This API clears the in-memory cache that contains the prefetched offers.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public static void clearPrefetchCache()
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %} Syntax
static func clearPrefetchCache()
[AEPMobileTarget clearPrefetchCache];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (void) clearPrefetchCache;
[ACPTarget clearPrefetchCache];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} Signature
Example usage
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
This API sends a location click notification for an mbox to the configured Target server and can be invoked in the following cases:
- For a prefetched mbox, after the mbox content is retrieved using the
API. - For a regular mbox, where no previous prefetch request is made, and the mbox content is retrieved using the
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public static void locationClicked(final String mboxName, final TargetParameters parameters)
- mboxName is a String that contains the mbox location for which the click notification will be sent to Target.
- parameters is the configured
for the request.
// Mbox parameters
Map<String, String> mboxParameters = new HashMap<>();
mboxParameters.put("membership", "prime");
// Product parameters
TargetProduct targetProduct = new TargetProduct("CEDFJC", "Electronics");
// Order parameters
List<String> purchasedIds = new ArrayList<String>();
TargetOrder targetOrder = new TargetOrder("NJJICK", "650", purchasedIds);
// Profile parameters
Map<String, String> profileParameters = new HashMap<>();
profileParameters.put("ageGroup", "20-32");
// Create Target Parameters
TargetParameters targetParameters = new TargetParameters.Builder(mboxParameters)
Target.locationClicked("cartLocation", targetParameters);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %} Syntax
static func clickedLocation(_ name: String, targetParameters: TargetParameters?)
- name : a
that contains the mbox location for which the click notification will be sent to Target. - targetParameters : the configured
for the request.
Target.clickedLocation("aep-loc-1", targetParameters: TargetParameters(parameters: ["mbox_parameter_key": "mbox_parameter_value"], profileParameters: ["name": "Smith"], order: TargetOrder(id: "id1", total: 1.0, purchasedProductIds: ["ppId1"]), product: TargetProduct(productId: "pId1", categoryId: "cId1")))
AEPTargetOrder *order = [[AEPTargetOrder alloc] initWithId:@"id1" total:1.0 purchasedProductIds:@[@"ppId1"]];
AEPTargetProduct *product =[[AEPTargetProduct alloc] initWithProductId:@"pId1" categoryId:@"cId1"];
AEPTargetParameters * targetParams = [[AEPTargetParameters alloc] initWithParameters:@{@"mbox_parameter_key":@"mbox_parameter_value"} profileParameters:@{@"name":@"Smith"} order:order product:product];
[AEPMobileTarget clickedLocation:@"aep-loc-1" withTargetParameters:targetParams];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (void) locationClickedWithName: (nonnull NSString*) name targetParameters: (nullable ACPTargetParameters*) parameters;
- name is an NSString that contains the mbox location for which the click notification will be sent to Target.
- parameters is the configured
for the request.
// Mbox parameters
let mboxParameters = [
"membership": "prime"
// Product parameters
let productParameters = [
"id": "CEDFJC",
"categoryId": "Electronics"
// Order parameters
let orderParameters = [
"id": "NJJICK",
"total": "650",
"purchasedProductIds": "81, 123, 190"
// Profile parameters
let profileParameters = [
"ageGroup": "20-32"
// Create Target parameters
let product = ACPTargetProduct(id: "24D334", categoryId: "Stationary")
let order = ACPTargetOrder(id: "ADCKKBC", total: NSNumber(value: 400.50), purchasedProductIds: ["34", "125"])
let targetParameters = ACPTargetParameters(parameters: nil, profileParameters: nil, product: product, order: order)
ACPTarget.locationClicked(withName: "cartLocation", targetParameters: targetParameters)
// Mbox parameters
NSDictionary *mboxParameters = @{@"membership":@"prime"};
// Product parameters
NSDictionary *productParameters = @{@"id":@"CEDFJC",
// Order parameters
NSDictionary *orderParameters = @{@"id":@"NJJICK",
@"purchasedProductIds":@"81, 123, 190"};
// Profile parameters
NSDictionary *profileParameters = @{@"ageGroup":@"20-32"};
// Create Target parameters
ACPTargetProduct *product = [ACPTargetProduct targetProductWithId:@"24D334" categoryId:@"Stationary"];
ACPTargetOrder *order = [ACPTargetOrder targetOrderWithId:@"ADCKKBC" total:@(400.50) purchasedProductIds:@[@"34", @"125"]];
ACPTargetParameters *targetParameters = [ACPTargetParameters targetParametersWithParameters:nil
[ACPTarget locationClickedWithName:@"cartLocation" targetParameters:targetParameters];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} Syntax
locationClickedWithName(name: string, parameters?: ACPTargetParameters)
- name is a string that contains the mbox location for which the click notification will be sent to Target.
- parameters is the configured
for the request.
// Mbox parameters
var mboxParameters = {"membership": "prime"};
// Product parameters
var productParameters = new ACPTargetProduct("CEDFJC", "Electronics");
// Order parameters
var orderParameters = new ACPTargetOrder("NJJICK", 650, ["81","123","190"]);
// Profile parameters
var profileParameters = {"ageGroup": "20-32"};
// Create Target parameters
var product = new ACPTargetProduct("24D334", "Stationary");
var order = new ACPTargetOrder("ADCKKBC", 400.50, ["34","125"]);
var targetParameters = new ACPTargetParameters(null, null, product, order);
ACPTarget.locationClickedWithName("cartLocation", targetParameters);
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
This API sends a location display notification for an mbox to the configured Target server. The API should be invoked for a prefetched mbox after the mbox content is retrieved using the retrieveLocationContent
API. If no previous prefetch request is made, and the mbox content is retrieved using the retrieveLocationContent
API, calling this API does not trigger a notification request to the Target server.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public static void locationsDisplayed(final List<String> mboxNames, final TargetParameters targetParameters)
- mboxNames is a list of the mbox locations for which the display notification will be sent to Target.
- targetParameters is the configured
for the request.
List<String> purchasedProductIds = new ArrayList<String>();
TargetOrder targetOrder = new TargetOrder("123", 567.89, purchasedProductIds);
TargetProduct targetProduct = new TargetProduct("123", "Books");
TargetParameters targetParameters = new TargetParameters.Builder()
.parameters(new HashMap<String, String>())
.profileParameters(new HashMap<String, String>())
List<String> mboxList = new ArrayList<>();
Target.locationsDisplayed(mboxList, targetParameters);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %} Syntax
static func displayedLocations(_ names: [String], targetParameters: TargetParameters?)
- names : is an
of the mbox locations for which the display notification will be sent to Target. - targetParameters : is the configured
for the request.
["mboxName1", "mboxName2"],
targetParameters: TargetParameters(
parameters: nil,
profileParameters: nil,
order: TargetOrder(id: "ADCKKBC", total: 400.50, purchasedProductIds: ["34", "125"]),
product: TargetProduct(productId: "24D334", categoryId: "Stationary")
AEPTargetOrder *order = [[AEPTargetOrder alloc] initWithId:@"ADCKKBC" total:400.50 purchasedProductIds:@[@"34", @"125"]];
AEPTargetProduct *product =[[AEPTargetProduct alloc] initWithProductId:@"24D334" categoryId:@"Stationary"];
AEPTargetParameters * targetParams = [[AEPTargetParameters alloc] initWithParameters:nil profileParameters:nil order:order product:product];
[AEPMobileTarget displayedLocations:@[@"mboxName1", @"mboxName2"] withTargetParameters:targetParams];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (void) locationsDisplayed: (nonnull NSArray<NSString*>*) mboxNames
withTargetParameters: (nullable ACPTargetParameters*) targetParameters;
- mboxNames is an NSArray of the mbox locations for which the display notification will be sent to Target.
- targetParameters is the configured
for the request.
let product = ACPTargetProduct(id: "24D334", categoryId: "Stationary")
let order = ACPTargetOrder(id: "ADCKKBC", total: NSNumber(value: 400.50), purchasedProductIds: ["34", "125"])
let targetParameters = ACPTargetParameters(parameters: nil, profileParameters: nil, product: product, order: order)
ACPTarget.locationsDisplayed(["mboxName1", "mboxName2"], with: targetParameters)
ACPTargetProduct *product = [ACPTargetProduct targetProductWithId:@"24D334" categoryId:@"Stationary"];
ACPTargetOrder *order = [ACPTargetOrder targetOrderWithId:@"ADCKKBC" total:@(400.50) purchasedProductIds:@[@"34", @"125"]];
ACPTargetParameters *targetParameters = [ACPTargetParameters targetParametersWithParameters:nil
[ACPTarget locationsDisplayed:@[@"mboxName1", @"mboxName2"] withTargetParameters:targetParameters];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} Syntax
locationsDisplayed(mboxNames: Array<string>, parameters?: ACPTargetParameters)
- mboxNames is an Array of the mbox locations for which the display notification will be sent to Target.
- targetParameters is the configured
for the request.
var product = new ACPTargetProduct("24D334", "Stationary");
var order = new ACPTargetOrder("ADCKKBC", 400.50, ["34", "125"]);
var targetParameters = new ACPTargetParameters(null, null, product, order);
ACPTarget.locationsDisplayed(["mboxName1", "mboxName2"], targetParameters);
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Returns the running version of the Target extension.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public String extensionVersion()
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %} Syntax
static var extensionVersion: String
let targetVersion = Target.extensionVersion
NSString *targetVersion = [AEPMobileTarget extensionVersion];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (nonnull NSString*) extensionVersion;
let targetVersion = ACPTarget.extensionVersion()
NSString *targetVersion = [ACPTarget extensionVersion];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} Syntax
extensionVersion(): Promise<string>
ACPTarget.extensionVersion().then(version => {
// read Target extension version
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
This API gets the custom visitor ID for Target. If no third-party
ID was previously set, or if the ID was reset by calling resetExperience API, it will have a nil
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public static void getThirdPartyId(final AdobeCallback<String> callback)
- callback is invoked with the
value. If no third-party ID was set, this value will benull
Target.getThirdPartyId(new AdobeCallback<String>() {
public void call(String thirdPartyId) {
// read Target thirdPartyId
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %} Syntax
static func getThirdPartyId(_ completion: @escaping (String?, Error?) -> Void)
- completion : invoked with the
value. If nothird-party
ID was set, this value will benil
Target.getThirdPartyId { (id, err) in
// read Target thirdPartyId
[AEPMobileTarget getThirdPartyId:^(NSString *thirdPartyID, NSError *error){
// read Target thirdPartyId
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (void) getThirdPartyId: (nonnull void (^) (NSString* __nullable thirdPartyId)) callback;
- callback is invoked with the
value. If no third-party ID was set, this value will benil
ACPTarget.getThirdPartyId({thirdPartyID in
// read Target thirdPartyId
[ACPTarget getThirdPartyId:^(NSString *thirdPartyId){
// read Target thirdPartyId
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} Syntax
getThirdPartyId(): Promise<string>
- A Promise object is returned and is resolved with the
ACPTarget.getThirdPartyId().then(thirdPartyId => {
// read Target thirdPartyId
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
This API gets the Target user ID (also known as the tntId
) from the Target service. The tntId
is returned in the network response after a successful call to prefetchContent
or retrieveLocationContent
, which is then persisted in the SDK. This ID is preserved between app upgrades, is saved and restored during the standard application backup process, and is removed at uninstall or when the resetExperience
API is used.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public static void getTntId(final AdobeCallback<String> callback)
- callback is invoked with the
value. If no Target ID was set, this value will benull
Target.getTntId(new AdobeCallback<String>() {
public void call(String tntId) {
// read target's tntid
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %} Syntax
static func getTntId(_ completion: @escaping (String?, Error?) -> Void)
- completion : invoked with the
value. If no Target ID was set, this value will benil
Target.getTntId({ (id, err) in
// read target's tntId
[AEPMobileTarget getTntId:^(NSString *tntID, NSError *error){
// read target's tntId
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (void) getTntId: (nonnull void (^) (NSString* __nullable tntId)) callback;
- callback is invoked with the
value. If no Target ID was set, this value will benil
ACPTarget.getTntId({tntId in
// read target's tntId
[ACPTarget getTntId:^(NSString *tntId){
// read target's tntId
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} Syntax
getTntId(): Promise<string>
- A Promise object is returned and is resolved with the
ACPTarget.getTntId().then(tntId => {
// read target's tntId
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
This API sends a prefetch request to your configured Target server. The prefetch request is sent with the prefetch objects array and the specified Target parameters.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public static void prefetchContent(final List<TargetPrefetch> mboxPrefetchList, final TargetParameters parameters, final AdobeCallback<String> callback)
- mboxPrefetchList is a list of
objects for various mbox locations. - parameters is the configured
for the prefetch request. - If the prefetch is successful, callback is invoked with a
value. If the prefetch is not successful, an error message is returned.
// first prefetch request
Map<String, String> mboxParameters1 = new HashMap<>();
mboxParameters1.put("status", "platinum");
TargetParameters targetParameters1 = new TargetParameters.Builder()
TargetPrefetch prefetchRequest1 = new TargetPrefetch("mboxName1", targetParameters1);
// second prefetch request
Map<String, String> mboxParameters2 = new HashMap<>();
mboxParameters2.put("userType", "paid");
List<String> purchasedIds = new ArrayList<String>();
TargetOrder targetOrder = new TargetOrder("ADCKKIM", 344.30, purchasedIds);
TargetProduct targetProduct = new TargetProduct("24D3412", "Books");
TargetParameters targetParameters2 = new TargetParameters.Builder()
TargetPrefetch prefetchRequest2 = new TargetPrefetch("mboxName2", targetParameters2);
List<TargetPrefetch> prefetchMboxesList = new ArrayList<>();
// Call the prefetchContent API.
TargetParamters targetParameters = null;
Target.prefetchContent(prefetchMboxesList, targetParameters, prefetchStatusCallback);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %} Syntax
static func prefetchContent(_ prefetchArray: [TargetPrefetch], with targetParameters: TargetParameters? = nil, _ completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?)
- prefetchArray - is an array of
objects for various mbox locations. - targetParameters - is the configured
for the prefetch request. - If the prefetch is successful,
is invoked with a nil value. If the prefetch is not successful, an error message is returned.
let TargetParameters1 = TargetParameters(
parameters: ["status": "platinum"],
profileParameters: ["age": "20"],
order: TargetOrder(id: "ADCKKIM", total: 344.30, purchasedProductIds: ["34", "125"]),
product: TargetProduct(productId: "24D3412", categoryId:"Books")
let TargetParameters2 = TargetParameters(
parameters: ["userType": "Paid"],
profileParameters: nil,
order: TargetOrder(id: "ADCKKIM", total: 344.30, purchasedProductIds: ["id1", "id2"]),
product: TargetProduct(productId: "764334", categoryId:"Online")
let globalTargetParameters = TargetParameters(
parameters: ["status": "progressive"],
profileParameters: ["age": "20-32"],
order: TargetOrder(id: "ADCKKBC", total: 400.50, purchasedProductIds: ["34", "125"]),
product: TargetProduct(productId: "24D334", categoryId:"Stationary")
TargetPrefetch(name: "mboxName1", targetParameters: TargetParameters1),
TargetPrefetch(name: "mboxName2", targetParameters: TargetParameters2),
with: globalTargetParameters
){ error in
// do something with the callback response
NSDictionary *mboxParameters1 = @{@"status":@"platinum"};
NSDictionary *profileParameters1 = @{@"age":@"20"};
AEPTargetProduct *product1 = [[AEPTargetProduct alloc] initWithProductId:@"24D3412" categoryId:@"Books"];
AEPTargetOrder *order1 = [[AEPTargetOrder alloc] initWithId:@"ADCKKIM" total:[@(344.30) doubleValue] purchasedProductIds:@[@"34", @"125"]];
AEPTargetParameters *targetParameters1 = [[AEPTargetParameters alloc] initWithParameters:mboxParameters1 profileParameters:profileParameters1 order:order1 product:product1 ];
NSDictionary *mboxParameters2 = @{@"userType":@"Paid"};
AEPTargetProduct *product2 = [[AEPTargetProduct alloc] initWithProductId:@"764334" categoryId:@"Online"];
AEPTargetOrder *order2 = [[AEPTargetOrder alloc] initWithId:@"ADCKKIM" total:[@(344.30) doubleValue] purchasedProductIds:@[@"id1",@"id2"]];
AEPTargetParameters *targetParameters2 = [[AEPTargetParameters alloc] initWithParameters:mboxParameters2 profileParameters:nil order:order2 product:product2 ];
// Creating Prefetch Objects
AEPTargetPrefetchObject *prefetch1 = [[AEPTargetPrefetchObject alloc] initWithName: @"logo" targetParameters:targetParameters1];
AEPTargetPrefetchObject *prefetch2 = [[AEPTargetPrefetchObject alloc] initWithName: @"buttonColor" targetParameters:targetParameters2];
// Creating prefetch Array
NSArray *prefetchArray = @[prefetch1,prefetch2];
// Creating Target parameters
NSDictionary *mboxParameters = @{@"status":@"progressive"};
NSDictionary *profileParameters = @{@"age":@"20-32"};
AEPTargetProduct *product = [[AEPTargetProduct alloc] initWithProductId:@"24D334" categoryId:@"Stationary"];
AEPTargetOrder *order = [[AEPTargetOrder alloc] initWithId:@"ADCKKBC" total:[@(400.50) doubleValue] purchasedProductIds:@[@"34", @"125"]];
AEPTargetParameters *targetParameters = [[AEPTargetParameters alloc] initWithParameters:mboxParameters
// Target API Call
[AEPMobileTarget prefetchContent:prefetchArray withParameters:targetParameters callback:^(NSError * _Nullable error){
// do something with the callback response
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (void) prefetchContent: (nonnull NSArray<ACPTargetPrefetchObject*>*) prefetchObjectArray
withParameters: (nullable ACPTargetParameters*) parameters
callback: (nullable void (^) (NSError* _Nullable error)) callback;
let mboxParameters1 = [
"status": "platinum"
let profileParameters1 = [
"age": "20"
let product1 = ACPTargetProduct(id: "24D3412", categoryId: "Books")
let order1 = ACPTargetOrder(id: "ADCKKIM", total: NSNumber(value: 344.30), purchasedProductIds: ["34", "125"])
let targetParameters1 = ACPTargetParameters(parameters: mboxParameters1, profileParameters: profileParameters1, product: product1, order: order1)
let mboxParameters2 = [
"userType": "Paid"
let product2 = ACPTargetProduct(id: "764334", categoryId: "Online")
let order2 = ACPTargetOrder(id: "ADCKKIM", total: NSNumber(value: 344.30), purchasedProductIds: ["id1", "id2"])
let targetParameters2 = ACPTargetParameters(parameters: mboxParameters2, profileParameters: nil, product: product2, order: order2)
// Creating Prefetch Objects
let prefetch1 = ACPTargetPrefetchObject(name: "logo", targetParameters: targetParameters1)
let prefetch2 = ACPTargetPrefetchObject(name: "buttonColor", targetParameters: targetParameters2)
// Creating prefetch Array
let prefetchArray = [prefetch1, prefetch2]
// Creating Target parameters
let mboxParameters = [
"status": "progressive"
let profileParameters = [
"age": "20-32"
let product = ACPTargetProduct(id: "24D334", categoryId: "Stationary")
let order = ACPTargetOrder(id: "ADCKKBC", total: NSNumber(value: 400.50), purchasedProductIds: ["34", "125"])
let targetParameters = ACPTargetParameters(parameters: mboxParameters, profileParameters: profileParameters, product: product, order: order)
// Target API Call
ACPTarget.prefetchContent(prefetchArray, with: targetParameters, callback: { error in
// do something with the callback response
NSDictionary *mboxParameters1 = @{@"status":@"platinum"};
NSDictionary *profileParameters1 = @{@"age":@"20"};
ACPTargetProduct *product1 = [ACPTargetProduct targetProductWithId:@"24D3412" categoryId:@"Books"];
ACPTargetOrder *order1 = [ACPTargetOrder targetOrderWithId:@"ADCKKIM" total:@(344.30) purchasedProductIds:@[@"34", @"125"]];
ACPTargetParameters *targetParameters1 = [ACPTargetParameters targetParametersWithParameters:mboxParameters1
NSDictionary *mboxParameters2 = @{@"userType":@"Paid"};
ACPTargetProduct *product2 = [ACPTargetProduct targetProductWithId:@"764334" categoryId:@"Online"];
ACPTargetOrder *order2 = [ACPTargetOrder targetOrderWithId:@"ADCKKIM" total:@(344.30) purchasedProductIds:@[@"id1",@"id2"]];
ACPTargetParameters *targetParameters2 = [ACPTargetParameters targetParametersWithParameters:mboxParameters2
// Creating Prefetch Objects
ACPTargetPrefetchObject *prefetch1 = [ACPTargetPrefetchObject targetPrefetchObjectWithName:@"logo"
ACPTargetPrefetchObject *prefetch2 = [ACPTargetPrefetchObject targetPrefetchObjectWithName:@"buttonColor"
// Creating prefetch Array
NSArray *prefetchArray = @[prefetch1,prefetch2];
// Creating Target parameters
NSDictionary *mboxParameters = @{@"status":@"progressive"};
NSDictionary *profileParameters = @{@"age":@"20-32"};
ACPTargetProduct *product = [ACPTargetProduct targetProductWithId:@"24D334" categoryId:@"Stationary"];
ACPTargetOrder *order = [ACPTargetOrder targetOrderWithId:@"ADCKKBC" total:@(400.50) purchasedProductIds:@[@"34", @"125"]];
ACPTargetParameters *targetParameters = [ACPTargetParameters targetParametersWithParameters:mboxParameters
// Target API Call
[ACPTarget prefetchContent:prefetchArray withParameters:targetParameters callback:^(NSError * _Nullable error){
// do something with the callback response
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} Syntax
prefetchContent(prefetchObjectArray: Array<ACPTargetPrefetchObject>, parameters?: ACPTargetParameters): Promise<any>
- prefetchObjectArray is an Array of
objects for various mbox locations. - parameters is the configured
for the prefetch request. - A Promise object is returned and is resolved with true value or is rejected with the reason for the error.
var mboxParameters1 = {"status": "platinum"};
var profileParameters1 = {"age": "20"};
var product1 = new ACPTargetProduct("24D3412", "Books");
var order1 = new ACPTargetOrder("ADCKKIM", 344.30, ["34","125"]);
var targetParameters1 = new ACPTargetParameters(mboxParameters1, profileParameters1, product1, order1);
var mboxParameters2 = {"userType": "Paid"};
var product2 = new ACPTargetProduct("764334", "Online");
var order2 = new ACPTargetOrder("ADCKKIM", 344.30, ["id1","id2"]);
var targetParameters2 = new ACPTargetParameters(mboxParameters2, null, product2, order2);
// Creating Prefetch Objects
var prefetch1 = new ACPTargetPrefetchObject("logo", targetParameters1);
var prefetch2 = new ACPTargetPrefetchObject("buttonColor", targetParameters2);
// Creating prefetch Array
var prefetchList = [prefetch1, prefetch2];
// Creating Target parameters
var mboxParameters = {"status": "progressive"};
var profileParameters = {"age": "20-32"};
var product = new ACPTargetProduct("24D334", "Stationary");
var order = new ACPTargetOrder("ADCKKBC", 400.50, ["34","125"]);
var targetParameters = new ACPTargetParameters(mboxParameters, profileParameters, product, order);
// Target API Call
ACPTarget.prefetchContent(prefetchList, targetParameters).then(success => console.log(success)).catch(err => console.log(err));
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Registers the Target extension with the Mobile Core.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public static void registerExtension()
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %}
This API no longer exists in Target
. Instead, the extension should be registered by calling the registerExtensions
API in the MobileCore. Please see the updated SDK initialization steps at the migrate to Swift tutorial.
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (void) registerExtension;
[ACPTarget registerExtension];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} When using React Native, register the Target extension with Mobile Core in native code as shown on the Android and iOS tabs. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
This API resets the user's experience by removing the visitor identifiers and resetting the Target session. Invoking this API also removes previously set Target user ID and custom visitor IDs, Target Edge Host, and the session information from persistent storage.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public static void resetExperience()
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %} Syntax
static func resetExperience()
[AEPMobileTarget resetExperience];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (void) resetExperience;
[ACPTarget resetExperience];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} Syntax
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
This API sends a batch request to the configured Target server for multiple mbox locations.
A request will be sent to the configured Target server for mbox locations in the requests array for Target requests that have not been previously prefetched. The content for the mbox locations that have been prefetched in a previous request are returned from the SDK, and no additional network request is made. Each Target request object in the list contains a callback function, which is invoked when content is available for its given mbox location.
When using contentWithData
callback to instantiate TargetRequest object, the following keys can be used to read response tokens and Analytics for Target (A4T) info from the data payload, if available in the Target response.
- responseTokens (Response tokens)
- analytics.payload (A4T payload)
- (Click tracking A4T payload)
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public static void retrieveLocationContent(final List<TargetRequest> targetRequestList, final TargetParameters parameters)
- targetRequestList is a list of
objects for various mbox locations. - parameters is the configured
for the retrieve location request.
// define parameters for first request
Map<String, String> mboxParameters1 = new HashMap<>();
mboxParameters1.put("status", "platinum");
TargetParameters parameters1 = new TargetParameters.Builder().parameters(mboxParameters1).build();
TargetRequest request1 = new TargetRequest("mboxName1", parameters1, "defaultContent1",
new AdobeCallback<String>() {
public void call(String value) {
// do something with target content.
// define parameters for second request
Map<String, String> mboxParameters2 = new HashMap<>();
mboxParameters2.put("userType", "paid");
List<String> purchasedIds = new ArrayList<String>();
TargetOrder targetOrder = new TargetOrder("ADCKKIM", 344.30, purchasedIds);
TargetProduct targetProduct = new TargetProduct("24D3412", "Books");
TargetParameters parameters2 = new TargetParameters.Builder()
TargetRequest request2 = new TargetRequest("mboxName2", parameters2, "defaultContent2",
new AdobeTargetDetailedCallback() {
public void call(final String content, final Map<String, Object> data) {
if (content != null && !content.isEmpty()) {
// do something with the target content.
// Read the data Map containing one or more of response tokens, analytics payload
// and click metric analytics payload, if available
if (data != null && !data.isEmpty()) {
Map<String, String> responseTokens = data.containsKey("responseTokens") ?
(Map<String, String>) data.get("responseTokens") :
Map<String, String> analyticsPayload = data.containsKey("analytics.payload") ?
(Map<String, String>) data.get("analytics.payload") :
Map<String, String> clickMetricAnalyticsPayload = data.containsKey("") ?
(Map<String, String>) data.get("") :
void fail(final AdobeError error) {
// take appropriate action upon error.
// Creating Array of Request Objects
List<TargetRequest> locationRequests = new ArrayList<>();
// Define the profile parameters map.
Map<String, String> profileParameters1 = new HashMap<>();
profileParameters1.put("ageGroup", "20-32");
TargetParameters parameters = new TargetParameters.Builder().profileParameters(profileParameters1).build();
// Call the targetRetrieveLocationContent API.
Target.retrieveLocationContent(locationRequests, parameters);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %} Syntax
static func retrieveLocationContent(_ requestArray: [TargetRequest], with targetParameters: TargetParameters? = nil)
- requestArray - an array of
objects to retrieve content - targetParameters - a
object containing parameters for all locations in the requests array
let TargetParameters1 = TargetParameters(
parameters: ["status": "platinum"],
profileParameters: ["age": "20"],
order: TargetOrder(id: "ADCKKIM", total: 344.30, purchasedProductIds: ["34", "125"]),
product: TargetProduct(productId: "24D3412", categoryId: "Books")
let TargetParameters2 = TargetParameters(
parameters: ["userType": "Paid"],
profileParameters: nil,
order: TargetOrder(id: "ADCKKIM", total: 344.30, purchasedProductIds: ["id1", "id2"]),
product: TargetProduct(productId: "764334", categoryId: "Online")
let globalTargetParameters = TargetParameters(
parameters: ["status": "progressive"],
profileParameters: ["age": "20-32"],
order: TargetOrder(id: "ADCKKBC", total: 400.50, purchasedProductIds: ["34", "125"]),
product: TargetProduct(productId: "24D334", categoryId: "Stationary")
let request1 = TargetRequest(mboxName: "logo", defaultContent: "BlueWhale", targetParameters: TargetParameters1) { content in
if let content = content {
// do something with the target content.
let request2 = TargetRequest(mboxName: "logo", defaultContent: "red", targetParameters: TargetParameters2) { content, data in
if let content = content {
// do something with the target content.
// Read the data dictionary containing one or more of response tokens, analytics payload and click-tracking analytics payload, if available.
if let data = data {
let responseTokens = data["responseTokens"] as? [String: String] ?? [:]
let analyticsPayload = data["analytics.payload"] as? [String: String] ?? [:]
let clickMetricAnalyticsPayload = data[""] as? [String: String] ?? [:]
Target.retrieveLocationContent([request1, request2], with: globalTargetParameters)
NSDictionary *mboxParameters1 = @{@"status":@"platinum"};
NSDictionary *profileParameters1 = @{@"age":@"20"};
AEPTargetProduct *product1 = [[AEPTargetProduct alloc] initWithProductId:@"24D3412" categoryId:@"Books"];
AEPTargetOrder *order1 = [[AEPTargetOrder alloc] initWithId:@"ADCKKIM" total:[@(344.30) doubleValue] purchasedProductIds:@[@"34", @"125"]];
AEPTargetParameters *targetParameters1 = [[AEPTargetParameters alloc] initWithParameters:mboxParameters1 profileParameters:profileParameters1 order:order1 product:product1 ];
NSDictionary *mboxParameters2 = @{@"userType":@"Paid"};
AEPTargetProduct *product2 = [[AEPTargetProduct alloc] initWithProductId:@"764334" categoryId:@"Online"];
AEPTargetOrder *order2 = [[AEPTargetOrder alloc] initWithId:@"ADCKKIM" total:[@(344.30) doubleValue] purchasedProductIds:@[@"id1",@"id2"]];
AEPTargetParameters *targetParameters2 = [[AEPTargetParameters alloc] initWithParameters:mboxParameters2 profileParameters:nil order:order2 product:product2 ];
AEPTargetRequestObject *request1 = [[AEPTargetRequestObject alloc] initWithMboxName: @"logo" defaultContent: @"BlueWhale" targetParameters: targetParameters1 contentCallback:^(NSString * _Nullable content) {
// do something with the received content
NSString *targetContent = content ?: @"";
AEPTargetRequestObject *request2 = [[AEPTargetRequestObject alloc] initWithMboxName: @"logo" defaultContent: @"red" targetParameters: targetParameters2 contentWithDataCallback:^(NSString * _Nullable content, NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable data) {
// do something with the target content.
NSString *targetContent = content ?: @"";
// Read the data dictionary containing one or more of response tokens, analytics payload and click-tracking analytics payload, if available.
if ([data count] > 0) {
if ([data objectForKey:@"responseTokens"]) {
// read response tokens
if ([data objectForKey:@"analytics.payload"]) {
// read analytics payload
if ([data objectForKey:@""]) {
// read click-tracking analytics payload
// Create request object array
NSArray *requestArray = @[request1,request2];
// Creating Target parameters
NSDictionary *mboxParameters = @{@"status":@"progressive"};
NSDictionary *profileParameters = @{@"age":@"20-32"};
AEPTargetProduct *product = [[AEPTargetProduct alloc] initWithProductId:@"24D334" categoryId:@"Stationary"];
AEPTargetOrder *order = [[AEPTargetOrder alloc] initWithId:@"ADCKKBC" total:[@(400.50) doubleValue] purchasedProductIds:@[@"34", @"125"]];
AEPTargetParameters *targetParameters = [[AEPTargetParameters alloc] initWithParameters:mboxParameters
[AEPMobileTarget retrieveLocationContent: requestArray withParameters: targetParameters];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (void) retrieveLocationContent: (nonnull NSArray<ACPTargetRequestObject*>*) requests
withParameters: (nullable ACPTargetParameters*) parameters;
- requests is an NSArray of
objects for various mbox locations. - parameters is the configured
for the load request.
let mboxParameters1 = [
"status": "platinum"
let product1 = ACPTargetProduct(id: "24D3412", categoryId: "Books")
let order1 = ACPTargetOrder(id: "ADCKKIM", total: NSNumber(value: 344.30), purchasedProductIds: ["a", "b"])
let mboxParameters2 = [
"userType": "Paid"
let product2 = ACPTargetProduct(id: "764334", categoryId: "Online")
let order2 = ACPTargetOrder(id: "4t4uxksa", total: NSNumber(value: 54.90), purchasedProductIds: ["id1", "id2"])
let params1 = ACPTargetParameters(parameters: mboxParameters1, profileParameters: nil, product: product1, order: order1)
let request1 = ACPTargetRequestObject(name: "logo", targetParameters: params1, defaultContent: "BlueWhale", callback: { content in
// do something with the received content
let params2 = ACPTargetParameters(parameters: mboxParameters2, profileParameters: nil, product: product2, order: order2)
let request2 = ACPTargetRequestObject(name: "logo", targetParameters: params2, defaultContent: "red", callback: { content in
// do something with the received content
// Create request object array
let requestArray = [request1, request2]
// Creating Target parameters
let mboxParameters = [
"status": "progressive"
let profileParameters = [
"age": "20-32"
let product = ACPTargetProduct(id: "24D334", categoryId: "Stationary")
let order = ACPTargetOrder(id: "ADCKKBC", total: NSNumber(value: 400.50), purchasedProductIds: ["34", "125"])
let targetParameters = ACPTargetParameters(parameters: mboxParameters, profileParameters: profileParameters, product: product, order: order)
// Call the API
ACPTarget.retrieveLocationContent(requestArray, with: targetParameters)
NSDictionary *mboxParameters1 = @{@"status":@"platinum"};
ACPTargetProduct *product1 = [ACPTargetProduct targetProductWithId:@"24D3412" categoryId:@"Books"];
ACPTargetOrder *order1 = [ACPTargetOrder targetOrderWithId:@"ADCKKIM" total:@(344.30) purchasedProductIds:@[@"a", @"b"]];
NSDictionary *mboxParameters2 = @{@"userType":@"Paid"};
ACPTargetProduct *product2 = [ACPTargetProduct targetProductWithId:@"764334" categoryId:@"Online"];
ACPTargetOrder *order2 = [ACPTargetOrder targetOrderWithId:@"4t4uxksa" total:@(54.90) purchasedProductIds:@[@"id1",@"id2"]];
ACPTargetParameters *params1 = [ACPTargetParameters targetParametersWithParameters:mboxParameters1
ACPTargetRequestObject *request1 = [ACPTargetRequestObject targetRequestObjectWithName:@"logo" targetParameters:params1
defaultContent:@"BlueWhale" callback:^(NSString * _Nullable content) {
// do something with the received content
ACPTargetParameters *params2 = [ACPTargetParameters targetParametersWithParameters:mboxParameters2
ACPTargetRequestObject *request2 = [ACPTargetRequestObject targetRequestObjectWithName:@"logo" targetParameters:params2
defaultContent:@"red" callback:^(NSString * _Nullable content) {
// do something with the received content
// Create request object array
NSArray *requestArray = @[request1,request2];
// Creating Target parameters
NSDictionary *mboxParameters = @{@"status":@"progressive"};
NSDictionary *profileParameters = @{@"age":@"20-32"};
ACPTargetProduct *product = [ACPTargetProduct targetProductWithId:@"24D334" categoryId:@"Stationary"];
ACPTargetOrder *order = [ACPTargetOrder targetOrderWithId:@"ADCKKBC" total:@(400.50) purchasedProductIds:@[@"34", @"125"]];
ACPTargetParameters *targetParameters = [ACPTargetParameters targetParametersWithParameters:mboxParameters
// Call the API
[ACPTarget retrieveLocationContent:requestArray withParameters:targetParameters];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} Syntax
retrieveLocationContent(requests: Array<ACPTargetRequestObject>, parameters?: ACPTargetParameters)
- requests is an Array of
objects for various mbox locations. - parameters is the configured
for the load request.
var mboxParameters1 = {"status": "platinum"};
var product1 = new ACPTargetProduct("24D3412", "Books");
var order1 = new ACPTargetOrder("ADCKKIM", 344.30, ["a","b"]);
var mboxParameters2 = {"userType": "Paid"};
var product2 = new ACPTargetProduct("764334", "Online");
var order2 = new ACPTargetOrder("4t4uxksa", 54.90, ["id1","id2"]);
var params1 = new ACPTargetParameters(mboxParameters1, null, product1, order1);
var request1 = new ACPTargetRequestObject("logo", params1, "BlueWhale", (error, content) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log("Target content:" + content);
var params2 = new ACPTargetParameters(mboxParameters2, null, product2, order2);
var request2 = new ACPTargetRequestObject("logo", params1, "red", (error, content) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log("Target content:" + content);
// Create request object array
let requestArray = [request1, request2]
// Creating Target parameters
var mboxParameters = {"status": "progressive"};
var profileParameters = {"age": "20-32"};
var product = new ACPTargetProduct("24D334", "Stationary");
var order = new ACPTargetOrder("ADCKKBC", 400.50, ["34","125"]);
var targetParameters = new ACPTargetParameters(mboxParameters, profileParameters, product, order);
// Target API Call
ACPTarget.retrieveLocationContent(requestArray, targetParameters);
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
This API sets a specific location in the app to be displayed when preview mode selections have been confirmed.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public static void setPreviewRestartDeepLink(final Uri deepLink)
- deeplink is a Uri that contains the preview restart deeplink.
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %} Syntax
static func setPreviewRestartDeepLink(_ deeplink: URL)
- deeplink : a
that contains the preview restart deeplink.
if let url = URL(string: "myapp://HomePage") {
[AEPMobileTarget setPreviewRestartDeepLink:@"myapp://HomePage"];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (void) setPreviewRestartDeeplink: (nonnull NSURL*) deeplink;
- deeplink is an NSURL that contains the preview restart deeplink.
[ACPTarget setPreviewRestartDeepLink:@"myapp://HomePage"];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} Syntax
setPreviewRestartDeeplink(deepLink: string)
- deepLink is a string that contains the preview restart deeplink.
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
This API sets the custom visitor ID for Target. This ID is preserved between app upgrades, is saved and restored during the standard application backup process, and is removed at uninstall or when the resetExperience API is used.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %} Syntax
public static void setThirdPartyId(final String thirdPartyId)
- thirdPartyId is a String that contains the custom visitor ID to be set in Target.
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %} Syntax
static func setThirdPartyId(_ id: String)
- id : a
that contains the custom visitor ID to be set in Target.
[AEPMobileTarget setThirdPartyId:@"third-party-id"]
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %} Syntax
+ (void) setThirdPartyId: (nullable NSString*) thirdPartyId;
- thirdPartyId is a NSString that contains the custom visitor ID to be set in Target.
[ACPTarget setThirdPartyId:@"third-party-id"];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %} Syntax
setThirdPartyId(thirdPartyId: string)
- thirdPartyId is a string that contains the custom visitor ID to be set in Target.
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Target visual preview mode allows you to easily perform end-to-end QA activities by enrolling and previewing these activities on your device. This mode does not require a specialized testing set up. To get started, set up a URL scheme and generate the preview links.
{% tabs %}
{% tab title="Android" %}
On Android, when the application is launched as a result of a deep link, the collectLaunchInfo
API is internally invoked, and the Target activity and deep link information is extracted from the Intent extras.
{% hint style="info" %}
The SDK can only collect information from the launching Activity if setApplication
has been called. Setting the Application is only necessary on an Activity that is also an entry point for your application. However, setting the Application on each Activity has no negative impact and ensures that the SDK always has the necessary reference to your Application. We recommend that you call setApplication
in each of your Activities.
{% endhint %}
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %}
To enter the preview visual mode, use the collectLaunchInfo
API to enable the mode and click the red floating button that appears on the app screen.
public static func collectLaunchInfo(_ userInfo: [String: Any])
- userInfo : Dictionary of data relevant to the expected use case.
MobileCore.collectLaunchInfo(["adb_deeplink" : "com.adobe.targetpreview://"])
[AEPMobileCore collectLaunchInfo: @{@"adb_deeplink":@"com.adobe.targetpreview://"}];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %}
To enter the preview visual mode, use the collectLaunchInfo
API to enable the mode and click the red floating button that appears on the app screen.
+ (void) collectLaunchInfo: (nonnull NSDictionary*) userInfo;
- userInfo : NSDictionary of data relevant to the expected use case.
ACPCore.collectLaunchInfo(["adb_deeplink" : "com.adobe.targetpreview://"])
[ACPCore collectLaunchInfo: @{@"adb_deeplink":@"com.adobe.targetpreview://"}];`
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Android" %}
Here is a code sample for this class in Android:
public class TargetRequest extends TargetObject {
* Instantiate a TargetRequest object
* @param mboxName String mbox name for this request
* @param targetParameters TargetParameters for this request
* @param defaultContent String default content for this request
* @param contentCallback AdobeCallback<String> which will get called with Target mbox content
public TargetRequest(final String mboxName,
final TargetParameters targetParameters,
final String defaultContent,
final AdobeCallback<String> contentCallback);
* Instantiate a TargetRequest object.
* @param mboxName String mbox name for this request.
* @param targetParameters TargetParameters for this request.
* @param defaultContent String default content for this request.
* @param contentWithDataCallback AdobeTargetDetailedCallback which will get called with Target mbox content and other optional data such as Target response tokens, analytics payload, click metric analytics payload if available.
public TargetRequest(final String mboxName,
final TargetParameters targetParameters,
final String defaultContent,
final AdobeTargetDetailedCallback contentWithDataCallback);
Here is a code sample for this class in Android:
public class TargetPrefetch extends TargetObject {
* Instantiate a TargetPrefetch object
* @param mboxName String mbox name for this prefetch request
* @param targetParameters TargetParameters for this prefetch request
public TargetPrefetch(final String mboxName, final TargetParameters targetParameters)
Here is a code sample for this class in Android:
public class TargetParameters {
private TargetParameters() {}
* Builder used to construct a TargetParameters object
public static class Builder {
private Map<String, String> parameters;
private Map<String, String> profileParameters;
private TargetProduct product;
private TargetOrder order;
* Create a TargetParameters object Builder
public Builder() {}
* Create a TargetParameters object Builder
* @param parameters mbox parameters for the built TargetParameters
public Builder(final Map<String, String> parameters);
* Set mbox parameters on the built TargetParameters
* @param parameters mbox parameters map
* @return this builder
public Builder parameters(final Map<String, String> parameters);
* Set profile parameters on the built TargetParameters
* @param profileParameters profile parameters map
* @return this builder
public Builder profileParameters(final Map<String, String> profileParameters);
* Set product parameters on the built TargetParameters
* @param product product parameters
* @return this builder
public Builder product(final TargetProduct product);
* Set order parameters on the built TargetParameters
* @param order order parameters
* @return this builder
public Builder order(final TargetOrder order);
* Build the TargetParameters object
* @return the built TargetParameters object
public TargetParameters build();
Here is a code sample for this class in Android:
public class TargetOrder {
* Initialize a TargetOrder with an order id, order total and a list of purchasedProductIds
* @param id String order id
* @param total double order total amount
* @param purchasedProductIds a list of purchased product ids
public TargetOrder(final String id, final double total, final List<String> purchasedProductIds);
* Get the order id
* @return order id
public String getId();
* Get the order total
* @return order total
public double getTotal();
* Get the order purchasedProductIds
* @return a list of this order's purchased product ids
public List<String> getPurchasedProductIds();
Here is a code sample for this class in Android:
public class TargetProduct {
* Initialize a TargetProduct with a product id and a productCategoryId categoryId
* @param id String product id
* @param categoryId String product category id
public TargetProduct(final String id, final String categoryId);
* Get the product id
* @return product id
public String getId();
* Get the product categoryId
* @return product category id
public String getCategoryId();
A sample of this interface on Android can be seen below:
public interface AdobeTargetDetailedCallback {
* Callback function to pass the mbox content and other mbox payload values.
* @param content {@code String} mox content
* @param data A {@code Map<String, Object>} of mbox payload values. It will be null if neither response tokens nor analytics payload is available.
void call(final String content, final Map<String, Object> data);
* Callback function for notifying about the internal error in getting mbox details.
* @param error {@link AdobeError} represents the internal error occurred.
void fail(final AdobeError error);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (AEP 3.x)" %}
public class TargetRequest: NSObject, Codable {
@objc public let name: String
@objc public let defaultContent: String
@objc public let targetParameters: TargetParameters?
@objc let responsePairId: String
@objc var contentCallback: ((String?) -> Void)?
/// Instantiate a `TargetRequest` object
/// - Parameters:
/// - name: `String` mbox name for this request
/// - defaultContent: `String` default content for this request
/// - targetParameters: `TargetParameters` for this request
/// - contentCallback: which will get called with target mbox content
@objc public init(mboxName: String, defaultContent: String, targetParameters: TargetParameters? = nil, contentCallback: ((String?) -> Void)? = nil) {
name = mboxName
self.defaultContent = defaultContent
self.targetParameters = targetParameters
self.contentCallback = contentCallback
contentWithDataCallback = nil
responsePairId = UUID().uuidString
/// Instantiate a `TargetRequest` object
/// - Parameters:
/// - name: `String` mbox name for this request
/// - defaultContent: `String` default content for this request
/// - targetParameters: `TargetParameters` for this request
/// - contentWithDataCallback: which will get called with target mbox content, and an optional dictionary containing one or more of response tokens, analytics payload, and click metric analytics payload, if available.
@objc public init(mboxName: String, defaultContent: String, targetParameters: TargetParameters? = nil, contentWithDataCallback: ((String?, [String: Any]?) -> Void)? = nil) {
name = mboxName
self.defaultContent = defaultContent
self.targetParameters = targetParameters
self.contentWithDataCallback = contentWithDataCallback
contentCallback = nil
responsePairId = UUID().uuidString
The following example shows how to create an instance of a TargetRequest object that might be used to make a batch request to the configured Target server to fetch content for mbox locations.
let request1 = TargetRequest(mboxName: "mboxName", defaultContent: "default content", targetParameters: nil, contentCallback: { content in
print(content ?? "")
let request2 = TargetRequest(mboxName: "mboxName", defaultContent: "default content", targetParameters: nil, contentwithDataCallback: { content, data in
print(content ?? "")
if let data = data {
// read response tokens
let responseTokens = data["responseTokens"] as? [String: String] ?? [:]
// read analytics payload
let analyticsPayload = data["analytics.payload"] as? [String: String] ?? [:]
// read click-tracking analytics payload
let clickMetricAnalyticsPayload = data[""] as? [String: String] ?? [:]
AEPTargetRequestObject *request1 = [[AEPTargetRequestObject alloc] initWithMboxName:@"mboxName" defaultContent:@"defaultContent" targetParameters:nil contentCallback:^(NSString * _Nullable content) {
NSLog(@"%@", content ?: @"");
AEPTargetRequestObject *request2 = [[AEPTargetRequestObject alloc] initWithMboxName: @"logo" defaultContent: @"red" targetParameters: targetParameters2 contentWithDataCallback:^(NSString * _Nullable content, NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable data) {
NSLog(@"%@", content ?: @"");
if ([data count] > 0) {
if ([data objectForKey:@"responseTokens"]) {
// read response tokens
if ([data objectForKey:@"analytics.payload"]) {
// read analytics payload
if ([data objectForKey:@""]) {
// read click-tracking analytics payload
This class contains the name of the Target location/mbox and target parameters to be used in a prefetch request.
/// `TargetPrefetch` class, used for specifying a mbox location.
public class TargetPrefetch: NSObject, Codable {
@objc public let name: String
@objc public let targetParameters: TargetParameters?
/// Instantiate a `TargetPrefetch` object
/// - Parameters:
/// - name: `String` mbox name for this prefetch
/// - targetParameters: `TargetParameters` for this prefetch
@objc public init(name: String, targetParameters: TargetParameters? = nil) { = name
self.targetParameters = targetParameters
The following example can be used to create an instance of a TargetPrefetch object that might be used to make a prefetch request to the configured Target server to prefetch content for mbox locations.
let prefetch = TargetPrefetch(name: "mboxName", targetParameters: nil)
AEPTargetPrefetchObject *prefetch = [[AEPTargetPrefetchObject alloc] initWithName:@"mboxName" targetParameters:nil];
This class may optionally contain the mbox parameters dictionary, the profile parameters dictionary, the TargetOrder object, as well as the TargetProduct object.
/// Target parameter class, used for specifying custom parameters to be sent in Target requests,
/// such as location (former mbox) parameters, profile parameters, order/product parameters.
public class TargetParameters: NSObject, Codable {
@objc public let parameters: [String: String]?
@objc public let profileParameters: [String: String]?
@objc public let order: TargetOrder?
@objc public let product: TargetProduct?
/// Initialize a `TargetParameters` with the mbox parameters, the profile parameters, the order parameters and the product parameters.
/// - Parameters:
/// - parameters: the mbox parameters
/// - profileParameters: the profile parameters
/// - order: the order parameters
/// - product: the product parameters
@objc public init(parameters: [String: String]? = nil, profileParameters: [String: String]? = nil, order: TargetOrder? = nil, product: TargetProduct? = nil) {
self.parameters = parameters
self.profileParameters = profileParameters
self.order = order
self.product = product
The following example can be used to create an instance of a TargetParameters object.
let targetParameters = TargetParameters(parameters: ["mbox_parameter_key": "mbox_parameter_value"], profileParameters: ["name": "Smith"], order: TargetOrder(id: "id1", total: 1.0, purchasedProductIds: ["ppId1"]), product: TargetProduct(productId: "pId1", categoryId: "cId1"))
AEPTargetOrder *order = [[AEPTargetOrder alloc] initWithId:@"id1" total:1.0 purchasedProductIds:@[@"ppId1"]];
AEPTargetProduct *product =[[AEPTargetProduct alloc] initWithProductId:@"pId1" categoryId:@"cId1"];
AEPTargetParameters * targetParams = [[AEPTargetParameters alloc] initWithParameters:@{@"mbox_parameter_key":@"mbox_parameter_value"} profileParameters:@{@"name":@"Smith"} order:order product:product];
This class contains orderId, total and an array for purchasedProductIds.
/// Class for specifying Target order parameters
public class TargetOrder: NSObject, Codable {
@objc public let orderId: String
@objc public let total: Double
@objc public let purchasedProductIds: [String]?
/// Initialize a `TargetOrder` with an order `id`, order `total` and a list of `purchasedProductIds`
/// - Parameters:
/// - id: `String` order id
/// - total: `Double` order total amount
/// - purchasedProductIds: a list of purchased product ids
@objc public init(id: String, total: Double = 0, purchasedProductIds: [String]? = nil) {
orderId = id = total
self.purchasedProductIds = purchasedProductIds
The following example can be used to create an instance of a TargetOrder object.
let targetOrder = TargetOrder(id: "id1", total: 1.0, purchasedProductIds: ["ppId1"])
AEPTargetOrder *order = [[AEPTargetOrder alloc] initWithId:@"id1" total:1.0 purchasedProductIds:@[@"ppId1"]];
This class contains productId and categoryId.
/// Class for specifying Target product parameters
public class TargetProduct: NSObject, Codable {
@objc public let productId: String
@objc public let categoryId: String?
/// Initialize a `TargetProduct` with a product id and a productCategoryId.
/// - Parameters:
/// - productId: product id
/// - categoryId: product category id
@objc public init(productId: String, categoryId: String? = nil) {
self.productId = productId
self.categoryId = categoryId
The following example can be used to create an instance of a TargetProduct object.
let targetProduct = TargetProduct(productId: "pId1", categoryId: "cId1")
AEPTargetProduct *product =[[AEPTargetProduct alloc] initWithProductId:@"pId1" categoryId:@"cId1"];
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="iOS (ACP 2.x)" %}
This class extends ACPTargetPrefetchObject
by adding default content and a callback block that will be invoked to return mbox content from Target.
@interface ACPTargetRequestObject : ACPTargetPrefetchObject
/* The default content that will be returned if Target servers are unreachable */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSString* defaultContent;
/* Optional. When batch requesting Target locations, callback will be invoked when content is available for this location. */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) void (^callback)(NSString* __nullable content);
The following method can be used to create an instance of ACPTargetRequestObject that might be used to make a batch request to the configured Target server to fetch content for mbox locations.
+ (nonnull instancetype) targetRequestObjectWithName: (nonnull NSString*) name
targetParameters: (nullable ACPTargetParameters*) targetParameters
defaultContent: (nonnull NSString*) defaultContent
callback: (nullable void (^) (NSString* __nullable content)) callback;
This class contains the name of the Target location/mbox and target parameters to be used in a prefetch request.
@interface ACPTargetPrefetchObject : NSObject
/* The name of the Target location/mbox */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString* name;
/* Target parameters associated with the prefetch object. You can set all other parameters in this object */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) ACPTargetParameters* targetParameters;
The following method can be used to create an instance of ACPTargetPrefetchObject that might be used to make a prefetch request to the configured Target server to prefetch content for mbox locations.
+ (nonnull instancetype) targetPrefetchObjectWithName: (nonnull NSString*) name
targetParameters: (nullable ACPTargetParameters*) targetParameters;
This class contains mbox parameters dictionary, profile parameters dictionary, ACPTargetOrder object as well as ACPTargetProduct object.
@interface ACPTargetParameters : NSObject
/* Dictionary containing key-value pairs of parameters */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSDictionary<NSString*, NSString*>* parameters;
/* Dictionary containing key-value pairs of profile parameters */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSDictionary<NSString*, NSString*>* profileParameters;
/* ACPTargetOrder object */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) ACPTargetOrder* order;
/* ACPTargetProduct object */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) ACPTargetProduct* product;
The following method can be used to create an instance of ACPTargetParameters.
+ (nonnull instancetype) targetParametersWithParameters: (nullable NSDictionary*) parameters
profileParameters: (nullable NSDictionary*) profileParameters
product: (nullable ACPTargetProduct*) product
order: (nullable ACPTargetOrder*) order;
This class contains orderId, total and an array for purchasedProductIds.
@interface ACPTargetOrder : NSObject
/* Order ID */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSString* orderId;
/* Order total */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber* total;
/* Array of Purchased Product Ids */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<NSString*>* purchasedProductIds;
The following method can be used to create an instance of ACPTargetOrder.
+ (nonnull instancetype) targetOrderWithId: (nonnull NSString*) orderId
total: (nullable NSNumber*) total
purchasedProductIds: (nullable NSArray <NSString*>*) purchasedProductIds;
This class contains productId and categoryId.
@interface ACPTargetProduct : NSObject
/* Product ID */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString* productId;
/* Category ID */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSString* categoryId;
The following method can be used to create an instance of ACPTargetProduct.
+ (nonnull instancetype) targetProductWithId: (nonnull NSString*) productId
categoryId: (nullable NSString*) categoryId;
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="React Native" %}
This class extends ACPTargetPrefetchObject
by adding default content and a callback block that is invoked to return mbox content from Target.
class ACPTargetRequestObject extends ACPTargetPrefetchObject {
defaultContent: string;
constructor(name: string, targetParameters: ACPTargetParameters, defaultContent: string) {
super(name, targetParameters);
this.defaultContent = defaultContent;
This class contains the name of the Target location/mbox and Target parameters to be used in a prefetch request.
class ACPTargetPrefetchObject {
name: string;
targetParameters: ACPTargetParameters;
constructor(name?: string, targetParameters?: ACPTargetParameters) { = name;
this.targetParameters = targetParameters;
This class contains an mbox parameters dictionary, a profile parameters dictionary, an ACPTargetOrder
object, and an ACPTargetProduct
class ACPTargetParameters {
parameters: {string: string};
profileParameters: {string: string};
order: ACPTargetOrder;
product: ACPTargetProduct;
constructor(parameters?: {string: string}, profileParameters?: {string: string}, product?: ACPTargetProduct, order?: ACPTargetOrder) {
this.parameters = parameters;
this.profileParameters = profileParameters;
this.product = product;
this.order = order;
This class contains an orderId
, the total, and an array, for purchasedProductIds
class ACPTargetOrder {
orderId: string;
total: number;
purchasedProductIds: Array<string>;
constructor(orderId: string, total?: number, purchasedProductIds: Array<string>) {
this.orderId = orderId; = total;
this.purchasedProductIds = purchasedProductIds;
This class contains a productId and a categoryId.
class ACPTargetProduct {
productId: string;
categoryId: string;
constructor(productId: string, categoryId: string) {
this.productId = productId;
this.categoryId = categoryId;
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}