Folder Information: -
Contains the .ipynb file of 1st method in the assignment and the csv generated using that method.
Contains the .ipynb file of the implementaion of facebook AI similarity search method and the csv generated using the same method.
Contains both the files to run the spotify annoy method which generates the nearest neighbor json file which can be loaded into elasticsearch using bulk API.
Contains preprocessing file which is used to extract images to disk from bson.
Contains all the images used in both method 1 and 2 along with csv files and py file.
Contains all the sampled images which are used for similarity searches.
Method 1: - Use the images from 'finale' folder and run the SimilaritySearchMethod1.ipynb file from 'Method 1' folder.
Method 2 - FAISS: - Use the images from 'finale' folder and run the faissmethod.ipynb file from 'Method 2 - FAISS' folder(Perfferably run on Google Colab)
Method 3 - Spotify: - First run the and store the feature vector(.npz) files. After storing the features run the which will create the similarity indexes and store in nearest_neighbors.json file. Populate the elasticsearch cluster using bulkAPI and run the flask app in 'elasticsearch folder' to display the nearest neighbor in web app.