diff --git a/Optimization_lab.md b/Optimization_lab.md index 004a5ed..5941256 100644 --- a/Optimization_lab.md +++ b/Optimization_lab.md @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ The project IDE will be displayed with six main windows: Project Explorer, Proje ## Step 2: Add Kernel and Perform CPU Emulation ### 2.1. Select the function(s) that needs to be accelerated. -**2.1.1.** Click on the _Add Hardware Function_ button icon ( ![]()) in the **Hardware Functions** tab to see possible functions which may be accelerated +**2.1.1.** Click on the _Add Hardware Function_ button icon (![alt tag](./images/Fig-hw_button.png)) in the **Hardware Functions** tab to see possible functions which may be accelerated **2.1.2.** Select _kernl\_idct_ function and click **OK** @@ -147,8 +147,6 @@ Note: all objects accessed through a **clCreate..**. function call should be rel #### In the idct.cpp file, locate lines 308-310 and note that there are two DDR banks (BANK0 and BANK1) are being used. By default, the compiler will connect all m\_axi ports to DDR BANK0. In order to instruct the compiler that BANK1 is available, the XOCC Kernel Linker flag has to be added. Add --xp misc:map\_connect=add.kernel.krnl\_idct\_1.M\_AXI\_GMEM2.core.OCL\_REGION\_0.M01\_AXI in the linker flag field -#### In the idct.cpp file, locate lines 308-310 and note that there are two DDR banks (BANK0 and BANK1) are being used. By default, the compile will connect all m\_axi ports to DDR BANK0. In order to instruct the compiler that there is BANK1 is available, the XOCC Kernel Linker flag --xp misc:map\_connect=add.kernel.krnl\_idct\_1.M\_AXI\_GMEM2.core.OCL\_REGION\_0.M01\_AXI in the linker flag field has to be added - **2.3.1.** In the Project Explorer pane, right-click the project **optimization\_lab\_example** and select the **C/C++ Settings** **2.3.2.** Select **C/C++ Build** > **Settings** in the left pane