The PiCar project is a miniature four-wheeled car powered by a Raspberry Pi 3 board. This lab-scale autonomous research platform is easy to build and modify. A camera and LIDAR mounted on the car allows for complex computer vision algorithms.
This repository contains all the software and hardware source files required to duplicate the car, including:
- Chassis 3D printing, and CAD sources.
- Raspberry Pi 3 breakout PCB to connect peripherals and draw power from LiPo battery.
- Source code of the following sofware modules capable of:
- Acquire wheel RPM data using encoder.
- Acquire acceleration, angular velocity, and compass data from an I²C LSM9DS1 IMU.
- Acquire video data from a Raspberry Pi NoIR camera.
- Perform real-time computer vision using camera data.
- Control the speed of brushed DC motor.
- (migration in progress)
- (old)