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Generic vanishing |
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A learning seminar on generic vanishing.
Organizer: Lin Xun
Suggestions of the related topic are welcome. You are also welcome to add references. If you are interested in giving a presentation of one of the topics, please send "number of the topic, name" to the Wechat group or e-mail Lin Xun.
Schnell, lectures on generic vanishing theorem
Hacon, videos of lectures
Time: 02 / 2022 -- 06 / 2022, every Wednesday 9:00pm -- 11:00pm UTC+8.
Location: Zoom 849 963 1368 Code: YMSC
Feb 23
References: Fourier--Mukai transforms in algebraic geometry, D. Huybrechts. Chap 9.
Mar 02
References: A derived category approach to generic vanishing, J. Reine Angew. Math. 575 (2004), 173–187.
Mar 09
Mar 16
Mar 23
References: M. Popa and C. Schnell, Generic vanishing theory via mixed Hodge modules, Forum Math. Sigma 1 (2013), e1, 60.
Mar 30
References: J. A. Chen and C. D. Hacon, Characterization of abelian varieties, Invent. Math. 143 (2001), no. 2, 435–447.
April 6
References: Popa
April 20
References: arXiv:0802.1021
Chen-Jiang decomposition. The proofs via Hodge modules and without Hodge modules.
References: J.A. Chen and Z. Jiang, Positivity in varieties of maximal Albanese dimension, J. Reine Angew. Math. 736 (2018), 225–253.
G. Pareschi, M. Popa and C. Schnell, Hodge modules on complex tori and generic vanishing for compact K¨ahler manifolds, Geom. Topol. 21 (2017), no. 4, 2419–2460.
M. B. Villadsen, Chen-Jiang decompositions for projective varieties, without Hodge modules, published online at Math. Z. (2021).
More applications on birational geometry.