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The xlink-staking contract, also known as the XLink Staking Manager, is designed to manage liquid staking pools for multiple tokens and track staker positions within each pool. It holds users' staked funds, while the actual staking execution and reward reinvestment processes are managed off-chain by XLink's infrastructure.

The Staking Manager contract is part of a hybrid, token-agnostic liquid staking management system, that operates alongside off-chain backend and frontend components managed by XLink.

Liquid staking

The lifecycle of liquid staking pools is based on three main operations:

  1. Staking. Users deposit tokens into the xlink-staking contract, which are staked externally.
  2. Rewards accrual. Rewards earned through the external staking protocol are periodically restaked, generating automatic compound interest for stakers.
  3. Unstaking. Users can withdraw their staked tokens, which include accumulated restaked rewards, at any time.

These are the main three features of the xlink-staking contract. Each of these has an impact on the contract storage and generates on-chain events, which are listened by the XLink off-chain components to facilitate corresponding external staking operations.

Shares-based staking

The system utilizes shares instead of token amounts to represent users' staking positions. Shares provide a fixed representation of the users' proportional ownership of the total amount staked, which intrinsically grows over time due to the reinvestment of the staking rewards.

Reward accrual

The account for the restaked rewards is permissionlessly performed by updaters, who submit messages signed by validators. This action is performed via the add-rewards function and it's the core operation of the liquid staking mechanism.

Validators are XLink protocol actors responsible for maintaining the system's integrity and synchronization. In this sense, their role includes generating a proof whenever rewards are successfully collected and restaked in the external protocol.

Each proof consists of a signed message indicating the token, the updated total accrued rewards, and a timestamp. Once updaters collect a sufficient number of proofs, they submit these to the Staking Manager to perform a state update.

It is important to note that this operation does not involve shares management. The key state update is the total staked amount in the total-staked map.

Stake / Unstake


These operations are exclusively available for governance roles, as they are guarded by the is-dao-or-extension function. What does this imply?

The stake and unstake functions are designed to be called by a DAO extension acting as the contract-caller. Alternatively, in more exceptional cases, the tx-sender can be the DAO itself calling through a proposal contract.

This setup implies that end users can only access these features indirectly through intermediary contracts (façade, endpoint, etc.) that must be enabled DAO extensions. The external call from the extension to the xlink-staking contract, a.k.a. Staking Manager, can be implemented in two ways, resulting in different authentications for the tx-sender, the staker.

In summary, these operations are typically accessed by users through intermediary contracts registered as DAO extensions. However, they can also be directly called by a proposal contract executed by the DAO.

End user call

flowchart LR
    User --Sends transtaction--> i["DAO extension"]
    i["DAO extension"] -.-> B((Call type))
    B --contract-call--> sm1[Staking Manager]
    B --as-contract--> sm2[Staking Manager]
    sm1 -.-o box1[["**tx-sender**: User
    **contract-caller**: DAO extension"]]
    sm2 -.-o box2[["**tx-sender** & **contract-caller**: DAO extension"]]

The as-contract call type is the most common approach for liquid staking implementations, where the intermediary contract stakes on behalf of users and provides them with a receipt in the form of a new (rebasing) token.

Governance call

flowchart LR
    Operator --Sends transtaction--> dao["Executor DAO"]
    dao --as-contract--> i["Proposal
    i --contract-call--> sm[Staking Manager]
    sm -.-o box[["**tx-sender**: Executor DAO
    **contract-caller**: Proposal contract"]]


In the Staking Manager, the staker is represented by the tx-sender. As explained above, depending on the intermediary contract design, the staker may either be an end user or the endpoint/façade acting on behalf of the user. Therefore, every reference to "staker" (or user, as defined within the contract) applies to any of these two possibilities.

Upon staking, the shares corresponding to the amount being staked are calculated and stored in the user-shares map. This is the staking position and represents the user's portion of the total amount staked. During this operation, the amount to stake is transferred from the tx-sender to the Staking Manager, and since the total amount staked and total shares increased, the contract updates its internal state to reflect the changes. Refer to the stake function for detailed information.

Unstaking performs the inverse operations. It first calculates the shares that correspond to the amount willing to unstake. Then, the unstaked amount is transferred from the Staking Manager to the tx-sender and, finally, state upates are performed to decrease user shares, total shares and total amount staked.

{% hint style="info" %} Note that both staking and unstaking operations involve shares management and update the staking status of the involved token across three dimensions: total shares, total amount staked and user's share-based staking position. Staking and unstaking shouldn't affect share's price. {% endhint %}

Token amount to shares conversion

On every staking and unstaking action, an amount-to-shares conversion is perfomed using the following equation:

$$ \textrm{Shares} = \frac{\textrm{Amount}}{\textrm{Total Staked}} ; \cdot ; \textrm{Total Shares}. $$

This is how get-shares-given-amount function works. The ratio between the total staked amount and the total shares determines the "share price" in token units, i.e., how many tokens one share represents:

$$ \textrm{Price} = \frac{\textrm{Total Staked}}{\textrm{Total Shares}} $$

Before completing a staking or unstaking operation, these two values are updated in a way that the share price remains constant. In contrast, reward accrual operations modify this price by maintaing total shares constant and incresing the total staked value.

How does the share price remain constant after staking/unstaking operations?

The price formula shows that the share price is the ratio between the staked tokens amount and the shares amount. Staking adds tokens, so to maintain the price, shares are issued at the price before the staking state update. Analogously, unstaking removes tokens, and to preserve the price, shares are burned at the same price as before the unstaking state update.


  • Validators: Trusted entities responsible for maintaining the system's integrity and synchronization. In the context of the XLink Staking Manager, they generate proofs of reward reinvestment on the external staking protocol.
  • Updaters: Actors resposible for submitting validator proofs to update the total staked value for any token in the system.
  • Governance: Includes DAO and its enabled extensions. These roles are authenticated via the is-dao-or-extension function. Extensions are authenticated as contract-caller, while the DAO is authenticated as the tx-sender for proposal execution scenarios.


Each token within the Staking Manager has the following attributes.

  • Implementation contract: The Stacks principal indicating the token's implementation contract, which needs to be approved in the approved-tokens map.
  • Total staked: The total staked amount, tracked in the total-staked map.
  • Accrued rewards: The total amount of rewards already restaked, tracked in the accrued-rewards map.
  • Total shares: The total amount of shares issued for the token, tracked in the total-shares map.
  • Staker registry: The record of each staker's shares, where the sum of all staker shares equals the total shares. This ownership is tracked in the user-shares map.


Main operations

These operations are privileged and protected by the is-dao-or-extension function, allowing only governance roles to execute them. However, the add-rewards function is more permissive than staking and unstaking, also allowing approved updaters as callers (tx-sender).


Adds accrued staking rewards for a specific token. The function requires a message { token: principal, accrued-rewards: uint, update-block: uint } signed by a sufficient number of approved validators (required-validators). The message must be proccessed within a block range determined by the update-block value and block-threshold variable, or it is considered expired.

Actions performed:

  • Calculates the difference (delta) between the previous and the updated amount of accrued rewards, given by the accrued-rewards value of the message. Mints the delta amount to the xlink-staking contract's balance to account for the new staked amount.
  • Updates the accrued-rewards and total-staked maps.
  • Emits an "add-rewards" log with a detailed payload.
Name Type
message { token: principal, accrued-rewards: uint, update-block: uint }
token-trait <ft-trait>
signature-packs list 100 { signer: principal, message-hash: (buff 32), signature: (buff 65) }))


Allows users to stake a specified token amount.

Actions performed:

  • Calls add-rewards to update the total staked value if needed. Note this is very important since the total-staked value of the token is utilized to calculate the shares.
  • Calculates shares corresponding to the newly stake amount.
  • Transfers the specified amount from the tx-sender (user) to the xlink-staking contract.
  • Updates the user-shares, total-shares and total-staked maps.
  • Emits a "stake" log with a detailed payload (user, token, updated values).
Name Type
token-trait <ft-trait>
amount uint
message { token: principal, accrued-rewards: uint, update-block: uint }
signature-packs list 100 { signer: principal, message-hash: (buff 32), signature: (buff 65) }))


Allows users to unstake a specified token amount.

Actions performed:

  • As in stake, calls add-rewards to update the total staked value if needed.
  • Calculates shares corresponding to the amount to unstake.
  • Transfers the specified amount from the tx-sender (user) to the xlink-staking contract.
  • Updates the user-shares, total-shares and total-staked map.
  • Emits an "unstake" log with a detailed payload (user, token, updated values).
Name Type
token-trait <ft-trait>
amount uint
message { token: principal, accrued-rewards: uint, update-block: uint }
signature-packs list 100 { signer: principal, message-hash: (buff 32), signature: (buff 65) }))


These features are protected by the is-dao-or-extension function and resticted to the XLink DAO or its enabled extensions.


Withdraws an amount of any approved token and deducts it from the total staked amount. This function serves as an emergecy mechanism designed to adjust protocol values if necessary, though such a situation is considered rare.

Actions performed:

  • Transfers the specified amount from the xlink-staking contract to the tx-sender.
  • Updates the total-staked map.
  • Emits a "withdraw" log and a payload.
Name Type
token-trait <ft-trait>
amount uint


Sets the is-paused variable.

Name Type
paused bool


Sets the approval status of a token within the Staking Manager. Modifies the approved-tokens map.

Name Type
token principal
approved bool


Sets the approval status of an updater. Modifies the approved-updaters map.

Name Type
updater principal
approved bool


Sets the block-threshold variable.

Name Type
threshold uint


Permissionlessly sets the accrued rewards value of a certain token key in the accrued-rewards map. Note this function potentially overwrites the value updatead via the add-rewards function.

Name Type
token principal
details { amount: uint, update-block: uint }


Sets the set-required-validators variable.

Name Type
required uint


Adds a new validator key in the validators-registry map. Values cannot be modified if the key already exists, since the the update is performed with the map-insert Clarity function.

Name Type
validator principal
details { token: principal, pubkey: (buff 33) }


Removes an entry in the validators-registry map, using the map-delete Clarity function.

Name Type
validator principal

Supporting features


Standard protocol function to check whether the contract-caller is an enabled extension within the DAO or the tx-sender is the DAO itself (proposal execution scenario). The enabled extension check is delegated to the XLink's executor-dao contract.

Staking validation

  • validate-stake
  • validate-unstake

Shares conversion

  • get-shares-given-amount
  • get-amount-given-shares

Message handling

  • message-domain
  • create-oracle-message
  • decode-oracle-message
  • hash-oracle-message


Getter functions to retrieve all the storage variables and values within each map. For maps related to validators, an error is thrown if the principal is not present as a key within the validators-regitry. In contrast, for token maps, a default value is returned if the principal is not found.


  • get-paused
  • get-block-threshold
  • get-required-validators


  • get-validator-or-fail
  • get-approved-token-or-default
  • get-shares-or-default
  • get-total-shares-or-default
  • get-total-staked-or-default
  • get-accrued-rewards-or-default
  • get-approved-updater-or-default



Data Type
Variable bool

Indicates the operational status of the main contract operations: add-rewards, stake and unstake.


Data Type
Map principal bool

Maintains a mapping of token contracts (principal) to their approval status (bool) within the Staking Manager.


Data Type
Map { user: principal, token: principal } uint

Tracks the number of shares held by each staker (user) for a specific token.


Data Type
Map principal uint

Tracks the total value staked for each token contract (principal).


Data Type
Map principal uint

Tracks the total shares issued for each staking token (principal).


Data Type
Map principal { token: principal, pubkey: (buff 33) }

Maintains a mapping of the registered validators. Each one is identified by a Stacks principal and has associated token and public key used for message signature verification.


Data Type
Variable uint

Indicates the minimum number of validators required to sign a message for it to be considered valid.


Data Type
Map principal { amount: uint, update-block: uint }

Tracks the total rewards that have been collected and restaked for each token, identified by its contract principal. The update-block field records the stacks-block-height of the last update. This map plays a key role in the add-rewards function mechanism.


Data Type
Variable uint

Specifies the number of Stacks blocks allowed as a delay for submitting an add-rewards message.


Data Type
Map principal bool

Maps updaters (principal) to their approval status (bool).

Relevant constants


Type Value
uint u100000000

Mathematical constant used to restrict the decimal precision to 8 digits.


Type Value
uint u20

Defines the upper bound for the required-validators variable.

Contract calls

  • <ft-trait>: Interaction with any approved token to perform mint actions (add-rewards) and transfers (mostly within stake and unstake, but also within the withdraw governance function). The ft-trait within the contract is the custom SIP-010 implementation for handling fixed notation, available at 'SP2XD7417HGPRTREMKF748VNEQPDRR0RMANB7X1NK.trait-sip-010.

  • 'SP2XD7417HGPRTREMKF748VNEQPDRR0RMANB7X1NK.executor-dao: This contract is exclusively called by the is-dao-or-extension function for authorizing governance operations.


Error Name Value
err-not-authorised (err u1000)
err-paused (err u1001)
err-unknownvalidator (err u1006)
err-validator-already-registered (err u1008)
err-hash-mismatch (err u1010)
err-invalid-signature (err u1011)
err-message-to-old (err u1012)
err-invalid-block (err u1013)
err-required-validators (err u1015)
err-invalid-validator (err u1016)
err-invalid-input (err u1017)
err-token-mismatch (err u1018)
err-invalid-amount (err u1019)
err-update-failed (err u1020)
err-duplicated-signatures (err u1021)