile code
+* Add commands for ``export_profile`` in command palette
+* Update default keymap for ``open log panel``, ``open error panel`` and ``open diff panel`` in the ``Utilities`` menu item
+* Enhancement for login module, decrease the timeout seconds and repeat login until repeat times exceed 12 times
+Release 2.7.3 (2015-01-14)
+* Fix bug for ``extract here`` command
+* Fix bug for ``bulk api`` caused by release 2.7.2
+* Fix long-term bug for inProgress message of deployment
+* Enhancement for ``list debug log``, for example, sort logs order by StartTime ASC, remove the useless "\n"
+* Add missed standard objects for ``CustomObject`` when retrieve metadata
+* Add new command for exporting profile object security settings, it's a very useful feature
+* Add ``Translations`` to metadataObjects settings
+* Update snippet description for ``Debug - debug json.sublime-snippet``
+Release 2.7.2 (2015-01-12)
+* Fix bug for issue #74
+* Fix bug for ``cancel_deployment``
+* Fix bug for ``reload symbol table`` when symbol_table is None
+* Fix bug for ``execute anonymous`` when anonymous code contains non-english words since release 2.7.0
+* Enhancement for message tracking in output panel
+* Enhancement for settings check, if settings is valid, just display it in output panel
+* Update snippet ``Debug - debug variable.sublime-snippet``
+* Add snippet ``Debug - debug json.sublime-snippet``
+Release 2.7.1 (2015-01-09)
+* Enhancement for ``standardController completion`` in `` Email`` for ``Debug Log User List``
+* Milestone change for soap body request
+* Enhancement for quick extension and quick controller
+* Fix Bug for Package Completion
+* Fix Bug for ``opps`` completions in ``getAccountList(List opps)``
+* Fix Bug for ``allowed_sobjects``, change ``Assert`` to ``Asset``
+* Fix Bug for ``reload_sobject_cache``
+* Fix Bug for ``bulkapi``
+* Change default value of ``last_n_logs`` from ``10`` to ``20``
+Release 2.6.0 (2014-12-20)
+* Enhancement for ``refresh_folder``
+* Enhancement for ``retrieve_all`` and ``retrieve_sobjects_and_workflows``
+* Move export csv files to ``.export`` folder, for example, CustomFields, ValidationRules, Workflows and Workbooks, etc.
+Release 2.5.9 (2014-12-17)
+* Completion enhancement for building package.xml
+* Fix duplicate MetadataContainerId for issue #69
+* `Build Package.xml Demo `_
+Release 2.5.8 (2014-12-15)
+* Add all ``sharingRules`` metadata types to default components setting
+* Rename ``.package`` to ``.deploy`` for ``deploy to server`` execution
+* Remove ``subscribe_component`` and ``unsubscribe_component`` commands
+* Add a new ``toggle_commands`` command to replace above two commands
+* After a new component is subscribed, refresh the new folder from server
+* Rename "ok" in confirm dialog to related message
+* Add workspace check when create new project
+* Update README.MD
+Release 2.5.7 (2014-12-14)
+* Fix Bug for creating extension or controller after input # in visualforce page
+* Adjust the location of ``Cache`` menu item
+* Add a new command for ``retrieve package.xml`` in sidebar menu
+* Add a new command for ``create package.xml`` in sidebar menu
+* Add a new command for ``subscribe component`` in ``settings`` of main menu
+* Add a new command for ``unsubscribe component`` in ``settings`` of main menu
+* Add quick command for ``subscribe component`` in quick command palette
+* Add quick command for ``unsubscribe component`` in quick command palette
+* Remove ``retrieve_package_xml`` command from ``Metadata Migration`` of main menu
+* Rename ``soap_bodies`` to ``soap``
+* Update visibility for ``Update User Language``
+Release 2.5.6 (2014-12-13)
+* Fix Bug for issue #65
+* Fix Bug for issue #66
+* Enhancement for issue #48, after deployed, the `package.xml` is saved to `.package` in workspace
+* Before files are deployed to server, save them to local
+* When you deploy any lightning element, just deploy the whole lightning component
+* Convert StartTime of debug log to local time by timezone module
+Release 2.5.5 (2014-12-09)
+* Fix Bug for creating Lightning Component Element
+* When deploy failed due to lower code coverage, display the coverage warning message
+* When new component is created, create the meta.xml file for it
+* Hide ``Retrieve Lightning from Server`` command when chosen folder is not aura folder
+* Hide ``Destruct Lightning from Server`` command when chosen folder is not aura folder
+* Hide ``Extract to Here`` command if file extension is not `zip` or `resource`
+* Update the Documentation
+Release 2.5.4 (2014-12-07)
+* Add `dateutil` module for supporting timezone converting
+* Fix Bug for `track debug log`
+* Trim the space for `REST URI` automatically
+* Remove `lib` from `Packages` in `.gitignore` file
+* Support project level workspace for issue #63, see more detail at `workspace `_
+Release 2.5.3 (2014-12-05)
+* Adjust the context menu from most bottom to center
+* Adjust the sidebar menu from most bottom to center
+* Fix Bug for issue #62: 'module' object has no attribute 'populate_classes'
+* Fix Bug for issue #61: KeyError: 'name' in `get_component_completion`
+* Fix Bug for issue #60: Error with 'Update Project'
+* Add lightning component description for `Lightning Component` development
+Release 2.5.2 (2014-11-27)
+* After new lightning component is created, deploy it to server
+* Add a new command for ``pretty json`` in the context menu
+* hide the status message in progress bar when track self debug log after save succeed
+Release 2.5.1 (2014-11-26)
+* Fix Bug: NoneType Exception when destruct files from server
+* Fix Bug: when saving component, the active view is not file
+* Add a new settings ``track_log_after_saved`` to control whether track log after save succeed
+Release 2.5.0 (2014-11-26)
+* Fix Bug: when delete component, if there is a open view which is not bind to file, it will throw TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable, and then, file is deleted from server but local file is not removed
+* Fix Bug: After folder is refreshed or project is updated, update the component cache
+* Add `Lightning Component` document reference
+* Add `Lightning Component` component tags to completions
+* Add `Lightning Component` to `components` settings and set it as default subscribed component
+* Add `Lightning Component` update feature
+* Add `Lightning Component` components update feature
+* Add `Lightning Component` component create feature
+* Add `Lightning Component` component destruct feature
+* Change default ``api_version`` from 31 to 32
+* Remove ``Open Coverage Panel`` menu item in the main menu
+* Add ``duration`` column for debug logs and rearrange it's columns order
+* Add new document reference for ``Analytic Api``, ``Analytics Cloud Dashboard JSON``, ``Security Implementation``
+ and ``Lightning Component``
+* Add new command for viewing release notes
+* Rename ``Extract Static Resource`` command to ``Extract To Here``, which command can be used to extract all zip source file but not only static resource for Salesforce
+* Add ``settings`` to ``components`` settings
+* If project is not created, all ``export`` feature and ``new component`` feature are not enabled
+Release 2.4.0 (2014-11-18)
+* Fix issue #55
+* Fix issue: non-english words are encoded to Unicode in result of ``Rest Test``
+* Fix issue: when read local cache of record type, ``global name 'users' is not defined`` exception
+* Rollback feature of ``view_code_coverage``, see issue #56
+* Deprecate ``keep_config_history`` setting
+* Update the description of ``keep_local_change_history`` setting
+* When save operation has conflict and we cancel it, compare the local with server automatically
+Release 2.3.0 (2014-11-14)
+* Use local ``/.config/session.json`` to reuse session but not globals() again
+* Use local ``/.config/recordtype.json`` to ``record type`` but not globals() again
+* Use local ``/.config/users.json`` to ``users`` but not globals() again
+* If ``execute_anonymous`` compiled succeed, use new view to display result, else, use output panel to display result
+* Use frontdoor method to login to SFDC
+* Add new document reference for ``Analytic Api``
+* Display session expired message in the output panel
+Release 2.2.0 (2014-11-12)
+Fix Issue:
+* Fix issue: TypeError: string indices must be integers when refreshed folder is empty
+* Fix issue: In windows, change of folder or file in sidebar is not reflect in real time
+* Fix issue: Sometimes, file is not remove from local after ``destruct file from server``
+* Fix issue: format problem of local ``.config`` info
+* Fix issue: #52
+* Add time stamp for new view name of ``rest test``
+* Show logs of ``fetch debug logs`` and ``execute_anonymous`` in the output panel but not new view
+* Change default value of ``folder_exclude_patterns`` and ``file_exclude_patterns`` settings
+New Feature:
+* Add new command for ``fetch self debug log`` in the main menu and command palette
+Release 2.1.0 (2014-11-10)
++ Fix Bug: ``IndexError: list index out of range`` caused by release 2.0.0
++ Fix Bug for test class judgment: test class is that starts with `test` or ends with `test`
++ Add a new apex.py module, move execute_anonymous method from metadata.py to apex.py
++ Add a new command for ``diff with server`` in the context menu
++ Optimization on ``view_code_coverage`` feature
++ Add a new command ``Utilities > Open Coverage Panel`` in the main menu to open coverage panel
++ Rename ``Open Output Panel`` command to ``Open Log Panel`` and move it from ``Debug`` to ``Utilities`` in the main menu
++ Temporarily remove the ``Run All Test`` feature from ``Debug`` in the main menu
+Release 2.0.0 (2014-11-08)
++ Fix minor bug for ``Duplicate Save Execution of Same Component``
++ Remove useless message from ``message.py``
++ Add a space between parameters for completion of standard apex class
++ Rename ``Describe`` menu item in the main menu to ``Utilities``
++ Add a new command for ``Convert 15 Id to 18 Id``
++ Add a new command for ``Track Self Debug Log``
++ Add new feature for updating ZIP Static Resource, see demo ``https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xjsender/SublimeApexScreenshot/master/UpdateStaticResource.gif``
++ Add commands for ``Convert 15 Id to 18 Id`` and ``track self debug log`` in the command palette
++ Add ``StaticResource`` to default subscribed components
++ Update README.MD
+Release 1.9.0 (2014-11-04)
++ Fix issue #50
++ Fix minor issue for ``delete_component``
++ Fix potential issue for retrieve and deploy
++ Add ``Destruct Files From Server`` command in the sidebar menu for deleting files from sandbox or production
++ Add ``Destruct From Server`` command in the context menu for deleting file from sandbox or production
++ Add new command ``cancel_deployment`` for quickly canceling deployment of specified
++ Add mousemap for canceling deployment: Put the focus in the task Id, and then press alt and click Left Mouse for triple will cancel deployment of specified task Id
+Release 1.8.0 (2014-11-03)
++ In order to prevent UI freeze, use thread to extract encoded zipFile to path
++ Solution for issue #49, add a new settings ``maximum_concurrent_connections`` to control concurrent connections
++ In order to prevent UI freeze, set default value of ``maximum_concurrent_connections`` to ``30``
+Release 1.7.0 (2014-10-31)
++ Fix Bug: If just compile component but not save, no need to keep history
++ Fix Bug: SOQL Field Completion problem if there is more than one character between from and sObject
++ Fix Bug: Replace all `LIST` to `List`
++ Remove ``Settings – Completions`` and ``Settings – Apex Template`` from main menu
+Release 1.6.0 (2014-10-25)
++ Fix Bug: issue #44 caused by release 1.5.0
++ Fix Bug: display ExpatError when retrieve package
++ Fix Bug: display json parse error message when execute rest test
++ Stop to hide output panel after retrieve is finished
++ show status message 'Not valid SFDC component' if current file is not valid SFDC component
++ Deprecate the delay_seconds_for_hidden_output_panel_when_failed settings
++ Stop to remove the error line highlight after ``save to server``, just remove it in the next save action
++ After save succeed, remove the highlight from view
++ Support error line highlight for visualforce page just if error line > 2
++ Add ``OpenCTI Api`` document to document reference
+Release 1.5.0 (2014-10-21)
++ Fix Bug for package import error in ``bulk api``
++ Add more detailed action summary for ``save component``, issue #45, issue #46
++ Add description for ``quick controller`` in README.MD
+Release 1.4.0 (2014-10-18)
++ Fix bug for completion: No completions for ``strMap`` if there has ``// Populate Map\nMap strMap = new Map();``
++ Fix Bug: ``deploy open files to server``
++ Add a new command for ``preview_page`` in the command palette
++ Input ``#`` after controller or extension name in the visualforce page, plugin will automatically create it for you
++ Remove ``static resource`` from default subscribed components
+Release 1.3.0 (2014-10-14)
++ Fix Minor bug for standard class completion: duplicate class in different namespace, for example, Communities, TimeZone, UnsupportedOperationException, Test, QueryException, Action
++ Fix Critical bug: non code file can't be retrieve from server, now, objects, reports and others can be retrieve from server
++ Fix Critical bug: Deploy exception after session cache is expired
+Release 1.2.0 (2014-10-11)
++ ``get_static_resource_body`` settings is deprecated
++ Change default ``api_version`` from ``30`` to ``31``
++ Add a new command ``deploy open files to server`` in the main menu, which is used to deploy open files in the sublime to target server
++ Add command for ``deploy open files to server`` in the Command Palette
++ Add ``static resource`` to default subscribed components
++ Fix Bug for Windows: After ``retrieve all`` is finished, invoke the ``refresh_folder_list`` standard function to display the new folders generated by ``retrieve all``
++ Fix Bug: ``Save to Server`` command (Use Tooling Api) can be only used on ``classes``, ``components``, ``pages`` and ``triggers`` but not other components, however, we can use ``Deploy to Server`` command (Use Metadata Api) to save all components
+Release 1.1.0 (2014-10-09)
++ Fix Bug for Windows: After ``export`` is finished, refresh the project folders to ensure the new folder is shown in the sidebar
++ Fix Bug: display deploy failed message if deploy is failed.
++ Fix Bug: symbol table is null when iterate symbol table
++ Update README.MD
+Release 1.0.9 (2014-10-04)
++ Fix Bug: After open a new view, open context menu, it will throw NoneType exception
+Release 1.0.8 (2014-10-02)
++ Fix issue at ``https://success.salesforce.com/answers?id=90630000000gxvwAAA``
+Release 1.0.7 (2014-09-30)
++ Fix Minor Bug for windows: After ``.config`` is generated, invoke the sublime command: ``refresh_folder_list``
++ Enhancement for checking whether current project is active project
++ Fix Critical Bug: If session is expired, we want to refresh the folder or update project, the console will always stop at the step of ``[sf:retrieve] Start request for a retrieve...``
++ Fix issue #42, stop to remove folder when refresh folder or update project but just override, Notice: if you delete some file in the server, after ``update project`` and ``refresh folder``, these files will not deleted in the sublime, so, I suggest you should delete code in the sublime but not in the server
+Release 1.0.6 (2014-09-28)
++ Fix Minor Bug: After ``retrieve_package_file`` is succeed, hide the output panel
++ Fix Minor Bug: If current project is not ``active project``, disable the ``Retrieve Files From Server`` functionality
++ Fix Minor Bug: If current project is not ``active project``, disable the ``Retrieve File From Server`` functionality
++ Fix Minor Bug: If current project is not ``active project``, disable the ``Run Test Class`` functionality
+Release 1.0.5 (2014-09-27)
++ Fix bug: Exception when ``new project`` in a new org
++ Fix bug: If there is no any trigger, after ``new project``, the folder of ``trigger`` is not created.
++ Fix bug: ``subscribed_meta_folders`` and ``meta_folders`` in settings are not correct
+Release 1.0.4 (2014-09-25)
++ Fix urgent issue #40
++ Remove the useless soap related codes, for example, ``retrieve_apex_code_body``, ``retrieve_static_resource_body`` and so on
++ Fix minor bug: Don't allow to refresh or delete ``*-meta.xml`` file
++ Fix bug: ``allowed_packages`` is not working
++ Fix bug: mass refresh multiply folders
++ Fix minor bug: deploy failed message in the output panel
++ Add a new sidebar command ``Retrieve Files From Server``
++ Add a new context command ``Retrieve File From Server``
++ If ``allowed_packages`` is not empty, all packages are extracted to ``packages`` path,
+ Project
+ > .config
+ > src
+ > packages
+ > package 1
+ > package 2
+Release 1.0.3 (2014-09-24)
++ After ``Update Project`` is finished, remove the original ``src`` tree and then extract the zipFile to ``src``
++ After ``Refresh Folder`` is finished, remove the original folders and then extract the zipFile to specified folders
++ Fix urgent bug: if no project in sidebar and sidebar is hidden, after ``new project`` or ``update project``, the sidebar is not open automatically.
+Release 1.0.2 (2014-09-23)
++ Update the default value of ``checkOnly`` in ``deploy_options`` settings from ``true`` to ``false``
++ Fix Urgent bug: If one class is created in the server, after ``refresh folder``, cache of this folder will override all components
++ Remove some useless ``print`` statement
++ Fix minor bug: After code is saved, duplicate extension is displayed in the console
++ Add two settings ``folder_exclude_patterns`` and ``files_exclude_patterns`` to hide everything you want to hide in the sidebar
++ Update the ``add project to workspace`` logic to compatible with the above two settings
++ Add a new command ``Update Project Patterns`` in the main menu, see [Pattern Demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xjsender/SublimeApexScreenshot/master/ProjectPattern.gif)
+Release 1.0.1 (2014-09-22)
++ Add ``LogLength`` column to result of ``fetch debug logs``
++ Update default value of ``display_field_name_and_label`` setting from ``false`` to ``true``
++ Remove the ``\n`` from success message in ``document.py``
++ Add description for ``save multiple components`` feature in the README.MD
++ Change output directory of ``retrieve package.xml`` from current directory to ``[ProjectName]-201409221812``
++ Add ``messages`` notes
+Release 1.0.0 (2014-09-21)
++ Add a new command ``Deploy To Server`` in the context menu
++ Fix bug for ``retrieve`` when session is expired
++ Fix bug for ``New ApexClass``, ``New ApexTrigger``, ``New ApexComponent`` and ``New ApexPage``
++ Fix bug ``TypeError: is_visible() missing 1 required positional argument: 'dirs'`` when open ``Command Palette``
++ Fix bug: If there is no any trigger or class, we want to create the first one, there has exception
++ Fix bug: ``Package.xml`` was overridden by ``refresh folder``
+Release 0.9.9 (2014-09-20)
++ Try to fix bug for ``new release messages display`` or who can tell me how to display ``release message``
++ Fix bug for ``quick go to component``
+Release 0.9.8 (2014-09-20)
++ Support multiply folder refresh
++ Add standard sObjects to CustomObject Package Members when create new project if CustomObject is subscribed
++ Update default subscribed components
++ Add a new command ``Deploy Files to Server``
++ Fix bug: Display debugLog info after deploy is finished
++ Upsert demo in README.MD
++ Display the new release message after new released upgrade is finished
+Release 0.9.7 (2014-09-19)
++ Milestone for Metadata Api Migration from ``Tooling Api`` for non-code meta
++ remove some time stamp for deploy
++ Functionality check for ``convert xml to json``
++ Optimize the zip utility for ``extract`` zip file or ``compress`` folder
++ Remove ``hidden_console_on_modify`` settings
++ Fix bug: the output console message for ``compile``
++ Use ``metadata api`` to new project
++ Use ``metadata api`` to refresh folder
++ Change the default settings content for ``components``, you can subscribe what you want to retrieve, default subscribe just include ``ApexPage``, ``ApexComponent``, ``ApexClass`` and ``ApexTrigger``
+Release 0.9.6 (2014-09-16)
++ Fix bug for issue #38, remove ``ownerRules``, ``criteriaBasedRules`` and ``installedPackages`` from default package.xml
++ Add a command to export CustomLables to csv
++ Update ``SOQL - SELECT FROM`` snippet
+Release 0.9.5 (2014-09-15)
++ Add confirm request for ``new project``
++ Add screenshot for ``Convert XML to JSON``
++ Fix KeyError Exception bug: cancel save operation if conflict.
+Release 0.9.4 (2014-09-14)
++ Move ``check_enabled`` from ``main.py`` to ``util.py``
++ If ``deploy status`` is in ``canceling``, continue to check deploy status until it's canceled.
++ Remove useless ``mkdir`` method from context.py
++ Move some methods from ``context.py`` to ``util.py``
++ Fix bug for ``deploy`` and change the syntax highlight from ``Java`` to ``JavaScript``
+Release 0.9.3 (2014-09-13)
++ Add a command to convert selection to JSON if selection is valid XML format
++ Add context menu item, commands for this command
++ Fix a bug for parsing ``apexrest`` url when executing rest test
+Release 0.9.2 (2014-09-13)
++ Fix bug when ``sosl_string`` contains ``-, ?, *``
++ Update ``query`` method in ``api.py``
++ Separate ``api.py`` to ``metadata.py`` and ``tooling.py`` and move them to new ``api`` folder
++ Rename ``bulkapi.py`` to ``bulk.py`` and move it to ``api`` folder
++ After ``New Project`` is finished, invoke the sublime command ``refresh_folder_list`` to reflect files change in the sidebar
++ After the code file is deleted, the related ``-meta.xml`` file is also deleted
+Release 0.9.1 (2014-09-12)
++ Fix bug when code has conflict and user cancel the save operation
+Release 0.9.0 (2014-09-12)
++ Fix bug for windows sidebar folder refresh
++ Not keep ``default_project`` settings in the settings of ``.config``
++ Add ``reload_symbol_tables_when_create_project`` setting
++ Set default value of ``reload_symbol_tables_when_create_project`` setting to ``false``
++ Fix bug for ``execute anonymous``
+Release 0.8.9 (2014-09-11)
++ If ``retrieve`` is in ``Queued``, thread sleep 2 seconds, else, thread sleep 1 seconds
++ If ``deploy`` is in ``Pending``, thread sleep 2 seconds, else, thread sleep 1 seconds
++ After project is switched, set status for all view of all window.
++ Fix the bug of ``remove temp zip``
++ When deploying, if component parse is finished, display the TestRun Progress
+Release 0.8.8 (2014-09-11)
++ Fix some bug for ``deploy``
+Release 0.8.7 (2014-09-10)
++ Update README
++ When ``New Project``, no need to select project
++ Fix bug ``c:`` completion
+Release 0.8.6 (2014-09-09)
++ Add ``c:`` prefix for custom component completion
++ Add space between timestamp and message in the panel
+Release 0.8.5 (2014-09-08)
++ Move some methods from processor.py to util.py
++ Optimize sObject Cache download
++ Add time stamp prefix for panel message
++ Fix bulkapi bug caused by release 0.8.3
++ Move ``allowed_packages`` to project of projects settings
++ Add metadata retrieve support for ``allowed_packages``
++ Catch all ``requests`` exception
++ Use panel to display the progress information of ``document reloading``
++ From release 0.8.3 to this version, there have lots of big change, issue is welcomed
++ Add "Accept-Encoding": 'identity, deflate, compress, gzip' header for ``check_status``, ``check_deploy_status`` and ``check_retrieve_status`` in api.py
+Release 0.8.4 (2014-09-08)
++ If just checkOnly, output VALIDATE, otherwise, output DEPLOY
++ Update comments for ``mousemap``
++ Big Milestone, originally, we use ``tooling api`` to download apex code, now it is changed to retrieving by ``metadata api``
++ Happy to remove the ugly method ``refresh_components`` in api.py, this method is very very ugly
+Release 0.8.3 (2014-09-07)
++ Rearrange the attribute position in ``soap_bodies.py``
++ Update README.MD
++ When start ``deploy`` command, if clipboard content is not valid zip file path, set path with empty, otherwise, paste it to input panel
++ Rename ``Retrieve Metadata`` item in main menu to ``Retrieve All``
++ Rename ``Migration`` item in main menu to ``Metadata Migration``
++ Add confirmation request for ``Retrieve All`` and ``Retrieve sObjects and Workflow``
++ Rename ``Describe Sobject`` item in main menu to ``sObject``
++ Rename ``Generate SOQL`` item in main menu to ``sObject SOQL``
++ Rename ``SOQL History`` path from ``soql`` to ``SOQL``
++ Rename ``Workbook Export`` path from ``workbooks`` to ``Workbooks``
++ Rename ``CustomField`` path from ``customfield/customfield.csv`` to ``CustomField/CustomField.csv``
++ Rename ``Validation Rule`` path from ``validation/validation rules.csv`` to ``Validation/Validation Rules.csv``
++ Add ``Apex Code`` related sObject to ``allowed_sobjects`` settings
++ Remove ``proxies`` settings
++ Fix bug: Parse content from package.xml when there is only one types in package.xml
++ Add a new ``Retrieve Package.xml`` command in the context menu, just available when open file is ``package.xml``
++ Add a new ``Deploy to Server`` command in the sidebar menu, just available when the chosen folder is valid package path
++ Put the focus in the log id, press ``Alt`` and click left button, the debug log detail will be retrieved and displayed in the new view
++ Error message when export workflow or validation rule if not retrieve yet
++ Remove ``SnapshotAuditEvent``, ``SnapshotBin``, ``Question``, ``SnapshotConfig``, ``Reply`` and ``UserLicense`` from default ``retrieve_sobjects_workflow_task_body`` in ``soap_bodies.py``
+Release 0.8.2 (2014-09-05)
++ when ``retrieve package.xml``, if file in package.xml is not found in target org, display the message
++ Add ``deploy package.zip`` command to deploy zip file
+Release 0.8.1 (2014-09-05)
++ Change the UI of ``retrieve``
++ Add a command ``retrieve_package`` in the main menu to retrieve metadata by specified package.xml
++ Fix a bug for ``get_static_resource_body`` when creating a new project
++ Fix a bug for displaying the latest debug logs ``ORDER BY StartTime DESC`` when ``fetch logs``
++ Add a new demo link ``Retrieve Package.xml`` in README.MD
+Release 0.8.0 (2014-09-04)
+- Change ``se`` Snippet from ``SELECT Id, $2 FROM $1$0`` to ``SELECT Id$2 FROM $1$0``
+- Stop to open console when ``Refresh Selected Component``
+- Originally, press ``shift+button1*3`` to open class in background and press ``shift+button1*2`` to open class in foreground, now it is changed to ``shift+button1*3`` for background and ``shift+button1*2`` for foreground
+- Change screenshots to demo link
+- Fix ``query_all`` bug in api.py
+Patch for Release 0.7.9 (2014-09-01)
++ ``output_session_info`` setting is deprecated and replaced by ``.config/session.json``
++ Do not keep ``projects`` settings in the ``.config/settings.json``, because it's private confidential
+Release 0.7.9 (2014-09-01)
++ Fix the display problem of ``Run Test`` and ``LoginTo ApexCode`` cause by History Item 1 of release 0.7.7
++ Rename the path name of ``Test Operation History`` from ``test`` to ``Test``
++ Fix bug for ``Create Component`` and ``Refresh Component Folder`` caused by History Item 1 of release 0.7.7
+Release 0.7.8 (2014-08-31)
++ Fix Operation History Format Problem
++ Inner class completion format ``Inner Class ``
++ After Project is created, automatically keep the settings to ``.config`` path
++ Add ``keep_config_history`` to control whether keep config info when ``New Project``
++ Update README.MD
+Release 0.7.7 (2014-08-30)
++ In order to avoid component is not available to CRUD to server because of Sensitive Case, save the component name with lower case into local cache
++ Read custom class from ``Component Attribute Cache`` but not read them from ``Symbol Table Cache``
++ After input ``Page.``, list all custom visualforce page if have
++ After input ````
+Release 0.7.4 (2014-08-17)
+- Inner Class Completion format
+- Add compress header for ``get`` method in api.py
+- Fix ``Reload Sobject Cache`` bug caused by release 0.7.3
+- Fix Symbol Table completions bug caused by Legacy Symbol Table Cache
+Release 0.7.3 (2014-08-16)
+- Remove ``quick visualforce`` functionality
+- Rename method name ``get_toolingapi_settings`` in context.py to ``get_settings`` and update corresponding invoker
+- Add two new commands: ``Reload SymbolTable Cache`` and ``Clear SymolTable Cache``
+- When creating new project, not only download ``Apex Code`` and ``sObject Cache`` but also ``SymbolTable Cache``
+- when class number is more than 400, original symbol table cache structure is stupid and highly reduce the user experience of symbol table completion, in order to speedup symbol table completion, when saving the symbol table cache, store them as the completion format in the cache.
+Release 0.7.2 (2014-08-15)
+- Rename ``Toggle Log Panel`` menu item to ``Open Output Panel``
+- Update README.MD
+- Add ``Preview Page`` command to preview visualforce page in server, just enabled when opening page
+- Update About format
+Release 0.7.1 (2014-08-12)
+- Add ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_output_panel_when_succeed`` for control delay seconds to hide output panel when saving succeed
+- Rename setting ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_console`` to ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_output_panel_when_failed``
+Release 0.7.0 (2014-08-11)
+- Even if component saving is succeed, show the output panel
+- If component saving is succeed, hide the open output panel after 1.5 seconds
+- When generating workbook or describe sobject, write the type column with Formula() or
+Release 0.6.9 (2014-08-09)
+- When export workbooks, check whether input are valid, if any one is not valid, allow user to input again
+- ``Folder Refresh`` reminder message is changed
+- Add ``Update Project`` command to just update the apex code but not include sobject metadata
+- Add ``Update User Language`` command to update language for running user, which can be used in ``Generate Workbook``, ``Field Completion`` and all related
+- Add keymap and commands for ``Update Project`` and ``Update User Language``
+- Add a new setting ``user_language`` for ``Update User Language`` command
+- Update the main menu, add ``Update`` main menu
+- Add settings for package info, including ``name``, ``version``, ``homepage`` and so on
+- Rename ``Help`` in main menu to ``About``, after click this item, not open browser and just display the plugin version info
+- Add confirm request for ``update cache``
+Release 0.6.8 (2014-08-08)
+- Add remind message to show output panel
+Release 0.6.7 (2014-08-06)
+- Console Message --> OutputPanel Message
+- Add a new command ``Open Log Panel`` for display log panel
+- Click ``super+``` to open output panel
+- Inner class completion
+Release 0.6.6 (2014-08-05)
+- Set ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_console`` default value from ``15`` to ``9999``
+- Update description for default settings
+- Add property and method completion for inner class
+Release 0.6.5 (2014-08-03)
+- Fix picklist completion bug
+- Add keymap for ``Execute Rest Test`` command
+- Remove catalog from README
+Release 0.6.4 (2014-07-30)
+- fix TypeError: save_component() missing 1 required positional argument: 'is_check_only'
+- Compatible to api 31 because `compile fail response change `_
+Release 0.6.3 (2014-07-30)
+- Optimize Rest Test when response result is str
+- Add ``proxies`` support, just beta
+Release 0.6.2 (2014-07-29)
+- Fix issue for ``Delete`` command when list in returned json result is empty
+Release 0.6.1 (2014-07-22)
+- **Picklist Value** completion from ``value`` to ``value(label)``
+- **Save Conflict** functionality new format: **Modified by at 2014-05-04 10:03:31, continue?**
+Release 0.6.0 (2014-07-19)
+- Add search class and its methods for apex lib
+- Fix bug for picklist value completion
+- Change ``user`` to ``User`` for issue #31
+Release 0.5.9 (2014-07-10)
+- Remove useless message from message.py
+- Add some buld-in emmet supported snippets
+- Add command ``quick_visualforce`` for emmet supported snippets
+- Add TOC for README
+Release 0.5.8 (2014-06-13)
+- Add a new class template ``Test Class``
+- Add description for class template quick choose panel
+- ``Clear Cache`` functionality change, display ``project name`` not ``username`` any more
+- Add confirm request for ``Run All Test``
+Release 0.5.7 (2014-06-05)
+- Optimize for opening url with browser
+- Update OSX Keymap
+- Fix bug for ``generate workbook`` in OSX
+- Add ``Close Job`` command
+- Update README.MD
+Release 0.5.6 (2014-05-18)
+- Fix bug for ``SELECT * FROM Sobject``, issue #30
+- Add time stamp for ``save conflict`` confirm message
+- Optimize for ``Fetch Debug Log``
+- TraceFlag Bug: Delete the old one and create a new one every time request to create trace flag, issue #29
+Release 0.5.5 (2014-05-15)
+- Add ``*`` support for ``Rest Query``, if ``*`` query, just replace it with all fields of related sobject
+- Add doc for Wild-card Character query
+- Fix ``Run Test`` bug caused by previous release
+- Add ``view_selected_code_coverage`` command to view code coverage by selected class name
+- Add mousemap to quick view code coverage
+Release 0.5.4 (2014-05-15)
+- Narrow down the code coverage column of test run result
+- When run specified test class by main menu, if no test class, show the alert message
+- Try to fix issue # 23
+Release 0.5.3 (2014-05-12)
+- Add new snippet ``Sobject - sobject bracket``
+- Update description of ``Update Sobjects``, ``Delete Sobjects``
+- Add two commands for command ``Reload Cache`` and ``Clear Cache``
+- Fix bug for ``Export Workflow``
+Release 0.5.2 (2014-05-10)
+- Since from API 30, compound field (queryByDistance=true) can't be in soql field list
+- Fix bug for bulk api caused by release 0.5.1
+Release 0.5.1 (2014-05-10)
+- Fix Bug: ``Export CustomField``
+- Update OSX keymap
+- Add ``Export SOQL`` command to export sobject records by specified soql
+- Add command for ``Export SOQL``
+- Fix install message alert
+Release 0.5.0 (2014-05-09)
+- Update ``README.MD``
+- Fix bug UnicodeError for ``Export Workflows`` and ``Export Validation Rule`` in OSX
+- Remove some useless code, for example, ``Export Field Dependency``
+Release 0.4.9 (2014-05-04)
+- Change default setting ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_console`` from ``10`` to ``15``
+- Change default ``api_version`` from ``29`` to ``30``
+- Add command ``Retrieve Sobject And Workflow``
+Release 0.4.8 (2014-04-27)
+- Optimize picklist value completion
+- Remove ``.no-sublime-package``
+- Replace ``excluded_sobjects`` settings with ``allowed_sobjects`` settings
+- Optimize the sobject cache initiation for OSX
+- Upgrade ``requests`` to latest version
+Release 0.4.7 (2014-04-26)
+- Fix some flaw for trigger completion
+- Optimize Apex Completion
+- Update READMD.MD
+- Add ``.no-sublime-package`` to tell sublime to unzip the package
+Release 0.4.6 (2014-04-21)
+- Add ``last_n_logs`` setting to control the return number by fetching logs
+- Add ``check_save_conflict`` setting to control saving conflict when LastModifiedBy is not running user
+Release 0.4.5 (2014-04-20)
+- Update snippet: ``Exception - try catch finally`` and ``Exception - try catch``
+- Add doc for api.py
+- Originally, Keyword completion will exclude the existing-variable completion, now, bug mei le.
+- Bug: ``Execute Anonymous`` apex string contains non-english character
+- Combine ApexCompletion and SobjectCompletion
+- If save error happened, the error line will be highlighted and the highlight line will be canceled after ``delay_seconds_for_hidden_console`` seconds
+Release 0.4.4 (2014-04-17)
+- Optimize SOQL Field completion
+- Update build-in apex lib
+- Update ``query_all`` rest api from ``query`` to ``queryAll`` which is available since winter 14
+- Add ``disable_soql_field_completion`` setting for controlling soql field completion
+- In order to keep high efficient for code completion, add some not common used standard sobjects to ``Excluded_Sobjects`` setting for code completion
+Release 0.4.3 (2014-04-16)
+- Add ``Search`` and ``Quick Search`` for ``Execute Rest Test``
+- Update ``README.MD``
+- When view is activated, display the default project in the sidebar
+Release 0.4.2 (2014-04-16) (Millstone for fixing some flaw in completion)
+- Change ``display_field_name_and_label`` setting default value to false
+- BUG: Find variable type by variable name in view (Ignore comment code)
+- BUG: Find matched block in visualforce page (the matched region must contains current cursor point)
+- Add SOQL field completion, it's very useful feature
+- Add a new snippet for ``SELECT * FROM Account``, which is useful for corporation with SOQL field completion
+Release 0.4.1 (2014-04-14)
+- Update ``Visualforce`` xPath and Document source code
+- Change ``api_version`` back to 29
+- Change the default test org password to updated one
+Release 0.4.0 (2014-04-14)
+- ``Track Trace Flag`` expiration date verify logic change
+- Return all sobjects when call ``Global Describe`` method in api.py, originally default return value is createable and queryable sobjects
+Release 0.3.9 (2014-04-12)
+- Update project folder structure, you can change it to original strcture by remove the ``src/`` from every component attribute
+- If visualforce component attribute type is ``Object`` in visualforce completion, return ```_
+Release 0.3.6 (2014-03-30)
+- Add thread progress for document reloading
+- Add confirm request for document reloading
+- Add default ``docs`` setting for `user customization `_
+Release 0.3.5 (2014-03-29)
+- Clarify Usage of kinds of feature in README.MD
+Release 0.3.4 (2014-03-26)
+- Fix urgent bug for `Issue #22 `_
+Release 0.3.3 (2014-03-22)
+- Add confirmation request for ``Refresh Component``
+- Add a new command for ``Compile Component``
+- Update README
+Release 0.3.2 (2014-03-22)
+- Upgrade ``xmltodict`` lib to latest
+- Add ``namespace`` for standard class in the completion
+**Release 0.3.1** (Milestone of Code Completion) (2014-03-22)
+- Fix bug: ``KeyError: 'symbol_table'`` when save component is not ``ApexClass``
+- Add some new standard class to completion
+- Keep the parameter info in the completion result
+- Update README.MD
+Release 0.3.0 (2014-03-20)
+- Remove the duplicate ``New Component`` command and add ``New ApexPage`` command in the quick command palette
+- Update the apex standard class lib
+- Add SymbolTable support for completions (Completion Parser is copy from Mavensmate)
+Release 0.2.9 (2014-03-20)
+- Move the fields describe part from the bottom to top in the sobject describe result
+- Change the default apex log level from ``Finest`` to ``Debug``
+- Fix a completion regular expression bug for sobject and class which is start with ``j`` or ``J``
+- When create new component, if there just have only one template, just choose the only one and no need to manually choose it.
+Release 0.2.8 (2014-03-19)
+- Add ``Tooling Query`` for ``Rest Explorer``
+- Add ``SOQL & SOSL`` for Salesforce Document Reference
+- Change ``ListDebugLogs`` and ``CreateDebugLog`` commands to ``FetchDebugLog`` and ``TrackDebugLog``
+- Remove shortcuts for four new commands
+Release 0.2.7 (2014-03-17)
+- Update the tabTrigger from muti-bytes to less than 5-bytes for all snippets
+Release 0.2.6 (2014-03-16)
+- Fix the bug of ``Rest Post``
+- Remove ``Request``, ``Application``, ``LogLength``, ``DurationMilliseconds`` from ``List Debug Log`` columns
+- Update description for ``display_field_name_and_label`` settings
+- Fix bug: saving conflict on the same component
+Release 0.2.5 (2014-03-15)
+- Remove the command ``New Component`` from the side bar
+- Remove four shortcut keys for the four new component
+- Add a new command for ``Update Project``
+- Update the menu item and shortcuts for ``New Project``
+- Optimize ``Quick Goto`` functionality, just choosing code name will work.
+Release 0.2.4 (2014-03-11)
+- Update README.MD
+- Remove shortcut key ``Ctrl+Alt+N`` for creating new component
+- Add new shortcut keys for separated four new component commands
+Release 0.2.3 (2014-03-10)
+- Add ``Console Toolkit``, ``Standard Objects``, ``Data Model`` and ``Tooling APi`` references to document list
+- Update Main Menu Item
+- Open ``View Debug Log Detail`` context menu item
+- Add a new command ``Update Project``, you can invoke this command by press ``Alt+f7``
+- Add sublime commands for new commands
+- Add time stamp to succeed message for ``Create Code`` and ``Delete Code``
+- Update README.MD for ``Update Project``
+Release 0.2.2 (2014-03-07)
+- Remove some useless print statement in the document.py
+- Update README.MD for latest release
+Release 0.2.1 (2014-03-07)
+- Add ``Rest Api``, ``Visualforce``, ``Chatter Api``, ``Streaming Api`` and ``Bulk Api`` to document list
+- Add methods redirect to document list
+Release 0.2.0 (2014-03-07)
+- Change ``default_browser_path`` setting name to ``default_chrome_path``
+- Add a new salesforce reference function from `Salesforce Reference `_
+- Add a new snippet ``Custom Button - Disable Button``
+Release 0.1.9 (2014-03-06)
+- Fix the static resource bug ``Can't convert 'dict' object to str implicitly``
+- When creating trigger, just list the triggerable sobject
+- If project is not created, ``New Component`` and ``Refresh Folder`` are disabled
+- Update snippets(``Debug - schedule test`` and ``Debug - debug variable``)
+Pre-release 0.1.8 (2014-03-05)
+- When save component and error happened, ``go to`` the error line
+- Change the ``new component`` to separate ones
+- When creating ``trigger``, we just need to choose sobject and input the trigger name
+- When creating ``class``, ``component`` or ``page``, we need to choose template and input the name
+- Change the ``Component Template``
+- Change the ``Main Menu`` and ``Sidebar Menu``
+- Move ``Refresh Folder`` function to ``Side Bar`` menu
+- When ``New Project``, we need to choose the project, and then create project
+Release 0.1.7 (2014-03-04)
+- If project is not created, ``New Component`` and ``Refresh Folder`` are disabled
+- Allow empty json body for ``Post`` Action
+- If rest response is list, return the list
+- When switching project, stop checking login if login session is already in cache
+- Fix a completion bug on ``__kav``
+Release 0.1.6 (2014-03-01)
+- Update README.MD
+- Refractoring api.py
+Release 0.1.5 (2014-02-28)
+- Change new view event type from ``on_new_sync`` to ``on_new``
+- Set the default format for rest test result to ``JavaScript``
+- Add ``Query`` and ``Query All`` function for ``Rest Explorer``
+Release 0.1.4 (2014-02-26)
+- Update comments for ``toolingapi.sublime-settings``
+- Fix the bug for ``open console``
+Release 0.1.3 (2014-02-24)
+- Add the support the static resource refresh functionality for the side bar menu
+- Add the support the static resource refresh functionality for the context menu
+- Add ``Patch`` method for ``Rest Explorer``
+Release 0.1.2 (2014-02-22)
+- Add a new setting ``default_chrome_path``
+- Optimize the ``Rest Explorer`` functionality
+- When execute ``Rest Explorer``, if input json body is not valid, allow trying again.
+Release 0.1.1 (2014-02-22)
+- Add snippets for console toolkit
+- Add time stamp for success message of save component result
+- Remove some useless message from message.py
+- Enhancement for `Issue #12 `_
+Release 0.1.0 (2014-02-20)
+- Add snippets for console toolkit
+- Update README
+- When menu item is not enabled, show the message in the status bar
+Release 0.0.9 (2014-02-19)
+- Update the snippets for debug
+- Add a new snippet "ReRender Form in JavaScript"
+- Display the exception when delete MetadataContainerId, ie., unable to obtain exclusive access to this record
+- When creating trigger by template, automatically remove the space input by user
+- Change the create component input guide
+Patch for 0.0.8 (2014-02-12)
+- Add two template for new component command: Controller and Utility Class
+- Add two snippets
+Patch for 0.0.7 (2014-02-12)
+- Fix bug for `Issue #11 `_
+Release 0.0.7 (2014-02-08)
+- Fix problem when execute anonymous return error
+- Change ``disable_keyword_completion`` from true to false
+Release 0.0.6 (2014-02-08)
+- Fix retrieve metadata exception
+Patch for 0.0.5 (2014-01-31)
+- Update README.MD
+0.0.5 (2014-01-22)
+- Add Run All Test functionality
+- Adjust the format of test run result of single test class
+- Update README.MD
+0.0.4 (2014-01-21)
+- Remove ``Widget.sublime-settings`` from plugin
+0.0.3 (2014-01-20)
+- Add time stamp for all error message displayed in console
+- Disable deploy metadata command
+- When use bulk CUD, If clipboard content is file, just paste it into file path input panel
+- Remove the ``(0)`` from ``Datetime(0)`` and ``Date(0)`` completion for Date and Datetime field
+Patch 0.0.2 (2014-01-11)
+- Change the default test project
+0.0.2 (2014-01-07)
+- Remove ``debug_log_headers`` and ``debug_log_headers_properties`` settings
+- Unquote and unescape the error message returned by ``Save to Server``
+- If ``testMethod`` or ``@IsTest`` is in class body, run test command should be enabled
+Patch for 0.0.1 (2014-01-06)
+- When creating new component, if user input is not valid, user can try again if need
+- Bug: if project is not created, just create the project for the new component
+- Bug: 'BulkApi' object has no attribute 'monitor_batchs'
+- Remove ``Widget`` settings and ``Setting - Console`` main menu
+- Roll back save_component function to last version
+0.0.1 (2014-01-05)
+- Remove ``Loop - for.sublime-snippet`` snippet
+- Remove ``all_views_completions.py`` dependency lib
+- Move ``commands``, ``keymap``, ``menus``, ``mousemap``, ``settings`` and ``snippet`` path to new config folder
+Pre-release x.x.x (2013-12-06 -> 2013-12-31)
+- There is a long confusing term on github version control
+- Add picklist value completions feature
+- Export Sobject Data Template by Record Type
+- Refactoring sobject completion for those complicated orgs
+- Add four settings to permit user to close the code completion feature
+- Disable keyword completion by default, need enable manually
+- Change default workspace to ``C:/ForcedotcomWorkspace``
+- Add support for log levels of anonymous code
+- Add a new setting for disabling field name and label completion
+- Fix bug for completion: variable in method parameter
+- Add picklist value completion support for ``sObject.PicklistFrield =``
+- Allow us to input file path when using Bulk Api to CRUD on data
+- Automatically detect BOM header when CRUD on data
+- After CRUD on csv data, put the log at the same path of this csv data
+- Refactoring code completion for sobject field, relationship and picklist value
+- Add command for reloading cache of sobjects
+- Refactoring sobject field cache structure for speeding up field completion
+- [Fix bulk api issue](https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/1833)
+- Add command for clearing cache of sobjects
+- Rearrange main menu items
+- Automatically divide upload record by 10K every batch
+- Add two settings for bulk load: ``maximum_batch_size`` and ``maximum_batch_bytes``
+- Support data upload for ``ANSI`` and ``UTF-8`` with or without BOM
+0.0.0 (2013-04-14)
+* Birth!
+* Frustration
+* Conception
diff --git a/config/menus/Context.sublime-menu b/config/menus/Context.sublime-menu
index 37488bb..09d5b5c 100644
--- a/config/menus/Context.sublime-menu
+++ b/config/menus/Context.sublime-menu
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
{"caption": "View Code Coverage","command": "view_code_coverage"},
{"caption": "View Debug Log Detail","command": "view_debug_log_detail"},
+ {"caption": "View Apex Code Coverage","command": "view_code_coverage_after_sync_test"},
{"caption": "View Debug Only","command": "view_debug_only"},
{"caption": "View Id in Salesforce Web","command": "view_id_in_sfdc_web"},
{"caption": "View in Salesforce Web","command": "show_in_sfdc_web"},
diff --git a/config/messages/3.5.8.md b/config/messages/3.5.8.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..027a50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/messages/3.5.8.md
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Build 3.5.8
+Release Date: 28 Mar 2020
+* Refined Code coverage functionality:
+ - View code coverage for certain Apex class/trigger file via context menu
+ - View code coverage from (async) Test Result via context menu
+* Miscellaneous bug fix and update
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/settings/package.sublime-settings b/config/settings/package.sublime-settings
index 39f099d..650c708 100644
--- a/config/settings/package.sublime-settings
+++ b/config/settings/package.sublime-settings
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "haoide",
- "version": "3.5.6",
+ "version": "3.5.8",
"description": "haoide is a Sublime Text 3 plugin for Salesforce and used for swift development on Force.com",
"author": "Hao Liu",
"email": "mouse.mliu@gmail.com",
diff --git a/config/settings/toolingapi.sublime-settings b/config/settings/toolingapi.sublime-settings
index 26cc3f5..c88c3ea 100644
--- a/config/settings/toolingapi.sublime-settings
+++ b/config/settings/toolingapi.sublime-settings
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
"maximum_concurrent_connections": 30,
// API version
- "api_version" : 35,
+ "api_version" : 46,
// Browser Path Setting,
// You should set a valid browser path, otherwise, it will have problem.
diff --git a/config/snippets/Apex/Class Header - class header.sublime-snippet b/config/snippets/Apex/Class Header - class header.sublime-snippet
index fcc0873..ac651ca 100644
--- a/config/snippets/Apex/Class Header - class header.sublime-snippet
+++ b/config/snippets/Apex/Class Header - class header.sublime-snippet
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
* Object: $2
* Purpose: $3
* Author: $4 ($5)
- * Create Date: 2019-${6:07-15}
+ * Create Date: 2020-${6:03-27}
* Modify History:
- * 2019-${6:07-15} $4 ${7:Create this class}
+ * 2020-${6:03-27} $4 ${7:Create this class}
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 5ef7d3a..a796f55 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ def run(self, edit, mark):
class ViewCodeCoverageCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
- util.view_coverage(self.attributes["name"], self.file_name, self.body)
+ processor.handle_fetch_code_coverage(self.attributes["name"], self.body)
def is_enabled(self):
# Must Be File
@@ -740,8 +740,7 @@ def is_enabled(self):
return True
def is_visible(self):
- # return self.is_enabled()
- return False
+ return self.is_enabled()
class ViewSelectedCodeCoverageCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
@@ -973,15 +972,19 @@ def is_visible(self, files):
return True
class CancelDeployment(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
def is_enabled(self):
- sel = self.view.sel()[0]
- self.sel_text = self.view.substr(self.view.word(sel.begin()))
+ if len(self.view.sel()) == 0:
+ return False
+ region = self.view.sel()[0]
+ self.sel_text = self.view.substr(self.view.word(region.begin()))
return self.sel_text.startswith("0Af")
class DestructFileFromServer(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
files = [self.view.file_name()]
@@ -1693,7 +1696,11 @@ def is_enabled(self):
def is_visible(self):
return self.is_enabled()
class RunAsyncTest(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
+ """
+ @deprecated
+ """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(RunAsyncTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -1718,7 +1725,11 @@ def is_enabled(self, files):
def is_visible(self):
return self.is_enabled()
class RunTestCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
+ """
+ Run Async Test
+ """
def run(self, view):
# Get component_attribute by file_name
attributes = util.get_file_attributes(self.view.file_name())
@@ -1800,14 +1811,18 @@ def on_done(self, index):
user_id = self.users[user_name]
processor.handle_fetch_debug_logs(user_name, user_id)
class ViewDebugLogDetail(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, view):
def is_enabled(self):
# Choose the valid Id, you will see this command
- sel = self.view.sel()[0]
- self.log_id = self.view.substr(self.view.word(sel.begin()))
+ # make sure selection has region in it
+ if len(self.view.sel()) == 0:
+ return False
+ region = self.view.sel()[0]
+ self.log_id = self.view.substr(self.view.word(region.begin()))
if len(self.log_id) != 15 and len(self.log_id) != 18: return False
if not re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$').match(self.log_id): return False
@@ -1815,6 +1830,48 @@ def is_enabled(self):
return True
+class ViewCodeCoverageAfterSyncTest(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
+ def run(self, edit):
+ # get code coverage cache
+ settings = context.get_settings()
+ work_dir = os.path.join(settings["workspace"])
+ cache_file = os.path.join(work_dir, ".config", "coverage.json")
+ if not os.path.isfile(cache_file):
+ return
+ coverages = json.loads(open(cache_file).read())
+ record = coverages.get(self.file_name)
+ # get file content, may be apex class or trigger
+ class_path = os.path.join(work_dir, 'src',
+ 'classes', self.file_name+'.cls')
+ trigger_path = os.path.join(work_dir, 'src',
+ 'triggers', self.file_name + '.trigger')
+ _path = class_path if os.path.isfile(class_path) else trigger_path
+ with open(_path, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
+ file_content = fp.read()
+ if record and record.get("Coverage"):
+ util.view_coverage(self.file_name, record, file_content)
+ def is_enabled(self):
+ if len(self.view.sel()) == 0 or self.view.name() != 'Test Result':
+ return False
+ region = self.view.sel()[0]
+ # Make sure only enable for classes or triggers
+ start_reg = self.view.find('Trigger Or Class Code Coverage:', 0)
+ start_r, _ = self.view.rowcol(start_reg.begin())
+ r, _ = self.view.rowcol(region.begin())
+ if r - start_r < 4:
+ return False
+ self.file_name = self.view.substr(self.view.word(region.begin()))
+ if not re.compile(r'^[\w]+$').match(self.file_name):
+ return False
+ return self.file_name and self.file_name[0].isalpha()
+ def is_visible(self):
+ return self.view.name() == 'Test Result'
class ViewDebugOnly(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, view):
whole_region = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())
@@ -1935,7 +1992,7 @@ class AboutCommand(sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand):
def run(command):
package_info = sublime.load_settings("package.sublime-settings")
- version_info = "\n%s\n\n%s\n\nCopyright © 2013-2016 By %s\n\tDev Channel, Build v%s" % (
+ version_info = "\n%s\n\n%s\n\nCopyright © 2013-2019 By %s\n\tDev Channel, Build v%s" % (
diff --git a/messages.json b/messages.json
index 7cbba22..5854a94 100644
--- a/messages.json
+++ b/messages.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- "3.5.5": "config/messages/3.5.5.md",
- "3.5.6": "config/messages/3.5.6.md",
- "install": "config/messages/install.txt"
+ "3.5.6": "config/messages/3.5.6.md",
+ "3.5.7": "config/messages/3.5.7.md",
+ "3.5.8": "config/messages/3.5.8.md",
+ "install": "config/messages/install.txt"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/processor.py b/processor.py
index ada3f98..a9c98be 100644
--- a/processor.py
+++ b/processor.py
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
def handle_populate_users(callback_command, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
if api.result or api.result["success"]:
records = api.result["records"]
users = {}
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
name = "%s => %s" % (record["LastName"], record["Username"])
name = "%s => %s" % (
- "%s %s" % (record["LastName"], record["FirstName"]),
+ "%s %s" % (record["LastName"], record["FirstName"]),
@@ -57,11 +57,12 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# If not exist, we need to use callback function
api = ToolingApi(settings)
query = "SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Username FROM User WHERE IsActive = true"
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query_all, args=(query, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query_all, args=(query,))
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Downloading Users List", "Succeed to download users list")
def populate_sobject_recordtypes():
Get dict ([sobject, recordtype name] => recordtype id) in whole org
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ def populate_sobject_recordtypes():
settings = context.get_settings()
# If sobjects is exist in `/.config/recordtype.json`, just return it
- recordtype_path = settings["workspace"]+"/.config/recordtype.json"
+ recordtype_path = settings["workspace"] + "/.config/recordtype.json"
if os.path.isfile(recordtype_path):
recordtype = json.loads(open(recordtype_path).read())
return recordtype
@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ def populate_sobject_recordtypes():
# If sobjects is not exist in globals(), post request to pouplate it
api = ToolingApi(settings)
query = "SELECT Id, Name, SobjectType FROM RecordType"
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query_all, args=(query, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query_all, args=(query,))
while thread.is_alive() or not api.result:
@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ def populate_sobject_recordtypes():
util.add_config_history("recordtype", sobject_recordtypes, settings)
return sobject_recordtypes
def handle_update_user_language(language, timeout=120):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
@@ -123,33 +125,36 @@ def handle_update_user_language(language, timeout=120):
return Printer.get('error').write("Login is required before this action")
patch_url = "/sobjects/User/%s" % session["user_id"]
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.patch,
- args=(patch_url, {"LanguageLocaleKey": language}, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.patch,
+ args=(patch_url, {"LanguageLocaleKey": language},))
- ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Updating User Language to " + language,
- "User language is updated to " + language)
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Updating User Language to " + language,
+ "User language is updated to " + language)
def handle_enable_development_mode(user_id, timeout=120):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
patch_url = "/sobjects/User/%s" % user_id
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.patch,
- args=(patch_url, {"UserPreferencesApexPagesDeveloperMode": True}, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.patch,
+ args=(patch_url, {"UserPreferencesApexPagesDeveloperMode": True},))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Enabling User Development Mode",
- "Succeed to Enabling User Development Mode")
+ "Succeed to Enabling User Development Mode")
def handle_update_user_password(user_id, new_password, timeout=120):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
thread = threading.Thread(target=api.manage_password, args=(
- user_id, {"NewPassword": new_password},
+ user_id, {"NewPassword": new_password},
masked_password = new_password[:5] + "*" * len(new_password[3:])
- ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Updating User Password to " + masked_password,
- "Succeed to update user password to " + masked_password)
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Updating User Password to " + masked_password,
+ "Succeed to update user password to " + masked_password)
def handle_login_thread(callback_options={}, force=False, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
@@ -166,13 +171,14 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.login, args=(force, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.login, args=(force,))
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
default_project_name = settings["default_project_name"]
- ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Login to %s" % default_project_name,
- default_project_name + " Login Succeed")
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Login to %s" % default_project_name,
+ default_project_name + " Login Succeed")
def handle_view_code_coverage(component_name, component_id, body, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
@@ -181,7 +187,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
result = api.result
- if not result["success"]:
+ if not result["success"]:
if result["totalSize"] == 0:
@@ -201,17 +207,17 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Append coverage statistic info
coverage_statistic = "%s Coverage: %.2f%%(%s/%s)" % (
- component_name, coverage_percent,
+ component_name, coverage_percent,
covered_lines_count, total_lines_count
# If has coverage, just add coverage info to new view
view = sublime.active_window().new_file()
view.run_command("new_view", {
"name": coverage_statistic,
"input": body
# Calculate line coverage
split_lines = view.lines(sublime.Region(0, view.size()))
uncovered_region = []
@@ -223,24 +229,25 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Append body with uncovered line
view.add_regions("uncovered_lines", uncovered_region, "invalid", "dot",
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- query = "SELECT Coverage FROM ApexCodeCoverageAggregate " +\
- "WHERE ApexClassOrTriggerId = '{0}'".format(component_id)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query, args=(query, True, ))
+ query = "SELECT Coverage FROM ApexCodeCoverageAggregate " + \
+ "WHERE ApexClassOrTriggerId = '{0}'".format(component_id)
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query, args=(query, True,))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "View Code Coverage of " + component_name,
- "View Code Coverage of " + component_name + " Succeed")
+ "View Code Coverage of " + component_name + " Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_refresh_folder(types, ignore_package_xml=True, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# Not succeed
if not api.result or not api.result["success"]: return
@@ -251,8 +258,8 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
extract_to = settings["workspace"]
# Extract zip, True means not override package.xml
- thread = threading.Thread(target=util.extract_encoded_zipfile,
- args=(result["zipFile"], extract_to, ignore_package_xml, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=util.extract_encoded_zipfile,
+ args=(result["zipFile"], extract_to, ignore_package_xml,))
util.reload_file_attributes(result["fileProperties"], settings)
@@ -263,11 +270,12 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Start to request
settings = context.get_settings()
api = MetadataApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.retrieve, args=({"types": types}, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.retrieve, args=({"types": types},))
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
message = "Refresh Folder"
- ThreadProgress(api, thread, message, message+" Succeed")
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, message, message + " Succeed")
def handle_reload_symbol_tables(timeout=120):
@@ -295,7 +303,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Outer completions
outer = util.parse_symbol_table(record["SymbolTable"])
symboltable_dict[record["Name"].lower()] = {
- "outer" : outer,
+ "outer": outer,
"name": record["Name"]
@@ -311,12 +319,13 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query_symbol_table, args=(30, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query_symbol_table, args=(30,))
wating_message = "Reloading Symbol Tables"
ThreadProgress(api, thread, wating_message, wating_message + " Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_reload_sobjects_completions(timeout=120):
Save sobject describe to local which is used in completions
@@ -327,7 +336,7 @@ def handle_threads(apis, threads, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_threads(apis, threads, timeout), timeout)
# If succeed, get the all sobject describe result
results = []
for api in apis:
@@ -341,7 +350,7 @@ def handle_threads(apis, threads, timeout):
all_child_relationship_dict = {}
for sobject_describe in results:
# Initiate Sobject completions
- if "name" not in sobject_describe:
+ if "name" not in sobject_describe:
sobject_name = sobject_describe["name"]
@@ -406,7 +415,7 @@ def handle_threads(apis, threads, timeout):
# Display field type with specified format
field_type_desc = field_desc_dict[field_type] if field_type \
- in field_desc_dict else field_desc_dict["other"]
+ in field_desc_dict else field_desc_dict["other"]
fd = "%s%s\t%s" % (externalUniqueNotation, field_name_desc, field_type_desc)
fields_dict[fd] = field_name
@@ -441,7 +450,7 @@ def handle_threads(apis, threads, timeout):
# Add Parent Relationship Name
parent_relationship_dict[f["relationshipName"]] = parentSobject
# Child Relationship dict
for f in sobject_describe["childRelationships"]:
childRelationshipName = f["relationshipName"]
@@ -471,23 +480,23 @@ def handle_threads(apis, threads, timeout):
# Reload cache for completions
from . import completions
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:completions.load_sobject_cache(
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: completions.load_sobject_cache(
True, username
), 5)
def handle_thread(api, thread, timeout=120):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(api, thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(api, thread, timeout), timeout)
# Exception Process
- if not api.result or not api.result["success"]:
+ if not api.result or not api.result["success"]:
# Get describe result of all sObjects
sobjects_describe = api.result["sobjects"]
sobjects = list(sobjects_describe.keys())
mcc = settings["maximum_concurrent_connections"]
chunked_sobjects = util.list_chunks(sobjects, math.ceil(len(sobjects) / mcc))
@@ -499,7 +508,7 @@ def handle_thread(api, thread, timeout=120):
for so in sobjects
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.describe_sobjects, args=(sobjects, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.describe_sobjects, args=(sobjects,))
@@ -514,10 +523,11 @@ def handle_thread(api, thread, timeout=120):
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Global Describe", "Global Describe Succeed")
handle_thread(api, thread, timeout)
def handle_destructive_files(dirs_or_files, ignore_folder=True, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout=120):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# After succeed, remove dirs_or_files and related *-meta.xml from local
@@ -526,7 +536,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout=120):
for _file_or_dir in dirs_or_files:
# Remove file from local disk and close the related view
view = util.get_view_by_file_name(_file_or_dir)
- if view:
+ if view:
@@ -536,41 +546,43 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout=120):
# Remove related *-meta.xml file from local disk and close the related view
- if ignore_folder and os.path.isfile(_file_or_dir+"-meta.xml"):
- view = util.get_view_by_file_name(_file_or_dir+"-meta.xml")
- if view:
+ if ignore_folder and os.path.isfile(_file_or_dir + "-meta.xml"):
+ view = util.get_view_by_file_name(_file_or_dir + "-meta.xml")
+ if view:
- os.remove(_file_or_dir+"-meta.xml")
+ os.remove(_file_or_dir + "-meta.xml")
settings = context.get_settings()
api = MetadataApi(settings)
base64_encoded_zip = util.build_destructive_package_by_files(dirs_or_files, ignore_folder)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.deploy, args=(base64_encoded_zip, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.deploy, args=(base64_encoded_zip,))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Destructing Files", "Destructing Files Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_destructive_package_xml(types, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout=120):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
settings = context.get_settings()
api = MetadataApi(settings)
base64_encoded_zip = util.build_destructive_package_by_package_xml(types)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.deploy, args=(base64_encoded_zip, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.deploy, args=(base64_encoded_zip,))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Destructing Package.xml", "Destructing Package.xml Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
-def handle_deploy_thread(base64_encoded_zip,
- source_org=None, element=None, chosen_classes=[], timeout=120, update_meta=False):
+def handle_deploy_thread(base64_encoded_zip,
+ source_org=None, element=None, chosen_classes=[], timeout=120, update_meta=False):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout=120):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If source_org is not None, we need to switch project back
@@ -585,16 +597,16 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout=120):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = MetadataApi(settings)
thread = threading.Thread(target=api.deploy, args=(
- base64_encoded_zip,
- chosen_classes,
+ base64_encoded_zip,
+ chosen_classes,
- ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Deploy Metadata to %s" % settings["default_project_name"],
- "Metadata Deployment Finished")
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Deploy Metadata to %s" % settings["default_project_name"],
+ "Metadata Deployment Finished")
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
-def handle_update_aura_meta(body, element, timeout=120, type = "AuraDefinitionBundle"):
+def handle_update_aura_meta(body, element, timeout=120, type="AuraDefinitionBundle"):
:param body: body data returned from SOAP API
@@ -603,6 +615,7 @@ def handle_update_aura_meta(body, element, timeout=120, type = "AuraDefinitionBu
:param type: type
def handle_thread(thread, full_name, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, full_name, timeout), timeout)
@@ -654,9 +667,9 @@ def handle_thread(thread, full_name, timeout):
# Build components dict
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- query_str = "SELECT Id, DefType, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedById " +\
- "FROM AuraDefinition WHERE AuraDefinitionBundleId = '%s' and DefType = '%s'" % (
- item['id'], element.upper())
+ query_str = "SELECT Id, DefType, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedById " + \
+ "FROM AuraDefinition WHERE AuraDefinitionBundleId = '%s' and DefType = '%s'" % (
+ item['id'], element.upper())
thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query, args=(query_str,))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Update Component Metadata", "Update Component Metadata Finished")
@@ -674,27 +687,29 @@ def handle_track_all_debug_logs_thread(users, timeout=120):
split = math.ceil(len(users) / maximum_concurrent_connections)
for item in util.dict_chunks(users, split):
threads = []
for users in pieces:
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.create_trace_flags, args=(users, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.create_trace_flags, args=(users,))
ThreadsProgress(threads, "Creating Trace Flags", "Creating Trace Flags Finished")
def handle_cancel_deployment_thread(async_process_id, timeout=120):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = MetadataApi(settings)
thread = threading.Thread(target=api._invoke_method, args=(
"cancelDeploy", {
- "async_process_id": async_process_id,
+ "async_process_id": async_process_id,
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Canceling Deploy", "Canceling Deploy Succeed")
def handle_close_jobs_thread(job_ids, timeout=120):
settings = context.get_settings()
bulkjob = BulkJob(settings, None, None)
@@ -702,6 +717,7 @@ def handle_close_jobs_thread(job_ids, timeout=120):
thread = threading.Thread(target=bulkjob.close_job, args=(job_id,))
def handle_bulk_operation_thread(sobject, inputfile, operation, timeout=120):
settings = context.get_settings()
bulkapi = BulkApi(settings, sobject, inputfile)
@@ -718,6 +734,7 @@ def handle_bulk_operation_thread(sobject, inputfile, operation, timeout=120):
progress_message = operation + " " + sobject
ThreadProgress(bulkapi, thread, progress_message, progress_message + " Succeed")
def handle_backup_sobject_thread(sobject, soql=None, timeout=120):
settings = context.get_settings()
bulkapi = BulkApi(settings, sobject, soql)
@@ -726,15 +743,16 @@ def handle_backup_sobject_thread(sobject, soql=None, timeout=120):
wait_message = "Export Records of " + sobject
ThreadProgress(bulkapi, thread, wait_message, wait_message + " Succeed")
def handle_backup_all_sobjects_thread(timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
result = api.result
if not result or not result["success"]: return
threads = []
for sobject_describe in api.result["sobjects"]:
if "name" not in sobject_describe: continue
@@ -753,12 +771,13 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Describe Global", "Describe Global Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_export_workflows(settings, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If succeed
sObjects = []
for sd in api.result["sobjects"]:
@@ -775,6 +794,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Export All Workflows", "Outputdir: " + outputdir)
handle_thread(thread, 10)
def handle_export_validation_rules(settings, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
@@ -796,12 +816,13 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Export All Validation Rules", "Validation Rules Export Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, 10)
def handle_export_customfield(timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If succeed
result = api.result
if not result or not result["success"]: return
@@ -809,7 +830,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Write list to csv
outputdir = os.path.join(settings["workspace"], ".export")
if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.makedirs(outputdir)
- records = sorted(result["records"], key=lambda k : k['TableEnumOrId'])
+ records = sorted(result["records"], key=lambda k: k['TableEnumOrId'])
outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir, "CustomField.csv")
util.list2csv(outputfile, records)
@@ -824,12 +845,13 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
ThreadProgress(api, thread, 'Exporting CustomFields', "Exporting CustomFields Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, 10)
def handle_export_role_hierarchy(timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If succeed
result = api.result
if not result or not result["success"]: return
@@ -843,21 +865,22 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- soql = "SELECT Id, ParentRoleId, Name, " +\
- "(SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Username FROM Users " +\
- " WHERE IsActive = true AND Profile.UserLicense.Name = 'Salesforce') " +\
- "FROM UserRole WHERE PortalType = 'None'"
+ soql = "SELECT Id, ParentRoleId, Name, " + \
+ "(SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Username FROM Users " + \
+ " WHERE IsActive = true AND Profile.UserLicense.Name = 'Salesforce') " + \
+ "FROM UserRole WHERE PortalType = 'None'"
thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query_all, args=(soql,))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, 'Exporting Role Hierarchy', "Role Hierarchy Exporting Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, 10)
def handle_export_data_template_thread(sobject, recordtype_name, recordtype_id, vertical, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If succeed
result = api.result
if not result or not result["success"]: return
@@ -880,18 +903,19 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
api = ToolingApi(settings)
url = "/sobjects/%s/describe/layouts/%s" % (sobject, recordtype_id)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.get, args=(url, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.get, args=(url,))
wait_message = "Export Data Template of %s=>%s" % (sobject, recordtype_name)
ThreadProgress(api, thread, wait_message, "Outputdir: " + output_file_dir)
handle_thread(thread, 120)
def handle_export_query_to_csv(tooling, soql, csv_name, data=None, timeout=120):
def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
result = api.result
if "success" in result and not result["success"]:
@@ -902,31 +926,32 @@ def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
outputfile = os.path.join(outputdir, "%s.csv" % csv_name)
with open(outputfile, "wb") as fp:
fp.write(util.query_to_csv(result, soql))
view = sublime.active_window().open_file(outputfile)
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query_all, args=(soql, tooling, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query_all, args=(soql, tooling,))
progress_message = "Export Query To %s.csv" % csv_name
ThreadProgress(api, thread, progress_message, progress_message + " Succeed")
handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_execute_rest_test(operation, url, data=None, timeout=120):
def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
result = api.result
# If succeed
- if "list" in result:
+ if "list" in result:
result = result["list"]
- if "str" in result:
+ if "str" in result:
result = result["str"]
# If response result is just like '"{\\"name\\":\\"test\\"}"'
# we will remove the \\ and convert it to json automatically
if settings.get("remove_slash_for_rest_response", False):
@@ -941,13 +966,13 @@ def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
# Remove the useless success attribute
if isinstance(result, dict) and "success" in result:
del result["success"]
# No error, just display log in a new view
view = sublime.active_window().new_file()
time_stamp = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
view.run_command("new_view", {
- "name": "Rest %s-%s" % (operation, time_stamp),
+ "name": "Rest %s-%s" % (operation, time_stamp),
"input": json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
@@ -967,7 +992,7 @@ def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
"Search": api.search,
"Quick Search": api.quick_search
target = http_methods_target[operation]
if operation in ['Put', 'Post', 'Patch']:
thread = threading.Thread(target=target, args=(url, data,))
@@ -980,16 +1005,17 @@ def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
ThreadProgress(api, thread, progress_message, progress_message + " Succeed", show_error=False)
handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_execute_query(soql, timeout=120):
def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If succeed
result = api.result
if not result["success"]: return
# No error, just display log in a new view
view = sublime.active_window().new_file()
view.run_command("new_view", {
@@ -1007,12 +1033,13 @@ def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Execute Query", "Execute Query Succeed")
handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_execute_anonymous(apex_string, timeout=120):
def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If succeed
result = api.result
if not result["success"]: return
@@ -1033,11 +1060,12 @@ def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ApexApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.execute_anonymous, args=(apex_string, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.execute_anonymous, args=(apex_string,))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Execute Anonymous", "Execute Anonymous Succeed")
handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_fetch_debug_logs(user_full_name, user_id, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
@@ -1045,7 +1073,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
result = api.result
- if not result or "records" not in result:
+ if not result or "records" not in result:
records = result["records"]
@@ -1054,11 +1082,12 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query_logs, args=(settings["last_n_logs"], user_id, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query_logs, args=(settings["last_n_logs"], user_id,))
- ThreadProgress(api, thread, "List Debug Logs for " + user_full_name,
- "List Debug Logs for " + user_full_name + " Succeed")
- handle_thread(thread, timeout)
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, "List Debug Logs for " + user_full_name,
+ "List Debug Logs for " + user_full_name + " Succeed")
+ handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_create_debug_log(user_name, user_id, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
@@ -1068,22 +1097,23 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
result = api.result
if not result["success"]: return
- print (result)
+ print(result)
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.create_trace_flag, args=(user_id, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.create_trace_flag, args=(user_id,))
- ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Create Debug Log for " + user_name,
- "Create Debug Log for " + user_name + " Succeed")
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Create Debug Log for " + user_name,
+ "Create Debug Log for " + user_name + " Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_view_debug_log_detail(log_id, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
if not api.result["success"]: return
view = sublime.active_window().new_file()
@@ -1096,12 +1126,13 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
url = "/sobjects/ApexLog/" + log_id + "/Body"
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.retrieve_body, args=(url, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.retrieve_body, args=(url,))
- ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Get Log Detail of " + log_id,
- "Get Log Detail of " + log_id + " Succeed")
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Get Log Detail of " + log_id,
+ "Get Log Detail of " + log_id + " Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_run_test(class_name, class_id, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
@@ -1126,14 +1157,14 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
"view_name": "Test Result",
"input": test_result
# Keep the history in the local history rep
util.add_operation_history('Test/' + class_name, test_result)
# After run test succeed, get ApexCodeCoverageAggreate
- query = "SELECT ApexClassOrTrigger.Name, NumLinesCovered, NumLinesUncovered, Coverage " +\
+ query = "SELECT ApexClassOrTrigger.Name, NumLinesCovered, NumLinesUncovered, Coverage " + \
"FROM ApexCodeCoverageAggregate"
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query, args=(query, True, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query, args=(query, True,))
wait_message = "Get Code Coverage of " + class_name
ThreadProgress(api, thread, wait_message, wait_message + " Succeed")
@@ -1146,7 +1177,8 @@ def handle_code_coverage_thread(thread, view, timeout):
# If error, just skip
result = api.result
- if "success" in result and not result["success"]: return
+ if "success" in result and not result["success"]:
+ return
code_coverage = util.parse_code_coverage(result)
view.run_command("new_dynamic_view", {
@@ -1158,11 +1190,12 @@ def handle_code_coverage_thread(thread, view, timeout):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.run_test, args=(class_id, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.run_test, args=(class_id,))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Run Test Class " + class_name, "Run Test for " + class_name + " Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_run_sync_test(class_names, test_names, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
@@ -1188,23 +1221,23 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Keep the coverage to local cache
- codeCoverages = result["codeCoverage"]
- cache_dir = os.path.join(settings["workspace"], ".config")
- cache_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, "coverage.json")
- coverages = {}
- if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
- os.makedirs(cache_dir)
- elif os.path.isfile(cache_file):
- coverages = json.loads(open(cache_file).read())
- # Upsert exist code coverage info
- for codeCoverage in codeCoverages:
- lowerName = codeCoverage["name"].lower()
- coverages[lowerName] = codeCoverage
- with open(cache_file, "w") as fp:
- fp.write(json.dumps(coverages, indent=4))
+ # codeCoverages = result["codeCoverage"]
+ # cache_dir = os.path.join(settings["workspace"], ".config")
+ # cache_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, "coverage.json")
+ #
+ # coverages = {}
+ # if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
+ # os.makedirs(cache_dir)
+ # elif os.path.isfile(cache_file):
+ # coverages = json.loads(open(cache_file).read())
+ #
+ # # Upsert exist code coverage info
+ # for codeCoverage in codeCoverages:
+ # lowerName = codeCoverage["name"].lower()
+ # coverages[lowerName] = codeCoverage
+ #
+ # with open(cache_file, "w") as fp:
+ # fp.write(json.dumps(coverages, indent=4))
# Get the latest debug log
sublime.active_window().run_command('fetch_debug_log', {
@@ -1221,6 +1254,34 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
ThreadProgress(api, thread, wait_message, wait_message + " Succeed")
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
+def handle_fetch_code_coverage(file_name, body, timeout=120):
+ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
+ if thread.is_alive():
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ return
+ # If succeed
+ result = api.result
+ if "size" not in result or result["size"] == 0:
+ return Printer.get("error").write("No code coverage for %s, " % file_name +
+ "please run related test class before view code coverage")
+ record = result["records"][0]
+ util.view_coverage(file_name, record, body)
+ # Setup and start the thread
+ settings = context.get_settings()
+ api = ToolingApi(settings)
+ q_str = "Select ApexClassOrTrigger.Name, NumLinesCovered, NumLinesUncovered, Coverage" + \
+ " From ApexCodeCoverageAggregate Where ApexClassOrTrigger.Name = '%s'" % file_name
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query, args=(q_str, True))
+ thread.start()
+ wait_message = "Get Code Coverage of " + file_name
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, wait_message, wait_message + " Succeed")
+ handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_generate_sobject_soql(sobject, filter, timeout=120):
def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
@@ -1229,7 +1290,7 @@ def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
# If succeed
result = api.result
# Error Message are prcoessed in ThreadProgress
if not result["success"]: return
@@ -1246,15 +1307,16 @@ def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
if filter != "all":
- args = (sobject, filter, )
+ args = (sobject, filter,)
- args = (sobject, )
+ args = (sobject,)
thread = threading.Thread(target=api.combine_soql, args=args)
wait_message = 'Generate SOQL for ' + sobject
ThreadProgress(api, thread, wait_message, wait_message + ' Succeed')
handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_describe_sobject(sobject, timeout=120):
def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
@@ -1263,7 +1325,7 @@ def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
# If succeed
result = api.result
# Error Message are prcoessed in ThreadProgress
if not result["success"]: return
@@ -1283,11 +1345,12 @@ def handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
sobject_url = "/sobjects/" + sobject + "/describe"
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.get, args=(sobject_url, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.get, args=(sobject_url,))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, 'Describe ' + sobject, 'Describe ' + sobject + ' Succeed')
handle_new_view_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_export_specified_workbooks(sobjects, timeout=120):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
@@ -1297,19 +1360,20 @@ def handle_export_specified_workbooks(sobjects, timeout=120):
chunked_sobjects = util.list_chunks(sobjects, math.ceil(len(sobjects) / mcc))
for cs in chunked_sobjects:
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.generate_workbook, args=(cs, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.generate_workbook, args=(cs,))
- ThreadsProgress(threads, "Generating Sobjects Workbook",
- "Sobjects Workbook are Generated")
+ ThreadsProgress(threads, "Generating Sobjects Workbook",
+ "Sobjects Workbook are Generated")
def handle_export_all_workbooks(timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# Exception Process
if not api.result["success"]: return
@@ -1323,7 +1387,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
chunked_sobjects = util.list_chunks(sobjects, math.ceil(len(sobjects) / mcc))
for sobjects in chunked_sobjects:
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.generate_workbook, args=(sobjects, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.generate_workbook, args=(sobjects,))
settings = context.get_settings()
@@ -1339,7 +1403,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If failed, but something may happen,
# for example, user password is expired
result = api.result
@@ -1363,8 +1427,8 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if not os.path.exists(outputdir): os.makedirs(outputdir)
# Extract the zipFile to extract_to
- thread = threading.Thread(target=util.extract_encoded_zipfile,
- args=(result["zipFile"], extract_to, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=util.extract_encoded_zipfile,
+ args=(result["zipFile"], extract_to,))
# Apex Code Cache
@@ -1372,15 +1436,15 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
util.reload_file_attributes(result["fileProperties"], settings)
if settings["debug_mode"]:
- print ('[Debug] fileProperties:\n' + json.dumps(result, indent=4))
+ print('[Debug] fileProperties:\n' + json.dumps(result, indent=4))
# Hide panel
sublime.set_timeout_async(Printer.get("log").hide_panel, 500)
# Reload sObject Cache and SymbolTables
- if not is_update:
+ if not is_update:
if settings["reload_symbol_tables_when_create_project"]:
@@ -1399,9 +1463,9 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
types[xml_name] = ["*"]
thread = threading.Thread(target=api.retrieve, args=({
- "types": types,
- "package_names": settings["allowed_packages"]
- }, ))
+ "types": types,
+ "package_names": settings["allowed_packages"]
+ },))
wating_message = ("Creating New " if not is_update else "Updating ") + " Project"
ThreadProgress(api, thread, wating_message, wating_message + " Finished")
@@ -1411,7 +1475,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
def handle_describe_metadata(callback_options, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# Exception is processed in ThreadProgress
@@ -1447,18 +1511,19 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Start to request
settings = context.get_settings()
api = MetadataApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api._invoke_method, args=("describeMetadata", ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api._invoke_method, args=("describeMetadata",))
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
- ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Describe Metadata of v%s.0" % settings["api_version"],
- "Describe Metadata Finished")
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Describe Metadata of v%s.0" % settings["api_version"],
+ "Describe Metadata Finished")
def handle_rename_metadata(file_name, meta_type, old_name, new_name, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If not succeed, just stop
if not api.result or not api.result["success"]: return
result = api.result
@@ -1472,7 +1537,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = MetadataApi(settings)
options = {"type": meta_type, "old_name": old_name, "new_name": new_name}
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api._invoke_method, args=("renameMetadata", options, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api._invoke_method, args=("renameMetadata", options,))
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
message = "Renaming %s from %s to %s" % (
@@ -1480,10 +1545,11 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
ThreadProgress(api, thread, message, "Renaming Finished")
def handle_reload_project_cache(types, callback_command, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
if not api.result or not api.result["success"]: return
@@ -1509,47 +1575,49 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Start to request
settings = context.get_settings()
api = MetadataApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.prepare_members, args=(types, True, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.prepare_members, args=(types, True,))
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Reloading Project Cache", "Reload Project Cache Succeed")
def handle_retrieve_package(types, extract_to, source_org=None, ignore_package_xml=False, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If source_org is not None, we need to switch project back
if settings["switch_back_after_migration"] and source_org:
# Extract the zipFile to extract_to
if api.result and api.result["success"]:
- thread = threading.Thread(target=util.extract_encoded_zipfile,
- args=(api.result["zipFile"], extract_to, ignore_package_xml, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=util.extract_encoded_zipfile,
+ args=(api.result["zipFile"], extract_to, ignore_package_xml,))
# Apex Code Cache
if isinstance(api.result.get("fileProperties", None), list):
- api.result["fileProperties"],
+ api.result["fileProperties"],
settings, append=True
# Start to request
settings = context.get_settings()
api = MetadataApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.retrieve, args=({"types": types}, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.retrieve, args=({"types": types},))
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
- ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Retrieve File From Server",
- "Retrieve File From Server Succeed")
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Retrieve File From Server",
+ "Retrieve File From Server Succeed")
def handle_save_to_server(file_name, is_check_only=False, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# Set Thread alive flag to False
@@ -1570,13 +1638,13 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
Printer.get('log').write("Start to keep local change history")
# Get Workspace, if not exist, make it
- workspace = settings["workspace"]+"/.history/"+component_attribute["type"]
+ workspace = settings["workspace"] + "/.history/" + component_attribute["type"]
if not os.path.exists(workspace):
# Backup current file
time_stamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M", time.localtime())
- outputdir = workspace+"/"+component_name+"-"+time_stamp+"-history"+extension
+ outputdir = workspace + "/" + component_name + "-" + time_stamp + "-history" + extension
with open(outputdir, "wb") as fp:
@@ -1593,7 +1661,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
view = util.get_view_by_file_name(file_name)
if view:
component_id = component_attribute["id"]
- view.run_command("remove_check_point", {"mark":component_id+"build_error"})
+ view.run_command("remove_check_point", {"mark": component_id + "build_error"})
# If succeed, just hide it in several seconds later
delay_seconds = settings["delay_seconds_for_hidden_output_panel_when_succeed"]
@@ -1614,8 +1682,8 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if "problem" not in result: return
message = "Compile Error for %s: %s at line %s column %s" % (
- file_base_name,
- result["problem"],
+ file_base_name,
+ result["problem"],
@@ -1635,11 +1703,11 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
line = result["lineNumber"]
if isinstance(line, list): line = line[0]
if extension == ".page" and line < 2: return
view.run_command("goto_line", {"line": line})
- view.run_command("expand_selection", {"to":"line"})
+ view.run_command("expand_selection", {"to": "line"})
if hasattr(view, 'show_popup'):
error = """
@@ -1650,8 +1718,8 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
""" % (
- file_base_name,
- result["problem"],
+ file_base_name,
+ result["problem"],
@@ -1659,14 +1727,14 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Add highlight for error line and remove the highlight after several seconds
component_id = component_attribute["id"]
- view.run_command("set_check_point", {"mark":component_id+"build_error"})
+ view.run_command("set_check_point", {"mark": component_id + "build_error"})
component_attribute, component_name = util.get_component_attribute(file_name)
body = open(file_name, encoding="utf-8").read()
# Component Full Name
extension = component_attribute["extension"]
- file_base_name = component_name + extension
+ file_base_name = component_name + extension
# Log start_time
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
@@ -1677,7 +1745,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if username + file_base_name in globals():
is_thread_alive = globals()[username + file_base_name]
if is_thread_alive:
- print ('%s is in process' % file_base_name);
+ print('%s is in process' % file_base_name);
# Open panel
@@ -1690,7 +1758,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
target = api.save_to_server
thread = threading.Thread(target=target,
- args=(component_attribute, body, is_check_only, ))
+ args=(component_attribute, body, is_check_only,))
# If saving thread is started, set the flag to True
@@ -1701,12 +1769,13 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
ThreadProgress(api, thread, wait_message, wait_message + " Succeed", show_error=False)
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_create_component(data, component_name, component_type, markup_or_body, file_name, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If create Succeed
result = api.result
@@ -1721,7 +1790,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Get the created component id
component_id = result.get("id")
extension = "." + settings[component_type]["suffix"]
# Save it to component.sublime-settings
s = sublime.load_settings(COMPONENT_METADATA_SETTINGS)
username = settings["username"]
@@ -1730,7 +1799,7 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Prevent exception for creating component if no component in org
if component_type not in components_dict:
if not components_dict:
- components_dict = {component_type : {}}
+ components_dict = {component_type: {}}
components_dict[component_type] = {}
@@ -1752,46 +1821,47 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# After new component is stored into cache, reload cache in globals()
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:util.load_metadata_cache(True), 50)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: util.load_metadata_cache(True), 50)
# Create Meta.xml File
if component_type in ["ApexClass", "ApexTrigger"]:
- meta_file_content = ("\n" +\
- "<{0} xmlns=\"http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata\">\n" +\
- " {1}.0\n" +\
- " Active\n" +\
- "{0}>").format(component_type, settings["api_version"])
+ meta_file_content = ("\n" + \
+ "<{0} xmlns=\"http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata\">\n" + \
+ " {1}.0\n" + \
+ " Active\n" + \
+ "{0}>").format(component_type, settings["api_version"])
elif component_type in ["ApexPage", "ApexComponent"]:
- meta_file_content = ("\n" +\
- "<{0} xmlns=\"http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata\">\n" +\
- " {1}.0\n" +\
- " \n" +\
- "{0}>").format(component_type, settings["api_version"], component_name)
+ meta_file_content = ("\n" + \
+ "<{0} xmlns=\"http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata\">\n" + \
+ " {1}.0\n" + \
+ " \n" + \
+ "{0}>").format(component_type, settings["api_version"], component_name)
# Generate new meta.xml file
- with open(file_name+"-meta.xml", "w") as fp:
+ with open(file_name + "-meta.xml", "w") as fp:
# After all are finished, we need to keep the lastModifiedDate
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
post_url = "/sobjects/" + component_type
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.post, args=(post_url, data, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.post, args=(post_url, data,))
fullName = os.path.basename(file_name)
- ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Creating Component %s" % fullName,
- "Creating Component %s Succeed" % fullName)
+ ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Creating Component %s" % fullName,
+ "Creating Component %s Succeed" % fullName)
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_set_component_attribute(attributes, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
result = api.result
if result["success"] and result["records"]:
lastModifiedDate = result["records"][0]["LastModifiedDate"]
@@ -1807,54 +1877,57 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
soql = "SELECT LastModifiedDate FROM %s WHERE Id = '%s'" % (
attributes["type"], attributes["id"]
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query, args=(soql, True, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.query, args=(soql, True,))
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_refresh_static_resource(component_attribute, file_name, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
if not api.result["success"]: return
- with open (file_name, "wb") as fp:
+ with open(file_name, "wb") as fp:
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
url = component_attribute["url"] + "/body"
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.retrieve_body, args=(url, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.retrieve_body, args=(url,))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, 'Refresh StaticResource', 'Refresh StaticResource Succeed')
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_create_static_resource(data, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
- if not api.result["success"]:
+ if not api.result["success"]:
- print (api.result)
+ print(api.result)
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
url = "/tooling/sobjects/StaticResource"
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.post, args=(url, data, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.post, args=(url, data,))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, 'Creating StaticResource', 'Creating StaticResource Succeed')
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_diff_with_server(component_attribute, file_name, source_org=None, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
result = api.result
# If error, just skip, error is processed in ThreadProgress
if not result["success"]: return
@@ -1867,35 +1940,37 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.get, args=(component_attribute["url"], ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.get, args=(component_attribute["url"],))
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
ThreadProgress(api, thread, 'Diff With Server', 'Diff With Server Succeed')
def handle_refresh_file_from_server(attr, file_name, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
result = api.result
- if not result["success"]:
+ if not result["success"]:
with open(file_name, "wb") as fp:
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.get, args=(attr["url"], ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.get, args=(attr["url"],))
ThreadProgress(api, thread, 'Refreshing %s' % os.path.basename(file_name), 'Refresh Succeed')
handle_thread(thread, timeout)
def handle_delete_component(component_url, file_name, timeout=120):
def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
if thread.is_alive():
- sublime.set_timeout(lambda:handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
+ sublime.set_timeout(lambda: handle_thread(thread, timeout), timeout)
# If succeed
@@ -1913,18 +1988,18 @@ def handle_thread(thread, timeout):
# Remove the related cls-meta.xml
- if os.path.exists(file_name+"-meta.xml"):
- view = util.get_view_by_file_name(file_name+"-meta.xml")
+ if os.path.exists(file_name + "-meta.xml"):
+ view = util.get_view_by_file_name(file_name + "-meta.xml")
if view:
- os.remove(file_name+"-meta.xml")
+ os.remove(file_name + "-meta.xml")
settings = context.get_settings()
api = ToolingApi(settings)
- thread = threading.Thread(target=api.delete, args=(component_url, ))
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=api.delete, args=(component_url,))
file_base_name = os.path.basename(file_name)
ThreadProgress(api, thread, "Deleting " + file_base_name,
- "Delete " + file_base_name + " Succeed")
- handle_thread(thread, timeout)
\ No newline at end of file
+ "Delete " + file_base_name + " Succeed")
+ handle_thread(thread, timeout)
diff --git a/util.py b/util.py
index bacb6bb..41fd710 100644
--- a/util.py
+++ b/util.py
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
def load_templates():
+ """
+ Load code template files from haoide package to working project .templates folder
+ """
settings = context.get_settings()
target_dir = os.path.join(settings["workspace"], ".templates")
if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
@@ -36,13 +39,16 @@ def load_templates():
lwc_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, "Lwc") # Check exist lwc logic
lwc_ele_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, "LwcElement") # Check exist lwc element logic
+ # for the updating of Lwc, old project should update the template files
if not os.path.isfile(templates_dir) or not os.path.exists(lwc_dir) or not os.path.exists(lwc_ele_dir):
+ # get the installed haoide package directory
source_dir = os.path.join(
- if os.path.isfile(source_dir) and os.path.exists(lwc_dir) and os.path.exists(lwc_ele_dir):
+ if os.path.isfile(source_dir):
+ # default situation, installed haoide package, copy files from zip file sub folders
zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(source_dir, 'r')
for filename in zfile.namelist():
if filename.endswith('/'):
@@ -61,8 +67,9 @@ def load_templates():
+ # when develop haoide, use local package templates files
source_dir = os.path.join(
- sublime.packages_path(), "haoide", "config", "templates"
+ sublime.packages_path(), "haoide2/config/templates"
copy_files_in_folder(source_dir, target_dir)
@@ -239,57 +246,56 @@ def get_completion_from_cache(settings, component_type, is_lightning=False):
return completion_list
-def view_coverage(name, file_name, body):
- settings = context.get_settings()
- cache_file = os.path.join(settings["workspace"], ".config", "coverage.json")
- coverages = {}
- if os.path.isfile(cache_file):
- coverages = json.loads(open(cache_file).read())
- coverage = coverages.get(name.lower(), {})
+def view_coverage(file_name, record, body):
+ """
+ View Apex Class/Trigger code coverage like developer console UI
- if not coverage:
- return Printer.get("error").write("No code coverage cache, " +\
- "please execute `Run Sync Test` on related test class before view code coverage")
+ @param file_name: name of the apex class/trigger file
+ @param record: dict of {Coverage:{coveredLines:[], uncoveredLines:[]}, NumLinesUncovered:0, NumLinesCovered:0}
+ @param body: the apex class/trigger file body
+ @return: a new view with code coverage information
+ """
+ coverage = record.get("Coverage")
- numLocationsNotCovered = coverage["numLocationsNotCovered"]
- numLocations = coverage["numLocations"]
- numLocationsCovered = numLocations - numLocationsNotCovered
- linesNotCovered = []
- # linesNotCovered = [l["line"] for l in coverage["locationsNotCovered"]]
- if numLocations == 0:
- return Printer.get("error").write("There is no code coverage")
+ num_lines_uncovered = record.get("NumLinesUncovered", 0)
+ num_lines_cover = record.get("NumLinesCovered", 0)
+ num_lines = num_lines_uncovered + num_lines_cover
+ if num_lines == 0:
+ return Printer.get("error").write("There is no code coverage (0% coverage)")
# Append coverage statistic info
coverage_statistic = "%s Coverage: %.2f%%(%s/%s)" % (
- name, numLocationsCovered / numLocations * 100,
- numLocationsCovered, numLocations
+ file_name, num_lines_cover / num_lines * 100,
+ num_lines_cover, num_lines
# If has coverage, just add coverage info to new view
view = sublime.active_window().new_file()
view.run_command("new_view", {
"name": coverage_statistic,
"input": body
# Calculate line coverage
+ lines_uncovered = coverage.get("uncoveredLines")
+ lines_covered = coverage.get("coveredLines")
split_lines = view.lines(sublime.Region(0, view.size()))
uncovered_region = []
covered_region = []
for region in split_lines:
# The first four Lines are the coverage info
line = view.rowcol(region.begin() + 1)[0] + 1
- if line in linesNotCovered:
+ if line in lines_uncovered:
- else:
+ elif line in lines_covered:
# Append body with uncovered line
view.add_regions("numLocationsNotCovered", uncovered_region, "invalid", "dot",
view.add_regions("numLocationsCovered", covered_region, "comment", "cross",
def get_local_timezone_offset():
@@ -2108,16 +2114,27 @@ def parse_all(apex):
return apex_completions
def parse_code_coverage(result):
records = {}
- for record in result["records"]:
- name = record["ApexClassOrTrigger"]["Name"]
+ for _record in result["records"]:
+ name = _record["ApexClassOrTrigger"]["Name"]
records[name] = {
- "NumLinesCovered" : record["NumLinesCovered"],
- "NumLinesUncovered": record["NumLinesUncovered"]
+ "NumLinesCovered": _record["NumLinesCovered"],
+ "NumLinesUncovered": _record["NumLinesUncovered"],
+ "Coverage": _record.get("Coverage")
- code_coverage_desc = message.SEPRATE.format("TriggerOrClass Code Coverage:")
+ code_coverage_desc =("Trigger Or Class Code Coverage:\n" +
+ "Select Apex trigger or class name and " +
+ "view code coverage by context menu\n")
+ # Keep the coverage to local cache, will overwrite the old one
+ settings = context.get_settings()
+ cache_dir = os.path.join(settings["workspace"], ".config")
+ cache_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, "coverage.json")
+ with open(cache_file, "w") as fp:
+ fp.write(json.dumps(records, indent=4))
columns = ""
header_width = {
@@ -2131,7 +2148,7 @@ def parse_code_coverage(result):
row = ""
row += "%-*s" % (header_width["Name"], name)
coverage = records[name]
- if not coverage["NumLinesCovered"] or not coverage["NumLinesUncovered"]:
+ if coverage.get("NumLinesCovered", 0) + coverage.get("NumLinesUncovered", 0) == 0:
covered_lines = coverage["NumLinesCovered"]
total_lines = covered_lines + coverage["NumLinesUncovered"]
@@ -2140,7 +2157,8 @@ def parse_code_coverage(result):
row += "%-*s" % (header_width["Lines"], "%s/%s" % (covered_lines, total_lines))
code_coverage += row + "\n"
- return message.SEPRATE.format(code_coverage_desc + columns + "\n"*2 + code_coverage)
+ return message.SEPRATE.format(code_coverage_desc + "-"*79 + "\n" +
+ columns + "\n"*2 + code_coverage)
def parse_sync_test_coverage(result):
successes = result["successes"]
@@ -2250,14 +2268,14 @@ def parse_test_result(test_result):
return_result = class_name + test_result_desc + test_result_content[:-1]
# Parse Debug Log Part
- info = "You can choose the LogId and view log detail " +\
+ info = "Select LogId and view log detail " +\
"in Sublime or Salesforce by context menu"
- debug_log_desc = message.SEPRATE.format(info)
debug_log_content = "LogId: "
if len(test_result) > 0 and test_result[0]["ApexLogId"] != None:
debug_log_content += test_result[0]["ApexLogId"]
- return_result += debug_log_desc + debug_log_content
+ debug_log_content += '\n' + info
+ return_result += message.SEPRATE.format(debug_log_content)
return return_result