- Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase vs Couchbase vs OrientDB vs Aerospike vs Neo4j vs Hypertable vs ElasticSearch vs Accumulo vs VoltDB vs Scalaris comparison
- Acquisition of Seismic, Hydroacoustic, and Infrasonic Data with Hadoop and Accumulo
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- 현재 200 센서에서 거의 500,000 event/sec을 처리
- Indeed LSM Tree
- ToroDB: A MongoDB-compatible, document-oriented database on top of PostgreSQL
- Please stop calling databases CP or AP
- Basho Relaunches To Deliver A Cohesive Big Data Platform
- hyperfs - A content-addressable union file system build on top of fuse, hyperlog, leveldb and node
- 2015년 4월 9일자 오픈소스 임베디드 DB 리스트
- NewSQL vs. NoSQL for New OLTP
- Database expert on why NoSQL mattered — and SQL still matters
- [The CAP FAQ](The CAP FAQ)
- CAP theorem
- An Illustrated Proof of the CAP Theorem CAP 이론을 설명 증명
- EP06: CAP Theorem & NoSQL BASE Properties - YouTube
- Why MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase, DynamoDB, and Riak will only let you perform transactions on a single data item
- NoSQL 간단한 소개
- A Survey of Query Execution Engines (from Volcano to Vectorized Processing)
- 2016: The Year in Big Data
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- Shasta의 핵심은 SQL보다 유연한 관계형 뷰 언어(Relational View Languase)라는 점
- Distributed Algorithms in NoSQL Databases
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- Introduction to: Triplestores
- How to Create a Stream System with Tens of Millions of Feeds?
- BoulderDB: MakeMyTrip’s Personalization User Data Store
- Large Scale NoSQL Database Migration Under Fire
- The design and implementation of modern column-oriented database systems
- 2012년 “The design and implementation of modern column-oriented database systems” 라는 98페이지 분량의 페이퍼 요약
- SQL vs NoSQL — What is better for you?
- SQL vs NoSQL — What is better for you?
- 마이SQL을 쓰긴 애매할 때…'틈새' 데이터베이스 9가지
- Luc Perkins | Blog | Recent database technology that should be on your radar (part 1)
- "NoSQL을 넘어" 분산 SQL의 당위성 - ITWorld Korea
- 5 Pitfalls of NoSQL Databases. I recorded a video in which I talk… | by Maciej Szymczyk | Sep, 2020 | ITNEXT
- Have the tables turned on NoSQL? - Stack Overflow Blog
- NoSQL Data Modeling Techniques – Highly Scalable Blog
- Airbridge가 직접 개발한 OLAP DB, Luft를 소개합니다
- How Discord Stores Billions of Messages | by Stanislav Vishnevskiy | Discord Blog
- Xata | Serverless Jamstack Database combination of a relational database, an analytics engine, and a free-text search engine
- Writing a document database from scratch in Go: Lucene-like filters and indexes | notes.eatonphil.com
- Performance comparison between ArangoDB, MongoDB, Neo4j and OrientDB
- Benchmark: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Neo4j, OrientDB and ArangoDB
- Data modeling with multi-model databases
- NoSQL Performance Benchmark 2018 – MongoDB, PostgreSQL, OrientDB, Neo4j and ArangoDB
- Aerospike High performance NoSQL database delivering speed at scale
- Call me maybe: Aerospike
- 더북(TheBook): NoSQL 철저 입문 3~8장만
- Performance doubling with message coalescing
- Cassandra: Daughter of Dynamo and BigTable
- Cassandra on ContainerShip
- This Team Used Apache Cassandra… You Won’t Believe What Happened Next
- Cassandra From a Relational World
- New in Cassandra 3.0: Materialized Views
- Understanding the Impact of Cassandra Compact Storage
- Apple's secret NoSQL sauce includes a hefty dose of Cassandra
- 복합 기본 키(compound primary key)
- cassandra의 라이브러리를 사용한 UUID version1 테스트
- [null의 개념(http://knight76.tistory.com/entry/cassandra-null%EC%9D%98-%EA%B0%9C%EB%85%90)
- Store Semantic Web Triples into Cassandra
- How Discord Stores Billions of Messages
- Cassandra scala client
- Change Data Capture for Distributed Databases @Netflix - YouTube Cassandra + Kafka + Flink / HTAP (hybrid transaction and analytic processing) databases
- Doradus is a REST service that extends a Cassandra NoSQL database with a graph-based data model
- legacy - A light weight Cassandra backup utility
- Phantom - Reactive type-safe Scala driver for Apache Cassandra/Datastax Enterprise
- ClickHouse an open source column-oriented database management system capable of real time generation of analytical data reports using SQL queries
- ClickHouse 기반 분석 파이프라인 구축
- ClickHouse and S3 Compatible Object Storage | Altinity
- Clickhouse as an alternative to ElasticSearch and MySQL, for log storage and analysis, in 2021
- CockroachDB
- How CockroachDB Does Distributed, Atomic Transactions
- SQL in CockroachDB: Mapping Table Data to Key-Value Storage
- Why Go Was the Right Choice for CockroachDB
- CockroachDB beta-20160829 Google Spanner와 유사한 디자인이 목표
- Handling Contention with CockroachDB
- Multiversion concurrency, 트랜잭션 큐(동시 트랜잭션에 대한 추가 기능)을 다이어그램을 통해 설명
- CockroachDB 맛보기
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- Cockroach Labs Announces CockroachDB Serverless
- Couchbase Spring data repository 적용기(1)
- Couchbase Spring data repository 적용기(2)
- Couchbase Spring data repository 적용기(3)
- Couchbase Details Its Distributed ACID Transaction Architecture
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- Let’s learn Erlang and fix a bug on a CouchDB Cluster #1
- Open-Sourcing IBM Cloudant’s CouchDB Search Integration with Lucene
- BigQuery
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- jybaek.tistory.com/m/category/개발/Cloud(GCP)
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- Firebase
- Introducing Cloud Firestore: Google's New Document Database for Apps
- 모바일 및 웹앱 개발을 위한 docuemnt database
- Documents and collections with powerful querying
- iOS, Android, and Web SDKs with offline data access
- Real-time data synchronization
- Automatic, multi-region data replication with strong consistency
- Node, Python, Go, and Java server SDKs
- Introduction to Firebase
- Firecasts (Firebase + Screencasts)
- Firebase, 통합 앱 플랫폼으로 확장
- Migrate to Firebase - Google I/O 2016
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- firebase-unity
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- 파이어베이스 애널러틱스를 이용한 모바일 데이타 분석
- Speakers Bureau
- Google Cloud Platform for Mobile Backend
- Mobile App Development using Firebase
- Mobile Data Analysis using Firebase Analytics and BigQuery
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- Google I/O 2017에서 선보인 Firebase의 새로운 기능을 소개합니다
- Zero to App: Live coding a Firebase app in JavaScript, Kotlin, and Swift (Google I/O '17)
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- 3분 게임 서버(Firebase)
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- How to connect a React Design System with Firebase and Redux
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- Google I/O 2019에서 선보인 Firebase의 새로운 기능
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- Firebase + Algolia Searching
- Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM)에 대해서 알아보자
- Patterns for security with Firebase: offload client work to Cloud Functions
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- Firebase 호스팅서비스 테스트 및 디플로이(Deploy)
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- How to create a new user sign up page in Firebase + ReactJS that checks for both an existing username and an existing email
- Supabase - The open source Firebase alternative
- 구글의 머신러닝을 배워요. Firebase ML - YouTube
- Migrate your Firebase Cloud Functions to Node.js 10 | by Doug Stevenson | Firebase Developers | Jun, 2020 | Medium
- 로그인 구현 5분컷? 파이어베이스 무료 강의! - YouTube
- Firebase Dynamic Link Creation Guide | by Muffaddal Qutbuddin | Firebase Developers
- 빌드 타입별로 파이어베이스키 설정하기 | Jungwoon Blog
- Firebase로 Google 로그인 구현하기 (Spring + React 예제)
- supabase: The open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta
- Top 5 Reasons to Learn Firebase in 2022
- Python으로 FCM push 보내기 - 이상선 - Medium
- Firebase로 회원 시스템 만들기. 구글의 Firebase와 AWS의 API Gateway를 잘 연결하면… | by 이상선 | Mar, 2022 | Medium
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- Firebase로 회원 시스템 만들기 - 이상선 - Medium
- React with firebase 9 - Blog app - YouTube
- Host React App on Firebase - YouTube
- Introducing Cloud Firestore: Google's New Document Database for Apps
- The Google Stack
- Greenplum Database (GPDB)
- stricky.tistory.com/category/GPDB with BIG data
- Greenplum and PostgreSQL Database
- HazelCast
- Mastering Hazelcast IMDG
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- Paper: An Empirical Evaluation of In-Memory Multi-Version Concurrency Control
- Irmin - a distributed database that follows the same design principles as Git
- Introducing Irmin: Git-like distributed, branchable storage
- Building a Distributed Fault-Tolerant Key-Value Store
- Implementing a Key-Value Store
- AtlasDB is a transactional layer on top of a key value store
- FoundationDB
- FoundationDB - the open source, distributed, transactional key-value store https://www.foundationdb.org
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- tsdb-layer: Time Series and FoundationDB. Millions of writes/s and 10x compression in under 2,000 lines of Go
- FoundationDB - the open source, distributed, transactional key-value store https://www.foundationdb.org
- graviton: Graviton Database: ZFS for key-value stores
- Infinispan Distributed in-memory key/value data grid and cache
- IndexedDB is an asynchronous, transactional, key-value object store
- lf - Fully Decentralized Fully Replicated Key/Value Store
- MDBM - a super-fast memory-mapped key/value store
- MICA: A Holistic Approach to Fast In-Memory Key-Value Storage
- minikeyvalue: A distributed key value store in under 1000 lines. Used in production at comma.ai
- Sparkey - Simple constant key/value storage library, for read-heavy systems with infrequent large bulk inserts
- UnQLite - An Embeddable NoSQL Database Engine
- Venice; Linkedin 에서 사용하고 있는 분산 Key-Value 데이터베이스
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- A blazing fast geo database with LevelDB, Go and Geohashes
- levi - Streaming full-text search for Node.js and browsers. Built on LevelDB
- Siberite is a simple leveldb backed message queue server
- Sherlock Holmes and the case of a crashing devenv.exe | The .NET Tools Blog
- Manhattan, our real-time, multi-tenant distributed database for Twitter scale
- Building DistributedLog: Twitter’s high-performance replicated log service
- memcache internals
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- Arcus - the NAVER memcached cloud with list, set and b+tree collections
- Java 환경에서 기본 패턴의 캐시 적용을 돕는 ARCUS 공통 모듈 | by Hyeong Jun Yun | JaM2in | Nov, 2020 | Medium
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- ARCUS 응용이 가진 캐시 대상 API 목록의 동적 변경 및 관리 기능 | JaM2in
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- Arcus Single Cache (Dev.)를 소개합니다. ARCUS Single Cache (Dev.) 는 AWS… | by moonseop kim | JaM2in | May, 2021 | Medium
- ARCUS에서 지속 가능한 캐싱 적용 방안. 일반 사용자를 대상으로 하는 대규모 응용에서는 데이터(특히, hot… | by moonseop kim | JaM2in | Sep, 2021 | Medium
- hibernate-arcus: Hibernate 2nd cache implementation using Arcus cache
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- libmc - Fast and light-weight memcached client for C++/Python https://pypi.python.org/pypi/libmc
- minimemcached: Pure Go memcached server for Go unittests motivated by miniredis
- Launching Our Community Edition
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- MemSQL Community Edition Available on AWS and Azure Marketplaces
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- pymongo
- blog.kjslab.com/tag/MongoDB
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- Mongolite User Manual
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- MongoDB Best Practices 2020 Edition
- HSBC moves from 65 relational databases into one global MongoDB database
- MONGODB SEOUL.Local - YouTube
- Getting Started with MongoDB: What I’ve Learned | Bugsnag Blog
- MongoDB 이해하기 | kciter.so
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- MongoDB 이해하기 · Present
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- 몽고DB에 대한 4가지 오해 | MongoDB
- 몽고디비 클러스터 구성하기 | woolog - 개발자 울이
- 몽고디비 시작하기 기초 1편 - crud, aggregate, index, dump, restore
- 몽고디비 시작하기 기초 2편 - transaction, mapReduce
- Memory Allocator for MongoDB. DBMS 서버에서 메모리 관리는 매우 중요한 부분중 하나에요. DBMS… | by Sunguck Lee | 당근마켓 팀블로그 | Apr, 2022 | Medium
- MongoDB - Nodejs Tutorial - YouTube
- 글로벌 칼럼 | 몽고DB, 조롱거리에서 거물이 되다 - ITWorld Korea
- Jepsen: MongoDB 4.2.6
- mongita: "Mongita is to MongoDB as SQLite is to SQL"
- Mongoose
- MontyDB A pure Python-implemented database that looks and works like MongoDB
- mango - A MongoDB driver for Deno
- MangoDB: A truly Open Source MongoDB alternative
- mongo-java-server: Fake implementation of MongoDB in Java that speaks the wire protocol
- OmniSci - Massively Accelerated Analytics and Data Science
- OmniSciDB (formerly MapD Core) https://www.omnisci.com
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- OrangeRealm helps you safety multithreading and UI integration using Realm
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- 학습 경로: Realm 이해하기
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- Realm을 위한 Kotlin
- Realm와 Thread에 관해서 정리해 봅니다. #RealmResults
- Building better Node.js apps with RethinkDB
- Render realtime RethinkDB results in React
- Rethinking temperature, sensors, and Raspberry Pi
- Optimizing a Big RethinkDB Query, and a Correction
- The 3REE Stack: React + Redux + RethinkDB + Express.js
- RethinkDB 시작하기
- RethinkDB: why we failed
- 글로벌 분산 데이터베이스 Spanner
- Spanner, TrueTime & The CAP Theorem
- Introducing Cloud Spanner: a global database service for mission-critical applications
- CLOUD SPANNER - The first horizontally scalable, globally consistent, relational database service
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- How we built a brand new bank on GCP and Cloud Spanner: Shine
- Google Cloud’s Distributed Relational Database Spanner Goes Global
- 올해 초 regional offering으로 출시된 Google의 분산 관계형 데이터 저장소인 Google Cloud Spanner가 글로벌로 확대
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- Why you should pick strong consistency, whenever possible
- Google Cloud Spanner가 multi-master replication과 다른점을 포함한 external consistency를 보장
- ScyllaDB: world's fastest NoSQL column store database Fully compatible with Apache Cassandra at 10x the throughput and jaw dropping low latency
- Supporting 4 Million transactions per second and 7 TB of data per node with Scylla on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
- Scylla Summit 2017: Running a Soft Real-time Service at One Million QPS
- The Open Source Alternative to Firebase. | The Open Source Firebase Alternative | Supabase
- Supabase 공개 베타 시작 - 오픈소스 Firebase 대체제 | GeekNews
- Building a Full Stack App with Supabase, React, Next.js and TailwindCSS
- Tarantool, an in-memory computing platform
- Synchronous Replication in Tarantool (Part 1) - DZone Database
- Synchronous Replication in Tarantool (Part 2) - DZone Database
- Synchronous Replication in Tarantool (Part 3) - DZone Database
- Distributed storage in 30 minutes - DEV Community
- Developing an authentication system in Java+Tarantool - DEV Community
- Replication from scratch in five simple steps (is impossible) | by Tarantool | Apr, 2022 | Medium
- Tarantool: Speeding Up Development With Rust - DZone Database
- Tarantool 2.10: data compression, traffic encryption, and incidents investigation | by Tarantool | May, 2022 | Medium
- TileDB
- 고밀도 다차원 배열을 지원하도록 설계된 새로운 데이터베이스
- 현재 HDFS, S3, GFS 등 다양한 백엔드와 결합 가능
- TiDB is a distributed SQL database
- TiDB introduction
- Running TiDB on Kubernetes Kubernetes에서 TiDB를 실행하는 방법
- The Hybrid Database Capturing Perishable Insights at Yiguo 중국 대형 온라인 농산물 마켓인 Yiguo에서 SQL Server, My SQL, Hadoop에서 TiDB와 TiSpark으로 마이그레이션 한 방법과 이유에 대해 설명
- TiDB 2.0 is Ready - Faster, Smarter, and Battle-Tested
- MySQL과 호환성이 뛰어남
- 소위 HTAP(Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing) 데이터베이스로 OLTP와 OLAP성 데이터 처리를 동시에 처리하는 데이터베이스를 표방
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- Japan's Largest Mobile Payment Company Migrates from Aurora to a Scale-Out Database | PingCAP