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Available output plugins

seahawk1986 edited this page Jun 10, 2019 · 2 revisions

While the original softhddevice plugin is not actively maintained anymore, there are multiple forks which concentrate on improving and adding functionality.

At the moment yavdr-ansible has been adapted to use one of the following outout plugins:

Paketname VDPAU VAAPI HEVC ffmpeg Comment
vdr-plugin-softhddevice-vpp Yes Yes Yes (Software) 3.4 fork of softhddevice, supports VDPAU and VAAPI
vdr-plugin-softhddevice-vdpau-hevc Yes Yes Yes (Hardware) 3.3 built using ffmpeg 3.3, so HEVC decoding using VDPAU works
vdr-plugin-softhddevice-openglosd Yes No No 3.4 fork of softhddevice mit hardware accelerated OSD
vdr-plugin-softhddevice-openglosd-ffmpeg-2.8 Yes No No 2.8 seems to work more reliable with ffmpeg 2.8
vdr-plugin-softhddevice Yes No Yes (Software) 3.4 fork of softhddevice-vpp, adapted for newer ffmpeg versions
vdr-plugin-softhddevice-ffmpeg-2.8 Yes No No 2.8 original softhddevice, built using ffmpeg 2.8
vdr-plugin-vaapidevice No Yes Yes (Software) 3.3 VAAPI only variant of softhddevice-vpp
vdr-plugin-vaapidevice-hecv No Yes Yes (Hardware) 3.3 like vaapidevice, built using ffmpeg-3.3
vdr-plugin-softhdcuvid Yes No Yes (CUVID) 3.4 for Nvidia cards with CUDA/CUVID decoder (GT630 Kepler and better)
vdr-plugin-xineliboutput Yes Yes Yes (Software) 3.4 supports VAAPI and VDPAU, works without hardware acceleration in VMs

HEVC can be decoded in hardware with Nvidia GPUs starting with GTX 950/GT 1030 or later and with Intel IGPs beginning with the Skylake generation (more than 8-bit per color channel requires Kabylake or later). Output is limited to 8-bit per color channel. Nvidia cards can output 10-bit via DisplayPort if the monitor supports a 10-bit RGB format.

Known Issues:

distorted colors with certain Nvidia cards (e.g. GT630 with Kepler chipset)
VDPAU using ffmpeg 3.4/3.3
crashes on certain channels, in this case try a plugin variant which uses ffmpeg 2.8
VDPAU and VAAPI with 3.4
no hardware accleration for HEVC, use a plugin whis has been built using ffmpeg 3.3 instead
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