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Algebra of infrared |
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A seminar on the algebra of the infrared, and related topics, ahead of an international workshop at Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF).
Organizers: Will Donovan, Mauricio Romo
- Thu May 12: Mauricio Romo
- Thu May 19: Mauricio Romo
- Wed May 25: Mauricio Romo
- Wed Jun 1: Will Donovan
- Wed Jun 8: Will Donovan
- ...
- Algebra of the Infrared: String Field Theoretic Structures in Massive N=(2,2) Field Theory In Two Dimensions
Davide Gaiotto, Gregory W. Moore, Edward Witten
- Algebra of the infrared and secondary polytopes
Mikhail Kapranov, Maxim Kontsevich, Yan Soibelman
- A New Supersymmetric Index
Sergio Cecotti, Paul Fendley, Ken Intriligator, Cumrun Vafa
Nucl.Phys.B 367 (1991) 359-461 and hep-th/9204102
- On Classification of N=2 Supersymmetric Theories, (e-mail uncorrupted version)
S. Cecotti, C. Vafa
- Spectral networks
Davide Gaiotto, Gregory W. Moore, Andrew Neitzke
- Wall-Crossing in Coupled 2d-4d Systems
Davide Gaiotto, Gregory W. Moore, Andrew Neitzke
- Categorical Wall-Crossing in Landau-Ginzburg Models
Ahsan Z. Khan, Gregory W. Moore
- Perverse Schobers
M. Kapranov and V. Schechtman
- Perverse schobers and the Algebra of the Infrared
M. Kapranov, Y. Soibelman and L. Soukhanov
- Quadratic differentials as stability conditions
Tom Bridgeland and Ivan Smith
- Categorified canonical bases and framed BPS states
Dylan Allegretti
- 3-d Calabi--Yau categories for Teichmüller theory
Fabian Haiden
- Spectral networks and stability conditions for Fukaya categories with coefficients
Fabian Haiden, Ludmil Katzarkov, Carlos Simpson