A good starting point for getting some data from mubi.com. Since MUBI
doesn't provide a public API, you need to do all the things manually.
is created to help you with the login process.
Powered by awesome Requests.
To access the most interesting part of the mubi.com content you'll
need to be logged in. It's time for mubi.py
>>> from mubi import login, mubicom
>>> session, me = login('email', 'password', identify=True)
# Show your user id
>>> print(me)
# Use the requests.Session object (now with cookies) as usual
>>> session.get(mubicom('/films/showing'))
<Response [200]>
To be a good internet citizen provide some information about yourself:
>>> import requests
>>> from mubi import login
>>> s = requests.Session()
>>> s.headers.update({
... # Add something useful
... 'User-Agent': 'Mr. Robot/1.0 (http://github.com/example/repo [email protected])'
>>> })
>>> mubi = login('email', 'password', session=s)
In order to be polite towards MUBI and their website (and not to get blocked), try to follow this:
- Respect the robots.txt file
- Identify yourself in the User-Agent header
- Use gzip compression. Requests automatically decompresses gzip-encoded responses
- Put a delay between each requests
- Use the right formats. Yes, there is no API but you could use a JSON content instead of scraping HTML
- Read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
Install the package via pip:
$ pip install mubi