Example of turtle graphics for p5.js.
This is very simple and animated turtle graphics program. There are two step in the process. 1st step, it record turtle moving in setup(). 2nd step, it playback turtle moving for animation in draw(). This program needs p5.js and p5.play.js library.
Copyright 2015 - 2016 Yutaka Kachi released under the MIT license.
p5.js and p5.play.js is released under the LGPL2.1
- turtle.forward(length)
- turtle.back(length)
- turtle.left(angle in degree)
- turtle.right(angle in degree)
- turtle.x = 200;
- turtle.y = 60;
- turtle.step = 5;
- turtle.stepAngle = Math.PI / 36;
- turtle.angleInRadians = 0;
- turtle.penDown = false;
- turtle.penColor = "#000000";
- turtle.lineWidth = 2;
- turtle.color.black : "#000000"
- turtle.color.gray: "#808080"
- turtle.color.lightgray: "#C0C0C0"
- turtle.color.red: "#ff0000"
- turtle.color.green: "#00ff00"
- turtle.color.blue: "#0000ff"
- turtle.color.yellow: "#ffff00"
- turtle.color.magenta: "#ff00ff"
- turtle.color.aqua: "#00ffff"
- turtle.color.white: "#ffffff"
2016.10.27: p5.turtle.js use p5.play.js with #119 patch. it needs for instance mode and createGraphics.
- PR: Fix default camera in instance mode #119 https://github.com/molleindustria/p5.play/pull/119
- Issue: createGraphics does not work with p5.play in instance mode. #104 https://github.com/molleindustria/p5.play/issues/104