The main goal of this plugin is to enable you to edit translation phrases, without having to manually create or modify translation files on the server. This plugin allows you to change any phrase that is in Silyus in admin panel. All custom translations are saved in the xliff
In the admin panel view for each locale (enabled in the Sylius) shows how many messages have been translated, how many are left and translation progress.
See in action on youtube:
$ composer require yaroslavche/sylius-translation-plugin
Register bundle:
# config/bundles.php
Yaroslavche\SyliusTranslationPlugin\YaroslavcheSyliusTranslationPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
Import services:
# config/services.yaml
# ...
- { resource: "@YaroslavcheSyliusTranslationPlugin/Resources/config/services.yml" }
Import routing
# config/routes.yaml
resource: "@YaroslavcheSyliusTranslationPlugin/Resources/config/admin_routing.yml"
Install assets and clear cache.
$ yarn build
$ bin/console assets:install
$ bin/console cache:clear
see on /admin/translation/