This tutorial lets you write a Kotlin application and use Scout dependency injection to retrieve your dependencies. You will learn about scopes, components and factories, will get to know the basic library syntax.
First, add the Scout dependency to your gradle script:
dependencies {
implementation "$scout_version"
The idea of application is to find books available for downloading using several open APIs, and display it.
data class Book(
val title: String,
val authors: List<String>,
val downloadLink: String
interface BookSearchRepository {
fun findBooks(title: String): List<Book>
class BookSearchRepositoryImpl(
private val bookStoreApis: List<BookStoreApi>
) : BookSearchRepository {
override fun findBooks(title: String): List<Book> {
return { api -> api.findBooks(title) }
.filter { book -> book.downloadLink.isNotEmpty() }
.distinctBy { book -> book.downloadLink }
interface BookStoreApi {
fun findBooks(title: String): List<Book>
class FirstBookStoreApi(private val httpClient: HttpClient) : BookStoreApi { ... }
class SecondBookStoreApi(private val httpClient: HttpClient) : BookStoreApi { ... }
class ThirdBookStoreApi(private val httpClient: HttpClient) : BookStoreApi { ... }
class BookFormatter {
fun format(book: Book) = buildString {
appendLine("Download: ${book.downloadLink}")
Scope represents dependency graph, so we should create at least one.
val appScope = scope("app-scope") { // declare application dependency graph
Scope should contain factory for BookSearchRepository
val appScope = scope("app-scope") {
factory<BookSearchRepository> { // register BookSearchRepository factory
bookStoreApis = collect() // collect all registered APIs
Repository factory attempts to collect API implementations in scope, so we need to register some BookStoreApi
val appScope = scope("app-scope") {
element<BookStoreApi> { // Register element for list of APIs
FirstBookStoreApi(httpClient = get())
element<BookStoreApi> { // Register element for list of APIs
SecondBookStoreApi(httpClient = get())
element<BookStoreApi> { // Register element for list of APIs
ThirdBookStoreApi(httpClient = get())
singleton<HttpClient> { // Register HttpClient for APIs
Now we are ready to define our component. There should be two public dependencies: BookSearchRepository
and BookFormatter
object AppComponent : Component(appScope) {
fun searchRepository(): BookSearchRepository = get()
fun bookFormatter(): BookFormatter = get()
class BookSearchApplication {
private val bookSearchRepository by lazy { AppComponent.searchRepository() }
private val bookFormatter by lazy { AppComponent.bookFormatter() }
fun search(title: String) {
val books = bookSearchRepository.findBooks(title)
for (book in books) {
fun main() = BookSearchApplication()
.findBooks("Catcher in the rye")
When we will press the ▶
button, we will face a problem. Programm finished with error, because we forgot to register factory for BookFormatter
Exception in thread "main" scout.exception.MissingObjectFactoryException: Missing factory for Object(type=BookFormatter)
Tree of scopes:
⌞ Scope(name="app-scope") (object factories: 2, collection factories: 1, association factories: 0, allowed object overrides: 0)
at scout.Scope.getObject$core(Scope.kt:159)
at scout.scope.access.Accessor.get(Accessor.kt:79)
Process finished with exit code 1
To test our dependency graph we need to add validator module:
dependencies {
testImplementation "$scout_version"
Test will look like:
class DependencyGraphTest {
fun `Test dependency graph`() {
Now we can make sure that the error in the dependency graph is found by the test:
Validate 1 components using ConsistencyChecker
✘ Consistency check failed with 1 errors
Exception in thread "main" scout.validator.ValidationException:
[Consistency check failed with 1 errors]
✘ [An error occurred while calling of method AppComponent.bookFormatter(AppComponent.kt:0)] (1 errors)
scout.exception.MissingObjectFactoryException: Missing factory for Object(type=BookFormatter)
Tree of scopes:
⌞ Scope(name="app-scope") (object factories: 2, collection factories: 1, association factories: 0, allowed object overrides: 0)
at scout.Scope.getObject$core(Scope.kt:159)
at scout.scope.access.Accessor.get(Accessor.kt:79)
Process finished with exit code 1
Let's register factory for BookFormater
to fix the program.
reusable<BookFormatter> { // register reusable instance of BookFormatter type
Once we fixed the problem, the test started to pass.
Validate 1 components using ConsistencyChecker
✔ Consistency check passed without errors
Process finished with exit code 0
The last thing left to do is to decompose the scope declaration so that in the future the scope configuration does not turn into one huge method. Factory registrations can be separated into extension methods on type Registry
val appScope = scope("app-scope") {
fun Registry.useRepositoryBeans() {
factory<BookSearchRepository> {
bookStoreApis = collect()
fun Registry.useStoreApiBeans() {
element<BookStoreApi> {
FirstBookStoreApi(httpClient = get())
element<BookStoreApi> {
SecondBookStoreApi(httpClient = get())
element<BookStoreApi> {
ThirdBookStoreApi(httpClient = get())
fun Registy.useNetworkBeans() {
singleton<HttpClient> {
fun Registry.usePresentationBeans() {
reusable<BookFormatter> {